House in the loft style: design, design, decoration and information on the main parameters of the style (100 photos). A loft-style cottage from an old barn: an example in Poland. A loft-style cottage

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Let’s start with a little financial sketch.
In finishing stores I found tiles for at least 405 rubles. per square meter. And it’s not very small, it’s kind of small, not very natural in appearance.
And the tile that at least 70% satisfies my taste costs around 700 rubles. per meter And she’s too “new”, but I wanted to achieve the effect old wall.
Plus, you need to take into account that laying tiles by a master will cost at least 500 rubles per meter. Plus glue, I have no idea how much it costs.
Total runs from 1200 rubles. per square is the minimum (with the desired design)! And my need for this finish is approximately 15 m.

In addition, I am not at all satisfied with the thickness of the finished tiles + glue; it is too large for my conditions.

In general, I had already given up on the idea of ​​making such decor, when suddenly!
Suddenly the idea came to do it yourself, manually, to create miracles with your own hands, but in such a way that the process would be as simple and pleasant as possible, and the effect would be the most desirable.

So, all creative process: design, preparation of tools, implementation.

1. Search for an image on the Internet

I chose this photo of the wall. I liked its texture, uneven lines, old age and wear, a kind of not a patina of time, but time itself.

2. Preparing the stencil

I placed this picture in corel draw and circled the fragment.
To be honest, I spent about a day (mixed with other things) to make a matching pattern and also calculate the size of the future stencil that was necessary and convenient for me.

3. Making a stencil

I ordered the production of a PET stencil in one advertising production. PET is the material from which it is made plastic bottles. Any product can be made from a PET sheet using laser (or milling) cutting using a vector file.
This is what happened. I made two of these, slightly different in design and size.
And this was the first material expenditure in the amount of 670 rubles.

4. Purchase of materials

The second and final material cost is the purchase gypsum putty about 500 rub. per bag 20 kg. I had enough of this bag for 6.5 square meters. Those. you'll need two more. The total price for 15 meters of brick wall is 500*3+670=2170. Well, let's add masking tape here for auxiliary work, so be it.

More than two thousand issue price versus 18,000 rubles. There is a difference?
Okay, okay, let's increase the cost by the price of the paint, I'll just paint it matte white.
Although I still planned to paint both the wall tiled and the wall without tiles white, so these costs do not count.

5. Manufacturing process

A) Attach the stencil to the prepared surface using masking tape. It is advisable to use the level like a real mason :)
The surface is prepared as desired.
In my case, the wall is leveled with putty, because... I initially did not plan to do such a finish. But in order to achieve the effect of natural seams and curvature of the old wall, it is better not to level it at all, but only to thoroughly saturate it with a primer. Thus, the word “achieve” is completely inappropriate here)).
So, depending on the desired effect, the wall needs to be straightened or curved to the extent you wish.

b) Dilute a little putty to a thick sour cream.
Here you will have to experimentally select the amount of mixture and water, you need to somehow count, estimate, and remember. I diluted the mixture in a small bucket and mixed with a regular kitchen mixer. In a volume of about two liters of mixture per 0.3 m square areas(this is the area of ​​my stencil).

V) Apply an even layer of the solution to the wall over the stencil with a spatula.
It is convenient to use two spatulas, a large and a small one; it is somewhat similar to working with a brush and a palette.

G) Flatten artistically. That is, without bothering too much, because it will be old brick"in the light haze of past centuries."
The task here is to make a layer from 3 to 8-10 mm thick, even leaving uneven streaks.
You can make even dents and potholes, there are no limits to your imagination.

d) Carefully remove the stencil. Place it on a clean surface (for example, the floor) and use a spatula to remove the remaining solution; it will come in handy later.

e) Carefully examine the resulting bricks and adjust the thickness with a spatula and the remaining mortar according to your desire and taste.

and) Using a wet sponge, carefully “trample down” the unevenness and adjust the surface of the bricks.

This process can, and sometimes needs to be repeated, when the solution sets and hardens a little.

h) To avoid the effect of plaster coating on flat wall, you can dilute the solution to “liquid sour cream” and paint the wall with an ordinary brush, focusing Special attention brick contours. This is when all the forms are dry.

I) If desired, you can sand the bricks with sandpaper.

At this stage I have a wall like this.
I will trim it, adjust it until my inner “enough is enough”, and then paint it in the matte white color of an ordinary acrylic paint for facades and interiors, the most resistant to dirt and washing.
In these photos, steps h) and i) have not yet been applied. The seams need to be curved, the joints need to be covered, but the picture as a whole is clear.

