Why do you dream about a long train ride? A train ride according to the dream book

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Why do you dream about traveling on a train? Speed ​​is a symbol of time, the transience of life, the movement of life, changes in the environment. Whether these changes will be favorable or undesirable will be explained by the details of the dream. Let's look at everything in detail.

Pay attention to how the train drove in your dream: smooth movement means well-being and stability in life. If the train overcame obstacles on the way, braked sharply or derailed, expect unpleasant changes.

Dream plots can be as follows:

  • travel by high-speed/passenger train;
  • seeing fellow travelers in a dream;
  • ride not in a carriage - on the roof or in another place;
  • get off at a station at a certain place;
  • see a train wreck.

moving train- a symbol of upcoming changes in life. If during the dream you experienced fear or discomfort, in reality any changes frighten you - you are not ready to sacrifice your peace of mind.

If the train is rushing towards high speed , awaits the dreamer fast decision assigned task. A good sign a trip on a high-speed train is considered for businessmen - all transactions will be successful, quick profits await.

If passenger the composition barely drags along, there will be delays in business. Slow speed means slow progress of events: you will have to wait a long time for the implementation of your plans.

Too much fast speed the composition also does not bode well - the dreamer will be haunted by time pressure, an eternal lack of time.

Sleep while driving in the carriage - to financial profit. A good omen is when a train passes through tunnels or climbs a mountain - this portends overcoming all obstacles along the way.

Ride on the roof- to non-standard life situation, in which decisions will need to be made. If you look at the circumstances from a different angle, you can find a suitable solution.

Get off the train at your station- order and harmony reign in your life. The dreamer has chosen the right path on which everything planned will come true.

What do they mean? travel companions in a dream? If you see unfamiliar faces, their images do not carry semantic load. It is important to note the meeting of acquaintances or relatives in a dream: a person got out at the station - to a quick separation from him.

Emergency situation

Train crash speaks of the collapse of plans and the inability to achieve what you want. Missed opportunities, late payments, broken relationships - not full list upcoming events.

What does a train crash portend in a dream? If the dreamer was not injured as a result of the accident, this dream carries good news- come out unscathed from life's troubles, suffer minimal damage.

If train derailed, this portends dangerous situation in the dreamer's life. Troubles can appear unexpectedly and without precedent. Therefore, be alert and vigilant over the coming days.

The train is flying into the abyss? The dreamer's life is filled with fear and uncertainty. Don’t be afraid to live, look into the future more boldly, achieve your goals.

Burning composition is a symbol of unpleasant events at work. Problems will appear in the dreamer’s life, which will be extremely difficult to “put out.”

Turn over on a train- to life's upheavals. If the dreamer managed to prevent a train crash and stop its progress, in reality he will be able to cope with problems of any complexity.

Locomotive breakdown on the way - the dreamer has chosen the wrong direction in life.

Other dream plots

  • Forgetting your things on the train means getting rid of troubles soon.
  • Finding other people's things in the carriage and appropriating them means losses.
  • Riding on the subway means trying to hide your secrets, however, rash actions will inevitably lead to big troubles.
  • Traveling by train means not noticing your loved ones or friends around you.
  • Travel in a private carriage prophesies favorable events in life.
  • Traveling in a dirty carriage packed with passengers is a sign of failure in life.
  • Driving a train in a dream means trouble in financial matters.
  • The train has lost its direction - to losses in family life and in your career.
  • The train is traveling on the ground (not on rails) - losing the main source of income.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book considers worries about his financial affairs in vain. Everything will be fine. Bad value takes on a plot involving a trip on the very top berth in the carriage - deception and waste of your savings await you. Traveling on a train without moving means stagnation in your intimate life. To change the situation, you need to become a more confident person and get rid of complexes that oppress your psyche.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse considers a trip on a high-speed train a sign of good luck: all plans are quickly realized. Enjoying a trip by rail is a sign of good events in life. Uncomfortable travel conditions lead to conflicts and quarrels, negative changes and the collapse of all plans.

Freud's Dream Book considers this dream an expression internal state dreamer. A pleasant, comfortable journey in a beautiful carriage indicates a lack of these sensations in life. The dreamer lacks comfort and luxury. A ride on the roof of a carriage - it's time to come down to earth and stop soaring in the clouds.

Dream Interpretation of Medea sees in the image of a train the usual course of life. The trip symbolizes forced submission to circumstances. Being late for the train means trying to avoid inevitable changes in life. Landing means returning to the usual flow of life. Getting off the train means receiving a responsible task.

