Pavlov's house is the name of the battle. Battle of Stalingrad

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Pavlov's house became one of the historical sites of the Battle of Stalingrad, which still causes controversy among modern historians.

During fierce fighting, the house withstood a considerable number of counterattacks from the Germans. For 58 days, a group of Soviet soldiers bravely held the defense, destroying more than a thousand enemy soldiers during this period. IN post-war years historians carefully tried to restore all the details, and the composition of the commanders who carried out the operation led to the first disagreements.

Who held the line

According to official version led the operation Ya.F. Pavlov, in principle, is associated with this fact and the name of the house, which he later received. But there is another version, according to which Pavlov directly led the assault, and I. F. Afanasyev was then responsible for the defense. And this fact is confirmed by military reports, which became the source for reconstructing all the events of that period. According to his soldiers, Ivan Afanasyevich was a rather modest person, perhaps this pushed him into the background a little. After the war, Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. Unlike him, Afanasiev was not awarded such an award.

Strategic importance of the house

An interesting fact for historians was that the Germans designated this house on the map as a fortress. And indeed the strategic importance of the house was very important - from here there was a wide view of the territory from where the Germans could break through to the Volga. Despite daily attacks from the enemy, our soldiers defended their positions, reliably closing the approaches from enemies. The Germans who took part in the assault could not understand how the people in Pavlov’s house could withstand their attacks without food or ammunition reinforcements. Subsequently, it turned out that all provisions and weapons were delivered through a special trench dug underground.

Is Tolik Kuryshov a fictional character or a hero?

Also a little-known fact that was discovered during the research was the heroism of an 11-year-old boy who fought with Pavlovians. Tolik Kuryshov helped the soldiers in every possible way, who, in turn, tried to protect him from danger. Despite the commander's ban, Tolik still managed to accomplish a real feat. Having penetrated one of the neighboring houses, he was able to obtain important documents for the army - the capture plan. After the war, Kuryshov did not advertise his feat in any way. We learned about this event from surviving documents. After a series of investigations, Anatoly Kuryshov was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Where were the civilians?

Whether there was an evacuation or not - this issue also caused a lot of controversy. According to one version, there were civilians in the basement of the Pavlovsk house for all 58 days. Although there is theory that people were evacuated through dug trenches. Yet modern historians adhere to the official version. Many documents indicate that people were indeed in the basement all this time. Thanks to the heroism of our soldiers, no civilians were harmed during these 58 days.

Today Pavlov's house has been completely restored and immortalized with a memorial wall. Based on the events related to the heroic defense of the legendary house, books have been written and even a film has been made, which has won many world awards.

The Myth of Sergeant Pavlov's House

The main myth of the famous House of Sergeant Pavlov in Stalingrad is the assertion that during the defensive period of fighting in the city it was defended by a detachment of Soviet soldiers under the command of Sergeant Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov.

