Hyacinths planting and care in open ground in the spring after flowering. How to plant hyacinths correctly and is it difficult to care for them in open ground? Wild hyacinths care

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Graceful hyacinths delight the eye in flower beds and in bouquets, and with the arrival of spring - on the windowsill. Forcing will require deep knowledge of planting material, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for flowering. It is important to prepare well planting material for open ground, properly dig and save the bulbs.

Hyacinth is a beautiful bulbous perennial. The dense or loose apical raceme consists of a large number of simple or double flowers. Modern hybrids are distinguished by large inflorescences of various shades.

For growing in open ground

  • "Anna Lisa" Early variety with purple inflorescences that do not fade for almost three weeks.
  • "Carnegie". Snow-white hyacinth with a loose conical inflorescence.
  • "Myosotis". An early variety with fragrant light blue inflorescences.
  • "Grand Blanche" Peduncle up to 20 cm high, corollas white, large.
  • "Gertrude". Late hyacinth with deep pink flowers.
  • "Red Magic". Hyacinth with large bright pink inflorescences.
  • "Anna Marie" A variety with pale pink petals.

Indoor varieties

This group usually includes the same varieties that are grown in open ground, and are suitable for forcing indoors. The earliest dates for obtaining flowering specimens are timed to coincide with Christmas. Bulbs of the Anna Marie, Marconi, and Delft Blue varieties are used. Hyacinths more late date bloom from January to March 8, some until April. The varieties “Anna Lisa” and “Woodstock” are mainly used.

Planting hyacinths in open ground

Experts recommend preparing the place in advance. A few weeks before the target date, the soil is dug deep. Add sand, some peat and humus. It is advisable to add superphosphates, potassium and magnesium sulfates.

In the central part of the country, hyacinths are planted in gardens from mid to late autumn. It is important that they do not grow ahead of schedule.

Experienced hyacinth growers warn novice gardeners about the rules for choosing corms. The largest of them are used for forcing, and smaller specimens are better suited for growing in gardens. They produce well-developed flower stalks, which are also more resistant to difficult weather conditions.

Each plant needs a feeding area measuring 15x20 cm.

  1. The bottom is deepened into the soil by 15 centimeters. Small bulbs and children can be planted thicker, closer to the surface.
  2. Washed sand (preferably river sand) is distributed along the bottom of the prepared groove, into which the bottom is lightly pressed.
  3. Create a “jacket” of sand around the bulb, then fill the furrow with soil.
  4. Dry soil is watered. The sand “shirt” serves as a drainage layer and protects against infection.

You can plant flowers on ridges to quickly warm up the bulbs in the spring and raise them above the level of melt water. Plant specimens of the crop, maintaining a distance of 20 cm between them. If necessary, cover the beds with film.

Shelter will also be required in the fall. Mulching substrates are used, such as peat, humus, wood shavings. You can cover it with spruce branches or dry leaves collected in the garden or park. Carefully remove mulching materials in the spring when the ground thaws.

How to care for flowers in the garden

The flowers under discussion are not capricious, but quite demanding. There should be no weeds, dry leaves, or fallen flowers around the plants. Loosening is carried out 2–3 times during the warm season. It is recommended to water during periods of drought and combine them with fertilizers containing nitrogen.

After the hyacinths have bloomed, the “column” is cut off sharp knife. You can leave the peduncle, tearing off only the drying corollas. Thanks to this simple procedure, it is possible to obtain larger and more mature bulbs. It is important to promptly remove affected and diseased plants to prevent the spread of infection.

When to dig and how to store hyacinth bulbs

Dig up Dutch hyacinth bulbs after flowering and yellowing of the leaves. Best time for this important event - in early July.

  • The babies are immediately separated for rearing.
  • Healthy bulbs are treated to prevent the development of diseases.
  • Damaged, infected material is destroyed.

The process of laying the future inflorescence begins almost immediately after the death of the ground part or even earlier. Experienced flower growers and breeders recommend rinsing the bulbs with running water after digging. Dry them in air in the shade of a tree or under a canopy for 5–7 days at 20 °C.

