An individual wants to open his own company. "I want to open an LLC!"

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Many people are in the process labor activity The idea may arise to create your own business entity. In this case, there is a need not only to choose the legal form of the organization, but to register it and arrange subsequent entrepreneurial activity. The idea of ​​opening a company requires effort and financial investment. Some law firms offer certain reward do it from start to finish, but the process is quite possible to carry out independently.

Decide on the legal form

If future entrepreneur wants to create a small business on his own, then he has the opportunity to register an individual entrepreneur. In this case, if debts arise, the entrepreneur may be required to answer for them with his own property. It is not surprising that for many independent entrepreneurs or those who have partners, opening an LLC would be a good solution. The legal framework for such entrepreneurship is quite simple, and the registration process, although somewhat more complicated, is quite feasible.

In addition, the clear advantage of this legal form is that in the event of obligations of the founders, they will be liable only with their own shares in the authorized capital, which means that the risk of losing their property disappears. Although not completely, because if a company goes bankrupt deliberately, then its founders will be subject to subsidiary liability, and this also must be taken into account.

How to open an LLC

It is worth understanding that the process state registration An LLC is more complicated than a private enterprise, despite the fact that the deadlines established by law are the same. In fact, this is due to the volume of the documentary package, the preparation of which will take longer.

Today there are a lot of proposals for the formation and opening of a turnkey LLC. This option, if funds are available, can also be considered, because the registration process will be handled by professionals, which means that the chances of quick registration increase. But if you want to save money, then you should prepare the documentary package yourself. In this case, you need to know its composition:

  • Charter – provided for registration in two copies. One of them will return to the company's disposal, and the second will be sent to the archive.
  • A document indicating the decision to create a company. This document may be a constituent agreement, minutes of a board meeting, or independent decision sole founder.
  • List of founders. Moreover, there should be not just a list, but copies of identity documents.
  • Application for registration act. It is drawn up on form P11001, filled out by the founders themselves or an authorized person, and signed by the founders. If they are not present on the document submission document, the signatures must be notarized.
  • Administrative documents on hiring for the position of general director, as well as accountant. It is the director who will act on behalf of the company, and Chief Accountant— be responsible for reporting not only to the founding meeting, but also to regulatory authorities.
  • A letter of guarantee, which confirms the fact of renting a premises or building to accommodate a legal entity; accordingly, it is also confirmed by legal address companies.
  • Bank receipt as confirmation of payment of state duty. There may be several of them if the founders made independent payments according to their shares in the capital.
  • If an organization wishes to use a simplified regime for calculating and paying taxes, it will be necessary to provide an application for this desire.

For those who have not previously encountered legal formalities, it may be difficult to understand where and how to obtain the necessary documentation. In fact, each copy comes from the initial stages of the company’s activities - convening meetings, making decisions, etc.

How does registration work?

After all documents have been collected required quantities, the authorized person of the organization, the founder or founders are sent to tax office at the place of the company's legal address and submit documents there. The inspector receives them, and after receiving them issues a receipt that will tell the founders when to come for the results. Nowadays, the entire registration process takes three days, which means that the time frame for opening an LLC company increases due to the lengthy preparation of documentation.

Documents are checked by machine, and if there are no shortcomings, the founders will receive a registration certificate within three days along with a charter confirmed by the tax authorities, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which contains all the important codes for the business entity.

So, being sole founder LLC or having partners, you can register it yourself, for which you need to collect a package of documents and submit it for consideration to the tax control authorities, which directly carry out the registration of business entities.

Opening your own company is the desire of many experienced lawyers. But they ask questions: “How to open a law firm from scratch?” or “How to attract clients?” Despite a higher legal education and great zeal, for this you still need to have a certain knowledge of the fundamental rules, the observance of which will help you achieve your goal. How to start your own legal business from scratch?

Opening own business in the legal field entails many advantages, but, as in any business, unfortunately, one cannot do without disadvantages.

The following advantages should be noted in having your own business:

    • Absence of the boss. You are the head of your own company, which means you are free to make your own decisions.
    • Profitability will depend on you, the entrepreneur, earnings can be impressive or quite low.
    • Flexible schedule. In the future, having hired staff, you will be able not to work at all, but only manage your employees.
    • As the founder of the company, you will receive the greatest profit, unlike an ordinary employee.

Having your own business is prestigious.


