Sincere and touching wishes to the graduates. Parting words to graduates from parents

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So you have grown up, matured,
Leaving the school walls
The chicks have flown away from the nest,
To be happy without fail.
We wish you to conquer
All the heights you wanted
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew away!

Congratulations, my dear,
School is behind
And on a new road
Feel free to come out.
Don't forget your school lessons,
Friendship, first fights.
The glass of the school will not be forgotten
Ardent bullies.

We wish you, our dear children,
So that you are not afraid of anything in the world,
After all, living life is not crossing a field,
And only the one who walks can go through everything.
Thank your teachers,
You sincerely say “thank you” to them,
They have recognized you all for so many years -
They became your second parents.

* * *
So you have become graduates -
Imperceptibly, as it happens;
And it’s no longer okay to scold you -
Your childhood is sailing away forever...
What to do? After all, progress is eternal,
And although we love you from birth,
We want to ask heaven:
Let this movement never end!
Our dear graduates,
Our quiet, modest children!
Today we praise you with our hands:
There is no better person in the world than you!
If you are far away,
Don't be shy about giving yourself to people;
Well, we, even in complete anguish,
We will always be your mom and dad!

Your parents know very well -
There are many obstacles in the world,
And only the one who crosses them
He achieves something in this life.
And there is one particular oddity -
Life is not easy, you take it for granted.
But if you smile more often in life,
Then you will enjoy it.

So you have become more mature
And like chicks from a nest,
Rush into distant distances,
Saying goodbye to childhood forever.
Here is our parting word for you:
Game time is over
Remember you're older
Be wise, children!

Living life is not a field to cross.
Once upon a time our parents taught us.
We wish everyone to find their own path in life.
So that you devote yourself to the necessary work.
May you always be lucky in life, in everything.
May your friendship last forever.
Let the school lessons of kindness
They remain in your souls forever.

A huge world will open before you,
Hurry up to live, you have to do everything in time,
And in this turmoil try
Don’t betray your friends, feel sorry for your relatives.
Walk the road of life with honor,
Which one you chose along the way,
And if it’s difficult, contact us,
Let us help you find a solution to the situation!

Your path is wide and decorated with dreams.
There are many roads ahead.
Let every day help with deeds
Find happiness in work!
Bright moments and space for ideas.
A hundred girlfriends and friends.
On this day we sincerely wish
Find your calling quickly!

* * *
Kids! We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us...
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

You were born, raised,
Once upon a time they brought me to school,
Believe me, we didn’t know then
That children could grow up
So fast. Our dears,
Don't lose face
Achieve everything, dear ones,
To make mother and father proud.

The last exams are over
And the school moments flew by
There is a new task on the horizon:
You are entering adulthood.
So may everything work out well for you!
Drink life to the fullest.
May happiness and luck increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!

Children, how fast you are growing!
Yesterday we were still first-graders.
Today you are going into adulthood
Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.
Childhood is left somewhere behind,
Let the memories warm your hearts.
Let the expectation of happiness in adulthood
It will brighten up the bitterness of parting with your childhood!

Crown of cosmic harmonies
May the future bless you,
And the earthly world will accept you into its bosom,
Where everyone will be famous in their field!
Happy roads lie ahead,
May your wishes and dreams come true,
Don't forget the school threshold
And deal with difficulties on your own!

On the threshold - new world ebullient
There are so many important things ahead of you!
May the magic golden key
The doors to life will generously open for you.
We wish everyone to find their way,
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little anxiety,
Believe in miracles and always dare!

Similar congratulations.

Graduation class students are waiting for the last bell with hope and impatience, because they so want to quickly become adults and fly out from under the wing of their parents and teachers. independent life. But parents, on the contrary, feel sadness and anxiety as they watch their children leave school and, full of strength and confidence, set off on their own. And at the last call, mothers and fathers strive to once again wish their children success and future adulthood and give them parting words on the road to success and happiness. And the words from parents to 11th grade graduates and those 9th grade students who are leaving school are at the same time a wish of good luck and a good journey, and parting words for an honest and decent independent life. The words from parents to graduates convey both pride in their grown-up children and sadness that the children have grown up so quickly and will soon leave their parents’ nest. Here are the words from parents to graduates primary school, which also sound at the ceremonial line in honor of the last bell, first of all, fathers and mothers emphasize that their children are already old enough to leave the tutelage of the first teacher and go to high school requiring greater independence.

