Boy name August. Beautiful names for girls born in August

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The birth of a child is a great event for a family. The appearance of a boy is doubly joyful; the baby will extend the surname of the family. But the choice of name is important because when naming a baby, believing parents choose a heavenly patron for the child who will protect the person in everything life path. What name to choose for a boy and their name days in August? What rules should parents know when choosing a name for any child?

Choosing a name for a boy by date of birth

The main criterion for choosing a name for boys in August is the date of birth. Believing parents should turn to Orthodox calendar and see which saint’s name day falls on this day. Saints are celebrated in August large quantity saints In 2018, the calendar list consists of 37 male names that can become the patron saint of a summer boy.

On one date there may be calendars of several saints at once, who are venerated in the church on this day and offer prayers. If you are not satisfied with the names for the boy noted on the baby’s date of birth, you can look at other names following the birthday.

Sometimes parents do not pay attention to whose name day is celebrated among the male saints in August. Then the heavenly patron for the boy will be the saint whose name, in the opinion of the parents, is suitable for the baby.

In this case, the birthday and name day in August will not coincide, but the child will have a name day according to the calendar and a birthday in the year. If in the Orthodox calendar the male names of saints are presented in a list, then it is better to choose a name for a boy in honor of the patron whose saints fall closer to his birthday in August.

Determination of a name according to the Orthodox calendar

If you decide to follow church canons in determining the name for a boy born in August, you need to rely on the Orthodox calendar, which includes all the calendar dates for this month. On some days in August, you can choose a name for a boy from several options, but there are days when Saints are not celebrated. Then you can pay attention to the day following the boy’s date of birth or later.

According to the rules for choosing a name, there are two dates, in addition to the birthday:

  • on the eighth day after the date of birth;
  • on the 40th day, when according to the canons of the church it is customary to baptize the baby.

When choosing a name, you need to look not only at which saint will protect the baby, but also what meaning this name has. Character traits are determined not only by genetics. What the boy is named is important - the name is often fateful. If we consider some of the names that can be given to a boy in August, the statement will be confirmed.

  • Nikolai - name days are celebrated 11 times in August. The most revered is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, whose memorial day falls on 11th August.

The name of ancient Greek origin translates as “conqueror of nations.” Hardworking, purposeful, can be secretive and mindful of himself. Finds mutual language with others without difficulty, is the soul of the company.

  • Fedor - name days are celebrated 7 times, so can be used for a boy born on any day in August.

It means “God’s gift,” which is true for the inner circle of a boy and a man with that name. In relation to strangers, he is reserved, hidden, communicates little, and has a small list of friends. A jack of all trades, which has a positive effect on Fedor’s entire life.

  • Konstantin - name days in August fall on 11 number. On this day, St. Constantine of Starorussia is venerated. The name is of ancient Roman origin and means “solid, constant.”

When choosing a name for boys according to the Orthodox calendar, you need to know the life history of the chosen patron and convey this information to the child.

Quite often, parents name a boy, following fashion or in memory of dear people, and do not take into account whether this name corresponds to the day of the angel in August.

It is worth remembering whether it is appropriate to name a child this way if the name has nothing to do with Orthodoxy or the fate of the person whose name the boy was named is worthy of imitation, and whether it does not impose undesirable events in the child’s life.

Male names according to the calendar

If you name a child according to the calendar in August, then male names in the Orthodox calendar for this month are represented in sufficient numbers - these are 37 saints. Some names that were popular for boys decades ago are now rare:

  • Michael- translated from biblical means “like God, an angel of mercy before God for earthly people.” Name days fall on 11,17, 20, 25, 31 August.
  • Dmitriy- a name with ancient Greek roots, translated as “belonging to Demeter (goddess of the earth).” Name days fall on the 7th day of August ( 1, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 30 ).
  • Sergey- translated from Latin “high, highly respected.” One of the brightest Orthodox personalities is Sergius of Radonezh, whose calendar falls in July. In August, Sergei celebrates Angel Day 5 times ( 2, 8, 10, 13, 25 ).
  • Peter- translated from ancient Greek means “stone”, which corresponds to the personality of the person bearing this name. Angel Peter's Day falls not only on the dates of August, but also on the neighboring months - July, September, which makes it possible to choose a name for a boy born in the first or last days August ( 7, 9, 12, 24, 26, 30 ).
  • Yakov(biblical Jacob) - means “following on the heels.” It is revered not only in Orthodoxy, but also in other religions - Judaism, Islam. In August, the Orthodox calendar marks 4 dates for the veneration of Jacob ( 22, 25, 26, 29 ).


