What is the full name Egor? The meaning of the name Egor for a boy

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This male name how Egor gives his owner very valuable qualities character - hard work and diligence. Thanks to them, Goga can achieve a lot in terms of social status, both in career and even in personal life. The meaning of the name Egor also speaks of the hot temper and grumpiness of these men. Often such people are overly pedantic.

The meaning of the name Egor for a boy gives such a child a developed sense of dignity and restlessness. Gosha loves to start new games and come up with entertainment for himself and his friends. At times he can be very affectionate and kind. Parents are often dissatisfied with their son's excessive cockiness. Cockiness can provoke conflicts with peers and even with adults.

The interpretation of the name indicates that Gosha has an analytical mind. Likes to analyze everything that happens around. Can be stubborn if teachers or mother and father try to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. In this case, it is better to give George a chance to do exactly what he wants and subsequently evaluate the correctness of his decision.

Also, the meaning of the name Egor for a child gives him a penchant for learning. A teacher can discourage the desire to acquire knowledge, with whom Hera will not be able to find common language. If this happens, then it is better for parents not to waste time and quickly transfer their son to another school. The attitude of his teachers towards him is of serious importance to Gosha.


Gosha is very honest in his relationships with women. This means that such men are not capable of deception and betrayal. Does not like women dressed vulgarly and wearing makeup. Prefers girls who are feminine, serious and modest.

If Goga confesses his love, then there is no doubt about the sincerity of his words. In rare cases, he may become carried away by an arrogant, bright woman, but such a romance will not last long and, most likely, will end very sadly for Hera. You may even experience long-term severe depression.


For a person like Goga, his wife and children are very important. Most often, the wife becomes the leader in the Goga family, but George’s opinion remains decisive in serious matters. Harmony in relationships with his wife is important for Goga great value. Only in such family relationships can one be truly happy.

He can be strict with his children if circumstances require it. He is in no hurry to enter into an official marriage with a woman he likes. He likes to pursue women who are higher than him on the social ladder. This indicates the need to overcome difficulties. At the same time, he does not attach much importance to the amount of effort put into conquering the beauty.

Most strong marriage possible with Olga, Svetlana, Natalia and Elena. Also, a girl named Maria will be an excellent wife for Gaucher. You should not marry Alevtina, Christina, Elvira and Veronica.

Business and career

Such men are quite ambitious, which means healthy ambitions together with innate hard work, they are able to raise Gosha to the very top of the career ladder. If the goal is of great importance, then I am ready to take risks. This approach often helps Goga become a real winner.

Difficulties and failures along the way career ladder Hera will not be stopped. Often one is not ready to work all his life in the place of an ordinary clerk. Tries to rise as high as possible. Gosha’s colleagues value him for his integrity, commitment and determination. The boss can become harsh.

Origin of the name Egor

The origin of the name Egor has ancient Greek roots. The etymology of this adverb with Greek language- “farmer, tiller of the soil.” The origin story is very interesting. The secret of the name tells us that in ancient times this was the name given to people who were irresponsible and prone to abusing alcoholic beverages.

There is another option for where the adverb came from. It is assumed that the ancestor was the Thunderer, whose name was Zeus. It turns out that sometimes the Thunderer was called George.

Characteristics of the name Egor

Gosha loves it when order reigns in all areas of his life. Most of all he hates lies. The characteristics of the name Egor speak of hard work and diligence. Able to find a way out of almost any situation, even one that seems hopeless.

The pros and cons of his character make him an enterprising and rather hot-tempered person. Can be grumpy and even boring at times. Weak points Gosha is his penchant for drinking alcohol and excessive sensuality. He can ruin his life because of a woman.

Not inclined to trust people. He opens his soul only to a very close, reliable person. Can be cocky. Great importance for Hera there is freedom and truth. He himself is always extremely honest and demands similar behavior from others.

Has a heightened sense of self-esteem. Thanks to certain qualities of his character, he quickly achieves a serious position in society. Gogi’s character is greatly influenced by the zodiac sign under which this man was born. Aries have a truly strong will. Taurus are quite spontaneous and good-natured. They attach great importance to mutual understanding with people. They are able to find a compromise in any dispute.

Born under the sign of Gemini, he is a very cheerful and witty person. Cancer's charisma does not dry out over the years. Leo loves noisy companies most of all. May be jealous. Virgo personality is sincere and collected. Prefers order in everything. Those born under the sign of Libra are unsure of themselves and changeable in love. Attaches great importance to feelings in love relationships.

Hera - Scorpio is distinguished by excessive frankness and independence. Sagittarius is self-confident, resourceful and energetic. Egor-Capricorn is difficult to unravel. Capable of unpredictable actions. Aquarius is generously gifted by nature, and Pisces loves to be capricious.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name day May 6th.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Egor Beroev (born 1977) is a Russian theater and film actor.
  • Georgy Shchukin (1925) is a Soviet and Russian director, as well as a screenwriter, artist of a number of animated films, author of architectural and artistic works.
  • Egor Druzhinin (1972) is a film director, choreographer and Russian actor. He starred in the films “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, “Love Classified as Top Secret - 2” and others.

Different languages

The translation of the name Egor from Greek is “farmer, tiller.” Below is how the adverb is translated and how it is written in foreign languages:

  • In Chinese – 叶戈尔 (sounds like egeer).
  • In Japanese it is 地主 (pronounced jinushi).
  • In English – George, Yegor, Egor.
  • In Latin - Georgius.