Esoteric dream book sees boarding the train as a symbol of coming changes. Seeing a lot of things on the train means upcoming troubles and worries; walking through the carriages of a long train means a long life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation considers a carriage ride a harbinger of an invitation to visit, business meeting or a conference. The result of the negotiations will be a change in life in a favorable direction.

Why did you dream about the Train (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The symbolic interpretation of a dreamed train is usually linked to the peculiarities of the dynamics of the flow of life, and plots where the dreamer had a chance to control it symbolize his ability to control events. Why do you dream about a train? Seeing a train is the personification of progress, when the sleeper seems to be advised to give the initial impulse and follow fate. This means that despite the worries, you will be able to reach your goal.

  • Seeing yourself traveling on a train means receiving an important invitation that will affect your career and personal life. If there are rails under the wheels, your wish will come true quickly.
  • In a dream, how does a train rush across bare ground? You will be tormented by unnecessary worries that will not affect the final result.
  • Why dream of being late for a train - you are refusing change, you will soon miss the chance.
  • If you have time to enter the train carriage and board your flight in a dream, you will return your fate to its usual course.

Why did you dream about Trains (Psychiatric dream book)

In dreams, psychoanalysts associate public transport with inexpensive and in an accessible way achieving the goal.

  • Why do you dream of a train passing by? This is a symbol of missed opportunities that you will not regret as you will relieve yourself of excessive stress and enjoy quiet days with your family.
  • If you saw in a dream how the train had already started moving, but you managed to run into the carriage, your plans will begin to come true in the near future.
  • Are you traveling in a train compartment? The dream promises the fulfillment of a desire, to which you do not need to make excessive efforts; you can easily cope with tasks.
  • The interpretation of the dream varies depending on the type of train: a freight train is associated with hard physical labor, a passenger train is associated with mental processes. A trip on the first one promises success in household chores or at work. The second option is associated with easy study, inspiration in creative activity, self-development and working on relationships.

Why do you dream about a Train (Romantic dream book)

  • The romantic interpretation of the plots, which is what dreams of a fast train mean, is regarded as a symbol of the movement of lovers towards each other.
  • A train on a siding means stagnation: you must take action, otherwise love will leave you.
  • Seeing a serene train ride is an important invitation, and if you refuse it, the dreamer will miss the chance to make progress in his personal life.
  • When you pass train cars in a dream, you are counting down the months and years until a significant event. Remember their number to navigate reality.
  • If you were late or deliberately missed your train, such a plot speaks of serious doubts, personifying the lack of hope and disappointment in feelings for your loved one. This is a warning that inaction will lead to a break in the relationship.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • “Your train has left” - the chance is lost.
  • “Get off track”, “lose track” - loss of life orientation.
  • “Take someone else’s track” - play someone else’s role, take someone else’s place.
  • “To break through a rut” – will, life’s difficulties.
  • “Wagon and small cart” - a lot, in abundance.
  • “Hanging (attaching) a steam locomotive (or train of cars)” is an additional load, work, problem.
  • “Our locomotive is flying forward” is a symbol of fleeting time and change, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Why does a woman dream of a Train (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

  • A train in a dream foreshadows a journey.
  • Seeing yourself on a train with no rails under it means that serious worries await you because of a business that will eventually become the source of your well-being.
  • Riding in a dream on the top bunk of a train sleeping car means a real trip and an unpleasant fellow traveler. Plus, you'll be wasting money that you could be using more profitably.
  • Why do you dream about a train - a freight train in a dream foreshadows changes for the better.

We analyze the vision in which the Composition was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

I dreamed about the train - This is mechanical means messages. In syo associates this with the fragmentation of functioning in the life system. In addition, this is associated with the growth of social success and the state of expectation that this success is possible only if outside help, someone else's programming. Expectation peaceful life How the right trip, but in reality it is submission to the merciless snapping of the gear.

Why do you dream about a Train in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • In a dream, seeing yourself on a train that is traveling without rails symbolizes serious unrest about a business that will become a source of prosperity and wealth.
  • Dreaming of a freight train portends changes for the better.
  • Riding on the top bunk of a train in a dream means traveling with an unpleasant travel companion.
  • If you dreamed that you were getting motion sickness on a train, the journey would not be easy, but very effective.
  • Riding on a train with a pleasant companion in a dream means meeting a person along the way who will become a friend.

Train in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • A dream about a train, according to the dream book, symbolizes longing.
  • A carriage leaving or walking in a dream foreshadows a period of melancholy and sadness.
  • If you dreamed of boarding a train, changes await you.
  • Seeing yourself in a compartment in a dream is a period of life filled with what surrounds you in a dream.

