Fortune telling from 12 to 13. Fortune telling for Andrey's name

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December 13 (November 30, old style) The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. St. Andrew's Day opens the cycle of winter celebrations. On this holiday they reign on earth higher power. Therefore, since ancient times, people have been telling fortunes and performing rituals on this day in order to find out future events and get answers to exciting questions.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Young unmarried girls they like to tell fortunes on the night of Andrei's betrothed. They spend time alone or in large, cheerful groups. magical rituals to see the image of the future groom or the date of the upcoming wedding.

Fortune telling for the future groom. Place a bag with 12 pieces of paper under your pillow. Write to 11 of them male names at your own discretion, and leave one clean. In the morning, take out one piece of paper at random. The name written on it will belong to the future groom. If you come across a blank piece of paper, the name of the betrothed will remain a mystery.

Fortune telling on a towel. On the evening before St. Andrew's Day, hang a clean white towel outside the window and say: “Betrothed, come and dry yourself.” Feel the towel in the morning. If it turns out to be wet, then you will soon be able to get married, and if it is dry, then you are destined to be lonely for a long time.

Fortune telling on the water. At midnight on Andrei, go to a river or lake that has an ice hole. Look into the water. It will show the image of the betrothed.

Ritual with a candle. Place a full bowl of water in front of the house threshold or on the balcony in advance. After midnight, break the ice crust on the surface of the water and place a burning candle in the basin. Then take the candle into the room and try to light it from the lamp burning in front of the icon. By how quickly the flame on the candle lights up, judge how quickly the wedding will be held.

Fortune telling on a feather. The evening before St. Andrew's Day, place a chicken feather on the doorstep of your house. When the door opens, watch where the feather caught in the air flies. If it flies into the house, then you will be able to get married soon, but if it remains on the street, then the wedding will not happen soon.

A ritual to induce a prophetic dream. Dreams on St. Andrew's night have magical power. In order to evoke the image of your future husband in a dream, turn off the light in the room, go to the window and say: “My betrothed, my mummer, dream of me dressed up.” Without turning on the light in the room, go to bed. At night you will dream of the image of your beloved man or future husband.

Ritual with water. In the evening, fill the basin with water and lock it in one of the rooms of the house. Before going to bed, place the door key under your pillow and say: “Betrothed, come and give me a drink.” Whoever gives you water to drink in a dream will be your future husband.

Ritual with flax. Throw flax seeds into the pot and read the Lord's Prayer: 9 times while standing, 9 times on your knees and 9 times while sitting. Then say the spell: “Holy Andrew, I am sowing flax for you, let me know for whom I will tear that flax,” put the pot under the bed and go to bed. At night you will dream about the image of the future groom.

Fortune telling about future events

On church holidays, the earth reigns special atmosphere magic. Fortune telling for Andrei helps to find out future events.

Ritual with an onion. On the eve of St. Andrew's Day, take large onion, cut it into 12 pieces and sprinkle with salt. Each slice represents one of the 12 months of the year. Leave the onion overnight, and in the morning look carefully at which parts have become wet with salt. This way, determine which months of the year will be rainy or snowy.

Fortune telling on a splinter. Take a birch splinter and light it. Then extinguish the flame in spring water or melted snow and try to relight it. If the torch lights up quickly and burns evenly, then life will be calm and long. If the fire flares up slowly and with a bang, then you should be wary of troubles in the future.

Fortune telling on tea leaves. Pour tea into a plain shaped cup until it covers the bottom. Then take the cup in your hand, make three sharp turns clockwise and turn it over on the saucer. In the pattern that is formed from tea leaves, consider the signs of fate. The pictures that will be closer to the pen refer to the fortuneteller, and those on the opposite side refer to close people. Mountains foreshadow difficulties, a tree - the fulfillment of desires, a key - health and well-being, the outline of a road or plane - a journey, a cross - troubles, a heart - love.

