Where can I publish my article in the journal? List of professional publications in which you can place your publication

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Students at universities in Russia and the CIS countries often encounter difficulties when publishing their scientific research. The list of publications where a student can publish a scientific article is limited. Most often, scientific publications are designed to publish the works of graduate students and researchers. Students can publish the result of their work in such publications only in co-authorship with a supervisor, or do not have such an opportunity at all.

Journals and scientific conferences for the publication of scientific articles by students:

Conference eLIBRARY.ru “Young Researcher”

All conference materials are posted in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.ru. Students, graduate students and undergraduates from Russia and the CIS countries can take part in this conference. Placing materials in conference proceedings gives authors the opportunity to convey their research to the general public and get acquainted with the experience of other authors working in the same direction.
To become a participant in the Young Researcher conference, you need to fill out an application form and attach an article. After payment for publication, the author receives a certificate confirming publication, the output of the article and an electronic certificate of the conference participant. Based on the results of the conference, an electronic collection is published containing all scientific articles with the assignment of ISSN, UDC and LBC numbers.

Magazine "Student Bulletin"

One of the most popular publications where a student can publish an article is the magazine “ Student newsletter" Master's and postgraduate students can also post their articles in the journal.
This periodical publishes scientific works of students in various scientific fields. Placing articles in it gives students the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their work. By exchanging experiences with other authors publishing in the journal, the aspiring scientist receives valuable information for further research in the chosen field.
To publish an article in the journal, you must fill out an application on the website and attach an article formatted in accordance with the requirements of the journal.


Editors are more willing to accept ready-made articles for publication rather than assign assignments to an unfamiliar author. If you have an idea, it is better to save it in in writing. The editor is not interested in your thoughts; he wants to see the end result, namely the finished text.

Having secured agreement that yours will be accepted, read the latest issues of this magazine or newspaper. Get an idea of ​​the text, corporate style of presentation and presentation of materials. Imagine the target audience of the magazine, its gender, interests. Make sure that your article is suitable for this publisher and will interest them.

Check with the editorial office which editor is best for you to collaborate with. Contact him by mail and present him with the idea for the article, trying to attract him and interest him. Mention your experience as a copywriter, if any, and refer to your publications. Tell us how long the article is and how soon you are ready to submit it to the editor. Write concisely and coherently. The length of the letter should not be large, optimally half a page.

After sending, wait two to three weeks. This time is enough for the editor, if he is interested, to call you or send you a response by mail. If you haven't received anything, it makes sense to contact the editor by phone and check whether your letter was received. It’s better to communicate with the editor to whom you wrote, this will help establish personal contact. The topic should be interesting to a potential reader, familiar to the author, and not repeat dozens of other similar materials. Several topics are needed so that the editor can choose the most interesting and least trivial.

Avoid platitudes

Unfortunately, it is human nature to think in familiar categories, and the familiar, as a rule, has long been known to everyone. So is it worth writing once again on hackneyed topics in tired phrases? To avoid standard phrases and stereotyped thoughts, it’s a good idea to talk about the topic that will be covered in the article with other people, representatives of the most different ages and professions - this will help to look at the problem from a new, sometimes quite unexpected for the author, angle.

Get into the spirit of the magazine

If you not only look through the pages of glossy magazines, but read the articles of different magazines more closely, it will become clear that each publication has a certain image of the “ideal reader”, the one for whom most of the articles are written. It would be nice to compose psychological picture symbol of the journal for which the article is intended. And even better - try to feel like such a girl or woman, to feel how she lives, what interests, excites, worries her.

To make a plan

It is possible to create a logical structured text of an article only when there is a clear plan for presenting the material in the author’s head (or on paper): what will be written about first, what advice and recommendations will be given in the article, what conclusions should the reader be led to.

Having thought about the structure of the article, it will be much easier to fill each point of the plan with appropriate content, break the text into meaningful parts, come up with subheadings, etc.

Working on the article form

As a rule, glossy magazines welcome a light, ironic style of presentation. But not every author, especially a beginner, masters this style of writing.

If the author does not have such talent, it is worth giving more advice to the reader, simple, understandable and easily applicable in life. If some of them seem controversial to the reader, so much the better. The main thing is that there are not too many of them.
The text is greatly enlivened by micro-stories that explain with examples how the author’s recommendations work or, on the contrary, what happens if they are not followed.

It would be nice to provide some statistical data and other verified information in the text - this will build the reader’s trust in the author.

We invite you to publish an article in our pedagogical journal and receive publication documents for free! Certification of a teacher for a qualification category involves the creation of a pedagogical portfolio, which contains information about his achievements over a certain period of time. The teacher must fill the portfolio with documents confirming his competence: certificates and diplomas for participation in competitions, olympiads, certificates of publications in magazines and newspapers.