Loft is a unique architectural and design style in its own way. Its appearance was accompanied by a confluence of circumstances, which forced specialists to convert factory premises into living space. The loft is on a fine line between the dimensions of former workshops or warehouses and a cozy functional area. Today the direction is popular not only in reconstruction, but also in the construction of a home from scratch. A loft-style house is a spacious and very bright room with modern interior. The design of such a structure has a number of features that make it unlike others.

Features of the loft direction

At the dawn of its appearance, in the middle of the last century, loft secured its status as an original and somewhat avant-garde direction. Over time, he began to be ranked among the elite. Previously, loft-style dwellings (“attic” in English) occupied upper levels huge production premises. Later they went downstairs. The original idea was to use usable area for creative workshops, studios, restaurants. Then they began to arrange living areas in such an interior.

Advice. Loft is a “relative” of minimalism. The more simplicity and conciseness in the design, the better.

Style Features:

Attention! The Soft Loft trend does not imply the reconstruction of existing areas, but the design and construction of new structures, as in the photo. Accordingly, some of the conceptual features of the classic loft (from the factory past) in this case are only imitated.

Projects of loft-style houses: what to build from and what to finish with

Before drawing up drawings and designing a house, it is important to familiarize yourself with the functional load of all its architectural elements. Loft implies receiving maximum benefit from the occupied area. In private houses, even the roof is used for business - as a recreation area. Therefore, the classic roof of the loft design direction is horizontal or with a slight angle of inclination towards the south side.

The walls are built from concrete and metal, making window frames wide and rising almost to the ceiling. Brick and stone are also used for construction. Exterior decoration walls and roofs are usually done in soft brown or gray tones. For example, you can paint the wall over plaster or use any other modern material: plastic, composite, mirror and any other panels, glass. Sometimes unpainted wood is used, treated to prevent rotting with a special solution.

The loft inherited from its factory past rough finish. Experts do not recommend spending a lot on it. Simplicity and democracy in decoration are the strong point of style. It is only important that the walls look monochromatic as a whole.

Attention! Another feature of loft-style houses is façade lighting in dark time days.

Interior design

It is important to understand the approximate size of a loft-style house. The number of rooms and their functional load depends on this. In a minimalist style, you can also furnish an elite space a private house(150-200 sq. m), and a small cottage (up to 100 sq. m), and even part of an ordinary country house.

Living room, bedrooms, kitchen - those rooms that, in the spirit of a loft, should be well lit and spacious. Any lack of size is partially compensated by the design in light colors. The walls should be inconspicuous and help focus attention on the bright details of the interior design. One of them is often made different from the rest:

  • in the form of exposed masonry;
  • decorated with metal plaster:
  • finished with natural stone;
  • highlighted with a photo wallpaper, a large framed painting, or any other type of image.

At the same time, 3 other walls should maintain the same texture and coating. In large rooms without physical partitions, this is how they distinguish functional areas. Furniture will also help to visually zone a large room: sofa, armchairs, table, bar counter, etc.

For the floor, prepare the most simple materials: edged board, linoleum, tiles of a discreet shade without colorful patterns or brushed parquet. The ceiling must be at least 3 m in height. In the manner storage facilities it is often designed as chamfered with beam division. Color - shades of gray, regardless of the overall interior scheme.

Loft considers the architectural and design direction to be democratic. When drawing up a project, there is plenty of room for your ideas.

Loft style house: video

Creative individuals always have something that could be learned if they had a little more free time. But there is one extremely important talent that you want to adopt without shelving, here and now: this is the ability to turn disadvantages into advantages. If there are shortcomings in the interior of a creative and constructive home - sloppy finishing of walls or ceilings, slight chaos in the arrangement of things, communications not properly hidden from the eyes of guests, lack of zoning, lack of proper repairs - they are not saved by camouflage, but, on the contrary, emphasize that , which the average person would consider a cause for embarrassment. Demonstrate as clearly as possible magical transformation minus interior decoration bold style is an undeniable plus loft in the interior.

Loft style in the interior: origin

The name of the loft style comes from the English loft - “attic”. Where did the idea come from to equip a home as a place that is traditionally suitable only for storing old things, but not for cozy living? The history of the avant-garde loft dates back to the 20s of the 20th century, when the current economic situation forced people to expand their “habitat.” It is believed that New Yorkers were the first to rush to use the buildings of abandoned warehouses, factories and factories for apartments. It should be noted that they managed this very successfully.

