Fortune telling with tea and coffee. Fortune telling by tea: conventional methods

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Since the advent of tea, tea drinking has become almost a tradition in some homes, when people try different varieties, make comparisons and enjoy the taste. And sometimes during such gatherings it was noticed more than once that tea leaves are capable of leaving very interesting symbols, figures of animals or people, sometimes something resembling plants, and sometimes something abstract that you can spend hours solving. Thus, fortune telling with tea began to emerge, but it was immediately perceived as a game or entertainment. It was interesting for the young ladies to observe how they could see in different cups different drawings, it delighted, caused excitement.

And only later, a connection was established between all these pictures that appear after drinking tea, and a certain system was approved according to which the interpretation of fortune telling on tea was carried out. Naturally, this is the work of our subconscious, and often what we think about can be reflected in the form of symbols and images on the walls of the dishes. And more often these are not thoughts, but a ready answer to what we are thinking about. Correctly interpreting all these figures and symbols is fortune telling with tea.


When fortune telling with tea, it does not matter how the tea was brewed or what technique was used; what is important is that there are more tea leaves. You can see not one symbol or drawing, but several when fortune telling on tea; the meaning and degree of importance will be determined by the proximity or distance to the handle of the tea. Because it is she who symbolizes a person, his home and immediate environment. The pen is the starting point of fortune telling; it must be held in the fortuneteller’s left hand.

Fortune telling with tea and the significance of this ritual for a person lies in the ease of reading letters and messages sent from the subconscious. After all, this is the basis of any fortune telling.

In addition to European tea fortune-telling, there is also Chinese. But there it is customary to guess by the floating tea leaves. You can ask any questions while drinking tea, and of course, tea fortune telling for love is fashionable. In order to perform this ritual, nothing special is required. In the morning, brew a teaspoon of tea the Chinese way, directly in the bowl. Pour boiling water over and wait at least 5-7 minutes. The way the tea leaves surfaced, in what places and in what quantity will indicate what awaits you in the love field. For some, fortune telling with tea for love will be relevant, for others, success in finance comes first. All these questions can be asked and received quick answers.

So, if two tea leaves are visible on the surface on the right and one on the left, then this is a very favorable sign for lovers, meaning success on the love front. If two float up from different sides, and on the right you can see another one floating up from the bottom, then this is a sign of dissatisfaction with your partner due to insufficient attention.

When doing love fortune-telling based on tea, the interpretation will not be very favorable if a lot of tea leaves have surfaced. After all, this is impatience in brewing, and, accordingly, deterioration in love affairs; one should be more careful and conscientious. There are many more such interpretations, these are just the main ones.

In order for tea fortune telling and interpretation to be successful and correspond to reality, before drinking tea you need to organize all your thoughts and give them a kind of vector. That is, what worries you most at this period of your life. Tea is drunk slowly, consciously and with pleasure. Only after these conditions have been met can interpretation begin.

If you are planning to do fortune telling using tea, the symbols and figures can be very diverse and unpredictable, so you need to completely discard all expectations. Sometimes it happens that there is no picture, some kind of complete chaos of tea leaves, in which case this will be your answer to the request of your consciousness. This can stand for uncertainty and confusion in your life at the moment or the near future.

In order for the symbols to be better visible when fortune telling with tea, you need to hold the cup a little away from you. If you look closely, the symbols blur into something vague. The time during which the prediction will come true is determined by the distance from the tea handle. If, for example, the symbol is on the edge, then this indicates the present tense. If you go further to the bottom, then what you see will not be realized soon.


If you are doing fortune telling on tea, the more tea grounds there are in the container, the better you will be able to consider and understand the meaning of the figures. But it will also be inconvenient to distribute a lot of grounds using rotational movements. After a person has drunk tea, you need to rotate the cup with the remaining liquid in a circle three times and then turn it over on the saucer. In this case, you must definitely turn it away from yourself.

When fortune telling by coffee and fortune telling by tea, the meaning of the figures is the same, so for those who are familiar with coffee fortune telling it will be much easier. The fewer tea leaves and figures on the walls and bottom of the dish, the less concerned this person is with problems, and speaks of a calm and harmonious personality. The most common types of shapes are dots and sticks. The first implies money, and accordingly, the more of it you see, the better.

If only one point is visible and it is located remotely, then this indicates news or a letter in the future. The stick represents the process of something started. If there are a lot of sticks, then this indicates several things started at the same time. If all kinds of icons, constellations or symbols are considered, then they are deciphered according to the associations that a person has.

In parallel with traditional tea drinking and fortune telling in homely atmosphere, online tea fortune telling is developing and quite successfully. Here you will not only be asked to look at patterns and pictures of tea leaves on a virtual cup, but will also be helped to quickly interpret the resulting symbols. It's pretty Alternative option fortune telling for those people who do not want to burden themselves with reading or studying symbols. Others are attracted to online tea fortune telling because of its unusualness and originality.

To obtain best results When fortune telling on coffee grounds, you need to prepare a mixture of two types of grinding - coarse and fine. In a cup you should put two tablespoons of coarse grinding and one teaspoon of fine grinding. The cup should be without patterns, with a wide edge. You will also need a saucer. The cup needs to be warmed with boiling water and then dried quickly. Put coffee in it in the specified amount. Place the cup on a saucer so as not to stain the table or tablecloth. Pour boiling water over the coffee, close the lid and let it brew for a little over a minute. Then the person being told a fortune must drink this coffee or at least take a few sips. Then he pours out the unfinished coffee, leaving no more than a tablespoon of liquid in the cup.

When you have done all this, take the cup to left hand, make a wish and make three circular movements with the cup counterclockwise so that the grounds are distributed along its walls. Then quickly turn the cup upside down and place it on the saucer - let the liquid drain. Next, take the cup and place it on the saucer with the rim up. You will see that the coffee grounds form on the walls of the cup those same figures, dots and lines, the meaning of which you will have to reveal. And it is precisely those images and associations that arise in you that will be the best prediction of the future for the person who drank coffee.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds appeared simultaneously with fortune telling on tea in those countries where coffee was a more common drink. Now it has become even more popular.

