Facade fiber cement slabs (panels). Facade panels made of fiber cement boards. Pulp composition for fiber cement panels.

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In modern, professional construction Particular attention is paid to the external part of the buildings. In addition to performing all functions directly related to the functional qualities of the building, namely protection from various weather conditions and high-quality thermal insulation, the walls of the house must have an attractive appearance. The unique facade of the building can emphasize the well-being of the owners and become the central element of the local area.

Construction finishing market facade materials quite varied. Particularly popular in this area of ​​application are a variety of facade panels, which are very convenient to use and can provide huge selection texture options and color palette. One type of such panels is fiber cement boards, which are mass-produced in both domestic and foreign factories.

What is fiber cement board made from?

Facade system with fiber cement board, fastening method: facade rivet

At its core, a fiber cement board is a layer of plaster that just needs to be attached to the facade. This material consists of 90% ordinary plaster, which contains special reinforcing ingredients that are designed to provide durability and geometric support for the shape of the slabs.

The base, or so-called fiber, consists of cellulose, fibers and plastics. Thanks to the introduction of these materials, the panel becomes more rigid in bending and crumbles less. The latter factor is facilitated by granular plastic.

The first production of this material was recorded in Japan. Architectural features The houses of this culture are known throughout the world. Which are built on lightweight frame technologies. Such buildings required the use of high-quality cladding that could fulfill all necessary functions to insulate and decorate the appearance of walls.

7 components of a ventilation façade with a fiber cement board

Advantages of fiber cement board panels

The advantage of this material is quite long term service which is more than 20 years. The cement surface is practically not exposed to moisture and sudden temperature changes.

Studies have shown that these slabs can withstand more than 100 winter cycles.
Fiber cement boards are resistant to impact ultraviolet rays and practically do not absorb moisture.

They remain resistant to corrosion even in the most favorable conditions for this phenomenon. This material is made from environmentally friendly components that do not have even the slightest negative influence on human health.

This material is based cement plaster has excellent insulating properties. The internal structure of fiber and cellulose is an excellent heat insulator, and cement mortar is known for its excellent performance in quieting rooms. Such panels cope perfectly with the functional component of the tasks put forward to them.

Environmentally friendly Rospan panels

Using this material you can convey a wide variety of textures, both natural and artificial materials. The color range of the material is also very extensive. This is achieved primarily due to the unique coating that is used to treat this surface. The painting method allows you to qualitatively maintain the brightness and contrast of the palette, although it is not recommended to completely eliminate the burnout effect. Panels made of fiber cement boards have the ability to self-clean due to natural precipitation. All adhering dust and soot can be easily washed off with the help of rain.

Another feature that relates more to the manufacturers than to the material itself is the different weight of fiber cement boards. The fact is that the formula in which the material is given maximum rigidity, when minimum weight, each manufacturer differs significantly. This factor can cause significant confusion and chaos, as you can call it exact weight façade cladding material is only possible if you know exactly who its manufacturer is.

Important: Another undoubted advantage of this material is its complete Fire safety. The cement-based material is absolutely non-flammable.

By installing such panels, you can be calm, since spontaneous combustion or melting of the material is completely excluded.

Disadvantages of the material

Example of cladding country house Japanese panels

The main disadvantages of fiber cement panels include the increased cost when painting the panel. Here the buyer has two options. Or buy factory-painted material, which costs 10% more than the base price. Or paint the slabs yourself.

Another possible negative factor is the moisture absorption of this material. These panels can absorb up to 10% water. It is worth noting that manufacturing companies are doing their best to combat this negative phenomenon. For this purpose they use protective film and make the material more porous so that moisture can not only be absorbed, but also freely evaporate from the structure of the material. The deformation of the slab due to moisture can reach two percent, but this does not affect the strength and structure of the panel.

The size of standard fiber cement panels is 3.3 by 0.47 m. Installing this material alone is almost impossible, so for self-finishing you will most likely need a helper. Another disadvantage that causes a lot of controversy in the construction world can be the appearance of the material.

Many designers believe that this material is inferior in aesthetic indicators to natural materials for cladding buildings and other analogues among facade panels. It is worth noting that this question is quite controversial and cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on your personal preferences and the characteristics of a particular building.

Installation technology of facade fiber cement panels

Installing this material is in many ways similar to installing siding. There are two methods for installing this material on walls.