Place clean, well-dried hyacinth bulbs, sorted by size, for storage.

  1. Place the material in flat boxes in one or two layers.
  2. If there are few bulbs, they are stored in paper bags, equipped with labels indicating the variety.
  3. For the first two months, the bulbs are kept at elevated temperatures (25 – 26 °C).
  4. The second stage of storage provides for cooler conditions (17 ° C).
  5. Do not allow the bulbs to dry out completely or become waterlogged.

The total shelf life of the bulbs is 3 months. Immediately before planting hyacinths, a kind of hardening is carried out. For this purpose, the bulbs are stored in a cool room until the end of September - beginning of October. When delayed and too low temperatures at the first stage, hyacinths produce short, loose inflorescences.

Growing and care at home

To force hyacinths on the windowsill, you will need pots or containers filled with substrate (use equal parts of turf soil, peat and coarse sand). Drainage must be made at the bottom of each container. For this purpose, gravel, expanded clay or large pebbles are placed in a layer of 1.5 cm. Coarse washed sand is sprinkled on top, then the prepared substrate is added and watered.

Planting of hyacinths begins in November.

  1. Large bulbs are pressed with their bottoms into the substrate.
  2. Sprinkle with soil so that the topmost part remains open.
  3. The soil is compacted around the bulb, watered abundantly, but without stagnant water. When planted correctly, the top of the bulb should protrude 1.5 cm above the substrate, but not higher than the level of the edges of the pot or container.
  4. The hyacinths are covered with paper cups on top, under which the root system and buds will form in the dark.
  5. Containers with bulbs are sent for 6 - 7 weeks in a cool, unlit room.

For off-season storage and preparation of hyacinths for forcing, you can use the basement. Or bury containers with bulbs in a greenhouse and cover suitable material. Other options are suggested by the experience of flower growers, the ingenuity of summer residents and amateurs indoor plants.

The soil in the container should be moist, but not waterlogged. Temperatures from 6 to 9 °C are most favorable for forcing. If it is warm at home, the roots in the pot grow more slowly, and the development of flower stalks is delayed.

After rooting, cone-shaped sprouts of hyacinths appear above the soil. When the shoots reach a height of 8–10 cm, the containers with the bulbs are transferred to a warmer place. Gradually accustom the flower to bright light by removing the paper cups for several hours. Then the shelter is completely removed and the plants begin to be watered more abundantly.

Hyacinth flowers bloom within 3 weeks after receiving sufficient light and moisture. The quality of flower stalks and the time of blooming in winter or spring depend on the planting material, as well as on the conditions during the dormant period of the bulbs and during forcing.

Plant propagation methods

Seed and vegetative propagation is used. The first method is practiced mainly by breeders. Plants obtained from seeds do not inherit varietal characteristics parent form, bloom after 6 or 7 years.

Vegetative propagation is easier to accomplish. Every year, children (1 - 8 pieces) grow from the mother bulb, which need to be planted and grown. Small bulbs will bloom only after 4 – 5 years. Nurseries still practice artificial propagation of hyacinths by cutting the bottom. The method is complex, but allows you to obtain a sufficient amount of planting material.

Protection from diseases and pests

Hyacinths are little affected by various pathogens and harmful insects in open ground. So-called care diseases can spread in forcing rooms and greenhouses. Hyacinths do not tolerate acidification and waterlogging of the soil; they bloom poorly with excessive amounts of manure or nitrogen fertilizers, or thickened plantings.

Should only be purchased quality material, treat the bulbs after digging and before planting. If all requirements are met, hyacinths rarely get sick.

People from Mediterranean countries and South-East Asia, hyacinths are blooming in early spring, striking with the aroma spreading in the air and a riot of color from white and all shades of blue to yellow and even deep burgundy.

South North Caucasus fragrant flowers are found even in wildlife. On the mountain slopes and in the valleys you can see arrows with blue or pink buds emerging from under the snow. Grow hyacinths in open ground, provided mild winter and non-freezing soil is not difficult.

