Dual system of vocational training in Germany The dual system essentially means parallel training in an educational institution and at. Report on the topic: "The concept of dual learning"

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DUAL TRAINING MODEL IN GERMANY 70-80% of training takes place on the job; The student studies 3-4 days a week at a company and 1-2 days at a college; Curricula: 1/3 general education disciplines and 2/3 specialty subjects; The duration of training varies from 2 to 3.5 years; The main costs of training are borne by the enterprise.

Advantages of dual training A high percentage of graduates’ employment is ensured, since they fully meet the employer’s requirements; Training is as close as possible to production requirements. It is noteworthy that the smallest company can participate in dual training; High motivation for acquiring knowledge is achieved, the psychology of the future employee is formed; Received worldwide recognition; The most common and recognized form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training in an educational institution and industrial training in a manufacturing enterprise.

The advantages of dual training eliminate the main disadvantage of traditional forms and methods of teaching - the gap between theory and practice; impact on the personality of a specialist, creation of a new psychology of the future employee; creates high motivation for gaining knowledge and acquiring skills at work, because the quality of their knowledge is directly related to the implementation official duties at workplaces;

Advantages of dual training The interest of the heads of relevant institutions in the practical training of their employees; An educational institution working in close contact with the customer takes into account the requirements for future specialists during training; Can be widely used in vocational training in Tatarstan in the coming years.

In Russia there should be a dual system of vocational education in Russia, a situation caused by increased foreign investment and growth industrial production, revealed the shortcomings of the Russian vocational education system. In Russia, the education system is determined and financed by the state. Not all Russian enterprises are ready to invest financial resources in the vocational education system, although this is exactly what the dual system requires.

The effectiveness of the dual system of vocational education The question arises of improving the theoretical part of education. Manufacturing professionals, engineers and professional workers must be tested on their teaching skills. Thus, the vocational education system in Russia will undergo many reforms in the near future.

The effectiveness of the dual system of vocational education The education system in Germany is considered one of the best in Europe. This is fair, if only because the law of the country guarantees every citizen the opportunity throughout his life to receive any education free of charge and constantly improve his qualifications. Secondary vocational education is no exception...

Free education in Germany From a list of almost 400 professions, every young person can choose any one. The list of professions includes both technical (auto mechanic, junior production technologist, electrical installer) and humanitarian (bank clerk, insurance agent, assistant secretary) specialties. Classes last six to eight hours a week, and teenagers undergo an apprenticeship.

The dual system is a model for the entire European Union Students themselves enter into employment contracts with employers, who are obliged to assign mentors to them from among experienced employees. Upon graduation from an educational institution, in addition to the certificate, the graduate receives a certificate of labor practice from the employer company. Both documents are interconnected and are valid only together. This pair - a certificate and a certificate - also gives the right to enter a university. The dual system allows you to prepare in advance exactly as many specialists as the market requires, no more, no less.

System dual education Germany has been tested by life. There is a tendency to transfer part of light and heavy industry to other countries with cheaper labor force, and against this background, the demand for specialists in the field of management, services and business has become very noticeable. A dual system that is not tied to rigid frameworks can satisfy it. In such a situation, responsibility for the number of workers in demand and for the level of knowledge they acquire is shared by the employer and the institution of secondary vocational education. In addition, students receive both a scholarship and a salary.

Why do young Germans want to get blue-collar jobs? In Germany, students provide for themselves; their parents stop providing for them after graduation, so they are ready to do any work and get paid for it. Russians want to get everything at once (that’s the mentality!), so young people immediately see themselves as a manager with a big salary.

What is the difficulty of introducing dual training in Russia? Unlike Russia, in Germany the main burden in the field of education lies with enterprises that spend more than 40 billion euros annually on improving the professional qualifications of their employees. This amount is more than what it costs the state to maintain universities. The state supports the training of specialists at the enterprise by financing the system of vocational schools.

Modernization of vocational education in Russia The main task that the education system needs to solve is to form new model professional training that would overcome the gap in the structure, volume and quality of labor resources from the real requirements of specific enterprises. And in solving this problem, the experience of developing a dual form of vocational education in Germany can be extremely useful for improving legislation, determining the mechanism for dividing powers of the Federation and regions, resuscitating the traditions of craft training, and forming a system of multi-channel training financing.

In his Address to the Federal Assembly in December 2014, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin set the task: by 2020, to provide training in the 50 most in-demand professions based on world standards and using modern equipment.

At the opening of the meeting of the Russian-German working group on vocational education within the framework of the Business Program of the III National Championship of Professional Excellence according to WorldSkills standards, which took place on May 21, 2015, Natalia Zolotareva, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Workforce Training and Additional Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation said: “Currently, a set of measures has been developed to develop practice-oriented training, and all regions, regional chambers of commerce and industry, and key Russian enterprises have begun to implement it.”

Rapidly developing scientific progress makes both the economic machines of the state and the more inert “helping parts” - education and legal support - move faster. The objective question remains unchanged: education works for itself, for individual personality development young man or to help the country's economy?

The answer to this question varies depending on the priorities in the economic policy of the state. If at the beginning of the 21st century the main thing was the individual development of the personality of each young person, now the economy’s need for qualified personnel for the technological renewal of many industries dominates.

Resolving personnel issues is vital for the real sector of the Russian economy. This is given great importance in the work of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). Ekaterina Loshkareva, head of the monitoring department of the National System of Competencies and Qualifications of the “Young Professionals” direction of the ASI, said that the Agency, in cooperation with relevant ministries and employers’ associations, is currently discussing the issue of developing a regional standard staffing economic development.

