Interesting traditions in Great Britain in English. English traditions: with awe and respect from the Middle Ages to the 21st century

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Is Protestantism(Anglican Church). The Presbyterian and Catholic churches also became widespread. The country is home to one of the largest Muslim diasporas in all of Western Europe.

Rules of conduct in the UK

Staying in the UK imposes certain obligations on the tourist. To avoid problems with the authorities, as well as misunderstanding of local residents, you should adhere to the basic rules of conduct.
Communication. During the conversation, try not to touch on personal topics. Local residents will perceive this as an attempt to invade privacy. They always listen carefully to their interlocutor, but this does not mean that they agree with him. Never talk to an Englishman about the people of Northern Ireland - this will cause coldness and disdain towards you. You will also be treated differently if you call an Irishman or Welshman (Welsh) English. Don't talk to Brits in line or on the subway. When communicating, speak in a calm, even voice, without using slang or stupid remarks. Don't copy the British accent.
Rules. In the UK they are zealous about following rules and laws.
Business Cards. If you are visiting, then refrain from exchanging business cards. It is better to do this at an official reception.
Cloth. In England it is customary to change clothes for dinner. Moreover, if you live with an English family, then every day you should wear a new dress (suit). You should not appear on the streets wearing clothes made of natural fur.
Smoking. Smoking on the London Underground, inside stadiums, on public transport or in indoors, where there are a lot of people, is prohibited. It is better to do this on the street, in a personal car, hotel room, or in specially designated smoking areas.
Hotels. Hotel bathrooms often lack a shower hose. This is explained by the fact that it is customary for the British to take a bath. They wash themselves in a sink filled with water.
Overnight. Many London houses are cool at night, even in summer. Therefore, do not be surprised if you are offered to take a heating pad to bed with you.
Dinner. In Great Britain, it is not uncommon for ladies and gentlemen to dine in separate rooms.
Greetings. When meeting, the British say to each other “How do you do?” The handshake is always light. In some cases, a man waits for a woman to give him her hand first. If people meet often, they do not shake hands.
Behavior at a party. It is impolite to come visit without calling first. You should not look at the house or garden on your own; wait for the owner. While eating, turn the plate slightly away from you. At the end of the meal, leave some food on your plate. At the end of the meal, the host lifts the napkin, only after which the guests can leave the table. Be sure to send it the next day thank you letter the organizer of the dinner. If you are given a gift after the reception, accept it with gratitude.
Restaurant. In the UK there is an unspoken rule: dinner in a restaurant is paid for by the inviter. To call the waiter, just raise your hand.
Attitude towards women. It is customary for the British to treat ladies with respect. Men stand up when a woman enters a room, move her chair away, open the door, and give up their seat on public transport. Women should sit up straight. It is forbidden to cross your legs, but you can cross them at the ankles.
A few more rules. Always let those older than you in rank or age go ahead. When entering a room, hold the door behind you. Always stand during the God Save the Queen anthem. Be polite more often. Say “thank you” and “please” every chance you get.


UK national holidays and public holidays:

  • New Year- January 1, 2
  • St. Patrick's Day (Ireland) - March 17
  • Good Friday - this day falls on Holy Week
  • Bright Monday - the first day after Easter
  • Christmas - December 25, 26
  • "Glorious August 12" (Glorious Twelfth)

Various things play an important role in the lives of British people. festivals. Here are some of them:

  • Flower Festival- held in May in Chelsea;
  • Queen's Birthday- the largest and most solemn holiday, celebrated in mid-June;
  • Caribbean carnival- held in Notting Hill in August. During the celebration, Caribbean music is played;
  • Glastonbury Music Festival- the celebration takes place among the Welsh hills, celebrated in June.

Hello, my dears!

Today I am sharing with you information about the amazing traditions of the British. As you know, the traditions of England are interesting and unique. The British themselves are very proud of them. Let's talk about the main ones.

Any nation loves and appreciates when guests from other countries honor their traditions and customs. So, so that you know how to behave in a given situation, know how to show respect, and better understand the local residents, I suggest you read this article. In it you will find descriptions and names of British holidays also on English language with the translation.