Appearing above the ground, the bright green glossy leaves of the plant gradually open, and an inflorescence-brush with 20–30 buds begins to rise from the middle. The flowers of modern varieties of hyacinth are tubular, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped, can be regular or double, and always have an unusually rich aroma.

How in middle lane where the soil invariably freezes, how to plant, how to care for the plant in order to obtain consistently lush flowering?

Selection of planting material

Hyacinths are typical bulbous plants. Perennial bulb of this type:

  • fully formed by 4–6 years;
  • has a spherical shape with a prominent neck;
  • consists of numerous scales, the inner ones being dense and fleshy, while the upper ones are thin and look like parchment.

The growth of the bulb occurs due to the renewal bud formed in the core, consisting of several rudiments of leaves and a future peduncle. Adult bulbs 5–6 years old at the bottom under the storage scales form the rudiments of daughter bulbs - children.

Moreover, depending on the type of hyacinth, its bulbs may have different sizes. As a rule, bulbs that produce double flowers are smaller than usual.

  • If hyacinths are to be grown in open ground, by the time of planting the bulb should be elastic, at least 4 cm in diameter and consist of several surface scales, 6–10 accumulation scales and a fully formed bud.
  • There should be no planting material on the outer surface mechanical damage, signs of mold, diaper rash or lethargy.
  • Looking at the bottom, quality bulbs, you can see two-millimeter root primordia.
  • The diameter of a high-quality onion is one and a half times the size of the bottom.

Such planting material will not only take root successfully and overwinter, but will also produce abundant flowering in the spring.

Selection of a place for growing hyacinths in open ground

A competent choice of place for planting hyacinths in open ground and caring for plants before and after flowering is the key to long spring flowering.

The area where hyacinths are to grow must be well lit, which is easy to provide in the spring, when there is still little foliage. But you will have to take care of protecting the flower garden from the wind.

Many gardeners make the mistake of planting bulbs under tree canopies or near tall shrubs. On the one hand, such large vegetation will really protect the inflorescences from the cold wind and will not shade them until the leaves bloom. On the other hand, when it comes time to dig up hyacinths after flowering in the garden, the bulbs may not have enough nutrition to replenish their strength, which will affect their quality.

  • Hyacinths prefer loose soil. Clay soil or chernozem is better mixed with river sand.
  • The growth of bulbs and the quality of flowering are positively influenced by the abundance of high-quality organic matter, but feeding with fresh manure can harm hyacinths.
  • The acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.5 units; if the pH level is higher, lime flour is added to the soil.

Hyacinth bulbs react extremely poorly to waterlogging. If the groundwater in the area comes closer than half a meter to the surface, high ridges are arranged for planting hyacinths or powerful drainage is required. To ensure the outflow of spring or rain moisture, a slight slope is sometimes made.

All preparatory work It is best to plant hyacinths in open ground and care for bulbous ones at the end of summer. In a month or two, the soil will settle, and the autumn rooting of the bulbs will be faster and easier.

Planting hyacinths

The soil for hyacinths is dug up to 40 cm and at the same time square meter contribute:

  • 10–15 kg of well-rotted manure or humus;
  • sand and peat depending on the type and condition of the soil;
  • 250 grams of limestone or 15 grams of magnesium sulfate;
  • 200 grams of sifted or 30 grams of potassium sulfate;
  • from 60 to 80 grams of superphosphate.

If hyacinths are to be grown in open ground on sand poor in minerals and organic matter, it is recommended to increase the amount of potassium and magnesium added by one and a half times. The roots of the plant collect moisture and nutrition within a radius of 15–20 cm from the bulb. Therefore, the holes for planting are made approximately this size, deepening the bottom of the hyacinth by an average of 15 cm.

The finer the planting material, the higher the bulbs are embedded in the soil and the denser they are located in the flower bed.