  • Risk. If you choose the wrong business strategy, then your business may fail, in which case it cannot be avoided financial problems. Take this issue seriously.
  • At the starting stage, a lot of investment, effort and time will be required.
  • No matter how trivial it may sound, business is always stressful, be prepared for the fact that most likely not everything will work out with ease.

If the waste of effort and risk do not frighten you, then you can move on to those aspects that will reveal in detail the topic of how to open a legal consultation.

How to open a law firm from scratch - instructions

Registration, permits, documents

Let's take a closer look at the question of how to open a law firm from scratch. In order to open your own law firm, you do not need to receive the appropriate education; it can be opened by an individual or legal entity.

However, you must register with the proper government tax authority and choose a form of taxation in order to operate legally.

The company can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC for several individuals.

It is better to design the taxation system according to the scheme “subtract expenses from income.” Convenient option– The simplified tax system with a rate of 15% is more profitable.

How to open a law firm with necessary permits? The answer is quite simple. It turns out that, as the current legislation states, special permissions and a license is not required to open a private law firm.

The following documents will be required:

  • Passport, its photocopies.
  • Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  • Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Selection of type of activity according to OKVED codes.

Important! As soon as you receive a certificate of registration, immediately begin developing a business strategy and promoting your company.

Selection of premises and equipment

An important task when opening a law firm is the choice of premises. The best option for the location of your office would be the city center, because the infrastructure is better there, and it will be more convenient for the client to get to and find you.

It would be nice if your office is located on the ground floor and on the street side, for the same reason listed above.

You also need to take care of the availability of the necessary equipment.

It is best to decorate the premises in the form of an office. To do this, you will need to purchase special furniture (chairs, tables, convenient lockers, etc.) and computer equipment (computer or laptop, printer, scanner, etc.), and you also need to take care of stationery(paper, pencils, pens, etc.).

Prepare for the fact that several clients may come to you at once; arrange items in the space for them as comfortable and convenient as possible.


For the first time, it is better to start the activity of a law firm together with a partner and not hire employees.

Over time, when the business rises and develops, you can think about hiring additional staff.

It is necessary to hire: three qualified workers who will work with all kinds of services; courier Financial questions can be solved with the help of a visiting accountant.

Attention! When recruiting your professional staff, you need to use labor exchanges, submit advertisements in newspapers and relevant Internet resources.

There will be many candidates, they can be both yesterday’s students and experienced professionals. Naturally, it will be preferable to use the services of the latter, but it’s up to you to decide.

As your business expands, you may need staff.

Approximate composition of a mid-level law firm:

  1. highly qualified lawyer;
  2. legal consultant;
  3. lawyer working with individuals;
  4. lawyer for working with legal entities;
  5. legal assistant;
  6. secretary assistant;
  7. accountant.

Business process organization

How to promote a law firm? First of all, you need to decide on the specialization of the law firm, and also take care of the quality of the services provided.

To do this, you need to create your own corporate style, an appropriate image, and maintain good reputation. All this will further determine the success of your business.

It is necessary to start with providing a small number legal services, and as your business expands, increase the range of services provided.

After all, it will be very difficult both to open a law firm from scratch and to control it.

It is also necessary to identify the main audience of the clientele, and based on this, organize the work process.

For example, if you are going to provide services in solving business problems, then the best option There will be an organization of work activities from 8:00–19:00, so that it is not difficult for the client to establish contact with you during his work day.

A good option would be if one employee from your staff works on duty on weekends at least until noon.

Business strategy

Organizing a law firm business plan, as well as opening a law firm from scratch, is not an easy task.

Research the market in detail in this area, carefully study your competitors, identify their advantages and disadvantages. This will help you make fewer mistakes in organizing your business plan.

Develop an acceptable pricing policy, this is especially important on initial stage.

Promising directions at the moment:

  • Legal support in the field of real estate and construction.
  • Support for migrants. For example, assistance in settling, obtaining citizenship, etc.
  • Control of financial and economic activities of companies.
  • Protests related to illegal activities of law enforcement agencies.

Search for clients

Aspects when looking for clients:

  1. Use the Internet. First of all, take care of creating a company website, it is advisable to hire a specialist, fortunately there are enough of them on the Internet, so there should not be any problems with this.
    Advertising can be placed on various websites and mobile applications.
  2. Traditional methods of information dissemination. These are: leaflets, word of mouth, organization of exhibitions, seminars and conferences.
    It would be a good idea to submit an advertisement in the newspaper, where you briefly tell about the services you provide, the location of the company, and prices.
    Placing signs on the streets will also be effective; you can fork out for advertising on television.