  1. The first one is installed directly on the wall of the house. In this case, there is practically no any preliminary preparation.
  2. The second option is to install so-called breathable facades. This method involves installing sheathing and installing the panels not tightly to the wall, as a result of which the wall surface is ventilated.

When installing panels, special attention should be paid to insulating the butt seams between the plates, which is done using silicone. A well-sealed surface allows you to achieve an effect no less than what you would get with a layer of plaster of similar thickness.

A professional performs installation using a power tool.

The panels are manufactured in two types. This may be an option with a panel thickness of 18 mm, when the plates are equipped with a special metal plate for mounting on the wall, or more thin material 14 mm. The latter is mounted to the wall using special hex screws. Such screws are tightened tightly, since fiber cement panels do not have a linear expansion coefficient. At the same time, you should not overtighten the screw so that the plate itself does not crack.

Installing these panels can smooth out some wall defects and unevenness. This is possible due to the plasticity of the material, which is able to absorb all defects.

Cutting this material requires a very serious approach. To perform these manipulations you will need a specialized power tool.

Video: layout and placement diagram of fiber cement panels

The architect gives a plan (a drawing of the house, how it should look). For the house in the example, two types of panels were chosen and the styles will converge at the level of finishing of the house. We start from the second floor of the facade to determine the layout. Then, when moving around the building, everything horizontal lines will converge at the corners. Watch the video for more details.

Estimated cost per square meter

Many factors can influence the cost of a material. First of all, this is the type of these facade panels. Naturally, thicker panels, and what’s more, are equipped with special mounting brackets will cost much more. Prices may also vary from outer covering panels and their painting. Some companies include in the complete set of panels the entire necessary range of fastenings and coloring substances required after installation.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the composition of the fiber, which can be different, depending on the formula for the successful composition of each specific manufacturer. Naturally, the marketing policy of each company has its own price differences.

Currently, the price of one m2 of fiber cement board is from 400 to 600 rubles. If we take into account that this material does not require reinforcement of the foundation and backing bricks, is quickly installed and can last for quite a long time, the benefits are obvious.

Japanese manufacturers

The country that is the progenitor of this material naturally has many companies producing fiber cement panels. The quality indicators of this building material manufactured in the Middle Kingdom are very high, which naturally affects the cost of the product.

Japanese manufacturers - Nitiha and KMEW (Key Em Yu)

Among the most popular manufacturers, I would like to highlight two whose names are known all over the world precisely due to the high-quality production of this material. TM "NICHIHA" And "KMEW", part of the world-famous PANASONIC concern, occupy leadership positions for the production of these products both at home and throughout the world.

Video: standard installation instructions for Nitiha panels (NICHIHA)

This video discusses an example of installing dry-installed fiber cement boards on metal subsystems with clamps on houses with wooden frame. The video has been translated into Russian and is about 15 minutes long.

Video: instructions for finishing a house with KMEW fiber cement panels using the ventilated curtain wall method

Method of horizontal fastening of KMEW façade panels to a metal substructure using metal fastening brackets. A space is maintained between the wall and the panels, which is used for the passage of air. This system helps remove moisture from the wall, prevents the penetration of rainwater, providing protection against moisture and creates a barrier against the thermal effect.

Russian manufacturing companies

Market building materials Russia, in Lately is actively developing. This could not but affect such a popular type of finishing facade materials as fiber cement boards. As a result, the quality of products has significantly increased, which is increasingly approaching the standard production of its Japanese neighbors.

A striking example of this development is the companies “LTM” and “ROSPAN”. Their products are evolving day by day and are increasingly approaching the world leaders in quality.

Other popular brands

Representatives of other countries should not be discounted. For example, China, Malaysia and Taiwan also do not want to be left behind in this industry. Confirming that companies from these countries have significant weight in the global production of finishing materials is the popular Chinese Construction and Finishing Fair, which has been taking place regularly for more than a decade.

This event is very popular among all global manufacturers of fiber cement boards. Representatives from countries all over the world present their products here. The fact that the exhibition is taking place in Beijing is a clear confirmation that this product is a priority in this country and is actively developing

Among the many finishing materials intended for the facade of buildings, the so-called fiber cement panels stand out significantly - they are produced using modern nanotechnology, which makes it possible to make this material practically invulnerable to natural factors. It is this that we will deal with in this article, in which, together with the website, we will study fiber cement facade panels, identify advantages over other similar materials and learn how to install them.