Fortune telling on a book. Take a book of spiritual content: the Bible or the Psalter. Mentally think of the page number and line number at the top, then open it at the indicated location and read. In the phrase you read, find a hidden symbol or sign of fate.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

People believe that the heavens open on religious holidays. Wishes made on such days can come true. Magic rituals on the night of St. Andrew's help you find out whether your plans will come true in the near future.

Ritual with beans. Take a handful of large beans and sort through them, saying “Yes” and “No” in turn. The word at which the beans end will answer the question posed.

Fortune telling on an onion. Take an onion and peel it, saying “It will come true,” “It won’t come true.” Whichever prediction the husk ends on is to be expected.

Fortune telling by candles. Fortune telling can be used for several wishes. The optimal quantity is 5. Take paper leaves and candles according to the number of wishes you have made. Write down your wishes on pieces of paper, lay them out on the table and place lighted candles on top. The wish on which the candle burns out first will come true in the near future.

Card reading. Take a deck of cards, shuffle and remove one card with your left hand. If a card of a red suit appears, then the wish will come true, but if it is black, it will not. If the card shows an even number, you won't have to wait long. An odd number indicates that you need to be patient.

One of the most significant holidays for every Orthodox Christian is the day of St. Andrew the First-Called, which is celebrated every year on December 13th. Fortune telling for Andrew is considered one of the most truthful, along with fortune telling for the Nativity of Christ or Christmastide. Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that on this night the veil of secrecy is lifted, and a person can receive any information regarding his future, love and marriage. Let's take a closer look at them...

Selection interesting fortune telling on Andrew the First-Called: on the betrothed, love, dreams and the future

Andrew the First-Called is one of the 12 apostles chosen by the Lord from among the people. Together with his brother, he lived in the city of Capernaum, where he earned his living by fishing. Always distinguished by exceptional piety, he became a disciple of John the Baptist, and also received his name “First Called”, because he was the first to respond to the call of the Lord and the first to introduce his brother to Jesus, who later became the Apostle Peter.

After the resurrection of Jesus, St. Andrey, along with his brothers and Mother of God“filled with the Holy Spirit” on the Day of Pentecost. As a result of this, the apostles acquired the gift of healers, prophecy and the ability to speak various languages. Next, the disciples of Jesus chose countries to carry out prophetic activities in them, to convert people of other faiths to Christianity. St. Andrew inherited the coastal territories of what is now Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, and Ukraine.

It is St. Rus' owes its introduction to the Christian faith to Andrey. Therefore, he was considered one of the most respected saints, the patron saint of Rus'. Upon returning to Greece from educational travels, St. Andrew was persecuted and sentenced to crucifixion, but, according to legend, he asked to die on an oblique cross, and not on the one where Christ died. To this day, such a cross bears the name “Andreevsky”; its symbol can currently be seen on the Russian naval flag.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Fortune telling about marriage on the day of St. Andrew the First-Called

It has long been customary on this holiday to tell fortunes about love and husband. There is a custom according to which, in order for the fortune telling for Andrew on December 13 to be truthful, the day before you need to fast and pray for a worthy spouse.

With felt boots “For the betrothed”

Popular and probably the most common love fortune telling to Andrey. It's quite easy and simple to do:

  • Put on your felt boots and go out into the courtyard of your house;
  • Then you need to remove the felt boots from your left foot;
  • Then you need to throw it over the fence into the street;
  • Next you need to look: where the felt boot points with its toe, the groom will come from there;
  • If the sock points to the gate, know that you cannot expect marriage this year.

If you do not have the opportunity to do fortune telling “live”, try doing it online.

At the crossroads “For marriage in the coming year”

At the midnight hour, go out to the crossroads, formulate a desire to find a betrothed, or imagine a specific person if you have someone in mind. Then draw a circle around yourself with a twig, then stand a little and listen to the sounds coming to you:

  • Singing, laughter, sounds of fun, songs are heard - this promises the girl a quick marriage;
  • The sounds of a quarrel, crying, swearing - says that this year you will not be a married woman yet.