Native traditions

  • It's hard to imagine Britain without annual horse racing. Most famous - Steeplechase and Martell Grand National.
  • Carnival Notting Hill is one of the largest in the world and is held annually in August for 2 days. This is a celebration of multiculture, which is visited by more than 1 million people.
  • Big national holiday is Guy Fawkes Night ( Guy Fawkes" Night). Every family prepares an effigy of Guy Fawkes and then triumphantly burns it at the stake. This is how they celebrate the discovery and prevention of a conspiracy against the king in the 17th century.
  • A generally accepted feature English families Keeping pets is considered. The British love animals very much.
  • Well, how can we not mention the tea ceremony? After all, it is not just an important custom, but a ritual, but a way of life for the British. From 4 to 6 pm they drink tea with something tasty, this time is called “ 5 o"clock". The British can easily put everything aside for the sake of drinking tea.

Traditions and customs show the character of a people, reflect their history and culture. Despite the fact that the British are cold-blooded and reserved by nature, they love holidays. They also have a great sense of humor. Therefore, many of their holidays have no analogues in the whole world.

Unusual events

  • For example, very popular funny face making championship. The funniest and ugliest faces imaginable are made here, and celebrities also participate.
  • Or, the race for cheese - Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake. This event is gaining momentum every year. Despite the fact that it is very dangerous, because... participants run down the mountain as fast as they can after the rolling wheel of cheese, more and more people come to watch and take part in it.
  • In the town of Whittlesey there still exists Straw Bear Festival, which is associated with the beginning of a new agricultural year and has pagan roots. Straw Bear Festival takes place in the first half of January. A man dressed in a straw suit that covers him from head to toe walks from house to house, accompanied by a trainer and performers, dances, performs magic tricks and receives rewards for this in the form of sweets and other foods and drinks.
  • Without surprise you will not perceive competitions in swimming in a swamp or catching worms.

About marriage in England

As for marriage traditions, in England until the 19th century, the decision to marry was made by the parents of young people. It often happened that the future newlyweds did not know each other. They could be engaged before the age of 7.

The state and church strongly supported these strict and conservative rules. It is not surprising that from the 17th century onwards there were many unmarried women and unmarried men, and their number was constantly increasing.

The emergence of the first marriage agencies was a response to new trends. People who became intermediaries in this matter were called marriage brokers.

Did you know that many of the wedding traditions that exist today came to us from England? White color dresses for the bride getting married for the first time, choosing the day and month of the wedding, matching outfits for the bridesmaids, honeymoon and “ Honeymoon” - all these are inventions of the British!

Now wedding traditions are in many ways similar to other civilized countries, but have their own distinctive features.

So, the day before the wedding ceremony, a rehearsal is organized. Most modern brides follow the custom that they should wear something blue color, new, old and borrowed. These things symbolize fidelity, happiness, wealth and prosperity.

Text about traditions in English

And now a short text in English on our topic:

All nations have their own customs and traditions.

British people are different from other nations. Englishmen are conservative people. They have cheerful and friendly character. They are easy-going. They love their country very much and are proud of their culture.

So, when citizens of different countries pay a visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (or the UK), they are shocked by a lot of customs and traditions in English life. They are weird to tourists but the English still keep up these old customs and traditions which connect past and present, ancient and modern life.

Some of the public holidays observed in Britain now are of religious origin. Besides public holidays there are many festivals. For example, Guy Fawkers Night or Bonfire Night, Fireworks Night, Notting hill carnival and others. These are working days, but people celebrate them.

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​ will be useful to everyone who learns English. Each country and nation has its own customs that you need to know, regardless of whether you are planning to visit this country in the near future or not. This topic talks about the most popular traditions of England in English.

With the help of this topic, you can better understand the British, their characteristics and cultural values, and also avoid mistakes when communicating with them. Topic about English customs and traditions in English can be used as a support for an essay about England and its inhabitants. It is also interesting to study the traditions of Great Britain in English for comparison with the traditions of your country, since they can be very different.


English Traditions

Every nation and country has its own traditions and customs. Englishmen are very proud of their traditions, so they keep them carefully. When we speak about England, we always speak about traditions and customs.