Words from parents to elementary school graduates in poetry and prose

It would seem that only recently parents brought funny kids by the hand to first grade and handed them over to caring hands first teacher. But 4 years of primary school passed very quickly, and it was time to say goodbye to primary school. And at the ceremonial assembly in honor of the end of the school year, the words of parents to primary school graduates are heard in verse and prose, in which representatives of the parent committee of the class give parting words to the children for further studies and congratulate them on growing up and moving to secondary school.

Increasingly, parents are choosing funny and cool parting words for 4th grade graduates. Such kind and funny words will cheer up children and give them confidence that after summer holidays their schooling will be even more exciting, and their leisure time will be more interesting.

Parting words from parents to 4th grade graduates in verse

Here is a selection of parting words from parents on the last call to 4th grade graduates in verse. These sincere, kind and funny poems fully convey all the hopes of parents for their children and their sincere desire for their children to successfully study and grow up harmoniously under the guidance of experienced high school teachers.

You have completed fourth grade,

We sincerely congratulate you on this!

You have gained so much knowledge

We wish you new success,

And also great happiness to everyone!

May knowledge bring light to you!

May the fifth grade give a lot

Various discoveries and victories!

Fourth grade is already over,

Your graduation is today, kids.

We wish you great success,

Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything succeed in your studies,

Let success be your reward,

May there be cheerful laughter and smiles

They will destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories,

We wish you very beautiful,

Such fun school years.

4 school years have passed.

Guys, you have grown up.

A wonderful road awaits you,

Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed

Already gone, they cannot be returned,

But there is still time to come

It's a long, important journey to go through.

Your teacher free of charge

Taught the basics of science.

Don't forget these years.

A new stage has arrived for you!

Parting words from parents to elementary school graduates in prose

Some parents prefer to congratulate graduates more formally, in prose. And for them here there are ideas on how to compose parting words from parents to 4th grade graduates in prose.

Our dear children, congratulations on your first significant achievement in school life, with the completion of four classes. Now you move on to next stage, now the doors to new subjects and knowledge will open for you. We wish you not to lose confidence and interest in studying, to brighten up your days bright colors and emotions of happiness.

Congratulations, children, 4th grade students, on Graduation Day! You have done a great job over these 4 years. A more intense and interesting educational path lies ahead. Be healthy, active and attentive. We, your parents, wish you good mood, have a happy holiday and lots of positive emotions!

Dear guys, very little time will pass and you will become fifth graders. As you leave primary school, please accept our wishes for health, joy, success in learning, sports and public life schools.

Touching words from parents with parting words to 11th grade graduates on the last bell

If for parents of elementary school graduates the last bell in 4th grade is, although an exciting, but not very significant event, then mothers and fathers of 11th grade graduates on this day experience anxiety, pride for the child, and some fear. The words from parents to 11th grade graduates at the last bell are especially touching and can move children to tears, because these words convey the whole gamut of emotions of parents letting their children go into independent life.

Cool and beautiful parting words from parents to graduates

Graduates of 11th grade are no longer children, they are practically adult boys and girls, who from now on will themselves take important decisions and take responsibility for your life. Therefore, words from parents to graduates are parting words for adults, which contain wishes of good luck and success, parental aspirations and hopes, and behests of mothers and fathers on how to build their lives with dignity.

And here are the best parting words from parents to graduates on the last call. Among them there are both beautiful and funny parting words in poetry and prose.

Our dear children,

You are more valuable than anyone in the world!

With deuces and validol,

But you finished school.

How long have we slept with you?

They wrote essays.

And sometimes from the task

There was a lot of crying in the house.

We didn't scold you much,

They helped as much as they could.

There is no greater joy for us,

Than your own children's successes.