Fiber cement facade panels photo

First, it is necessary to clarify the situation with the question of what this material is. It is made on the basis of cement with the addition of additives that lighten the weight and increase its strength. In addition, special microgranules have been added to the original composition of this material, the task of which is to absorb and release water depending on the humidity on the street - in some types of fiber cement panels the granules can be replaced with special internal channels to remove excess moisture. This type façade panels are covered protective layer both from the front and back.

Fiber cement facade panels: advantages and disadvantages

Now about the advantages that fiber cement siding has. There are quite a lot of them.

  • Firstly, it is strength and durability. Leading manufacturers of this material, subject to installation technology, provide a 50-year guarantee on their products. But their service life is not limited to this; with proper operation, they can last up to 100 years.
  • Secondly, they are unpretentious to weather conditions - fiber cement panels for facades can be used at temperatures from -80˚С to +80˚С. At the same time, their quality does not suffer, and their dimensions always remain stable and do not depend on temperature and humidity.
  • Thirdly, fire safety - in this regard, fiber cement panels are ahead of other ventilated facade systems - for example, they burn out in a matter of moments, and the widely used “ecobond” melts. In this regard, fiber cement practically does not react at all to high temperatures.

Fiber cement siding photo

  • Fourthly, environmental friendliness - no chemical products are used in the manufacturing process of fiber panels. Moreover, this type of finishing material can even be used for interior decoration premises.
  • Fifthly, a variety of colors and structures. Leading manufacturers of fiber cement panels include more than five hundred varieties of this material in their product range - they are made to look like brick, natural stone, wood, etc. It is quite difficult to find such a natural material, the structure and color of which would not be repeated by manufacturers fiber cement siding.
  • Sixthly, this is a simple and easy-to-do-it-yourself installation, which we will look at a little later.

Fiber cement panels for facades photo

How to install fiber cement panels: requirements for the frame

Installation of fiber cement panels is carried out using the so-called hinged method - this material is used to create ventilated facades. As a rule, the panels are mounted on a frame made of a special metal profile, the design of which has a number of requirements.

1. It must have a certain structure - two types of profiles are used to install the frame - the first of them are installed horizontally, and the second vertically. The latter are attached to horizontal profiles - fiber cement panels will be installed on them.

How to attach facade panels photo

2. Secure fastening frame to the load-bearing walls of the building. For these purposes, special brackets are used, which are attached to the wall through a paranitic gasket, which reduces the impact of house settlement on the frame. These brackets are mounted in in a certain order– their vertical installation pitch is 1000mm, and horizontally 600mm. This is due to the size and features of the panels.

3. Insulation of the house - it is done at the stage of assembling the frame, or rather, immediately after installing the brackets. V in this case Can various materials: Both foam plastic and mineral wool or basalt slab are equally applicable. The insulation must be securely attached to the wall using plastic dowels with wide caps (popularly called “umbrellas”).

It is on this frame that fiber cement panels are installed.

Sequence of installation of fiber cement siding photo

Installing panels on a frame: how to secure them correctly

The installation of fiber cement boards, as well as the manufacture of a frame for them, has a number of features.

  • Firstly, this is a basement flashing, which will prevent the foundation from getting wet - it is installed at a height of 50–100mm from the building.
  • Secondly, these are clamps, whose task is to fasten the panels. The bottom row of clamps must be installed immediately above the ebb - they will securely fix the panels at the base of the house. Clamps are mounted on each vertical guide.
  • Thirdly, this is a suture vertical strip that will provide correct position the plates relative to each other - it must be installed in the same way as the guides, maintaining a vertical level.

All these elements are securely screwed to the frame using metal screws with wide heads.

Installation of fiber cement panels photo

Well, then come the panels themselves. They seem to be put on the lower clamps, and their top is secured with the next row of these fasteners. Clamps not only serve to securely fasten fiber cement panels to the frame; their tasks also include creating an expansion joint.

An important stage of the installation of fiber panels is correct formation external corners - here the manufacturer provides two options for solving this problem. In the first case, the panels are connected without trimming, and in the second - with trimming at 45˚. In both cases, in the process of formation corner connections A special sealant and protective paint are used, supplied by the manufacturer along with the panels.