There are many English provers about home. The most famous of them is “There is no place like home”. It shows that the English usually spend their free time at home with their families.

Many Englishmen have fireplaces instead of central heating at home. They are very fond of open fire and believe it is very romantic.

The English like living in small houses with gardens, where they grow different flowers.

Having a meal is also a tradition for the English. For breakfast they usually eat porridge with milk and sugar and drink tea. Breakfast time in England is between seven and nine, and the time between 12 and 2 is lunchtime. For lunch they usually have fruit, pudding, sometimes vegetables and meat or fish. For some people it is the biggest meal of the day. When tea-time comes, the English have a cup of tea or milk.

Dinner is usually late in the evening. There is usually soup, meat or fish and fruit or pudding. They rarely have supper, and it usually consists of a sandwich and a cup of tea or a glass of milk and a piece of cake.

The most famous tradition in England is drinking tea many times a day. Some families have “high tea” or big tea instead of supper. There is a lot of tea with cakes, bread, butter and sometimes cold meat. The Englishmen never drink their tea out of glasses, they always use teacups.


English traditions

Every nation and country has its own traditions and customs. The British are very proud of their traditions, so they carefully preserve them. When we talk about England, we always talk about traditions and customs.

There are many English proverbs about home. The most famous of them is “Away is good, but home is better.” This shows that the British usually spend free time at home with their families.

Many Englishmen have fireplaces at home instead central heating. They love open fires and think it is very romantic.

The British love to live in small houses with gardens where they can grow various flowers.

Food is also a special tradition for the British. Usually for breakfast they eat oatmeal with milk and sugar and drink tea. Breakfast time in England is from seven to nine, and the time from 12 to 2 is lunch time. For lunch they usually eat fruit, pudding, and sometimes vegetables with meat or fish. For some, lunch is the biggest meal of the day. When it's time to drink tea, the British drink a cup of tea or milk.

The English have dinner in the evening. Usually they eat soup, meat or fish and fruit or pudding. They rarely eat late in the evening, usually sandwiches with a cup of tea or a glass of milk with a piece of pie.

The most famous English tradition is to drink tea many times a day. Some families have a hearty dinner with tea instead of the usual dinner. They drink a lot of tea with pies, bread, butter and sometimes cold meat. The English never drink tea from glasses, they always use cups.

It is safe to say that the British, like no other nation, carefully and strictly adhere to their customs. After all, this allows them to preserve their identity, emphasize their originality and honor their roots. “Understanding” the inhabitants of Foggy Albion is not so easy, but we will try to describe the main traditions Great Britain .

National character

The world has known for centuries character traits British character: polite, but at the same time closed, reserved and even somewhat arrogant. They can carry on a leisurely conversation, but throughout it not a word can be said about anything personal. Two famous qualities of the British also stand out: self-control and subtle humor, and most often “black”.

Left side traffic

No wonder they call UK country of traditions. While about 70% of the world's inhabitants drive on the right side of the street, the British, since 1756, have preferred to drive on the left.

True to the number system

True conservatives, the inhabitants of the British Isles are extremely reluctant to adhere to the decimal system of measures. Among the unusual traditions in the UK, it is worth noting that here they still prefer to measure distances in miles, yards, inches, liquids - pints, etc.

Tea drinking is a ritual!

One of probably the most famous national traditions Great Britain - This is tea drinking, which has been honored and performed here as a ritual since the 17th century. The careless attitude of foreigners towards him often offends the British. They prefer to drink drinks here exquisite varieties Chinese tea in the morning and during lunch (around 17.00). “Aborigines” like to drink tea with milk, cream or without it, but they don’t like our favorite tea with lemon. Tea drinking is usually accompanied by cookies, cakes, sandwiches, toasts and leisurely conversation.

The British love holidays

Despite external restraint, the British love holidays. For example, one of the most important holidays and traditions of Great Britain - this is Christmas. Everyone certainly rushes to Christmas dinner with family or friends to taste Christmas dishes - stuffed turkey or roast goose, cranberry sauce, Christmas pudding. In addition, in the country of Foggy Albion they cheerfully celebrate New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween and, of course, the Queen's Birthday. In addition, they like to organize festivals and sports competitions here.