And the residents of secluded apartments who came to visit the “Carlsons” liked this innovation - and they decided to bring some of the details from what they saw to their nest. What successful trends can you borrow? to modern man from the loft style?

Harmony of antiquity and innovation

Loft allows you to expand your consciousness and combine diametrically opposed motives. He is no stranger to the variety of combinations of antiquity and innovation. A progressive telescope aimed at the sky from the window will fit very organically into the bone-deep classic finish with reflections of negligence characteristic of the “attic” style. Why not? In addition, the loft boldly draws ideas from golden antiquity: Roman columns in a decoration bordering on modernism look extremely successful.

Pristine walls

Aesthetic mosaic bit by bit

Beauty does not fall from the sky, but is created step by step. The loft also teaches this: every little thing is important. Having decided to decorate the interior in such a freedom-loving progressive style, pay special attention to accessories. Mind-blowing chandeliers that look like gifts from aliens will become more relevant than ever. posters, lifebuoys as wall decoration.

...And also a favorite motorbike or bicycle that embodies complete freedom of spirit, which will certainly find a secluded corner within the framework of a non-standard loft. Leave the worries about formalities to strict classics.

Who said mirrors belong on the wall? In the loft you can relax and line up reflective surfaces in a long row right on the floor. Looks amazing! Good news for photographers and artists: an arsenal of professional accessories - a set of lenses, reflectors or an easel, forgotten by you at the scene of the muse's attack, in the atmosphere of a loft will look like decoration, and not evidence of forgetfulness or sloppiness of the creator of beauty.

Loft style in the interior: functionality above all

Everything must have and justify its purpose. Therefore, when choosing furniture in the “attic” spirit of modernity, first of all pay attention to its strength, durability and ease of care, and only then you can take a closer look at its compliance with high fashion trends.

A bathroom created from a MAERSK shipping company container at the entrance to a three-level penthouse in Kyiv, Ukraine. Design: studio 2B Group

Nice photos on the Internet! What should the residents of a one-room apartment do? Do they also want to live in a luxurious, spacious loft? Despite the skeptics, we will prove that a small loft-style apartment is not absurd, but reality. We will also show that the loft style is ideal when the renovation budget is very small.

Because interior style is a way of life and the atmosphere of a home. Not the footage.

Many people believe that the loft style is only suitable for apartments, maximum for country house, they say, a loft is a huge industrial space, and to recreate it at 40 square meters unrealistic, which means there’s nothing to write about here.

But the designers disagree - and do an excellent job with small-sized loft-style projects. The trouble is that residents of small apartments often don’t have money for a designer. So, excuse me, dear designers, we will style our house as a loft with our own hands.

Loft style design - why is it like this?

The fact is that the loft style is not so much an architectural format as a mood, a way of life. It all started with the fact that in the 1940s, land prices in New York rose greatly, and industrialists had to move their plants and factories away from big city. But the buildings remained.

Wealthy people completely refused to move into the empty workshops, but for the simpler contingent, and especially creative people, the huge premises were quite suitable - both inexpensive and a ready-made art studio-house. Because a little tidying up, arranging art objects and a few chairs - and here you have a bohemian salon for exhibitions and performances, and you can also live. So the loft style ceased to be an architectural indicator and turned into a way of thinking.

And this is what the loft is all about: it is asceticism, contentment with little, endless creative flight and rejection of luxury (although a chic velvet sofa looks great against the backdrop of old plaster).

Do you understand? For a true loft style, five-meter ceilings are not so important as the spirit of freedom. This is not a brick wall and pipes under the ceiling, but a creative eclectic interior, unthinkable without objects contemporary art in all its manifestations.

Even designers don’t fully understand this line, but now you know: you need a creative interior first, and an industrial one second.

What should the interior of a loft-style apartment look like?

So, what should be changed during renovation to make the apartment feel that same American loft mood?

1. Bring the spirit of the factory (crossed out) into the loft interior

But you will have to start by searching for those very elements of the “abandoned factory”. Because if initially industrial premises turned into residential, then you, the owner standard apartment, you will have to do the opposite, turn the apartment into an industrial facility.