Congratulations to you today,

We wish you much happiness.

Our parents' poem

Dear children - congratulations!

Today is your graduation

Our child, you are big now.

You are standing on the threshold of a new life,

We hope you surprise us!

To achieve a lot in life,

You will need to work hard.

Can you reach great heights?

And a new star will rise in the sky!

We wish you to be persistent,

Smart, brave, sometimes agile.

Choose the right path in life,

We wish you not to collapse!

Just yesterday there was the first call,

Introduction to the school, bouquets.

First desk and first lesson,

I gave you advice too.

About life, about friendship and even love,

And a ton of homework.

And now you are already a graduate.

So much effort has been put in.

IN new life enter without fear.

Only hope for the best.

If it’s suddenly difficult, tell me without hiding,

Of course we will support you!

You, dear, still have everything ahead of you.

Life will bring many challenges.

But the sorrows and adversities will all be behind us.

We are proud of you, you know!

Our dear children, today you are setting out on an independent journey through adulthood, freely sailing through the expanses of new interests and desires. We, your parents, will always support you and love you deeply, help you with good advice and be proud of your achievements. On your graduation, we wish you, our beloved, impeccable happiness, high aspirations, a bright light of goodness and good luck on your life’s path.

Today our children are leaving the walls of school, and tomorrow a new life will begin for them, where there will be a place for independent decisions and deliberate actions. Our dear children, may the knowledge given to you by wonderful teachers certainly help you make a successful start and a successful leap towards new achievements. Thank you very much, dear teachers, for investing your strength and efforts in the upbringing and education of children. We wish you success, respect and good health for many, many years.

Beautiful words in poetry and prose from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last call

Below is another selection, which includes words touching to tears from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last bell and graduation party. These words will touch the hearts of both those students who will leave school after 9th grade, and those who will remain in school for another 2 years.

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. We wish your first step into adulthood to be successful and successful. Let everything be smooth for you. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you determination and prosperity. And we will always help you in realizing your desires and goals.

It seems like just yesterday it was September 1st and the first bell in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by, all the exams are behind us and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! You face a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, I want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere actions!

Ninth grade is behind us

And a little sad

But it's time to move forward

Overcome all feelings.

Happy graduation everyone, guys!

Unearthly happiness

And good luck with it,

To rush towards success!

Graduation in 9th grade,

But there is both sadness and joy in the eyes.

You are already graduates

You are students of life.

May life lead you around the world,

May fate send you greetings.

Always be human.

Happiness in life on the way!

You need to make a choice

Afterwards study at a university?

There are different ways.

Maybe you should go to college?

Everything now depends on you,

Your life is in your hands.

Courage and perseverance to you

And grades on business!

Funny and cool parting words from parents to graduates

At graduation and the last bell, funny and cool words from parents to graduates of 11th grade and elementary school are increasingly being heard. Through good humor, parents want to encourage their children and give them confidence in their abilities, as well as make the holiday more fun and memorable. After all, graduates of grades 11 and 9 who are about to leave school are anxious in their souls at the moment of saying goodbye to teachers and childhood, and the cheerful words of their parents will lift their spirits and show that mom and dad will always be there.

At the Last Bell or at Graduation, according to tradition, parting words for eleventh grade graduates are heard from their parents. Of course, you need to think about this in advance, and not force one of the parents to improvise on the fly. It is worth deciding in advance who will give the speech. Not every class has a parent speaker who can give speeches, but this is not necessary. You can prepare your parting text in advance, print it on beautiful paper and put it in an envelope. When moms and dads are asked to speak, one parent can step up to the microphone and say the following: “Your parents have prepared a letter of encouragement for you, and I have the honor of reading it.” After this, the parent opens the envelope, unfolds the letter and reads it expressively. Thus, there is no need to improvise or memorize the prepared text.

We bring to your attention three versions of parting words from parents to graduates. You can use them or come up with something of your own. We hope our options will give you some interesting ideas of your own.

Parting words to 11th grade graduates from parents: option 1. “Stay a little kids”

Our dears!

