Facade putty for exterior. Putty for facades: application features

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Facade putty is a construction mixture designed to give the outer surface of a building - the facade - the ideal smoothness necessary for high-quality application of decorative finishing.

This material is often called somewhat differently - putty, but both terms mean the same concept. They come from the German word Spachtel, which is translated into Russian as “spatula”.

Putty for exterior work is used almost everywhere, since it is impossible to lay the walls of a building perfectly smooth.

In addition to leveling the surface of the walls, the task of façade putties is to protect them from external influences. You can buy this material as follows: finished form(paste mixture) and in the form of a dry powder. In the latter case, you have to do the preparation of the putty yourself.

Classification of putties by purpose

All types of facade putties belong to finely dispersed materials, but depending on the purpose they can consist of fractions of various sizes.

In addition, ready-made solutions intended for various tasks may differ in consistency. Based on this criterion, all mixtures for facade work are divided into several groups:

  1. Starting (base or leveling) putty.
  2. Finishing putty. The finishing façade putty is a mixture with a finer grain than the starting putty. Besides ready solution should have a more liquid consistency. Finishing putties are used to final level the walls, giving them a perfectly smooth and even surface, which is extremely important for the subsequent decorative finishing of the facade of the house. The mixture is applied thin layer, not exceeding 4 mm in thickness. In terms of strength, façade putty for finishing works inferior to the starting one, but it is polished very well and is more pliable.
  3. Universal putty. This finishing material combines the advantages of the 2 varieties described above, but it is not used for façade putty.
  4. Decorative putty. Creating textured decorative elements or stucco with outside building is carried out using this type of façade putty.
  5. Wood putty. Used to provide smoothness and protection from climatic influences. wooden walls or walls with wood paneling.

The technical characteristics of facade putties are determined by the intensity of atmospheric influences on the external surfaces of the house.

They must have vapor permeability, moisture resistance, frost resistance, and elasticity (elastic putty tolerates shrinkage of walls and changes in their size due to temperature changes).

Paint, tiles, enamel, mosaics, etc. can be applied to a façade leveled with putty.

Types of putty based on the base

Since all types of facade putties are assigned the functions of a protective barrier, they must have sufficient reliable basis. For this purpose, cement or polymer components are used. Let's take a closer look at both options:

Cement-based putties

Facade cement putty is characterized by high stability to exposure to moisture and low temperatures.

In addition, it has good strength, so it almost never cracks when dried. For the production of cement-based starting putty mixtures, quartz sand, crushed to 0.5-0.6 mm, is used. The composition of the finishing facade putty may include the following components:

  • limestone flour with granule sizes up to 0.2 mm;
  • ground quartz sand (marshallite);
  • marble dust (microcalcite).

To improve the technical characteristics of this finishing material, its composition is enriched with chemical additives. Cement putty for facade surfaces can have a beige, yellowish or gray tint.

White cement putty is currently not produced because expensive bleaches must be used for its production.

Before purchasing cement-based putty, craftsmen recommend paying attention to the following aspects:

  • brand of cement;
  • compressive strength;
  • level of adhesion with the material that will be finished.

Polymer-based putties

Polymer binders serve as the basis for a whole range of façade putties. All of them can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. Acrylic putties. All brands of acrylic putties are made on the basis of acrylate-siloxane mixtures. They are excellent for both basic and finishing finishing of external surfaces of buildings and structures. Mixtures on acrylic base They do not need to be diluted with water; they are easy to apply and easy to process. After laying, the material is leveled to a thin layer approximately 2 mm thick.
  2. Latex putties. This type of polymer putty is not used for finishing facades.

All putties for exterior use that have a polymer base have a number of advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • plastic;
  • fast setting;
  • no shrinkage;
  • no smell.

There are also special mixtures used, for example, for finishing polyurethane.

Preparation of the solution

Modern manufacturers of building materials practice 2 forms of supply of putties for all types of work: in the form of a ready-made mixture and dry powder.

In the first case, the material is supplied in hermetically sealed plastic buckets, in the 2nd - in paper or plastic bags of various volumes.

Before finishing work, it is necessary to prepare a solution from powdered putty.

The preparation process is quite simple: the dry mixture is diluted with water (the consumption of water and powder must correspond to the recipe given on the package), then thoroughly mixed using a drill with a special attachment to a creamy consistency and allowed to brew for several minutes.

The volume of one portion of the mixture should not be too large, since most brands of facade putties retain their working qualities for only three hours.

In order to determine the optimal amount of the solution to be prepared, the master should start working with a small portion, determining his own hourly productivity over the area and the consumption of putty per 1 m2 of the surface being treated.

Finishing work

It is recommended to begin finishing work on the facade of the building after the foundation has settled. On average, this process lasts about a year. Wall finishing requires effort and diligence; you should be prepared for the fact that for satisfactory quality you will need at least 2 layers of base mortar.

Even the most experienced and qualified craftsman will not be able to get by with just 1 layer. Optimal temperature air for performing external finishing work - 5-20 ° C, the maximum permissible relative air humidity is 80%.

Operations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. The wall surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, remnants of old finishing and oil stains. If there are areas with cracked plaster coating, this must also be removed.
  2. Primer is applied to the cleaned wall deep penetration, it must be completely dry before starting the next operation.
  3. On the surface to be treated, individual defects are repaired with starting putty: depressions, cracks, dents. After this, the material is allowed to dry.
  4. A portion of putty is applied to a section of the wall and then leveled. The best tools to use are a construction float and 2 metal spatulas. It is important to note that facade putty should be used in pure form, you cannot mix it with paint, glue or other dry mixtures.
  5. After drying, the first layer of putty is primed in order to improve the adhesion of subsequent layers to it.
  6. The starting putty is applied in layers until the surface of the facade is completely leveled. Limit thickness separate layers- 4 mm. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. The average consumption of starting putty per 1 m2 is 11-15 liters.
  7. At the final stage, a finishing layer is laid on top of the base putty and leveled, which should be sanded after drying. The approximate consumption of finishing putty per 1 m2 is 4 liters.

Putty should not be applied to heated surfaces. During finishing work, it should not be exposed to direct Sun rays, rain or splashes.

In order to protect the freshly applied mortar from atmospheric moisture, the finished façade surface is covered plastic film until completely dry.

Popular manufacturers

Knauf (Germany)

Knauf putties for exterior work are a high-quality building material used for both finishing new and restoring old façade surfaces.

Moisture-resistant mixtures Knauf-unterputts, Knauf-zokelputts and Knauf-grunband are very popular. Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mixture is 300 g.

Drying time:

  • at a temperature of 20°C - 3 days;
  • at a temperature of 10°C - 1 day.

Freshly prepared solution should be used within 3 hours.

Color: grey.

All putties of this brand are frost-resistant.

The price of a standard volume package is 300-350 rubles.

Vetonit (Finland)

Polymer putties for exterior work of this brand have proven themselves well, and therefore are in fairly high demand in the domestic construction market.

Mixtures for rough work consist of granules up to 0.3 mm in size, decorative white putty - from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Solutions are very easy to prepare.

They do not lose their working qualities for a long time, which allows the master to perform the work carefully and without unnecessary haste. The polymer filler ensures minimal consumption of finishing material even with a large number of defects on the treated surface.