Attention! For best result in search of clients, you need to use the services of a qualified specialist - a PR manager.

How can you guarantee that a lawyer will get clients?

The most difficult stage for all organizations is start-up and law firm not an exception. Money invested in advertising and marketing may not always return as ready-made clients. Thus, money can be wasted. And when there are already so few of them, it creates additional problems and increases the company's expenses.

However, there is one solution that will ensure that the money invested generates ready customers. Currently, due to the globalization of the Internet, clients are looking for lawyers there. But how can you get clients without spending extra money? It’s very simple - for this there are special intermediary firms that can provide you with clients.

Attention! If you want to pay only for leads and don’t want to waste money, then you can start working with companies that provide lead generation. This is by no means the main source of clients, but it is a constant one. Especially useful at the initial stage. Click on the banner above and read the terms and conditions.

Costs and profits

Approximate start-up costs:

Expenses When to pay Amount, thousand rubles
Registration and acquisition of a legal address At the initial stage 30,0
Furniture and equipment At the initial stage 50-60
Communication and software costs Monthly 40,0
Office rental, renovation (10-15 sq.m.) Monthly 130,0
Salary per person Monthly 30-40
Transport Monthly 10,0
Office At the initial stage 5,0

Profit will depend primarily on the number of clients and the quality of the services you provide.

The average cost of providing legal services in Moscow is:

  • oral consultation – 1000-2000 thousand rubles/hour;
  • written one-time consultation on legal issues – 3,000 rubles;
  • registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur not including state registration. duties - 4500 rubles;
  • LLC registration without state duty – 1100 rubles;
  • writing a statement of claim – 9,000 rubles;
  • liquidation of a legal entity – 60,000 rubles;
  • representation of interests in court – 40,000 rubles.

Let’s say that in 30 days four of your employees served 20 clients, the approximate price of the service is 10 thousand rubles, if everything is organized correctly, then With the previously assigned range of services, we get the following numbers:

4*20*10000=800000 rubles

The tax amount is 20%, which means:

800000*0.2=116000 rubles

By simple calculations we find out the net profit:

800000.0 – 119000.0 – 315000.0= 369000.0 rub.

At the first stage, get a large number of clients is a rare occurrence, but when the right approach after a few months this becomes quite achievable.

As a result, in a successful scenario, payback is achieved in 1-3 months.

Opening your own law office is quite a risky business that requires a lot of effort, but with a skillful approach it can bring significant profits.

How to register an LLC on your own in 2018? What package of documents is required to open a company? What to do after registering an LLC?

Hello, friends. Alexander Berezhnov is with you. Today we will talk about registering an LLC.

This topic is relevant both for beginning entrepreneurs and for those who already have their own business.

In one of the previous articles I talked about “”, but many readers of our business magazine had a need for a high-quality article about opening an LLC.

When preparing this article, I consulted with attorneys I know to ensure that the information in it was up to date.

I wish you a productive study of materials and good tax inspectors :)

1. What is an LLC and in what case should it be opened?

To begin with, I will give a definition of this organizational and legal form of doing business.

Then I’ll tell you who is suitable for opening a limited liability company (LLC).

Limited Liability Company(official abbreviated name - LLC) - a business entity (firm, company) established (created) by one or more legal entities and/or individuals.

Authorized capital of LLC divided into shares according to the contribution of participants (founders) to it.

Participants (founders) Limited liability companies are not liable for their obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares in the authorized capital of the company.

Features of LLC activities

1. An LLC can be opened by one person (the so-called LLC with a single founder) or by several people (co-founders)

Moreover, as follows from the definition, the founders of an LLC can be both individuals and legal entities.

2. Members of the company are liable for their obligations only to the extent of the share they contributed to the authorized capital of the company

This means that if the authorized capital of your LLC is 10,000 rubles, and your company (LLC) owes its creditors 100,000 rubles, then judicial procedure creditors will not be able to receive more than 10,000 rubles, also according to the law, they will not be able to collect the remaining 90,000 rubles of debt from you personally.

This is where the limited liability of society manifests itself. That is, the risks of your personal losses are reduced.

3. LLC is a commercial organization whose main purpose is to make a profit

Therefore, all types of activities specified when registering a company are only tools with which it earns money.

