The interior of the bedroom is narrow and... very narrow (119 photos). Design of a narrow bedroom - how to make it more comfortable, layout options Bedroom interior 3 5

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If the bedroom is small, then it is advisable to use light colors to decorate it. Such tones visually enlarge the space and make the room more comfortable. Interesting solution will be creating a design for a turquoise bedroom 3 by 4 meters.

Characteristics of turquoise color

Before decorating your bedroom in turquoise, find out the main features of this color:

  • It's worth starting with the psychology of color. Although it is very unique and bright, it does not excite nervous system, but, on the contrary, helps to calm down, relax and put your thoughts in order. This shade does not distract from important matters and even helps you concentrate, tune in to work and recharge with the missing optimism.
  • Light turquoise is able to visually expand the boundaries of space, and this is more than appropriate if the bedroom measures only 3 by 4 meters.
  • This color is considered cold, so it is more suitable for a room located on the east or south side. Although, even with a different arrangement, adding turquoise with warm colors, for example, light yellow or beige, will help solve the problem of lack of heat.
  • This is a noble shade that got its name thanks to semiprecious stone- turquoise. And such associations automatically determine the perception of color and make it refined.
  • The shade does not look flashy or vulgar at all, despite its brightness and originality. It will organically fit into the design of the bedroom and make your stay as comfortable as possible.
  • The shade reminds of a clear sky and a blue transparent sea, and such thoughts can create a light, pleasant and fresh atmosphere.
  • You should be more careful when choosing companion colors. If you make a mistake, you can end up with an imbalance or an absurd and tasteless interior, and also negate all the charm of turquoise.
  • The choice of style should be approached responsibly, since the amazing and self-sufficient turquoise with its inherent specificity will not fit into every interior.

Which style should you choose to decorate your bedroom?

Such a specific color does not fit into all styles, but this does not mean that you are limited in your choice. There are options, and there are many of them:

  1. Mediterranean. This style is automatically associated with the warm Mediterranean Sea, light breeze and clear cloudless sky. And to create such an atmosphere, turquoise is just perfect.
  2. Interesting, but unpretentious modernism accepts and welcomes noble and at the same time specific shades, because they emphasize the modern elegance of the bedroom and introduce a sense of freshness and veiled chic into the design.
  3. The Baroque style is chic and reminiscent of the impeccable taste and status of the owner of the bedroom, and turquoise will highlight all the best features.
  4. Multifaceted and luxurious Rococo will take on a modern and more restrained look if you add the nobility and elegance of a turquoise hue to it.
  5. Interesting bedroom in nautical style will be appreciated by lovers of travel and adventure, and turquoise will make it even fresher and fill it with an atmosphere of romance and a feeling of the sea breeze.
  6. Eclecticism. If you decide to mix and harmoniously combine several styles, then turquoise will help you with this and will become an exquisite link and an elegant accent of the bedroom interior.

Color combinations

When decorating a turquoise bedroom, you need to try to make sure that the main color is dominant, but does not overload the interior or become boring. AND The best way to achieve this is to complement the background with other shades, preferably light and warm, which will smooth out the coldness and make the atmosphere more comfortable.

Yellow is ideal: such a tandem will be associated with a clear blue sky and rays of the sun. You can also use beige, similar in perception to turquoise, mint, refreshing light green, reminiscent of sea ​​depths coral, delicate peach. The perfect combination It will work if you choose a snow-white color. Neutral gray will also fit into the palette, emphasizing the restraint of the design.

If daylight sufficient, then you can afford to choose dark or rich tones, for example, dark blue, brown, emerald. And to dilute the combination, add a third color, and certainly light. But it is not advisable to use more than three tones in a small space, otherwise the interior may seem motley or overloaded.


Turquoise looks interesting on any surface: matte, glossy, textured and simple. Therefore, it is possible to choose almost any materials for finishing wallpaper. This can be wallpaper with voluminous prints applied on top of aligned walls or decorative plaster paint, modern panels and so on. And so that there is not too much turquoise, it is undesirable to keep all the walls in this shade. Dilute it by highlighting one or two sides with a different color that matches the main one and fits organically into the interior.

It is quite possible to keep the ceiling in an interesting turquoise, and the best way to do this is to choose a modern one for decoration. tension structure, stopping on the canvas of the desired tone. But you can also use paint if you choose a color that suits your preferences.