Now you are all grown up and will soon fly out of the nest. From now on, you will follow your own path in life. Life will make you wise and strong, failures will strengthen you, and successes will push you to new achievements. But today we want to give you advice to always remain a little childish!

All children are visionaries and dreamers. Don’t stop building castles in the air and dreaming about what seems impossible today! He who does not dream of the impossible will not achieve even a little.

All children are inquisitive. Stay that way in the future: strive to learn and grasp as much as possible. Be hungry for knowledge! After all, knowledge is power that will help you become successful.

All children are restless. Parents and teachers sometimes have such a hard time! But restlessness develops. Be restless - move, travel, play sports, dance, indulge in hobbies and interests. Live an interesting life!

A child, when faced with difficulties and troubles, always turns to elders for help and consolation. We hope you will continue this habit. Of course, you need to learn to be independent, but you shouldn’t refuse the participation of your elders! Parents will always understand everything and try to help, no matter what. difficult situation you don't turn out to be.

Our dear ones! Your teachers, parents and grandparents tried to fill you with intelligence, kindness and eternity. Remain a little child, do not lose everything that is beautiful and pure with which your young hearts and souls are full. Look at life with a smile - and it will smile back at you!

Farewell words to 11th grade graduates in prose: option 2. “Faith, hope, love”

Dear Guys! It seems like just yesterday we brought you to first grade, and today the last bell is ringing for you. Time passed quickly, but the path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the journey continues - new heights and achievements lie ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Believing in yourself is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is the credo of an optimist. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not give up on your plans, and optimism will not allow you to become limp if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. Walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any difficulty.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland. Love your family, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will love you back!

Believe! Hope! Love it! And you will succeed!

Parting words to 11th grade graduates: option 3. “Successful person”

Dear Guys! Today the last bell rings for you, as a signal of the beginning of a new one. life stage. Together with our teachers, we accompany you to adulthood. The road will not be easy, but we are confident that you will cope and will definitely become successful.

But what does it mean to be successful? Money and career are not everything!

A successful person does what he loves. We wish you to choose a profession that will bring you joy.

The one who has time-tested friends is successful. Your class is a close-knit, friendly team. Appreciate and keep it!

Successful people always take care of their health. Lead a reasonable lifestyle and take care of yourself.

Those who are accompanied by success are not afraid to accept difficult decisions. Be decisive - the city takes courage!

A successful person knows how to say “No!” if he is asked to do something that is at odds with his principles. Learn it!

People who have achieved success are grateful to those who helped them along the way. Don't forget your teachers. Keep the good things they taught you.

And the last thing: successful man- this is the one who always and everywhere has time. So be punctual and don't forget to set your alarm.

Good luck to you, our adult children!

The last bell has sounded and soon, after the exams, the most long-awaited event of the last school year - the graduation party - awaits the former students.
Not only graduates, but also their parents are preparing for this event with excitement and trepidation. And the main task for parents here is to choose the right words to congratulate their child and his classmates on this very important event in life - finishing school. We have collected for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations for graduation from parents in poetry and prose.

Congratulations from parents to 11th grade graduates in verse

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you further

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

Let school years passed so quickly
But you will forever remain children,
Keep this enthusiasm in your soul,
Let it burn like a fire.

May hope and faith inspire you
In my real adult business,
We wish you good luck in everything and achievements,
Cheerful joyful mood.

Graduation is the beginning of a new life,
School age is already behind us.
But there is no need for tears or sadness,
Beautiful things await you ahead!

You will remember your school days
And the friends who went to your class.
You skillfully divided the crib sheets,
The teachers were rooting for you.

We wish you further success
And aspirations for your cherished dream.
Fulfillment, love, achievements
And pleasant events in fate!

The last exams are over
And the school moments flew by
There is a new task on the horizon:
You are entering adulthood.
So may everything work out well for you!
Drink life to the fullest.
May happiness and luck increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!

On the threshold - a new ebullient world
There are so many important things ahead of you!
May the magic golden key
The doors to life will generously open for you.
We wish everyone to find their way,
On which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little anxiety,
Believe in miracles and always dare!