Choosing a name for a boy is a serious moment in a child’s life. It leaves a certain imprint on the fate, character, and abilities of the individual. There is a statement “whatever you call a boat, that’s how it will float.” Likewise, with a child’s name there is no need to rush or chase fashion - the boy can live with his name.

Choosing a name for a newborn boy needs to be done with great responsibility, because the child’s character traits and, to some extent, his fate depend on the name. Parents should be especially responsible when choosing names for boys - for the successors of the family.

A man, having matured, should be proud of his name, he should wear it with dignity throughout his life. In childhood, every boy dreams of being successful, strong and dexterous; by choosing an appropriate name for him, you can emphasize the boy’s masculine strength and beauty, as well as influence his character traits.

At the moment, the world's name books offer a wide variety of names, there are thousands of options, but parents need to choose just one. When choosing the names of boys born in August, you need to take into account several nuances: the consonance of the name, its meaning, fashion trends, religious views, and even the time of year. It should be noted that in different time years, children are born with completely different personalities, even if they have the same names. Therefore, when choosing a name for boys born in August, you need to know the natural coloring of the name and select names that enhance positive traits and mitigating negative ones.

Children born in August are kind, but often cowardly and spineless. And mostly they show their kindness to strangers, in particular animals. They are easy to influence, because they are very impressionable and emotional. Also, summer children love to take risks; they are distinguished by pride, courage and perseverance in achieving goals. Their hard work helps them achieve success in business. To enhance the positive qualities of August children, they need to be given “solid” names. Pay attention to the meaning of names. For example, summer Alexey is much weaker than winter one. If you give a December boy the name Alexey, then he will be stubborn and persistent, conflict-ridden. Will constantly fight for justice. Well, August Alexey, on the contrary, will be quiet and calm. He will constantly need the support of others. Summer Alexeis cannot realize their ideas, since modesty will interfere with them. As you can see for yourself, the same name gives different character traits depending on the time of birth.

Suitable names for boys born in August:







Today, expectant mothers know the sex of the child in advance. Therefore, those who are expecting a girl want to choose a suitable name before she is born. Interested in knowing which traditions are best for parents to follow? How did this happen in Rus'? It is believed that by naming we choose a person’s destiny. In this article we will try to answer as fully as possible the question of what name to give a girl born in August.

Russian traditions

Often in Rus' it is still initial stage the pregnancy of the unborn child was dedicated to a specific saint. It was she who was prayed for safe birth, the baby’s health and asked that the mother have enough milk. Saints were selected for boys in the same way. After the birth of a newborn, she was given the name of the Reverend, who became her Guardian Angel.

Another tradition is the calendar. It was according to them that church names were chosen for girls born in August. If you look at their meanings, they seem to be filled with the bliss of farewell to summer, peace and tranquility. The names were chosen closer to the day when the newborn was born. But it is believed that any name from the Orthodox calendar for August will be appropriate. Let's look at them in more detail.

Names according to the calendar (first half of the month)

The calendar calls for those born on the first and second numbers to be called either Slavic name Militsa(sweetheart), or Latin Macrina, which means it belongs to Macru. These names are rare, so girls are often called Jewish name Anna, meaning the grace of God. In the calendar, it corresponds to the 3rd number, but few people adhere to a strict order. The fourth of August is the name day Maria(translated from Hebrew as “desired”) and Zinaida, which means "caring". The fifth number is again associated with the name Anna and also it's name day Stella(stellar). The next birthday involves naming Christina(Christian).

The church offers beautiful names for girls born in August, on the 7th, in the calendar. This Blandina, meaning "affectionate" and "daughter of Olympus" Olympics. Those born on August 8th can be called either Paraskeva(Praskovya), which means “holiday eve”, or Sylvia(forest). Greek name Anfisa(blooming) corresponds to number 9. The Orthodox calendar suggests naming girls with the following names on August 10: Antonina or Drosida. Translated from Latin, the first name means “entering into battle,” the second means “irrigating.”

Second half of the month

Girls born in August, whose names correspond to the calendar, grow up sincere, romantic and courageous. If parents want to use the Orthodox calendar as a basis for naming, for convenience we will provide the second part of the month in the form of a table.