It is advisable to make the floor neutral and light. Try decorating it with linoleum, laminate or parquet in shades such as white, beige, sand, light gray.


For a bedroom measuring 3x4 meters, you should choose a compact and practical furniture so that she doesn’t take up everything free place and performed only its main functions, but also some additional ones. Buy a wardrobe with mirrored fronts, a bed with drawers, a pouf-box.
Particular attention is paid to flowers. And if the main color is turquoise, then the furniture can be designed in white, gray, beige shades.


Natural light plays an important role, so you should not close the windows: sunlight should penetrate through them unhindered. And with the onset of darkness it will come into force artificial lighting, and it should be sufficient and create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, so give preference to lamps that emit warm light.

Since the bedroom area cannot be called large, you should not focus attention on it with the help of a central source; instead, it is better to diffuse the light, thereby not only providing sufficient lighting, but also visually increasing the boundaries of the space. In addition, this technique will allow you to achieve conditional zoning, especially if you use point devices with the function of changing the direction of the beam. For example, you can install modern halogen lamps in a suspended or suspended ceiling.


If the bedroom seems boring or somewhat cold, then bright and interesting accessories will help correct the situation: flowers, paintings and photos in bright frames, light-scattering mirrors, original figurines, textiles (carpets, pillows, bedspreads), vases and much more. And to place colorful accents and dilute the main range, red, orange, and yellow colors are used.

Advice: do not overdo it, because the decor should not distract from sleep and violate the restraint and sophistication of turquoise.

Turquoise color will transform even a small bedroom of 3x4 meters!

Today, numerous publications specializing in design topics offer a lot interesting options For country houses, spacious apartments. When it comes to small homes, owners often rack their brains over the details of creating a beautiful and convenient design interior It is very difficult to organize a functional and user-friendly space in a tiny area. But don't be upset. Many designers involved in the development of interior design projects have several good ideas that will help you decorate a tiny apartment.

If the apartment layout is created in such a way that the bedroom is located on 4 sq.m. or 5 sq.m., for decoration it is recommended to use only colors from the light color palette in the photo. This definition implies the use of not only white, but also other light colors. For example, such as:

  • creamy,
  • coffee,
  • yellow, blue, pink,
  • light green color.

Therefore, to prevent the room from acquiring the atmosphere of a hospital sterile room, in the process of organizing the space, it is necessary to use bright color accents. For example, on a white background of walls, furniture can be beige, and textiles can be coffee. The combination of different shades of brown will create a cozy, homely atmosphere.

If the milky color is taken as a basis, it can be a bright accent in the room. flooring natural, woody shades in a warm temperature range. Accents can be a bedspread, curtains, or bedside rug. Even the headboard sleeping place, issued in brown color, can play the role of an accent in a bedroom of 4 sq.m. Against a light background of the walls, a painting, mirror or clock in an unusual frame will look bright and original.


If you wish, arrange a comfortable and functional bedroom with an area of ​​5 sq.m. physically will not allow the implementation of planning ideas. The only type of furniture that will decorate the room is the bed. The drawers that will be equipped with the lower part of this piece of furniture will help add functionality.

If you want to diversify the design of a 4 sq.m. bedroom. In the photo, you can install shelves on the wall near the headboard. They can be used as a night light or as an alarm clock, mobile phone, necessary medications that should be taken at night.

Creating lighting

In addition to the mandatory use light colors When decorating a small bedroom of 5 sq.m., it is recommended to create sufficiently bright lighting. Miniature square meters will look a little more spacious if there are spot or LED light sources in the room. Lamps should be mounted in the wall near the head of the bed, as well as in the ceiling structure.

When the lamps are turned on simultaneously, room 4 square meters, will seem more comfortable to the inhabitants. If there is a window in the bedroom, it is not recommended to cover it with thick curtains during the daytime. Natural sunlight filling the room will create the illusion of space.

Comfortable room design 4 sq.m. or 5 sq.m. assumes that special design techniques will be used in the design process.

The 2.5 m bedroom has small dimensions. Equip non-standard room difficult. Every person wants to fit a certain style. Exists stylistic types, allowing you to turn the smallest bedroom into a cozy and uncluttered room. To do this, it is necessary to think through multifunctional furniture attributes, design and layout by zones.

Coping with the interior of a small room is not so easy. Many people try to turn a small room into a full-fledged bedroom. The result is a cluttered space that you don’t want to be in at all.