Innovative transformations of the Russian economy provide for the creation of the most attractive climate for investment - domestic, and especially foreign. The issue of attracting foreign capital to the country's economy is especially acute during the period of recovery from the economic crisis.

Reference. According to the REGNUM news agency, the rating of investment attractiveness of Russian regions compiled by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for July 2015 was headed by the following regions: the Republic of Tatarstan, Kaluga, Tula, Belgorod, Tambov, Ulyanovsk, Kostroma, Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Chuvash Republic, which entered the top ten of the ranking.

But the most serious breakthrough, based on the results of the first year of the rating, is observed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Vladimir regions - regions with an investment attractiveness rating of 1A, which means “high potential - minimal risk.” And the personnel component is one of the key criteria for rating investment attractiveness.

The most attractive for investors remain the raw materials sector, industrial production and transport. Investors also point to heavy manufacturing, automotive, consumer goods and infrastructure as drivers of future growth.

When interviewing German experts who oversee investments in Russian enterprises, there are several reasons that complicate international investment. One of them is the lack of qualified personnel at the engineering and mid-level technical levels. The first thing an investor looks at is the supply on the labor market and the dynamics of this supply.

At some enterprises, the practice of closing the labor shortage with the help of migrants has spread. The way out of the situation is dubious: workers from abroad rarely have the necessary qualifications, and employers lose interest in improving the technological process and working conditions. The authorities urge businesses not to hire foreigners, but to cooperate more actively with local educational institutions, develop their material base and more actively cooperate with students.

Dual education

In Europe, a “dual education” system has been developed and is successfully operating, which combines theory training within an educational institution and training at an enterprise. This system is different from the usual production practice because it is built into the training system: three days a week - study at a technical school (practical academy) or university, two days - at an enterprise, or vice versa. Germany is the undoubted leader in solving personnel problems in production; at the state level, these problems are solved already at the level of career guidance for schoolchildren in the secondary stage of education (schoolchildren aged 12-14 years).

It cannot be said that this topic is completely new for Russia. For example, medical universities have long had classrooms in clinics, and clinical disciplines are taught directly in hospitals and clinics, without separating theory and practice.

The participation of enterprises in the fate of students (a place for practice and the creation of a thesis, and then a vacant place of work) is also not something revolutionary, this is how targeted training works, when the applicant first enters into an agreement with the enterprise, and then, with any scores, enters a technical specialty and receives a scholarship from the enterprise and other preferences.

It is appropriate to recall the Soviet period of Russian education. Already starting in 1920, a network of factory apprenticeship schools (FZU) was formed in Russia to provide workers for the reviving industry and industry. FZU schools operated at large enterprises to train skilled workers and were the main type of vocational school in the pre-war USSR.

There is ongoing debate about the return to higher education of the institution of distribution and the three-year status of a “young specialist”, which were characteristic of Soviet-era education.

Education in Russia has been reforming in accordance with the Bologna system for many years, and much has been achieved, but the usefulness of the efforts of the education system for the economic development of the country is questionable - replenishment manufacturing enterprises young qualified personnel remains problematic.

Now, during the period of technological transformation and re-equipment production capacity, enterprises value highly qualified specialists who can work on the latest foreign equipment as worth their weight in gold.

Unfortunately, when hiring, experience is primarily taken into account. Not education, but experience practical work, which is zero for a university graduate. That’s why many graduates cannot find a job in their specialty.

Maybe the question is not about proper career guidance and practice-oriented training, but about financing a novice worker? As you know, in the first year of work, the salary of doctors in district clinics barely reaches the subsistence level. For a young engineer, the workload of mastering new equipment and technological processes is enormous, and the salary is very small. That is why, apparently, we are losing an army of graduates who go “for rubles” to commercial structures, and after working for three years in another specialty, they lose the theoretical knowledge that they received at universities, and would like, but cannot, return to the profession. And technology changes so much in three years that it’s impossible to catch up...

Russian-German experiment

Currently, the dual education system is the main training system in 60 countries, including Germany, Austria, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, France and some Asian countries.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce (RGVP) agreed to launch dual education programs in Russia in 2014. This will help create optimal model training of personnel in technical specialties, the initiators of the project are sure.

The experiment, which involves 12 Russian regions, 106 educational institutions and 114 enterprises, is being successfully implemented in the field of secondary vocational education and should be completed by 2016.

Director of the Department public policy in the field of workforce training and additional vocational education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Natalia Zolotareva noted: “This does not mean that our work on introducing elements of dual education in the Russian Federation will end. The set of measures developed by the Department aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education for 2015 - 2020, as one of the areas of work, determines the consistent implementation of a practice-oriented (dual) training model in secondary vocational education. The 2015 guidelines are only the starting point for further work. There is great interest in the dual system in Russian regions, and we will continue to work on other initiatives. In particular, when modernizing regional programs development of vocational education."

“An exact copy of the German system will not work,” says Michael Harms, Chairman of the Board of the Russian-German Foreign Chamber of Commerce, “there are different traditions and cultures, but the basic principles of building the system can be taken as a basis.”

In practice, in Germany, this is done like this: a reputable company offers two or three places for dual training, for these places the company receives up to three hundred resume requests (the competition, as you can see, is enormous - more than in the most prestigious Russian universities). The applicant must have high grades in final exams, and fluency in several languages ​​is desirable. The company pays the full tuition and stipend to the selected candidate during his studies.

Studying dually, applicant immediately receives secondary vocational education, and then higher education, learning on the job.

