How and when to sow white mustard as green manure: in autumn or spring? White mustard as green manure, how and when to sow it.

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Green manures, or green manure crops, mean fresh plant matter used to replenish fertile soils. Green manure has a high concentration of organic elements and transports them from deep soils to the upper layers, thereby improving the properties of humus. The absorption of such elements occurs much faster than other substances. One of the plants suitable for such soil fertilizing is mustard.

As a fertilizer, this crop is twice as effective as manure and has low price and labor intensity, reduces the use of herbicides, as well as the amount of weeding. The advantage of a plant is its function in crop rotation. The root secretions of mustard contain organic acids, which, when interacting with the soil, transform a number of nutrients from inaccessible to easily digestible.

How do green manures affect the soil?

Green manures have high level useful elements, they create obstacles to the leaching of nutrient mixtures beyond the boundaries of the root layer. This type of crop also carries useful material from deep soil to the upper layers, thereby promoting the process of accumulation of humus, which improves the properties of the soil.

It is known that the higher the concentration of humus, the lower the thermal conductivity and the greater its heat capacity. As a result, the physical evaporation of water is reduced, which means that cultivated plants begin to use moisture more productively.

Beneficial microflora develops intensively due to the high humus content, since green fertilizers in the soil rot faster than other organic substances with a high fiber content.

Description of white mustard

Mustard as a fertilizer is a honey plant belonging to the Cruciferous family, oilseed annual species. This culture is characterized by the ability to release sparingly soluble phosphates.

The height of the plant ranges from 25 to 80 cm. The stem is erect, branched upward, with a hard fiber structure. Mustard leaves are composed of lobes with sharp edges. Flowers of white or pale yellow color are collected in inflorescences, of which there can be up to a hundred, and have a honey aroma. Plants are pollinated by insects.

The flowering period for this type of crop is June-July. Mustard ripens in August. The fruit looks like a white pod with round light yellow seeds. Ripe fruits do not crack, so the ripe plant is harvested with a combine after the pods acquire a brownish-yellow color.

The characteristic features of the culture are light and moisture-loving, although it is quite unpretentious - it germinates and grows at cool temperatures, and is undemanding to the soil.

Homeland and distribution of the plant

White mustard spread to Europe, India, America and Japan from the Mediterranean. As a weed, it is found throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern regions. Its main habitat is fields and roadsides.

Mustard sprouts and grows on any soil (acidic, alkaline). Crops can withstand light frosts down to -5 degrees Celsius, and at -3 the seeds begin to germinate.

Growing mustard for fertilizer

To fertilize the soil, mustard is sown, germinates and mowed while in the green mass, before flowering, since during the ripening period its organic value decreases, and the seeds can only clog the garden.

Sowing a plant as a green manure and planting it take a period of 55 to 70 days or up to ten weeks. In order for the crop to rot, it is better to dispose of it in the ground and bury it by autumn.

The soil cover for sowing mustard is only loosened to a depth of 15 cm (depending on the type of soil) using a rake. Moreover, the base for planting the plant should have a fine-grained structure.

Before digging up the fertilizer, it is recommended to treat the crop with the Baikal-EM1 solution in a ratio of one to five hundred. To form humus - a fertile layer of soil - a sufficient amount of moisture is necessary. In this case, mustard quickly rots in the soil, as it has a good ratio of nitrogen and carbon compounds and a low level of coarse fiber.

Phytosanitary characteristics of mustard

Mustard as a fertilizer has phytosanitary properties, which reduce infection cultivated plants the following diseases: late blight, fusarium rot, club scab and rhizoctonia. These diseases are especially destructive for potatoes.

If you plant mustard later in the fall, then the death and decrease in the number of a pest such as wireworm occurs due to violation of its wintering conditions.

Plant seeding rates

The sowing rate of mustard for green manure is from 2.5 to 4 g/sq.m. At the same time, the depth of soil loosening is 8-15 cm.

Sowing is done using a rake, with which the fruits of the plant are lightly embedded in the soil.

In order to increase the efficiency of eliminating wireworms, the rate of use of mustard seeds is increased to 5 g/sq.m.

landing next crop should be carried out no earlier than three to four weeks after planting the green manure crop.

Periods for sowing mustard for fertilizer

Many gardeners are interested in the question: “When to plant mustard as a fertilizer?” The plant is sown and planted in the ground two to three times per season. The last sowing occurs in the fall, about a month and a half before frost. Moreover, mustard as a fertilizer is planted after harvesting or in early spring, about a month before planting potatoes and other vegetables. Although the most favorable moment for sowing a crop is considered to be immediately after harvesting in the presence of moist soil, then the seeds germinate quite quickly.