Name forms

  • Full name: Georgy.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Gora, Zhora, Hera, Egorka, Egunya, Gunya, Gesha, Goga.
  • Declension of the name - Egor - Egor - Egor.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is George.

Egor (George) - “farmer” (Greek)

Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If the neighbors' dog brings three puppies, then Yegorushka cannot explain why last time there were only two of them. In addition, he is very stubborn and distrustful.

A person who deceives him at least once risks losing Yegor’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer to another school, since the child will not study.

Adult Egor has good business qualities and finds a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will grumble due to his manner of reprimanding for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues respect him for his integrity, pedantry, and determination, but... they are somewhat afraid.

What he values ​​most in a woman is modesty. He does not tolerate it when she is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declaration of love and proposal are, as a rule, true and have serious intentions.

In marriage - a respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict small things, and shows firmness in big matters.

He faces sinusitis and nervous system disorders.

“Winter” Yegor is decisive, persistent, and has an analytical mindset.

“Autumn” - practical, not influenced. He can work as a designer, a lawyer, or become a military man. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Anisimovich, Grigorievich, Mironovich.

“Summer” - purposeful, energetic.

“Spring” - jealous, narcissistic. Can become a teacher, announcer, actor. Patronymic names: Yuryevich, Tarasovich, Stepanovich, Glebovich, Georgievich - for him.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 2

Meaning and Origin:

Farmer (Greek). In Russian it is Greek name more often used in its other form - Yuri. Another variant of the name is Egor.

Energy and Karma:

The name George conceals a tendency towards ambition, perhaps even towards some arrogance, but it also seems to hint to its owner about the fraughtness of such an elevation above people. Listen to the sound of this word, it begins on the rise, then its tension increases and at the end - uncertainty. Maybe that’s why Georgy often prefers to be called simply Zhora, while the diminutive version could sound differently - Hera. No, the name Zhora more smoothes out or masks dangerous ambition.

Secrets of communication:

If you want your conversation with Zhora to take a more confidential direction, you can risk opening your soul to him, telling him a little about your dreams, and dreaming up a little. Most likely, he will be able to respond with sincerity to fragility. Most easy way to mortally insult George and make him your enemy is to doubt his merits; on the contrary, George loves well-deserved compliments and praise, which is often taken advantage of by those around him.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet: Moon.
  • Name colors: dark steel, sometimes white.
  • Talisman stone: tiger eye, ruby.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 3

Russian folk form of the name Georgiy is a farmer. Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If a neighbor's dog brings three puppies, then there is no way to explain to him why last time there were only two of them!

In addition, Yegor is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceives him at least once risks losing the boy’s favor forever.

He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer him to another school: he will no longer study here. He has good business qualities and knows how to find a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will have to get used to his manner of reprimanding him for a long time even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues value him for his integrity, pedantry, purposefulness and... they are somewhat afraid of him.

In women, Egor values ​​modesty most of all. He does not tolerate it when a woman is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with flashy clothes or defiant behavior. Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declarations of love and proposals are, as a rule, sincere and serious. A respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict little things, and shows firmness in serious matters.

There are many chances to be happy in a marriage with Aurora, Ada, Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Nina, Rimma, Serafima, Tatyana, Yana. Luck in marriage with Agnia, Valeria, Varvara, Galina, Louise, Lyudmila, Maya is problematic.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 4

Cunning, internally sneaky, opportunistic, always looking where it is deeper, contradictory in life situations, not everyone's favorite. Their actions are incomprehensible to others. Capable of being excellent friends, but only to some.

Sex is of great value to them, in which they experience not only physical pleasure, but also maximum emotional experiences. They are usually faithful to their partners. If they are unlucky in sex, they look for a field of science or art that can take away all their strength.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 5

Egor - from Greek. farmer, folk Georgy.

Derivatives: Egorka, Gora, Zhora, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Gunya, Goga.

Name days: January 21, February 4, 17, 24, March 6, April 17, 20, May 2, 6, 26, 29, June 8, August 31, November 16, 23, December 9.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Uncle Yegor came out from behind many mountains.
  • The arrogant Egorka has boasts and excuses.
  • There is a saying for every Yegorka.
  • Fedora doesn’t marry Yegor, but Fedora goes, but Egor doesn’t take him.
  • On Yegorya (May 6) there will be dew - there will be good millet.
  • There will be frost on Yegorya (December 9) - there will be millet and oats.
  • It's frosty in Yegorya - buckwheat is good.
  • These seedlings will reach Yegorye and the cabbage will grow.
  • There are two Yegoryas in Rus': one is cold (December 9), the other is hungry (May 6).


In his youth, Yegor, like many others, was not without daring and daring; he knew no limits either in his brave adventures or in drunken revels. But having overcome “childhood illnesses”, Yegor can achieve a lot. He has all the data for this: hard work and diligence, love of order, accuracy, neatness. In a word, a competent fellow, worthy of all praise, if only... if only, in his desire to “put everything in order,” Yegor was not so boring, and sometimes quick-tempered (not everyone is as committed to order as he is!).

It happens that the impulses of youth “fly” at Yegor just when you need to have a sober head in order to choose a life partner. He may make an irreparable mistake. Or maybe pull out yours happy ticket, especially since Yegor has his own ideal of a woman: she should be open, honest, serious and respectable.

Meaning of the name Egor (George) option 6

Egor is a broad-minded person. Business-like, hardworking; knows how to find a way out of any situation; has an analytical mind. Quite stubborn.