You should change your outfit for lunch!

Some of the unusual traditions Great Britain Most civilized countries already consider it a relic. However, on British Isles It is still customary to change your outfit for dinner.

Clothing customs

One of amazing facts about Great Britain is that in some institutions costumes or items of clothing that originated in past centuries are still worn. For example, in prestigious Cambridge and Oxford, students wear 17th-century robes, Tower palace guards wear luxurious Tudor costumes, and judges and lawyers wear 18th-century wigs during hearings.

Crows in the Tower

According to the traditions and customs of Great Britain, a whole dynasty of so-called Black Crows is raised on the territory of the Tower of London, which have taken root here since the mid-16th century. By order of King Charles II in the 17th century, there must always be six adults in the Tower. A special position was even approved - Ravensmester, or raven keeper, who takes care of the birds. And now 6 black ravens live there, named after the Celtic and Scandinavian gods. According to ancient custom, if the ravens leave the Tower, the monarchy will end. This is why birds' wings are clipped.

The traditions of England have long been the object of close attention of both schoolchildren studying the language and culture of Foggy Albion, and numerous travelers heading to this country in search of adventure and new, usually exciting, experiences.

And for good reason. The customs and traditions of England are actually interesting, educational and fascinating. In most cases, you want to study them personally, taking an active part in organizing public holidays, ceremonial parades and modest family evenings.

As a rule, the traditions of England are described in sufficient detail in English, but there are not so many Russian-language sources. That is why this article will be aimed at introducing readers to this topic as best as possible.

Customs and traditions of England. general information

In general, I would like to note that adherence to one’s own traditions can easily be considered distinctive feature almost all representatives of this country. Some of the cultural traits are quite harmless. For example, what harm can oatmeal in the morning or a cup of tea at 5 pm cause?

However, there are also some that can actually cause inconvenience to travelers. Let's say, left-hand traffic, which is alien to many of us, separate supply of cold and hot water or a government ban on replacing windows and doors in particularly old houses.

Christmas holidays on the shores of Foggy Albion

If you look carefully, it turns out that modern Christmas traditions in England are not much different from those in ours. Why? The thing is that in the age of global technology we have the opportunity to adopt a lot of interesting ideas from each other, regardless of our place of residence or distance from the state of interest to us.

However, some highlights still remain unique to this country. For example, in rural areas, Christmas traditions in England involve the presence of various types of candles on the windows, lit in dark time days.

Not everyone knows that Santa Claus, beloved by local children, brings generous gifts at Christmas, and not at New Year, as is customary here in Russia.

It is also worth noting that the decorated spruce, originally considered a symbol of unfading nature, is now increasingly being replaced by an artificial beauty, because The British are still very concerned about preserving the flora that surrounds them.

What about the main winter holiday?

Of course, New Year traditions also exist in England. True, there are much fewer of them than here, and the holiday itself is not celebrated on such a grand scale as, for example, Christmas or Easter.

On these winter days, everyone can take part or simply become a spectator of a fascinating performance staged on the basis of good English fairy tales. The festive theatrical season, as a rule, opens with a solemn carnival procession, which is led by the permanent Lord Mess, accompanied by world-famous fairy-tale characters - the March Hare, Punch, Hobby Horse and Humpty Dumpty.

In all English houses for the holiday New Year's table They serve not oatmeal at all, as it might seem, but a very appetizing turkey cooked along with chestnuts and fried potatoes with sauce. In addition, the British simply love stewed Brussels sprouts, meat pies and pudding for dessert.

By the way, it should be noted that New Year’s traditions in England annually attract a huge number of travelers from all over the world to the country. In general, this holiday is usually celebrated in a cheerful, friendly company, unlike Christmas, which is celebrated exclusively in the family circle.

Getting married in the UK? Great idea!

Wedding traditions in England are very similar to our Russian customs and rituals. For example, local residents rarely get married in May, because... According to legend, subsequent married life is unlikely to be long and harmonious.