4. The main regulating document for conducting the activities of an LLC is its Charter

This is a mandatory document that is submitted to the tax authorities when registering an LLC. You can find out more about drawing up the Charter

5. LLC can be sold or bought as a company

For example, if you want to sell your business (share in a business), you can contact a professional business appraiser and get his opinion on market value your LLC.

If, on the contrary, you want to buy a business (a share in a business), you will only need to buy the entire company or part of it from the previous founders and make a profit according to the size of your share.

Compared to an individual entrepreneur, if you are an individual entrepreneur, then you will not be able to sell your business as a company. It is also impossible to buy a business in the form of individual entrepreneurship.

You can buy, for example, equipment, real estate, transport or goods from an individual entrepreneur, as from a private individual.

The same is true with the sale of a business from an individual entrepreneur.

6. An LLC has some significant differences, for example, from an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur)

The LLC has its own name and has no restrictions on conducting commercial activities (subject to licenses and permits).

Society also pays higher taxes than individual entrepreneurs. It is more difficult to maintain company accounting; LLCs also have higher fines, taxes, and more complex reporting than individual entrepreneurs.

These are the most basic points you need to know before registering your LLC.

In what cases is it better to open an LLC:

  • If you want to do government work. procurement or participate in tenders (quotations). In most cases, individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to participate in such competitions.
  • If you want to sell alcohol or engage in other activities that are not permitted by law for individual entrepreneurs.
  • If you want to impress your clients or business partners. LLC traditionally looks more solid, as it is considered a full-fledged company with its own name.
  • If you do not want to take much risk by answering your obligations with your personal property. In the event of a debt to third parties, the LLC is liable for it only within the limits of the Authorized Capital, minimum size which today is 10,000 rubles.

For comparison, if you are an individual entrepreneur, your transport, real estate, goods, and funds may be recovered from you in court. According to the law, an individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with all his property.

In the case of registering an LLC, you have much less risk of being left with debts.

2. Package of documents for LLC registration

If you decide to open an LLC on your own, then for registration you will need the following documents:

  1. All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED - 2018)
  2. Application on form No. R 11001
  3. The founders' decision to create an LLC
  4. LLC Charter
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty for LLC registration. Currently, the state fee for registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles. However, there are rumors that it could rise to 6,500 rubles. The payment document form can be generated on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and paid at the bank.
  6. Application for transition to a simplified taxation system.
    Attention! You fill out this application only if your type of activity fits the “simplified” category. Please consult with your accountant before submitting documents.
  7. Letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address (location of your future LLC). Required in original. You can buy (rent) a legal address from companies providing such services in your city.
  8. Payment confirmation document authorized capital LLC (issued by the bank) or the conclusion of an independent appraiser on the availability of the necessary authorized capital contributed in non-monetary form when creating the LLC.

You can prepare these documents for registering an LLC either yourself or seek help from specialized companies that deal with the preparation of documents for legal entities And individual entrepreneurs.

You can also prepare documents for LLC registration free of charge through the 1C-Start online service. At the exit, you will receive forms filled out without errors, which you just need to print and submit to the tax authority. So, already at the first stage, you save your money and time, insure yourself against refusal by the Federal Tax Service, without delving into Difficult language legislation.

3. How to register an LLC yourself - 10 simple steps

Step 1. Get acquainted with the legislation on limited liability companies

Before opening an LLC, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the legislation in this area.

To do this you will need two basic laws:

  1. Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” No. 14-FZ of 02/08/1998
  2. Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” No. 129 of 08.08.2001

To create a hassle-free LLC, take the time to familiarize yourself with these laws. After all, it’s better to devote an hour or two of your time to this than to then waste days correcting errors in documents.

Step 2. Decide on the types of activities

If you have already decided what you are going to do, for example, sell wholesale Construction Materials, then you will need to find the code for this type of activity in (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities).

To do this, download it, open it and find the type of activity that suits you.

Let's take a look again at what you need to do:

  1. We fill out form No. P 11001. All information about the founders, as well as the types of activities that the company will engage in, are indicated here.
  2. We fill out the decision of the founders on the creation of an LLC (bring the original of this document to registration).
  3. We draw up the Charter of the LLC (required in 2 copies).
  4. We enclose a receipt for the state fee for registering an LLC in the amount of 4,000 rubles (original).
  5. We fill out an application for transition to a simplified tax system (when conducting business on a simplified taxation system).
  6. Attached letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address (owner of the premises).
  7. A check or an expert appraiser's opinion on the contribution (payment) of the authorized capital of the LLC.