Children grow up unnoticed
And they leave their home...
We are on this magnificent day,
IN the most important holiday- high school graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find your calling, your path.
Move forward, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems crack like nuts,
At least there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love you dearly.
May you, children, be lucky!

How quickly the children grew up
And, seeing off the serious journey,
We, your mothers and fathers,
We want to tell you through tears:

A difficult choice lies ahead
The roads are just opening.
Where, and how, and with whom to go
Here you decide for years.

We wish you with all our hearts
Go through all the storms and bad weather,
And may all of you all the way
Happiness always accompanies!

Crown of cosmic harmonies
May the future bless you,
And the earthly world will accept you into its bosom,
Where everyone will be famous in their field!
Happy roads lie ahead,
May your wishes and dreams come true,
Don't forget the school threshold
And deal with difficulties on your own!

We are very excited to say now,

Our children have grown up and become taller than us.

And just recently you were taken to first grade,

Little foolish little ones, then there were you.

All the years that your life flowed at school,

We studied with you! Let's put it bluntly: yes,

Difficult sciences, for years on end!

But without this torment there is no way forward.

Now adult life is knocking on your door,

And it will spin you around - just hold on!

But you must understand one thing now,

We are always ready to support you in everything.

Congratulations from parents on 11th grade graduation

Graduates and alumni,
May you have no time for us today.
On the last day of school, take
A simple parental order.

Enter life with an open soul,
Value friendship, honor, love.
Strive for goals and victories,
Don't waste your words.

Let everyone fit in with dignity
In an active and successful rhythm,
Faith and perseverance will help
Understand the luck algorithm.

We wish you everything in life,
Finish college, fall in love!
Find a decent job
Show parents concern.
Never forget school
Come visit us at least once a year during recess.
The doors are always open for relatives,
Beloved students, golden ones.
We, graduates, are proud of you,
Have fun today!

Eleven classes - neither more nor less,
And my school years are already behind me.
Let school be the beginning for everyone
Something good is ahead!
Now, before choosing the main road,
Remember your school, don’t forget!
And let all the obstacles, any worries
Easily bends around yours life path!

We have a lot to tell you -
If a lump comes to the throat;
Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye,
And may God help you in everything!
May luck never desert you,
And may you be better than us...
You have completed eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

The time for farewell is approaching.
How many years and winters have passed?
The school education process is over,
Childhood today will melt away like smoke.

The girls have become so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy,
Great paths are open to you in life.

The boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured and are unrecognizable.
Lord, give our children luck,
So that they don’t know adversity and grief!

The certificate is very useful,
Great life ahead!
But at this glorious start
Don't stay long!

Know that big is big enough,
And the keys are in your hands.
We wish you soon
And get a diploma!

Our dear children!
No feathers or fluff for you!
Let them meet you in life
Only fair winds!

Let doubts not torment you,
They are still waiting for you to open.
Your parents don't teach you...
They just sing songs!

Concluding the speech,
We give you our blessing!
Everyone can find happiness.
Happy journey everyone!

From the school threshold

There are many roads in the world,

Which step to take – the decision is yours:

Should I continue my studies?

Should I go to work?

You control your own destiny.

Just one wish:

Everything requires effort,

Whatever path you choose in life.

You said goodbye to childhood

Now I would like to find a way

To comprehend the main essence in life.

There is preparation for life,

Skill and dexterity

And God did not offend you with your mind.

Health is strength

And so that there is happiness,

You must achieve it through hard work.

Dear, beloved, our dear,
The children grew up and quickly became older.
You are now beautiful, exactly in a row,
And the tears sparkle from afar!

Today we cry and laugh,
And let’s touch the cherished dream together!
Congratulations on the holiday - may you be lucky
Wishes will come true - with God, let's take flight!