The symbolism of the figures is the same in both fortune-telling: in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, and in fortune-telling on tea leaves.

In the 18th century, the Italians claimed that it was they who developed the symbolism of fortune telling on coffee grounds, the results of which, in their opinion, were the work of demons. Ground coffee was poured with water, boiled in a coffee pot and the words were pronounced over it: “Aqua boraxit venias carajos.” When stirring (so that the coffee does not overflow), you should repeat “Fexitur et patricam explinabit tornare”. Then the liquid was drained, the wet coffee grounds splashed onto a white unglazed saucer with the words “Hax verticaline, pax Fantas marobum, max destinatus, veida porol.”

It was believed that fortune tellers who forgot to cast the above spells or did not know them at all were guessing incorrectly.

Fortune telling by tea

By the 15th century, tea was brought to Europe from China. And soon people noticed that the figures that form the tea leaves in the cup resemble figures from ancient fortune telling. Then they began to be interpreted in the same way and another method of fortune telling was born, which has not lost its popularity to this day. But China has its own system of fortune telling by tea leaves.

Fortune telling with tea or tea leaves is, first of all, a pleasant entertainment. If you carefully read what is written below, then over time you will be able to achieve certain heights in guessing the future. And if you do this often enough, you may discover that you have psychic or predictive abilities. The method of brewing tea does not play a special role. However, it is important that there are a lot of tea leaves. Good tea and good tea leaves for fortune telling are obtained if you put two full teaspoons of tea into a heated small teapot, pour boiling water over it and cover tightly with a lid.

The person to whom the fortune is told must drink tea, shake the cup with a strong circular motion and hand it to the fortuneteller. The latter, using his imagination and other abilities, interprets the resulting figures - symbols.

Before deciphering the symbols of the resulting figures, let’s touch on some of the initial concepts underlying tea fortune telling.

Cup handle. Symbolizes the person being told fortunes, his environment, occupation, home.

Time of upcoming action. Determined by the location of the figure in the cup. Present tense - if it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge. The closer to the bottom, the further away the upcoming event is in time. At the very bottom there are symbols related to the distant future. The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Coffee fortune telling has become more widespread due to the fact that coffee leaves a residue no matter how it is brewed - not counting, of course, instant coffee. “Tea” tasseography has been preserved mainly in English-speaking countries as a good old tradition.

Fortune telling tea can be brewed in two ways: directly in a cup and in a teapot with a spout wide enough to allow tea leaves to pass through. You can take any variety, preferably large-leaf. It doesn’t matter whether you drink tea with sugar or without sugar, but, of course, it’s better not to add lemon.

The tea is not finished completely, leaving some liquid at the bottom. The optimal amount of grounds and water at the bottom of the cup will have to be established empirically, through several trials and errors, if there is too little water left and too much grounds, it will stick together into one common background at the bottom of the cup, and if the ratio is the opposite, all the tea leaves from the inverted cup will flow out onto saucer.

The cup with tea leaves and remaining liquid should be taken with your left hand and made three rotational movements, distributing the tea leaves along the walls. Then you need to turn it over and place it on a saucer.

During these operations, you need to think of a question and repeat it to yourself several times. The cup should be turned away from you.

If you are telling fortunes to another person, these operations must be performed by him. The rules must be followed at least at first, until you get used to this method of fortune telling. As you gain experience and habits, your intuition will tell you which provisions should continue to be observed, and which you can do without.

For testing and first experiments, you can use any cups: the main thing is that they are opaque and have a handle. If you like this method of fortune-telling and decide to “adopt it,” you need to take into account that the cups will become your working tool, so they should be distinguished from the rest and no longer used for ordinary tea drinking. It’s best if you still have two or three cups from some old set: they can be easily distinguished by their design from those that you use every day.

If you know how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, it will not be difficult for you to get used to the new method: the rules of interpretation are very similar here and there. After letting the inverted cup stand for some time (five to ten minutes), you open it, holding it with the handle up, and begin to read the pattern of tea leaves.

They read it counterclockwise, going from the pen to the left, to find out the past, and then clockwise, to the right of the pen, to find out the future. If you draw an imaginary perpendicular from the handle to the opposite edge of the cup, then the left side will correspond to the past, the right - to the future, and the closer to the handle, the closer to the present moment. Thus, at the point opposite the handle, the distant past and the distant future seem to converge.

It is believed that the cup tells about things and events happening to the person himself or in his immediate environment. Only tea leaves stuck to the very edge of the cup or even to its outside, indicate people or events located at a considerable distance. The bottom of the cup is considered the center of “negativity”: all figures located at the bottom are interpreted in a sense unfavorable for the questioner. The bottom is divided into the same two halves, the zone of the past and the zone of the future.

The fewer figures and tea leaves in general in a cup, the fewer problems a person has, the calmer and more harmonious his situation is. And vice versa: a dense, dense pattern speaks of many worries and questions occupying his thoughts. However, this also depends on how much tea and water there was in the cup; Therefore, it is better to use the first experiments with a cup in order to find the optimal “working mass”, without deviating too much from this ratio in the future.

You need to start your interpretation with the simplest and most understandable figures. Don’t rush to conclusions, think, let your imagination run wild. Below we will give examples of the interpretation of some figures, but they should not be taken as dogma. The main thing is the images that arise in your imagination.

The simplest shapes are dots and sticks. Dots usually mean money (hence, the more dots, the better). One single dot can mean news, a letter or a parcel. The value of the news is directly proportional to the size of the point.

Wand means a process, the beginning of something. Many sticks - many things going on at the same time. Here it is important to determine where the stick is turned, counting from the handle: towards the bottom of the cup or towards the edge. If to the bottom, the matter is unlikely to end successfully, if to the edge, success is guaranteed. A stick located parallel to the bottom and edges (“neither up nor down”) means smooth progress and a smooth ending.

Sometimes the tea leaves fold directly into graphic symbols– letters, numbers, icons of planets and constellations; they can be interpreted according to the meaning of the symbol and its associated associations.