Fiery (Heb.)

Bestowed by God (Greek)



Innocent (Greek)

Messenger (Greek)

Light (lat.)

13 JulittaLittle Julia (lat.)
14, 16 SolomoniaPeaceful (Heb.)
15 LucillaLight (lat.)

Winner (pers.)

Favor (Greek)

Calm (Greek)



Rich housewife (ancient German)

Desired (Heb.)

23 RoseFlower (Greek)

Desired (Heb.)

White Lily (Heb.)



Favor (Greek)

Calm (Greek)

Consonant (lat.)


The only one (Greek)

Giver of life (Heb.)

29 SabinaBeautiful (Greek)

Flower (Greek)


Little Julia (lat.)

Representing the Julius family (lat.)

Born in August: characteristics

To figure out which name is suitable for a girl born in August, let’s try to start with the characteristics of the month itself, which means “majestic, divine.” A significant part of it passes under the sign of Leo, so it is no coincidence that people born in Augusta have an independent and proud disposition. If it were possible to describe a person in one word, the most appropriate would be “royal.”

August people strive for leadership in any business, they love to be in the center of attention, calmly accepting recognition and honor. They are distinguished by their independence from the opinions of others; they always act in their own way. But it is precisely the royal character that does not allow them to stoop to pettiness and intrigue. Deeply decent and honest, they expect the same from other people. They are also distinguished by selflessness and generosity, developed intelligence.

Taking advantage of the attention of the opposite sex, they do not waste time on momentary adventures; real family values ​​are more important to them.

Names according to character

Considering what was described above, it is obvious that the most correct thing is to choose a bright, exotic name for the baby, corresponding to a royal person. It should also emphasize the talent of nature. As a recommendation, the following options are offered:

  • Elen The name is derived from Helios, the sun god of the ancient Greeks. Often associated with Helen of Troy, who started the war described by Homer. In Christianity, the name is very revered, which is associated with Helen of Constantinople, the mother of the famous Roman emperor. It was this name that Princess Olga (Kievan Rus) took for herself at baptism.
  • Anastasia Those around him especially note his beauty, majesty and tenderness. “Reborn”, “resurrected” is a translation from Greek. In Orthodoxy, three great martyr saints bore this name, patronizing pregnant women, prisoners and livestock.
  • Angelina In translation it is not just “messenger”, it is “angel”, which makes the name rare in the beauty of its sound. It is Orthodox, for the deeds of the Venerable Angelina of Serbia are described in Christian literature.
  • Milen Goes back to Slavic roots. Girls born in August can have names with the meaning “sweetheart” in other variants (Milica, Miloslava, Milana, Melania, Milomira). Parents can only choose.
  • Ulyan IN Soviet times the name has almost fallen into disuse. This is the Slavic version of Yulia, meaning "descended from the Julians."

Astrology to help

I want girls born in August to have beautiful names. But it is important to take into account the zodiac signs. Then the little ones will be protected from troubles and reach certain heights in life. The name should be chosen according to the happiest planet that patronizes the person. Until August 23, a person is born under the constellation Leo, from the 24th - Virgo. For Leo girls, you should consider the following options, recommended by professional astrologers:

  • Alexandra, Angela, Alla, Arina, Antonina;
  • Bella, Varvara, Diana, Daria, Clara, Zhanna;
  • Love, Lolita, Lydia, Lada, Margarita;
  • Nonna, Natalya, Nadezhda, Rostislava, Regina, Rosa, Roxana;
  • Eleanor, Ulyana, Emma, ​​Elvira, Ella, Yana, Yulia.

Should be paid Special attention to the fact that individual names also coincide with the Orthodox calendar. Virgo girls should be called like this:

  • Anita, Anastasia, Alevtina, Victoria, Valentina, Diana, Dina;
  • Zoya, Zinaida, Elizaveta, Irma, Irina, Inga, Inna, Inessa;
  • Ksenia, Christina, Lydia, Rostislava, Regina, Taisiya, Tatyana, Tamara, Stanislava.

Prominent women born in August

Parents themselves choose what name to name a girl born in August. They can be guided by any of the proposed principles. It is interesting to know which of the outstanding women achieved a lot, while bearing the beautiful name mentioned in the article? Among them are actresses: Irina Skobtseva, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Natalya Gundareva. Women who have achieved heights in other professions, journalist - Anna Politkovskaya, cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya, storyteller - Anna Baryshnikova.

