Elena Teplitskaya designer biography. Elena Teplitskaya on a creative approach to color

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Striving to realize her creative potential, Elena Teplitskaya achieved heights not only in design. The girl is widely known as an artist, stylist, decorator and teacher. She sets herself the task of bringing to life, through creativity, ideas that can make the world brighter and friendlier. The designer actively participates in exhibitions and special projects, and also acts as a speaker. Elena is a frequent guest of events: ArchMoscow, iSaloni, Mosbuild.

In this article we will tell you his biography and share links to social networks (instagram, facebook, vk). We have prepared a list of contacts and stores of the brand Teplitskaya Design. You can see news, lookbooks, shows, discounts, sales and upcoming events in the section:

Russian designer Elena Teplitskaya | Teplitskaya Elena (Teplitskaya Design)

Teplitskaya Elena is a versatile personality. She is known as a decorator, stylist, artist and, of course, fashion designer. Elena received her education at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute named after. Stroganov. After graduating from graduate school, the girl completed numerous internships in Italy, England and Switzerland. TV viewers could see Elena as the host of the “Color Revolution” and “Bottomless Mezzanines” programs. The designer is active in social and educational activities. She often acts as a speaker for business programs at events: ArchMoscow, iSaloni, Design Week at the Design&Decoration Center in St. Petersburg, Mosbuild, etc.

Elena's energy is inexhaustible and infectious. Another confirmation of this is the volume of its professional activity. She runs a studio that specializes in interior design, tailoring and student teaching. Yes, Elena acts as a lecturer and conducts master classes and lectures.

The task of the Teplitskaya Design studio is to realize ideas and implement solutions that can make the world friendlier and clearer.

Elena has a special attitude towards interior design, clothing, architecture, and art objects. Internal harmony and the ability to clearly convey mood contribute to this.

Peace of mind comes to the fore, intuitive search helps you find what you want. Mind in in this case plays important role, it promotes the development of new material and allows you to experiment.

How to turn a classic into a super original object? What colors are trending this season? Decorator and TV presenter Elena Teplitskaya shares her impressions of the latest Milan Furniture Salon.

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On the picture:

Artist, designer, fashion designer, host of the TV program “Bottomless Mezzanines”. Elena Teplitskaya graduated from graduate school in design at the Moscow Art Institute. Stroganov, trained in Switzerland, Great Britain, Italy. Heads the Teplitskaya Design studio. Known for her passion for juicy flowers in design.

About bold combinations There are many of them at the exhibition: it is clear that the designers have worked on this topic. Sometimes a classic shape and hide are combined in a very interesting way, leather instead of the silk>drapes that we would expect to see. And then the subtle classic turns into a super original object.

About the brands that pleased you. Savio Firmino - this brand used to be white and gray, sophisticated... and suddenly it began to use stunning burgundy, blue, and purple. SavioFirmino was completely transformed, as if they let a child into the design studio and he ran around and enthusiastically drew something.

About your favorite collections. There are also several collections that I like. For example, the wonderful girls from Maison Claire. They deal with decor: there is crystal, and home textiles - everything that makes the house cozy and cozy. Everything you want to look at and rejoice at. I also like the designer Giorgio Piotto. He is, of course, a magician. He always has unexpected decisions: The outside of the chest of drawers is lemon yellow, but inside, when you pull out a drawer, you see purple trim, pull out another one, and there is a purple and green stripe.

About color trends. Now the trend of the season is green. Not like a young apple, but towards emerald, with the addition of blue. Blue color- bright, cheeky cobalt is also in fashion. And also purple. Not a simple-minded and open red, but a deep, noble one.

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The famous designer and fashion designer Elena Teplitskaya is an absolutely non-boring, interesting and very easy-to-communicate person. Her statements are apt, and her words are strong.

How to work with color in the interior, about the love of tiles, what Russian taste is, why Kitsch is a predatory beast, and what imitation materials have in common with a false pregnancy - about everything without cuts in three interviews with Elena Teplitskaya.