Clamps for fiber cement panels photo

The production of fiber cement panels involves their manufacture different thicknesses– depending on it, another installation method may be used. For thin panels, the design of which does not provide a groove for installing clamps, fastening with self-tapping screws through the panel is typical.

In such situations, special attention must be paid to the process of drilling this material - the holes should not be located at a distance closer than 50mm from the edge. The inner surface of the hole must be coated with a protective primer, which is also supplied by the manufacturer along with the material. In the same way, without the use of clamps, slopes from fiber cement siding are installed.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say one thing - fiber cement facade panels are quite finicky to install. In addition, you will not receive a manufacturer’s warranty on the material if its installation was carried out in violation of technology, and such a warranty is at least 50 years. Therefore, you should think about this issue and entrust the installation of fiber panels to official representatives of the manufacturer.

Finishing the facade is not only the calling card of the house, but also protects its walls from moisture, cold and other unwanted influences. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to approach the choice of material as responsibly as possible. Do you want to get beautiful and durable exterior wall decoration without overpaying? Then fiber cement panel for facades is your choice. Here you can find out what this material is, how it is produced, what it is like and how to work with it correctly.

Fiber cement panels - what is it, advantages and technical characteristics of the material

Fiber cement panels are finishing material artificial origin, produced in the form of slabs or siding. Consists of 85-90% cement and 10-15% mineral additives and fiber - cellulose or synthetic fibers. The last component of the material plays the role of a reinforcing component, giving fiber cement panels bending strength. On the outside, they have a weather-resistant coating that imitates brick or masonry. Fiber cement panels also contain water repellents - additives that simultaneously protect the material from moisture absorption and allow it to “breathe”, remove small particles of water and not become damp.

Fiber cement boards and siding were created early in the last century as an alternative to stucco. New material had to surpass it in many operational characteristics and be easy to manufacture/install.

More details about the benefits of fiber cement panels can be found below.

  1. Ease. Boards and siding made from a composite of cement and fibers are very lightweight. This feature of the material greatly simplifies transportation, carrying and installation. In addition, the total weight of the finish is less, and accordingly, the load on load-bearing walls Houses.
  2. Non-flammability. Fiber cement is not subject to fire and is a barrier to fire.
  3. Resistance of fiber cement panels to ultraviolet radiation – the material will not fade after many years spent in the sun and will not lose its original appearance.

  4. High impact and flexural strength– these characteristics of fiber cement panels are largely due to the fact that the composition includes cellulose or synthetic fibers, which play the role of a reinforcing lattice.
  5. Low hygroscopicity– due to water repellents, fiber cement boards do not absorb water either from the outside or from the inside. But at the same time, as mentioned above, the material has satisfactory vapor permeability parameters and “breathes”.
  6. Durability– due to the three properties presented above, fiber cement boards can serve as facade finishing from 25 to 50 years, depending on conditions and manufacturer. For a material with a relatively low cost, this is a very good indicator.

  7. Ecological cleanliness– fiber cement boards do not contain components harmful to humans. When working with the material, you do not have to worry about any fumes or other negative effects.
  8. Frost resistance– fiber cement finishing can withstand a large number of freeze-thaw cycles without loss of strength. This material is quite suitable for exterior finishing houses in places with harsh climates.
  9. Good heat and sound insulating properties, especially when combined with insulation made of mineral wool.

  10. Easy to install - Working with fiber cement boards is much easier than working with plaster. If you have a certain set of tools and a source of information, you can install such a finish yourself.
  11. Possibility to carry out installation in conditions negative temperatures – unlike plaster, you can work with fiber cement boards even during cold weather.
  12. Versatility– siding and fiber cement panels are available in dozens of options, varying in size, price and appearance. Imitate the most different materials and are perfect for both a private home and a city office building.

On a note! A controversial point regarding fiber cement panels is that some of the builders and owners country houses They consider this material not very beautiful and inferior in appearance to plaster or natural stone.

Now let's consider specifications cement and fiber finishes. The main parameters of the material are given in the table.

Table. Fiber cement panels for facades - technical characteristics.