Here you will need to think: what in your apartment is similar to the look of the factory? It turns out that a whole system was once hidden under the drywall water pipes, under the plaster load-bearing walls you can find old red brick, and cast iron batteries, it is worth removing the decorative flap and painting them brighter, it will be ideal for the situation. So we look under the laminate and wonder what we have there suspended ceiling... Bare concrete? Gorgeous - let's leave it! However, it would be better to fill the floors with a special dust-free mixture, but on concrete ceiling even metal hangers may not have to be removed.

Many such “finds” will be revealed during the renovation process. Write down all observations in a notebook so that you can later use them when drawing up your own project.

2. Work with surfaces. Top 3 textures for a loft according to Loggia

Materials and surfaces play a huge role in a loft interior. And if the walls of your Khrushchev building are made of shingles, it doesn’t matter, brick and concrete can be perfectly imitated with the same textured plasters.

Italian manufacturer decorative coatings Loggia recommends choosing textures that combine luxury and rough industrial processing. It is the loft style that allows you to use, say, a “concrete-like” coating on one wall, and on the other - Venetian plaster or a “velvet” texture - and all this in one room! We recommend the following materials.

  • Kymera is a unique coating that not only has a rust effect, but a natural oxidized metal that even has magnetic properties.
  • Marmo Romano - allows you to create a deep texture.
  • Diamond - the effect of natural metal.

After all, the task of a loft is to give one room a variety of functions (as if the former workshop had become a kitchen, an office, and a living room at the same time), and it is better to separate functional areas, if possible, not with partitions, but just different designs walls and floor. In this sense decorative plasters, who became in last years more accessible, they allow the soul to unfold. Brickwork, concrete blocks, crumbling plaster, noble surfaces of silk or marble - plasters can do everything. Unless you should use natural wood in the loft, even if your master knows how to perfectly imitate wood with plaster.

Of course, we are far from a classic loft with spacious rooms, but maybe even in your apartment the layout can be changed? Talk to an architect you know or show the apartment plan on a professional forum - it may very well be that, for example, the living room can be combined with a kitchen or the partitions between rooms can be made of glass. Here is the treasured space for you.

Even if it is impossible to move the walls in your case, just the feeling of a large space will be enough. Light color walls, not too high furniture - there is enough advice on the Internet, we even wrote an article about expanding the space. Having thought about the loft, it’s time to think about storage systems and choose the best hidden ones.

And also the windows: it is unlikely that you will be able to radically enlarge them, but removing traditional curtains does not cost anything - there will be an order of magnitude more “air”. If you have to hide from your neighbors, choose simple roller blinds or something similar. But don’t even think about replacing the windows with plastic ones, you’ll kill the style - you can quite reasonably restore and insulate old wooden ones, and after successful contrasting painting they can become an interior decoration.

4. Remove excess

The loft does not tolerate the accumulation of unnecessary things. You will have to take out many attributes of comfort from the house: give carpets to your student neighbors, give the blankets with which each chair was covered to your grandmother, and in order not to offend, ask her for an antique bookcase in return.

For comfort and homely atmosphere in the loft there are objects of art, unusual furniture and attributes of romance.

By the way, for renovating an apartment in a new building, the loft style is generally a salvation. At the same time, you can save a lot of money: the walls don’t have to be plastered, and the floors don’t have to be perfectly leveled. The ceilings can also be left rough, and you don’t even have to hide the wiring in the walls, saving on stripping them. But in order not to overdo it, choose only one or two surfaces that you leave untouched, the interior should remain residential and welcoming.

5. More style, more creativity!

To decorate an apartment in the loft style yourself, you need to be truly free. Here you can safely combine Buddha figurines and modern paintings with an ironic colorful chair, a magnificent crystal chandelier with a cheap plastic furniture- loft calls for mixing styles and eras.

The main thing is not to confuse freedom with bad taste: in order not to make a mistake, focus on a mixture of industrial style with minimalism, elements of high-tech style and old retro things, furniture from the past and, if possible, real antiques. And again, you can’t do without art objects.

Convert small apartment into a cozy loft, and even with your own hands - a very adventurous task. But look at the photo finished projects- even a tiny studio in Khimki can be transformed into a unique Manhattan home.

Jul 6, 2017 Sergey

The interior of a home in the loft style is one of fashion designs modernity. Architectural style, which does not accept clear standards, arose thanks to the creative layer of the population of New York, when, for a number of reasons, artists, directors, singers, actors and other representatives of bohemians acquired small industrial premises as their homes.

