Emilia is a Christian name. Emilia: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny

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Emilia is a very beautiful female name, which is now becoming increasingly common.

This name has left its mark on world literature, as evidenced by Shakespeare’s dramas “Othello” and Lessing’s “Emilia Galotti”. People of different nationalities find this name attractive and popular, due to this, the meaning of the name Emilia is of interest to many people.

Origin of the name

The meaning of the name Emilia and its origin are the subject of controversy and debate, which indicates its popularity. Some believe that another form of this name is Emily, but now more and more often these names are distinguished and used separately.

There is more than one version of what the name Emilia means and what its origin is:

  • According to one theory, the female name Emilia comes from the Latin word “aemulus,” which means “diligent, determined.”
  • Others agree that the name has Latin roots, but argue that the word “aemulus” means “rival.”
  • There is also a theory that the name Emilia came from Greece, where the word "aimylios" means "tender, soft."
  • There is a version that the name Emilia is of Tatar origin and means “sweet, pleasant, attractive.”

Name day - January 14th Orthodox calendar. On this day, the church honors the memory of Emilia of Caesarea, who became the mother of five saints. Catholic name days fall on May 23, June 24 and June 30.

Temperament and fate

The fate of a person with this name, as a rule, is not entirely simple. However, the girl has very a strong character, so she steadfastly overcomes all the obstacles and difficulties that life presents to her.

Since childhood, the girl named Emilia has been a very emotional and self-confident child.. The girl's character is restless; it is difficult to make her sit in one place. The child is demanding of himself and others. She has been independent since childhood, she is used to solving all issues on her own and does not like being taught or having outside opinions imposed on her.

At the same time, the child is smarter than his peers, he is more developed and always strives for new knowledge. The girl has an analytical mind; she usually excels in the exact sciences. As a rule, a student’s relationship with teachers does not work out due to her restlessness and quarrelsome disposition.

Since childhood, Emilia has been drawn to creativity. A girl can have completely different creative hobbies, in which she will certainly achieve success. The child is also very artistic and is not afraid of public speaking.

As she grows up, the girl's character remains the same. She is still demanding and self-confident. She has few friends, as she is extremely picky in choosing the people who are included in her social circle. However, Emilia is very attractive to those around her for her strong character and sincerity. More often, fate brings her together with male friends.

Emilia is an interested person who develops comprehensively. She is interested in the fields of art, politics, and history. There will never be a dull moment in a conversation with such a person, as she is able to support any topic.

Since Emilia has an analytical mind, she usually chooses a profession where these skills will be in demand. But sometimes a girl’s choice of career can greatly surprise her loved ones.

The desire to be different from everyone else may push her to a rare profession, such as a stuntman or trainer. But in any case, Emilia always achieves success in her work, and she does it on her own, since she does not tolerate lies and sycophancy in relationships, including in work relationships.

When choosing a partner, she is also very demanding and is not committed to casual relationships. But despite this, Emilia is a sympathetic person with a big heart. In relation to the one she loves, she becomes sensitive and responsive.

The girl is in no hurry to get married; most often she gets married after 25 years. In marriage, she is a true keeper of the hearth, an excellent housewife and an excellent mother. Respect, warmth, love and friendly support will reign in the family.

The maximum compatibility of a girl with this name can be with partners whose names are Alexey, Vadim, Vladimir, Gennady, Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Stepan, Timofey.

In general, fate is favorable to Emilia. After all, such a strong character helps to cope with any obstacles, and thanks to the selectivity of this person, only loyal and reliable people will always be next to her. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

The female name Emilia has Latin roots, but, according to different versions, means either “passionate”, “impatient”, or “rival”. It is found in the world in various sounds, for example, Emily, Emilia. In Russia, the name Emilia is not very popular, but it occurs from time to time.