After this, we submit documents for registration.

If you have any difficulties filling out the documents, then contact a lawyer you know, he will tell you how to fill them out correctly, and for a certain fee they will also provide you with the “turnkey LLC registration” service without any problems.

Step 8. Receive documents

If all documents were completed correctly, the state. The registrar at the tax office accepted them and gave you a receipt, then within 5 working days they will open an LLC for you.

You will receive the entire package of documents, including the LLC registration certificate, which you will need in the future to make a seal.

Please check the received documents carefully!

Not often, but it happens that people make mistakes in numbers and data when preparing documents. The human factor has not yet been canceled.

If everything went smoothly, congratulations, you are now a full-fledged owner of your own company!

There are still a couple of steps left to start official activities.

Step 9. Order a print

You can order a stamp from any stamp manufacturing company. Registering an LLC involves this mandatory step. To do this, take with you the constituent documents (TIN, OGRN certificate).

When making a seal for an LLC, you will be offered a catalog from different design options its design. All you have to do is choose the option you like.

Print production time ranges from several hours to 2 days in different companies.

Along with the seal, I advise you to immediately purchase ink for it.

Once completed, your print will look something like this:

You will need a seal when signing contracts, executing transactions, and in all cases when you certify something on behalf of your LLC.

Step 10. Open a current account

By law, an LLC is required to have a current account, and the company must transfer all money received there.

You can open a current account at any bank that provides this service. At the same time, pay attention to the tariffs.

Everyone has different conditions for opening an account and maintaining it.

Some banks have a subscription fee, but in others there is no such fee and you pay either a small amount for one transaction or a percentage of the account turnover.

Very important!

An entrepreneur I know went bankrupt and lost money for current account about a million rubles!

You probably know that deposits of individuals are insured by the state and if the bank’s license is revoked, you are entitled to compensation of up to 700,000 rubles.

TO commercial organizations this does not apply, and if the bank's license is revoked, then you lose money in your checking account.

Therefore, open a current account for your LLC only in reliable and well-known banks.

4. What to do after opening an LLC

After you have opened an LLC, you must:

1.Go to the statistics department at the place of registration of the company

Correctly this department is called “Territorial body Federal service state statistics (for the city of Moscow)” - here Moscow is taken as an example. You go to the statistics department for your city.

There you will be given the codes assigned to the LLC upon registration.

2. Register with extra-budgetary funds (Fund social insurance, Pension Fund)

Go to the FSS and Pension Fund. So they will tell you everything and help you fill out the necessary papers.

After all these procedures, you can fully work.

All you have to do is keep reports and submit them, for this I recommend that you take advantage of the capabilities of Internet accounting “” and keep reports using this service.

Any commercial company created by one or more individuals can be called an LLC if it has limited liability, that is, they can be liable for their obligations within the framework of their authorized capital, which they collected to open it.

The shares are proportional to the funds contributed to the company, this is enshrined in the charter. The status of such a company is defined as a legal entity. When organizing a new limited liability company, it is necessary to draw up its charter and create an authorized capital.

Basic activities that are necessary to create an LLC

So, what do you need to open an LLC:

  1. Come up with original name society, it must be in full and abbreviated versions in Russian, in addition to the name itself, it must be written in full: “Limited Liability Company.” In the abbreviated version, you need to write down the abbreviation of the name and company. You can call a society a foreign word or in the language of one of the peoples of the Russian Federation.


At full writing you need to write: Limited Liability Company “TV Repair Service No. 27”. In abbreviated form, this entry will look like this: “SRT No. 27” or LLC “SRT No. 27”.

When working with payment orders or when making a company seal, it is better to use the shortened version, and documents sent to the Pension Fund with a short name will be accepted more readily.

  1. Decide on the type of activity. There may be a main type of activity and an additional one, but it is important to determine the main type of your activity.
    All types of possible activities of limited liability companies are determined by the classifier, it is officially called OKVED. The digital value of the code is quite large, there is no need to completely rewrite it, just write at least 4 digits.
    When choosing a company's activities, codes are indicated; they must comply with the company's contractual obligations.