With such character qualities, you can be an excellent leader, which most often happens to Yegor.

At the same time, he is a grumpy, hot-tempered, and even cocky person when drunk. There is a predisposition to alcoholism.

Egor is a respectable family man, a hospitable host, but a little despotic, in any case, he does not let his wife and children forget who is the boss of the house. An excellent, although very strict teacher, he is endowed by nature with a pedagogical gift. He loves and appreciates beauty, Egor has a weakness for flowers and grows them himself.

Origin of the name. The name Egor is one of the derivatives of the ancient Greek name George (Georgios), as well as the name Yuri. It became widespread starting in the 30s of the last century and acquired the status of an independent name. The meaning of the name George, translated from ancient Greek, is “farmer”; in some areas of ancient Hellas, this was the name given to the ruler of the Olympic pantheon, Zeus.

Short form of the name Egor- Zhora, Egorka, Gorka, Gera, Gerych, Gosha.

Foreign forms of the name Egor correspond to similar forms of the name George: George (Great Britain, USA), Georges (France), Giorgio (Italy), Jorge (Spain), George (Germany), Georgios (Greece), Jerzy (Poland), George (Hungary).

Egor's name day celebrated on the same days as George's name day: January 21, February 4 and 17, March 5, April 17 and 20, May 2, 6, 26 and 29, June 8 and 27, July 10, August 31, September 6, November 6 and 23, and December 9.

Characteristics of the name Egor

Positive traits of the name.

Egor is a very purposeful and persistent person in achieving his goals. Despite his ambition, he prefers to solve the tasks assigned to him in honest ways, without stooping to hypocrisy and manipulating others. The bearer of the name Egor is sociable, he can pick up the key to almost any person, so he always has many friends and just good acquaintances. In their circle, Yegor is known as a decent person who knows how to keep his word. He is able to help others and take care of them selflessly, receiving moral satisfaction from this.

Negative traits of the name.

It’s almost pointless for Yegor’s loved ones to convince him otherwise – his stubbornness is amazing. He does not listen to the arguments of others, being convinced that his opinion is the only correct one. Yegor also behaves quite harshly with those who somehow fall out of favor with him. Sometimes he can be cynical, is not always tolerant with others, and can undeservedly offend people (though, to his credit, it is worth noting that Yegor always admits his mistakes).

Choosing a profession by name.

Egor is a very versatile person, different periods His life may be attracted to professions that are completely different in orientation. He can be an engineer from God, or he can be a brilliant artist - it all depends on the breadth of his horizons. Usually Egor is not limited to mastering one type of activity, trying to master several professions.

The impact of a name on business.

Egor will not part with his money unless he has firm guarantees that it will bring dividends. Therefore, business related to investing does not attract him. He can achieve relative success by engaging in small-scale business operations.

The influence of a name on health.

Egor should pay attention to musculoskeletal system: this part of the body is the most vulnerable. He often suffers from radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and muscle strains. In his youth, Yegor should be wary of physical activity so that in adulthood you do not become a regular client of a chiropractor.

Psychology of a name.

With those around him, Yegor likes to play the role of an older brother, a mentor. It is important for him to maintain authority in the society in which he moves. More than anything else, he is offended by the lack of trust on the part of his loved ones, as well as the attempt to manipulate him. If Egor notices that someone is playing a dishonest game with him, he will without hesitation cut off all ties with this person. Egor is not vindictive, but is capable of dealing quite harshly with those who purposefully harm him.

Name compatibility.

Yegor's ideal is a sophisticated and delicate woman, who is associated with a fragile princess from a fairy tale who needs to be protected and protected. He will gladly devote himself to these activities if his chosen one does not display unfeminine character traits. The likelihood of a long and happy union is high if Yegor falls in love with Inna, Angelica, Svetlana, Natalia, Oksana, Vera. It will be difficult for Yegor to find a common language with Marina, Evgenia, Adelaide and Larisa.

List famous people with the name Egor:

  • director Egor Konchalovsky
  • actor Egor Beroev
  • musician Egor Letov
  • fashion designer Egor Zaitsev
  • politician Egor Stroev
  • The name Egor has church roots and is associated with St. George the Victorious. Distinctive features Egor's character is honesty, seriousness, responsibility. Owners of this name often achieve professional heights in their careers, becoming managers. Yegor approaches the choice of a life partner more than seriously, immediately outlining the scope of his intentions. This is a demanding person who values ​​friendship and loyalty.

    Character and destiny

    The name Egor is of ecclesiastical origin. This name comes from the name George. Meaning: patron of agriculture. The secret of the name Egor lies in history. St. George the Victorious was born in order to defeat the formidable monster - the dragon.

    Name forms: Egorka, Egorushka, Zhora, Zhorochka, Georges, Zhorzhik, Zhorka. Name day by Orthodox calendar celebrated on May 6th.

    As a child, Egor is an active child who values ​​​​freedom. Honesty is important to a boy. Does not tolerate insults towards weak people. Even though young age, able to stand up for himself. Knows how to distinguish good from bad. That is why relations with worthy people are shaping up well.

    Yegor does not have any serious health problems. There is a tendency to be overweight. The child's parents should teach him to proper nutrition and physical activity.

    Egor is a born neat guy and, when purchasing many things, he bases his purchases on their significance. When meeting friends he becomes relaxed and an open person, but as soon as he lies to someone, he withdraws into himself. He remembers many things well, so outsiders may seem like a bore. During the period of growing up, he can achieve great professional heights if he does not deviate from the intended path. When Yegor becomes an adult, his isolation disappears. IN difficult situation he is the first person to find a way out.