In the drawing of tea leaves, unlike coffee grounds, correct figures(circle, cross, triangle, square, etc.) are rare. But there are “volumetric” figures, a kind of bas-reliefs, reminiscent of different images if you look at them from different angles. Their meaning should be interpreted in several ways. Having looked at such a figure, look away, and then look again. Try, without looking at it, to remember something similar that you saw earlier. Try this again. And further.

Often, animals, plants or household items are obtained from tea leaves. Animal images can sometimes be interpreted according to signs eastern zodiac(Dragon, Snake, Monkey) as an indication of the time of the event - the year of the Dragon, the year of the Monkey, etc. Other creatures and objects are most often also quite recognizable.

The general rule is: noble animals, birds, plants (horse, dog, swan, eagle, oak, maple, etc.) mean favorable events or things - love, friendship, health, prosperity, the rest have an unfavorable meaning (wolf, crocodile, crow, henbane, nettle). A pig, as well as two-headed creatures, mean an ambiguous situation, success in one area and failure in another.

Three- and six-petaled figures, similar to a flower or a star, portend good luck, four- and eight-petaled ones - failure, an accident, five-petaled ones - something in between: belated success, unexpected benefit from an unpleasant event.

Curved (curved) petals mean that many more people besides you will be involved in these events.

Planes, cars, ships, as well as a staff, bag, suitcase etc. mean travel.

Many symbols can be interpreted using the rules of other fortune-telling, because the meaning of the symbols does not depend on the fortune-telling system, but is inherent in them. Interesting information A reference to a dream book can also give.

Finally, try to determine the “mood” of the cup as a whole: does it make you feel sad, does it create an impression of harmony, peace, or does it not evoke any emotions. Trust your intuition: it will not deceive. This “mood” can become a leitmotif of interpretation and help interpret individual symbols.

Hold the cup with tea leaves at some distance from you so that you can clearly see the location of the formed figures. Take a close look at clusters of tea leaves, individual points, points forming a line. Circles, squares, triangles, letters and numbers can be expressed with varying degrees of clarity. Note for yourself their location relative to other, clearer symbols. Try to find clouds, trees, flowers, animals, birds, a house, a ship - any shapes. If the figure is large, then it symbolizes very significant news; if it is small, its value is not so great. If there is a square or rectangle (envelope) near the letter, the news will arrive by mail. If you see many dots nearby, then the news concerns money problems. The closer the envelope is to the handle and to the edge of the cup, the sooner the letter should arrive.

The handle of the cup is the basis from which we start. In other words, the starting point. It should be on the left side. Lines of tea leaves that start to the left of the handle promise a journey. Located on the right, they foreshadow the appearance of an unexpected guest. If the tea leaves form a path along the entire inner circumference of the cup, this means that the one to whom the fortune is told will go on a long journey and then return home. Thus, if the figure is located to the left of the pen, the person being told fortunes is an active person in the development of events. If the signs are located to the right of the handle, the action is directed towards that person, happening to him or in his home, which in turn can be interpreted as a house, environment or occupation.

If in the cup you saw nothing but a meaningless pile of tea leaves, consider that this is the answer, because this corresponds to the state of uncertainty and confusion in which you find yourself.

You should not guess a second time, since it is believed that you cannot do this for yourself or for others more than once a week.

Symbolism of the figures:

Angel. Unexpected joy and good news.

Harp. Novel. High ideas.

Butterfly. Secular entertainments that sometimes end in tears. But usually they are resolved with a light joke. Be careful.

Drum. Avoid pomposity, look for something new and exciting.

Barrel. Full, closer to the handle - a holiday in your home. Empty - You better rest. At the bottom - save money.

Bracelet (ring). A symbol of engagement, wedding, a very important union for you; Congratulations will follow. To clarify details, look for numbers or initials nearby. But remember: if the bracelet (ring) is at the bottom of the cup, then due to unforeseen circumstances or due to mutual misunderstanding, the engagement (wedding) date may be postponed or even canceled completely.

Letters. Clearly visible letters mean good news, unclear letters mean bad news. If there are dots near them, this symbolizes money; if the letters are near the heart, expect emotional stress. Letters (uppercase or lowercase) also symbolize friends, colleagues, and relatives.

Bouquet. Happiness is in love, which continues in family life.

Bottles. Refrain from excess. If the figure is located at the bottom of the cup, this warning applies to someone close to you.

Bull. Carefully. Danger awaits you. Moderate your temper.

Vase. Remuneration and peace of mind will come to you through serving people.

Fan (fan). Be careful. Don't be tactless. Your frivolity can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Branch. Without leaves - a quarrel at home or at work will lead to temporary tension. With leaves - a new friendship will begin. Birth announcement.

Grape. Happiness through confidence in your loved one.

Kite. Fate is not on your side, especially in the game. Look at everything calmly and sensibly.

Gates. Open - a happy resolution to an unpleasant situation. Closed - before you come to a satisfactory result, you will have to negotiate.

Guitar. The desire for intense love and affection.

Pigeon. Peace, quiet, good news.

There is hard work ahead, but a faithful friend will help you out.

Mushrooms. A brief quarrel with a lover. Some complications at work or at home. Apparently, I will have to make some adjustments both mentally and physically.

Coffin. Bad news. Sometimes it can mean death.

Door. Open - pleasant and unexpected news. Closed - be patient and your wish will come true.

Tree. Health and happiness, the possession of many things await you. There are many trees - you strive for change and will wait for it.

The Dragon. From now on, start a new business, reconsider your point of view.

Acorn. Success despite difficulties. If the acorn comes out very clearly - good luck; If its outlines are vague, you will have to make some efforts to achieve the goal.

Woman. A symbol of wishful thinking. Symbol of hope and passion.

Lock. An unexpected inheritance. Something extremely pleasant will happen.

Star. Lucky sign. Symbolizes happiness, health and wealth. All your thoughts and hopes will come true.

Building. To achieve your goal, you will change your views; You may need a change of scenery.

Snake. Symbolizes evil. The enemy is plotting against you.