Technical specificationsMeaning
Density, g/cm3From 1.5
Weight individual element finishing, kg/m2From 16 to 26
Bending strength, MPa20 or more
Impact strength, kJ/m2From 2
Moisture absorption,% by weightFrom 7 to 20
Thickness of an individual element, mmFrom 6 to 35
Length of an individual element, mm1200, 1500, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600
Width of an individual element, mm190, 455, 910, 1200, 1500

When selecting fiber cement panels for the facade, make sure that they are manufactured in accordance with GOST 8747-88 or DIN EN 12467 standards.

GOST 8747-88. Asbestos-cement sheet products. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Prices for popular fiber cement wall panels

How are fiber cement panels made?

Let's take a look at the example of fiber cement panels of the LATONIT brand with technological process production of this finishing material.

Step 1. Cement, sand, cellulose and other components of the finishing material are mixed together.

Cement is one of the components

Step 2. The resulting mixture enters the molding department and is rolled out to a still wet layer of a certain thickness.

Step 3. Raw rolled fiber cement is cut according to the length and width into sheets of certain sizes.

Step 4. The fiber cement sheets obtained in this way are stacked.

Step 5. The laid slabs enter the press, where they are subjected to high blood pressure. Thanks to this, fiber cement leaves excess moisture, the density and strength of the finishing material increases.

Step 6. The fiberboards that have passed the press are sent to a chamber for thermal and humidity treatment. There the material goes through an accelerated hardening process.

Step 8 Fully cured fiber cement panels are sanded and painted.

Important! Often, a rather complex coating is applied to the surface of fiber cement panels, imitating real stone or brickwork.

Step 9 The technological process of manufacturing fiber cement boards is completed by rejecting, packaging and sending the material to the warehouse.

Types and main manufacturers of fiber cement panels

Based on their appearance, fiber cement panels can be divided into the following groups.

Important! Some of the fiber cement panels are produced unpainted - the home owner must complete this stage of façade finishing independently. On the one hand, this will allow you to choose a color that for some reason you did not find in the manufacturer’s catalog. But at the same time you will need to spend time and effort on applying paint. It is also worth noting that the cost of such unpainted fiber cement panels is 10-20% lower than the fully finished material.

The durability and appearance of fiber cement panels for facades directly depend on who produced them and on what equipment, as well as with what care the manufacturer followed the technological processes. In total, there are eight manufacturers who are considered leaders in this area in the construction market in the CIS. You can familiarize yourself with them from the table below.

Table. Fiber cement panel for facades - main manufacturers and brands.


A Japanese company that is one of the pioneers in the production of fiber cement panels. Many years of experience allowed them to bring the technological process and the quality of the manufactured material to the best possible levels.

Another manufacturer of fiber cement finishing from Japan. The company pays great attention to the quality of the cement and mineral fillers used.

A developing manufacturer from Russia. Constantly increasing production speed, expanding model lines of fiber cement boards. For their production we use the most modern equipment from Europe.


Finnish manufacturer of fiber cement finishing. Produces medium slabs price segment, very high quality and especially resistant in cold conditions.

Large assortment and high quality, ensured by strict monitoring of the technological process and product compliance with basic standards.


The products of this company can be found almost everywhere - there are representatives in dozens of cities throughout the CIS.

Danish manufacturer, one of the leaders in the production of asbestos-cement boards. Known for its quality, in no way inferior to its Japanese counterparts.

This company specializes in fiber cement panels secured with rivets. Most often, these products are used for finishing facades. public buildings and offices.

Not every homeowner allows it financial condition decorate the house with stone tiles or decorative bricks. It's not just the cost of materials, but also the complexity and high cost of installation. To insulate and give the house a more aesthetic appearance, there are special facade panels. Read more.

How to properly cut, drill and store fiber cement panels

Before we begin installing fiber cement panels on the facade of a building, we will consider some of the features of working with them - cutting, drilling and storage. Let's start with cutting the panels, which may become necessary when working with corners, slopes and the space under the roof of the cottage.

Step 1. The cutting line for the fiber cement panel is marked. It lays itself on a flat surface. front side down. Placed under the panel soft material which will protect it from scratches.

Step 2. The cutting tool is being prepared. It is best to use a circular saw for this. In this case, a product with a guide rail is used, automatic feeding and a dust extractor - with the help of these devices, a neat and quick cut of the fiber cement panel is achieved. Disk circular saw should be positioned in such a way that at its lowest point it extends 5 mm below the sheet of finishing material.