Sergeant Pavlov's house is a four-story building of the regional consumer union in the center of Stalingrad on the January 9 Square (then address: Penzenskaya street, 61). It became a symbol of the perseverance and heroism of the Red Army soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad. At the end of September 1942, a reconnaissance group of four soldiers led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov from the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Division of General Alexander Ilyich Rodimtsev occupied this house. There were no Germans there at that moment, although Pavlov himself later claimed the opposite in his memoirs. Since Pavlov’s group was the first to enter this building, later on maps it began to be designated as “Pavlov’s house.” A day later, a machine-gun platoon of senior lieutenant Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev was deployed to reinforce the defenders of the house, who took command. The number of defenders of the house increased to 24. Since those killed and wounded during the siege were replaced by new Red Army soldiers, a total of 29 soldiers defended “Pavlov’s house”. Of these, three died during the defense - mortar lieutenant A. N. Chernyshenko, privates I. Ya. Khait and I. T. Svirin. In addition, there was always one nurse and two orderlies from local residents in the house. Afanasiev also mentions in his memoirs two “cowards who were planning to desert,” who were apparently shot. All the time, a young mother with her newborn daughter also remained in the house, taking refuge there from the bombing. The defenders of Pavlov's House repelled German attacks and held the building, from which the approaches to the Volga were clearly visible. Pavlov recalled: “There wasn’t a day when the Nazis left our house alone. Our garrison, which did not allow them to take a step further, was worse than an eyesore for them. Day by day they intensified the shelling, apparently deciding to incinerate the house. Once the German artillery fired for a whole day without a break.” In front of the house there was a cemented gas storage facility, to which an underground passage was dug. Another convenient position was located behind the house, about thirty meters away, where there was a hatch for the water supply tunnel, into which an underground passage was also dug. When the shelling began, the fighters immediately went to shelter. This circumstance explains the relatively small losses suffered by the defenders of the house. The Germans preferred to shell “Pavlov’s house” rather than attack it, realizing that this building would be difficult to take by storm. On November 26, after the encirclement of the 6th German Army in Stalingrad, Pavlov was seriously wounded in the leg during an attack on a house occupied by the Germans, and he was evacuated to the hospital. Later he fought as a gunner and commander of a reconnaissance squad in artillery units. On June 17, 1945, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And soon Sergeant Pavlov was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant, in which he retired to the reserve in 1946. After the war, Pavlov visited Stalingrad and signed the wall of the restored house. It also preserves an inscription made by one of the Red Army soldiers during the battles: “This house was defended by Guard Sergeant Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov.” The figure of Pavlov, canonized by Soviet propaganda during the war (an essay about “Pavlov’s house” appeared in Pravda at that time), overshadowed the figure of the one who really commanded the garrison of the legendary house - Lieutenant Afanasyev. Ivan Filippovich survived the war, but never received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1951, Pavlov published his memoirs “In Stalingrad,” where there is not a word about Afanasyev. Guard captain Afanasyev was seriously shell-shocked last days defense of “Pavlov’s House”, and after the war he was almost completely blind and in 1951 was forced to resign from the army. In 1970, he also released his memoirs, “House of Soldier's Glory.” In 1958, Afanasyev settled in Stalingrad, and in the early 1970s, thanks to successful operation his sight was restored. Afanasyev died in Stalingrad in 1975 at the age of 59 - wounds and concussions took their toll. Pavlov was elected three times as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR from Novgorod region, graduated from the Higher Party School. In 1980 he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Volgograd. Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov died in Novgorod on September 28, 1981, three weeks short of his 64th birthday. Old wounds also affected. Nowadays in Veliky Novgorod, in the boarding school named after Ya. F. Pavlov, there is a Pavlov Museum for orphans. The history of the “house of Pavlov” was reflected in Vasily Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate,” where Lieutenant Berezkin, whose prototype was Ivan Afanasyev, is shown as the head of the garrison. In 1965, a memorial wall was opened next to Pavlov’s house. The modern address of the famous house: st. Sovetskaya, 39. And two houses away from it, a memorial plaque was unveiled on the house in which Ivan Afanasyev lived and died. The fact that Sergeant Pavlov was chosen for the role of the hero, and not Lieutenant Afanasyev, was explained not only by the random circumstance that on the maps the famous house was designated as “Pavlov’s house” - after the name of the unit commander who was the first to enter it. Even more important role What played out was that propaganda needed a hero from among the soldiers who defended Stalingrad, so the candidacy of Sergeant Pavlov was preferable to that of Lieutenant Afanasyev.

In his memoirs, General Rodimtsev directly names Lieutenant Afanasyev former boss garrison of the “house of Pavlov”, who turned “thanks to his energy and courage, this house into an indestructible fortress,” and describes his difficult fate: “For twelve whole years there was darkness all around him. The head of the Department of Eye Diseases at the Volgograd Medical Institute, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Vodovozov, became interested in the fate of the hero of Stalingrad and decided to perform eye surgery on him. The operation took place without anesthesia; the patient himself was an assistant to the professor.

