Horoscope of magic: which zodiac signs have magical abilities. Pisces - magical abilities

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Every person is endowed from birth psychic abilities. To make it easier for you to navigate in which area to develop your magical talent, pay attention to your Zodiac sign. Perhaps experienced astrologers will help you expand your inner horizons.

So, what abilities do the following zodiac signs have:


This zodiac sign is not only a pioneer, but also capable in all areas of magic. However, first of all, Aries is an excellent conductor of positive and negative energy. He is able to charge both living and inanimate matter, and can charm water. Also, many Aries have the ability to extract information from personal belongings and photographs of a person.


According to astrologers, Taurus is the most down-to-earth and practical of all representatives of the zodiac signs. Therefore, his ability to attract money to himself simply shocks those around him. Legend has it that since ancient times, various nations have worshiped the golden calf, which symbolized success and wealth. To speed up the moment of achieving the goal, Taurus should repeat the words several times, for example, while he is making a toast to financial prosperity.


This is the most sociable sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, Geminis have the ability to successful conspiracies. Representatives of this sign belong to the air element. Best places to conduct dialogues with your intuition - open spaces(forests, fields, meadows). Also here you can make your best wishes. cherished desires, because they will definitely come true soon. Gemini's voice often attracts interlocutors like a magnet. They are great at convincing people.


The representative of this sign does not like magic. True, he sometimes tells fortunes in order to open the veil of future events. Cancers are endowed with excellent intuition, so very often their predictions come true. In addition, they are excellent psychologists. Such abilities help Cancers to understand people well. Thanks to this gift, they are able to manipulate others by noticing their weaknesses.

a lion

The representative of this sign is the real king and center of the Universe. Leos have powerful energy. They are born leaders, capable of leading people. It's no secret that the great Coco Chanel was born under the sign of Leo, which is why she made a grand revolution in the world of fashion. Leos also often achieve success in love affairs.


Astrologers say that Virgo is friends with Tarot cards and is also good at palmistry. She gravitates towards those types of magic where she can use logical thinking. For example, quite often Virgo draws a lucky lottery ticket. The secret of her luck lies in the numbers, paying attention to which she decides whether to take this ticket.


Representatives of this zodiac sign are best at conducting magical rituals, having a connection with natural phenomena (thunderstorm, sunset and sunrise, full moon, etc.). They are also able to charge well with their energy. various stones, turning them into good luck talismans. Therefore, jewelry received as a gift from Libra will soon bring you success.


Perhaps this is the most mystical representative among all the signs of the Zodiac. Astrologers claim that Scorpio successfully performs all types of magical rituals. However, the most strong point Scorpio is the magic associated with the house. It is not for nothing that it is called a home amulet against various troubles. If Scorpio realizes his strength, then his household will never suffer.


Representatives of this sign know how to set clear goals and achieve them. Also, many healers have been noticed among Sagittarius. They know how to not only relieve pain, but also sense the illness of the person being diagnosed.


They very often succeed in numerology, palmistry and astrology. They like to understand these issues, make astrological forecasts or diagnose palm lines. Capricorns are also no strangers to the magic of nature. To better hear their inner voice, they should go to any old tree or sit on the grass. The spirits of nature will always be happy to help Capricorns solve any problems, you just have to open your mind to contact them.


This zodiac sign is a true innovator of ideas. Thanks to his broad inner horizons, he is able to create his own fortune telling and teach it to other people. Aquarians also love to tell fortunes with cards. For the forecast to come true, clients should trust Aquarius.


They have an amazing gift for preparing love drinks: tea, coffee, compote, etc. They also excel in other types of magic, such as fortune telling with coffee grounds or cards. Pisces are very superstitious. It is for this reason that all the signs in their life come true. However, they are not supporters of black magic rituals. They drive away the darkness, trying to bring light into their hearts.

There is an opinion that only some zodiac signs have a predisposition to magical abilities. Today on HoroscopeGuru we present you with a horoscope of magic, thanks to which you can find out which zodiac signs can really become magicians.

Magic Horoscope – Scorpio

Scorpios are most predisposed to supernatural abilities. Representatives of this sign have a truly amazingly developed and gut feeling. They feel the emotions of others very well. Most Scorpios also have the gift of clairvoyance. They often dream prophetic dreams. They are also excellent at predicting people's next actions. Scorpios can predict their actions. All this distinguishes them from ordinary people.