Changing space: colors, textures, shapes

A designer of a bright palette, a master of color, a fashion designer in bright colors - these are characteristics that are firmly and rightfully assigned to you. Do you like to play with color palette, feel free to experiment with rich tones and shades. Your works have a recognizable author’s style, they are unusual and interesting. Tell me, is such a subtle sense of color nuances an innate quality or can it be learned?

Of course you can learn. It is important to look, observe nature, it has a perfect combination of colors. “Observation” is important. If you already see the perfection of natural combinations, then you can safely study the historical heritage - the bright colors of the frescoes medieval cathedrals, Renaissance painting, Art Nouveau in all its forms, applied arts. The main thing is to look, look, look. And, of course, you need to be able to apply this knowledge, and here you need taste. This can also be learned. Sometimes it comes with time. Often, young people's taste is not as developed as more mature ones.

- Elena, what are your principles of working with space, form and color?

Every time you enter a space, you evaluate: how it is oriented to the cardinal directions, what volume it is, how high the ceiling is, how much air there is, how it is distributed daylight. This is the first what you pay attention to. Then you listen to the customer: “What did you want to do here?” He says: "I wanted to do kids club or a clinic." And these are two completely opposite events for the same space. A clinic means we need to create an intimate space in which the patient will feel comfortable and private. And if we are making a children's club, then the space should be very open, positive, and energetic. Each time the function determines the color, shape, texture, taking into account what properties this space initially possesses.

Let's say we have a basement. The room is low, there is concrete all around, but I want to make a beauty clinic... But this is almost impossible. A beauty clinic always needs natural light. But, let’s say, the customer has no other options, and this room should become a beauty clinic. This means that the ceiling needs to be artificially raised and the floor lowered. And this is achieved very by simple means- color and texture. Here the color should be light, if possible cold, for example, blue, turquoise. And glossy surfaces should prevail. The stretch glossy blue ceiling instantly “flies” upward. And if we put a glossy surface and, say, some kind of polished stone on the floor, then the space will visually expand even more.

But if the space is huge, colossal, and we need to visually reduce it, then we cannot do without warm shades - red, orange, yellow. Let’s say we have a “compressed” space – flat, low and, at the same time, wide. Our task is to make it more intimate and higher. This means gloss is below, gloss is above, and painting the walls in warm colors. And that’s it, the space instantly changed, and this is only the work of color and texture.

Ceramic tiles: implementation of ideas

Today, ceramic tiles provide crazy opportunities for the most daring experiments. How actively do you use this material in your projects?

We are happy to use ceramics wherever it is functionally justified. All hallways, halls, bathrooms, showers, SPA areas, kitchens, sometimes dressing rooms. All basement rooms, for example, wine stores. We have so much ceramics! I love this material, I know its specifics, and I know how to work with it.

Which format to use is determined by the size of the room. The most commonly used are 40x40cm, 30x30cm, 20x20cm. But if we are talking about large balconies or terraces, then larger formats appear there: 60x60cm, 60x30cm, 40x60cm, and so on! Small formats are perfectly used in decoration. I really love various decorative elements: borders, inserts, cornices, panels. And the more carefully they are worked out, the more the customer will be impressed by the result.

- Elaboration in terms of form or painting?

I am still somewhat skeptical about painting on ceramics in the form of panels. But, for example, I really love the amazing ceramics, where each tile has a hand-applied glaze. I have used these tiles several times in my projects. Looks impressive glass tile with a back surface covered with copper - it is very beautiful. I also like the “carpet” tiles, painted as if it were an old, old Italian terrace that you walked out onto and enjoyed the fact that your great-grandfather once built it.

- We also noticed your love for mosaics; you have a lot of it in your projects.