Overcoming the pain, from which it seemed that his mind was about to fade, Afanasyev answered the professor’s questions during the operation, when syringe needles, the tip of a scalpel and other surgical instruments invaded the eyes.

Only a warrior seasoned in severe trials could endure this.

In the memory of Ivan Filippovich, Stalingrad remained a city of ruins. When the scientist restored his sight, Afanasyev saw another city, revived to life from the dust and ashes into which it had been turned by the Nazis...” Maybe it’s worth posthumously awarding Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev the title of Hero of Russia?

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Today, every tourist, arriving in Volgograd, strives to feel all the pain and courage of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War. To do this, he goes to Mamayev Kurgan, where all emotions are embodied in wonderful sculptures. Few people know that, in addition to the mound, there is also historical monuments. One of the more significant ones is Pavlov's house.

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad played an important role during the counterattacks of the German troops. Thanks to the steadfastness of the Russian soldiers, the enemy troops were repulsed, and Stalingrad was not captured. You can learn about the horror experienced even now by examining the preserved wall of the destroyed house.

Pavlov's House in Stalingrad and its history before the war

Before the war, Pavlov's house was an ordinary building with an unusual reputation. Thus, party and industrial workers lived in a four-story building. The house located on Penzenskaya Street, at number 61, was considered prestigious before the war. It was surrounded by numerous elite buildings in which NKVD officers and signalmen lived. The location of the building is also noteworthy.

Behind the building was built in 1903. 30 meters away was Zabolotny’s twin house. Both the mill and Zabolotny's house were practically destroyed during the war. No one was involved in restoring the buildings.

Defense of Pavlov's house in Stalingrad

During the battle for Stalingrad, each residential building became a defensive fortress from which fighting. All buildings on January 9 Square were destroyed. There is only one surviving building left. On September 27, 1942, a reconnaissance group consisting of 4 people, led by Ya. F. Pavlov, having knocked out the Germans from a four-story residential building, began to hold the defense there. Having entered the building, the group found civilians there who tried with all their might to hold the house for about two days. The defense continued with a small detachment for three days, after which reinforcements arrived. It was a machine-gun platoon under the command of I.F. Afanasyev, machine gunners and armor-piercers. The total number of people who arrived to help was 24 people. Together, the soldiers strengthened the defenses of the entire building. Sappers mined all approaches to the building. A trench was also dug through which negotiations were conducted with the command, and food and ammunition were delivered.

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad held its defense for almost 2 months. The location of the building helped the soldiers. A huge panorama was visible from the upper floors, and Russian soldiers could keep parts of the city captured by German troops under fire with a range of over 1 kilometer.

Throughout the two months, the Germans intensively attacked the building. They made several counterattacks per day and even broke through to the first floor several times. During such battles, one wall of the building was destroyed. The Soviet troops held the defense strongly and bravely, so it was impossible for the opponents to capture the entire house.

On November 24, 1942, under the command of I. I. Naumov, the battalion attacked the enemy, capturing nearby houses. died. I. F. Afanasyev and Ya. F. Pavlov received only injuries. The civilians who were in the basement of the house were not harmed during the entire two months.

Restoration of Pavlov's house

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad was the first to be restored. In June 1943, A. M. Cherkasova brought the soldiers’ wives with her to the ruins. This is how the “Cherkasovsky movement” arose, which included exclusively women. The movement that emerged found responses in other liberated territories. Volunteers began to rebuild the destroyed cities with their own hands in their free time.

The 9 January Square was renamed. The new name is Defense Square. New houses were built on the territory and surrounded by a semicircular colonnade. The project was led by architect E. I. Fialko.