In low-lying areas, hyacinths can be planted on a layer of sand, slightly pressing the bulb into it. This will protect the roots and the entire plant from rotting and possible infections. You can speed up flowering by planting the bulbs on high ridges, which, with the onset of spring, will warm up much faster than a flat area.

Timing for planting hyacinths for growing in open ground

In most regions of Russia, hyacinths can be planted in the ground from early September to mid-October.

  • If the bulbs fall into the ground early, or the fall is unusually warm, the plants begin to grow and die when frost sets in.
  • If you are late with planting, the bulbs will not have time to take root by the time the soil freezes.

And yet, you can plant the bulbs in the ground in the first weeks of November. To do this, the planting site must be mulched in advance with leaves or other suitable material and covered with film. The soil will retain heat, and the bulbs that fall into it will begin to grow as they should.

In winter, it is better to protect hyacinth planting sites from frost with mulch from peat, sawdust, leaves or spruce branches. You will have to remove the cover in early spring so as not to damage the emerging shoots.

Growing hyacinths in open ground and caring for them

After planting hyacinths, care in the open ground comes down to regular fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding and watering, especially during the set of buds and flowering.

  • Immediately after the sprouts appear, hyacinths need the first fertilizing at the rate of 30 grams of ammonium nitrate per square meter.
  • The second application of fertilizer occurs during the period of coloring of the buds. In this case, not only 20 grams of ammonium nitrate per meter is added under the hyacinths, but also 30 grams of potassium chloride and 40 grams of superphosphate.
  • When flowering is completed, the plantation is fertilized at the rate of 40 grams of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium chloride per meter of area.

All fertilizing is applied to the aisles or space between plants, covering them to a depth of 10 cm, and then the plantation is watered. And caring for hyacinths after flowering in the garden also begins with watering, which is extremely necessary in the first two weeks after the flower stalks dry.

Caring for hyacinths after flowering and cleaning the bulbs

The flowering of hyacinths is magnificent, but fleeting. After the flower stalks dry out, the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. When the hyacinths have bloomed, what to do next in the garden? First of all, especially if the planting of spring bulbs is combined with some other ornamental crops, you need to mark the location of the hyacinths. After all, soon, when the leaves droop, it will be extremely difficult to find them. Then, plants that regain strength after flowering need high-quality watering and fertilizing.

If in a Mediterranean climate the bulbs tolerate winter well and again delight with bright arrows of inflorescences, then in the middle zone of heat during the dormant period, hyacinths are clearly lacking. So, do you need to dig up hyacinths every year? Yes, this is exactly the measure in the middle zone that will help create for the bulbs the necessary conditions for the formation and development of the replacement bud and the rudiments of the future flower arrow.

If healthy hyacinth bulbs are in temperate climate, without digging them up for the summer, leave them in the ground for the winter; their flowering next year will be much weaker than before. Only gardeners in the Kuban, North Caucasus, Crimea and southern Black Earth Region can avoid burdening themselves with the annual digging of bulbs, and then only when the summer is hot enough. When to dig up hyacinths after flowering in the garden?

The best time to remove the bulbs is the last ten days of June or the first days of July. By this time, the leaves have noticeably yellowed and weakened at the base; they will now be easy to remove.

Storing hyacinth bulbs

When the bulbs are cleared of soil, washed and dried:

  • they are examined, separating diseased or damaged specimens during excavation;
  • separate children that require further rearing;
  • planting material is treated with pest and disease control agents for bulbous plants.

Caring for hyacinths after flowering in the garden and storing the bulbs turns out to be the most serious undertaking for the gardener.

During this time, the covering scales of hyacinths dry out, the plant acclimatizes and is ready for next stage storage, when the bulbs should remain at a temperature of about +30°C for two months, is sufficient high humidity and good ventilation. A month before planting, the air temperature is lowered to +17 °C so that the planting material can more easily tolerate the upcoming planting of hyacinths in open ground.

Planting hyacinth in a flowerbed - video

To place hyacinth plantings in open ground, it is necessary to select a site on which there will be no stagnation of water. A site on a slope or on a hill is best suited.