This is true. I will explain. Sometimes I need to support the interior or add some complex shade, and mosaic allows me to create any combination thanks to the typesetting module. I have such a favorite party. When the manufacturer allows you to make a custom mosaic mix different colors. Then I say: “I need 30% of this color, 10% of this color, 15% of this, and this and so much more.” And if this mosaic has a choice of textures, then you can add: “Let the marble be combined with glass, and the marble infusion of this color should be 20%.” The result is a unique product. And mosaicists are happy to do this, they themselves are interested, because this is the only time it happens, because who would think of choosing colors and their relationships in exactly the same way? And the customer is very grateful, because he sees - yes, Teplitskaya will not repeat this anywhere else, this is an exclusive work.

- Is this a manual mosaic set?

No no. Using mosaic samples, I show the combination of colors and their relationships. Then the manufacturer creates in his program a scheme for randomly mixing modules the right shades, and the mosaic is glued according to this pattern onto the grid. That is, this is not a specific plot, it is a random play of color. That's why I love mosaics. Also, whenever possible, I don't make rectangular spaces. As a rule, at the planning stage I deliberately build several partitions not at right angles so that the space is alive and opens up in a non-standard way. And I don’t always have the opportunity to select a collection so that in this complex room I can perfectly match tiles with tiles; in this case, the mosaic saves the day, it converges at any point.

And in ceramic tiles Do you prefer colored glaze or imitation natural stone, marble, wood?

Now I’ll say it very harshly, unfortunately. Anything that is an imitation seems wrong to me. That is, by imitating one material as another... If it is ceramics, then let it be ceramics. It's amazing what ceramics is! Must be used strengths this material. If it’s porcelain tile, let it be porcelain tile. But when porcelain stoneware pretends that it has mimicked and become wood, this is kitsch. The same thing happens, in my opinion, if we make porcelain tiles in the form of a “photograph” of marble, as I call it. That is, I didn’t have enough money for marble, but I really want it, so let me make an imitation. It's like simulating pregnancy when you tie your belly to your body. But that's my personal opinion.

- What if we are talking about areas where marble cannot be used?

Well, airports, for example. But at the same airports good designers They do not use such imitations of marble, they use ceramics. You look at airports like Heathrow or Da Vinci. Everywhere the texture of genuine material. A competent architect knows how to make it an asset and trump card of the project, and does not hide it behind a mask. This is what you have to play with, this is professionalism.

Working with styles: when Loft is appropriate, and how Kitsch is useful

- We understand your idea about imitation. Do you have any special preferences when working with interior styles?

I have many favorite styles, but I often work with European Art Deco. Maybe this is just following the intimacy of the space that we have to deal with. Because it is the European Art Deco style (not American!) that is very suitable for small rooms. I really like English classicism, and this version of it, in which color is introduced into the interior. Almost indifferent, perhaps, to ethnic style. Because everything that I saw, for example, when a lot of Indian elements are used, it comes very close to kitsch. This is a terrible sight.

- Kitsch...scary?

You can play with kitsch, this is - special style, although pop art comes close to it. But one must be aware of the dangerous moment of transition into kitsch. If you feel the boundary, then you can play with him like a predatory animal. Use a stick to indicate “here you can add an element of kitsch” or “stop!”, and have fun with it. For example, in our office toilet room with a velvet door. This is an element of kitsch, but I went for it on purpose, because otherwise it would be very cold inside. There the color scheme is turquoise and lemon yellow, and it was necessary to add some kind of game, something completely opposite. That's why such a door appeared.

Loft - fashionable style

- What about such fashionable styles as Loft today?

Loft - lovely style, wonderful, I love him. If I bought myself some kind of site at a factory, I would, of course, make a loft, but I would visually “insulate” it very much. Because a loft is great when you live alone with your boyfriend: you have no children, no old parents who can hardly walk up the stairs, rattling the metal handrails. If you have such a mad love, and you jump up the stairs and watch movies from the second floor from a large projector, then yes. But as soon as a person reaches the age of 35, he has small children, certain requirements Conveniently, the loft is already becoming slightly inappropriate. Because, first of all, this is an art space. That is, the loft is a temporary event.