Characteristics of the name Emilia

Emilia's character can be called not very balanced. This is a somewhat conflicted woman, intolerant and demanding of people, capable of starting her life from scratch. She is distinguished by great self-confidence, which is why Emilia can constantly go against what does not suit her outlook on life. Such stubbornness has been observed in the owner of this name since childhood. As a rule, this is a girl who is quite calm in appearance, has great internal energy and is developed beyond her years. She studies well, but does not like it when adults demonstrate their superiority, do not explain, but impose their opinions. It will be quite difficult for parents to raise Emilia, since she is difficult to educate, she herself draws knowledge about the world and forms her own concepts of right and wrong. Adult Emilia is an internally tense woman. She always seems to be in the mood for a fight, and therefore she reeks of some kind of problematic nature. Life is indeed often inhospitable to the owner of this name, but she endures adversity steadfastly, managing to maintain an affable, albeit slightly demanding, disposition. Emilia loves to be busy, so she is constantly on the move. She's pretty a kind person, people like him and knows how to present himself. She has many friends who love Emilia because she is an interesting conversationalist and a strong personality.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Emilia is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. This sign is similar to Emilia in its straightforwardness, love of an active and extreme life, and the ability to get out of any situation. life situations, fearlessness in making decisions and defending one’s own interests. Scorpio will complement these character traits of Emilia with loyalty in matters of family and friendship, decency and integrity, which will make the character of the owner of this name complex, but morally correct.

Pros and cons of the name Emilia

What are the pros and cons of the name Emilia? Its rarity, tenderness and beauty speak positively about it, as well as the good sound of this name in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics. In addition, you can choose many cute abbreviations and diminutive options for the name Emilia, for example, Amy, Milya, Elya, Mila, Mimi, Liya, Milika. But the complex nature of most Emilias can slightly negatively affect the perception of this name as a whole.


Emilia’s health is not bad, but she should take care of her digestive tract throughout her life, monitor her diet, and also prevent excess weight, which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system in old age.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Emilia is rarely truly happy. Perhaps the matter is in the excessive demands of the owner of this name towards her chosen one, therefore for life together A man who is strong, smart, stately, and self-confident will suit her. Emilia will make it good hostess and a caring mother.

Professional area

IN professional field She is best suited to medicine and work that requires analysis. She can also become a police officer, an employee of the tax service, a bank, a diplomatic mission, customs, or a political party.

Name day

Emilia can celebrate her name day on January 14, June 17, August 24, September 23 - on the days dedicated to the memory of Saint Emilia.

Full name: Emilia

Similar names: Emily, Emilin, Emilie, Emilia, Omelyana, Emiliana, Emiliena

Church name: Emilia

Meaning: feminine form of Aemilius, derived from the Roman generic name Aemilius (from the Latin "aemulus") - "rival"
translated from Latin - “diligent”, “strong”, “strong”
option Greek name Emilios, coming from “aimylios” - “affectionate”, “flattering”

The meaning of the name Emilia - interpretation

There are several versions explaining the origin female name Emilia. It comes from the Latin word “aemulus,” which literally means “rival, diligent.” According to another theory, the name came from Greek language, where it means “soft, tender”. Some argue that it Tatar origin and translates as “sweet”, “pleasant”, “attractive”.

Name Emilia in other languages

Astrology of the name Emilia

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

A baby with this name is emotional and self-confident early childhood. She is demanding of herself and others. He has an analytical mind and a penchant for exact sciences. She studies well, but her quarrelsome disposition and restlessness get in the way good relationship with teachers. Outwardly, the girl is calm, but easily loses her composure. Does not tolerate edifying tone and attempts to impose other people's opinions on her.

The cheerful and restless mischief-maker is inexhaustible in her inventions and develops beyond her years. Ambition pushes her to leadership in studies and in public life. She sings and dances well, draws, writes poetry, and performs on stage. But little Amy is melancholic, she lacks cheerfulness and a positive attitude.

Emilia has been extremely unbalanced since early childhood nervous system. She endures the slightest punishment incredibly painfully, especially if she is punished completely undeservedly, and, of course, she remembers this for almost the rest of her life. She absolutely loves the company of adults, and her games are usually very calm. Emilia also loves to listen to all sorts of jokes or funny stories, and she herself can often come up with them and tell everyone, and it should be noted that for this she has quite enough imagination or some kind of imagination.