Dream fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day

Fortune telling "To sleep"

This is a rather rare fortune-telling for Andrei on December 13th based on a dream, a description of which can be found in few places. Although its meaning is not too complicated. In the evening, go to the river, wait for the moon to rise in the sky, bend over to the ice hole, draw water and go home.

  • Pour the brought water into a cup;
  • Place a cup next to your bed and say:

My betrothed mummer, come and drink some water...

  • Then go to bed calmly: those who are destined to be wooed will see the image of their groom in the hole at night, those who remain unmarried all year will see nothing;

Near the church

Fortune telling is somewhat similar to fortune telling at a crossroads, but less scary. Previously, the girls ran to the church at midnight to spend December 12-13. And although there are no services in churches at night, some girls still heard the sounds of wedding singing, and some crying. Based on what they heard, they drew conclusions regarding the upcoming future: whether married life or a serious illness awaited her.

On the water with a candle “For the groom”

Universal fortune telling for Andrei's betrothed or groom. You will need a small trough (or any other utensil) that can be placed outside on the porch.

  • Pour water into the trough to about halfway, this should be done at approximately 9 o’clock in the evening;
  • At 12 o'clock at night, take a candle and go with it to the trough;
  • Break the resulting piece of ice, completely immerse the candle in the trough and read the following plot:

“Don’t sulk, scorching fires from the ant fryer,

And it caught fire wax candle in front of the wonderful image of the Savior!

  • After that, take the candle with you and go home;
  • Next, light a candle from the lamp near the icon and observe how quickly it lights up.

If the candle lights up quickly and does not go out within a couple of minutes, expect marriage in the coming year. But if the candle does not light up or goes out, you won’t have to wait for matchmakers this year.

Conspiracy - fortune telling "On the pen"

A very interesting fortune telling that any girl can do. It was carried out as follows: closer to midnight on Andrei, the girl laid it on the threshold of the house (with inside) a small chicken feather, while pronouncing the following slander:

There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, each nest has 4 eggs,

Each egg contains 7 chicks,

One of them - show yourself

Let me know what to expect in the future!”

  • Flying out the door means that the girl will soon have to fly away to someone else’s family;
  • If the feather flies back into the house, it will continue to live in the family of its parents.

Fortune telling for the company "On the Ring"

In this game, participants can be both girls and boys. All you need is a ring (silver or gold).

  • All participants take turns blindfolding and rolling a metal ring along the floor in a random direction.
  • Rolling towards the door, the girl promises marriage, the guy - the upcoming journey.

In another version, the ring is passed on to each other, while it is hidden from the driver, and he guesses the location of the ring. Surely, many will remember their childhood and playing rings. There is another similar one: more complex, but no less interesting.

On pins and needles “For the betrothed”

Prepare a container of water and several needles. When telling fortunes about your betrothed, it is better to use needles different sizes: they wish for a smaller needle for themselves, a larger one for the groom. Lubricate them with any fat or cream, then place them on top of the water.

It happens that people’s relationships are complex (for example, “ love triangle"), in this case the number of needles should correspond to the number of people in this connection. Correlate each needle with a particular person, lubricate it and place it on the water.


The needles floating on the surface show which of the hidden people will remain in your life in the coming year:

  • The needles connected to each other symbolize marriage or simply a strong connection between the individuals who were fortune-telling;
  • The connection of needles along the entire length speaks of successful cooperation and lasting friendship;
  • The ends of needles placed apart or floating on the surface, but on different sides, are evidence of weakening connections between people;
  • Needles that have sunk to the bottom indicate the likelihood of the relationship ending.
  • Have all the needles sunk? Perhaps they are just not very well lubricated? Repeat it all again!

Fortune telling for the future by Andrey

On the coffee grounds

After you have drunk the coffee, you need to cover the cup with a saucer and turn it clockwise three times. Coffee grounds will spread along the bottom of the cup and create peculiar patterns; they are found in a special reference book and interpreted.