For climatic conditions with a high content of atmospheric moisture, the manufacturer recommends using acrylic putty. This material is characterized by good adhesion not only to concrete, but also to wooden bases.

White acrylic putty It has elasticity combined with good strength, and is very convenient for sealing large defects, seams and joints.

Among the advantages of the material are high wear resistance and lack of odor. Thanks to polymer based When using Vetonit putties it is very easy to achieve an even distribution of the layer.

The price of a package weighing 5 kg is 250-270 rubles.


One of those brands that needs no introduction. The Ceresit company supplies the domestic construction market with a wide range of products, including many brands of putty for all types of work.

The approximate price of a 25 kg package is 700-750 rubles.


A very popular brand of putty in our country, the attractive side of which is good combination good quality and affordable price.

Great for people with insufficient experience who want to learn how to decorate facades with their own hands. Putty of the “Starateli” brand can be used both for its intended purpose and as a budget alternative to facade paint (paint of any color can be added to the ready-made solution, which has a beige tint).

At the same time, painting a facade with a composition based on this putty is 10 times cheaper than the same operation using the most inexpensive facade paint.

The approximate price of a standard package is in the range of 200-300 rubles.

In addition to those listed, the following brands can be noted:

  • “Bolars” (the price of a standard size package is 300-350 rubles);
  • “Volma” (purchase of a 25-kilogram bag will cost 400 rubles);
  • “Glims” (the average price of a package weighing 20 kg is 400 rubles).

Now you can easily choose a putty, depending on the purpose and conditions of the repair.

To decorate the walls of the house, the most different coatings imitating stone and wood, plastic, metal sheets. But at the same time, starting and finishing facade putty is necessary to use any of these coatings.

Types and their features

Putty is a powder or liquid (diluted) building material that performs the function of leveling the surface and giving it aesthetic beauty. It is mainly used to eliminate unevenness and small cracks on the wall.

Photo - façade grouting

The material is classified according to type of use (there are mixtures for interior and exterior use), composition and consistency. Let's look at each type.

Powdered façade putties are perfect for any conditions of use, since it is possible to knead the mixture to the desired consistency. This may be necessary when working on complex objects with various problems(wall cracks, uneven surfaces or porous surfaces). They tolerate transportation and storage well in any conditions (except high humidity). Sales are made in markets, in special stores and online portals. But such compositions have some disadvantages. Firstly, it is not always convenient to prepare the mixture yourself, and secondly, the storage time of ready-made putty is limited.

Photo - dry putty

Therefore, despite more high cost, now they use façade more often putty in liquid form, which is immediately ready for use. It is sold in bottles or canisters and has a fairly long shelf life. The advantages include saving time on preparatory processes and ease of use. This leveling mixture is made from synthetic materials, which are combined with natural ones in certain proportions. Latex is used as preservatives.

The use of putties also varies. Depending on the properties of the coating, it can be used outdoors or only for interior work. There is also a base and finishing putty. Their difference lies in the size of the grains and the principle of application. Basic putty applied directly to the prepared wall of the house for further covering with plaster or other building materials. Finish It is also used for final work. Most often, the facade is treated with it before painting. Now there is a combined universal medium-grain putty that can be used both for finishing work and in the initial stages of construction.

Photo - Knauf

Types of compounds

Based on their composition, materials are divided into:

  1. Acrylic;
  2. Acrylate;
  3. Cement;
  4. Plaster;
  5. Polymer.

Acrylic facade decorative putty(Acrofiller, Poots, Eunice) is very famous due to its characteristics. It is produced immediately in finished form, the liquid has an average viscosity, which greatly simplifies the process of applying the mixture to the wall. It can be used when working on wood, stone, brick and any other surfaces. This putty is latex and moisture resistant.

Latex or acrylate mixture(Alfil, Forward) is known for its improved moisture-resistant characteristics. If frost-resistant acrylic can be used in any conditions, then acrylate is suitable exclusively for application to external walls or ceilings.

Photo - acrylic facade putty with cellulose

Application gypsum putty possible in almost any conditions, but you need to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer. The properties of the material depend on certain polymer additives. For example, a mixture of gypsum and expanded polystyrene is perfect for cold regions, and a ready-made mixture with latex is perfect for areas with high humidity.

Facade non-shrinkable gypsum mixture(Bolars, Ceresit - Ceresit) also comes ready-made or in powder, depending on needs and capabilities (liquid is more expensive). But gypsum has a significant drawback - it cannot be used in very humid areas, otherwise it will become moldy. To solve these problems, manufacturers combine natural minerals with synthetic additives.

Photo - façade Bilfa

Advantages of gypsum mixtures:

  1. Excellent technical characteristics;
  2. Availability;
  3. The plastic mixture perfectly seals cracks and cracks.

Facade cement putty (Anker, Perfekta, Glims, Bergauf) is used in conditions high humidity, she has best combination price quality. It is very convenient to work on concrete or if you need to repair deep cracks. The main advantage of this composition is that it does not allow moisture to pass into the façade, which has a positive effect on the durability of the building. In most cases, this mixture is produced and sold dry, but it must be stored in dry conditions. Cement putties come in several types:

  1. Starters;
  2. Finishers;
  3. Universal.

Rough starting must be characterized by high ductility and strength, therefore the composition often includes various mineral impurities (particles of lime or marble dust). Compositions with crumbs have a strict grain size limit - up to 0.5 mm. The finish consists of cement, microcalcite and other materials that help ensure maximum evenness of the layer. The disadvantages include high consumption, which is explained by the high absorption of water during preparation of the composition.

Photo - cement Bergauf

Polymer superplastic facade putty (Knauf, Ivsil, Weber-Vetonit) is the most modern version this coating. It is used in most cases only on internal works, but if you need to prepare the dock for painting, then its use is necessary. Composition characteristics:

  1. Resistance to external aggressive influences;
  2. Smoothness (complete absence of graininess);
  3. Strength;
  4. Plastic.

Elastic putty is produced immediately in liquid form with the addition of expanded polystyrene (for example, the Collection brand). Can be used to prepare foam or foam blocks for coating with paint. Often after this, structural decorative bark beetle or roller plaster is applied.

Photo - facade plastic putty

Video: terracoat facade plaster bark beetle

Instructions for use

The final result of the work depends on what type of façade starting or finishing putty is chosen, so it is very important to read the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Photo - use

Instructions for use materials and advice from the master:

  1. The work can easily be done with your own hands, but you need to prepare the wall in advance and necessary tools. To apply any putty (facade, interior), you need prospectors or spatulas. They need to be selected based on your needs, they come in different widths and shapes;
  2. The moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and relief mixture can be applied to the facade only at above-zero temperatures. Any other use will destroy the structure and it will become cracked due to loss of moisture. Some types of coating can be used for sub-zero temperatures(Rusean, Kreps, VTG) is a winter putty;
  3. Before starting repairs, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the walls. They are cleaned with brushes with metal bristles and coated with several layers of primer;
  4. Application technology depends on the type of material. The easiest way is beacon coverage. Here you need to apply several strips to the wall, the thickness of which will indicate the maximum thickness of the coating, and apply further material along them;
  5. Always carefully read the description from the mixture manufacturer. The instructions indicate not only the composition, but also possible tricks when working with a certain product;
  6. If after using the mixture you plan to paint the building, then you need to choose a white composition. Gray putty will tint the wall, and the paint will not be as bright.