In addition, it is impossible to hide from the gaze of Scorpios. If they noticed you, they already know a lot more about you than you might think. They also have the gift of persuasion. Moreover, they manipulate people very skillfully. You won't even notice how the views and thoughts of Scorpios will penetrate your head. And they will live there densely! All this is due to the fact that is the planet of the representatives of this sign. And by the way, it symbolizes destruction and rebirth. These people know how to unconsciously protect themselves and their loved ones from negative influences.

Magic Horoscope – Aquarius

All air signs have the ability to perform magic. They are very often interested in esotericism. But Libra and Gemini usually focus on communicating with people. A uses his knowledge and talents to design the future. Representatives of this sign can deservedly be called the architect of the star trek. These are true innovators and visionaries. What distinguishes them is that they never use their abilities for selfish purposes.

Their talents are due to the influence of Uranus. Because of this planet, Aquarius is constantly drawn to everything mysterious and mystical. In addition, they feel the subtle world. Very often, thanks to their talent, Aquarians become revolutionaries and pioneers. Moreover, their discoveries and actions influence the evolution of all humanity.

Magic Horoscope – Cancer

Cancers have very good clairvoyant skills. They dream all the time , very symbolic dreams. In order for them to come true, Cancers just need to write them down on paper in the morning. They are also very good defenders. They always protect themselves and their loved ones from negative influences. Their armor is so strong that no damage can take it.

Cancers are also distinguished by very developed intuition. They always sense the bad intentions of others. Cancers are also capable of avoiding trouble. But for this they need to use all sorts of available means. For example, telling fortunes using coffee grounds, using cards, etc. They also always sense when their loved ones are in danger.

Just like that! Of course, if you were born under any of these zodiac signs, there is no need to relax. This doesn't mean you don't need to do anything now. You need to work on yourself. Then you can become a real wizard! The main thing is to use your talents only for positive purposes.

Some Zodiac Signs have pronounced extrasensory abilities, while others have mental power hidden until a special moment in life. You can determine your magical talent using a horoscope.


All Aries have a powerful energy field. The natural element of Fire charges the representatives of this Sign with its magnetic energy, which is embodied in the ability to intuitively sense ill-wishers and “burn” directed negative influences.

Aries are not afraid of most damage and evil eyes: your natural defense is not so easy to overcome. The full power of your strength is revealed after 30 years, so if you don’t feel confident yet, then just give yourself time.


The earth element is capable of giving Taurus the ability to heal and herbalism. At the birth of every Taurus, a favorite tree or flower enters his life: they are one way or another present and are near the representative of this constellation throughout his entire life journey.

Inspiration and natural abilities are manifested through this symbol: if you want to reveal them fully, then first of all you need to seriously study the properties, origin and energy of your favorite plant.


Air Geminis are born with the ability to see prophetic dreams. If in childhood Geminis, who are not aware of their strength, perceive special knowledge as a game, then at a conscious age this talent, unfortunately, is often buried in the ground.

The frequent occurrence of a feeling of déjà vu indicates that your talent is trying to get out of the subconscious to an explicit level. You can discover this power in yourself through the practice of lucid dreaming.


Naturally sensitive Cancers have the ability to clairvoyance. This talent justifies excessive vulnerability and often excessive isolation. A subtle sense of the surrounding world “tunes” Cancer to more global issues than everyday problems and life obstacles.

The ability to predict the future can be revealed quite easily in card readings, palmistry or meditation. Astrologers advise all Cancers to try various ways and choose the one you like the most.

a lion

Fiery Leos are often gifted with the ability to influence the people around them and circumstances in their favor. Unconsciously catching the mood the right person and by pressing the “secret buttons” of his subconscious, Leo can get what he needs without much difficulty.

Leos can reveal their talent and achieve unprecedented success in the field of hypnosis, parapsychology and psychology. Understanding natural mechanisms and the cause-and-effect relationship of actions on a karmic scale can give you unique opportunity influence on the world, make it better.


Virgos have extremely powerful intuition and the power of words. Unlike other Zodiac Signs, Virgos are most often clearly aware of their ability to influence the course of events with the help of verbally expressed intentions. This is why most Virgos hate lies and insincerity, and almost never allow themselves to tell a lie.

Virgos can significantly develop their verbal extrasensory abilities through spell reading and visualization practice. With enough work, you can achieve success in a short time.


Air element Libra often gives its representatives the ability to invest their inspiration and sincere wishes into ordinary things, turning them into powerful amulets and talismans.