Train according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

  • What does it mean to dream of traveling by train - to be invited to a dinner party, business meeting. Take this proposal seriously - perhaps not only your career, but also your personal life will depend on it.
  • Seeing a freight train in a dream means you are tired of your current relationship or experiencing professional burnout at work. The dream suggests that it’s time for you to go on vacation or just spend a weekend in the countryside, in nature.

Psychological analysis of the dream where the Express was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Why do you dream about composition? Trains are vehicles moving over rough terrain at a relatively low speed. Passengers are in close company fellow travelers, and therefore the trip is often perceived as romantic.

Why do you dream about trains? Dreams of this nature reflect the dreamer’s hope for a love affair. The dream may unfold as an affair with a fellow traveler. In a dream, a railway station, like a METRO STATION, is a place where many lines intersect, and therefore a place of life choice.

I had a dream about a Train (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Seeing that you are eating on an express train portends a change in your surroundings and vivid impressions, as well as new temptations to which you will succumb.
  • Why do you dream of getting off the train in a dream? According to the dream book, you feel very tired from everything that surrounds you, you are tired of everything, you want to rest and unwind.
  • You see yourself traveling on a train - to changes in life.

The meaning of the dream about the Car (Symbolic dream book)

  • If you dream about a train, you will change your life dramatically.
  • Riding a train with a pleasant companion in a dream is a long romantic adventure.
  • Feeling the movement of a train and hearing the sound of wheels means you are too sensitive a person, try to get less carried away by unimportant things.
  • I dreamed of traveling on a train - a tempting offer that should be quickly accepted.

Analysis of a dream in which a Train was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist Z. Freud)

  • Seeing yourself dozing off on a train, according to the dream book, means an imminent change of partner. The dream symbolizes your desire to escape reality. You are afraid to admit to yourself that it is time to break off your old relationship.
  • To see yourself walking along train cars - before you meet your soul mate, you will have to change several life partners.

Vacation is still far away, but would you like to relax already? Or perhaps you haven’t seen your family and friends for a long time? And suddenly you have a dream about a distant or near journey, you see yourself on a train in motion, or perhaps just standing at the station. You will find out below what the meaning of such a dream will be.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Trains dream of increasing your personal inner strength. Whether you are traveling alone, or in the company of friends - this will tell about your current state in reality: it will increase loneliness or, on the contrary, remind you of your sociability.

It is also a symbol of what you strive for in this life. Small trains - to short-term plans, large ones - to great aspirations. Traveling by train is the same as getting closer to your goal. Be sure that your strength is enough for this.

To be late for your flight is to miss the opportunity to get closer to something.

Dreaming of a freight train signifies the awareness of a heavy burden on your shoulders.

New family interpreter

A dream in which you are quickly driving somewhere foreshadows a long journey that you have long dreamed of.

Why might you dream of a train that moves not on rails, but on the ground? – One of your plans in reality will be difficult to implement and will make you worry. However, it can become the basis of your financial well-being.

A freight train is a harbinger of change for something better.

Riding on the top berth means your next trip will be with an unpleasant travel companion. Evaluate whether it is worth the money and emotional energy spent.

Gypsy dream book

You dream of a train passing by - you will miss the opportunity to realize your idea.

Driving at high speed means you will put in a lot of effort, thanks to which your goals will be achieved.

A dream about a freight train will indicate unnecessary things physical labor, the passenger one, on the contrary, will indicate excessive mental work.

Interpretation of Shuvalova

Such a dream is often associated with the desire for social success and the anxiety that haunts it that it is only possible with the help of strangers. This is a warning sign - you should not submit to someone or something. Don't let your environment negatively affect your thoughts. The way out of such a train is a refusal of this subordination, liberation from shackles.

Miller's Dream Book

Such a dream is a harbinger of an exciting journey. Driving slowly means sluggish developments, but high level the resulting results. Be patient.

Large freight trains are dreamed of by those who will soon experience changes for the better.

If your sleeping area turned out to be on the top shelf - on the trip you will spend a large sum money in connection with your not the best travel companion.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

Go somewhere - you will receive an invitation to a very important event.

If you dream that you are counting carriages, in reality you will be confused about deadlines, dates, and times. Perhaps this is due to constant reports to superiors.

You see a large train - time is running out for an important matter, hurry up.

Sit down at your station - you will have urgent matters, which you will not be happy about.

You were late for your flight - a dream will awaken deep doubts in you about the current state of affairs; loss of hope; hopelessness.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a train from the outside is a sign of spiritual anguish.

Seeing a departing train in the distance portends a long period with a sad mood.

Loff's interpretation

If you find yourself in the same compartment with by a stranger- hope for a romantic connection, what you really strive for. The dream may develop like a romance with your traveling companion.