To understand what a loft-style house is, what attracts attention to the interior in the spirit creative disorder creative personalities, you need to know its features, design rules and subtleties of furniture selection.


In translation, “loft” means “attic”. In fact, before this was a conversion of industrial housing, the comfort of which was limited to the presence of a kitchen, a bathroom and a bathroom. Today it is a way of stylistics, hinting at the creative nature of the owner of the house, This is one of the elite types of design, for which houses of one or two floors are specially built. This is a mixture of old and new: rough production materials or their imitation with ultra-modern technology, metal, glass, designer furniture.

The style differs from the usual understanding of stylistics deliberate rudeness. In it you can see elements of other design trends brought together. At the same time, the unity of details is surprisingly successful, be it graffiti, abstract paintings placed directly on the floor, or minimalist furniture.

The main distinctive feature of the loft style, which immediately catches the eye, is open plan. There are no rigid partitions delineating the boundaries of space, as well as clear zoning in the usual sense. The unobtrusive division of the room into functional zones is carried out using techniques that do not violate the concept of the loft style.

Distinctive features

This style is quite recognizable thanks to some decorative and constructive techniques, Among which it is worth noting:

  • abundance luminous flux, filling the windows of the rooms due to large windows;
  • deliberate roughness of the cladding using brick, stone and plaster;
  • demonstration of unfinished wall surfaces;
  • the presence of visible pipes and beams, imitation of industrial communications, contrasting in tone with the main decoration of the premises;

  • the mass of free space formed due to the absence of partitions;
  • not typical high ceilings;
  • a creative approach to the selection of each non-standard accessory;
  • moderation of the existing furniture in each room;
  • emphasis on functionality, design, not lacking decorative elements, conspicuous.

Loft is a style of freedom-loving people with a non-standard type of thinking. It is unique, allowing you to express your creative imagination from the moment of construction, be it “ecoloft”, the usual design for a production type of premises or stylization. This is always a rough interior decoration, harmoniously combined with elements of comfort. The design implies the creation of an extraordinary production atmosphere, an industrial ambience inherent in former production facilities.

Construction and exterior design of buildings

Distinctive feature building a house in the loft style is the geometric clarity of the building and the characteristic rectangular shape. Sometimes the asymmetry of the building is visible from the side. The entrance to the room is not always located at the front of the house. To keep the style as close as possible to natural environment, The facade is made of natural-colored brick. The color palette of the finishing is made mainly in gray and brown tones. Materials for decorating facades are wood, metal (slat and lattice systems).

The characteristic shape of the roof is designed in such a way to prevent snow accumulation. It can be gable, flat, and is often covered with environmentally friendly copper sheets that are resistant to atmospheric precipitation and convenient for roof cladding. The loft style is alien to pretentious decorative elements: everything involved in the construction is subject to strict functionality. As frame materials use cement, sand, metal and brick.

Architectural appearance Loft-style houses are distinguished by the presence of huge windows, which must be the entire height of the walls, distinguished by their large width. If the frame is symmetrical, the location of the windows can be asymmetrical, it depends on the wishes of the owner of the house. More often, when planning a two-story building, windows are placed symmetrically one above the other.

The maximum permissible number of floors of a house should not be more than two. In this case, there may be located below brick columns. When designing a house according to all the rules, the sketch should resemble a small industrial facility, slightly decorated as a residential building.

Interior Design

Anyone can design the interior space of a house in a loft style. To create it you do not need large investments if you do the finishing yourself. Design in a design bureau will cost a tidy sum, especially for interior decoration: a sketch project alone can cost 100-135 thousand rubles. This is without architectural and constructive solutions, landscape and exterior.

It's worth keeping in mind: inner space such an interior suits certain individuals, among which we can note:

  • creative elite (representatives of bohemia);
  • the youth;
  • people on a limited budget.


A loft is a case where rough combinations of interior items are needed for harmony. As a basis, you should choose an industrial style, in which you can show slight negligence. It is important that at least one of the rooms has beams or their imitation.

Emphasizing dilapidation and unfinished conditions is only beneficial: wooden beams can be bought at any hardware store, they are an ideal ceiling decoration. To decorate windows, you can purchase blinds, although according to the canons of style, windows should not have any design.

You can’t do without wall cladding, which can be used as a combination different materials, having a relief texture with imitation of brickwork. You can select one or two planes brickwork or leave them concrete without finishing.