Boys born in August carry a huge charge of positivity, enthusiasm and vital energy . Such children have remarkable willpower, perseverance, and originality. These are real perfectionists who always try to achieve what they want at any cost, to bring things to perfection and, thereby, gain the approval, respect and admiration of others. Community praise is very important to August children. They need to be noticed and admired.

Despite a certain amount of egocentrism in their character, August boys are generous and sensitive to the problems of other people. They will always come to help and lend a shoulder.

August children know how to show themselves. They have an innate style, charisma, and rapidly developing communication skills. These are born speakers. Such children are already the most noticeable, popular, active and talented in the sandbox.

Many scientists involved in astrology and beyond are confident that not only the stars, but also the season of a child’s birth itself makes adjustments to his character. For example, summer is a bright, eventful, sometimes carefree time, and August itself is a generous and warm month. Therefore, August children are generous, kind and attentive to others, although sometimes they are too emotional and prone to rash actions.

A negative character trait of the August boy can be called excessive pride. Such a child cannot stand ridicule of himself. Being easily excitable, August children may rebel because someone has encroached on their freedom or refused their request. They take the word “no” hard and practically do not know how to admit they are wrong. But such children do not know how to be offended for a long time. They quickly move away.

If we talk about astrological characteristics August children, then this month there are two reigning zodiac sign– in the first half of the month Leo and in the second – Virgo. Leos love to be the center of attention, they crave praise and recognition, and they easily lose control and become angry. Virgos are more balanced, reasonable and cold-blooded. August is ruled by the planets Mercury and the Sun. This combination helps August children easily achieve fame and success.

What to name a child born this month?

There are so-called lucky names which are most suitable for children born in the last month of summer.

Experts who deal with the characteristics of names recommend giving August boys names containing soft sounds. This helps soften the baby's tough temperament. For example:

What are the male names according to the Orthodox church calendar (saints)?

Popular wisdom says that you need to talk to children about God, so that you don’t talk to God about children all your life. That is why the heavenly patron saint is a significant figure in Orthodoxy.

Choosing a name according to the calendar is ancient Orthodox tradition . It was believed that if a baby was named after a saint, then this saint would become the child’s patron and protect him from future difficulties and misfortunes in life. The name according to the calendar is given either based on the child’s birthday, or based on the date of the child’s baptism, or is selected based on the date between the birth and baptism of the child.

It is interesting that our ancestors considered the day of naming a child to be the 8th day after his birth, and baptism took place on the 40th day from the date of birth. From the table below you can find out when church calendar It's angel days, or name days, for popular male saint names to choose what to name a baby born in early, mid, and late August.

date Name Meaning of the name Patron saint celebrating name day (Angel's Day)
1.08 Dmitriy "belonging to Demeter" Saint Demetrius of Rostov, Metropolitan
2.08 Alexei "protective" Holy Martyr Alexy Znamensky, Archpriest
3.08 Fedor "God's gift" Holy Martyr Theodore
4.08 Michael "godlike" Holy Martyr Mikhail Nakaryakov, priest
5.08 Vitaly "vital" Saint Vitalian of Rome, Pope
6.08 Afanasy "immortal" Holy Martyr Athanasius of Ikios
7.08 Makar "happy" Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk
8.08 Sergey "venerable" Holy Martyr Sergius Strelnikov, Archpriest
9.08 Hermann "half-blooded" Venerable Herman of Alaska
10.08 Ivan "God's grace" Holy Martyr John Mileshkin
11.08 Konstantin "constant" Saint Constantine of Constantinople, Patriarch
12.08 Valentine "healthy" Holy Martyr Valentine of Interam, Italian, Bishop
13.08 Arseny "courageous" Saint Arseny of Ninotsminda, bishop
14.08 Elizar "God helped" Holy Martyr Eleazar
15.08 Plato "shouldered" Holy Martyr Platon of the Mountains, priest
16.08 Vyacheslav "great glory" Holy Martyr Vyacheslav Lukanin, deacon
17.08 Semyon "hearing" Holy Martyr Simeon Vorobyov
18.08 Efim "complacent" Saint Euthymius of Constantinople, Patriarch
19.08 On this day, no saints are venerated.
20.08 Peter "block of stone" Holy Martyr Peter Tokarev, priest
21.08 Joseph "God will increase" Venerable Martyr Joseph Baranov
22.08 Matvey "given by the Lord" Holy Martyr Matthew
23.08 Savva "old man" Venerable Savva of Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod, abbot
24.08 Basil "royal"

Holy Martyr Vasily of Pechersk, hieromonk

Esotericists and astrologers are sure that given to a person at birth, the name can determine his fate, level of intelligence, health, morality, and professional inclinations. Therefore, when naming a child, parents put into it not only genetic factors, but also certain qualities that do not depend on them.