To avoid standard errors When planning, it is recommended to pay attention to the following tips:

  • A large cabinet can be replaced with a narrower and more compact model;
  • Mirrors must be placed on the long side;
  • You should always use associations with a square;
  • Furniture can be non-standard and multifunctional.

When choosing a bedroom set, you should take a closer look at more compact alternatives. Narrow wardrobe will look great in any room. The design can be represented by shelves and drawers.

Mirrors allow you to visually expand the space. This is an illusory trick that makes the bedroom twice as wide. The mirror may be in beautiful frame and be placed on the wall. In this case, it is enough to build on personal preferences.

Associations with a square - perfect solution for small rooms. This geometric figure allows you to expand the room. A carpet, canvas or bedside table can serve as a square association.

Non-standard furniture is a real lifesaver. Multifunctional designs allow you to place all the necessary items in the room without destroying the free space.

Properly selected furniture can make a room spacious, cozy and comfortable. Don't worry about the small dimensions of the room. Modern styles and furniture attributes, are ready to correct any spatial defects.

Traditional interior: bedroom 2, 5x2, 5

The smallest bedroom can be furnished according to a traditional design. To do this, it is enough to select the optimal furniture attributes, but in a more compact version.

Traditional bedroom includes:

  • Double bed;
  • Closet;
  • Dresser;
  • Bedside tables;
  • TV;
  • Dressing table.

The standard double bed is large in size. For the little one room will suit a furniture attribute, with a mattress width of no more than 180 cm. This is quite enough for a comfortable stay for two people. Ideal option is a replacement standard bed sofa A variety of models allows you to choose a convenient and comfortable design.

A wardrobe is a must-have attribute of any bedroom. It is recommended to give preference to narrow models. They can be based on shelves and cabinets. The designs are compact in size and have good capacity.

The chest of drawers is suitable for small apartment. It can be located near a window or bed. Suitable for storing small clothes. If the dimensions of the room do not allow the use of a chest of drawers, it can be excluded. A narrow closet will play its role.

Bedside tables with a compact width will complement the bedroom interior. You can place personal items on them; if necessary, you can additionally install dressing table. There are no problems with the TV or monitor. It can be placed on the wall opposite the bed without taking up precious space.

Bedroom 2, 5x5: correct layout

Planning a bedroom is hard work. Especially if there are serious spatial restrictions.

  • Choosing suitable furniture;
  • Maintaining comfort;
  • Elimination of clutter effect;
  • Optimal lighting;
  • Suitable color scheme.

If the room is narrow, but at the same time quite long, it can be divided into zones. An ordinary partition is suitable for this. Its role is played by a cabinet, partition or screen. The separator can be any piece of furniture. In this case, there is no need to focus on the separator; it should not be a big bright spot.

This technique is perfect for a children's bedroom. The partition will allow you to divide the room into a relaxation area and playground. The main thing is to think about the location of all furniture attributes.

What furniture is suitable for a small bedroom

If the bedroom is narrow, do not worry about this. Make it multifunctional correct layout and furniture. If the main role of the room is exclusively relaxation, then you should not clutter it with dressing tables, chests of drawers and other attributes. This will only “steal” space.

  • Small-sized and multifunctional furniture;
  • Zone division;
  • Furniture transformer.

If the room plays the role of not only a recreation area, but also a work office, you will have to think carefully about its arrangement. In this case, custom-made furniture sets will save you. Preference is given to non-standard wardrobes and multifunctional beds.

The work area can be located under the window; the separator between rest and work is a sofa or bed. Modern models are combined. So, on one side there can be a sofa, and on the other – a table. It is noteworthy that this is all one design.

How to arrange a bedroom in a narrow room (video)

A transforming wardrobe will also work. It combines several functions and takes up little space. A gradual comparison of furniture attributes and division into zones will create an optimal, uncluttered bedroom.

Bedroom 3 by 4 - design, as well as the option of arranging furniture in the room, poses a challenge to the owner of the apartment not an easy task: create stylish interior so as to use furniture to a minimum. To visually enlarge the space of a small bedroom, you can apply a mass design techniques. These are what we will talk about in this article.

Thanks to new technologies and building materials, you can perfectly decorate a room yourself and on a small budget.

Decorating a small bedroom, a few tips:

  • One option is to change the geometry of the room using structures of several tiers.
  • Furniture built into walls is perfect, or hanging shelves.