How to publish an article in a pedagogical journal for free?

The live journal Methodichka was created to help teachers with certification issues. As part of our scientific and methodological project, users are invited to post materials related to the education industry in the magazine and receive certificate of publication free . However, a number of requirements must be met.

Accepted for publication ONLY original materials (no copy-paste!): informational and methodological articles, scientific works (students, teachers), compositions, essays, event scenarios, professional experience in teaching activities, cool watch, pedagogical councils, various explanatory and informational publications, author’s work programs, etc.

Requirements for the content and design of the work

  1. The work must have a clear title;
  2. The work to be sent is attached to newsletter Microsoft Office Word text file;
  3. The author of the material provides the following information about himself and agrees that it will be posted on the page with the publication: full name (full name), position, place of work;
  4. Published material must be original (not downloaded from the Internet), neatly formatted ( readable text, no extra spaces, manual hyphens, continuous hyphens).
  5. Each development is checked for plagiarism through the Advego.ru service. If more than 30% plagiarism is detected, the material is not published on the site.

We 100% WILL NOT PUBLISH: copy-paste (this is everything you downloaded from other sites on the Internet), works without attribution, lesson notes, technological maps lessons, presentations, etc. at the discretion of the project administration.

Moderation (checking and publishing submitted works) on our project is carried out as quickly as possible, so a user can post an article and receive the coveted publication certificate for free in a few hours (depending on the workload of the administrators). The document about the publication of the article is sent to the user’s email only after the material is posted on the site.

An example of a certificate of publication (screenshot) is located on the right. The certificate template was made by professional designers: a beautiful, strict background goes well with the original fonts of the document. In the certificate in mandatory The teacher’s full name (abbreviated), the name of his development and the address where the materials are posted in the journal are indicated - the URL of the site page. Due to the fact that standard URLs are quite long, the link shortening method is used; a short link is indicated in the document. Each document is marked with its series, as well as a unique number. In the certificate of publications in the magazine indicates the fact of holding public examination of the submitted materials, the number and date of the protocol of the Methodological Council of the scientific and methodological project "Metodicchka.org", the signature and seal of the chief administrator of the Live Journal Methodichka is affixed.

Why is it worth paying attention to our magazine?

- Scientific and methodological project Live Journal Methodology - Your guide to the world of knowledge. We make the process of obtaining a certificate as easy as possible for you in the shortest possible time.
- Publishing articles with us is absolutely free! You can also receive a certificate of publication for free!
To be published in a pedagogical journal for free with us means to receive the most complete list of services in this area + gain a lot of positive emotions from working with professionals!
- The team of our magazine employs only professionals who can answer all questions that arise. Post pedagogical developments in our magazine it’s just like one-two-three!

Our project is valued among colleagues for its friendly and polite communication with clients. If you decide to place your works with us, you will not be disappointed. We offer only the best services!

New requirements of the domestic system higher education made it mandatory for undergraduates to publish articles. To be admitted to defend a master's thesis today, it is required to publish at least three articles in scientific journals.

How to write a scientific article for a master's student: structure, practical recommendations

An article for a master's thesis usually does not exceed 3-4 pages, has a standard structure and is formatted in accordance with GOST. However, it is better to clarify the exact requirements for the design and volume of the article in the specific scientific publication where publication is planned. These requirements can be found on the website of the selected journal. The structure of the text of a scientific article includes:

    Name - necessary element any research, briefly expressing its main essence;

    abstract - a brief justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, statement of the main problems solved by the author (in Russian and English language);

    keywords – a list of the main terms of the work that most fully reflect the essence and facilitate the search (in Russian and English);

    introduction - this part provides introductory data, the starting point of the study;

    main text – reflects the essence of the research conducted by the author and proposed ways to solve the problems;

    conclusion - summing up the work done in the last paragraphs;

    reference base - all footnotes to scientific works used in preparing the work.

After the research is completed, it is necessary to decide where the undergraduate can publish a scientific article. If the article meets certain criteria and is formatted correctly, then there should be no problems with the publication of the text.

Various official collections of scientific papers, publications from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), special journals, as well as electronic collections of materials from Internet conferences are suitable for publication. The selected publication must be included in the RSCI (Russian Index scientific citation), and also have UDC, BBK and ISBN. A professor of science must be represented on the journal's management team.

Popular publications among master’s students are “Bulletin of Master’s Studies”, “Magistrant” magazine, “Master’s Bulletin”, “Modern Scientific research and innovation”, etc.

The full list of official publications where a master’s student can publish an article is constantly updated, so before publication, the selected publication must be found on the HAC website for verification. You can also try to find a publication for publication through your department educational institution. Often, this is the easiest way to select a publication to publish your work.