  • A dog is a sign of friendship;
  • The outlines of the forest mean abundance, prosperity;
  • Contour of the staircase - the set goal will be achieved;
  • Cross - you need to be patient;
  • Wreath - honor;
  • The mill is a deception;
  • Cliff - a prediction of sadness, sadness;
  • Human shadow - romantic meeting;
  • House - wealth;
  • A plowed field is very good sign, symbol of success;
  • Meadow with animals - the implementation of plans;
  • Church bells - marriage;
  • Deer - fast way;
  • Gate - arrival of guests;
  • Mountain peaks - many difficulties.

On the tea leaves

This is a unique variation of the previous fortune telling; it cannot be called classic, but many people prefer to tell fortunes using tea.

  • To start the ritual, it is better to take a shallow cup without pictures.
  • Then you need to pour some loose leaf tea into it (the bottom should be barely covered) and pour boiling water over it.
  • Slowly drink the resulting tea.
  • Cover the mug with a saucer and with your left hand, rotate the cup and its contents three times in the direction of the clock.
  • Then, with a sharp movement, turn the cup and saucer upside down, so that the tea leaves fall onto the saucer;
  • From this position, slightly lift the cup on one side and look inside.

Her inner space divide it into two parts: the part adjacent to the handle relates personally to the fortuneteller, the remaining part denotes people from your close circle. The thickness on the walls of the cup shows the future in the near future, on the bottom - the distant future.

To interpret the symbols, you can use this one.

On candle wax

A very well-known fortune telling with wax and water, which can be performed on St. Andrew’s Day on December 13; we have already looked at it in more detail.

  • Tilt a well-lit candle over a plate of water and pour out the wax.
  • If necessary, perform this manipulation as many times as necessary until you receive required quantity wax.
  • The result is a casting that must be taken out of the water and interpreted.

Look at them carefully and try to determine their meaning by association. Below are tips for determining the meanings of the resulting figures.

  • Fan - problems at work, tense relationships with colleagues, the likelihood of the organization closing;
  • A bunch of grapes - a feeling of love, friendships, success, well-being;
  • Mushroom - life force a person, his determination, longevity;
  • Dragon - “flight altitude”, justified expectations, the end of the matter;
  • Bell - news; with smooth edges - good news, asymmetrical and crooked - bad, more than one bell - alarming events;
  • Tree leaf - ill-wishers, envious people;
  • Monkey - deception in friendship, hypocrisy, ambiguity of the event;
  • Apple - life wisdom, health;
  • Since ancient times, the egg symbolizes something hidden, not manifested. Identified with something new.

On straws

Place a small amount of hay or straw under the tablecloth. At midnight, take out one straw:

  • If you come across a long one, expect a successful year with a good harvest;
  • Did you get the short one? Tighten your belt and prepare for difficulties.

The young ladies used this method to tell fortunes about their lover: if they came across a green stem, they regarded this as a guarantee marriage soon; blackened - prophecy to sit in the virgins.

On the cups

This fortune telling is suitable for fun company. For the ritual you will need opaque cups; they need to be filled with the following items: bread, salt, sugar, put a ring, coins, pour water. The number of cups corresponds to the number of participants, each of whom, without looking, takes one cup in turn by touch.

December 13, the day on which the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, brother of the Holy Apostle Peter.

Since ancient times, one of the most important entertainments on December 13 for young girls was, of course, fortune telling. The girls gathered together in the evening to find out their fate.
However, few people know the origin of St. Andrew's Day.Who is he, Apostle Andrew and why is he called the First-Called???