However, since Libra, like Gemini, is a dual symbol, the strength of intention can be expressed in both positive and negative ways. Bad wishes addressed to the enemy of Libra can reach their goal extremely quickly. To tame your talent, you can use relaxing meditations.


Scorpios have the amazing ability to attract the attention of people around them like a magnet. On energy level this is explained by a talent for love magic. Among practitioners, it is rare to find a person who can overcome a love spell cast by Scorpio.

Knowledge of the meditative practice of attracting love will help you develop your magical talent and channel it in a good direction.


For Sagittarius, the element of Fire has given them an amazing opportunity to easily forget grievances and switch to other streams of consciousness. In energetic terms, this manifests itself in high ability to protection: with your energy you can protect not only yourself, but also your entire family. Your presence alone can ease grief and pain, help find a way out difficult situation and attract good luck.

Many Sagittarius may not even suspect until adulthood that it is their energy that holds up the family tree. To strengthen and develop your talent, you can use practices of filling and harmonizing the energy field.


Capricorns most often come into this life with a certain karmic task and embody it throughout their entire journey. Such a conscious existence allows Capricorns to immediately identify lies and see the true essence of a person.


From birth, Pisces are endowed with the ability to influence financial flows. The water element helps representatives of this Sign easily find sources of profit and feel the slightest deception in the material sphere.

Any financial rituals, enrichment practices and money amulets will be indispensable in discovering your talent. At the right approach to his psychic skill, after some time, any representative of this Sign will be able to get rid of poverty forever.

What superpower were you born with, according to your zodiac sign?
In some key points even the most a common person can feel the unspent potential of magical power, creative or destructive energy.
And it also happens that the internal Magic force it simply does not allow a person to live normally and fully: he is tormented by incomprehensible changes in states, prophetic and symbolic dreams, foreign odors and noises. He may be haunted by visions and phenomena of unknown origin.

This horoscope will help you decide where to direct the things you discover in yourself. magical abilities, in what direction to develop them (or not to develop them).

The stars can tell you how to realize even minimal talents and abilities for your own benefit.

So, read and remember:

Aries can be called an unsurpassed master of charging water, clothes, and food with positive energy. In general, representatives of the Aries sign have a very strong connection with material world. Things and substances tell Aries a lot.
So, for example, from a photograph of a person, Aries, who is at least at an elementary level savvy in matters of fortune-telling, can read a lot - character, fate, state of health. Aries can control everything they can touch.

Aries have amazing energy from the Sun, and its reserves are so vast that by the end of their lives they remain unspent. In addition, Aries have a unique imagination that can take them quite far.


Taurus are magicians in everything related to money, earnings, career and business. Taurus is a sign of gold, so in all these matters they are real wizards.
Taurus does not recognize sympathetic, love magic. In any case, they do not consider it something useful and important. But they feel almost reverence for economic magic!

Taurus is the best illustration of the fact that thought is material, and the word is tangible. Very often, what Taurus tells unexpectedly receives material expression. In any case, if Taurus, in a fit of passion or anger, says that something will happen this way, then rest assured: this is exactly how it will happen.


Geminis are great at telling fortunes about love, especially with a playing deck. In other words, love is that incredible power that gives Gemini power over people. At the same time there is very important condition maintaining such abilities - a Gemini magician should not be lonely in life: alone, Geminis fade, lose excitement and generally taste for life.
Geminis themselves love to talk, their speech has unique power magical properties. Health conspiracies, love magic conspiracies, money and career conspiracies - the more words in the text of the conspiracy, the better and more effective it will be for Gemini.

Gemini's voice alone often has healing power. Their voice magic is so strong that for a large percentage of people who turn to Gemini for magical help, a single conversation with Gemini is enough to receive full magical help and find a solution to their problems.


Of all types of esoteric actions, Cancers recognize fortune telling the most. The key to maintaining the power of a soothsayer in Cancer is the faith of other people in him. How more people If they are skeptical about Cancer’s abilities, the faster his strength will begin to melt.
It must be said that Cancers’ talent as a soothsayer in most cases is simply explained by strong intuition. In addition, most Cancers are gifted psychologists who know how to observe people and draw meaningful conclusions based on the characteristics of their behavior. Thanks to the subtle observation of a psychologist, Cancer easily subjugates people, including entire groups.

Another unique feature of Cancers can be considered the ability to subtly sense the energy of the room. In houses where the air is permeated with black energy, where many have died or been sick, Cancers have difficulty breathing; they cannot stay there for a long time.

A lion.