A beautiful parting wish to graduates from parents

May everything in life work out for each of you
There will be less troubles and tears in your life
And of course she will be your life companion,
Your faith and hope and love
May everyone have good luck and luck,
And less grief and anxiety
Many joys of changeable fortune,
And may God himself send you health
Collecting bit by bit, bit by bit
In this life all the good fruits
And you treat your loved ones to your loved ones,
And there is a lot of warmth and love in them
Each of us lives for one moment,
They are divided into good and evil
Don't think, just believe in life,
The rest will be as God intended...
Alina Belina

Congratulations from parents to graduating boy

Graduation is a double celebration,
It contains both joy and sadness.
The little prankster has become an adult,
Mom and Dad are a little sorry.

We wish, our child,
Choose the right path in destiny.
Let a good friend be by your side,
And you are lucky in everything.

May the road be wide
It will be smooth, without stones.
In a whirlwind of life's emotions,
Remember, there is no more important family.

Congratulations on your graduation -
With a new path in life.
And I wish that with him
All worries were forgotten.

Let confidence come
Believing in your own strength, business,
On the way as an adult so that
It was possible to walk with confidence.

And let fortune come to you
He will only stand on his face,
And a fair breeze -
Gently adjust in the back!

School is behind me,
There is a huge path ahead.
Everything you were taught
Remember, darling, don't forget.
You decided who you will become in life,
Always be kind and honest
And you won't lose your dream,
And adversity is nonsense.

The last year has flown by
Graduation is just around the corner.
Our child has grown up
How sad it is for you and me.

We wish not to be lazy -
After all, you will go to university.
And excel at work,
And create your own family.

Know that we will always help -
Mom and dad, the whole family.
Let's go into the big life
And we promise support.

Congratulations to a girl at graduation (grade 11)

You enter a new life timidly, crossing the line.
Only today - you are the queen at a real ball.
The shine of jewelry Evening Dress, the radiance of enthusiastic eyes.
Your graduation opens its arms for the only time in your life.

The heart beats in anxious excitement, feelings are confused.
Joy enters into heated debates with sadness.
School years are spinning, saying goodbye. They fly like a bird into the sky.
You meet the first dawn of adult life...
They send their greetings, scarlet sails swaying slightly on the waves.

Beautiful girl, something to be proud of...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And you are entering a new life now,
Just like the day you came to first grade!
Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don’t be shy, even though your childhood is over.
There are many good things ahead
I wish you - go boldly!
Let life be beautiful and fabulous,
Don't be afraid of obstacles, smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, Fate will smile on you!

Congratulations from parents on graduation in prose (in your own words)

Dear graduates! Recently, you, such timid little first-graders, crossed the threshold of a school for the first time, which for 11 years took you into a fairy tale called “School”, immersing you in a sea of ​​unforgettable and bright school moments. Any fairy tale must have a happy ending, which each of you will come up with yourself. Let strength, inspiration and perseverance be your main companions in achieving new knowledge, goals and life challenges. Happy holiday!

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you, holding your little hands in our hands, to our school. And today is a significant day: you are saying goodbye to your school. You have almost passed the 11 year long exam. There’s just a little bit left: to sum it up. All this time we, your parents and teachers, were with you.

Let the stars shine especially brightly today, illuminating the road you are just entering with a mysterious light. Let it be even and smooth, like the graduation ribbons that you are wearing now. May your life be as beautiful as your first school love and as ebullient as the champagne in your glass.

It's over next stage in your life. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life.

Today prom- a wonderful reason for happy smiles and eyes sparkling with joy. However, in this joy there is an echo of touching sadness and quiet sadness, because the time is coming to say goodbye to school. But what saddens us, graduates, most of all is that we will have to part with our dear teachers. We want to say from the bottom of our hearts that you have become a part of our world forever, have taken a reliable and valuable place in our memories and hearts, which is why it is so hard to say goodbye to you. Thank you very much not only for the invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads, but also for the sincerity and warmth that, like bright sun, have grown in us the sprouts of respect and gratitude for you.

Our dear graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment their child first goes to school, is periodically visited by the thought: “When will school finally end?” And now this long-awaited moment has come, and before us are no longer children, but adults, graduates. Ahead you have to do Difficult choice- who to become in this life? Let fate tell you correct solution, and we, parents, will help you with this. I wish you happiness and good luck, dears!