Umbrella. Closed umbrella - You do not fit into the situation you are in. Open – Be careful and don’t be afraid to ask friends for advice.

Initials. They mean people with whom these initials can be associated, and if they are located close to the pen, then people close or important to the person being told fortunes. Any letters of the alphabet can refer to people you know or will soon know.

Fireplace. Invite guests, communicate more.

Drop of tea, remaining in a cup (or on a saucer, as in fortune telling on coffee grounds), means tears or grief for the subject.

Square. A good sign is considered as a means of protection against mistakes and dangers that can or have been avoided (weakened).

Dagger. Danger of loss due to enmity.

Clover. Whatever the problems, everything will end very well for you.

Cage (large). As a rule, a cage means a wedding. But it can also mean problems that worry you greatly. Wait - time will put everything in its place.

Cage (small, for birds). Be careful with your hobbies: think carefully before making far-reaching promises.

Key. You happy man. All roads and all doors open before you, both in business and in your personal life. Any problems will be resolved, keep looking.

Book. Closed - do not make hasty decisions. Open - continue as planned.

Goat. Unpleasant news from a traveler. Don't be stubborn and try to avoid quarrels with others.

Wheel. By working hard, you will achieve what you want. If the wheel is located at the edge of the cup, you will receive a salary increase or dividends.

Bell. Good news. Many bells - an important event. Perhaps a wedding.

Cleaver. Difficulties may arise. Don't give in to your first impulse. Avoid quarrels.

Ring. See bracelet (ring).

Comet. There is no need to worry about what may not happen at all. Relax.

Compass. Go traveling. Find yourself a new activity.

Ship. A journey awaits you. If the ship is located near the handle, the trip will be useful for both business and family; if it’s at the edge of the cup, you’ll have to pack your things and get ready for the trip in a hurry.

Basket. Full – surprise or announcement of the birth of a child. Empty - spend less money.

Box. Closed - something is bothering you. Open - Your unstable situation will soon pass, you will gain the ability to communicate as soon as you think about being friendly to others.

Crown. Good luck will come after major achievement and accolades.

Cat.Bad sign. Betrayal will bring a lot of trouble.

Armchair chair). An unexpected guest. Take time to relax.

Cross. You will have to give up something significant. At the bottom of the cup - major troubles await one of your loved ones. Closer to the upper edge - the troubles will soon end. Cross in a square - soon you will have the opportunity to ward off trouble.

Bed (bed)– a subconscious desire to rest and relax. Dreams can help you forget troubles.

Circle. Usually a circle means money. The larger the circle, the more money. The circle can also mean success after many failed attempts and hard work.

Jug. Soon the time will come to have fun and indulge in joy. Avoid excesses and do not follow your own weaknesses. Many pleasant meetings with friends await you.

Chicken. Save your money. Good intuition and financial sense will bring good luck.

Bush. Unexpected money; how more bush, the more money.

Lamp. Located on the side - means unexpected support in difficult times; located at the bottom of the cup - means that an important event is being postponed and you will experience disappointment; located at the very edge of the cup or on its edge - means a happy reunion and celebration; located near the handle - promises a special inheritance. Two lamps foretell a merger of companies or two weddings.

Ladder. Your idealistic aspirations will speed up your progress. But accordingly, the demands placed on you will increase.

Bat. Trouble from the jealousy of a person who hates you. The trip you had planned may not be necessary.

Lily. A symbol of friendship and constancy. Located on the edge of the cup, it symbolizes a wonderful marriage, and on the bottom - a sharp squabble, quarrel.

The lines are parallel. They promise a journey, a trip.

The lines are broken and wavy. Indecision, uncertainty as a result of deterioration of the situation, sometimes financial losses.

The lines are straight and unbroken. They mean calm, peace, clarity, due to clear planning.

Fox. Deception or cunning will destroy a good relationship or friendship.

Leaves. If the figures formed from tea leaves resemble small leaves, then this means that “hope dies last” - don’t give up, start your business again. If the figures lie at the bottom of the cup, you will achieve your goal, although not soon.

Faces. New acquaintances will bring you new friends.

Boat. If sailing, do what you have planned. If this is a large ship - fear of travel or a desire to avoid something, change your current plans.

Shovel. Your hard work will be rewarded with many honors and awards.

Moon. Symbol of honor and honour. If it is located near the handle of the cup, a new novel awaits you; if at the bottom - a trip or journey; if the moon is in the first quarter phase, start a new business; and if in the last quarter, hurry up to make the necessary decisions; if the moon is covered with clouds or is not clearly visible, your worries will soon come to an end.

Frog. It's time to make changes in business or in communication with others.

Daisy. Love and happiness await you.

Mask. Keep your cherished dreams and secret desires. If there is a bell or flower next to this figure, a festive celebration awaits you soon.

Car. Change for the better.

Bear. Warning of possible troubles. Stay home.

Broom. New perspectives will open up, new interests will arise; time for change.

Baby. There are financial difficulties on the wall. Closer to the handle - unexpected honors. At the bottom - failure in love.

Hammer. The path of trial and error will lead you to success.

Bridge. Your decision on how to overcome the obstacle that arises will ultimately turn out to be correct.

Man. An unknown man will come into contact with you; the initial next to the figure will give an idea of ​​his name.

Ants. Difficulties, difficult times, a lot of work ahead.

Flies. Unpleasant moments that you shouldn’t pay attention to.

Ball. Coming changes.

Anvil. To achieve your goal, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

Celestial bodies. It takes some imagination to recognize them. These include: Sun, Moon, Milky Way, other stars and planets. They all predict happiness and prosperity.

Knife. Bad sign. Watch your health. Do not make business contacts without consulting with experts. Money misunderstandings may arise. If the knife is located at the bottom of the cup, legal action may be taken against you. If the knife is turned with the sharp end toward the handle, this may mean temporary separation from family or a break in work. If the knife is partially covered by a square, you will be lucky in some way and you will avoid some difficulties. Your relationships with friends and loved ones will be greatly tested.