It is also necessary to take into account that the location groundwater under this platform should not be closer than 70 cm to the surface.

It is also important for hyacinth in the garden soil composition. The soil should be light, air- and water-permeable.

The flower is picky about quantity nutrients in the substrate. Acidic soil must be limed, and a sufficient amount of sand or peat must be added to clayey soil.

Growing in open ground

Boarding times and rules

Hyacinths are planted from late September to early November. Early planting will provoke growth, and the flower will not be able to survive the winter. If you are late in planting, cover them with a layer of foliage.

Before this, the soil must be carefully prepared. It takes 2 months to dig up the area. In this case, humus 10-15 kg, superphosphate - 70-80 g, potassium sulfate or wood ash– 200 gr., dolomite flour or magnesium sulfate – 250g. per square meter.

In the holes also add humus. But you cannot add fresh or slightly rotted manure.

How to select and prepare bulbs?

The bulb has a spherical shape. Its core consists of an embryonic bud, which is surrounded by numerous scales formed during four years. Planting material becomes full-fledged by 5-6 years. After the sixth year, daughter scales appear on the bulb, from which new specimens can be grown.

Planting material has different sizes depending on the variety. Terry varieties have the smallest bulb.

Bulbs are suitable for planting in open ground not less than 4 cm in diameter. At the same time, they must be dense, elastic, without damage. On bottom side the beginnings of the roots should be visible.

The bottom of a high-quality onion should be one and a half times smaller in diameter than the base.

Landing rules

Before placing hyacinth in the soil, it should be disinfected - soak for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or foundation.

The bulbs are located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Between small ones you need to leave a distance of 10 cm. The holes are dug in such a way that the bulb is buried no more than 15 cm. The bottom of the hole must be lined with a layer of sand, which acts as drainage.

After planting, hyacinths are sprinkled with a layer of soil and then covered with a mulch layer. When frost sets in, the planting area is additionally covered with spruce branches or branches.

Implement correct landing and care for hyacinths Photos will help you in the open ground garden:

Spring care

As soon as the snow cover disappears from the area, the mulch layer is removed. There is no need to water them immediately after the snow melts, since there is enough moisture in the soil, and waterlogging is dangerous for hyacinths; they can become infected with fungus.

Watering is only necessary if there is no rain and significant drying of the soil is visible.

Three times during the growing period, hyacinths should be fed: after the first shoots appear, during flowering and immediately after flowering. The first feeding is carried out with saltpeter. In the second, superphosphate and potassium chloride are added to a small amount of nitrate. The third dressing consists of superphosphate and potassium chloride.

Do not apply nitrogen fertilizers after flowering, so as not to provoke re-growth of the buds.

Preparing for the new season

After flowering you should wait for the leaves to dry completely, only after that they need to be dug up.

The annual procedure of removing bulbs from the ground is a mandatory procedure. If you don't dig them up, the flowers become smaller.

Bulbs are dug in June-July. They are thoroughly cleaned of leaves and soil. It is advisable to wash the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dry.

Do not trim the leaves, but carefully separate them from the bulb by hand.

Drying process lasts one to two weeks. Bulbs should be stored at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in a dry place. Then the hyacinths are placed in paper bags or carton boxes. Further storage of planting material is a crucial moment, since it is at this time that the flower buds are laid.

The bulbs are kept in a room for two months at a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Then you should sharply reduce the temperature to 15-17 degrees. Increased air humidity is needed to prevent the bulbs from drying out.

If there is not enough moisture in the air, the bulbs can be lightly sprayed with water.

How to propagate a plant?

Propagation of hyacinths is carried out by seeds and children.

  • Seed method. With this method, you can obtain varieties of new colors. Hyacinths grown from seeds will bloom in 6-7 years. Sowing is done in boxes filled with a mixture of humus (2 parts), leaf soil (1 part), sand (1 part). The growth of bulbs from seeds lasts 2 years.
  • Reproduction by children. The mother bulb gives birth to 1-2 children per year when she reaches 4-5 years of age. You can separate the baby from the main bulb only when it practically falls off from it. If the baby is holding tightly, you cannot break it off.