If you look at the new style, at first glance this date is not tied to absolutely any phenomena.
But according to the old style, this is November 30 - the last day of autumn, the last tribute to the old departing Sun.
On this day, like the day of the Great Martyr Catherine, girls wondered about their betrothed.
The night preceding this day is called among the people Andreev's evening or Andreev's night, on which, according to popular belief, young girls and boys see the image of their betrothed.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called , the first who followed the Lord and who brought his teachings to the lands of the Slavs.
The name Andrey translated from ancient Greek means “courageous” or “husband.”
Therefore, the Apostle Andrew has always been revered as the patron saint of marriage.
According to the Holy Scriptures, the Apostle Andrew, having heard the sermon of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ, was the first to follow him. Therefore, we address him as Apostle Andrew the First-Called (He who first followed).

At first, Apostle Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, who later sent him to serve Christ.
All three years he followed him, like all the other twelve apostles. And when the Holy Spirit descended on Christ’s disciples, the apostles cast lots as to who and where would go to serve. Bring holy stories to people and glorify our Lord.
Andrey got eastern countries, these are the territories where the Slavic lands were located. He reached the Danube, passed the Black Sea coast, Crimea and along the Dnieper rose to the place where the city of Kyiv is now located. Here he, together with his students and followers, stopped for the night near the Kyiv Mountains.
Getting up in the morning, he said to his disciples: “Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the grace of God will shine, there will be great city and God will raise up many churches." . The Apostle climbed the mountains, blessed them and planted a cross on one of the Kyiv mountains. (And that’s how it happened in Ukraine maximum amount Orthodox churches and holy places. And Kyiv is famous for the fact that there is not one city on earth where there would be as many churches as in Kyiv. The baptism of Rus' began in Kyiv, and a village of monks appeared on the Kyiv mountains, which became a huge monastery and later the Lavra).

On his way through the pagan lands, Andrew the First-Called endured many sorrows and torments from the pagans:
- he was expelled from cities, beaten, stoned. But, remaining unharmed, the faithful disciple of Christ tirelessly preached to people about the Savior. Through the prayers of the apostle, the Lord performed miracles.
His death was a martyr's, on the cross. However, the Apostle declared that he was not worthy to be executed like Christ, so he was crucified on an X-shaped cross (hence the name “St. Andrew’s Cross”). .(He was executed by the pagan prince of the city of Patras, Aegeat).

Thanks to Andrew the First-Called, many works of God were accomplished: many learned about Christ and the gospel, many people were healed and countless miracles were performed. The apostle was the intermediary through whom God carried out his affairs.
Therefore, through Andrew the First-Called, you can make your request to the Lord and it will be heard. And girls can beg for a good groom.
Apostle Andrew the First-Called has always been greatly revered. And in ancient times, girls waited for December 13th with special trepidation. After all, it was on this day that young girls wondered about their betrothed. Today, this holiday has not lost its popularity, and many are trying to find out their destiny, making wishes and asking St. Andrew the First-Called to show them and give them grooms.

Fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day

Since this holiday takes its roots from paganism, the rituals are corresponding.
So, let's take a closer look at what kind of fortune telling our ancestors used. First of all, the girls always tried to call prophetic dream, in which you can see your betrothed.
There are many ways to have a prophetic dream. Here are some examples.

1. When going to bed in the evening, you need to cast a spell (100% effective)
“There is a life to be reaped on Andriy, with whom life will be reaped and life will be lived out.”
Whoever you see this night will become a potential groom. And whoever you take yourself with in the middle of the field will become your companion for life

2. For bread
When going to bed, they put a piece of bread under the pillow, saying:
"Betrothed-mummer, come and taste my bread"
or " Betrothed, come and eat with me."
or " Betrothed, come and eat with me".
If you feed someone in a dream, he will be your husband.

3. Sow flax in a pot
Stock up on flax seeds in advance (by the way, you can now buy them at a homeopathic pharmacy), a pot of soil, on the evening of December 12th. Take a pot and sow flax seeds in it.
Then the “Our Father” is read over him: nine times standing, 9 on his knees, 9 sitting,
After this, a special conspiracy was read:
“Holy Andrew, I sow flax for you,
let me know for whom I will tear the flax.”
This pot needs to be placed under the bed.