Step 3. Turns on Circular Saw and the cutting process begins. Its disk runs along the entire length of the fiber cement panel. Then the cut part of the fiber cement panel is separated from the main sheet.

Prices for the popular range of circular saws

A circular saw

Step 4. The surface near the cut of the fiber cement panel is wiped from dust formed during the cutting process with a dry cloth.

Drilling fiber cement panels should not cause you any problems. The main thing is to comply with several conditions.

  1. If possible, use only special drills with the appropriate sharpening angle.
  2. Do not drill several panels at the same time - only one at a time.
  3. It is necessary to make indents from the edges of the fiber cement panel. They depend on the specific characteristics of each sheet and should be specified in the instructions or description supplied with the material.
  4. After completing the drilling process, the panel around the hole must be cleaned of dust on both sides. To do this, use a dry microfiber cloth.

Every home has engineering Communication, in some cases they come out not underground, but above it. In such a situation, there is a need for cutting in fiber cement panels round holes. You can see the process in the photos below.

Fiber cement panels should be stored in a dry place and strictly in a horizontal position. It is not advisable to place the slabs on the ends - they will be deformed. Pallets or wooden blocks must be placed under stacks of fiber cement panels.

Video - Installation of Cedral fiber cement siding

Installation of fiber cement panels - step-by-step instructions

Let's imagine step by step instructions, which consistently describes the process of installing fiber cement panels on the facade of a house.

Step 1. Installation of fiber cement panels begins with preparing the wall. It is cleaned of remnants of old finishing, dust and dirt. If the house is made of brick or foam blocks, get rid of excess cement mortar between them. Then, using a level and beacons, determine how much flat wall, whether there are any defects on it that need to be taken into account in the future.

Step 2. Markings are applied to the wall for the installation of brackets on which the frame for finishing made of fiber cement panels will be attached. The vertical and horizontal spacing between the brackets is selected based on the project and the material used.

Step 3. Using the marks made at the previous stage, holes are made for anchor fasteners. Their depth is selected based on the wall material and the weight of the fiber cement panels that will be used for finishing.

Prices for popular hammer drill models


Step 4. Brackets for the fiber cement finish frame are assembled and mounted on the wall using anchor bolts. Then the length of their working part is adjusted according to the plumb lines that were made in the first step. This parameter depends on the thickness of the intended insulation layer.

Step 5. According to the principles set out in the previous operation, all brackets are installed on the wall.

Step 6. A layer of mineral wool is laid on the main wall. In this case, cuts are created in the material for the brackets. Fixation is carried out using disc-shaped dowels driven over the entire surface of each individual mineral wool slab. The insulation is laid with overlapping vertical joints like brickwork. This is necessary to improve thermal insulation properties layer and eliminating “cold bridges”.

Step 7 Fixed on brackets vertical profile frame. Their final connection is made using rivets.

Step 8 The rest of the vertical profiles are installed using the same principle. They are connected to each other using a busbar and rivets, as shown in the illustration below. It is necessary to leave a small gap between the vertical profiles being joined to compensate thermal expansion metal

Step 9 Drill holes for fasteners in the fiber cement panels and install them on the vertical profiles. Level the product horizontally using a level.

Step 10 Fiber cement panels are fixed to the frame by tightening self-tapping screws in the corners.

Step 11 Screws alone are not enough to fix fiber cement panels for a façade; they must be supplemented with slides installed in a vertical profile. They are adjusted to the corresponding panel parts.

Step 12 Another panel is attached to the side. Its fixation follows the same principle - first, self-tapping screws in the corners, then fitted slides. But at the same time, a small gap is maintained between adjacent panels, designed to compensate for the increase in facade finishing for one reason or another and to prevent its warping.

Step 14 The slopes are finished separately. There are two options here. In the first case, the slopes are covered with painted metal products, in the second - with pieces of fiber cement panels. The joints at the corners are treated with sealant.

After this, finishing the facade of the house with fiber cement panels can be considered successfully completed.

Everyone has long known that the facade of a house is the face of its owner. Therefore, everyone strives to make the appearance of their home impeccable. I am one of those people too. Having not only a private house, but also the dacha, I wanted to arrange each of them in its own way. Of course, the facades had to be different. Therefore, looking through the options, I decided that I would use fiber cement facade slabs. And below I will write why I chose this option for finishing the facade.