The girl's charm and external attractiveness make boys go crazy even at the age of school years. Emilia has a demanding character, but is kind and sympathetic. She cares little about what is happening around her, she is focused on herself. Amy is never bored; she constantly generates ideas and strives for their successful implementation. She has many friends, but most of them are boys, as she does not like to share secrets.

Restraint makes her trust her mind more than her emotions. She has some skepticism, but her critical mind, sense of humor, and generosity protect her from pettiness. She knows how to manage people without ruining relationships with them. It must be said that she always has a lot of friends, but in relation to women, Emilia, as a rule, is more demanding and demanding than, say, in relation to men. And often her friends are those who themselves want to be among them, but becoming her close friend is not at all easy. Men, as a rule, have quite a lot of concessions from Emilia, probably since for her they are just adult children.

The adult owner of the name behaves confidently and demandingly, although she is kind and responsive. Those around her appreciate her sincerity and strong will. She is jealous, suspects a rival in any woman, judging by herself. She feels internal tension and readiness to fight. Emilia is a hospitable and hospitable hostess and an excellent cook. This is an independent, wayward personality with a complex and contradictory character.

She makes too many demands on her interlocutor, but knows how to be flexible when she needs it. Emilia doesn’t care what others think of her; she only cares about her own moral values. It should be noted that winter Emilia is the most energetic and strong. But her most basic energy is not directed at household chores at all, so even at the institute she can begin to actively engage in some kind of scientific activity.

Emilia's character

The owner of the name has a highly developed sense of duty, is honest, faithful and kind. She is adorned by modesty, she can perfectly keep other people's secrets, but she does not trust personal secrets to anyone. Despite his outward dispassion and restraint, he is a reliable and responsive person.

She is talented, cheerful, active - a true optimist, striving for change and believing in the best. Able to quickly absorb knowledge and easily adapt to new living conditions. Friends respect and love her strong personality and an interesting conversationalist.

The character of the heroine cannot be called balanced. She is confrontational, intolerant, and demanding of people. She does not take the reality around her seriously, lives for today and never plans anything. This prevents her from developing deeply and achieving great success.

Excessive pride and pride, arrogance prevents you from getting along with people. Those around her avoid and fear her, feeling her difficult character and fortitude. She herself does not strive for communication, although she loves to be in sight.

Emilia's fate

She has a difficult fate, but her strong character allows her to steadfastly overcome difficulties. A woman will not follow the lead of those around her and will not obey other people’s rules; she will try to establish her own rules. Emilia is an individualist and is not attracted to working in a team. But if, by the will of fate, she ends up in a team, she becomes a leader in it and can take the position of manager.

Such people are successful in sports, science, and art. Life is not always kind to Emilia, but she copes with difficulties by remaining friendly and kind. Strong will, perseverance, foresight and ambition help her endure adversity and live a rich and vibrant life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Women named Emilia are good speakers and easily attract the audience. Among them there are teachers, designers, doctors, healers, and psychics. They have an analytical mind and highly developed intuition.

The desire to stand out forces them to choose a rare profession, sometimes associated with risk. Business abilities help them become professionals in their field, but their difficult character prevents them from moving forward. career ladder. By subduing her pride, Emilia will be able to achieve a lot.

Marriage and family

Young Amy is a little prone to loneliness, but this does not stop her from getting married and starting a family. But not every young man can become her companion. She needs a calm and phlegmatic husband, who feels all the features of her subtle nature. He will provide her with privacy and will smooth out scandals.

The heroine is in no hurry to get married, often entering into it closer to 30 years old. She makes a wonderful wife, a wonderful housewife and a wonderful mother. Emilia devotes all her time to the home, but her excessive demands bring trouble to her family. family relationships. She strives for coziness and comfort, she has style and design abilities. If she manages to find a strong, smart and self-confident man, she will be happy in her family life.

Sex and love

Intimate relationships for a girl have great importance. She will not save the marriage if she does not receive complete satisfaction. Honest and decent in relationships with the opposite sex. She is picky in her choice, a random person will never turn out to be her partner.