The duration of dual training is three years. Upon completion of their studies, students receive a bachelor's degree. Dual students study for six days: they work at the company for three working days, and study at the university for two working days and Saturday. At the end of their studies, they have an excellent chance of immediately getting a job, which is very important in European countries, which are well acquainted with unemployment. Graduates are hired at this enterprise, but strictly in the department where they studied. An engineer is unlikely to end up in the economic department of an enterprise. So there is no talk of three or four different careers throughout one’s life. The universality of such training is relative. But this system does not provide options: “what if I change my mind” or “what if I decide that this is not mine,” nevertheless, it works effectively.

Which model is better

There are several models of dual education in the world, and which one is more suitable for Russian education is a debatable question. A team of authors led by A.M. Gazaliev, in their article “Dual education on the basis of a corporate university (“Higher Education”, No. 4, 2015), highlights the model based on a corporate consortium as the most promising form of implementation of dual higher technical education. This method is based on distributed educational process: theoretical training based on Internet technologies, which should be carried out in the evening in parallel with the acquisition of practical skills and abilities in production during the day. This approach makes it possible to reduce the training time of an engineer; it was developed at the Karaganda State Technical University, on the basis of which an innovative educational consortium was created, uniting the university and 55 large industrial enterprises.

Proposed educational technology as one of possible options implementation of dual training, combines the study of theory with its practical application in production. The opportunity to receive a full-fledged technical education without increasing the duration of training has many advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Firstly, this will require changes in regulatory documents in the field higher education. And secondly, such a program is designed for super-motivated students with high self-awareness, who, already from school, dream of getting into a factory and in an accelerated time frame.

Technical education is very difficult even in normal mode - higher mathematics and strength of materials alone are worth it, and gnawing on these disciplines in the evening after a working day, even with the opportunity to use virtual laboratory and practical complexes of capital universities, few students will be able or willing, having in the long term very modest salary in the first years of work. Probably, it is possible to objectively evaluate the proposed method only after receiving the first issue of “accelerated engineers”.

St. Petersburg is one of the most attractive regions for foreign investors, the economy of which is successfully “clustered”, that is, associations of manufacturing enterprises, scientific and educational institutions are formed, but not around the university, like the innovation and educational consortium in the Karaganda region, but around the determining economy industry region.

Will dual education be introduced in engineering and technical universities in St. Petersburg? If so, in what form? What legislative changes in education will this entail? Will this be in demand among applicants?

These issues undoubtedly require active discussion by representatives of educational institutions, industrial enterprises, representatives of the regional Government, as well as economic and legal experts.

Elena Zagalskaya


What is meant by dual education?

“A set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education for 2015-2020”, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2015 No. 349-r, provides for “the consistent introduction of a practice-oriented (dual) training model in secondary vocational education "

Essential characteristics of practice-oriented education that distinguish it from all other types of education:

  • source of goal setting - request economic spheres s (which is considered as the core of “social practice”, understood in a broad sense) in qualified personnel of a certain level and qualification profile;
  • developed mechanisms of social partnership (involvement in the activities of professional educational organizations of representatives of the economic sphere - direct customers, consumers and beneficiaries of the results of practice-oriented education);
  • the primacy in the educational process of practical forms of training, focused primarily on the formation of specific, standard and standardized skills and abilities (within the framework of the implementation of specified professional functions);
  • predominant use in the pedagogical process of standard and technological forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids.

There are “narrow” and “broad” meanings of the concept “dual education (training)” that have developed in the Russian Federation.

In a narrow sense, dual training is a form of organization and implementation of the educational process, which implies theoretical training in an educational organization, and practical training in an employer’s organization.

Dual training in the narrow sense practically coincides with the form of organizing practice in the workplace within the framework of an educational program. This form, as a rule, implies interaction between a professional educational organization and the employer’s organization and does not lead to changes in the vocational education system at the level of the entire subject of the Russian Federation.

In a broad sense, dual education is an infrastructural regional model that ensures the interaction of systems: forecasting personnel needs, professional self-determination, vocational education, assessment of professional qualifications, training and advanced training of teaching staff, including mentors in production. The relationships between the parties are regulated by a flexible consensus, collegial management system. Each system influences the development of the other and one cannot exist without the other.

It is the integrity and at the same time distribution of the functions of the participants that ensures the effectiveness of the dual model of training (education).

The development (updating) of the basic professional educational program should be carried out jointly by representatives of employing organizations and professional educational organizations. Development or updating requires the creation of separate working groups that closely interact with each other.

It is important to follow the sequence of steps of the algorithm: from determining the results of mastering the educational program to assessment procedures and assessment tools, only then to the formation of the actual content and structure of the program. Understanding the goals (results) and how to verify them makes it possible to build a program in the most optimal way. At the same time, the formation of the structure of the program (composition of professional modules, academic disciplines) and its content is carried out according to the principle “from the reverse”: first, the types of work (practices) included in the modules are determined, then the composition and content of the MDK by module, and then the composition and content of disciplines. The content of the professional module should ensure the principle of synchronization of theory and practice, and the content of academic disciplines should “support” and prepare for the mastery of the modules. In the process of forming the content of programs of professional modules and disciplines, a redistribution occurs educational material: everything special and professionally significant is included in the modules; general professional issues are covered in the content of the disciplines. It is important to understand that the entire content of the program should be aimed at achieving learning goals - mastering professional and general competencies that determine the qualifications of graduates.

Compliance with the algorithm makes it possible, in the process of developing an educational program, for a joint working group to discuss the conditions for implementing the program and distribute areas of responsibility for implementation individual elements programs, which leads to a well-founded and expedient construction of the curriculum and academic calendar.

Priority in building a basic professional educational program using elements of a dual form of education is the achievement by graduates of the qualifications required by the employer. This is the goal of network interaction between the parties, to ensure which, taking into account the specifics of production, it is determined what kind of teaching staff (including enterprise employees), equipment, infrastructure for conducting practices, what the calendar educational schedule, curriculum and content of its constituent disciplines and professional modules should be.