Before you buy façade putty, you must check the quality certificate. The cost of the material depends on the manufacturer and city of purchase. For example, a cement mixture can cost up to 500 rubles in Voronezh, and up to 700 in Moscow.

Puttying walls is an integral stage of both internal and external finishing work, because it is this process that allows you to level the surface as efficiently as possible and prepare the base of the walls of the house for finishing. Unlike putty intended for indoor repairs, more serious requirements are put forward for the exterior of this material, since high and low temperatures, humidity and, of course, frost, characteristic of our climate zone, directly affect the walls of the building. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the consideration of the features of putty for external work and the technology of its application.

Purpose of putty for exterior use

Putty - This is a special mixture with which various types of defects are eliminated, seams, chips, small and more significant cracks and roughness in order to create the most even surface of a wall built using materials such as brick, concrete, foam concrete, gypsum, stone and any others.

As a rule, putty for exterior use includes components such as cement, special mineral and modifying additives, as well as plasticizers. So, exactly these ingredients give the necessary properties to a material intended for outdoor use. To the undeniable benefits putties can be classified as:

  • environmentally friendly material and safety for human health;
  • durability to various weather conditions in the form of high and low temperatures, their sudden changes, as well as precipitation;
  • absence of unpleasant and uncomfortable odors;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays and surface fading;
  • enough high plasticity rates;
  • The vapor permeability characteristic of the material allows the walls of the house to breathe;
  • possibility of subsequent painting or purchasing ready-made color finishing mixtures.

Putty for external work is usually divided into two categories, namely starting and finishing. The first consists of coarse-grained components and is intended for rough surface finishing. Due to the fact that the cost of this material is much less than finishing putty, it is recommended to level the walls as accurately as possible using it. In addition, higher adhesion rates contribute to better adhesion to materials such as brick, concrete, limestone, etc.

Finishing putty, having fine-grained structure, is used for final surface treatment and elimination of small irregularities that were not hidden by the starting layer. It has higher strength indicators and, if necessary, a wide range of colors. On the construction market, putty is presented both in dry form and in ready-made form, which does not require prior dilution with water.

Types of putty for exterior use, their advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the production technology and the components of the mixture, there are the following types of facade putty:

Preparatory work before puttingtying external walls

First of all, you need to choose the right day with favorable weather conditions. The best option for working with this material is considered air temperature condition within 5−25° C and humidity not higher than 70−80%. The wet layer of putty applied to the wall should not come into contact with direct sunlight, a humid environment, or low temperatures.

Tools And materials You won’t need too much, but still the list of preliminary targeted purchases should consist of the following items:

  • capacity in which the solution will be mixed;
  • for convenience, you can use drill with mixer attachment for mixing the solution;
  • respirator and mask necessary in the process of grinding the surface of some types of putty;
  • roller or brush for applying the primer mixture;
  • metal spatulas, the width of which, as a rule, ranges from 450 to 600 mm;
  • grater or diamond mesh for grinding the surface;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • starting and finishing putty.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the surface from various contaminants, poorly adhering layers of old finishing, as well as removing greasy stains, possible traces of fungus and other types of dirt.

Features of the process of filling external walls

Applying putty to the wall is not particularly difficult, but at the same time it is quite fine work, the approach to which should be based on patience, accuracy and attentiveness. After all the above-mentioned preparatory work has been carried out, you can begin the process of filling the walls, which is divided into the following steps:

This completes the filling of the external walls of the house. The most important rules that must be followed include, firstly, the complete drying of each layer of putty, and secondly, maintaining proportions when mixing the solution. Everything else depends on your desire, skills and financial capabilities.

Video of wall putty

Most residential and public buildings under construction are finished with a plaster mixture called “wet”. Facade putty is a weather-resistant putty for exterior use. Used for final leveling of walls before applying decorative coating. It is distinguished by its special strength, moisture resistance, and frost resistance. In this article we will tell you what façade putty should be, how to apply it correctly and choose it.

As mentioned above, facade putties must have certain qualities, namely high frost resistance. A high-quality putty should contain the following components:

  • Gypsum or cement.
  • Plasticizer.
  • Modifying additives.
  • Mineral fillers.

Very often, when finishing the facade, putty with a high content of glue, soap, gypsum and chalk is used. Depending on the type of work, different types of this material are selected, the most popular are: combined putty, facade cement, latex mixture, facade acrylic and others. A universal option is considered to be a combined facade putty, which is excellent for leveling the surface; in addition, it allows you to cover even very large defects and defects. The combined putty, even after many years, will not crumble and will not flake even in the cold season.

The shelf life of façade putties is limited to six months. Don't stock up on it in advance!

The most popular types of facade putties

To choose the right putty, you need to learn more about its composition and properties.

Latex putty is not suitable for facades

It is one of the most popular in its segment, suitable for any surfaces in the interior, but not suitable for facades. This material is sold in 25 kilogram buckets. We will mention it only so that you know and do not get confused in choosing.

Adhesive putty

  1. Possibility to mix with pigment compositions to change color. This will make it possible to do without painting the surface, and any mechanical damage on the walls they will not be so noticeable.
  2. Putty consumption per one square meter. Consumption usually depends on the thickness of the laid layer and the filler. The smaller the thickness, the more economical the material is.
  3. The putty must be compatible with any.
  4. The time period for the mixture to harden.
  5. Plasticity of the material.

How to choose winter façade putty

What are the main properties for winter facade putties - the ability to work at low temperatures and resistance to cracking when drying. For winter, you can use both acrylic and cement putties. But on the manufacturer’s packaging there must be a corresponding entry - “winter series”. Of course, such putties will be a little more expensive than usual, because they have added special construction chemicals that improve setting at low temperatures.

Which façade putty is waterproof?

Cement putty is waterproof. It is used not only for facades, but also for screeding floors and finishing bathtubs in the house. Therefore, it does not require additional polymers and hydrophobic substances, such as gypsum.

Gypsum putty is not at all suitable for facades and can only be used in interiors, and not in wet rooms. Of course, marketers and technologists united and found a way to use it in wet rooms, adding those same water repellents to it.

Does façade putty protect against fungus?

Those façade putties that contain antistatic and antiseptic agents protect. It is better, of course, to treat the effect rather than the cause. And prevent the formation of fungus on the facade. Mold on the facade is always the result of dampness, which for some reason appears and for some reason does not dry out. It is better to think in this direction to exclude the causes of fungus.

Important! Remember that each subsequent layer in the wall structure must be more vapor permeable than the previous one. If this principle is violated, problems with fungus cannot be avoided by any antiseptics. They simply won't cope.

Which façade putty is suitable for painting?

Any. Both acrylic and cement, your choice.

Which façade putty is best for use on plaster?

Any facade putty is suitable for working on a plaster facade. It will be easier to apply acrylic, but it is more expensive than cement. Acrylic is more elastic. Cement is more economical. The choice is yours.

What to do next after plastering the façade walls

Paint, plaster, finish with panels based on insulation, or use the latest technology of a suspended ventilated facade. Curtain facade– this is cladding with siding, plastic or metal panels, porcelain stoneware, wood or stone panels. In general, after puttingtying the facade, proceed to the design of the exterior.