Scientific articles of master's students can be published for a fee or free of charge. Most of the journals from the official list of the Higher Attestation Commission publish articles for a fee. Copies are not sold for retail sale, but are purchased by authors and interested parties. The cost of publishing an article varies depending on the publication and is indicated among other conditions of publication. As the most budget option for paid publication, you can recommend your own publications of universities or collections of materials from online conferences. However, in this case, publication occurs in in electronic format and the author will not have a printed copy of the article in his hands.
Publication of an article for free is possible only when choosing a publication that attracts external investors who pay for the publication of articles for the declared authors, or when preparing an article in co-authorship with a scientific supervisor who has an academic degree.

Examples of undergraduate articles

An example of a properly formatted publication. Information about the author, abstract and keywords of the article are provided in both Russian and English.

Often, scientific journals provide an example of how to prepare work for publication on their website. Having chosen a specific journal for publication, you will find all the conditions for publication and an example of a finished article in the corresponding section on the journal’s website.

Thus, publishing your works in specialized publications is prerequisite for admission to the defense of a master's thesis. The article must be prepared in accordance with the conditions and samples of the publication where the undergraduate intends to publish. The same publication may also provide a sample article for publication. In the vast majority of cases, publication of articles is paid, but you can also hope for free publication. You can select a publication to publish your work via the Internet or by contacting the department.

Writing papers is excellent practice for developing skills in research structuring, scientific writing, and organization. However, preparing an article can become a serious problem if the undergraduate’s specialization is more practice-oriented. In this case, you should contact specialists in the preparation of scientific articles, who will help you quickly write an article or format it correctly for publication in one day.

Scientific and practical journal " Current issues medicine website":
Tel.: 8 (499) 281 69 47 ext. 128;


Dear listeners!

Magazines International Science Magazine « Innovative approaches in industries and spheres" and the Scientific and Practical Journal "Topical Issues of Medicine" are regular scientific publications, produced by the ANOO DPO "Central Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining" in collaboration with the partner ANO DPO "Central Multidisciplinary Institute" in order to support professional development and publication activity of its listeners, as well as creating an accessible environment for testing the results of scientific and practical research and disseminating scientific theoretical practical knowledge among interested groups.

Journals are posted in the scientific electronic library elibrary.ru and registered in the scientometric database RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index). Materials accepted for publication will be posted on the website www.elibrary.ru, as a result of which your article will be indexed in the scientometric system RSCI.

Publications are made on FREE BASIS.


To publish an article, you must submit it to email address This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. the following materials:
1) Materials designed in accordance with the requirements and sample
2) Information about the author / questionnaire (presented below). Co-authorship is allowed, but no more than 3 people.

3) In the subject line of the letter, indicate “Publication in Current Issues in Medicine” or “Publication in Innovative Approaches in Industries and Spheres.”
4) Upon receipt of materials, the Organizing Committee sends a letter to the author’s address within 2 days confirming receipt of materials. Authors who have not received confirmation must duplicate the materials again!
5) Articles are posted in open access in PDF format on the websites http://inf16.ru and http://vv15.ru
6) Articles that were previously published UNDER ANOTHER AUTHORITY in print or on the Internet communication network are not accepted. If plagiarism is detected, the work is immediately removed from publication.
The recommended length of article 3 is 10 pages of printed text (no more!). By posting materials, the participant guarantees that the work is original. If the work was done in collaboration, then all co-authors are indicated!


1. The authors of the reports are responsible for the content of the materials presented.
2. If necessary, by decision of the editors, the authors edit the materials (in case of non-compliance with the publication requirements) or remove the materials from consideration.
3. Volume of scientific articles th not limited
4. Annotation. a brief description of articles (several sentences)
5. Keywords. Key words or phrases (from 3 to 7)
6. Design requirements:
Text Format – Microsoft Word(*.doc, *.docx);
Page format: A4 (210x297 mm);
Orientation - portrait;
Margins (top, bottom, left, right) 20 mm each;
Font: size (point) - 14;
Font type: Times New Roman;
Line spacing is one and a half.
Don't put transfers.
7. Figures and tables are allowed in the text. The names and numbers of figures are indicated below the figures, the names and numbers of tables are indicated above the tables. All graphics must be black and white.
8. A list of references is required. Prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008 alphabetical order. The literature used (without repetitions) is presented at the end of the text under the title “List of used literature:”. In the text it is indicated by square brackets indicating serial number source according to the list and separated by commas - page numbers, for example: .
9. At the end of the article, on the right side of the page, you must indicate the copyright symbol (©), indicating the author(s), and current year(© P.G. Ivanov, 2016).

Please note that all materials are published in the original edition!
Check the text carefully for spelling errors and punctuation.
The article + author's profile must be sent in one letter!
Questions can be asked by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
(indicate “Question” in the subject line)
Good luck!
We are waiting for your works!


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