Advice. Diffused soft light or dark, muted tones should be avoided, as in this case the bedroom will be significantly smaller.

  • To increase the area of ​​the room, can be used .
  • Reception with a mirror surface, will also allow you to “enlarge” the space.
  • Bedroom design small area recommended to perform in bright light color scheme . Spectrum of cold light shades will add volume, and warm ones will reduce the boundaries of the room.

Advice. If the bedroom windows face southeast, then soft green, ash, white and soft blue tones will do. A bedroom with windows on the north side dictates the use of pink, yellow or orange.

Choosing a style direction for a small bedroom

In general, it is recommended to decorate a bedroom that is modest in size, but there are exceptions, like the classics, as in the photo. If you decorate your bedroom succinctly, the end result will be an extravagant style.

Consider one of the “new wave” styles:

  • This direction provides details classic interior. Cold paints on the walls with mirror surfaces cabinets create an atmosphere of taste and sophistication.
  • Characteristic features are combinations of colors and geometric shapes of furniture and walls.
  • Presence chrome parts in accessories, decor, on the ceiling.
  • Interior decoration using cool shades: light blue, light green and dark blue.
  • By choosing the “new wave” style for your small bedroom, you will get modern interior With unusual chandelier and a furniture set “whatnot”.
  • If you use glass in the interior decorative elements bizarre shape, then your bedroom will become more harmonious (see).

Advice. Some high-tech accessories will be in good harmony with the “new wave” style. This style direction is perfect for people who love a fast pace of life.

Art Nouveau style for a 3 by 4 bedroom

This direction is acceptable for people who prefer respectability and rigor. Modernism will allow you to rationally and functionally place all items.

Instructions for applying modernism to a small room:

  • The interior should be designed in a maximum of 3 tones.
  • best used in contrast, so you can visually increase space and change geometric shapes premises.
  • Smooth lines in combination with an arch will also help to visually increase the space.
  • Adding lighting with bottom corners directed to the center of the room will help expand the room.
  • Using this style direction, as modernity dictates the use only natural materials. The bedroom is often decorated with fabrics, wood and natural stone.

Advice. Should not be used brickwork, especially in large volumes. A stained glass window or mirror with hints of purple or blue is perfect for decorating one wall.

Bedroom in ethnic style

The most common and simple way to decorate the interior and the price is reasonable. Without limiting yourself to imagination, you can create an original and cozy interior.

Advice. Here you can choose Asian style with elements of minimalism. Elements from natural wood with bright accessories will add spice to the interior.

Suitable for accessories:

  • A large bright fan covering the entire wall.
  • Paintings in a simple graphic style.
  • Accessories or symbols that symbolize prosperity and love.

Note. For small footage, the Greek style is also suitable.

In order to emphasize the originality of this style, it is enough to add some stylistic details:

  • For example, the location of the bed on the podium.
  • Decorate the room with several narrow columns located in the corners, decorating with mosaics.
  • Walls and ceilings are often decorated in cream and sand tones, which is what we see in the photo above.

How to choose and arrange furniture correctly

A small bedroom provides functional use space. Furniture items should be compact and not clutter up the room.

The most necessary elements bedroom furniture:

IN in this case, the best option there will be a bed without legs. In some cases, it is recommended to even organize a podium bed with drawers below, where you can hide pastels and other things.

The bed itself can be placed either on the podium or pushed into it, as shown in the photo.

Here it is advisable to organize mirror doors. The design will allow you to keep all the necessary things at hand.
For a small bedroom, a small dressing table is quite suitable. There is also always a place for a cabinet or chest of drawers.
Racks and shelves can be used only as needed, if the interior provides. It is advisable to choose a lightweight through design.

But in some cases, a rack will not only solve the storage issue, but will also become in a great way dividing space into zones - as, for example, in a studio apartment

It is advisable to use chairs or armchairs only when necessary and in small quantities, without clutter.

What accessories can you use in a small bedroom?

Even for such a small bedroom it is necessary to use various accessories for decoration. Mirrors, pillows, paintings, photos, rugs and other decorative elements are suitable for this purpose.

Bedroom 3 by 4 - design, as well as the option of arranging furniture in the room, poses a difficult task for the owner of the apartment: to create a stylish interior so as to use furniture to a minimum. To visually enlarge the space of a small bedroom, you can apply a lot of design techniques. These are what we will talk about in this article.