How to properly putty a façade

Let’s make a reservation right away: there are two ways to putty a facade: manual and machine. The machine is used to work with large volumes to increase the speed of work. For a private home, of course, this is irrelevant. By the time you get used to the machine, the facade will already be finished, and it will take twice as much material as with the manual method.

Therefore, it is advisable to apply the material on our own, using a spatula or grater. Regardless of the method of applying the material, first of all, the base must be prepared: the surface is cleaned of dirt, dust and oil stains, then priming is performed, which is necessary to ensure adhesion of the materials.

The finished putty material is mixed before work. If there are significant defects on the surface, they must first be eliminated by filling the gaps and cracks with putty. After the “patches” are completely dry, a continuous layer of material can be applied. If necessary, apply several layers. For achievement excellent results It is recommended to sand the finished surface.

Advice. Do not putty the façade in high humidity or hot weather When the surface gets very hot, this greatly reduces the quality of the finish. Because the putty takes some time to dry.

Consumption of façade putty per 1m2

  1. Starting and finishing putty.
  2. Universal putty.

Consumption per 1 m2 of starting and finishing putty

Starting putty is needed to seal cracks and level out small differences. It is impossible to accurately calculate its consumption, since it is necessary to start from the condition of the wall. But to grout a medium crack, you will need a layer of approximately 3-4 mm per square meter. It may not be necessary to cover the entire wall with starting putty, so it makes sense to estimate the area to be putty.

To cover one square meter with a 4 mm layer of starting putty, you will need four kilograms of dry mixture. Usually the dry mixture comes in 20 kg bags.

The consumption of finishing putty per square meter is less than the starting putty. Largely due to preliminary priming of the surface. You can focus on 1 mm.

To cover one square meter with a 1 mm layer of finishing putty, you will need 1.2 kg of dry mixture.

Consumption per 1 m2 of universal putty

The declared consumption of universal putty by manufacturers is lower than the combination of starting and finishing putty separately. Typically, it is 1.5 kg per square meter for a layer of 1 mm. Manufacturers always indicate consumption on the packaging.

How many mm thick layer you need will all depend on the condition of the surface to be coated. Let's focus on the middle layer of 2 mm.

To cover one square meter with a 2 mm layer of universal putty, you will need 3 kg of dry mixture.

It is justified to use universal putty on more or less smooth and crack-free surfaces.

Stages of work execution

It is recommended to finish the façade after the foundation has settled. As a rule, this process lasts about a year. Processing walls requires some effort and effort; you must be fully prepared for the fact that you will have to do at least two layers of mortar to get the desired result.

It will be impossible to get by with just one layer; even a qualified specialist will not be able to cope with such a task. The best temperature for outdoor work is from 9 to 20 °C, permissible humidity air should not exceed 80%.

The process of applying putty occurs as follows:

  1. The surface is cleaned of excess dirt and old finishes.
  2. A primer is placed on the cleaned surface; it must dry before further operation. It is better to prime the surface in two layers.
  3. Next, depressions, dents, and cracks are removed. After which the material is allowed to dry.
  4. The putty is applied evenly to the walls and then carefully leveled. It is better to use two metal spatulas as improvised means. different sizes and a construction float. It is important to note that façade material must be used in its pure form and should not be mixed with paint or other additives.
  5. After the first layer of putty has dried, it must be primed in order to improve adhesion to other layers.
  6. The starting putty is applied layer by layer until the surface of the facade is completely straightened. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.
  7. At the last stage, finishing putty is laid on top of the base material.

Expert Experience

According to many construction companies, the best option putty for building facades is one that contains cement. This material is quite easy to apply to the surface of the walls and has high strength after drying. If you are going to repair the facade, then you need to understand that each subsequent layer must be more vapor-tight than the previous one. Otherwise, fungus and mold cannot be avoided. So that you don’t have to worry too much about selecting each layer, choose all the elements from the same manufacturer. This guarantees you compliance with the principle of vapor permeability when finishing the facade. This way you can completely protect yourself from incompatibility of materials.

Happy finishing! Share your comments and experiences with façade putty.

Facade putties are used to give the building a presentable and neat appearance. In addition, they serve as good protection for walls from various kinds adverse weather events. When choosing a product such as putty for exterior use, you should pay attention to several important factors.

Almost all modern putties consist of three main components:

    Filler. Most often this clean sand, giving the putty a certain texture.

    Binding agent. This component becomes plastic when water is added, and after drying it hardens again. Its main purpose is to bind the filler.

    Synthetic fibers. Thanks to their presence, the putty layer becomes durable and elastic.

Types by type of binding agent

The most popular currently are putties for exterior use:

    Cement. Their main advantage is their low price. In addition, such putties tolerate high air humidity well, are frost-resistant and relatively durable. The disadvantage of cement putties is their ability to shrink. In addition, due to not very high plasticity, such products are quite difficult to apply to walls.

    Polymer. This type of putty is slightly more expensive than cement putty. The advantages of this type of product include, first of all, high plasticity and ease of application. Putties of this type look very beautiful on walls. However, like cement, they are capable of shrinking.

    Acrylic. This variety is considered one of the highest quality today and is quite expensive. Acrylic putties are very easy to apply because they are plastic and have good adhesive properties. In this regard, the consumption of putty of this type is very small.

    Plaster. This variety is characterized by ease of application and neat texture. However, for exterior work this putty is used less often than other varieties. The fact is that gypsum does not tolerate high humidity very well. Most often, putties based on it are used for painting.

What other varieties are there?

In addition, there are oil, glue, latex, etc. putties for exterior work. Products designed specifically for wood are very popular among owners of log and cobblestone houses. This type of putty for exterior use is usually used to mask damaged areas and has the appropriate color and texture.

Starting and finishing putties

When choosing the most suitable product for the walls of your home, you should pay attention to this factor. Starter putties have a rough structure and are excellent for masking various types of defects. Finishing ones look much more attractive and are used for final finishing of walls.

Today there are also universal varieties in stores. They combine the properties of both starting and finishing putties. Of course, it is better to purchase just such a product. After all, the work of finishing the walls in this case will be much easier to complete.

Most popular varieties

When choosing a putty, you should pay attention not only to its characteristics and features, but also to the brand. According to consumers, good putty is produced by such manufacturers as:


  • "Vetonit."

Putty "Prospectors"

This is one of the highest quality budget funds available today. Putty for exterior use “Prospectors” is produced by a domestic company of the same name. Its advantages include ease of mixing and application, as well as very good adhesive properties.

This product is supplied in durable craft bags of 5 and 20 kg. "Prospectors" is actually a very inexpensive putty. The price for it can fluctuate between 400-450 rubles per kilogram. This brand of putty is made on the basis white cement. Its consumption is about 1 kg per square meter with a layer of 1 mm.

Putty "Knauf"

Products of this brand are slightly more expensive than “Starateli” putties. At the same time, they are more durable. Another advantage is their good ductility. They are applied to walls very easily. After drying, Knauf products provide a durable layer, do not shrink and almost never crack or crumble. In addition, they are very easy to sand. Knauf produces both cement and polymer facade putty. The price for its different types can vary between 450-500 rubles per 25 kg.