Seeds are sown to a depth of two centimeters in rows or completely. Shoots are observed already on the third or fourth day.

After the period (up to one and a half months) the plant grows to a height of 15-20 cm. It is then that it is pruned (mowed) and the soil is fertilized.

Features of growing mustard as green manure

The main rule organic farming is that the land should not be without vegetation cover.

Mustard seeds are available for sale in 250 g packages. This quantity is designed for sowing one hundred square meters of garden.

Mustard is especially useful for inconvenient gardening, summer cottages located on slopes, since in such places wind and water erosion of the soil is disturbed. Mustard as a green manure significantly reduces and prevents these harmful phenomena, especially during the period when harvesting is completed and the soil remains open to erosion processes.

You should know that sowing mustard to fertilize the soil excludes its alternation with other vegetables belonging to the Cruciferous family. For example, you cannot sow this crop after cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, etc. or before them. The ban is justified by the fact that plants of the same species are susceptible to common diseases and pests.

In order for green manure to bring the expected effect, the soil must contain enough beneficial microflora. If the soil on the site is depleted, then before using green fertilizers, biological products for processing crops should be added to it.

Mustard is a well-known plant used as a seasoning with a very specific taste and smell. It can be used in medicine as a warming agent. It is often used in cooking to give a dish a special taste. And few people know that this plant can be used as green manure. Green manure - Fertilizer in the form of planted plants that helps enrich the soil nutrients with their further sealing inside. They prevent the growth of weeds. Due to this, they are often used in agricultural complexes. But you can also grow them on small areas. This will improve the condition of the soil.


Mustard belongs to the cabbage family. There are 6 types. One of them is used as fertilizer. This type is called - White. It is she who acts as green manure. How can it get such a name because of the color of its seeds. Her main feature is that it gets rid of poorly soluble substances well, accumulating them in its greenery. Thus, it frees the earth from these substances. Then this greenery is cut down and rots in the soil.

And in place of the humus, plants are planted. Thanks to this, plants can easily obtain poorly soluble substances such as phosphates, etc. The plant also has the property of accumulating nitrogen and other nutrients in the roots and stems.

A little about white mustard

An annual plant, the use of which as a fertilizer has a number of properties that make it the best green manure. White mustard grows quickly. 4 days after sowing, sprouts will begin to appear. Plant unpretentious and can grow even at -5 °C. Therefore, it can be planted in the spring. This plant grows very quickly and produces high yield. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the plant does not begin to ripen and fill the entire area. If ripening began in autumn time, cutting them down is not necessary. Frost will do everything for you.

Often white mustard used as a barrier against strong currents air. Its height reaches 70 cm. Due to its ability to grow quickly plant can well retain air currents and various dusts, protecting other plants. And also, it retains moisture well in the soil. But it is necessary to mow it often and plant a new one in place of the old one. Its roots can strengthen the soil, and the green part will feed new plants.

Rest properties:

  • Prevents the leaching of valuable minerals from the soil.
  • Substances released by mustard prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.
  • It is a good honey plant when planted in spring.
  • On the soil with this green manure, the number of slugs and wireworms decreases.

Sowing mustard

Many may have a question about how to plant mustard and when is the best time to do it. This plant can be sown for fertilizer from March to August, and it can also be planted in the fall (until November in southern regions). But it is best to plant month before planting the main crop. This way the soil can be enriched as much as possible. The plant can be used to create flower beds and flower beds.

It is important to know that mustard cannot be grown after cruciferous vegetables. This may lead to undesirable consequences. For example, turnips cannot even tolerate mustard in the neighborhood and therefore the chance of taking root on the site decreases. It is also important to know that rotting stems of this green manure will slow down the growth of other plants. Therefore, you need to wait 1-2 weeks after mowing.

Let's move on to how to sow mustard Right:

  • Before sowing, clear the area of ​​any remnants of the main crop (this could be roots, stems, etc.).
  • Clear the area of ​​all weeds.
  • Mustard grows well in soils rich in calcium. This will ensure fast growth green manure. Therefore, lime is added to the soil.
  • The soil is enriched with humus, scattered over the surface of the soil.
  • The area is dug up with a shovel. This mustard loves loose soils and this serves to get maximum amount moisture from watering and rain.
  • Then the area is leveled with a rake.
  • If you plant mustard using fertilizer, it is not necessary to make beds. This can be done after cutting off the green manure.