    In the business sphere, he tries to give 100%. If future profession Egor will turn out to be boring, she may become despondent and become disillusioned with her own life. Can find fast decision any problems. It will take a lot of effort to earn his trust. Being the director of a company, he can reprimand his subordinates for even a minor mistake. Workers, despite strict character Egor is valued as a purposeful and highly qualified employee.

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    Marriage and family

    In relationships with girls, Egor is sincere and incapable of deception. If he confesses his love, then his intentions are quite serious. In the family, he proves himself to be a wonderful husband and father, even though he is a little strict with the children. I am not against the wife taking the leading role, but in difficult circumstances he makes the decision himself. He loves fidelity and chastity in ladies, but when meeting a femme fatale he can lose his mind.

    Yegor will have the best relationship with the owners of the names: Anna, Elena, Yulia, Anastasia, Tatyana, Ekaterina, Natalya, Christina, Lyudmila, Irina, Lilia. Marriage with girls named Marina, Maria, Svetlana, Victoria, Ksenia, Yana, Nadezhda, Diana, Evgenia, Daria, Alena, Margarita is undesirable.

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    Name color

    The most suitable color for Egor it is blue. Blue color is characterized by such qualities as wisdom, calmness, self-confidence, responsibility for actions, inspiration. It helps you do great things and find solutions to any difficult problems. The soul becomes purer, and the thirst for new knowledge manifests itself even more. Suitable for philosophers, businessmen, writers and other creative individuals.

    Special need for blue color arises in Yegor when he experiences negative emotions. It could be resentment, sadness or simple overwork. Egor's slight melancholy requires relaxation, which is provided by turquoise shades.

    The color scheme in the interior will help control emotional condition. If this is an office, then you need to decorate the room in blue tones. This color will help employees monitor their work efficiency and establish mutual understanding within the team.

    If Egor feels stressed in the workroom, then it is better to purchase a stone of rich blue tones. Sapphire or lapis lazuli are suitable for this.

    If Yegor has a pronounced romanticism, then he needs to add blue-colored items to his wardrobe. These clothes are ideal for everyday wear or a romantic date. You can’t do without denim clothing; it will add nobility and will look stylish. It is better to purchase a work suit in dark blue.

    A wardrobe containing blue shades will help Yegor develop intelligence, attentiveness, become happier and more restrained in emotions.

    Designation of tones for George:

    1. 1. Blue. Dreaminess, calmness and belief in a better future.
    2. 2. Dark blue. Melancholy, self-absorption.
    3. 3. Sea wave. Self-confidence, importance, managing emotions, controlling tomorrow.

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    Significant numbers

    The most important number for Yegor is 8. The value of this number indicates a high probability of personal victories. After all, this figure contains courage and perseverance. Self-confidence helps you overcome any obstacles along the way. Initially, the number 8 is endowed with the quality of a fighter. These are the people who become leaders. With such firm confidence, there are no insurmountable obstacles for Egorov. These people are always one step ahead, because their main task is self-knowledge.

    In addition to positive qualities, Egor also has negative traits. More often negative side manifests itself in relation to business partners. The habit of scolding people for minor offenses prevents Yegor from concentrating at the right moment. But despite the anger, colleagues accept this as part of business life. But outside the business sphere, everything is different. People do not like rough and tough traits, which is why the main task of the number 8 is self-control.

    Horoscope for Egor

    Egor's character is associated with the sign of the Zodiac:

    • Aries. Strong-willed character, always honest with people. Values ​​friendship and mutual understanding most of all. Doesn't like to play games with girls. Such a man will speak directly about his intentions.
    • Calf. Kind and nice man. Tries to achieve mutual understanding both in love and friendship. In a dispute, I am ready to compromise. He takes insults quite strongly, but withdraws into himself for a short time.
    • Twins. An extrovert, he will always find a way out in a difficult situation. Likes to joke with people for fun. The companion of such a man should treat his antics calmly, because over time it will stop.
    • Cancer. Very bright personality both externally and internally. Lives by impressions, quickly changes hobbies. This sign should choose a woman who will bring new emotions.
    • A lion. Confident and ready for achievements. He is never alone, always surrounded by a large company, loves parties. In relationships he is very jealous, but he values ​​his chosen one and will never give offense.
    • Virgo. Sincere, loves order. Egor strives for a relationship, but friendship is always more important for such a person. Doesn't forgive betrayal. Realistically assesses compatibility with the future chosen one.
    • Scales. Lives in harmony, but is quite passionate. He likes to get girls, but more often it's pipe dream. After all, he lacks the courage to be decisive.
    • Scorpion. Responsible and frank. He will not let himself be offended; when making a decision, the last word remains with him. Scorpio has a lot of women, but as soon as a sincere and open girl, Yegor will not let her go.
    • Sagittarius. Lives for today, the soul of the company. When making decisions, he weighs the pros and cons, which is why he makes the right choice. In relationships, he seeks returns. A romantic person, he believes in high feelings.
    • Capricorn. Mystery man. People will never guess what Yegor is thinking about at this moment. He doesn't even trust himself. When in society, he strives to disappear as quickly as possible. The fate of Capricorn depends entirely on the other half.
    • Aquarius. A versatile and intelligent man. A good friend and an equally wonderful husband. People often suspect that Georgy has no emotions. But Aquarius is used to showing his love not with words, but with actions.
    • Fish. A person who gives in to sadness. Lives by feelings, afraid of his actions. More often than not, Pisces are not deprived of external beauty. When trying to get to know George better, you can guess how rich his inner world is.