4. On Bread and Salt. More serious with the involvement of the person you need. (drying)
Late in the evening on the table they break a piece of bread in half,
sprinkle salt crosswise and place it under your pillow, after wrapping it in a napkin.
When going to bed you should say the following words:
"Saint Andrew, God called you,
And for that he gave you the Kingdom of God.
Call me too God's servant(Name),
Slave (such and such).
Saint Andrew, help!
Give him to me as a groom.

Or if you want to ask a good groom, you need to say the following words:
"Saint Andrew, you knew God, you called upon God to help you
And for that God gave you his Kingdom.
Call to me, God's servant (name),
Servant of God as husband.
Saint Andrew, help!
Find me a groom.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Read one or another conspiracy, only once with a lit candle, turning your face to the east, after that until the morning (until you eat the bread) do not talk to anyone.
In a dream and get your answer.

5. Fortune telling with cards

Buy a new deck of cards, pull out four aces from it, shuffle it without looking and put it under your pillow when you go to bed, and when you wake up in the morning, pull out one of them at random.
If the Ace of Hearts lands, it foretells a calm, measured life and a good husband.
The Ace of Clubs promises a passionate, hot husband and a life full of surprises.
The Ace of Spades predicts a stern and domineering husband.
The Ace of Diamonds promises a kind, loving, caring husband.

6. Fortune telling for the husband's name
On the night of St. Andrew's Day, write as many men's names as possible on pieces of paper, as well as one empty piece of paper, roll them into tubes, mix them and put them under the pillow
When you wake up in the morning, put your hand under your pillow. Whichever name you pull out, that's the one you'll marry. If an empty leaf falls out, you won’t find love in the new year.

But in order for the fortune-telling to be truthful, and fate not to laugh cruelly by slipping in someone unwanted, girls, according to established custom, on the eve of the day of the Apostle Andrew (December 12) need to keep a strict fast
and they prayed a lot for good suitors to be given to them.

I wish you to see your destiny in a dream and may your dreams come true.

On the night of December 12-13, St. Andrew the First-Called, the girls imagined themselves to be fortune-tellers and witches and cast spells on their betrothed. This tradition of our ancestors has not reached us in its “original form,” but some signs and customs have been recorded. Why not gather your friends for a bachelorette party? Believe it or not - this is already personal choice each.

Fortune telling for Andrei's betrothed

1. Before going to bed, you need to put a piece of home-baked bread under your pillow. At the same time sentence: “Betrothed-mummer, come and taste my bread.” It is believed that the one to be married to will be the first to dream.

2. Write the boys' names on notes and put them under your pillow. In the morning, the girl pulls out the first note she comes across and reads the name. It is believed that this is what her betrothed will be called.

3. Pour water into a plate and place a couple of straws in the form of a bridge. It is commonly believed that the groom will appear in a dream to take the bride across the bridge.

4. When everyone in the house goes to bed, the girl turns off the light and sits by the curtained window. At the same time, the beauty makes a wish: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.” Then he listens to people passing by the window. If the sound is loud, a scream or a whistle, then the betrothed will be rich, and family life- cheerful. When they pass quietly, the girl is destined to marry a poor guy.

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is considered very dangerous, so not every girl agrees to tempt fate this way. Take two mirrors (large and preferably equal in size), place them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that a directional mirror forms in the wall long corridor, illuminated by lights.

The fortune-telling girl must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two modest persons. On the part of these latter, however, it is required not to look in the mirror, not to approach the fortuneteller and not to talk. And at the end of this corridor the narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed... but also all sorts of evil spirits.

Fortune telling for Andrey for children

If the weather is frosty, then you can tell fortunes on the night of December 12-13 how many children there will be. To do this, you need to pour water into a glass in the evening and leave it in the cold. Before going to bed, look at how many bumps and dimples there are on the surface. The tubercles symbolize sons, and the pits symbolize daughters.