Having understood the preparation of the soil, let’s understand the technique of how to plant mustard:

In fairly hot weather, the plant should be watered moderately. If there is a lack of moisture, the mustard will be small and sparse. The roots, on the contrary, will be strong and long in order to extract moisture from the depths. Having understood the sowing of mustard, let's figure out when to mow the greens.

Green manure does not require any special fertilizers. After 30 days the plants begin to bloom. This means that it is time to mow the green manure.

Mustard flowers are good honey plants, but there are several reasons why it is better to mow green manure before the beginning flowering:

  1. After flowering, the leaves and stems of the plant begin to become coarser. Because of this, rotting will take longer.
  2. When ripe, er mustard plants can fall to the ground and rise up. And it becomes an unnecessary weed.
  3. To ripen, the plant consumes a lot of useful substances, which is why the foliage begins to become depleted.

After the green part is cut down, it is necessary to dig up the area so that no greenery remains on the surface of the soil. The site must be constantly watered, otherwise the soil will lose all useful substances and growing green manure will be in vain.

If you sow mustard before winter, you should not mow it, since frost will destroy the leaves, and the stems will remain as a snow retainer.

Seed collection

If you want to collect mustard seeds, for further landing, that is, there are several rules. Firstly, the sowing density should be less than when using this plant as fertilizer. Secondly, it is necessary to plant green manure in the spring. Then you are guaranteed to receive seeds.

Using this plant as a green manure is very effective. But you must follow all the rules outlined in this article. But this plant should not be the only source of vermicompost. Humus must be added to the soil. It is also important to monitor the compatibility of plants. So white mustard goes well with potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries and cucumbers.

Application organic fertilizers into the soil has a beneficial effect on the future harvest. It has long been known that green manure is the simplest, most affordable and safe way restore the soil. White mustard is a green manure that will not only prepare the soil for but also protect the area from some pests and microorganisms.

Why are green manures sown?

Green manures are specially planted crops that are sown in the off-season for their further incorporation into the soil. Such cultures have a well-developed root system. Thanks to the roots, beneficial microelements and minerals rise from the lower layers of the soil to the upper ones, and the soil is thus enriched. Greatest benefit Green manure converts hard-to-reach nutrients into easily digestible ones, and the roots and stems of white mustard provide powerful resistance to potato diseases such as scab, fusarium and late blight.

Experienced gardeners have long used this technology in crop rotation. It is not inferior in efficiency to the application of humus and manure and has a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease of planting and further processing;
  • some crops crowd out weeds;
  • most green manures rid the soil of pests;
  • green manure quickly rots, improves its structure and enriches it with fiber and humus;
  • the area does not become clogged or infected from the outside, compared to the application of manure.

An excellent green manure - mustard. Basic properties

The beneficial properties of this plant have made it a real boon for summer residents. Although many probably have a different idea about mustard. It is widely used in cooking, Food Industry, it is a delicious savory snack as well as a valuable honey plant. The collected honey tastes good and has light color and luxurious aroma. Mustard is also used in medicine. On top of everything else, it turns out that mustard is a green manure that has many advantages over other crops.

How and when to plant white mustard

You can plant at any time at above-zero temperatures. Shoots appear in dry soil on the 4-5th day, in wet soil on the third. The seeds are scattered and then slightly buried with a rake, or sown in furrows and sprinkled with 2 cm of soil. Further care not required. Before flowering, the greens need to be mowed and embedded into the soil with a flat cutter. If green manure is sown in winter, that is, after harvesting potatoes, then it is left in the soil until spring.

Beginning gardeners have only a general understanding of the principles of soil greening, while this technology has been used in agriculture for many years to increase the productivity of fertile soils and increase nutrients in depleted soils. The technology of using green manure, also called green manure, will be of interest to fans of organic farming, because it allows you to achieve excellent results in garden plots without resorting to the use of chemical fertilizers.

Ground cover plants that can be used as green manure crops are represented by a wide range, numbering about four hundred items. One of the most popular green manure crops used by farmers in middle lane Russia, is mustard. This plant, which has thick, succulent tops and a branched tap-type root system, helps to balance mineral composition soil, improve its drainage qualities and optimize the water permeability of the soil.

This article will provide information on how to sow mustard on green manure in autumn and spring and achieve optimal farming results with minimal costs, simply by introducing the principle of using “green fertilizers” on the site.

Pros and cons of using mustard as a “green fertilizer”

Numerous green manure plants - mustard, rapeseed, alfalfa, sainfoin, peas, clover, etc., differ in growth vigor, seed cost, cultivation technology and the nature of the impact on the soil. Before choosing a particular green manure crop, gardeners should study its strengths and weak sides. This section will talk about how mustard is used as green manure in agriculture. Also from the section, readers will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of white and yellow mustard green manure, as well as how they differ from other crops.