Thanks to new technologies and building materials, you can perfectly decorate a room yourself and on a low budget.

Decorating a small bedroom, a few tips:

  • One option is to change the geometry of the room using structures of several tiers.
  • Furniture built into walls is perfect, or hanging shelves.

Advice. Diffused soft light or dark, muted tones should be avoided, as in this case the bedroom will be significantly smaller.

  • To increase the area of ​​the room, can be used .
  • Reception with a mirror surface, will also allow you to “enlarge” the space.
  • It is recommended to design a small bedroom in light colors. A range of cool light shades will add volume, while warm ones will reduce the boundaries of the room.

Advice. If the bedroom windows face southeast, then soft green, ash, white and soft blue tones will do. A bedroom with windows on the north side dictates the use of pink, yellow or orange.

Choosing a style direction for a small bedroom

In general, it is recommended to decorate a bedroom that is modest in size, but there are exceptions, like the classics, as in the photo. If you decorate your bedroom succinctly, the end result will be an extravagant style.

Consider one of the “new wave” styles:

  • This direction provides details of a classic interior. Cool colors on the walls with mirrored cabinet surfaces create an atmosphere of taste and sophistication.
  • Characteristic features are combinations of colors and geometric shapes of furniture and walls.
  • The presence of chrome parts in accessories, decor, and on the ceiling.
  • Interior decoration using cool shades: light blue, light green and dark blue.
  • By choosing the “new wave” style for your small bedroom, you will get a modern interior with an unusual chandelier and a “shelf” furniture set.
  • If you use fancy-shaped glass decorative elements in your interior, your bedroom will become more harmonious (see).

Advice. Some high-tech accessories will be in good harmony with the “new wave” style. This style direction is perfect for people who love a fast pace of life.

Art Nouveau style for a 3 by 4 bedroom

This direction is acceptable for people who prefer respectability and rigor. Modernism will allow you to rationally and functionally place all items.

Instructions for applying modernism to a small room:

  • The interior should be designed in a maximum of 3 tones.
  • It is best used in contrast, so you can visually increase the space and change the geometric shapes of the room.
  • Smooth lines in combination with an arch will also help to visually increase the space.
  • Adding lighting from lower corners directed toward the center of the room will help expand the room.
  • The use of such a style as modern dictates the use of only natural materials. The bedroom is often decorated with fabrics, wood and natural stone.

Advice. You should not use brickwork, especially in large quantities. A stained glass window or mirror with hints of purple or blue is perfect for decorating one wall.

Bedroom in ethnic style

The most common and simple way to decorate the interior and the price is reasonable. Without limiting yourself to imagination, you can create an original and cozy interior.

Advice. Here you can choose Asian style with elements of minimalism. Elements made of natural wood with bright accessories will add piquancy to the interior.

Suitable for accessories:

  • A large bright fan covering the entire wall.
  • Paintings in a simple graphic style.
  • Accessories or symbols that symbolize prosperity and love.

Note. For small footage, the Greek style is also suitable.

In order to emphasize the originality of this style, it is enough to add some stylistic details:

  • For example, the location of the bed on the podium.
  • Decorate the room with several narrow columns located in the corners, decorating with mosaics.
  • Walls and ceilings are often decorated in cream and sand tones, which is what we see in the photo above.

How to choose and arrange furniture correctly

A small bedroom provides functional use of space. Furniture items should be compact and not clutter up the room.

The most necessary elements of furniture for a sleeping area:

In this case, the best option would be a bed without legs. In some cases, it is recommended to even organize a podium bed with drawers below, where you can hide pastels and other things.

The bed itself can be placed either on the podium or pushed into it, as shown in the photo.

It is advisable to arrange mirrored doors here. The design will allow you to keep all the necessary things at hand.
For a small bedroom, a small dressing table is quite suitable. There is also always a place for a cabinet or chest of drawers.
Racks and shelves can be used only as needed, if the interior provides. It is advisable to choose a lightweight through design.

But in some cases, a rack will not only solve the storage issue, but will also be an excellent way to divide space into zones - as, for example, in a studio apartment

It is advisable to use chairs or armchairs only when necessary and in small quantities, without clutter.

What accessories can you use in a small bedroom?

Even for such a small bedroom it is necessary to use various accessories for decoration. Mirrors, pillows, paintings, photos, rugs and other decorative elements are suitable for this purpose.


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