Scissors. A bitter omen. If they are located near the handle, expect complications in family relationships; if near the edge, a divorce from the husband or wife is pending; if at the bottom of the cup - conflict at work.

Clouds. Bad sign; trouble awaits. The more tea leaves around the clouds, the more difficult financial circumstances will be. Try changing your plans.

Deer. Be calm, try not to get involved in disputes or start quarrels.

Eagle. See bird. The eagle is a very large bird. Thus, your desire is more serious and stronger than you think. Try to expand your home, family and circle of friends. Protection is needed.

Donkey. Develop patience. Don't be stubborn. Explore all sides of the issue.

Glasses. A surprise awaits you. If it happens at work, be careful.

Palm. A sign of good luck, happiness and marital well-being.

Spider. Although you always hide from everyone and no one knows anything about you, this time it is known that you will receive a lot of money and unexpected gifts.

Hourglass (calculated for one hour). Danger is on the doorstep. It's especially bad if it's at the bottom of a cup. Don't rush into a decision.

Saw. Someone's interference in your affairs will create serious problems for you.

Horseshoe. Promises good luck. Look to see if there are signs indicating which one it is.

Bed. See bed.

Bird. On the branch - a quick journey. If there are dots or short lines nearby, you will travel in company. Several birds are happiness. In general, a bird means news, bad or good, depending on the signs located nearby.

Gun. Be careful - household chores can also bring trouble.

Hand. Someone needs you as much as you need them. Understanding and friendship give you strength.

Fish. Lucky sign. Good news; travel possible.

Airplane. At the bottom - the trip may not take place; disappointment is inevitable. On the wall - I want to run away from existing problems, at least fly away on a plane - no matter how strange it may seem. Next to the pen - you will have to do something new for yourself or for your family.

Boot. There is an intention to travel, but some financial assistance will be required to make your dream come true. If you are planning a business trip, then it will be successful.

Heart. You have a lover or a very close friend. If there is a ring nearby, a wedding is coming soon. Dots near the heart - wait for money. If your heart is unclear, you are not serious in your intentions.

Elephant. Portends health and happiness, but you need a friend you can rely on.

Dog. You have a very faithful friend. At the bottom - one of your friends needs your help. Dog's head - someone from your circle highly values ​​you as a friend.

Owl. A bad omen - perhaps illness or even death.

Arrow. A letter will arrive, after which some kind of agreement will be possible. If the arrow comes out unclearly or incompletely, the news may be unpleasant.

Chair. See chair.

Dancer. Avoid frivolities. You may be misunderstood.

Tent. If you are upset and can’t find a place for yourself, go travel.

Axe. Danger warning. If it came out unclearly, the danger is not so serious.

Dots (lined in a row). Means travel. Three dots gathered together mean fulfillment of desires.

Points (cluster). A cluster of dots made up of tea leaves of different sizes means money: the larger the cluster, the more money. But it can also mean a job that will bring money.

Triangle. Happiness accompanies you, unless it is turned upside down. In this case, you should carefully weigh any step before taking anything new.

A tube. It indicates that the time has come to think carefully and listen to advice. Don't be overconfident, try to be reasonable.

Duck. Cheerfulness and optimism will help improve the current situation.

Apron. Quickly meet people who will become your close friends.

Flag. Be careful. An attack is possible, act slowly and carefully.

Fountain. Your plans will come to a successful conclusion. Joy and prosperity await you.

Fruits. A sign that promises good luck, so take action.

Flowers. Happiness and honors. At the bottom of the cup is an unlucky love knot. On the wall - marriage or love.

Church. Love, engagement or marriage.

Numbers. Can represent money, address, date or time (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years). The explanation for the numbers is contained in other figures. The closer the numbers are to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true. You may have luck in the lottery.

A large tea leaf on the edge of a cup means a man who has an interest in the person being told fortunes.

Small tea leaf on the edge of the cup means a woman who has an interest in the person being told fortunes.

Kettle. Your goal is to achieve harmony at home. If steam comes out of the kettle, it means struggle or lack of calm.

Watch. Make plans for the future.

Chalice (cup). Symbol of abundance. A new acquaintance will bring you a lot of joy.

Chessmen. Numerous difficulties await you.

Hat. Money. On the bottom– balanced and happy family life. On the wall - you have extremely developed diplomatic skills.

Sword. Be careful: Conflicts await you - both at home and at work.

Crew. Your secret may be revealed. Don't do anything in a hurry.

Apple. You are capable of achieving famous success in business; work on yourself. Also means good health.

Eggs. A baby was born. Two or three nests is great news.

Anchor. A sign of success. Higher - love and constancy. Side - You are more interested in business and travel than sex and love affairs. At the bottom - any undertaking that involves travel will be successful. If the anchor is unclear, this means temporary troubles associated with loved ones.

People and body parts:

Eyes- There will be a change in life

Human head– A young man who has a beneficial influence on you and your destiny

Man's head looking up– Strong patron

Man's head looking down- There is some danger ahead

Two faces looking at each other- Mutual love

Two faces in a circle- Marriage

Two faces separated by a line– Quarrel, divorce, betrayal

Young woman- Love

Face in profile– Strong protection

Young man– Parting or separation

Several people– Expect help from others

Mouth– At the bottom – good news, closer to the edge – you can rely on friends

Hand- Disappointment

Old woman– Lasting love connection

Man with animal- Someone's concern


Butterfly- Love letter

Buffalo– Suffering

Bull- Danger

Bull on the hill– Profit, money

Bull in the lowlands- Good health

Camel- Wealth

Crow- Unhappiness in the house

Pigeon- Pure, honest soul

Hare– Cowardice, inability to grasp perspective

Snake- Symbol of evil. Intrigues

Cow– Happiness awaits you ahead

Cat- Poverty, ruin

Chicken– You will help some stranger

Swan– Unexpected or random money

a lion- Power, nobility

Fox- Deceit, fraud, trickery, cunning

Frog– Happiness and luck, good news

Bear– Avoidable danger

Ant– Trouble, anxiety

Fly– Wealth, inheritance

Deer– Honesty, wisdom

Eagle– Victory after a hard struggle

Spider– Unexpected gift

Rooster– Good news, happiness in the family

Rooster at the bottom of the cup- Someone wants to harm you

Fish– Good news or travel

Elephant– Strength, power, wealth

Dog- Good, loyal friend

Owl– Serious illness or death

Tiger– Anger

Lizard– Unexpected event


Oak– Victory, triumph

Willow– Sadness, tears, melancholy

Clover– All problems will be solved, everything will end successfully

Bush- It won't end well

Forest– A mistake on the path of life

Lily- Consistency, friendship. There is a quarrel at the bottom of the cup

Rose– Wedding, engagement

Violet– Marriage to a rich man

Chrysanthemum- Late love


Automobile– Travel, trip

Diamond- Happy love

Angel– Good news, unexpected joy

Fork– Rich and luxurious life

Coffin- Grief, sadness

Coffin with a cross- Someone's death

Coffin next to the bed- Serious disease

Door– Success in a new venture

House– Luck, success, family happiness

Dagger– Enmity, loss

Key– All doors are open to you

Wheel– Adventure

Ring– Engagement, wedding, important union

Box– Joy, luck, success

Hammer– Trial and error will lead to success

Knife– Damage, loss, sacrifice

Scissors- Luck

Shoes- Danger

Weapon- Scandal, quarrel

Folder- Successful business

A loop– An extremely unfavorable sign, foreshadowing serious problems, sometimes death.

Glove– Awakening old feelings

Horseshoe- Luck

Dishes- Unexpected meeting

Candle- Dream

Chair– Success, promotion

Flag- Attack. Instructions to take your time

Hat- Honor, glory

Anchor– Clear – success, unclear – temporary difficulties in personal terms

Shapes and lines:

Arc– Dangerous enemy

Star– Freedom, liberation

Square– A harbinger of a happy, prosperous life

X-shaped cross- Marriage

Cross black inside– Sad news

The cross is white from the inside– Happiness in family life

The circle is closed– Excellent relationships with others

The circle is not closed– New acquaintance

Zigzag line– Adventure

Line crossed by curves or broken lines– Personal difficulties, resentment

The line crosses the bottom of the cup– Have a nice trip

The line is straight and long– Happy carefree life

Broken line– Illness, indecision, uncertainty, sometimes loss

Lots of oblique lines- Be careful

Lots of broken lines– Material difficulties

Oval- Marriage

Dots or short strokes– Good luck ahead

Closed triangle- Luck, unexpected luck

Open triangle– Safety, security

Dashes– Job change

Quadrangle– Success in love

1 - Someone loves you

2 - Failure, illness

3 Successful deal, profit

4 – Good luck ahead

5 - Gossip, gossip, empty talk

6 - Marriage

7 – Family happiness, mutual love

8 – Quarrel with a loved one

9 – New acquaintance

10 … 100 - Luck, luck

More than 100– Longevity

The tradition of drinking tea appeared a long time ago, during the reign of the Tang Dynasty in China. Tea drinking was not so much a consumption of liquid as a ceremonial procedure with special rituals. Initially, only very rich people drank tea. Beautiful cups, exquisite varieties tea, water from clean sources, a well-ventilated room with silk pillows - these are the attributes of the tea ceremony.

People noticed that tea leaves remained at the bottom of the cup after drinking the drink, forming intricate patterns. At first it was just interesting to guess the figures or events. And when events began to come true, there was a demand for fortune telling by tea. Fortune telling began to be practiced simultaneously in different parts of the world: in China and England. Both fortune telling are radically different from each other.

9+Tea drinking in England is so popular that over time the expression “tea time” appeared. This is the time to communicate with loved ones, special procedure, in which the table for tea is set in a large spacious room. The tablecloth should be must be white, going down to the floor. Service from large quantity items, including a milk jug. By the way, the British also invented plates for cups and cups with handles.

Rules for English tea fortune telling:

Features of Chinese fortune telling

To experiment with Chinese fortune telling, you need not a cup, but a bowl. Once upon a time, tea was used as medicine. Therefore, the tea bowls were small, and the drink was consumed slowly in small sips, savoring each sip in the mouth.

Rules for fortune telling in China:

Interpretation of symbols

In addition to Chinese and English fortune telling, there is fortune telling by tea leaves, located not only in a cup, but also on a saucer. To do this, you need to pour the remaining tea leaves in the cup onto a saucer and carefully examine the tea leaves formed into symbols. It is likely that you will not be able to tip the cup correctly the first time. It doesn't mean anything, you just need to practice this activity.

We have included zodiac signs in the list that may be unfamiliar to some people. If your zodiac sign appears among the images, then this good omen, - in the near future you will have the opportunity to take advantage of your advantages and achieve significant success.
To facilitate references, the most significant symbols, such as a dot or a vertical line, are included along with other specific symbols. As for numbers, we have given their most general characteristics: for example, “1” indicates a new beginning or a struggle alone. Individual letters may refer to a specific person. If it is not clear who it is, other images from the same area of ​​the cup will help you clarify the identity. Signs may correspond certain people, circumstances and properties themselves. All this will become clear from the completed interpretation.

In this article we looked at the first 100 characters:
1. AIST. Pregnancy, childbirth, addition to the family; good luck in the house.
2. ICEBERG. A person or circumstances fraught with danger.
3. SHARK. You will repel a surprise attack if you are strong enough.
4. ARCH, BRIDGE. Marriage or long-term relationship; reconciliation after a quarrel.
5. BUTTERFLY. Revival; a chance to take on a new role or position.
6. DRUM. Call to action; rumors and disagreements.
7. TOWER. A tower with steps means climbing the corporate ladder or profit; feeling of connectedness; a half-built tower is a sign of unfulfilled plans.
8. SQUIRREL. Reserve for the future; instinct of accumulation.
9. GEMINI. You will need the ability to communicate and adapt to cope with current or upcoming challenges.
10. Tambourines. The focus is on financial affairs and practical activities; slowness guarantees success.
11. BOTTLE. If the bottle is full, you should direct your energy in a certain direction; if the bottle is empty, then you are probably exhausted and need to take care of your health.
12. FAN. Do not trust flattery and sweet talk, as they may mask malicious intent.
13. GIANT. A sign foretelling big step forward; Perhaps a person with a very strong character will come into your life.
14. OARS. The need to find a way out of the situation yourself, and not wait for outside help; further progress.
15. SCALES. Peaceful nature; harmony; indecision.