The resulting children are dropped off at separate plot to a shallow depth. Plantings are covered with a large layer of mulch.

Accelerated method of reproduction

It is an artificial increase in the amount of planting material. For this method, you will need to sacrifice an adult bulb, which will no longer be able to produce flowers.

You can quickly propagate hyacinth in two ways:

  1. Interruption of flowering. As soon as a peduncle appears from the center of the bulb in the spring, it must be cut out and continue caring for the hyacinth as usual. This technique allows you to direct all the forces of the mother’s bulb to the formation of children, and after the leaves die off, you will dig the bulb out of the ground and find its division into a large number of small onions.
  2. Cutting out the bottom. A cross-shaped incision 0.5 cm deep is made at the bottom of the adult bulb. After this, you need to keep the bulb in a dry, warm room for 24 hours, where it will open. Then it is treated with a fungicide and planted in the ground with the cut up. At the cut site, 8-10 small bulbs grow.

Growing hyacinth requires some effort. But if you follow all the rules, it will delight you with bright and fragrant inflorescences for more than one spring.

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“The flower of sadness,” this is what the ancient Greeks called hyacinth; modern florists consider it the flower of “love and fidelity.” All this is about him - about the fragrant hyacinth. Experience on how to grow hyacinths in open ground, flowerpots and even on windowsills small apartments, modern flower growers share with beginners today.

Incredible, intoxicating smell, variety of colors of inflorescences, ease of care and relatively a long period flowering, in relation to affordable price, makes hyacinth flowers a women's favorite. Planting and caring for lovely buds in the garden is one of the most enjoyable jobs of amateur gardeners.

Millions of pots of hyacinths are distributed throughout the country for the beloved spring women's holiday and not only. Having pleased the owner for some time, giving her all its color and aroma, the hyacinth fades, leaving a small onion as a keepsake. And, of course, you shouldn’t throw away a faded plant. It is much more prudent to prepare and transplant the bulb into open ground. And again and again enjoy its unique spring bloom. Moreover, hyacinth is one of the people’s favorite early primroses.

Before you start planting, it is important to choose the right soil. The most suitable for a bulbous plant would be loose soil which allows water to pass through easily. Perfect option It will work if such land is additionally enriched with mineral fertilizers. For this, both a purchased packaged product and ordinary humus, which is applied to the soil to a depth of 30 to 40 cm, are suitable. The only thing you need to pay attention to in this case is that the soil for hyacinths should be prepared in advance with the help of mineral fertilizers, ideally , a couple of months before landing.

Does hyacinth like sun or shade?

Grow unpretentious plant possible as open to sun rays areas and in slightly shaded areas. Do not plant bulbs under bushes or close to trees, root system the latter can choke the growth of flowers. The most important thing is to protect bulbous plants from drafts and constant gusts of wind. It is worth paying attention to the possibility of water stagnation at the landing site. Like any bulbous plants, hyacinth does not like excess moisture, a constantly wet onion can simply rot. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to plant flowers on a small hill or on a slope, in which case water will definitely seep below the planting level and heavy weather precipitation will not harm them.

When to plant hyacinths in the ground

By learning in advance how to plant hyacinth in the ground, you can avoid typical mistakes beginner gardeners. So, the main directions in planting:

  • soil preparation begins 2 months before planting, that is, in the month of August; the land is fertilized minerals, bend it, loosening it from time to time;
  • planting time and how to plant hyacinths in the fall in open ground - in September - early October (before the soil begins to freeze) they begin directly planting the bulbs. If you start planting ahead of schedule, the bulb will grow and simply...freeze. The flowering period of hyacinths in open ground is April - March; they will not be able to hatch through a snowdrift. So, having made a hole in the ground (15 cm will be enough) with a garden shovel, you can start planting. The flowers themselves must maintain a distance of at least 20 cm from each other in the flowerbed;
  • bulb care. The main thing to remember after planting is to make sure that the bulbs do not freeze over the winter. Sawdust, fallen leaves, dry peat and other mulching materials of both organic and inorganic origin will help prevent this.