Theoretical and practical tasks for certification in a professional module, for assessing learning outcomes, a joint working group of experts from a professional educational organization and an employer organization is compiled.

The practical part of the exam can take place as part of industrial practice. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure expert assessment completion by a student of a specific task with the preparation of an appropriate protocol, which will be included in the student’s portfolio. The examination committee includes representatives of a professional educational organization (it is the organization that is responsible for organizing certification) and representatives of employers' organizations. It is advisable to provide for an “independence effect” - to include teachers, masters in the commission industrial training college and industrial mentors who did not teach these particular students.

See more details. - Moscow, 2015, pp. 23-25

· How is students’ work organized on coursework and diploma projects?

Obviously, fundamental difference is two aspects. First, the topics of coursework and diploma dissertations are related to specific technological and production processes, types of work of a particular enterprise and programs of professional modules of the BOP. The topics are developed jointly with professional educational organization and the employer's organization.

Coursework management and theses carried out both by college teachers and employees (mentors) of enterprises. The defense also takes place before a commission, which includes representatives of both organizations, and independent (who did not train or manage the work or projects) experts must be invited.

All features of the organization of this work are fixed by local normative legal acts educational organization.

When answering this question, you need to pay attention to the following: the enterprise must have created The educational center(production and training division). This department employs employees with different functions and levels of pedagogical training. Modern domestic and Foreign experience makes it possible to talk about the presence of a typology and classification of qualifications and competencies of mentors in accordance with the characteristics professional activity, for which they prepare their students. Mentors can be divided into those who directly teach and those who organize the learning process and interact with other organizations, including educational ones.

A mentor-organizer of training at an enterprise can conduct introductory classes, practical classes similar to classes in a college, with a group of students (10-15), and then they disperse to their workplaces, where each of them has their own mentor. This is ideal. If this is not possible, then the desirable option is 2-3 students per mentor. At the same time, the pedagogical and methodological training of such mentors is minimal (basic). The mentor-organizer also interacts with them and helps to competently organize student learning.

· What are the criteria for selecting Mentors at an enterprise and how to motivate them to work with students?

Since there is no document at the federal level establishing such requirements and measures, in each of the pilot regions and at different enterprises these issues are resolved in their own way. As part of the project, based on discussions with expert participants in the project, a draft document “Model Regulations on Mentoring” was prepared, which answers this question from the point of view of the best practices of the project “Training of workers who meet the requirements of high-tech industries based on dual education” .

For more details, see. - Moscow, 2015, pp. 110-113

· What kind of training (advanced training) do mentors, teachers of the educational center, and industrial training masters undergo? Recommended programs.

Modern domestic and foreign experience makes it possible to talk about the existence of a typology and classification of qualifications and competencies of mentors in accordance with the characteristics of the professional activity for which they prepare their students, and, as a consequence, about the differences in requirements for the level of education.

The activities of a mentor are not limited to training workers. It is necessary for technicians and technologists, engineers, etc. It is possible to teach not only certain actions, operations in the workplace, but also research, design, and development activities.

However, speaking about the psychological, pedagogical and methodological component of mentor training, we can highlight competencies that are equally necessary for everyone, as well as for college teaching staff. Among them: competencies in the field of pedagogical design; creating a practice-oriented educational environment; support for professional self-determination of students; formation and assessment of competencies; organizing independent work of students; ensuring individual educational trajectories for students. The mentor training program can be divided into five main sections:

  1. Vocational training: goal and means of achieving it
  2. Assessing the results of mastering professional activities
  3. Vocational training design
  4. Organization and conduct of vocational training
  5. Documenting the process and results of the activities of the industrial training master and mentor in production.

Work on the program and educational and methodological complex is currently being carried out by the Center for Vocational Education and Qualification Systems of the Federal State Autonomous Institution “FIRO”

Akmola oblysy bilim baskkarmasynyn “Tourism and service industries of colleges”

Department of Education of Akmola Region KSU "College of Tourism and Service Industry"

Dual learning concept


Master of Industrial Training

KSU "KITiS" Nechiporenko V.V.

Shchuchinsk 2016

Table of contents

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………1

2. Analysis of the situation abroad regarding the introduction of a dual education system………………2

3. The current state of implementation of the dual education system in Kazakhstan. ……………3

4. Principles of the dual training system. …………………………………………………4

5. Advantages of the dual training system………………………………………………………..4

6. Main stages of implementation of the dual training system…………………………….5

7. Dual system of education in technical and vocational education………………………………………………………6

8. Expected results of the implementation of the dual training system. …………………….8

9. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of expected results…………………………….9

10. Possible risks implementation of the program…………………………………………………………….9

1 . Introduction

Intensive processes of structural changes taking place in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan have led to the highest demand for specialists of a new formation, who must, based on the given historical, economic and political situation occurring in the country, successfully implement these processes. Practice, economic interests, and intensive development paths along which our country is moving should dictate the goals, methods and content of higher education. Currently, the dual training system is one of the most effective forms of training professional and technical personnel in the world, in which simultaneous theoretical and industrial/practical training is carried out. It involves the direct participation of enterprises in the vocational education of students. The company provides conditions for practical training and bears all associated costs, including possible monthly fees to the student. Educational institutions cooperate with enterprises on an equal basis. The dual training system is one of the possible ways to combine the interests of business, future specialists and the state.

Main goals:

Training of personnel that best meets the requirements of employers; - students to obtain a sought-after specialty and employment opportunities; - creation of additional opportunities to increase the efficiency of training highly qualified personnel; - relationships, interpenetration and mutual influence various systems(science and education, science and production), leading to qualitative changes in vocational education.