Children of the fire element Leo love to be praised, admired, and flattered. But those Leos who have seriously decided to take up magic should not get carried away by flattery and narcissism. From praise, Leos relax, release the situation from their tenacious claws and, as a result, lose their magical power.
Leos achieve serious success in the field of love magic. Leos are subject to spells to attract beauty, to please all people without exception. Leo’s magical talents are also strongly manifested in the manufacture and charging of talismans.

Another element of Lviv is career magic, business magic. Here, Leo’s possibilities are simply unlimited, which is why Leos most often stop at this area. Leos are successful in spells to attract money, good luck, promotion, getting a long-awaited job, etc.


Virgo is the queen of Tarot cards. This is her element, her kingdom, her field and her calling. And if she combines tarot readings with rune readings, the results are truly brilliant. The essence of Virgo’s abilities is that representatives of this sign are able to combine a huge amount of information into a single whole.
Virgo is very aware of the degree of her success and the scale of her talent. It is important for Virgo not to become proud and not to get star fever - in this case, her strength and abilities can completely leave her.

Another wealth of Virgo is deep intuition, which works unexpectedly. Virgo's intuition can tell you the number of an easy ticket when taking an exam, a winning set of numbers in a lottery, or the correct move when playing cards. But Virgo is the most cautious sign in terms of magic and will never do anything that could cause her inconvenience or harm.


Libra does everything that concerns the magic of nature and the elements very well. Libras know how to help people suffering from magnetic storms and changes atmospheric pressure. And if, when carrying out treatment, Libra is guided by the lunar cycle, then their success increases.
For healers born under the sign of Libra, there is one indisputable prohibition: they should not refuse people who turn to them for help. Otherwise they may lose their power.

For their own needs, Libra often uses means of sympathetic magic - love spells, hexes, love potions. It always turns out brilliantly for them, although it doesn’t work with Libra themselves, since love spells don’t take them under any circumstances. So, if you decide to bewitch the man of your dreams, born under the sign of Libra, give up this empty idea and look for other means to win his love!


Perhaps Scorpio can be called the most mystical sign of the Zodiac. It is among Scorpios that the most big number powerful magicians and soothsayers. Scorpios are equally brilliant at using their abilities both on the light side of magic and on the dark side.
Representatives of the Scorpio sign have a talent for home magic. In protecting the home and all kinds of magical rituals aimed at protecting the house and its inhabitants, Scorpios are hard to beat. Best protection for Scorpio strength it is calm, because at the first signs of anger and irritation, Scorpio simply physically feels how his strength leaves him.

Scorpios do an excellent job with fortune-telling and predictions. They are capable of any type of fortune telling, they quickly learn any type of fortune telling and achieve excellent results in a short time. In addition, Scorpios often need to simply write down their sayings, since their gift of seership manifests itself in the form of random utterances.


The weakest sign of the Zodiac in terms of magic. Firstly, Sagittarius has no special abilities for magic, and secondly (and this is the main thing), Sagittarius has never been particularly interested in this issue. Quantity in in this case loses to quality: if there are Sagittarius among the magicians, then these magicians are truly talented and great.
Sagittarians do not practice magical rituals also because they are used to always calculating their own actions several steps ahead, so they always have a very clear idea of ​​what experimentation in magic can lead to and what the consequences may be.

Sagittarians can make excellent dream interpreters, as they have well-developed intuition, abstract and imaginative thinking, sensitivity to symbols and the ability to transform them into details, from which a picture is then compiled. There are many famous astrologers among Sagittarius, and Sagittarius’ forecasts are always accompanied by detailed advice.


Capricorns show extraordinary abilities in those areas of magic where the material side of the issue is important or where precise calculations are concerned. So, the magical element in which Capricorns feel like fish in water is numerology. Numerology reveals its secrets to Capricorns, because they are the only ones in the Zodiac who are able to be so scrupulous about calculations and precise formulations.
Capricorns are closest to elemental magic, wood magic and fire magic. This is not surprising, because Capricorns are always at the center of natural energy. They are able to be saturated with the juices of the earth, the power of water, the courage of a tree and the tranquility of the earth.

For Capricorns, there is one serious warning: never, even during the period of the most severe disappointment in unrequited love, should you resort to love black magic. Any violence against a person is contraindicated for Capricorns, since they themselves do not allow this to be done to themselves.