Or, let's say, a loft office. Where little feet don't run around and elderly parents don't come to visit. There - hello, loft. There are also new trend, when parents have already released their children into freedom, and they enjoy the fact that now, in adulthood, they retain frantic strength and a desire to travel, a desire to renew themselves. And then fifty-year-olds catch themselves thinking that it would be nice to live in a loft, to plunge into the space that they could not afford when they were very young. It's like catching up. And it is right. Now they are no longer obliged to adapt to their growing children; they can create space egoistically for themselves. They have fulfilled their duty to humanity, and now they want to have fun. But even when adults buy a loft, they always make some space comfortable for everyone. Let's say, the first floor, where you can place elderly parents or small grandchildren so that they can run and play in a safe space. And they take their space upstairs and do it there exactly as they wanted. And that is great.

P.S. In the next part of the interview with Elena Teplitskaya, read about bright colors in the interior and in the design of ceramic tiles.

Interior design, creating collections of fashion clothing and accessories, photography, painting, graphics, working on television - this is hardly a complete list of Elena Teplitskaya’s activities. It is not limited to just creating images on paper. How many times before our eyes did her hands transform ordinary things into genuine works of art in the “Bottomless Mezzanines” program! And how deftly and confidently this fragile woman “juggles” a drill! We saw her in the studio many times. What objects surround the famous designer and decorator in life?


Apartment owner: Elena Teplitskaya
Occupation: Designer, decorator, fashion designer, artist, TV presenter.
Housewarming date: 2002
Repair time: 4 months. But the interior is constantly changing, new items appear.
Favorite place: A leather chair and a bureau where he works.
Favourite thing: The blanket, knitted by Russian craftswomen according to her sketch, is warm and cozy.
What would you like to change in the apartment: Size. We need to expand.

Elena, you are known as a designer who pays great attention to detail - both in clothing and in interiors. Is yours rich in them? own house?

There is, of course, a lot of decor in the house. Details play a very important role in the interior. They must be constantly updated, come and go, be interchangeable. For example, accessories can be winter and summer: blankets, curtains, decorative throws for pillows, for a chair.

With one easy move you can completely transform a room within ten minutes. There are also small, but very expressive details, for example, lamp pendants. Before the New Year and Christmas, I hang natural pine cones on the lamp, on the eve of Easter - small wooden multi-colored eggs, and in the summer they are replaced by pebbles or shells.

That is, your interior is constantly transforming?

Yes, yes, and something new is constantly appearing in it. A lot depends on your mood. If you want coolness, I take out turquoise and yellow-lemon dishes, place them on the shelf, after moving the items that were there.

If it is necessary to “warm” the interior, I plant textile bears there. Decorative elements must be periodically changed, rearranged, and put aside.

To the side - where is this? Are items stored in boxes waiting to be brought out again, or do you get rid of them?

No, I'm not getting rid of it. I love them. But if the guest “looks” for something, I’ll give it as a gift.

What else in your apartment was made with your own hands?

Small Viennese table. I restored it, changing it almost 100%: repainted it, covered it with wax, made glass table top, under which I placed a napkin made using the patchwork technique.

The chest of drawers was painted white and decorated with shells. And also a cabinet, formerly a dressing table, from which I tore the mirror. Silk lampshade over the table. I change it periodically: it always works new color Sveta.

Apparently you prefer antique furniture?

Not at all. I don't live in antiques, I just have infusions of antiques. For example, the kitchen has a lot of straight lines and shapes, a modern lacquer set. But there are also antique items: English spoons, a milk jug, a sugar bowl. These are not items of luxury or pride, but things that we use constantly.

I really love things with history. In England, where I visit all the time, I always visit antique markets. I constantly buy antique dresses, fabrics, small saucepans, watches. Everyone there already knows me. I was in Portugal and bought several antique textile items. There is a wonderful stool made in Spain and two tiny stools from China. This is love and passion!

Does buying clothes give you equally strong emotions?

Yes, if it's antique. Serial clothing is not at all interesting to me. I like things with history. I'm not afraid of their energy. If you ask for an item to be picked up, it means it’s yours. It could have been resold many times, forgotten, thrown away. But that did not happen.