2. Analysis of the situation abroad regarding the introduction of a dual education system.

The dual education system is practiced in a number of countries, especially in Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands and France, and in recent years in China and other Asian countries.

Issues of regulating the structure and content of vocational education have significant differences in different countries European Union: - dual system in Germany - vocational training system, which is regulated by corporate principles; - vocational training in France - a vocational training system regulated on the basis of state management principles; - the British system of national vocational qualifications - a system of vocational training that is governed by the strict principles of a market economy.

In the countries of the European Union, the organization of general and vocational education and the development of educational policy are increasingly based on dynamic and flexible social partnership. The involvement of employers in the vocational training of young people is especially active in organizing monitoring of labor markets and educational services. This makes it possible to coordinate the needs, structure of professions and adjust the content of training taking into account the requirements of a developing economy.

An analysis of education quality control systems existing abroad shows that, despite the diversity and specificity of the powers of organizations engaged in its provision, the set of goals and objectives they implement traditionally includes: - ensuring and/or improving quality educational activities in the economic, social and cultural context of their countries; - providing support to educational institutions to improve the quality of teaching and learning; - dissemination of existing experience and exchange of information on quality issues, which are also their main functions.

The role of the state in the model of social partnership in European countries: - Great Britain - the state plays a minor role; - France - the dominant state role; - Germany - the state determines the general framework (bilateral model); - The Netherlands - the state determines the general framework.

“Approximately half of young people in Germany after school acquire one of the 350 officially recognized training professions under the dual system. Vocational training differs from purely school-based vocational training, which is typical for many countries. Practical training is conducted at the enterprise 3-4 days a week, and specialty theory is taught 1-2 days a week at a vocational school. Duration of training is from 2 to 3.5 years.

More than 80% of apprenticeship places are provided by small and medium-sized companies. Thanks to the dual system, the proportion of young people without a profession or apprenticeship in Germany is relatively small: only 4.2% among those aged 15 to 19.

As for the unemployment rate in Germany, the average number of unemployed is 7.8%. If we talk about the unemployment rate among young people under 25, then in Germany it is 7%, in Greece - 45%, in Spain - 43%, in Slovakia - 33%, in France - 30%. The figures therefore clearly show the advantages of the German dual education system.”

3. Current state of implementation of the dual education system in Kazakhstan .

To solve the problems put forward by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on creating conditions for obtaining education on the job in the Republic of Kazakhstan, work is being carried out in the following areas: - modernization of the material and technical base of lyceums and colleges. Over the past 3 years, more than 14 billion tenge have been allocated for the development of the technical and vocational education system, including for modernization logistics base - 1.8 billion; - usage innovative technologies for training competitive specialists. The introduction of the automated management system “Bilimal” allows us to bring information and educational services to every participant in the educational process. In addition, 25% of state educational institutions of technical and vocational education use educational technologies developed by the German company LUCAS NULL E; - development of social partnership through the introduction of a dual system of vocational training. Separate measures to introduce the dual system began in the late 90s on the basis of three TVE organizations in Almaty, Pavlodar and Akmola region together with the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ.

Elements of dual education in personnel training are now being actively implemented in technical and vocational education organizations in Kazakhstan. Mainly in the transport, agricultural, metallurgical, engineering, oil and gas, chemical and mining industries.

4. Principles of the dual training system.

The principles of the dual education system are: - fundamentality - scientific basis and high quality of subject, psychological, pedagogical and professional training; - integration - interdisciplinary connections focused on the formation of the required competence, created on the basis of modular educational programs; - universality - the completeness of the set of disciplines that ensure the unity of the theoretical and practical aspects of training future specialists.

The concept of development of a dual education system: - continuity and succession of stages and levels of professional education, determining the continuity of levels of development of specialists; - flexibility and variability of the content of educational process technologies in the vocational education system; - adaptability - development of the ability to socialize a specialist in a changing production situation; - the evolving nature of education - meeting a person’s professional needs and his needs for personal growth; - democratization - accessibility of vocational education for everyone; - interaction of theory with practice - the impact and mutual coordination of the requirements of the enterprise and educational institution, their mutual conditionality in changing the directions of education and training or mutual transition; - research principle - identifying the educational field for independent cognitive and research activities of students; - consolidation and rational use of available resources - consolidation and use of resources from practical sites of enterprises occupying a key position of production institutions, as well as the intellectual base of educational institutions.

5. Advantages of the dual training system.

1. It is profitable for specific organizations and enterprises to invest in the education of students, since “at the exit” they receive a ready-made specialist, thoroughly knowledgeable work of the enterprise (organization). Moreover, as research shows, employers are confident that after receiving a diploma, the graduate will remain to work for them, moreover, on the terms dictated by the employer. 2. Dual education, along with the optimal transfer of professional experience, allows you to establish your position in a production environment. 3. Businesses benefit from new ideas and impulses coming from learners. 4. Upon completion of their studies, students can immediately be involved in production: there is no need for professional adaptation. 5. Research on final qualifying works meets the requirements of employers and allows the results to be introduced into production. At seminar classes, candy practical situations that arise at enterprises where students do internships are discussed. 6. In the logic of developing partnerships between education and partner enterprises, new approaches to the professional guidance of students and managing their career growth are emerging.

Employers and their organizations play a significant role in the development of social partnership in the field of vocational education. They perform the following functions: 1) lobbying for their own interests; 2) participation in development qualification requirements and professional standards; 3) setting priorities for on-the-job training; 4) participation in the formation of state policy and decision-making in the field of vocational education; 5) participation in the development of educational programs; 6) determination of requirements for the content of training and for the final assessment.