Perhaps the strangest custom is the so-called “silent pie”. In accordance with a fairly widespread tradition, shortly before the wedding, a girl prepares an unusual and very bland dish, which is baked dough without eggs and sugar. The young lady should eat it one evening before going to bed. If she manages to remain silent during the entire procedure, her marriage will be happy.

Another belief will help scare away evil spirits from a young couple. In order for it to work, a little girl must walk in front of the bride, who is led into the hall by her father, sprinkle the entire path with fresh flowers or rose petals.

Love for animals is sacred

Many people know that the British literally adore their pets. At first glance, it’s hard to even believe that the population of Foggy Albion accounts for an average of about six million dogs, no less cats, four million birds and aquarium fish, as well as a little more than a million of various kinds of exotic animals, usually spiders or reptiles.

This love is felt in almost everything. For example, at every step in the kingdom there are specialized stores where you can buy anything, from food and clothing to hygiene items. In addition, a lot of hairdressing salons have been built in the country, gyms and even pet cemeteries.

Do not be surprised if, while traveling in a given country, you receive a Happy New Year, Christmas or birthday greeting sent on behalf of a cat, dog or guinea pig. These are the traditions in England!

And breeders are happy to purchase expensive collars, lace dresses, pajamas or even woolen coats for their pets. Also in high demand is the service of a pet hotel, which is ready to shelter a younger family member during a business trip or vacation of the owner.

Gardening and more

The traditions of England also concern the love of environment. The British not only cannot imagine their life without garden plots, but also love to talk about them. What is grown there? Yes, anything, from cucumbers and parsley to rare varieties of roses and peonies.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have a private house or a dacha outside the city. How are the others coping? Very simple. Plants are grown en masse in a box on a windowsill or kitchen table. This tradition has a special name in English - green fingers, which translated into our Russian language sounds like “green fingers.” This is what they call those who prefer to dig in the ground in any free time, replanting, fertilizing and weeding.

How to make the most of your weekend

The traditions of England imply in most cases an active lifestyle, both on weekdays and on weekends. In principle, on Saturday and Sunday, residents of the country can rarely be found at home, and a meeting will need to be arranged in advance. Why? The thing is that the citizens of Foggy Albion are considered fans of picnics, walks on fresh air and cycling.

At the first opportunity, they try to escape to the countryside, away from the bustle of the city and dusty streets. Even changeable weather, as a rule, is not a hindrance to them.

Those who, due to some circumstances, stayed at home, selflessly do housework, for example, washing or cleaning, go shopping, and in the evening go to the theater, cinema or to a concert of their favorite performer.

England is a paradise for food lovers

In general, it so happens that almost all holidays and traditions in England are in one way or another connected with frequent and plentiful consumption of food. Needless to say, the British love to eat delicious food, and they do it with real pleasure!

In general, many nutritionists consider the cuisine of this country to be quite balanced, but at the same time extremely simple and nutritious. Breakfast in this country is voluminous. As soon as people wake up, they begin to consume the now legendary oatmeal, scrambled eggs with thin slices of bacon, fish, toast with marmalade or jam, tea or coffee. By the way, people here prefer toast cold, and the range of morning dishes does not change significantly from day to day. Perhaps this is precisely where the notorious English conservatism manifests itself.

This is followed by lunch, which includes a choice of meat stew, again fried fish, chops, various kinds of sausages, liver and a huge assortment of vegetables. By the way, we note that, unlike us, the British rarely cook rice and pasta. Dessert is usually apple pie (sometimes with cinnamon or ice cream) or hot milk pudding. Dinner in England is light, such as cocoa or hot milk with toasted bread and cheese.

Restraint and reticence

Many of those who have already been lucky enough to visit this country will agree that the residents of Foggy Albion are very polite literally from birth. They never seem to tire of thanking or apologizing. In general, it is worth noting that, according to research by modern scientists, the most commonly used words among the British are “thank you,” “please,” “sorry,” and “would you be so kind.” Such are the traditions of England that have been preserved and come down to us through the centuries.

They will never make noise on the street or talk loudly on public transport. On a bus or tram, they won’t step on your foot, push you, or rush to be the first to take a vacant seat.

By the way, even in difficult situations The British tend to remain optimistic and remain calm, both externally and internally.


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