This manufacturer makes its putties based on gypsum. It is recommended to apply them to walls only in warm, dry weather. One of the main features of Ceresit putties is that they dry very quickly. Therefore, they should be applied very quickly and diluted in small portions. The advantages of this brand include frost resistance and high strength.


Putty for external use of this brand is made on the basis of cement, and therefore is characterized by increased moisture resistance. In addition, it tolerates low temperatures very well. Also, the products of this brand are valued for their environmental safety. In most cases, Scanmix putties are used as starting compounds. They work especially well on mineral surfaces.


This is another budget brand with good quality. It costs about the same as “Prospectors”. Its main advantages include the ability to seal even the deepest potholes in walls. This product dries quite quickly and is highly resistant to moisture. It can be applied to any surface.

All modern means this variety, be it Knauf putty, Starateli, Vetonit or any other, allows you to make facade finishing beautiful and high quality. The most important thing is to be as careful as possible when purchasing them. Unfortunately, low-quality fakes are still sometimes found on the modern construction market.

  1. Types of putty based on the base
  2. Preparation of the solution
  3. Finishing work
  4. Popular manufacturers

Facade putty is a construction mixture designed to give the outer surface of a building - the facade - the ideal smoothness necessary for high-quality application of decorative finishing.

This material is often called somewhat differently - putty, but both terms mean the same concept. They come from the German word Spachtel, which is translated into Russian as “spatula”.

Putty for exterior work is used almost everywhere, since it is impossible to lay the walls of a building perfectly smooth.

In addition to leveling the surface of the walls, the task of façade putties is to protect them from external influences. You can buy this material either in finished form (paste mixture) or in the form of a dry powder. In the latter case, you have to do the preparation of the putty yourself.

Classification of putties by purpose

All types of facade putties belong to finely dispersed materials, but depending on the purpose they can consist of fractions of various sizes.

In addition, ready-made solutions intended for various tasks may differ in consistency. Based on this criterion, all mixtures for facade work are divided into several groups:

  1. Starting (base or leveling) putty.
  2. Finishing putty. The finishing façade putty is a mixture with a finer grain than the starting putty. In addition, the finished solution should have a more liquid consistency. Finishing putties are used to final level the walls, giving them a perfectly smooth and even surface, which is extremely important for the subsequent decorative finishing of the facade of the house. The mixture is applied in a thin layer not exceeding 4 mm in thickness. In terms of strength, façade putty for finishing work is inferior to the starting putty, but it sands very well and is more pliable.
  3. Universal putty. This finishing material combines the advantages of the 2 varieties described above, but it is not used for façade putty.
  4. Decorative putty. Creating textured decorative elements or stucco on the outside of a building is done using this type of façade putty.
  5. Wood putty. Used to smooth and protect against climatic influences wooden walls or walls with wooden cladding.

The technical characteristics of facade putties are determined by the intensity of atmospheric influences on the external surfaces of the house.

They must have vapor permeability, moisture resistance, frost resistance, and elasticity (elastic putty tolerates shrinkage of walls and changes in their size due to temperature changes).

Paint, tiles, enamel, mosaics, etc. can be applied to a façade leveled with putty.

Types of putty based on the base

Since all types of facade putties are assigned the functions of a protective barrier, they must have a fairly reliable base. For this purpose, cement or polymer components are used. Let's take a closer look at both options:

Cement-based putties

Facade cement putty is characterized by high resistance to moisture and low temperatures.

In addition, it has good strength, so it almost never cracks when dried. For the production of cement-based starting putty mixtures, quartz sand, crushed to 0.5-0.6 mm, is used. The composition of the finishing facade putty may include the following components:

  • limestone flour with granule sizes up to 0.2 mm;
  • ground quartz sand (marshallite);
  • marble dust (microcalcite).

To improve the technical characteristics of this finishing material, its composition is enriched with chemical additives. Cement putty for facade surfaces can have a beige, yellowish or gray tint.

White cement putty is currently not produced because expensive bleaches must be used for its production.

Before purchasing cement-based putty, craftsmen recommend paying attention to the following aspects:

  • brand of cement;
  • compressive strength;
  • level of adhesion with the material that will be finished.

Polymer-based putties

Polymer binders serve as the basis for a whole range of façade putties. All of them can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. Acrylic putties. All brands of acrylic putties are made on the basis of acrylate-siloxane mixtures. They are excellent for both basic and finishing finishing of external surfaces of buildings and structures. Acrylic-based mixtures do not need to be diluted with water; they are easy to apply and easy to process. After laying, the material is leveled to a thin layer approximately 2 mm thick.
  2. Latex putties. This type of polymer putty is not used for finishing facades.

All putties for exterior use that have a polymer base have a number of advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • plastic;
  • fast setting;
  • no shrinkage;
  • no smell.

There are also special mixtures used, for example, for finishing polyurethane.

Preparation of the solution

Modern manufacturers of building materials practice 2 forms of supply of putties for all types of work: in the form of a ready-made mixture and dry powder.

In the 1st case, the material is supplied in hermetically sealed plastic buckets, in the 2nd - in paper or plastic bags of various sizes.

Before finishing work, it is necessary to prepare a solution from powdered putty.

The preparation process is quite simple: the dry mixture is diluted with water (the consumption of water and powder must correspond to the recipe given on the package), then thoroughly mixed using a drill with a special attachment to a creamy consistency and allowed to brew for several minutes.

The volume of one portion of the mixture should not be too large, since most brands of facade putties retain their working qualities for only three hours.

In order to determine the optimal amount of the solution to be prepared, the master should start working with a small portion, determining his own hourly productivity over the area and the consumption of putty per 1 m2 of the surface being treated.

Finishing work

It is recommended to begin finishing work on the facade of the building after the foundation has settled. On average, this process lasts about a year. Wall finishing requires effort and diligence; you should be prepared for the fact that for satisfactory quality you will need at least 2 layers of base mortar.

Even the most experienced and qualified craftsman will not be able to get by with just 1 layer. The optimal air temperature for performing external finishing work is 5-20°C, the maximum permissible relative air humidity is 80%.

Operations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. The wall surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, remnants of old finishing and oil stains. If there are areas with cracked plaster coating, this must also be removed.
  2. A deep penetration primer is applied to the cleaned wall; it must be completely dry before the next operation begins.
  3. On the surface to be treated, individual defects are repaired with starting putty: depressions, cracks, dents. After this, the material is allowed to dry.
  4. A portion of putty is applied to a section of the wall and then leveled. The best tools to use are a construction float and 2 metal spatulas. It is important to note that facade putty must be used in its pure form; it cannot be mixed with paint, glue or other dry mixtures.
  5. After drying, the first layer of putty is primed in order to improve the adhesion of subsequent layers to it.
  6. The starting putty is applied in layers until the surface of the facade is completely leveled. The maximum thickness of individual layers is 4 mm. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. The average consumption of starting putty per 1 m2 is 11-15 liters.
  7. At the final stage, a finishing layer is laid on top of the base putty and leveled, which should be sanded after drying. The approximate consumption of finishing putty per 1 m2 is 4 liters.

Putty should not be applied to heated surfaces. During finishing work, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, rain or splashes.

In order to protect the freshly applied solution from atmospheric moisture, the finished façade surface is covered with plastic film until completely dry.

Popular manufacturers

Knauf (Germany)

Knauf putties for exterior work are a high-quality building material used for both finishing new and restoring old façade surfaces.