Our dear, beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on graduating from school and on receiving the very first and most important certificate in your life! It contains not only assessments of your knowledge - it is a ticket to the ship called “Life”. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, you still have so much time ahead to get things right and achieve great success! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents and your favorite teachers. Good luck!

How quickly my school years flew by. And now your graduation party has arrived. Guys, I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet. Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with your conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they may be.

The certificates have been received and the long-awaited graduation has arrived! So let this day become for you a starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will find a response in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and let the temptation to turn onto a narrow path not force you to abandon the right chosen goal. Go boldly! Good luck!

Here comes, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life - graduation. So many paths have been trampled around the school, and so many roads open to a new life. Dear children, I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the road that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Dare, go only forward and never retreat!

Our dear and dear graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and fair winds! May there be a lot of goodness in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best possible way, and with perseverance, courage and patience you will overcome all troubles and overcome all obstacles!

At the last bell, parents of graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades can offer various congratulations. But the most sincere and touching to tears will be the parting words in poetry or prose. With their help, moms and dads will be able to cheer up their children and wish them, at the end of the prom, to boldly prepare for new beginnings and achievements. And by choosing funny and cool texts from our examples, they can easily dispel any doubts of their children. We have selected the best parting words from parents to graduates for the graduation party. Kind words with instructions can be a wonderful end to such a holiday.

Parting words from parents to primary school graduates - examples of poems

It is extremely important for children who have completed 4th grade to hear parting words from their mothers and fathers. Their wishes and instructions will help the children forget about their worries. We have selected elementary school graduates for parents best words instructions in verses.

Examples of parting words in verse for primary school graduates from parents

A beautiful parting word in verse will be a good addition to a graduation party in elementary school. Such a speech by fathers and mothers with congratulations will lift the spirits of all graduates and create warm and kind memories.

We have gathered in a new world,

In fifth grade, as an adult.

Who is your idol now?

We'll ask you about this.

You already know a lot

Only you have no idea

How much knowledge have I read?

I'll give you a lesson tomorrow.

May you always be happy

So that everything is like with people.

So that you are playful as a child,

Don't grow out of children!

We studied a lot in fourth grade,

Let the flame of knowledge burn.

Gained a wealth of serious knowledge

Now the holidays are time to relax.

Quickly gain new strength

And on a hot summer day on the way,

Please don't forget

That you should go to school in the fall.

Graduation in elementary school,

You have moved to fifth grade.

With this joyful event

We want to congratulate you.

Summer is ahead of you,

It will go great!

May you be lucky in your studies

And on next year.

Fourth grade behind

The holidays are ahead.

Congratulations on your graduation!

So that problems do not arise,

Let's have a rest,

You will definitely gain strength.

To join more successfully

In a school year, not the first.

To have fun learning

And they behaved decently.

To dream and create -

Everything will turn out great!

Briefcases have become heavier

And we move to fifth grade

New sciences are wiser

Everything is more interesting for us.

Four years have flown by

And the school is like a second home.

Let's rest a little and get back to work,

Well, today is graduation!

Touching words to tears on the last call from parents to 11th grade graduates - in prose

It is impossible to imagine a festive ball for former students of the school without parting words from moms and dads. This is what will give the children confidence and help them spend this day easily and carefree. Parents of 11th grade graduates can choose good words with wishes and instructions in prose for the last bell from the examples we have selected.

Examples of parents’ words touching to tears in prose to 11th grade graduates

Sincere and kind congratulations, wishes, words with instructions for the future will be a wonderful number at the festive ball. They can be supplemented with your own words or statements. famous people. As a basis for giving parting words to graduates, moms and dads can use the following examples:

Well, what can I say today, student? Graduation is here. So all the boring lessons, annoying homework, strict teachers, bad grades in the diaries, and parents being called to school are over. You must be happy and sad at the same time. After all, there were so many good things at school - beloved friends, fun breaks, delicious pies in the cafeteria, favorite books in the library and much, much more. I sincerely congratulate you on your Graduation. I wish you to enter your new adult life confidently and cheerfully. I wish this life to be filled with success, love, happiness, fun and true friendship. Happy Graduation!