Where do you usually buy furniture?

Some things were ordered from catalogs: kitchen, sofas, library and wardrobe cabinets. In general, I bring things from everywhere. I was very lucky at the “100% Design” exhibition. I like it Italian furniture. And the guys who represented her, apparently, really didn’t want to take her back.

Therefore, when asked if I could buy anything, I received the answer: “You can buy everything.” So now these beautiful leather chairs, an armchair where two can sit, and side tables live with me. I also bought a huge table there.

How do you evaluate the assortment of Moscow furniture and interior showrooms?

Very positive. I just returned from Verona (I was there furniture exhibition) and I can say that the factories represented there are also in Moscow. So many Italian manufacturers, now we need to “hunt” for France, for England. Although England is already getting used to it. If previously I could only see the best British brands in London, today they are also available on Russian market. France remains.

Do you immediately see where this or that object will stand or fall, or does it come later?

You immediately understand: this is your thing. This is love at first sight. Once in England I said a phrase that is now used by antiquarians who know me: “Come here, there is a thing that will ask you to take it into your hands.”

And they give me an object that is then very difficult to return to its place, a box of some kind. And only then she begins to “live” in the interior. If I buy silverware, it appears in the kitchen. If it’s an antique frame, there’s a use for it too.

You big house, into which all new acquisitions are “placed”?

No, not big. This is an apartment. I myself am surprised how everything fits there.

What is the fate of old things?

I take them to the workshop. And when they break, I throw them away. Often I try to “reanimate” things. If you are tired of an object, you need to turn it into something else.

What was the most interesting interior experiment in your memory?

Here's the question! One game situation I remember very well, it was an event in Shirvindt’s restaurant. Designers were asked to transform six toilet compartments (imaginary, but with real toilets) into interior art objects in front of the public. I really enjoyed the process! I had with me white salt, thin sticks 70 centimeters high and orange paint.

Having painted the walls in Orange color, I made a lot of holes in the cardboard wall, and then inserted sticks into them. It turned out to be a hedgehog. I did the same with the floor, then scattering a mountain of salt over it. Under wall hung toilet put a light bulb. The object turned out to be very interesting. All this brought me great joy.

I also remember how we transformed the interior for the New Year celebration: with the help masking tape attached thin gas strips to the ceiling white, about 170 centimeters long, but not reaching the floor.

It turned out to be a kind of rain. And then we turned on the fan. The result was a stunning New Year's interior. The rest is everyday interiors, beautiful, each with its own character. Therefore, it is difficult to say which of them was the most “tasty”. A “tasty” interior is one that allows me to work with color. Like at my house.

About what you bright man and love bright colors, probably everyone knows. What colors does your home meet? And in general, what are you especially proud of in your interior?

I'm proud that I was able to make each room different. And also unique, one-of-a-kind carpets. As for colors: bright color is a winner. I turn to it all the time because I want to get people active. And, of course, I used these colors at home. My bathroom is like this: pink-raspberry floor, green walls that shade of young apple that I love so much.

Living room: burgundy wall and blue surroundings. Beautiful combination. And unexpectedly pink curtains. A little funny, but goes well together. There is a lot of turquoise in the decor. In the hallway there is a green closet and a burgundy wall. The kitchen is all green and the walls are pink. There is a turquoise mosaic on the balcony.

Don't you think that bright colors can be annoying and that you can get tired of them?

No I do not think so. They just need to be used carefully. If everything is absorbed by the bright, then this is terrible, this is barbarism. Balance is necessary: ​​if there is a bright spot of color, then everything else should be pastel, pale. For example, if one wall in a room is purple-red, then everything else should be a pastel, gray-blue. If the wall is pink, the rest of the surroundings are pastel green.

Have you built some kind of coherent concept for the interior of your home and studio? What is the difference in approach?