6. Main stages of implementation of the dual training system.

Dual training is a product of close interaction between educational institutions and employers in professional and social adaptation future specialist. The student is already involved in the early stages of the learning process manufacturing process as an employee of an enterprise who, according to functional responsibilities, manages allocated resources, bears official responsibility, masters professional skills, and in certain cases receives wages. Analysis of the training of labor resources in different countries shows that preparing students for the social roles of an employee or entrepreneur, competent in matters of production technologies and interaction with the professional environment, with skills in entrepreneurial and intra-company management, allows for the formation creative personality capable of implementing new ideas within the framework of their chosen profession.

1) At the first - preparatory - stage of the implementation of the dual education system, the following is carried out: - preparation of regulatory documentation; - development of educational training programs for specific specialties; - concluding agreements with enterprises; - determination of the student population.

2) At the second - organizational stage - determination of the learning trajectory for each specialty; - scheduling classes; - determination of control measures based on the results of training.

3) At the third - final stage, students are trained along the trajectory of alternating training in an educational institution and in production using the method of immersion in the production environment.

7. Dual education system in TVET.

The main problem of TVET educational institutions is the low percentage of graduates being employed in their specialty. The solution to the problem is the introduction of a dual training system.

The gap between theory and reality - eternal problem vocational education. It was resolved differently at different times. The dual system in the world has proven its effectiveness in this matter. It cannot be said that her experience is new to Kazakhstan. In the recent Soviet past, professional personnel were forged according to a similar principle and, I must say, there was a result. Modern system dual education, being introduced in our country, hopes to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

“At the present stage of the country’s development, technical and vocational education institutions face a number of issues. What should they be? How to organize education? How to increase the prestige of an educational institution in the educational services market? And so on. The main task of TVET is to form a new model of professional training that would overcome the gap in the volume and quality of labor resources from the real requirements of specific enterprises. After all, training highly qualified workers and mid-level specialists is one of those tasks whose solution can ensure sustainable economic development of any country.”

How to solve the problems? The answer to this question is not simple. But recently, according to many experts, the answer has been found - the creation of a dual education system. The next question arises - what is it?

To solve the problem of employment, the system of technical and vocational education is currently being modernized, a new management system is being introduced, and the main task in it is the employment of students.

“High-quality vocational education today is a means of social protection, a guarantee of stability and professional self-realization of a person at different stages of life. State policy in the field of TVET became part of the State Education Development Program for 2011–2020.

The format for implementing state programs for the modernization of TVE included a number of activities. First of all, this is the reorganization of educational institutions by transforming them into a single type of educational institution, a college. A two-level training of specialists is also provided. At the same time, it is planned to improve the qualifications of teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training abroad.”

Modernization of vocational education determines the need to change a number of traditional approaches to the system of training specialists. Today, the dual education system is one of the most effective forms of training professional and technical personnel in the world. It is not for nothing that the President emphasized the importance of this type of education in his policy article. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that training is mostly carried out not in an educational institution, but in an enterprise.

The dual model is a unification of the interests of business, the future specialist and the state. This system assumes that 70-80% of the time the student is trained directly on the job, and only 20-30% in college.

The dual system meets the interests of all parties involved in it - enterprises, workers, and the state. For an enterprise, this is an opportunity to prepare personnel for itself, saving on the costs of searching and selecting workers, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people dual training - great chance easier to adapt to adult life. Already during training they receive a monetary reward for their work at the enterprise, and after graduation they receive a job for which they are well prepared.

The combination of theory and practice guarantees highly qualified graduates.

So, what advantages does the dual training system provide?

Firstly, a high percentage of graduates’ employment is ensured, because they fully meet the employer's requirements. Training is as close as possible to production requirements. For an enterprise, dual education is an opportunity to prepare personnel precisely “to order.”

Secondly, high motivation in acquiring knowledge is achieved. A new psychology of the future employee is being formed. Students, having first established themselves in the enterprise as potential employees, learn in a completely different way, more consciously and interestedly.

Thirdly, the principle “from practice to theory” works, when the student no longer works with texts, but with production situations. Complex theory is easier to master through practice and solving real professional problems.

Fourthly, assessment of the quality of specialist training is carried out by employers themselves. From the first days, the student spends most of his time at the workplace, showing his skills and diligence. Employers get the opportunity to assess the level of preparedness of future specialists directly in production conditions.

Fifthly, as a result of the introduction of a dual system, the college develops programs based on the needs of the market in the region, develops its potential, improves the qualifications of the teaching staff, which in general will improve the quality of personnel training and lead to an increase in the competitiveness of the college. Teachers must not only have good theoretical knowledge, but also be familiar with all the innovations in production.

Sixthly, the burden on the budget is reduced. Part of the costs of vocational training is borne by the enterprise.

However, today there is no readiness on the part of industry and enterprises. Although the necessary legal and regulatory prerequisites have been created.

“To ensure competitiveness and further development of the system of continuous professional education, a developed infrastructure is needed in the form of a network of various centers and short-term courses engaged in in-house and in-house training and retraining. The program of such courses should be extremely flexible, taking into account the urgent needs of the enterprise, therefore it can be 72-700 hours, but not more than 1000 hours.

The training (retraining) program ends with an exam, which is accepted by a commission of representatives of the enterprise, educational institution and third parties (independent experts). Graduates who successfully pass the exam receive a certificate giving them the right to work in their specialty. The certificate must contain information about the type, timing and objectives of professional training, as well as the competencies that the student has mastered.”