The railway station dreams of a difficult choice, because you are standing at an intersection that requires you to make a difficult choice.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If you dream of a passenger train, it means big changes; commodity - to profitable trading; fast - dreams will quickly come true; went off the rails - to a series of bad luck.

Idiomatic interpreter

TO ? – a missed chance to realize your hidden potential.

To drive and break a rut is the will to win, overcoming life’s difficulties.

Composition of large quantity carriages - such a dream will bring additional troubles, stress, problems.

Women's dream book

You dream of a harbinger of travel if you are at a difficult crossroads between the will to win and the desire to give up.

What does the sorceress Medea say?

  • Riding on a train - you have firmly settled into the everyday rut of life, floating with the flow of a series of monotonous events.
  • Being late for departure means you are afraid of changes and disown them.
  • Entering the compartment is another return to normal life, the monotony of daily actions and events.

Interpreter of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

A dream in which you are traveling as a passenger means serious changes in life: work, family; in goods - to major business transactions; soon - your aspirations will find their fulfillment; going off the rails - failures in life; tracks without rails - to the imminent end of your life. Be careful and try to avoid this.

In dreams they symbolize your desires, your thoughts about upcoming changes in life. Movement in a dream is progress through life, and if the dream proceeds calmly, then further developments in life will also proceed smoothly. In any case, it is necessary to analyze the entire dream, because your brain can give you a signal about upcoming dangers or troubles. A warning may be expressed in various forms, which at first glance seem insignificant, but with a detailed analysis you can determine what exactly can hinder you in moving forward in life. Various dream books give a variety of interpretations of warnings and dangers: what does it mean to dream of traveling by train or other type of transport, so only you yourself can determine what exactly you should be careful of in the future. Looking at everything, analyzing it psychological impact, it is possible to construct a possible course of events in real life.

If you dream of traveling on a train and the trip goes quite well and without incident, this may mean that your future life will proceed at a normal pace. You will not have problems solving your everyday problems; everything will be resolved in a timely and calm manner. Your dream may have a double meaning, so pay attention to your fellow travelers, perhaps they said something to you or you helped them lift heavy things. This may mean that someone close to you will need your help.

If yours is from the beginning of the trip, then in all likelihood it brings prosperity, since it shows that changes in your life have already begun and you are guaranteed success. A dream where you take off on a plane is considered especially positive; the speed foreshadows the solution to your pressing problems. If in a dream you are traveling on a train, and you are accompanied by all your loved ones, then your life will be spent surrounded by people close and dear to you. You need to remember that a sufficient amount of time may pass from the day of the dream to the execution of your plans. For convenience, we can advise you not only to remember dreams, but also to write them down in a dream notebook.

Riding on a train and getting off at a station or stop can mean a favorable course of life for you if you got off of your own free will. If you were forced to forcibly interrupt your journey, then you should be wary of the evil will of your opponents who are trying to interfere with your quiet life. Getting out of transport can also mean changes in your life.

Troubles can promise accidents that happen to you in a dream. Traveling on a train and getting into a disaster may mean the collapse of your plans and a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you travel on a train that later crashed, then you should be afraid that not only you, but also your close circle will become ill. The dream warns you about the possible outcome of actions already taking place in your or public life.

Difficulties during the trip or at the beginning, which you might see in a dream, may carry Additional information. For example, you have lost your ticket, you cannot find your train or carriage - this indicates the possibility of changes in your destiny. If you don't get on this train, then perhaps there is another one on the other track that can take you to a completely different place. new life. If in a dream you are discussing the possibility of a trip, or you were walking to the station, but suddenly didn’t get there, then this can also be considered as a warning that changes are possible in your life.

Being late for transport, a train or a flight may mean that you have missed the opportunities given to you. If you are late on your route, then in life some real opportunities will not be available to you, but you should not be upset about this, since life will definitely give you the next chance and warn you about it. You just need to be careful and be able to see and feel this warning.

Rails sparkling in the sun and the rhythmic sound of wheels - a railway journey is so calming and always leads to something new, to some kind of change. As in reality, what a train ride means in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a path to change, and when interpreting such a plot in a dream, the most important thing is to find out what the changes will be - positive or negative.

Long railway track- like a line of life, and by its length one can judge the duration of existence. But not everything is so simple, because the main thing here is not the goal, but the situation and events on the road. For example, if you know that you are driving on tracks without rails, then this is a clear symbol of a dream book about a rapidly successful career.

According to Miller’s dream book, a train ride without rails and with very slow, difficult traffic promises the dreamer many exciting and unpleasant moments in the pursuit of high income. If you are traveling on the top shelf, then the upcoming journey will be accompanied by an extremely unpleasant person.


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