    In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Egor, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

    • Zodiac Egor - Sagittarius
    • Planet - Jupiter
    • The color of the name Egor is blue
    • Auspicious tree - poplar
    • Egor's treasured plant - lily of the valley
    • The patron of the name Egor is the white bull
    • Yegor's talisman stone is sapphire

    What does the name Egor mean: farmer (the name Egor is of Greek origin).

    Short meaning of the name Egor: Egorka, Egorushka, Grief, Zhora, Egorsha, Egosha, Egunya, Goga.

    Patronymic name Egor: Egorovich, Egorovna; decomposition Yegorych.

    Angel Day named after Egor: The name celebrates name days twice a year:

    • May 6 (April 23) - The Holy Great Martyr Yegor the Victorious warrior declared himself a follower of Christ during the persecution of Christians; denounced the pagan king for wickedness and, after great torment, was beheaded in 303.
    • December 9 (November 26) - New Martyr Yegoriy of Chios suffered from the Turks in 1807.

    Signs of the name Egor: St. Yegor is prayed for the protection of girls and patronage of all rural work. May 6 - Yegory the Victorious, Yegory the Brave: “Egory brought spring to the threshold.” Egoriev's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments: they roll on the dew to get health. This day is the feast of the shepherds: St. Yegory himself, invisible to people, rides out into the field on his white horse and grazes the cattle, protecting them from the animals, over which he also rules. December 9 -Yegory is cold. Yegory the winter is the ruler of wolves: the beast will not touch any cattle without his command, therefore they say: “What the wolf has in its teeth, Yegory gave it!” - and they throw the bad lamb to the wolves. On Egori autumn snakes - birthday girls; They will not spare either sinners or saints, so you can’t go into the forest on this day!

    Character of the name Egor: Egor is diligent and hardworking, he loves when in life full order, and strives to put everything “on the shelves”. Hates lies. A man named Egor will find a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness, sometimes turning into a fair amount of boringness. Yegor, having overcome his youthful wildness (it can lead him far down an unrighteous path!), is able to reach significant professional heights, from which his weakness for drink and sensuality can overthrow him. Although a man named Yegor appreciates straightforwardness, seriousness and integrity in a woman, he may well lose his head because of a person of the exact opposite character. In general, Egorov has at least three chances in life - to fly very high, and to fall with a deafening roar.

    A broad-minded, businesslike, very hardworking person who knows how to find a way out of any situation. Distrustful, quick-tempered, sometimes even cocky according to the meaning of the name. The name Egor moves up the career ladder easily and has good business qualities. If he becomes a boss, he reprimands his subordinates for a long time even for minor offenses. Colleagues value him for his integrity, pedantry, and determination, but at the same time, they are afraid of him.

    In a love relationship, the name Egor is not able to deceive a woman. This is a simple-minded person and his declarations of love are sincere and serious. A man named Yegor is a good family man, an exemplary owner, and a little strict with children. She does not mind the wife being the leader in the family, but in serious matters she reserves the final say. Naturally endowed with pedagogical talent, he is an excellent teacher. Sex for the name Egor plays an important role in his life.

    A fidget and a bully from the cradle, the name Egor will always strive for freedom and truth. The concept of honesty for him is the main criterion of behavior. And since childhood, this kid knows what self-esteem is. It is thanks to these three qualities that a man named Yegor, not a handsome man, not a hero, first occupies a worthy position in school, and then in society.

    The name Egor is hardworking, diligent, loves order and system in everything. He has good business qualities and can find a way out of the most difficult situations. In the service, they listen to his opinion, believe him and know that before making a decision, he weighed everything well and checked it more than once. Very often he occupies leadership positions. True, he loves to scold the offender, is quick-tempered, stubborn and distrustful.

    A man named Yegor will not be seduced by a flashily dressed girl with bright makeup. His chosen one is modest, feminine, serious. No one is immune from mistakes, and Yegor can lose his head because of a beauty with a harmful character. But it won't last long. The name Egor is a wonderful family man, an exemplary owner. He is strict with children, does not contradict women’s weaknesses in small things, and takes serious matters upon himself.

    Name Egor in other countries: Translation of the name Egor into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as George (George), in Spanish: Jorge (George), in German: Georg (Georg), on Polish language: Jerzy (Irzhi), in Ukrainian: Egor.

    The fate of the name Egor in history:

    1. Egor Petrovich Kovalevsky (1811-1868) - famous traveler and writer, mechanical engineer and philosopher. Travels and historical research gave him material for many books, which were later included in the posthumous five-volume collected works, among which are interesting: “Four Months in Montenegro”, “Wanderer by Land and Seas”, “Travel to China”, “Count Bludov and His Time " and many others. Kovalevsky was one of the founding members of the Society for Benefiting Needy Writers and Scientists (Literary Fund, which still exists today!) and served as its chairman until his death.
    2. Egor Ligachev - (born 1920) political figure.
    3. Egor Stroev - (born 1937) political figure.
    4. Egor Abakumov - (1895 - 1953) Russian leader in the coal industry.
    5. Egor Beroev - (born 1977) Russian theater and film actor.
    6. Egor Letov - (1964 - 2008) real name - Igor; Russian rock musician, poet, leader of the rock group “Civil Defense”)
    7. Yegor Gaidar - (1956 - 2009) Russian statesman and political figure, economist, Doctor of Economics.
    8. Egor Sabler - (1810 - 1864) Russian astronomer, student of V.Ya. Struve.
    9. Egor Konstantinov - Russian historian; prepared the “Training Book of the History of the Russian State” (1820) and translated from German: Galetti, “Abridgement of General History” (1811) and Schreck, “ Educational book general history" (1818; 1819-1820).
    10. Egor Sokolov - (1750 - 1824) Russian architect, representative of classicism.
    11. Egor Sabinin - (1833 - ?) Russian mathematician.
    12. Egor Sozonov (Sazonov) - (1879 - 1910) Russian revolutionary, Socialist Revolutionary, terrorist, murderer V.K. Plehve.
    13. Egor von Reinecke - (1790 - 1868) consul Russian Empire in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
    14. Egor Ivanov - (born 1991) Ukrainian football player, midfielder.
    15. Egor Konev - (born 1970) Belarusian writer and playwright. Writes in Belarusian. Son of film playwright Fyodor Konev.

    What does the name Egor mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

    Honesty Firmness Practicality

    Egor Letov, musician

    • Meaning of the name
    • Impact on the child

    Origin of the name: Russian

    When you're lucky: Tuesday, Wednesday

    When there are problems: Thursday

    Important years of life: 19, 28, 53

    Zodiac sign: Gemini

    Lucky number: 65

    What does the name Egor mean?

    What a solid, laconic and loud name! The meaning of the name Egor implies integrity, activity, firmness, as well as practicality and observation of its owner.

    It creates the impression of isolation and inaccessibility. This combination of sounds seems to be hewn from stone.

    The interpretation of the name predicts frequent conflict situations with others in childhood. Having matured, Yegor finds relaxation in his favorite activities and hobbies.

    It turns out that the bearer of this name is distinguished from representatives of other names capable of accumulating tension by the fact that he is not characterized by plasticity, and every conflict leaves a deep emotional wound on Yegor’s heart.

    IN modern world this nickname is not one of the most common or popular, and therefore its energy has a super-powerful effect on Yegor’s psyche.

    In most cases, these are closed and uncommunicative people. They do not demonstrate to others their dissatisfaction or irritation, which accumulates until their strength to restrain themselves is exhausted.

    The secret of the patronymics Egorovich, Egorovna reveals a stubborn but indecisive character. It is difficult to find an approach to them, it is difficult to convince them of anything.

    Would you name your child this name?
    Not really

    The ancient form of the name Yegoriy is Russian origin. When discussing what the name Egor means, you need to look for the origins in the name George, which has Greek etymology. It is interpreted as “the patron of agriculture, the tiller of the soil.”

    It is believed that in certain parts of Russia Yegor was called “the last drunkard” or a man of irresponsible behavior. In Russian fairy tales, people endowed Yegor with savvy, cheerfulness, and resourcefulness.

    The name Egor acquired independence at the beginning of the 20th century. Ancient name Yegor was given to villagers in Rus', but the right to be called George belonged to noble families.

    Yegor and George have a common protector - the holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, the most revered saint of this name, known even to Muslims. This is one of the main non-Koranic figures of Mohammedanism. In addition, the origin of the name Yegor mentions the existence of Saint Yegor of Chios, the patron of Yegorov, who suffered from the Turkish conquerors in 1807. Memorial Day December 9th.

    The first chronicle recorded George on our lands was Grand Duke Kiev and Chernigov Igor Olegovich (died ca. 1147), who took this name in baptism.

    The history of the name Egor is proud of its namesakes, outstanding personalities, such as: E. Zolotarev - mathematician, E. Ligachev - politician, E. Konchalovsky - director, E. Druzhinin - actor, E. Tomko - Hero of the USSR, military leader, E. Wagner - chemist, E. Gaidar - scientist-economist, etc.

    Forms of the name Simple: EgorFull: EgorAncient: EgoriyTender: Egorka

    Since childhood, Egorka has been distinguished by her analytical mind and quick wit. The boy amazes those around him with excessive stubbornness and, in some way, distrust.

    The man who deceived him once would probably lose the boy's respect forever. He performs well at school, and is never afraid to enter into an argument with a teacher who, in his opinion, is mistaken.

    In most cases in adolescence the violence of his character subsides, the main thing is to correctly guide the young man so that he does not go down a crooked path.

    The characterization of the name Egor describes its adult representative as an excellent worker, often achieving high positions or significant success in any field. Colleagues will appreciate him for his accuracy and determination. If he becomes a leader, he will reprimand his subordinates for any offense.

    Fate provides mature Egors with several chances to achieve much in life. Missing these chances will mean a rapid fall and landing on the outskirts of life.

    In Yegor’s characterization, you can find out that this man is most often independent and self-sufficient, from the cohort of fate’s darlings. Luck often favors him, so among the representatives of this nickname there are often amateurs gambling. The thirst for adrenaline drives him. Understanding the danger of the situation, he will take risks again and again, go all-in and win!

    Egor can be called pedantic and responsible. Likes to keep everything tidy and clean. He tries to put everything “on the shelves.” Does not tolerate deception, values ​​honesty and decency.

    The character of the name Egor is reliable, conscientious and principled. His description explains that he is a sensible, efficient, respectable person. He is a wonderful owner, standing firmly on his feet, which means he is an active, confident, trustworthy person. Before doing anything, he will think a hundred times and calculate all the nuances.