How to bring happiness and love into your home

Fortune telling for St. Andrew's Day on December 13, related to the cake, is that while kneading the dough, the girl should think about her beloved guy. Add honey and dried berries to the dough. The cake is not meant to be eaten. Before baking, you need to make a hole in the dough through which you can hang the finished cake using a ribbon. He should bring happiness to the house and not let love out of the house.

Fortune telling for Andrei's marriage

1. The girls on the floor take turns launching the ring. Whoever comes to the door will get married.

2. Several girls tell fortunes on nutshells on the feast of St. Andrew the First-Called. For this they need: shells walnut, wax candles and a bowl (basin) with water. They guess as follows. The candles are placed in nut shells and floated like boats into a basin of water. Each of the girls lights a candle. Whose candle burns out first, that girl will be the first to get married. If the boat sinks, the girl will grow old unmarried.

On December 13, St. Andrew the First-Called Day is celebrated. People say that on the night of St. Andrew (from December 12 to 13), mystical things happen that can reveal the secret of the future. Fortune telling by Andrei can answer many questions: will you get married, who will be your betrothed, when will the wedding take place, will you be happy in your marriage, and the like.

Whether to guess or not to guess

Folk traditions of fortune telling are forgotten, losing their form and content. But on the night of December 13, many girls want to look into their future. However, it is worth understanding that during fortune telling a person makes a choice: he gives up his will, relying on the decision of the signs or the fortune teller. And the more often he does this, the more he loses the habit of looking for a way out on his own. difficult situation, and so more people becomes weak and dependent.

In addition, fortune telling is a sin against the first commandment of God.

The Church is clearly against fortune telling. It is a sin. Because a person is manipulated through supposedly magical rituals with his future, which, as we know, is known only to God. Such tricks with the Creator with a glimpse into the future, as history shows, do not bode well. Therefore, fortune telling has nothing to do with church holidays and traditions, their roots are in paganism,
– explained priest Michael Leda.

According to him, today fortune-telling is increasingly being made into a show, that is, it is turning into another way to have fun. After all, many establishments on this day offer to try telling your fortune.

“Divination, no matter in what form it is carried out, is a sin,” the priest emphasized.

Traditions of fortune telling for Andrew

Why do they guess about Andrey?

On Andrei, December 13, boys and girls looked closely at each other during parties. After Epiphany, the season of winter weddings began, so it was quite possible to meet your love at parties on St. Andrew's.

It is not surprising that girls on St. Andrew's Day tell fortunes about their betrothed. This is a kind of rehearsal before fortune telling on Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve). It is believed that if a girl sees the same guy twice - both on this day and on Christmastide - the fortune-telling is correct and will come true. But even for fortune telling you need to prepare!

What not to do before fortune telling

If you are going to find out your future this night, then you cannot eat anything meat, only bread and water. But the most important condition is that all close relatives be well-fed on this day. Only girls or women tell fortunes. Before and after fortune telling, you need to remain silent until morning comes.

Fortune telling for Andrei: what not to do before fortune telling

There are many ways to predict your destiny. And if you still decide to tell fortunes about Andrey, read the material about how this can be done at home.

Fortune telling on dumplings

The girls made dumplings or pies from yeast dough. The girls carried the water for the test with their mouths, and the guys made them laugh at the same time. Each girl made her own special dumpling, after which they were put in a row and the nearest pet was called. Whose dumpling or pie pet eats it, that girl will be the first to get married.

They believed that if a dog or cat took a dumpling into a corner, the girl would get married and move far from home.

Fortune telling using a chain

The girl is left alone in the room and takes right hand gold or silver chain. Squeezing the chain in her fist, the girl should focus on the issue that interests her most. This could be a question about the future of the groom or the number of children. Having clearly imagined what exactly she is interested in, the girl throws the chain on the table and looks at the figure who came out.