Having chosen a man herself, she will definitely achieve him. But seducing her and dragging her into bed is not easy; she does not give in to the surging feelings. A woman loves with all her heart, showing sensitivity and responsiveness.


The woman's health has been good since childhood. Problems may arise with digestion. She needs to monitor her diet, take care of her digestive tract and prevent excess weight. Otherwise, in adulthood, deterioration in well-being and complications in the cardiovascular system cannot be avoided. Emilia should focus more on prevention than treatment.

The health of girls named Emilia is usually quite good. Weak point they most often have digestive system. Against the backdrop of digestive problems, Emilia may develop excess weight, which in turn also does not lead to improved well-being.

Interests and hobbies

A girl will not choose a banal activity as a hobby; she needs something rare and unusual. She might try growing cacti, jumping off bridges, or collecting bugs. Her hobby becomes her outlet, a temporary escape from real life.

She loves bright colors, the prose of life pushes her to search for an opportunity to escape from the everyday monotony. Being a creative person, he can choose almost any direction. The main thing is that it brings satisfaction. A woman named Emilia has few friends and finds it difficult to get along with people. Willful, selfish, suffers from high self-esteem. Due to narcissism, she forgets about her friends and thinks only about how good she is. But she is very responsive to requests, ready to help even in cases when others are powerless.

Short form of the name Emily. Emmy, Milya, Miila, Miili, Meli, Milla, Mimmi.
Synonyms for the name Emily. Emilia, Emma, ​​Aimil, Eimil, Emilie.
Origin of the name Emily. Emily's name is Catholic.

The name Emily has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name is derived from the Latin “aemulus”, meaning “rival, worthy opponent.”

According to the second version, the name Emily is a form of the name Emilia, which has different versions of origin. Emily and Emilia are interchangeable and mutually used names, but in modern times each of these names has become independent and is used independently of each other.

The name Emily has related names: Amalia, Emma, ​​Irma. The name Emily can also be used as an affectionate title for the owner of the name Emma. The name Emily corresponds to the paired male name Emil.

Name days for the name Emily, see the corresponding full name Emma or Emilia.

Description of the meaning of the name Emily - see the names Emilia and Emma.