When creating the interior of the house, I was guided by the needs of family members. If you like some place in the house, it for a long time will remain unchanged. An office is a constantly changing space. There could be a shoot, a party, a conference.

This is a multifunctional area. But it is necessary to take into account both the characters of people and relationships in the team. If team members treat each other well, tables can be placed opposite. If the relationship is tense, they should look in different directions. Otherwise there will be a constant conflict situation.

Are there typical problems Russian apartments? What did you have to struggle with?

The most common problem with old apartments is low ceilings. But this can be easily corrected with glossy stretch ceiling, which will reflect whatever is underneath it, doubling the space. Moreover, the ceiling does not have to be white. I really love colored ceilings, orange, green. This solution is perfect for the hallway: you don’t spend too much time there. They came, rejoiced and left.

Green, turquoise, pink or lemon yellow would be appropriate in the bathroom. The second problem is the bathrooms are too small. And one more nuisance - there are never windows in our bathrooms. This is very bad: the bathroom is the place where a person sees himself and the earth when he wakes up and goes to wash. And when he gets into a box with only walls and a mirror, he is left alone with himself, but not with life and nature. There is a feeling of loneliness. In Switzerland or England, bathrooms usually have windows.

Do you have a window in the bathroom at home?

No, and I really don't like it. But Russian legislation prohibits moving a “wet” point from one place to another. If I had done this, I would have simply been torn to pieces. I never break laws.

Does interior fashion exist?

Of course yes. Design and interior are very tightly connected with politics, with the historical situation, with rulers. Art Deco could not have appeared at any other time. And remember the time of Stalin - this is asceticism, straight forms, well-made, but clumsy furniture, like his French jacket. Architecture also influences the interior. Everything is interconnected.


Tips from Elena Teplitskaya

  1. Create multi-level lighting. Each person sitting under the lamp will receive their own zone. In addition, you can change the image of the interior.
  2. Don't be afraid of color. You can be an ascetic in everything, but make at least one wall bright. If you're scared, at least repaint the doors or window sill - and rejoice. If it’s really scary, buy bright fabrics and make capes. You can do without sewing. Just tie knots in the corners and pull it tight. Give it up bright pillows. Test the waters with your toe and feel what color means in your interior.
  3. Bring at least one thing from your travels. Just not a souvenir - that's nonsense. Buy an item that you want to see in ten years and that you can pass on to your children. Let it be a big thing. From Italy you can bring a Murano glass vase, from Spain - a leather chest, from France - a porcelain figurine. Bring something that will last forever.
  4. Collect antiques.

What is fashionable in the interior now?

I think I'll do it nice interior for myself. Modern man tired of showing off. He strives to satisfy his interests, the needs and interests of his family, to live “not for show.” Therefore, now the interiors are as comfortable as possible, although the areas for guests may be formal.

When I talk with a customer, first of all, I ask: what do you usually do in the evening, do you put together any collections, how do you work (at home or not), do you organize family dinners. Only after receiving this information do I begin to work.

I can and love to create interiors in different styles: English classics, french romance, Italian or Japanese style. I also love art deco. And my handwriting is natural materials, simple shapes, close to the Romanesque style. Nose bright colors. I never do monochromatic interiors.

As a rule, there are several colors, at least two. I pay a lot of attention to the texture of the walls: one wall can have silk wallpaper, others can be painted. And, of course, in my interiors there is always a lot decorative elements. I love colored glass, ethnic elements, but not banal. And, for example, Indian plates made of mango wood, wrought iron tables, Indonesian things made of twisted wood, large wicker baskets.

What did you save on while furnishing your home? Didn't you have to regret it?

The kitchen floor is partly tiled and partly wood. I regret that we didn’t install a heated floor on the tiled part. We just didn't think about it.

September 6, 2011

Colleagues of designer Elena Teplitskaya, clients, the press - everyone notes her incredible vision and sense of color. Perhaps among Russian designers there is no other daredevil who could so skillfully handle the loudest shades.

D: Tell me, how did you begin to feel color? Is it innate or did you come to it after long search?