Attention! If the soil has not been fertilized beforehand, it is recommended to sprinkle the bottom of the hole with sand mixed with peat or rotted compost.

Caring for hyacinths in the garden

When planting is completed, you can forget about the bulbs until growth begins. It is when the young borer appears that feeding and watering of the plant begin. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are quite suitable for the first feeding. You can simply sprinkle the substances in the dose indicated on the package, and then, loosen the soil with a garden hoe, water the soil.

How to water hyacinths in the garden

After planting, the question may immediately arise: how often to water hyacinth? At home, everything is clear: you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out and water the pot from time to time to the top with settled water room temperature. In the garden, the process, frequency and temperature of water for irrigation are controlled by precipitation. If rain is not expected, all that remains is to prevent the soil from drying out completely, especially during the flowering period, otherwise the bulb from lack of moisture may simply shed its inflorescences and the plant, which could still please the eye long time, will hibernate until next year.

Do not forget about mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and potassium sulfate), which are best used at the beginning of the formation of hyacinth buds. This can be done either by scattering the substances (in dry form) or during the watering process, diluting them in water. Already during the flowering period, so-called microfertilizers are suitable for feeding, such as: boric acid and zinc sulfate, for example.

How to plant hyacinths in the garden in spring

Despite the fact that hyacinth is considered to be a primrose, its beautiful blooms can be admired later. To do this, the bulbs are planted in open ground in the spring. If this season is chosen for planting, then before starting the process, it is recommended to place the flower bulbs in the refrigerator for an hour, or rather - freezer. Gardeners call this method of planting stratification. Thus, deceptive conditions for simulating “winter cold” are created. The main thing is to do everything wisely, do not freeze the bulb for too long, otherwise it will freeze and you may not wait for flowering. Common sense and weather forecasters with meteorological forecasts will tell you when to plant hyacinths in open ground in the spring. The soil must be warmed by the spring sun's rays, and the threat of frost is also unacceptable.

Ammonium nitrate and potassium will serve as soil fertilizers during spring planting. Of course, they should be used on the ground after the snow has completely melted.

So that the roots of the plant can breathe, the soil after spring planting It is recommended to loosen from time to time garden tools

When the beautiful hyacinth has bloomed, its bulb will again require attention and care. During this period, the soil will again need to be treated with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The faded flower itself can be cut off higher, allowing the plant to fade naturally. It is not recommended to leave the bulbs in the same place every year; the soil and the flower should rest from each other for 3 years. The thing is that the soil can accumulate pests and various pathogens, and the handsome bulbous plant is quite sensitive to them.

Over the course of a year, each planted bulb produces 3-4 shoots, so start reproducing the beautiful spring primroses not difficult! With proper care, the bulb will delight you with flowering and aroma again and again.

Hyacinths are very beautiful plants with bright and colorful flowers that look like little bells. Flowers can be simple or double with a variety of colors and have pleasant aroma and early flowering period. This garden plant, but if you create conditions close to natural, you can successfully grow hyacinths at home.

Hyacinth is interesting because it can be grown both in garden conditions, and at home. But it cannot constantly grow in some container and delight you with flowering. During the forcing process, the bulbs are greatly depleted, and they do not have enough strength to flower again. Therefore, it is necessary to buy bulbs that have already been prepared and have gone through a dormant period. If all conditions are correctly observed, you will receive wonderful fragrant hyacinth inflorescences.

When to plant hyacinth at home?

Most often, they expect to receive a flowering plant by a certain holiday or date. On average, 14-15 weeks pass from planting to flowering, so you need to calculate this period in advance and start planting the plant on time.

How does hyacinth grow at home?