    The secret of his name gives him brilliant business qualities, excellent orientation in extreme situations, and the ability to find a way out of unfavorable situations.

    Egor is a freedom-loving and truth-lover. Honor, truthfulness and self-esteem are the prevailing qualities of his character that determine his line of behavior. Egor’s excellent characterization is spoiled by such negative traits as hot temper and grumpiness, and sometimes tediousness.

    The stubbornness of these men drives their family and friends crazy. It is almost impossible to convince Yegor of his worldview. Yegor is vindictive and does not forgive insults. He is cruel to his offenders and can, at every opportunity, remind them of the mistake he made.

    Character Traits Purposefulness Practicality Responsibility Firmness Honesty Hot tempered Grouchiness to the point of being boring Stubbornness Grudge Conflict

    Yegor welcomes modesty in girls. Avoids skimpily dressed and brightly made-up women who present themselves provocatively. We can safely say that in relationships with his lovers this man is simple-minded.

    Good and bad couples Alexandra Anna Elizaveta Kristina Natalia Olga Anastasia Valeria Victoria Ekaterina Elena

    Love revelations on his part are always sincere and serious. He cannot deceive.

    He will be ideally compatible with a straightforward, serious and decent woman. But he may well lose his head from a woman who is the opposite of his ideal.

    According to Yegor’s description, in marriage this man proves himself to be a wonderful family man and a wonderful owner. If the spouse tries to take a leading position, then he yields to her, but when solving important issues he can show his firmness and determination.

    The meaning of the name Egor for a boy

    The name Egor, which we have long loved, comes from the ancient Greek name George. It means "worker of the land" or "farmer".

    In ancient times, the name was used as a nickname, calling a reckless man or a drunkard. Over time, it lost this negative meaning and was transformed into the independent Yegor, and then into Yegor.

    The meaning of the name gives the child a balanced, practical, prudent, businesslike and strong-willed character.

    In his childhood, Yegor shows himself to be a diligent and hardworking boy. This fidget and bully is characterized by a developed sense of self-esteem. The child is vulnerable and touchy, hot-tempered and annoying.

    He will never talk about his experiences; he hides his emotions as deeply as possible. If he is forced to reveal his feelings, he becomes very irritated and withdraws into himself.

    The parents are convinced that the boy’s soul is affectionate and gentle. If desired, he will open it himself and share his secrets when he sees fit.

    What will Egor achieve success in? The child studies well, but conflicts with teachers are possible. He will do excellent written work, but his oral answers will be of poor quality. He has brilliant abilities, but does not know how to use them. Egor will achieve success in entrepreneurial activity or in trade. He can choose the profession of a hotel or bar manager, manager, publisher, driver, doctor, civil servant.

    Don't put pressure on your child. Help him overcome his obsession with trifles. Then you will grow up to be a strong and determined man.

    What games will Egor like? This boy's hobbies do not require mobility or quick reaction. Team games are not his thing strong point. He reads encyclopedias and watches educational programs. Loves to ride a bike.

    When is the name day?

    January 11 March 18 May 10 August 3 November 10 December 31 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

    What does the name Egor mean?

    A man named Yegor is a rather tough and narcissistic person. It is not easy to cooperate with him in work and it is also not easy to be friends with him, because of his constant search for benefits in everything.

    The name Egor, translated from Old Church Slavonic, means “patron of agriculture.”

    Origin of the name Egor:

    This name comes from Old Slavonic name Georgy and for a long time was its colloquial form. Now it is an independent name.

    Characteristics and interpretation of the name Egor:

    Little Yegorka loves to analyze everything and is extremely stubborn. If he has some kind of picture in his head, there is no way to explain to him that these are just fantasies. He doesn't trust people and doesn't accept lies. If someone deceives him, he will lose his trust for life. Diligent and hardworking, loves to learn. However, any conflict with the teacher may lead to him stopping going to school.

    Yegor's character has everything necessary to become a leader - he has willpower, Vital energy he is in full swing, he is always looking for something new and interesting. And he applies all these qualities in his work. Egor is an egoist - it is important for him to quickly climb the career ladder, earning the praise of his superiors, and he is ready to do anything for this, which often causes dissatisfaction with his colleagues. He lacks modesty, so nothing prevents him from moving forward, sometimes even “over the heads” - “substituting” his rivals. The craving for work, fame and money makes him an excellent deputy or official, even a minister. He has high self-esteem, and he tries in every possible way to implement all his ambitious ideas. He seeks benefit in everything, both in family and in work. There is no way to dull his power, ruthlessness towards other people over whom he strives to rise.

    Egor has good business qualities. But he is very picky, grumpy and hot-tempered. Therefore, if he becomes a leader, then his subordinates should get used to his long “reprimands” for any violations. What you can’t blame him for is his ability to instantly find ways out of the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Management respects and appreciates his desire to achieve his goal, pedantry and integrity. Egor is a true careerist. But despite this, he lacks qualities such as greed, greed or resentment. A career for him is only a method of increasing self-esteem in order to prove to himself that he is capable of something.

    Egor loves modesty in a woman. He can't stand brightly painted young ladies who are trying to attract attention to themselves. He appreciates simplicity, charm and grace. In marriage, Egor is a good family man. His feelings and confessions are always sincere. He treats his wife with respect. But because of his pride, he believes that women should pursue him and love him for who he is. Doesn't pay attention to little things. If a wife tries to take a leading position in the family, he will give in to her, considering this approach to be just a woman’s weakness and a desire to lead. However, he treats serious issues with the utmost severity and shows character. In search of benefits, Egor’s family is no exception. Often, Yegor marries only because of the profitable acquaintances of his fathers-in-law or their high position in society. Nevertheless, he will never show this to his wife; he expects support and support from her.