August is the month in which great people and true champions are born. Many celebrities were born this month - among them Napoleon, Pierre Richard, Steve Martin, Robert De Niro, David Duchovny, Barack Obama, Coco Chanel and many others. Therefore, if you intend to raise a winner, you should plan the birth of your baby for August. And in this article we will consider the question of what is the best name for a child born in August.

What does the Zodiac say?

August is the month of Leo, the majestic and very selfish representatives of the Zodiac. But it is worth noting that Leos themselves do not consider themselves selfish at all, since they have absolutely no doubt that they are superior to everyone and in everything. They absolutely do not tolerate competition and are confident that they must be winners in any business they begin.

In relationships with people, Leos are extremely picky and picky. For them, everyone around them is divided into two groups: those close to them, and everyone else. With the former they are completely frank, while the latter are forced to be content with the crumbs of his attention.

Despite their selfishness, Leos are very kind and noble. They are monogamous, caring for their family and protecting the family hearth from life’s adversities. In addition, they are very honest and decent.

A Leo who is not praised by others and not in the spotlight is not a Leo, and that is why representatives of this zodiac sign strive for self-respect and recognition by any means. They easily attract people and subjugate them.

Leos are wonderful leaders who easily see the potential of the team they manage and are able to maximize its capabilities, achieving success in the shortest possible time. Leos are generous and selfless, they are practically incapable of being disappointed in people, regardless of how they are treated, they quickly forget minor grievances because they do not consider them worth attention.

Since people born in August are very decent, they are not inclined to intrigue and deceive, so they do not expect similar behavior from others. It is because of this property that Leos are often deceived. However, even after serious disappointments, they are ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. They tend to do good deeds without expecting anything in return.

Name selection

If you are wondering what to name a girl or boy born in August, then there are no special recommendations for such babies. The child should have a simple but memorable name that will serve him throughout his life. For boys, it is better to choose names that sound very catchy. And girls can be pampered with slightly exotic, but not too unusual names.

And the boy is the successor of the family, who will always bear his father’s surname. A correctly chosen name will help form the necessary character traits that a future man will need. And when he has his own child, the name will also become a patronymic, so it should be beautiful and harmonious.

When thinking about what to name a girl born in August, remember that each letter in the name carries a specific meaning. The predominance of growling, hard sounds in it will make her character very stubborn and unbending, while soft, melodious sounds, on the contrary, will add tenderness.

Parents often name their babies after saints. Church Saints. IN in this case The baby’s birthday coincides with his name day, or falls in almost the same period as the day of his guardian angel. True, it may also be that the church name is not suitable for the baby, since it is hopelessly outdated. In such a situation, due to unusual name The baby may receive offensive nicknames in children's society, which will result in low self-esteem and complexes. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child in honor of his guardian angel, you need to carefully weigh everything.

Male names

If you are still in doubt about what to name a boy born in August, we offer the most suitable names: Leonid, Nikolay, Trofim, Evdokim, Gleb, Anton, Markel, Mikhail, Alexey, Nikanor, Seraphim, Savva, Yakov, David, Semyon, Egor, Stepan, Valentin, Elizar, Konstantin, Julian, Ermolai, Boris, Makar, Miron , Fedor, Athanasius, Polycarp, Roman, Ilya, Philip, George, Clement, Naum, Yuri, Frol, Christopher, German, Gregory, Dmitry, Arkady, Pavel, Vasily, Kuzma, Evdokim, Gury, Leonty, Denis, Peter, Tikhon , Maxim, Alexander, Ivan, Prokhor, Matvey.

Female names

Evdokia, Nonna, Svetlana, Natalya, Anna, Praskovya, Magdalena, Milena, Susanna, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Maria, Christina, Ulyana, Tatyana, Valentina, Seraphima, Anita.


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