Emily's birthday

Emily doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Emily

  • Emily Brontë ((1818 - 1848) English writer)
  • Emilie du Chatelet (French aristocrat, physicist and mathematician, friend of Voltaire)
  • Emily Olivia Leah Blunt ((born 1983) British actress, winner of the 2006 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in the television film Gideon's Daughter, 2007 nominee for the Golden Globe Award and BAFTA Award for the film The Devil wears Prada." The actress first became famous in the film "My Summer of Love.")
  • Emily Di Donato (American fashion model)
  • Emily Rute ((1844 - 1924) nee Seida Salme; a Zanzibar princess who married a German merchant and converted to Protestantism. She gained fame as the author of the memoirs “Memoirs of an Arab Princess from Zanzibar” - the first known autobiography of an Arab woman.)
  • Emilie de Ravin (Australian actress, known for her roles as Tess Harding in the TV series Alien City and Claire Littleton in Lost)
  • Emily Mortimer (English actress, known for the films "Scream 3", "Match Point" and "The Pink Panther")
  • Emily Booth (English actress and television presenter. Stage name Emily "Bouff" Bouffante. She primarily appears in horror films. She also launched a television show dedicated to horror films.)
  • Emily Bergl (American film and television actress. She began her career with a leading role in the high-budget film Carrie 2: The Fury in 1999, for which she was nominated for a Saturn Award. She is known for her roles in the television series Taken ", "Men in Trees", "Southland" and "Desperate Housewives", where she is currently starring.)
  • Emily Green Bolch ((1867 - 1961) American economist, pacifist, laureate Nobel Prize world for 1946)
  • Emily Elizabeth Dickinson ((1830 - 1886) American poet. During her lifetime she published less than ten poems (most sources give numbers from seven to ten) out of one thousand eight hundred written by her. Even what was published underwent serious editorial revision to bring the poems in accordance with the poetic norms of the time. Dickinson's poems have no parallel in contemporary poetry. Their lines are short, titles are usually absent, and there is often unusual punctuation and capitalization. Many of her poems contain the motif of death and immortality, these themes permeate her letters to friends.The first collection of Dickinson's poetry was published in 1890 and was heavily edited, and a complete and largely unedited edition was published by Thomas Johnson in 1955. Although the publications received unfavorable critical reviews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, present time
  • Emily Dickinson is considered by critics to be one of the greatest American poets.)
  • Emily Young (English director and screenwriter; in 2009 her film “Veronica Decides to Die” was released - an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho with Sarah Michelle Gellar in the title role)
  • Emily Jane Browning (Australian actress)
  • Emily Samuelson (American figure skater performing in ice dancing. Paired with Evan Batesomona, she is the 2008 world junior champion, bronze medalist at the Four Continents Championships and multiple medalist at the US championships.)
  • Emily Ayres Robins (New Zealand actress and singer, best known for her role as Alex Wilson in The Princess and the Elephant)
  • Emily Heymans (Canadian diver, three-time medalist Olympic Games, world champion)
  • Emily Yasser (contemporary Palestinian artist)
  • Emily Erin Deschanel (American film actress, producer, best known for her starring role in the television series Bones)
  • Emily Irene VanCamp (Canadian actress. She is best known for her role as Amy Abbott in the TV series Everwood, which ran from 2002 to 2006, and for her role as Rebecca Harper in the TV series Brothers & Sisters, released in 2007. She is currently starring role in the series "Revenge".)
  • Emily Jane Brontë ((1818 - 1848) English poet, author of the novel Wuthering Heights)
  • Emily Barclay (English actress, starring primarily in films produced in Australia and New Zealand)
  • Emily Jean Perkins (Canadian actress)
  • Emilie Simon (French singer, composer and songwriter in the electro-pop genre)
  • Emily Watson (English stage and film actress)
  • Emily Tennessee Donelson ((1807 - 1836) niece of US President Andrew Jackson and unofficial First Lady of the United States from 1829 to 1836)
  • Emily Mallory Procter (American actress, best known for playing the role of Caylee Duquesne in the TV series CSI: Miami)

Friendly, but always with cunning, with a little secret in her eyes. One of those who “keeps their own minds” Very picky about men. Intelligent. Self-critical. A lively mind helps her not to get lost in extreme situations. Excellent imagination, taste, developed harmonic perception color range allow her to work as a decorator, designer, fashion designer, manager in the world of beautiful things, etc.

A born individualist is categorically unsuited to working in a team, but she is not at all embarrassed by professions that require personal responsibility. The ideal solution could become medical specialty, especially in the field of healing. These women are very eloquent and know how to command an audience. When making decisions, they are often guided by excellent intuition, developed on the verge of extrasensory perception. They feel very comfortable in a library or design studio.

She is happy in her marriage: she is sexy, really affectionate, although sometimes overly impulsive, somewhat hot-tempered. However, she quickly “puts out” the fire inside herself, calms down and smiles. The meaning of the name Emilia suggests that perfect couple for her there would be a phlegmatic husband. People of this particular character type understand and respect their partner’s temporary need for privacy without further ado; they also do not like quarrels and value mutual trust.

Fate: The name Emily means a predisposition towards the life of an ascetic.

Angel Emilia Day

There are several versions of origin for this name. According to one of them, the meaning of the name Emilia is “diligent”, “strong”, “strong”. According to the second version, the name Emilia means “rival, rival” - this was exactly the Roman family name that existed many centuries ago. The third version says that Emilia is a female version male name Emilios. According to another version, the name Emilia is one of the forms of the female name Emily, which has different versions of its origin. Emily and Emilia are interchangeable and mutually used names, but in modern times each of these names has become independent and is used independently of each other. The name Emma in Japanese Buddhism is the name of the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, who determines the degree of sins of the dead and the extent of punishment. The name Emilia is listed in Orthodox calendar. Venerable Emilia of Caesarea celebrates her name day on January 14th.


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