    Yegor treats his children with strictness. He prefers to be an authority in their eyes. But he is always ready to help in a difficult situation for them.

    The name Yegor, until the nineteenth century, was used only by the common people. It was customary for nobles to use either the name Georgiy or another name derived from Georgiy - Yuri.

    Today, Egor is a more common name than George.

    Name Egor in different languages:

    • Name Egor in English: Egor (Egor)
    • Name Egor in Chinese: 叶戈尔 (Egeer)
    • Name Egor in Japanese: エ0ゴル (Egoru)
    • Name Egor in Spanish: Jorge (George)
    • Name Egor in German: Georg (Georg)
    • Name Egor in Polish: Jerzy (Irzhi)
    • Name Egor in Ukrainian: Egor

    Forms and variants of the name Egor: Egorka, Gora, Gunya, Goga, Zhora, Egonya, Gorya, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Egosha

    Egor - name color: blue

    Egor's Flower: lilac

    Egor's Stone: sapphire

    Characteristics of the name Egor (George) | The secret of the name Egor (George)

    Egor (George) - “farmer” (gr.).

    Characteristics of the name Egor

    Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If the neighbors' dog brings three puppies, then Yegorushka cannot explain why last time there were only two of them. In addition, he is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceives him at least once risks losing Yegor’s favor forever.

    Characteristics of the name Egor is a good student, diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer to another school, since the child will not study.

    Adult Egor has good business qualities and finds a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will grumble due to his manner of reprimanding for a long time even for minor violations. The secret of the name Yegor achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues respect him for his integrity, pedantry, and determination, but... they are somewhat afraid.

    Character of the name Egor

    What he values ​​most in a woman is modesty. He does not tolerate it when she is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with her behavior, dresses loudly, and behaves provocatively. Characteristics of the name Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declaration of love and proposal are, as a rule, true and have serious intentions.

    In marriage, the secret of the name Egor is a respectable family man, a strong owner, and somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, he doesn’t contradict little things, and he shows firmness in major matters. He faces sinusitis and nervous system disorders.

    “Winter” Yegor is decisive, persistent, and has an analytical mindset. “Autumn” is practical, not susceptible to influence. He can work as a designer, a lawyer, or become a military man. The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Anisimovich, Grigorievich, Mironovich.

    “Summer” - purposeful, energetic.

    “Spring” - jealous, narcissistic. Can become a teacher, announcer, actor.

    What middle name suits the name Egor?

    Patronymic names: Yuryevich, Tarasovich, Stepanovich, Glebovich, Georgievich - for him.

    Full name Egor: meaning and origin

    Egor is a simple and sweet-sounding name. Egorka is a frequent hero of Russians folk tales. He is always resourceful and cheerful, he is always luckier than others and never loses heart. Where does this name come from and what is it like? full version and what character traits is endowed with a person named Yegor at birth?

    Full name Egor

    The name Egor came to us from the Greek language. Derived from “George” (plowman, landowner), it gradually became an independent name. Zeus was also sometimes called George. As you know, he had several names. Today, the names Egor and Georgy can be used both to refer to the same person, and as completely independent ones. More often than not, Yegor still does not respond to George, and vice versa.

    Egor's character

    From birth a boy named this beautiful name, grows very independent. Fortune smiles on a born lucky person, the darling of fate, which is why among the Georgievs ( full name Egor) fans of gambling are often found. For the sake of winning (monetary or love), like a young man from a fairy tale, he is always ready for exploits. He is willing to take risks and often wins.

    Egor’s failures do not stop him; in case of defeat, he can only admit his mistakes, but he will immediately find another form of entertainment and go towards a new goal. A cold mind and accurate calculation, unfortunately, are not his strong point. If Egor can take full advantage of these personal qualities and shows diligence, then a brilliant career awaits him in any field, be it politics, sports or art.

    Friendship and love

    Georgy (full name Yegor), due to his adventurous character, is often not the most best friend. He can entice you into a dubious enterprise and get away with it, but his accomplices may not succeed. Therefore, you need to have your head on your shoulders, and not succumb to the sweet speeches of this darling of fate. The same applies to relationships with women. Here Georgy (full name Yegor) is absolutely the same adventurer. For the sake of sport, he can hit on even a lady of royal blood. Egor is in no hurry to quickly formalize the relationship. He will weigh the pros and cons possible risks and the benefits of marriage.

    For Yegor, independence and thriftiness are especially valuable in a woman. Good marriage It will work out with Maria, Svetlana, Olga and Natalya. Will not be successful family relationships with Christina, Elvira or Alevtina. Girls with these rare names will muffle Yegor’s natural adventurousness, and with them he will not be able to express his bright individuality.

    Famous bearers of the name

    It does not matter what full name the child was given at birth - Egor or Georgy. People so named tend to achieve significant success in their lives. This includes Georgy Sviridov, a famous Russian pianist and composer, and Georgy Grechko, a Russian cosmonaut, and famous politicians Yegor Gaidar and Yegor Likhachev, and actors Yegor Beroev and Yegor Druzhinin. In general, the list can be continued endlessly. But, as we see, people with this name were really able to achieve tremendous success in various fields activities.


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