In 1960, the square was renamed again. Now this is Lenin Square. And from end wall sculptors A.V. Golovanov and P.L. Malkov built a memorial in 1965, which is still preserved and adorns the city of Volgograd.

By 1985, Pavlov's house was rebuilt. At the end of the building facing Sovetskaya Street, architect V. E. Maslyaev and sculptor V. G. Fetisov erected a memorial with an inscription reminiscent of the feat of Soviet soldiers in those days when they fought for every brick of this house.

The great struggle was between Soviet soldiers and German invaders for Stalingrad, Pavlov's home. History has preserved many unique and interesting documents that tell about the actions of the enemy and our multinational defenders of the Fatherland and still leave some questions open. For example, it is still disputed whether the Germans were a reconnaissance group during the capture of the building. I.F. Afanasyev claims that there were no opponents, but, according to the official version, the Germans were in the second entrance, or rather, there was a heavy machine gun near the window.

There is also debate about the evacuation of civilians. Some historians claim that people continued to be in the basement throughout the defense. According to other sources, immediately after the death of the foreman, who was bringing food, the residents were led out through dug trenches.

When the Germans demolished one of the walls, Ya. F. Pavlov reported to the commander with a joke. He said that the house remained ordinary, with only three walls, and most importantly, there was now ventilation.

Defenders of Pavlov's house

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad was defended by 24 people. But, as I.F. Afanasyev states in his memoirs, no more than 15 people held the defense at the same time. At first, the defenders of Pavlov's house in Stalingrad were only 4 people: Pavlov, Glushchenko, Chernogolov, Alexandrov.

The team then received reinforcements. The accepted fixed number of defenders is 24 people. But, according to the same memoirs of Afanasyev, there were a little more of them.

The team consisted of fighters from 9 nationalities. The 25th defender was Gor Khokhlov. He was a native of Kalmykia. True, after the battle he was removed from the list. After 62 years, the soldier’s participation and courage in the defense of Pavlov’s house was confirmed.

Also completing the list of “crossed out” is the Abkhazian Alexey Sukba. In 1944, for unknown reasons, a soldier ended up in the named team. Therefore, his name is not immortalized on the memorial panel.

Biography of Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov

Yakov Fedotovich was born in the village of Krestovaya, located in the Novgorod region, in 1917, on October 17. After school, after working a little in agriculture, fell into the ranks of the Red Army, where he met the Great Patriotic War.

In 1942, he took part in hostilities, defending and defending the city of Stalingrad. Having held a residential building on the square in defense for 58 days and exterminated the enemy along with his comrades, he was awarded the Order of Lenin, two, and also received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage.

In 1946, Pavlov was demobilized and subsequently graduated from high school. After the war, he continued to work in agriculture. 09/28/1981 Ya. F. Pavlov passed away.

Pavlov's House in modern times

Pavlov's house in Stalingrad became widely known. Current address (in modern city Volgograd): Sovetskaya street, house 39.

It looks like an ordinary four-story house with a memorial wall at the end. Numerous groups of tourists come here every year to look at the famous Pavlov's house in Stalingrad. Photos depicting the building from different angles regularly add to their personal collections.

Films made about Pavlov's house

Cinema does not ignore Pavlov's house in Stalingrad. The film made about the defense of Stalingrad is called “Stalingrad” (2013). Then the famous and talented director Fyodor Bondarchuk made a film that could convey to the audience the whole atmosphere of wartime. He showed all the horror of the war, as well as all the greatness of the Soviet people.

The film was awarded an award from the American International Society of 3D Creators. In addition, he was also nominated for the Nika and Golden Eagle awards. In some categories the film received awards such as " Best work production designer" and "Best costume designer". True, viewers left mixed reviews about the film. Many don't believe her. To get the right impression, you still need to watch this film in person.

In addition to modern films, many documentaries have also been shot. Some involving soldiers defending the building. Thus, there are several documentaries that tell about a Soviet soldier during the defense. Among these is a film about Gar Khokholov and Alexei Sukba. It is their names that are not on the film. The film tells a detailed story: how it happened that their names were not captured forever.