: I didn’t know that I was somehow different from other people in the sensations of color for a very long time, until my teacher from Switzerland noticed this. It was he who said (rather harshly, by the way): “This feature (he spoke even louder!) has been given to you, and you must pass it on to people. If you don’t learn to do this and demonstrate lack of self-confidence, then you will be guilty before people and those who put it through you.” And then he worked with me as a philosopher, psychologist, Teacher, but not as an artist!

D: Does Elena Teplitskaya have a favorite color?

: Yes, two: turquoise and fuchsia.

D: What about the unloved one?

: No, there is no such thing.

D: Many people are wary of bright colors. Does it happen that your clients are against the proposed color? What arguments do you usually use to convince them?

: I talk about how this color is perceived and how it looks on a specific client.

D: If color as such did not exist in nature, what would you work with - form or texture?

: I'm interested in the form.

D: Elena, you are a professional in your field, projects under the Teplitskaya Design brand are booming everywhere. Please tell me, what is your education, where did you study?

: Thanks for the compliment! I studied at the Aviation Institute, graduate school in Stroganovka and in Switzerland at the Anthroposophical Center (Dornach), then England - learning while working.

D: Could you work without this education? After all, design is creativity, do you need to learn it?

: Good question! I really regret that I am not a graduate of the Moscow Architectural Institute (I envy with “white” envy and love and respect all MARCHIists in advance). I am sure that after studying at Saint Martin's school (note: London) people cannot be designers. But at the same time: I know for sure that there is also talent in this area - a “smart eye”! These are some designers from Italy, France and Russia.

D: Which world-famous designers are your authority? Why?

: I can name three of them. Firstly, this is Kelly Hoppen, an amazing lady who created a feminine style, bold, organic, almost colorless. But very textured! Secondly, this is Terence Copran, the founder of a dynasty of designers. Its design is very ergonomic, and the person is present in its interiors as a favorite hero. And thirdly, Vivienne Westwood, lady-girl! A player of forms, images, not divorced from life! Shocking plus maximum convenience in one bottle!

D: In your interviews, you often give rules for interior design, working with color and texture. Tell me, have all the rules been formulated a long time ago or modern designers continue to make discoveries in the field of room planning, combinations of colors and textures, etc.?

: No, there is no iron rule! Each designer bends all the rules in his own way. This is why the work of brave designers is so valuable. And it is courage in design that needs to be taught. I'm starting to write a book about this.

D: Tell me, how do you feel about the teachings of Feng Shui? Do you use these principles in your work?

: With caution and respect, there are smart and flexible Feng Shui specialists, and there are dogmatists with whom you work like a chainsaw (scary and destructive). I automatically take into account the basics of Feng Shui in any project.

D: Tell us about your own home. What style did you decorate it in?

: The style of my house is urban, but there are many ethnic elements in it: a Mexican-style stool upholstered in kilin, carpets from India, a lot of colored dishes, colored glass, but mainly convenience, color and functionality. An opportunity to retire, accommodate guests, and satisfy your passion for antiques. It fits easily into urbanism. Evening is a joy for me: I’m going home.

D: Your family members share your passion for bright color? Were they involved in interior design?

: Family members know that I have an eye for colors and are happy to embrace the new color influence. In addition, my courage is so powerful (forgive my indiscretion) that it is useless to fight it.

D: Tell me, what is most important for creating a cozy and harmonious interior?

: I will divide my answer into two parts. Firstly, it takes into account all the wishes of those living in the house. That is why it is necessary to ask clients for a long time about all the details of their existence, i.e. how they relax (in what position), what they collect, whether they receive guests, whether they keep animals and whether they talk a lot. This is why it is easy for a designer to create his own interior: he is intimately familiar with all of his own! Secondly, and most importantly: when a designer designs and decorates an interior, he must mentally “live in the interior.” Walk through the rooms, sit down at the table, meet in the hallway, go out and sit on the terrace to drink tea! Only in this “on” state is he able to make a cozy and harmonious interior.

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