If we talk about the introduction of a dual training system within a college, then its elements have been used in training specialists for a long time. This is manifested in the joint development of curricula in special disciplines by college teachers and social partners. Various seminars, master classes, round tables. College students undergo internships at city enterprises, so employers already at this stage form an opinion about the students’ knowledge and skills. At the same time, during the internship, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the operating mode of the enterprise, with the conditions and economic capabilities of the enterprise. Social partners provide material support to the college and have the opportunity to participate in assessing the quality of specialist training through participation in the OUPP, final certification with the assignment of qualifications in the specialty. Teachers of special disciplines and industrial training masters have the opportunity to undergo internships at social partner enterprises, take part in master classes, seminars, and professional skills competitions, thereby increasing their skill level and mastering new technological capabilities and modern equipment.

Thanks to the dual training system, it becomes possible to achieve real training efficiency to meet the specific needs of production.

Thus, we get the opportunity to unite the interests of business, young people and the state - completely new level tripartite partnership.

8. Expected results of the implementation of the dual training system:

Increasing the image of the attractiveness of the university, maintaining and increasing the student population; - development of competencies that contribute to an informed choice of profession; - increasing the level of demand for graduates in the labor market, trained according to the dual system in professional knowledge, necessary qualifications and work skills; - improving the quality of graduate training; - expanding the interaction of educational institutions with enterprises through their inclusion at the stages of program implementation; - improvement of professional training of specialists. Labor productivity increases, population migration decreases, social tension is relieved. Creating conditions for continuous professional education; - professional socialization; - mastering a profession in accordance with the requirements of employers, reducing youth unemployment, developing universal competencies of students. - increasing the competitiveness of the university.

9. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of expected results.

One of the most important patterns of development modern society is the close relationship between socio-economic progress and the constant improvement of the education system. Orienting graduates to readiness for modern requirements employers and competitiveness in the labor market.

Criteria for assessing effectiveness: - the emergence of new directions in the system of career guidance for students; - increasing the level of self-realization of students in a market economy; - improvement of education technology based on development modern methods training based on information technology.

10. Possible risks of implementing the program:

Incomplete implementation of assigned tasks due to insufficient material, personnel and methodological support; - maintaining overload of students, which will have an extremely negative impact on the physical and psychological health of children.


1. Sherstneva N.V. "Dual training - promising system training in TVET", http://pedagog.kz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1947:2013-04-25-15-19-19&catid=70:2012-04-18-07-08-22&Itemid =95

2. “Issues of transition to dual education”, http://forum.eitiedu.kz/index.php/2012/01/04/dualnaya-model-p-t-obrazovaniya/

The problem of labor shortage is one of the most pressing today. Its solution, as is known, lies in the sphere of interaction between organs state power, employers and professional educational organizations.

Improving the model for training workers taking into account the real needs of the economy is the goal of Project 1 of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), implemented since November 2013 together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and other ministries with the methodological support of the Federal Institute for Educational Development (FIRO). One of the main objectives of the project is the development, testing, implementation and dissemination of models of the dual education system in pilot regions - at the moment the most promising direction in training specialists for the real sector of the economy, focused on international standards quality.

System interaction

An analysis of activities within the framework of the project, which ends this year, and some of its results were announced by the leading researcher at the Center for Vocational Education and Qualification Systems FIRO E.Yu. Yesenina at the webinar “Dual education: from project to life” 2, organized by the Association of Heads of Educational Organizations. The magazine “Accreditation in Education” is a permanent information partner of the association.

One of the first conclusions is that vocational education and the world of work are becoming partners who can no longer exist without each other, and systemic transformations of the social and economic spheres are impossible without mutually responsible cooperation of stakeholders.

Let's take, for example, the upcoming monitoring of the quality of vocational training, in which, obviously, data regarding dual training will also appear among the indicators. Since in connection with specific features The model of dual training cannot be organized only by vocational education; the support of the regional administration, structures responsible for career guidance, independent assessment, and, of course, employers is required. In other words, “taking readings” in the monitoring process only from professional educational organizations will be incorrect, although, of course, the practice of secondary vocational education institutions in modern conditions becomes an effective tool for the formation and dissemination of innovations.

As for the supposed, virtual monitoring criteria that may be associated with dual education, they characterize the features of dual education as a whole and the complexity of its implementation in real rather than simulated form 3 . For example, the presence of such important criterion, as creating student motivation for professional activity and voluntary retention in the workplace, is possible only in appropriate conditions, formed both at the regional level and on the part of the employer and professional educational organization.

“Vocational education is becoming a mirror of the economy. In this regard, it is important to understand that the spheres of labor and education need a responsible, interested, motivated attitude towards each other.”

From the presenter's speech research fellow Center for Vocational Education and Qualification Systems FIRO Ekaterina Yesenina at the webinar “Dual education: from project to life”

Experts emphasize that achieving this and other criteria is possible only within the framework of a systematic approach at the federal and regional levels in terms of changing approaches to standardization and program development, motivating parties to interact and training teaching staff, including mentors at enterprises. Serious work remains to be done in this direction, and some constituent entities of the Russian Federation already have positive experience of transformations.

In pilot regions, dual education is quite successfully implemented, primarily on the basis of eleventh grades, when it is possible to admit adult students to workplaces and conduct industrial and qualification exams, and this is no coincidence. In Russia, they are not yet ready to train minors in the same format as in Germany and Austria, where it is the enterprise that accepts students for training and bears the main responsibility for the educational program.

Nevertheless, in our country, work with minor students is still carried out on the basis of students passing educational practice outside of actual production with the participation of a structural unit of one of the organizations: a college, an enterprise, a regional center or a separate legal entity. The main task is to establish constructive interaction between organizations and their teaching staff, who would act in a single logic, present uniform requirements for training and rely on the types of work necessary for students to obtain the appropriate qualifications.