Cultural display of the feat

In addition to films, over the past time many essays and memoirs have also been written about the feat of Soviet soldiers. Even Ya. F. Pavlov himself described a little all the actions and his memories of the two months spent in defense.

The most famous work is the book “Pavlov’s House”, written by the author Lev Isomerovich Savelyev. This is a kind of true story that tells about the bravery and courage of a Soviet soldier. The book was recognized best work, describing the atmosphere of the defense of Pavlov's house.

The history of the Great Patriotic War knows many heroes, whose names became known throughout the world. Nikolai Gastello And Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexey Maresyev, Ivan Kozhedub And Alexander Pokryshkin, Alexander Marinesko And Vasily Zaitsev... In this row is the name of the sergeant Yakova Pavlova.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov's House became an impregnable fortress on the Nazis' route to the Volga, repelling enemy attacks for 58 days.

Sergeant Yakov Pavlov did not escape the fate of other famous heroes Soviet period. In modern times, many rumors, myths, gossip and legends have appeared around his name. They say that Pavlov had nothing to do with the defense of the legendary house. They claim that he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union undeservedly. And finally, one of the most widespread legends about Pavlov says that after the war he became a monk.

What is really behind all these stories?

Peasant son, Red Army soldier

Yakov Fedorovich Pavlov was born on October 4 (17 according to the new style) October 1917 in the village of Krestovaya (now Valdai district of the Novgorod region). His childhood was the same as that of any boy from a peasant family of that era. Graduated primary school, joined the peasant labor, worked on a collective farm. At the age of 20, in 1938, he was called up for active service in the Red Army. This service was destined to drag on for eight long years.

Pavlov faced the Great Patriotic War as an experienced soldier. The first battles with the Germans near Pavlov took place in the Kovel region as part of the troops of the Southwestern Front. Before the battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov managed to be the commander of a machine gun squad and a gunner.

In 1942, Pavlov was sent to the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Division General Alexander Rodimtsev. As part of the regiment, he took part in the battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad. Then his unit was sent for reorganization to Kamyshin. In September 1942, Senior Sergeant Yakov Pavlov returned to Stalingrad as commander of a machine gun squad. But Pavlov was often sent on reconnaissance missions.

Order: occupy the house

At the end of September, the regiment in which Pavlov served tried to hold back the onslaught of the Germans rushing to the Volga. Ordinary houses were used as strongholds, which turned into fortresses in conditions of street fighting.

Commander of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment, Colonel Ivan Elin drew attention to the four-story residential building of workers of the regional consumer union. Before the war, the building was considered one of the elite in the city.

It is clear that Colonel Yelin was least interested in the previous amenities. The building made it possible to control a significant territory, observe and fire at German positions. Behind the house began a direct road to the Volga, which could not be ceded to the enemy.

The regiment commander gave the order to the commander of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, Captain Alexey Zhukov, capture the house and turn it into a stronghold.

The battalion commander wisely decided what to send immediately large group there is no point, and instructed Pavlov, as well as three other soldiers, to conduct reconnaissance: Corporal Glushchenko, Red Army soldiers Alexandrov And Blackhead.

There are different versions as to when Pavlov's group ended up in the building. The canonical claims that this happened on the night of September 27. According to other sources, Pavlov’s people entered the building a week earlier, on September 20. It is also not completely clear whether the scouts drove the Germans out of there or occupied an empty house.

Impregnable "fortress"

It is reliably known that Pavlov reported on the occupation of the building and requested reinforcements. The additional forces requested by the sergeant arrived on the third day: a machine gun platoon Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev(seven people with one heavy machine gun), a group of armor piercers senior sergeant Andrei Sobgaida(six men with three anti-tank rifles), four mortar men with two mortars under command Lieutenant Alexey Chernyshenko and three machine gunners.