If Aquarius awakens magical abilities, this usually happens in early childhood and accompanies the representatives of the sign throughout their lives. And Aquarians usually have magical abilities. They are best at fortune-telling and predictions, since stronger intuition than that of Aquarius cannot be found in the Zodiac.
In addition, Aquarius has a strong creativity, and therefore any magical effect they do things outside the box. Classical magic in any of its aspects will not attract Aquarius, but they will be absolutely interested in exotic magical movements, where rituals are performed using unusual means and compositions.

Aquarius the fortune teller is a scary person. He sees the past, future and present so clearly and in detail that he often hides his gift so as not to frighten people ahead of time. This is explained by the extreme philanthropy inherent in this sign.


Pisces can be called the most mystical sign of the Zodiac. At the same time, the area in which representatives of this sign achieve breathtaking success is love magic, and especially the preparation of love potions.
If you want to protect your home from evil spirits and bad energy, invite a magician born under the sign of Pisces to install protection. You can be calm about the safety and security of your own home.

There is an area of ​​​​magic for which Pisces have absolutely no ability: black magic. Pisces are simply physically unable to cause harm through any of their actions. In other words, Pisces cannot cope with destructive energy and do not know how to manage it, but they are perfectly familiar with creative energy.

Magic abilities by zodiac sign

Aries magical abilities

Your unique talent is intuition. It often helps to be in the right place at the right time. in the right place, avoid danger, and also feel the essence of things. You are also good at occult sciences. But if you decide to do magic, be careful. Your natural stubbornness and ambition are not the best partners for the occult.

Magical abilities of Taurus

You are an inveterate materialist. Without knowing it, they are able to easily and quickly materialize their words and thoughts. Think and talk more about good things, trying to avoid negative emotions. Your anger can immediately reflect on your offender. Taurus also often has prophetic dreams that can warn of serious danger. Just listen to them.

Gemini's magical abilities

Strongly developed supernatural abilities among representatives of this zodiac sign are quite rare. After all, to achieve success in this field requires a lot of diligence and perseverance, and this, as you know, is far from the most strong point Gemini. However, if Gemini does become interested in magic and copes with his restlessness, he will become a remarkable specialist in the supernatural due to his special natural sensitivity.

Magical abilities of Cancers

Representatives of this zodiac sign are able to achieve a lot in the development of mystical talents and the study of occult sciences. And prophetic dreams are not uncommon for you. To a greater extent, these successes are associated with your ability to comprehend the essence and nature of things, to feel them, as they say, with all your gut.

Magical abilities of Leo

A mystical talent you can excel at is making talismans. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to achieve more due to excessive preoccupation with your loved one. Any esoteric actions require comprehension of the essence of surrounding things and all sorts of limitations, which is not very typical for Leo. Although there are certainly exceptions.

Virgo's magical abilities

You, like Gemini, are very sensitive and receptive. So get ready for the constant influence of the otherworldly on your life. It is for this purpose that the Stars have endowed you with very good intuition. Develop it and listen to it more often to avoid unwanted energetic influences.

Libra's magical abilities

Your innate altruism and inner strength will help you reach unprecedented heights in healing. Constantly searching for harmony and balance within and around you will reveal the secrets of love rituals, making you the best in this matter.

Magical abilities of Scorpios

Extrasensory perception, hypnosis, clairvoyance - these are not all of your mystical talents. You are truly the most gifted sign with mystical talents among the rest. But don’t forget: the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. Do no harm!

Magical abilities of Sagittarius

You are attracted by occult sciences, esotericism, everything secret and mystical. You study such literature with pleasure, but do not go further than reading. It's a pity. You could do well in prophecy and clairvoyance.

Magical abilities of Capricorns

It is better for Capricorns not to devote themselves entirely to the study of occult and esoteric sciences: with your famous tenacity and zeal for victory, there is a risk of completely forgetting about the outside world. Be extremely attentive in your activities and don’t forget to pause sometimes and, for example, go for a walk, meet with friends and loved ones - this will add strength to you and will not allow you to isolate yourself within four walls.

Magical abilities of Aquarius

Energy vampirism is practically the calling card of Aquarius. You also have supernatural abilities - you can easily succeed in fortune telling using Tarot cards and interpreting dreams. You also have a good ability to understand and feel people’s secret desires.

Magical abilities of Pisces

Weak energy protection and high sensitivity make you an easy target for everything otherworldly. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with the occult, esotericism and other supernatural things. Do not forget to monitor the state of your energy and be sure to trust your intuition - it will definitely not advise you anything bad!

If you are seriously thinking about developing your supernatural abilities, do not forget that this path is thorny and difficult. will be happy to give you valuable advice and provide support in any situation!


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