If you decide, after registration, change field of activity, then you should add them to the constituent documents, and you do not need to pay for their registration with the tax office.

The insurance premium rate depends on professional activity society, for example, if your activity will only be in the office, then its size is small compared to those organizations that are busy construction business, it is determined by the OKVED code.

The choice of area of ​​activity will determine the ability to work in simplified taxation, when for your employees you will need to contribute not 26, but only 18% to the Pension Fund.

  1. Decide on a legal address. Will work at this address executive agency society, for example, general director. By the legal address you can find out which tax office the company will belong to.

For example, you found non-residential premises and you are going to open an office of your society there: after you register, you will need to sign premises rental agreement for a certain period.

An important note when drawing up a lease agreement: if the period exceeds 11 months, it must be registered with the registration service at the location of the property. If it is not registered, it may be declared invalid at any time.

When choosing a legal address for a company, pay attention to the premises and how many companies are registered there. If there is a lot, then you may be refused to assign this address to your company, and prerequisite is the presence letter of guarantee from the owner that he is ready to provide you with premises to register the legal address of the company.

When collecting documents for registration of a legal address for your organization, it is important to provide:

  • The rental agreement for this particular premises must be certified by both parties to the agreement
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of premises from the owner to the tenant
  • A notarized copy of the certificate of ownership of the premises

You can specify General Director's residential address as the legal address of the company. As follows from the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 17, paragraph 2: “You can use a residential premises for carrying out work activities, if this does not violate the housing rights of other persons living in it.”

  1. Determine the founders of the company, that is, its members. They can be either individuals or legal entities, residents or non-residents: citizens or legal entities of foreign states.

In the event that among the founders there is legal entities, then when collecting all necessary documents To register, you need to have an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and indicate the executive body. You should know that if a company consists of one person, then it does not have the right to include among the founders an economic organization in which there is only one person.

If your founder is an individual , then to register you need to photocopy your passport (all pages) and indicate its TIN.

If you are not registered with the tax office, and you do not have an identification number, or you forgot to indicate it, your company will not be registered.

If your founder foreign citizen, then in order to register the company, the translation of the passport pages must be notarized.

If your founder foreign legal entity, then in this case they provide for registration a copy of an extract from the register of foreign persons of the state where your founder is from.

It is important to know that an LLC can be created if the number of its members does not exceed 50 people.

How is it happening? Which bank is better to contact?

We will tell you in a separate section what is needed to open an individual entrepreneur. Step-by-step instruction registration.

We will calculate how much it costs to register an LLC on your own at . What are the costs and what can you save on?

What you need, where to start to open an LLC - we list the documents that need to be prepared:

  • An application is submitted to the tax office at the location of the company’s legal address
  • The charter of the company in 2 copies is attached to the application
  • Must have decision to create companies and, if there is only 1 founder, or protocol general meeting all founders where the decision was made to create a limited liability company
  • An agreement is drawn up between all participants of the company on its opening, if the company has more than 2 participants
  • Paid National tax, and the receipt is attached to the package of documents
  • In some cases, you are required to provide a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises that you have the legal address of the company

After submitting the documents, you are given a receipt with a list of them (indicating the number of accepted copies), and after 7 working days you can use it to receive registration documents:

  1. Confirmation of your registration with assignment of OGRN to the company
  2. Confirmation that your organization has been registered for tax purposes with a unique TIN identification number.
  3. You will receive an extract from a single state register for legal entities - Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  4. Your charter will be certified by the registration authority, where all its pages will be indicated and stamped
  5. You will be given a notification letter from Rosstat that you have been registered with the pension and insurance fund of the Russian Federation.
  6. Certificate of registration of your LLC

Opening a current account for an LLC

Except mandatory registration society you will need open your current account in any bank, for this the following package of documents is provided:

  1. Confirmation that you are registered indicating your OGRN
  2. Provide your identification number - TIN
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  4. Provide a notification letter from Rosstat
  5. The charter certified by the registration authority and the seal of your company certified by the general director
  6. Submit a decision to establish a company or minutes of a general meeting
  7. A copy of the appointment order General Director and chief accountant of the company
  8. List all founders of the company
  9. Your legal address
  10. Seal of the society

How to open an LLC company in Russia , what to pay attention to:

  • You need to know how long it will take to open an LLC. Preparing all the necessary documents for registration may take a week, but if you put in the effort, it can take less. The official period is set at 5 working days, but in fact it can last longer, up to 2 weeks.
  • If, upon completion of registration, you have not received official notifications from the pension, insurance funds and Rosstat, then you will have to do this yourself: visit all these organizations and register.
  • Authorized capital can be created not only from Money, but also from existing property, for example, bring in your computer or any property.