The Germans did not immediately realize that this house was turning into a very big problem. A soviet soldiers They worked feverishly to strengthen it. The windows were covered with bricks and turned into embrasures, with the help of sappers they set up minefields on the approaches, and dug a trench that led to the rear. Provisions and ammunition were delivered along it, a field telephone cable passed through, and the wounded were evacuated.

For 58 days, the house, which was designated as a “fortress” on German maps, repelled enemy attacks. The defenders of the house established fire cooperation with the neighboring house, which was defended by Lieutenant Zabolotny’s fighters, and with the mill building, where the regiment’s command post was located. This defense system truly became impassable for the Germans.

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As already mentioned, on the third day, Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev arrived at the house with a group of soldiers, who took command of the small garrison of the house from Pavlov. It was Afanasyev who commanded the defense for more than 50 days.

How did the name “Pavlov’s House” come about?

But why then did the house get the name “Pavlov’s house”? The thing is that in a combat situation, for convenience, he was named after the “discoverer”, Sergeant Pavlov. In combat reports they said so: “Pavlov’s house.”

The defenders of the house fought skillfully. Despite the strikes of enemy artillery, aviation, and numerous attacks, during the entire defense of Pavlov’s House, its garrison lost three people killed. The commander of the 62nd Army, Vasily Chuikov, would later write: “This small group, defending one house, destroyed more enemy soldiers than the Nazis lost during the capture of Paris.” This is the great merit of Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev.

The destroyed house of Pavlov in Stalingrad, in which a group of Soviet soldiers held the defense during the Battle of Stalingrad. During the entire defense of Pavlov’s house (from September 23 to November 25, 1942), there were civilians in the basement; the defense was led by Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Georgy Zelma

At the beginning of November 1942, Afanasyev was wounded, and his participation in the battles for the house ended.

Pavlov fought in the house until the transition Soviet troops in a counteroffensive, but was subsequently also wounded.

After the hospital, both Afanasyev and Pavlov returned to duty and continued the war.

Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev reached Berlin, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, three Orders of the Red Star, the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For the Liberation of Prague”, the medal “For the Capture of Berlin”, the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War” 1941-1945."

Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov was a gunner and commander of the reconnaissance department in the artillery units of the 3rd Ukrainian and 2nd Belorussian Fronts, in which he reached Stettin, and was awarded two Orders of the Red Star and many medals.

Afanasyev Ivan Filippovich, hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, lieutenant, headed the defense of Pavlov's House. Photo: RIA Novosti

Commander in the shadows: the fate of Lieutenant Afanasyev

Immediately after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, there was no mass representation of the participants in the defense of Pavlov’s House, although the front-line press wrote about this episode. Moreover, the wounded Lieutenant Afanasyev, the commander of the defense of the house, completely dropped out of sight of military correspondents.

People remembered Pavlov after the war. In June 1945, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also given the shoulder straps of a lieutenant.

What motivated the big bosses? Obviously, a simple formula: since “Pavlov’s House”, then he is the main hero of the defense. In addition, from the point of view of propaganda, not an officer, but a sergeant, who came from a peasant family, seemed almost an exemplary hero.

Lieutenant Afanasyev was called by everyone who knew him a man of rare modesty. Therefore, he did not go to the authorities and seek recognition of his merits.

At the same time, the relationship between Afanasyev and Pavlov after the war was not easy. Or rather, there were none at all. At the same time, Afanasyev also cannot be called forgotten and unknown. After the war, he lived in Stalingrad, wrote memoirs, met with comrades in arms, and spoke in the press. In 1967, at the opening of the monument-ensemble on Mamayev Kurgan, he accompanied a torch with an eternal flame from the Square of Fallen Fighters to Mamayev Kurgan. In 1970, Ivan Afanasyev, along with two others famous heroes war, Konstantin Nedorubov and Vasily Zaitsev laid a capsule with a message to descendants, which should be opened on the centenary of the Victory, May 9, 2045.