So, according to research by agronomists, soils with an organic matter content of 2.5 to 4 percent are considered healthy.

All summer residents who care about the quality of the harvest and maintaining the health of the soil strive to achieve such benchmarks. White or yellow mustard can help them in this matter. Planting mustard as green manure before winter or in spring allows you to achieve an optimal balance of microelements in the soil and prevent its erosion.

In addition, mustard has other benefits:

  • the plant retains nutrients in the soil and protects fertile soil from washing out;
  • spring planting of seeds allows you to improve the soil structure, and winter mustard as green manure allows you to improve the organic composition of the soil;
  • green manure provides the necessary nutrition for the development of microbial life in the soil;
  • mustard helps increase the nitrogen content in the soil due to the unique structure of the root system;
  • mustard is compatible with most soils;
  • developed tap roots of the plant “lift” nutrients from the depths of the earth and deliver them to the surface;
  • the plant helps suppress the spread of weeds and pests on the site;
  • mustard allows you to achieve optimal soil porosity for the best growth and development of various garden crops.

Among negative aspects green manure, it is worth noting the following factors:

  1. the need to arrange an irrigation system to moisten the substrate and ensure the development of a sufficient amount of vegetative mass of mustard;
  2. high financial expenses for the purchase of seeds (to plant one hundred square meters of land, a farmer will need to purchase about two hundred grams of mustard seeds).

Despite the presence of some shortcomings, the list of positive aspects of this green manure crop is impressive. In general, mustard as a green manure does an excellent job and allows farmers to achieve good yields even on depleted soils. However, before going to the store and purchasing seeds for planting in the ground, the farmer should familiarize himself with the features different varieties mustard.

In particular, white mustard is excellent for enriching heavy clay soils. This plant has good vigor and is characterized by an excellent germination rate. However, this crop can freeze out during frosts spring planting. But yellow mustard, as a green manure, has greater resistance to cold and can be sown on acidified and waterlogged soils. This plant is characterized by drought resistance and unpretentiousness, so it is chosen by summer residents who cultivate land in arid regions with problem soils.

How to sow green fertilizers correctly?

Fortunately for gardeners, the cultivation of mustard as a green manure is not particularly difficult - the use of this type“green fertilizers” are within the power of every summer resident. Growing the crop is not very labor intensive and does not require a lot of time. White or yellow mustard is planted as green manure in autumn and spring open ground manually. For one hundred square meters of land, the farmer will have to prepare from one hundred to two hundred grams of seeds, depending on the desired results and current state soil. If the number of seeds per acre is calculated correctly, the farmer will receive the optimal amount of vegetative mass necessary to improve the condition of the land.

The timing of planting green manure must be determined in such a way that the ground temperature is suitable for seed germination. The agricultural technology for growing mustard involves the technology of autumn and spring planting of seeds. In the spring, mustard must be planted several months before planting the main crops, and in the fall - after harvesting vegetables or melons. You can read about what other green manures can be planted in the fall.

After sowing the seeds, agronomists advise digging them into the soil with a hoe to a depth of two to three centimeters, and then irrigating the soil using sprinkling. The first shoots of green manure can be seen on the third or fourth day after planting. Next, gardeners will be interested in another important question - how long mustard grows as green manure and how to properly dig up its vegetative mass to achieve optimal results. This aspect growing green manure will be covered in the next section.

How to incorporate green manure into the soil?

After choosing the optimal time for planting seeds, farmers are looking for an answer to the question of what to do next with mustard green manure. If planting was done before winter, after harvesting potatoes or tomatoes, then the mustard tops can simply be left on the ground for further rotting and assimilation. This technique is popular among fans of no-till farming.

However, some experts in the field Agriculture have a different opinion about whether it is necessary to dig up mustard green manure in the fall and spring. They insist that using a shovel to dig up soil allows for better soil structure and faster results. It is better to dig up green manure within 30-40 days after sowing. During this period, the vegetative mass is sufficiently developed and suitable for embedding in the ground.

If mustard is planted on the site for the first time, not all summer residents know correctly how to incorporate green manure into the soil. To avoid mistakes, they should study the relevant literature and give preference to a certain type of tops planting in accordance with the specifics of the site and their goals.

Using alternative green manures

In addition to mustard, gardeners are also interested in other green manure crops, so you can often hear the question from them about what is better as green manure - mustard or winter rye? Farmers compare rapeseed or mustard with other green manures - which is better? – this question is also often discussed on thematic forums by lovers of organic farming. To understand the correct choice of a particular green manure crop, it is necessary to study its characteristics.