How to tell fortunes about Andrey using a chain

There are different interpretations of the figures, the most popular of which are:
- circle: in the future a situation will arise that will require a lot of effort to unravel;
- oval: difficult situation, however, will not require any special losses;
- straight line: success and the most favorable time to fulfill your dreams;
- snake: you should be careful and not trust the people around you,
- tangled knot: expect intrigue;
- triangle: a sign of good luck in business;
- butterfly or bow: for dating, love, and possibly a wedding;
- a chain formed into a certain letter: expect a new romance with a person whose name begins with this letter.

Fortune telling by cups

You need to take several opaque cups. Place bread, onions, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many people who tell fortunes as there are cups. Each of those gathered takes turns choosing a cup with their eyes closed. Onions - for tears, bread - for prosperity, a ring - for a wedding, water - pregnancy awaits you, salt - be careful, as troubles may await you in the near future. If you get a cup of sugar, fun awaits you soon. Money - you will become rich.

Fortune telling on small things

In the evening, boys and girls gather, take a tray, pour various small things onto it: some - a ring, some - a cufflink, some - an earring, some - a button, a coin, and the like. They cover the tray with a towel, sing, then shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags with their left hand some of the trinkets lying on it.

How to tell fortunes on Andrey on small things

It resembles something like a home lottery. The one who gets, for example, a coin will get rich, the one who gets the handkerchief will grieve in the new year, the one who gets the key will buy a new home. And the one who gets the ring must roll it along the floor, while watching in which direction it will roll: if towards the door, there will be a wedding in the coming year.

Fortune telling with matches

Fate was also predicted with the help of matches. Two matches were placed on a plate of water: one was a guy, ideally the one the girl liked; the second is a symbol of the girl herself. Then you need to blow on these matches: if they come together from the girl’s breath, then this is a sign that the intended gentleman will become the groom.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

The girls go out to the crossroads at midnight, each draws a circle, stands next to him and begins to listen to the sounds of the street - if she hears joyful cries, laughter, songs - she will soon get married. But if a girl hears someone quarreling, crying or lamenting, she should remain a girl, according to popular belief.

Dinner Invitation

This method can be called strange and creepy. The girl covers the table in an empty room with a tablecloth, sets it with utensils, except for a knife and fork, and says: “Mummer, come to me for dinner.” Everyone leaves, and she, left alone, locks the windows and doors and waits.

A creepy way of telling fortunes about Andrey: an invitation to dinner

Signs of the betrothed's approach: howling wind, blows on windows and doors. Then the betrothed appears. The girl should sit in her place, not answer questions, notice facial features and clothing. The betrothed sits down at the table and begins to entertain her with conversation.

The girl should suddenly perk up and ask point-blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed says his name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should say: “Cheer me!” The betrothed disappears.

Profession fortune telling

They believed that you could even learn from Andrei the profession of your future husband. To do this, the girls went to the river, collected silt from the bottom, brought it home and examined it. If a nail was found in the mud, the husband would be a blacksmith, if cod was found, he would be a carpenter, if sand was found, he would be a mason, and if nothing was found, he would be a farmer.

Fortune telling with chicken feathers

Closer to midnight, the girl needs to put a chicken feather on the threshold and say: “There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on it, in each nest there are 4 eggs, in each egg there are 7 chickens, one of them - show yourself, let me know what to expect in the future! ". When someone opened the door, a chicken feather, caught in the air, either flew out the door or flew into the house. If you get married at the door, if you go into the house, you’ll be a girl for another year.

Is it possible to predict the future for yourself - only you can trust it. However, in ancient times, St. Andrew's gatherings were associated not only with this. Gatherings on the night of December 13th are a fun and vibrant event, jokes and laughter, which embraces not only young people, but also older generation. These are losses, jokes, pranks, mostly from guys, which are allowed only on St. Andrew's Night.

Fortune telling and pranks on St. Andrew's Night


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