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, participant in the defense of Pavlov’s House during the Battle of Stalingrad, Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Yu. Evsyukov

Ivan Afanasyev died in August 1975. He was buried in the central cemetery of Volgograd. At the same time, his will was not fulfilled, in which Afanasyev asked to bury himself on Mamayev Kurgan, next to those who fell in the battles for Stalingrad. last will Commander of the Pavlov's House garrison was executed in 2013.

Hero at party work

Yakov Pavlov was demobilized in 1946 and returned to the Novgorod region. The illustrious hero received higher education and began to make a career along the party line, was the secretary of the district committee. Pavlov was elected three times as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR from the Novgorod region, and was awarded the Orders of Lenin and the October Revolution. In 1980, Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd.”

Yakov Pavlov died on September 26, 1981. He was buried on the Alley of Heroes of the Western Cemetery of Veliky Novgorod.

It is impossible to say that Yakov Pavlov is a hero invented by agitprop, although in life everything was somewhat different from what was later written in the books.

Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, Hero of the Soviet Union, defender of Stalingrad, talks with pioneers. Photo: RIA Novosti / Rudolf Alfimov

Another Pavlov from Stalingrad: how coincidences gave rise to a legend

But we have not yet touched upon the question of why the story of Sergeant Pavlov’s “monasticism” suddenly surfaced.

Archimandrite Kirill, confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, one of the most revered elders of the church, passed away quite recently. He died on February 20, 2017 at the age of 97.

This man was identified with Sergeant Pavlov, who defended the famous house.

Elder Kirill, who became a monk in 1954, did not like small talk, and therefore did not refute the rumors circulating around him. And in the nineties, some journalists began to directly state: yes, this is the same Sergeant Pavlov.

Adding to the confusion was the fact that those who knew something about the worldly life of Elder Kirill claimed that he actually fought in Stalingrad with the rank of sergeant.

The most amazing thing is that this is the pure truth. Although the grave on the Alley of Heroes in Novgorod testified that the sergeant from the “House of Pavlov” lay there.

Only upon careful study of the biographies does it become clear that we are talking about namesakes. Elder Kirill in the world was Ivan Dmitrievich Pavlov. He is two years younger than his namesake, but their fate is indeed very similar. Ivan Pavlov served in the Red Army since 1939, went through the entire war, fought in Stalingrad, and ended the battle in Austria. Ivan Pavlov, like Yakov, was demobilized in 1946, also while being a lieutenant.

Thus, despite all the similarities between military biographies, this different people with different post-war fates. And the man whose name is associated with the legendary house in Stalingrad did not become a monk.

Pavlov's house - by the fall of 1942, the only house in the area of ​​the square that survived the bombing. January 9. On the night of September 27, he was captured by a reconnaissance group (3 soldiers led by Sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov), the group held him for almost three days. Then reinforcements arrived under the command of Lieutenant I.F. Afanasyev, only 24 fighters. For 58 days, the garrison of Pavlov’s house repelled enemy attacks, and on November 24, 1942, as part of the regiment, it went on the offensive...

From the encyclopedia "Great Patriotic War"

Her fate should be included in textbooks and encyclopedias. But, alas, you won’t find the name of Zinaida Petrovna Selezneva (after Andreeva’s husband) there. And without her, the history of the defense of Pavlov’s house remains incomplete.

Zina was born in this house on July 11, 1942. It’s hard to imagine what our soldiers felt when they looked at a baby swaddled in a footcloth on the front line. What were you thinking when you heard a child crying between shell explosions? They didn’t tell anyone about this even after the Victory.

Only the dry result of the battle for the house near the Volga is known, which is still inaccessible to the understanding of Western historians: a handful of not very armed fighters (one heavy machine gun, three anti-tank rifles, two mortars and seven machine guns) held back the onslaught of enemy infantry, tanks and aircraft for almost two months !..