16. GRAPES. Excellent health; time to indulge your desires (sometimes this is not a bad thing).
17. HANGED. You feel tied up and need to escape from a situation that is harmful to you; a favorable sign indicating improved health.
18. AQUARIUS. Independence, idealism, aloofness.
19. WOLF. Patronage, protection; mother's love; loyalty to group interests.
20. RAVEN, CROW. Wise caution, reluctantly accepted; Don't be so quick to expose other people's arrogance.
21. GATE. Open gates symbolize a new field of activity, closed ones symbolize the need to protect property and money.
22. EIGHT. Caution, material well-being; following traditions.
23. HORSEMAN. It will appear in the house positive influence some new face. If the rider is heading towards the handle of the cup, you will have new colleague or a friend at work. The rider moving away from the handle indicates the need for cooperation to achieve success.
24. VOLCANO. Barely restrained anger or passion that needs to be released; an irritated man hiding his feelings.
25. HAMMOCK. The desire to get out of the game and ignore conventions.
26. GEOGRAPHICAL MAP. Travel or desire to travel; You have found a way out after a period of doubt; carefully thought out plans that will allow you to take a new place in life.
27. GARLAND. Recognition or promotion
28. GUITAR, VIOLIN. Harmony; enthusiasm; in some circumstances - vanity and irritability when surrounded by less talented people.
29. EYE. Believe your eyes, not the words of people; read the notes.
30. NEST. Setting up a home and taking care of the housework, or the desire to leave one’s home and gain greater independence.

31. DOVE. A trustworthy messenger or judge who comes from afar.
32. CARGO. Vacation; as well as a sign of an extra burden of feelings or a burdensome burden.
33. GOOSE, GEESE. A warning that you can take into account to save yourself and your business.
34. LADY. A woman in power, a mother or an overly caring person.
35. DOOR. Opened door symbolizes a step into the unknown and, perhaps, something pleasant for you; closed door- the path is still closed to you.
36. TWO. Duality; two sides of life or two people who may be in conflict. Engagement; unification of two opposing sides.
37. PALACE, CASTLE. The situation is improving; desire to settle down in greater luxury; your home is your castle, but extraneous affairs or uninvited visitors deprive you of peace and home.
38. NINE. The number of completeness and perfection; also a sign of selfishness.
39. TREE. Health; force; protection; Consistent progress in the area of ​​life that matters most to you.
40. DINOSAUR. Outdated ideas that require revision.
41. HOUSE. In the foreground are household responsibilities and reliability. Perhaps you need to devote more time to home and loved ones.
42. ROAD. A new path may be opening before you;
if the road has a fork, this is a sign that you have to make a choice.
43. DRAGON. In a violent argument, you must find the enemy's weak spot. Traditionally, this is a sign indicating an imminent change of place of residence.
44. SMOKE PIPE. A chimney with smoke billowing out of it means home comfort. A column of smoke indicates success; creeping smoke - some kind of camouflage, a smoke screen; the absence of smoke signals the need to pay attention to the house.
45. UNIT. The number of creation, unclouded energy and enterprise; symbol of a new beginning.
46. ​​UNICORN. A rare opportunity or unusual experience; magical insight.

47. ACORN. Health and longevity.
48. JOUGLER. It is time to try to reconcile diverse interests and reconcile extremes; if the juggler's balls are thrown up, then your attempts will be successful.
49. FENCE. High fence symbolizes protection; a broken fence indicates the need to end the quarrel.
50. CASTLE. Open lock means the ability to avoid an unwanted meeting or get out of a difficult situation; a closed lock is a sign of secret alarm for property or workplace.
51. STAR. Desires and dreams; hope; the opportunity to achieve a brilliant position; persistence in pursuing the chosen goal. The five-pointed star symbolizes magic and the development of supersensible abilities.
52. MIRROR. Vanity; feeling that life is passing you by; prophetic dreams.
53. SNAKE. Revival; you will shed the burden of previous responsibilities.
54. QUESTION MARK. A question that requires an answer before you make a decision or commitment.
55. IGLOO (ESKIMOS ICE HUT). A temporary refuge in an unfavorable situation that should not be considered too secure.
56. NEEDLE. Reconciliation after a quarrel; jealousy-based teasing and criticism that should not be taken seriously: you will make do with little in the hope that things will get better, but you will not give up.
57. DICE. Time to get into the game.
58. SWING. The instability of the situation and changeability of views dictate the need to find balance; It's hard for you to predict people's mood swings.
59. SQUARE. More protection than restriction; preparation time; material well-being.
60. KANGAROO. Happy events in the family, especially concerning children and youth; habit of whipping a fever.

61. PICK AX, AX. Determination to break through the obstacles of bureaucrats or to put an end to empty conventions; powerful throw.
62. KIT. A grandiose undertaking that can be successfully carried out; usually - a sign of financial or organizational success; caring for others.
63. CAGE, PRISON. Real limitations hold you back. Wait for the right moment when you are free and can move forward.
64. CLOWN. Someone close to you may be hiding the fact that he is unhappy; the likelihood of making a fool.
65. KEY The mystery will soon be solved; a sign of growing independence.
66. BOOK. The closed book says that there are secrets that you need to know. Open book indicates a new opportunity, implying doctrine or legal issues.
67. CAPRICORN. Caution, forethought; efforts that will be rewarded.
68. WHEEL. Travel and change; the wheel of fortune can symbolize new opportunities and attempts; end of the period of stagnation.
69. BELL. Celebrations, marriage or unexpected news from someone close.
70. COMET. An unexpected and perhaps short-lived opportunity to shine, which therefore should not be missed.