Choosing a form of taxation

Even before registering your company, you must choose a form of taxation:

  • At regular taxation system you will have to pay value added tax - VAT, its amount is 18%. Tax on the company's profit in the amount of 20% and property tax in the amount of 2.2% of the accrued salary. The single social tax is paid in the amount of 34.2%. Moreover, VAT is paid every quarter; it can be paid in installments over 3 months. All data is taken from the company’s income and expense book and is proven by an invoice.
  • At simplified taxation system– The simplified tax system is not paid to the state treasury; VAT and UST (unified social tax). You will be required to pay a contribution to the pension and insurance fund, and 6% of the income if you do not include expenses, or 15% if the company's expenses are included. For a limited liability company, the first option of the simplified tax system is beneficial, since there is no item on expenses and the tax authorities are not very interested in such organizations. It is only important to remember that you will have to submit an income tax return every quarter.
  • Special regime of the simplified tax system refers to the patent taxation system, applies to companies that have received a state patent to conduct their activities. Moreover, this system can only be used for the activity specified in the patent, and not for any other. The company can obtain a patent in any subject of the Russian Federation and pay taxes according to this system, in the amount of the difference between the profit received and the profit issued wages to its employees (it is only 5%).

What documents are required for? Responsibility for violating the registration deadline.

From this you will learn where you can get statistics codes for individual entrepreneurs.

Read the link to see how to open a bank account. What documents need to be prepared?

Who is prohibited from using the simplified tax system?

Let us remind you that not all companies can use the simplified tax system; the Tax Code has a definition for those companies that are prohibited from using this taxation system. These include legal entities that:

  • are engaged in gambling business,
  • produce excisable goods,
  • or a company with more than 100 employees.

If you are going to have revenue for the year from your activities of more than 60 million rubles, then in this case you will not be allowed to pay a simplified tax.

There are many people who want to open a company, but not everyone succeeds. One idea and desire are not enough; there must be a great desire, focus on results and, of course, initial capital.

First of all, you need to decide what type of economic activity to choose, and the method of opening a company is important. Can be purchased now ready business and continue to develop it in the same direction, but the cost of this pleasure is too high. As an option, buy a franchise (trademark, business methods). Or organize your company from scratch - in this case you need to plan everything in detail and choose what exactly to do. Select the form of ownership: it can be a private entrepreneur (IP), OJSC, LLC, CJSC. Most often, new companies are opened in the name of a private enterprise, and later, with good progress in development, they are converted into an LLC. The choice depends on many factors: financial position, number of employees, type of enterprise, taxation. If you cannot figure this out on your own, you need to consult a lawyer and accountant.

The choice of taxation system is also important point: this can be general or simplified ( single tax). You need to collect a package of documents, submit it to the tax office and in five days receive a company registration certificate or a reasoned refusal.

The company must have a legal address, and also requires a full package of constituent documents: a certificate of state registration, a certificate of registration with the tax office, a protocol on the appointed manager and his passport data, as well as a charter. A stamp is required, otherwise it will be impossible to open a bank account.

Come up with a name, but do not use well-known logos, otherwise you may be fined. It must be original, memorable and relevant to the type of activity.

Along with the red tape regarding the collection of documents and their execution, you need to draw up a business plan. Thanks to it, all possible profit options and obstacles are taken into account, as well as ways to solve problems. It describes the company's activities, its functioning, estimates of expected profits and losses and competitive advantages. The last and one of the most important points is start-up capital. Success can be affected by either insufficient investment of money or excessive investment (it may not pay off). The source of funding can be friends, relatives or financial organizations. There is a concept - a business loan, but it is very difficult to obtain. You definitely need a business plan and collateral, and this does not ensure a 100% positive answer. It is better then to apply for a consumer loan; the amount, of course, will be much less, but a minimum package of documents will be required, and in this case, obtaining approval increases. Having your own funds is the best option.

The most important thing when opening your own company is to think through everything down to the smallest detail, and also try to reduce initial costs. It is better to spend money on business development and advertising (you can also place it on free websites or in newspapers). Very often when minimum costs the result exceeds expectations.


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