One of the most difficult and crucial moments in life has come - school graduation. So many doors are open before you, new knowledge and opportunities await you. The main task before you is to make the right choice, to find your life path and calling. We wish you to listen to your heart, your inner voice and follow the right path that will lead to true happiness and satisfaction in life. May the new routes that await you be successful and enjoyable. Go towards your dream without giving up or falling. Lightness to you and harmony in your soul!

Our unique graduates! Today is a very touching holiday, today we are celebrating school graduation! We wish young people who step into adulthood, do not stop believing in miracles and remember those moral principles, which they learned within our school walls! You, graduates, are like a beautiful bouquet, colorful, fresh, rich, which gives its beauty to others. We wish you not to lose this beauty, we wish you to acquire new skills and open wonderful horizons! Appreciate friendship and the school experience that will support you in your future happy life! Happy holiday, graduates!

Today we are happy and pleased to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school! There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, businessmen, actors, singers, doctors, and athletes. We ask you very much not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired at our school. We will always remember you and use you as an example for our growing students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring you joy and satisfaction. Remember our school and us, come visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Ahead - long interesting life, and we wish everyone to find their own path in it. Let all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and let the people who have been with you all these years remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

Video example of a speech with parting words for parents of 11th grade graduates

The following video will help moms and dads perform well in front of former 11th grade students. It includes wise parting words that all children are sure to enjoy.

Funny parting words from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last bell - examples of prose

Parting words at the last bell, heard from parents of 9th grade graduates, can be not only touching. We have selected funny and cool words with instructions and wishes for moms and dads.

Funny parting words from parents to 9th grade graduates for their graduation party

Funny words of instruction are a great addition to any graduation party. They will definitely lift the spirits of your holiday guests. You can choose a cool parting word from the examples below:

I don’t want to start with banality and talk about the importance of this day. I just want to congratulate you on your graduation from the bottom of my heart! And to say that it is not this day that is important, but the principles and knowledge that you take away from school. This is one of the components of your successful future. Now you are young, brave, strong, daring, passionate, loving, risk-taking. And if you can put together your upbringing, principles, knowledge, existing life experience, advice from loved ones, then you will definitely succeed!!! This is exactly what I wish for you, so that you can and know how to achieve your goals!

In ten years, like today, we, already completely adults, will meet here. Someone, perhaps, will become a scientist, someone - a lawyer, a doctor, an analyst. Some will have time to travel around the world, some will save up for the coolest car, some will give the world adorable children. But the main thing is that we all remain no less optimistic and friendly than we are now. Congratulations!

Children at school graduation resemble passengers at the airport, train station or pier. Everyone is in anticipation of an interesting new life, and there are many unknown roads ahead. I wish that every graduate of today quickly and correctly chooses his own, albeit confusing, but true, happy and free path to a new life. Congratulations!

Just yesterday you were high school students, and you came running to your own school as if it were your second home, but today is the first prom in your life, a prom! The boys became more and more serious, and even seemed to have matured, and the girls, like those flowers in the spring, all blossomed with a gentle radiance! You are all graduates today, today you are opening the start to an adult, serious life! And it’s clear from your faces and smiles that you can’t wait to experience all this! Remember one thing: after even a little time, you will all miss your desk, your classmates, your teachers, because school and youth, unfortunately, cannot be returned! But seeing your commitment to the future, I want to believe that each of you will achieve all your planned peaks!

Happy graduation! As you know, all doors open for young people. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and accomplishment. May what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember with nostalgia the years before graduation.

Among the parting words we have selected, parents of graduates will be able to find the most sincere congratulations for their children. It can be either prose touching to tears or funny, cool poetry. Children will certainly like beautiful parting words from parents to graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades. A similar number would be appropriate for the last call, and at a prom or evening. The main thing is that moms and dads prepare well for the presentation and, if possible, supplement the proposed examples with personal wishes.


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