The plant grows best on windows facing south or southeast because it loves the sun very much. During the day, the flower must be under lighting for at least 15 hours, in winter time You can additionally illuminate hyacinth using lamps daylight.

But, despite all the plant’s love for light, it needs to be protected from direct sunlight, so in the midst of a sunny day it is better to remove the flower from the window or shade it with something. To prevent the plant from leaning to one side, it must be rotated periodically.

The temperature should be from 20 to 22 degrees, there should be no sudden temperature changes or drafts.

You can also grow hyacinths without soil - in water. This method is called hydroponics. The water must contain dissolved mineral fertilizers. You need to make sure that the onion is only partially immersed in the container - bottom side. At first, the plant is placed in a dark and cool place, and when roots appear, it is transferred to a bright room.

Breeding hyacinths at home

Thanks to the success of breeders, at this stage of time, there are many varieties of hyacinths. Many of them can be grown at home. All home hyacinths belong to the same species - oriental.

To grow beautiful and healthy hyacinths at home, you need to properly prepare:

  • choose high-quality planting material;
  • select the appropriate container;
  • buy or prepare the soil.

It is recommended to use healthy bulbs, without damage or rot, with a diameter of at least 5 centimeters; it is advisable to take them from a specialized store. A small bulb may not bloom in the first year. It is best to purchase bulbs at the end of summer, after a natural dormant period.

Before planting, it is necessary to treat it with special disinfectants.

Next, you need to choose a suitable container for planting. It shouldn't be very deep. It doesn’t matter what material it’s made of, as long as there are drainage holes.
The soil can be purchased at the store (but it should not have an acidic environment) or you can make it yourself by mixing components such as turf, compost, leaf soil and humus in a 1:1 ratio, and adding a little peat and sand.

Hyacinth must be constantly fed and fertilized. An all-purpose fertilizer for houseplants is perfect for this.

How to plant hyacinths at home?

A drainage layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container. Lay out a small layer of soil and fill it up thin layer sand One or several bulbs are placed on the sand to form a whole bouquet of flowers.

When placing several bulbs, you need to make sure that they do not come into contact with each other or with the container.

Gently press the bulbs into the ground and cover them with soil; the top of the bulb must remain exposed to the air, one and a half centimeters. You can cover the top with a thin layer of sand, this will protect the plant from rotting.

After planting, you need to moisten the soil, wrap the container in an opaque bag and place it in a cold room, for example, a cellar or garage, it can also be a refrigerator. The bulb should be kept in the cold for 6 to 10 weeks. The temperature should not be higher than 5 degrees and there should be no lighting at all.

For hyacinth, such conditions serve as an imitation of winter; without them, it will not be able to bloom. During this period, care is kept to a minimum; you only need to occasionally remove the plant and check that the soil does not dry out.

As soon as a sprout appears, no more than 5 cm high, the plant must be moved to a brighter and warmer room to create a “spring” effect. There the flower remains until the first buds form, then raise the temperature to 20-22 degrees. Change temperature regime should be smooth, otherwise the plant may get sick and not bloom.

How to care for hyacinths at home?

Hyacinth is an unpretentious plant and proper care it can be grown by gardeners of varying skill levels.

At improper care behind hyacinth, the following problems may arise:

  1. The flower stops blooming. Most often this is due to unsuitable temperature conditions.
  2. . This can happen due to improper watering or due to drafts.
  3. Wilting of leaves. If there is a shortage natural light.
  4. Falling buds. This is due to improper watering.
  5. Flower rotting. This happens when watering too often or too much.

Hyacinth: how to water at home?

You need to ensure that the soil around the bulb does not dry out. It must be watered regularly and carefully, and care must be taken to ensure that water does not get on the plant itself (leaves, flowers), as this can cause them to rot. Water should be poured onto the edge of the container or into a tray. Excess water must be poured out to prevent rotting of the root system. Water should be settled or filtered, at room temperature.

The plant does not need spraying.

Once every two weeks, feed the flowering plant with liquid complex fertilizer for flowering plants, according to instructions.



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