Moisture-resistant mixtures Knauf-unterputts, Knauf-zokelputts and Knauf-grunband are very popular. Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mixture is 300 g.

Drying time:

  • at a temperature of 20°C - 3 days;
  • at a temperature of 10°C - 1 day.

Freshly prepared solution should be used within 3 hours.

Color: grey.

All putties of this brand are frost-resistant.

The price of a standard volume package is 300-350 rubles.

Vetonit (Finland)

Polymer putties for exterior work of this brand have proven themselves well, and therefore are in fairly high demand in the domestic construction market.

Mixtures for rough work consist of granules up to 0.3 mm in size, decorative white putty - from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Solutions are very easy to prepare.

They do not lose their working qualities for a long time, which allows the master to perform the work carefully and without unnecessary haste. The polymer filler ensures minimal consumption of finishing material even with a large number of defects on the treated surface.

For climatic conditions with a high content of atmospheric moisture, the manufacturer recommends using acrylic putty. This material is characterized by good adhesion not only to concrete, but also to wooden substrates.

White acrylic putty has elasticity combined with good strength, and is very convenient for sealing large defects, seams and joints.

Among the advantages of the material are high wear resistance and lack of odor. Thanks to the polymer base, when using Vetonit putties it is very easy to achieve an even distribution of the layer.

The price of a package weighing 5 kg is 250-270 rubles.


One of those brands that needs no introduction. The Ceresit company supplies the domestic construction market with a wide range of products, including many brands of putty for all types of work.

The approximate price of a 25 kg package is 700-750 rubles.


A very popular brand of putty in our country, the attractive side of which is the successful combination of good quality and affordable cost.

Great for people with insufficient experience who want to learn how to decorate facades with their own hands. Putty of the “Starateli” brand can be used both for its intended purpose and as a budget alternative to facade paint (paint of any color can be added to the ready-made solution, which has a beige tint).

At the same time, painting a facade with a composition based on this putty is 10 times cheaper than the same operation using the most inexpensive facade paint.

The approximate price of a standard package is in the range of 200-300 rubles.

In addition to those listed, the following brands can be noted:

  • “Bolars” (the price of a standard size package is 300-350 rubles);
  • “Volma” (purchase of a 25-kilogram bag will cost 400 rubles);
  • “Glims” (the average price of a package weighing 20 kg is 400 rubles).

Now you can easily choose a putty, depending on the purpose and conditions of the repair.

Facade putties are construction mixtures specially designed for creating optimally smooth surfaces and subsequent application of the final decorative finishing layer. The terms putty and putty combine one concept and are of German origin, therefore in different sources Both designations may appear. The task of high-quality putty is not only to level the surface, but also to maximize the protection of external walls from the negative effects of external factors.

DIY façade putty

Classification by purpose

Fine-dispersed façade Decoration Materials, depending on the purpose, can be represented by compositions of different sizes and consistencies:

  • starting putty, better known as a base or leveling mixture;
  • the finishing version of a fine-grained putty with a relatively liquid consistency;
  • a decorative version of putty that allows you to create textured decorative elements;
  • wood putty used to level and protect wooden surfaces.

Depending on the intensity of exposure to external factors, not only the compositions, but also the technical characteristics of facade putty mixtures can vary. A high-quality putty must be vapor-permeable, moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and sufficiently elastic, which will allow the work to be completed by applying paint, decorative tiles, enamels, mosaics or other finishing materials.

Putties differ in composition and characteristics

The base and finishing mixture can be waterproof, frost-resistant and heat-resistant:

  • mixtures with water-repellent qualities minimize the risk of condensation appearing on the surface, which can occur under the influence of rain and evaporation. This putty is distinguished by its simple and quick application, uniform distribution, and compatibility with other types of finishing materials;
  • frost-resistant mixtures are used when sealing cracks or chips, and increase the resistance of the surface to low-temperature conditions;
  • heat-resistant compounds combine excellent adhesive properties and have proven themselves when treating surfaces exposed to high temperatures.

Putties not only hide unevenness, but also perform protective functions for facade

Using putty - photo

Classification by composition

Each putty mixture is characterized by a composition strictly established by production technology, the main component of which allows us to distinguish several varieties with certain advantages and disadvantages.


Concrete surfaces with deep cracks. Starting, universal and finishing versions are available, differing in additives. Resistance to temperature changes, affordable price, ease of work. Shrinkage occurs and cracking of the layer may occur.


The liquid version levels and decorates the surface. Apply with a thickness of 0.1-0.3 cm onto a previously properly prepared and primed surface. Good moisture-resistant material with a high level of strength and elasticity. Not suitable for quickly repairing deep cracks; grinding requires the use of a respirator.


Pasture different composition has improved moisture resistance and good frost resistance. Ease of use, high level plasticity and good protective qualities, durability. Not very affordable price.


Mineral version of facade mixture based on liquid glass, produced in a form ready for use. Suitable for working on surfaces consisting of shell rock and cellular concrete. High vapor permeability, serves as protection against moisture and dust, and has neutral electrostatic characteristics. A minimal violation of the application technology can cause cracks to appear.


A high level of density of the composition may affect the uniformity of the applied layer, so certain skills in finishing work are required. A budget option with high protective properties. Significant mass and high density, inconvenient application on vertical surfaces.


The presence of polystyrene in the composition indicates frost resistance, and latex additives improve water-repellent properties. The mixture can be presented in powder and liquid versions. Durable and flexible material with affordable price and excellent technical characteristics. There are practically no downsides when using high-quality material from official manufacturers.


Elastic material with high vapor transmission and strength. Apply in a thin and uniform layer. Plastic and vapor-permeable composition in a variety of colors. The cost is too high.

Ceresit CT 225. Finishing putty for external and internal work

Making your own putty

If there is a need to save cash When purchasing factory mixtures, it makes sense to prepare the putty yourself:

  • To level concrete, relatively flat surfaces, it is recommended to prepare a gypsum-chalk mixture by mixing three parts chalk and part gypsum. With uniform mixing, the bulk ingredients should be gradually poured into a 5% solution based on wood glue. A homemade solution, mixed until smooth, hardens quickly and should be used immediately after preparation;

Gypsum-chalk putty, mixing

  • for leveling wooden facade It is advisable to use an oil mixture, in the production of which a couple of kilograms of drying oil and four kilograms of chalk are mixed, with the addition of a quarter kilogram of drier. The mixture brought to a boil must be cooled to room temperature.

What are driers

Construction chalk, calcium carbonate

It should be remembered that the consumption of self-prepared putty will be higher than when applied already ready-made mixtures factory production.

Preparation of working tools

To carry out puttying work, you will need to purchase some tools to make application easier and get the most even, smooth surface:

  • a fairly wide brush with soft bristles or a roller, with which the façade surface is primed;

Maklovitz brush

Rollers for priming walls

  • a construction mixer or electric drill with an attachment for high-quality mixing of the putty mixture;

Construction mixer

  • Several spatulas of different sizes allow you to process large areas of the facade, as well as corners or hard-to-reach areas.

If paint is to be used as the final finishing of the facade, then the surface must be absolutely flat and smooth, so a well-dried layer of putty will need to be rubbed with a special fine-grained mesh.