Many pilot regions organize training processes in such a way that a student enters the enterprise in the second or third year, but the employer is very actively involved in his preparation from the very beginning. In the first and second years, teachers are recruited from among employers, a unified training program is built, which allows the student to be ready to perform real tasks in the workplace, forms of organizing practice are also thought through, when training takes place in small groups and sometimes individually.

In general, building a dual education system at the regional level requires compliance with a number of conditions, which can often only be met with the participation of employers, administration, structures that become coordinators of interaction between different parties, as well as structures responsible for career guidance and independent assessment of the quality of students’ training.

Problem areas

As noted earlier, some large regions have already succeeded in creating a climate favorable to the development of dual education. At the same time, in a number of subjects we are still talking only about dual training, and not about an integral system. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the absence of a coordinator for interaction between the parties and the weak involvement of the regional administration in the process of building such an educational model. Even if the employer and the educational organization find the opportunity to build contractual relations, these can be quite successful, but the system of personnel training at the regional level practically does not develop.

Along with this, project specialists note difficulties with the legal and regulatory support of the network form of implementation of the basic professional educational program (OPEP) in terms of the nuances of contract execution. At the moment, experts from the ASI, the Department of State Policy in the Field of Workforce Training and the Additional Professional Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the FIRO are solving this problem. It is expected that a joint information letter will be prepared in the near future.

The issue is also being considered about the possibility of participation of the employer's organization in conducting educational and industrial practice not as part of the educational program, since it contains professional modules and practice is an integral element of them. Experts decide how to call documents on interaction in this case and what should be in the structure of this document in mandatory, so that the collaborating parties can freely talk about the network form of implementation of the educational program.

Another problem area is students’ individual curricula, which are poorly used in actual practice by educational organizations that consider them burdensome. At the same time, the question is asked: is it necessary to conclude student agreements with students individually if they are sent as a single group to the same place of practice?

From a regulatory point of view, an apprenticeship contract is an annex to an employment contract, while an agreement is still possible within the framework of the organization of targeted training. Pilot regions developed their student agreements, including tripartite ones, with the participation of parents for minor students, but at the moment such documents are only drafts and can be concluded solely at the request of the parties. The advantage of an apprenticeship agreement is in building an individual training program, since the types of work performed by a student or a group of students are attached to it, and technical support departments at enterprises often use such documents in direct work with industrial training instructors and on-the-job mentors.

It is important to ensure an independent assessment of the educational process and learning outcomes. Interim or final certification is not the same as an independent assessment of qualifications, and if the principles of independence and objectivity are not incorporated into the work of educational organizations from the very beginning, then it will be useless to talk about the formation and assessment of qualifications.

Monitoring the needs for professional competencies of teaching staff of educational organizations and mentors in production, planning internships, determining results and monitoring their achievement - these issues also need serious study. The key condition for improving vocational education is the personnel themselves, or more precisely, a team that includes representatives of the sphere of labor and education, ready to delve into the regulatory and methodological nuances, aimed at designing the educational process and obtaining a certain result. It should also be noted that such components of success as the formation of a practice-oriented educational environment (at the enterprise - corporate culture), which motivates a person for his own activities, organization of independent work of students, implying a realistic number of hours, support for professional self-determination of students and a number of others.

The process of transformation of consciousness can be considered fundamentally significant for eliminating these problems. Project participants and representatives of large enterprises talk about the need to create the latest methodology and didactics of vocational education and training, understood as renewal, study of historical heritage, application in modern conditions, understanding of the activities being implemented. For example, when preparing a student, the practical component is very important, but we are talking not only about solving narrow professional problems, but also about the development of professionally oriented thinking, within which it is impossible to do without general competencies related to communication, the ability to educate and self-education.

​Pilot regions participating in the ASI project “Training of workers who meet the requirements of high-tech industries based on dual education”

  • Belgorod region
  • Volgograd region
  • Kaluga region
  • Krasnoyarsk region
  • Moscow region
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • Perm region
  • Republic of Tatarstan
  • Samara Region
  • Sverdlovsk region
  • Tambov Region
  • Ulyanovsk region
  • Yaroslavl region

Forward planning

The forms and methods of practice-oriented vocational education can be very diverse. However, the main thing here is the construction sustainable system interaction between vocational education and the world of work, giving students the opportunity to obtain qualifications that are significant for an individual, society and the state.

For Russia today, it is very important to build management mechanisms, since practice-oriented education is becoming an element of the development of qualification systems in the regions and at the federal level. The practice of pilot regions has shown that a fairly effective management mechanism can be created based on the cluster approach. It is necessary to reach a certain consensus on the development of a qualifications system, which also includes tasks for the development of vocational education.

The capabilities of enterprises also require clarification. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC), the employer's organization is responsible for training its employees, and the apprenticeship agreement, which is an annex to the Labor Code, is the regulatory framework for the relationship between the employer and the employee he trains. The project experts came to the conclusion that an enterprise can provide training if it has a license, at least in the areas of vocational education and additional professional training, as well as if there is a structural unit that deals with these issues. The functionality of industrial technical training departments is quite wide, it includes methodological work, interaction with structural divisions of enterprises and employees who are trained on site, other areas of activity. This practice existed in Soviet time and is quite feasible at the present stage. It is also expected that amendments to Article No. 264 will be adopted, according to which training enterprises will have tax benefits.

These and other processes take time, but they are based on the understanding that there are real opportunities for interaction between employers and educational organizations, and difficulties in the path of such cooperation are being worked out and gradually resolved.

  1. More details: asi.ru/projects/7267/
  2. More details: http://bit.ly/AO88Dobr
  3. See for more details in the Methodological recommendations for the implementation of the dual model of training highly qualified workers


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