Façade finishing with fiber cement boards

What is the material famous for?

Fiber cement boards are an environmentally friendly material, and their composition contains up to 90% cement. Thanks to this, they began to decorate not only high-rise buildings, but also private houses and cottages. These panels are distinguished by their high strength, which is achieved thanks to reinforcing fibers and mineral fillers. In addition, the combination of sand, cement and reinforcing fibers makes fiber cement panels not only strong, but also durable, but resistant to corrosion and rotting. And fire resistance makes them even more reliable. I want to say that among all the other facing materials for the house, it was fiber cement products that won my attention due to the huge number of positive properties and characteristics.

Facade made of fiber cement boards

Fiber cement facade slabs have the following properties:

  1. Fire resistance - in addition to the fact that the panels will not ignite under the influence of fire, they will serve as an insurmountable barrier for it
  2. Due to its excellent tolerance to low and high temperatures, it is called heat-resistant
  3. Cement panels are resistant to chemical and biological influences
  4. Not afraid of aggressive environments and mechanical stress

In addition, I liked that fiber cement products are not afraid of open sun rays, and ultraviolet radiation does not affect them in any way. Facing slabs weigh half as much as porcelain stoneware, which means that the load on the house will be significantly less, and reliability and insulation will not suffer from this.

Textures of fiber cement boards

Important! Distinctive characteristic can be called the ability of slabs to self-clean. When dirt gets on fiber cement products, it is destroyed and then washed away by rain or snow.

Having a large number of options for the facade, it is possible to imitate the finish of granite or stone, because the technical characteristics best convey the colors and textures of the materials they imitate. Of course, installation of slabs is very simple; with a little experience and some skills, you can finish the facades yourself. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to leave all the work to professionals; they will definitely not spoil the appearance of the house.

Fiber cement panels for facades

Along with its properties, fiber cement material has a number of advantages, which I highlighted when arranging my façade:

  • When making tiles, autoclaving is carried out, and this serves as an obstacle to the formation of limescale deposits
  • No special preparation of walls or their adjustment will be required. This type of façade cladding will hide all unevenness and cracks, along with stains and remnants of old paint.
  • Fiber cement products are economical and at the same time their quality is no worse than other facade materials
  • Installation work can be carried out at any time of the year
  • This finish protects the facade from various weather conditions which are of an unfavorable nature. The material is not afraid of UV rays, sudden temperature changes and exposure to microorganisms
  • Any projects and design solutions can be done using fiber cement panels. There is a huge selection of textures and colors

Using fiber cement for OSB panels

Very often OSB boards are used for facades. It would be more correct to call them OSB, but using the transliteration OSB, with in English, everyone is used to calling them exactly OSB panels. The use of such materials is possible in for various purposes, not only for the facade, but also for the floor or walls interior space Houses. It is very light, but at the same time solid foundation, which has recently become applicable for the construction frame houses. However, in any case, OSB needs to be coated with something, and depending on the scope of application, the coating may be different.

Fiber cement panels - facade finishing

If we talk about the production of furniture or, for example, covering the floor in a house, then you can definitely paint the surface. But if we are talking about OSB staining, which is located on outdoors, for example if it is frame house, then it is better to use another coating that will adhere firmly to the slab and protect it from adverse conditions.
For exterior decoration frame house Fiber cement panels can be used from OSB. By the way, very often OSB panels are used to level the walls of a house and, of course, after that they need to be covered. Simply speaking, for the surface covered with OSB panels, you can use materials that are suitable for wooden board. Thanks to production technology OSB boards quite strong and smooth.

Fiber cement boards for exterior home decoration

Installation technology

Regardless of what type of fiber cement boards you choose, the installation technology will be quite simple and straightforward.

I will write the main stages of cladding the facade with fiber cement elements:

  • The very first thing to do is preparatory work. I cleaned the walls of the old coating and identified irregularities
  • Afterwards, all window sills and protruding objects must be removed, and damage must be removed.
  • Next, I placed marks in the places where the brackets will be located. The pitch should be 60 centimeters vertically and 100 horizontally

Installation diagram of fiber cement boards

  • Then we install the subsystem. I used metal profiles because I don't trust wooden ones. But this is a matter of your desire
  • Before installing fiber cement products, it is necessary to install thermal insulation. You can use fiberglass and secure it using dowels with wide heads.
  • Next, I secured the fiberboards with staples, but you can also use nails - it all depends on the thickness of the material. Do not forget that you need to buy slabs with a reserve. Up to 7% of the material used can be wasted during circumcision
  • Between the plates you need to fix the strips that will separate them, then you will get even joints. Later they need to be sealed with sealant

Fiber cement boards will improve the facade of the house

The cladding of a building performs not only aesthetic functions, it also contributes to additional insulation walls and protecting them from negative impact environment. Many builders now use fiber cement facade panels produced abroad and in Russia for such purposes.