Mesh for grouting putty

Surface preparation

Regardless of the type, the putty must be applied to an absolutely clean, dry and pre-primed surface. It is best to use primer options for putty, which will avoid plastering the surface. Universal primers can be used on any surface, but many experts consider such materials to be ineffective, so they prefer to use special compounds:

  • antiseptic primers protect the surface from fungus;

    Antiseptic primer for interior and exterior use

  • anti-corrosion primers prevent the appearance of rust on metal surfaces;

    Alkyd anti-corrosion primer GF-021 GOST 25129-82 for metal

  • alkyd primers are good for treating wood;

    Alkyd primer for wood “BASE”

  • acrylic primers are best suited for concrete and brick;

    Acrylic primer

  • Phenolic primers are optimal for metal surfaces.

Primers FL-03K and FL-03Zh. Technical information. File for download

Primers FL-03K and FL-03Zh

Step-by-step instructions for preliminary preparation facade surface for applying the starting putty layer.

Step 1. We remove all external facade decorative elements and antennas that may interfere with the priming process.

Step 2. We fix all loosely fitting elements to the façade surface or remove them completely.

Facade surface preparation

Step 3. Outer surface We remove dust accumulations with a damp or dry brush with medium-hard bristles.

Facade cleaning

Step 4. We remove heavy dirt and layers of fatty deposits on the surface with a damp cloth. Too much dirt and paint residues can be removed with solvents, after which the surface is washed clean water.

Step 5. Using a construction roller, carefully apply the prepared primer solution in a thin but uniform layer.

Spraying primer

Brush priming

Roller priming

Depending on the composition and weather conditions, the drying process of the primer can take from four hours to a day or more.

Starting layer application technology

Starting mixtures are coarser and coarser. They are used for rough finishing of facades and have good adhesion to concrete, lime, brick and other substrates. Allows you to fill seams, deep cracks and other large defects.

Starting putty - what is it for and what is it good for

Depending on the initial state of the facade, the working solution can be applied in a layer of several millimeters or centimeters. It is recommended to apply the starting solution thinly, but in several tiers. In this case, it is possible to obtain a higher quality finish.

Step 1. We dilute cement and gypsum putty compositions with clean water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Polymer compositions are already ready for use and just need to be mixed before application.

Putty solution

Step 2. We take a small amount of working solution onto a construction spatula, and then apply it to the surface with a sweeping and fairly wide movement. During the application process, the spatula must be pressed fairly tightly to the surface at a stable angle of inclination.

Large and small spatula

The photo shows how to correctly put putty on a spatula

Applying putty

Wall putty process

Step 3. We immediately smear all sagging and unevenness using an empty spatula, and carefully remove excess mixture.

Wall putty

Step 4. After the solution has hardened, we perform thorough grinding, which allows us to get rid of minor defects and makes the surface even and as smooth as possible.


Facades with strong unevenness need to be leveled in several steps.

Quick-hardening compounds self-made or solutions diluted on the basis of dry ready-made mixtures cannot be stored. They are used as quickly as possible.

Features of finishing putty

Main features of applying putty to the wall

The composition of the finishing putty mixtures is represented by fine-grained fractions, due to which the processed structure acquires a smooth and durable structure. Coarse-grained putties based on quartz sand or marble chips, designed to create a relief and highly decorative texture of the facade.

In recent years, the most popular way to decorate the façade of buildings is to use putty, which is subsequently pigmented with high-quality coloring compounds. Quite often this method is combined with facing works natural or artificial material.

Leveling the finishing putty

Finishing putty will improve the quality of subsequent decorative finishing.

You can apply façade putty not only manually, but also mechanically using special equipment. The disadvantage of mechanical application is the lack of the most even application.

Main manufacturers

Putties on the domestic construction market can be presented by both foreign and Russian manufacturers. Of particular interest to consumers are products of medium price category with high product characteristics.

Dry mixture “Plitonit-KF”

Cement 5 mm 72 hours At +5-30°С

Dry mix “Knauf Multi-Finish”

Cement 1-5 mm 24-72 hours At +10-20°С

"Ceresit CT-225"

Cement 1-3 mm 24 hours At +5-30°С

Dry mix “Glims Finish-R”

Cement-polymer 1-10 mm 24 hours At +5°C and above

Dry mix “Bolars Finish-Super”

Polymer 0.2-2.0 mm 2 hours At +5-30°С

Pasta "Bolars Empire-facade"

Polymer 1-5 mm 24 hours At +5-35°C

Pasta “Profi”

Latex 1-5 mm 4 hours At +5°C
and higher

Paste “Holzer Festspachtel Elastisch”

Latex 0.2-3.0 mm 10 hours At +10-30°С

German cement-based Knauf exterior putties are characterized by high levels of frost resistance and moisture resistance, so they will become the best option for finishing the external walls of newly erected buildings and restoring old facade surfaces.

Knauf putties

Finnish acrylic-based putty compositions “Vetonit” are ideal for working with any concrete or wooden bases subject to high humidity levels.

Photo of Vetonit LR putty

Domestic mixtures “Ceresit”, “Starateli” and “Bolars” compare favorably not only with their affordable price, but also good quality, and also allow you to obtain a durable coating.

Photo of finishing plaster Prospectors

Putty work can be done independently even if there is no construction experience, but in this case the following recommendations should not be neglected:

  • the surface of the facade must be prepared in advance, cleaned with a brush with metal bristles and thoroughly primed;
  • moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and relief putty mixtures can be applied to façade surface only at positive temperatures;
  • at negative temperatures winter putty such as “Rusean”, “Kreps” and “VGT” should be used;

    VGT putty

  • putty technology may vary depending on the type of material, but the simplest and in an accessible way is application along beacons, which will allow you to obtain an optimal layer thickness;
  • under each putty layer, a deep-impact primer solution must be applied, which helps to increase adhesion between the base and the applied composition;

    Choose primer and putty from the same manufacturer

  • putty mixture for painting the facade should be white, since gray putties can negatively affect the decorative properties of the finish.

    The photo shows modified dry mixes from Ceresit

    Ready-to-use putty mixture

It should be noted that in the instructions, all responsible manufacturers always indicate not only the composition of the mixture, but also certain nuances of working with the material. Before purchasing, you must make sure that there is a quality certificate for the products being sold.

Video - The right putty for exterior use

Video - Facade putty PLITONIT Kf white

What façade putty for exterior use is currently on the market? Let's find out together what types of putty exist, what these or other compounds are used for, and what brands make a quality product. And for the DIYers, I’ll tell you how to putty the facade of a house for painting with your own hands in two ways.

Puttying the facade is one of the main stages of home improvement.

What does the market offer us?

The question of how to putty the facade is far from idle, because facade putty for exterior work can have a different composition and is intended for different types bases and even differ in layers, that is, each layer has its own mixture.