71. ENVELOPE, LETTER. You will soon receive good news; write back immediately, especially if you need to give a formal answer.
72. BASKET. A full basket means a gift or a welcome addition to the family, an expansion of the circle of loved ones. An empty basket means that a person is giving too much.
73. COW. Serenity; gradual increase in well-being.
74. KING. A man in authority, a father or an elderly man who can show self-will; powerful ally.
75. CROWN. More high position, a lot of money or recognition.
76. WALLET. Unexpected expenses; also an indication of an overly frugal person.
77. CAT. Indifference; cunning; a sign of someone's betrayal, especially if the cat makes a sudden jump.
78. FORTRESS. A seemingly impregnable institution or authority figure will give in if you apply logic and persistence; personal protection.
79. CROSS. Limitations and obstacles that need to be overcome.
80. CROSSES. Bright ideas, creativity, curiosity and a sense of adventure.
81. RABBIT. Speed ​​is everything; Happy Easter; you need to look the enemy in the face.
82. MOLE. Secrets that will soon be revealed; a false friend who puts a mine under you.
83. CIRCLE, WOVEN CIRCLES OR RINGS. A single circle or ring symbolizes the strengthening of a connection or partnership, as well as the imminent successful completion of a project. Woven rings are a sign of harmonious relationships.
84. RAT. Beware of lies or vengeful person; also, in a more positive sense, advice to try cunning where force or persuasion fails.
85. JUG. Full jug - sign good health; an empty jug indicates that the money is melting.
86. CHICKEN. The appearance and growing influence of a person who is distinguished by maternal care; fussy person.
87. LAMP. You will find the missing item; unexpected clarification in a difficult issue; light at the end of the tunnel.
88. Lev. Courage, loyalty, leadership; desire to conquer
universal recognition.

89. LADDER. Career advancement, progress or spiritual growth; time to raise the bar.
90. LINES, WAVY LINES OR DOTTED. Variable success; the need to move towards the goal in a detour.
91. LINES, STRAIGHT LINES. Straight way; a trip without secret goals or an honest enterprise.
92. FOX. Subtlety and cunning will help you where persuasion does not; Beware of people who lie.
93. LEAVES. A sign of happiness, prosperity, success; fallen leaves herald a moment of natural change or late happiness.
94. FACE. A happy face means new friendship, an angry face means a clash.
95. HORSE. You will encounter selflessness and reliability; you're in for a ride - especially if the horse is running at full speed.
96. A HORSE HARNESSED TO A CARRIAGE. Moving, changing place of work or residence, a loaded cart is a sign of a profitable move.
97. MOON (see also CRESCENT). Full moon means a month of time before the expected event; magical actions and the growth of intuitive abilities; love or love without reciprocity.
98. FROG. Conversion; House on wheels; ability to go to different places. Money always comes in abundance if you keep a small...

Is China. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that fortune telling with tea was invented by the Chinese. However, it is not. The original one on tea leaves, called tasseography, was invented by the British. This good old tradition is still preserved in

Why, after all, did fortune telling on tea leaves arise in England? Apparently, this was somehow connected with the method of brewing this drink, which in China, for example, was customary to drink from small cups without handles, and in Europe, on the contrary, from large cups. And the Europeans poured the tea leaves directly into cups. Nowadays it is steamed in special teapots or in bags. With this method of brewing tea grounds, fortune telling does not work.

They tell fortunes with tea in the same way as they do with tea by interpreting the figures and patterns remaining on the bottom and walls of the cup. Presumably, both types of fortune telling arose simultaneously. And this happened at the end of the eighteenth century, when tea and coffee became available not only to aristocrats, but also ordinary people. But for the reason that with any method of brewing coffee there was always sediment left at the bottom of the mug, it became more popular than fortune telling with tea.

This popular fortune-telling drink is brewed in two ways: it can be in a mug or with a wide spout through which the brew passes without difficulty. It doesn’t matter what type of tea you take for fortune telling, it is important that it is coarsely ground and not finely ground from bags, since then it will not settle well on the walls. Sugar will not affect fortune telling in any way, but lemon can interfere.

Any cups are suitable for fortune telling. The main thing is that they are not transparent and have handles. There is no need to drink the tea completely. And here it is important to maintain the ratio of grounds and liquids. If there is too much water, the tea leaves will spill onto the saucer, and if there is not enough water, they will stick together into a lump. Fortune telling with tea has its own rules. First, you need to make three rotational movements with your left hand and distribute the tea leaves along the walls of the mug. After this, they think of a question and, repeating it to themselves several times, turn the cup away from themselves. You can tell fortunes about another person. In this case, he must ask the question and turn the cup over. Turning the mug upside down, you need to let it stand for about ten minutes, and then open it, holding the handle up and read the pattern.

Tea fortune telling has the same rules as fortune telling on coffee grounds.
You can’t just drink this drink from cups intended for fortune-telling. Therefore, they need to be somehow different from others, for example, have a noticeable color or picture.

To find out the future, you need to read the pattern, moving from the handle to the right, and by moving counterclockwise, you can find out the past. A cup can tell about events that are happening or will happen to the person himself. Other people may be indicated by tea leaves located on the very edge. All the negativity is at the bottom. If there are few figures in the cup, this means that the person is doing well. The presence of a dense, dense pattern indicates that a person has a lot of worries and problems.

Fortune telling on tea should begin with the interpretation of the simplest figures - sticks and dots. The dots mean money. That is, the more dots are visible, the more money there will be. If there is only one dot or is located to the side, then it means some kind of news or letter. A stick means a task, and many sticks mean, accordingly, many different things. If the stick is turned from the handle to the edge of the mug, the matter will be successful; if it is turned towards the bottom, the matter will end in failure. Tea leaves can form letters, numbers and other signs, such as planets. In this case, they are interpreted according to their meaning. Animal figures indicate time, that is, they are interpreted in the sense of the signs of the Zodiac, for example, the year of the Dragon or, for example,

Noble plants and animals mean love, health, friendship and other favorable things or events. In general, when reading tea leaves, you need to trust your intuition.


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