What it is

The uniqueness of this building material lies in the fact that it combines the most important qualities of facade coatings: strength, lightness and durability. This is a composite panel that consists of cement, cellulose and insulating natural fillers.

Thanks to this design, fiber cement coating tolerates very well high humidity and temperature changes. They are used for installing ventilated facades, covering buildings directly on the wall with glue, and installing them on top of plaster on a frame.

Photo - fiber cement panel

Depending on which facade panels made of fiber cement boards you want to buy, their technical characteristics will change. Always pay attention to impurities in cement mortar, this information is indicated on the packaging of the building material. Some species contain quartz, which significantly increases operational capabilities. Often mica and even limestone are added to the solution (for areas with high humidity).

Advantages of fiber cement panels for house facades:

  1. Despite the fact that the material contains cement, the slabs are very light. This perfect solution for cladding houses with strip or pillar foundations;
  2. Installation is easy to do with your own hands;
  3. Nowadays there is a huge number of different facade panels on the market. You can buy coverings for brick, stone and siding;
  4. Durability. The average service life of fiber cement facade slabs is 30 years. At the same time, they are not susceptible to fungi and mold due to large quantity natural absorbents in the composition and special manufacturing technology;
  5. Low cost. Compared to others cladding material, fiber cement is one of the most affordable. It is sold in almost every building materials store, as well as on online trading portals.

But the coating also has its own flaws. Firstly, it does not look presentable on the facade of the building. If you are looking for material for finishing a summer house or utility rooms– then the facade panels are ideal, but for a cottage in the city this is not the best The best decision. Secondly, unlike stone finishing and other natural materials, fiber cement cannot be washed. Exposing it to cleaning products can be detrimental to it.

Photo - Japanese facade fiber cement sheets

Panel production

The technology for manufacturing fiber cement boards is quite complex; a special automatic line is used for this. The main materials are cement and cellulose, so their selection and composition is approached with special responsibility. These components are pressed on a rolling table. To obtain such a consistency, it is necessary to apply a pressure of at least 600 MPa to the raw material. Thanks to it, a fairly dense slab is formed with a very fine structure, almost homogeneous.

This is the basis for future facade panels. Re-pressing is carried out for the constituent natural materials that form inner layer coverings. They are also passed through the rolling table. The third stage involves combining two finished coatings and obtaining a homogeneous slab.

Photo - fiber cement sheets under stone

After this, the material is treated with mixtures that will prevent its destruction due to water or wind. The panels are also given a certain appearance. The fiber cement sheets are then painted or varnished and packaged for further sale.

Video: layout of fiber cement facade panels


As we have already said, such slabs can be installed either on a pre-prepared frame or on the wall of a building. Depending on your needs and capabilities, you can choose any option; this will not reduce the service life of the facade. But the frame is now more in demand, because with its help you can organize a ventilated facade.

Photo - finished facade

Step-by-step instruction how to install fiber cement panels:

Some masters recommend after graduation facade works cover the joints with exterior paint, which will protect the fasteners from corrosion. We recommend inspecting the façade several times a year so that repairs can be carried out in a timely manner if necessary. Pay special attention to sheet joints and corner parts.

Price overview

You can buy façade fiber cement panels in stores of official dealers (for example, Japanese Kmew DT-Stone or Chinese Nichiha) or at manufacturing plants, say, Rospan. Naturally, the products of Nichiha and Asahi Tostem (Asahi) are also sold in online stores, but in this case, you will not be able to control the condition of the slabs and their appearance.

It should be noted that the cost of imported coatings is slightly higher than the price of domestic analogues. We suggest considering prices for fiber cement facade panels Latonit P 1500x1200x6, rubles per m2:

Many manufacturers provide custom cutting and coating design services. This is very convenient for finishing buildings with a non-standard layout.


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