It took a long time to transport the mother and baby across the Volga; the house was under heavy fire around the clock. The girl lived with her mother and several other women in the basement almost until the end of October.

The story of Zinaida Petrovna Andreeva, which I recorded back in 1990, did not find a place on the newspaper page; only a few lines appeared. Perhaps he seemed too ordinary to the editors...

Zinaida Petrovna Selezneva (Andreeva) says:

My grandfather and grandmother lived in this house. They had office space there - they worked as janitors. And when the bombing began, my mother ran to them. My father was taken to the defense of Stalingrad back in the spring; he was a worker at Red October. His name was Pyotr Pavlovich Seleznev. He didn't see me. And so he died, not knowing that I was born... There were no doctors, my mother’s sisters helped during childbirth. The soldiers were given footcloths for diapers. The dysentery was terrible, and as soon as I was born, I began to die. They've already dug my grave in earthen floor, and when they were digging, they came across a medallion icon. As soon as she was shaken off the ground, I returned to life. But in this house there were still older children - five, six, seven years old... Then we were transported across the Volga, and in 1943 we returned to the city. Mom went to the factory, they lived in a dugout. Only in 1949 did we get a room with a shared space. I remember the destruction of Stalingrad. I was about seven years old, my friend went to music, and I went with her, I really liked to carry her sheet music folder. We lived very poorly, and I walked with this folder so happy. Everything is destroyed, and we are going to music school.

After eighth grade I went to work and at the same time studied at night school. Elected secretary of the Komsomol committee. The first of those who defended our house was found by Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev, lieutenant, garrison commander, after the war. Moreover, he remained blind after being wounded. He had two children who lived very poorly, but he wanted to help us with something. I was about eighteen years old, I was studying at a technical school. Ivan Filippovich came to us with a cane, and my mother said: “We have guests...”

Then Voronov, Ramazanov, Zhukov and Turgunov found out our address and began sending parcels. They all called me daughter. Turgunov sent me a certificate and assured me at the village council that I was really born in Pavlov’s house. This was needed for benefits. The last letter is from him. He didn’t recognize periods or commas, but everything was clear anyway.

“Dear dear daughter Petrovna, hello! First of all, let me greet you and your family with warm, purely heartfelt, fiery greetings, and secondly, congratulations on the upcoming holiday first May holiday international solidarity I wish you and your family everything from the bottom of my heart, thank God we are also living normally for now. Goodbye, I hug you tightly and kiss you with respect, your dear respected father. April 15, 1992..."

The last defender of Pavlov's house, Kamoljon Turgunov, died in March 2015 at the age of 92. 14 of his children, 62 grandchildren and 85 great-grandchildren live in Uzbekistan.

Saying goodbye to Zinaida Andreeva, I suddenly saw a photograph of Yuri Vizbor in her room. "Do you love Vizbor?" - I was happy. “If it weren’t for him,” Zinaida Petrovna sighed, “my mother and I would have been huddled in a communal apartment for a long time. Yuri came to Volgograd on a business trip from the audio magazine “Krugozor”. It seems he was preparing a report. We had a very short conversation, but he guessed how we live. He didn’t tell us anything, but went to the regional committee. A month later we got a one-room apartment..."

Yuri Vizbor


Stalingrad medal, simple medal.
There are even higher rewards than this.
But this steel shines with something special,
War circle - Stalingrad medal.

Still to come through mud and ice
Go through half of Europe through bullets and shells.
But it shines already in the forty-third year
Victory star - medal of Stalingrad. From the heavens it rains, then a cheerful snowball,

And life goes on, imagine how it should.
I silently take this white circle
And silently kiss the Stalingrad medal.
Drops of blood fell on the lush green grass.

Two colors came together, the steppe became world wide
No wonder this medal has two great colors -
Green field with a thin red stripe.


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