Dividing mixtures according to purpose

Before you ask the price of putty and think about which one to choose so that your budget doesn’t “crack”, decide for what purpose it is needed:

  • Starter or basic– these compounds are intended for initial surface leveling and have good adhesion. But you won’t be able to perfectly level a wall, for example, for painting; the mixture has too large a fraction and no matter how much you sand it, you still won’t achieve gloss. The layer thickness here can reach up to 20 mm;
  • Finishing lineups- intended for perfect alignment. Such putties should be applied on top of the starting ones, but on a flat wall, for example, on plaster, the finish is applied immediately. The layer thickness does not exceed 4 mm, therefore, the putty consumption per 1 m2 for facade plaster is less, but the price of these mixtures is higher;
  • Decorative putty– the main purpose of such compositions is original decor facade, but at the same time they do an excellent job of protecting walls from weather troubles. The fraction and method of application may differ, but the thickness of the decorative layer, as a rule, does not exceed 5–7 mm;
  • Compositions for finishing wooden houses now they are classified as a separate category, although this is a controversial issue. Here, exclusively vapor-permeable, water-resistant façade putty is used, because there is moisture both in the atmosphere outside and in the wood itself.

Decorative putty on the facade can be very diverse.

There are also so-called universal compositions, they combine the advantages of starting and finishing putties, but such mixtures are not used for facade work; their purpose is internal surfaces.

Dividing mixtures by composition

The components included in the mixture directly determine for which surfaces such a putty is designed.

Illustrations Recommendations
Cement putty.
  • Used for concrete and brick surfaces;
  • Withstands any temperature changes, has an affordable price and is easy to apply;
  • But it is subject to shrinkage and cracks when dried quickly.
Acrylic putty.

It is mainly represented by finishing compositions, can only be applied to a prepared surface and has unique strength. The only negative is that it is expensive.

Acrylate putty.

Pure latex putty is used in interior work; there are acrylate compounds for facades.

Acrylate mixtures are immediately ready for use and are considered perhaps the most waterproof.

Silicate compounds.

These compounds are mostly used in decorative niche. Focused on cellular concrete and shell rock, although there are models for all types of base.

Oil-adhesive compositions.

They have increased frost resistance and an affordable price. Often used for finishing wooden houses.

Silicone plaster.

This is another representative of the polymer line, has good water resistance and can withstand any frost, but the price is high.

Comparison of stability of different types of putty.

Leading manufacturers

Illustrations Recommendations
  • Dry plastic mixture based on cement;
  • Does not shrink when dry;
  • Can be applied in layers up to 10 mm;
  • Drying time up to 24 hours.
  • German trademark produces all types of cement-based dry putty;
  • Apply in layers up to 20 mm;
  • Putty consumption per 1 m2 on facade plaster is 1.2 kg with a layer of 1 mm;
  • Dries in 24 hours.
  • Presented in ready-to-use polymer mixtures;
  • Apply a layer of up to 3 mm;
  • Consumption 1.2 kg/m², with a layer thickness of 1 mm;
  • Hardening time up to 8 hours.

It is represented by perhaps the widest range of compositions, there are both dry and paste mixtures.

The dry mixture takes up to 1.8 kg/m², the paste-like finishing compositions take 1.2 kg/m².


A domestic development that competes well with leading foreign manufacturers:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Vapor permeable;
  • Apply a layer of up to 10 mm;
  • Consumption is about 1.8 kg/m²;
  • The dry mixture hardens in 24 hours, the finished Bolars paste hardens in 8 hours.

How to finish the facade yourself in two ways

For facade work, facade putty on plaster and reinforced facade putty are mainly used. The fact is that white finishing putty, which is often used for painting, is expensive and is applied in a thin layer of up to 4 mm, so the wall must first be leveled and strengthened, and then puttyed.

Method No. 1. We work using beacons

This method is most often used for facades with really curved walls. In this case, there is no point in applying starting putty to curved walls, because the consumption per 1 m2 will be huge; here it is cheaper to plaster the base with a standard cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:4.

Illustrations Recommendations
We set up beacons.

It is better to buy strips for beacons; in this case, we took metal profiles, they are cheaper than carbon fiber.

  • We place the planks on plaster cakes;
  • First, the 2 extreme strips are installed;
  • Then 2–3 threads are stretched between them;
  • Then the remaining beacons are placed along these threads in increments of about 1 m.
We wet it.

We work in the heat in the summer, so the wall needs to be moistened with water. You can do without this in the off-season.


In this case, a special primer is not needed. We simply mixed up a liquid cement-sand mortar and threw it on the wall.


We apply a rule to the beacons and check that the soil layer does not “peek out” beyond the beacons.

Alignment of walls.
  • Now we make a thicker solution and throw it on the wall just above the beacons;
  • Next, relying on the beacons, we usually remove the excess mortar, thereby leveling the wall. There is no need to pay attention to small sinks; we will cover them later.
We remove the beacons.

Since we are going to putty later for painting, metal beacons we need to pull out:

  • We pry up the planks with a pick and tear them out;
  • We knock down the remaining plaster;
  • We cover the remaining grooves with the solution and level them with a grater or trowel.

Now we need to align the small grooves after the rule:

  • We throw a liquid solution on the wall;
  • Take a wide grater and rub in the solution.

There is no need to take long breaks between stages. The solution should set slightly, but under no circumstances dry out.

Let's mash it.

Now we bring the surface to the ideal:

  • Spray the wall with water;
  • Immediately rub the surface with a grater. We grout in a circular motion, lightly pressing the grater.
We apply primer.

The instructions require that the wall be treated with primer before filling, but in such cases I simply moisten the fresh wet plaster with water.

Mix the putty.
  • First, pour into the container required quantity water (indicated on the package);
  • Next, pour out the dry mixture;
  • Mix everything with a mixer until it becomes paste-like;
  • Let it sit for 5-7 minutes and stir again.
We apply putty.

In small portions, with a narrow spatula, apply the composition to a wide spatula or trowel and apply the putty in a circular motion.

Since our walls are perfectly smooth, we can immediately putty them with the finishing compound.

We polish.

You can sand with sandpaper, but the sandpaper gets clogged quickly, so I recommend stretching a sanding mesh over the block and working.

Once sanding is complete, all you have to do is brush off the dust from the wall, apply primer for painting, and when it dries, paint the house.

In theory, the wall after sanding does not need to be primed, but paint consumption will increase by a third, and it is more expensive than primer.

The video in this article shows the intricacies of the work clearly.

Method number 2. We reinforce the walls

This method is suitable for facades with smooth walls, as well as for puttying insulation boards, for example, extruded polystyrene foam.

Illustrations Recommendations
Base mixture.

As a base mixture I use cement-based facade adhesive. This mixture is frost-resistant and “clings” tightly to the wall.

For brick or concrete, you can take Moment, which is cheaper; for expanded polystyrene, it is better to buy Ceresit-CT83.

After mixing, the glue is applied to the wall with a notched trowel, with a tooth of 10–12 mm. We move from bottom to top.

We put a corner.

Installed first plastic corner with reinforcing mesh.

After you lightly press the corner into the solution, check it vertically.

We attach the mesh.

Now we cut an ordinary fiberglass mesh to the size of the wall and, overlapping the corner mesh, we sink it into the solution so that it holds.

Primary alignment.

Now we need to immerse our mesh completely in the adhesive mixture.

To do this, take a spatula and press the mesh in with sweeping movements.


Now, using the technology described above, we putty the wall.

The only difference is that first we apply and lightly sand the starting coarse-grained compound, and then put a white finishing putty on it.


As you can see, facade putty is applied quite simply, the main thing is to choose the right composition for a specific base. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

“Bark beetle” is one of the most common types of putty.

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