If you don't want to expose the walls, It’s worth covering surfaces with textured wallpaper, for example, imitating rough logs, a dilapidated wall. This way you can zone the space, indicating the idea of ​​style. It is important not to overdo it with brick inserts: if there are children in the house, it is worth limiting creativity to finishing one wall, smoothing out the originality of the material with plain coverings in the form of wallpaper on the other three planes.

The flooring must be wooden: a plank floor looks better. If you use laminate for finishing, the appearance of the interior is simplified. In this case, the texture can be matte or glossy if the floor is varnished. If there floor plinth, it is preferable that it matches the wall and does not stand out against the general background.

To zone the space, use three design techniques: you can take the existing projections of a particular room as a basis, make them using furniture, or unobtrusively delimit the room using different shades and prints of wall cladding.


The furniture inherent in the loft style is minimal and is located in such a way as not to block the space. The original design rule of this style is the technique of mixing furniture: it can be old or new, but it must be expensive, emphasizing the status of the owners of the house. This can be a combination of different styles, for example, retro and minimalism, or unity with high-tech style. The law of eclecticism applies here. If desired and in a good location, an English wardrobe will look harmonious in the room. curved legs and a glass side table.

Style does not pursue novelty upholstered furniture, but cannot “breathe” without a state-of-the-art audio and video system. In contrast to the exterior design of the house, which resembles an industrial facility, interior decoration welcomes different shades color palette. Of these, the darkest are the tones of audio and video equipment. Often the space is decorated with furniture white(especially emphasizing the kitchen and guest areas). In addition, light gray, metallic shades of furniture, and wood tones are held in high esteem.


A distinctive feature of the loft style is the maximum degree of illumination of the space. This is partly facilitated by panoramic glazing. The main emphasis is on daylight. If it is not enough, the ceiling of the room is decorated with a light lamp with a soft diffused light flux, the temperature of which should be as close as possible to natural daylight.

Excellent decorative solution lighting design is to decorate the beams with spotlights, placing them on the ceiling in such a way as to zone the functional areas of the area as advantageously as possible.

It is advisable that the design of the lamps matches the rough decor of the ceiling. These can be light bulbs in the form of a curved pipe, lamps framed with metal wire, laconic LEDs with warm light and closed shades.


When designing a creative style, it is important to use natural materials. It could be knitted plaid fabric, natural cotton, satin, leather. Often to add atmosphere home comfort certain areas of the space are accented with long-pile carpeting, hinting at the delicate taste of the owners of the home. Woolen capes, laconic, are required decorative pillows, often without a pattern, made in muted contrasting shades.


Disadvantages of the direction

An extraordinary loft has several negative nuances:

  • due to the open layout, such a room is difficult to heat;
  • cold materials are used in the work; heat is often dissipated due to the huge windows;
  • due to the large space cost utilities in such a house the cost significantly exceeds in conventional buildings;
  • Such an interior is difficult for conservative people with established habits and pedantry to maintain.

To create a loft-style interior design correctly, you should not overload it with an abundance of small details: there should not be a lot of things, each of them speaks of its importance. If you want to improve the style a little, it is important to do this in doses, otherwise there will be no trace left of the main idea.

Take note of a few tips:

  • in rooms with small area you should not move furniture to the center, wanting to designate a guest area in a standard way: this will visually reduce the freedom of space, which is unacceptable;
  • if it is important to distinguish between two zones (for example, bedroom and guest), place a closet between them if its length is short;
  • don’t forget to fill the room with lighting: the central one will not be sufficient for each zone, it’s worth using each functional area ceiling, wall, floor lamps different in shape, design and size;
  • emphasize brick walls maybe posters, road signs and abstract paintings, simply placing them, for example, against the wall on a stand or floor;

  • buying to plank floor carpet covering, choose canvases rectangular shapes medium size: this will visually increase the area of ​​space;
  • if you want something exclusive, you should add it to the interior unusual table, for example, in the form of chests stacked one on top of the other;
  • if you don’t like the use of brick in wall cladding, you can glue it on accent wall wallpaper with imitation stonework;
  • if you don’t like a plank floor, you can decorate the floor with brushed parquet, lay linoleum on the floor in the color of concrete, or, as a last resort, pour a self-leveling floor in a dirty gray shade.

Examples of private cottage projects

The loft style design varies depending on financial capabilities. If this is an artist's style, it is simpler and freer. When design is carried out in the spirit of stylization, there are departures from generally accepted norms.


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