Thus, winter rye, rapeseed and mustard have some similarities.

These crops have sufficient frost resistance, have a developed vegetative mass and help the soil to “rest” after harvesting the main crops. Winter rye belongs to the cereal family. It improves the soil structure and helps to establish an optimal acid-base balance in the soil. This green manure is used in fields intended for growing melons and nightshade crops. You can find out more about when and how to plant rye as green manure.

Rapeseed and mustard belong to the cruciferous family. They are suitable for enriching the soil on which potatoes and early summer vegetables previously grew. Cruciferous green manure - mustard in the fall before winter or rapeseed, planted at the end of September, help prevent demineralization of the soil, but they cannot be used to enrich the land on which cabbage, radish or radishes grew.

As you can see, different green manures have a certain range of effects on the soil. It is important to know how to plant green manure - mustard after potatoes, for example, will help improve the mineral composition of the soil, but after cabbage or radish it will lead to the accumulation of pests and pathogens in the soil. In view of this, the final choice of green manure should be made taking into account the characteristics of the soil, as well as the nature of the crops cultivated by farmers on certain plots of land.

Knowing how to properly use mustard as green manure, farmers will be able to make the most of their garden plots and achieve excellent yields of major crops. If you follow the agricultural practices of the crop, the planted mustard will provide the effect of a “living mulch” in the garden and will help protect the soil from erosion, weathering and other destructive factors. Mustard will prevent the spread of weeds in the area, improve the structure of the soil and help increase the amount of organic matter in the soil during the off-season. By learning how to use mustard as a green manure, a gardener will be able to stop using herbicides and chemical fertilizers and will be able to fully enjoy all the benefits of organic farming.

Get good harvest Without the use of fertilizers it is quite difficult. You can use commercial chemical compounds or turn to centuries-old experiments when you need to get the most natural product.

Green manure and its differences

The word "green manure" means "high effect". These are so-called green fertilizers - plants that are grown for use as natural fertilizers. For this they usually choose annual crops, which are capable of growing quickly and producing large masses. They are usually planted in autumn or spring - before the main sowing or for the winter.

Green manure performs several functions:

  1. Enrich the soil with minerals, in particular phosphorus and nitrogen;
  2. Prevents the development of weeds and repels insects;
  3. Protect the earth from harmful effects sun rays;
  4. Improves the ability to absorb water and air;
  5. During life, the plant attracts insects for pollination.

Green manure can be used in two ways:

  1. Mow the plant and make compost;
  2. Mow the plant and trample it into the ground where it grows.

After this, the main crop can be planted 2-3 weeks after mowing the green manure.

How to Plant White Mustard as Fertilizer

General information

White mustard belongs to the cabbage family. It got its name from the color of the seeds. This annual plant, growing up to one meter in height. The stems are almost bare, branching at the top. The flowers are yellowish or clear White color, collected in inflorescences of 25-100 flowers. Externally, the fruit looks like a pod with seeds hidden inside. The plant blooms in early and mid-summer and begins to bear fruit in late summer.

As a weed, white mustard is widespread throughout almost the entire territory of Russia except the northern lands. It is used as a raw material for the production of oil, used as a honey plant and fodder for livestock. The seeds and oil are eaten, and mustard powder is also used in cooking. Previously, the plant was used in medicine, but today it is practically not used.

Mustard as green manure

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year bad harvest potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


One of the main features of mustard, which is actively used by gardeners, is its ability to release sparingly soluble phosphates from the soil. During growth, phosphates gradually accumulate in the plant and, after mowing, easily pass into the soil, from where they are extracted by the main crops.

Planting mustard

White mustard germinates at a temperature of -3 degrees and can withstand short frosts down to -5 degrees. It grows on almost any soil, from acidic to alkaline, but prefers sandy loam, turf and podzolic soil. Only clay and saline soils are not suitable for the plant.

Sowing occurs in spring and autumn: before planting the main crop and after harvesting. There is no need to dig up the area.

There are two ways to sow mustard:

  1. Lightly loosen the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, scatter the seeds in an even layer and level it out. For a plot of 1 sq. A quarter kilogram of seeds is enough. You can also use a seeder.
  2. If the seeds remain in the pods, it is easier to plant them without opening them. To do this, dig holes about 4 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

The first shoots appear after 3-5 days, after 1.5-2 months they already reach 25-30 cm in height. During the growth process, it is necessary to water the plant regularly, avoiding drought.

Depending on the time of disembarkation, there are several features:

  1. In spring, you need to sow a month before planting the main crop, around April, when the temperature rises to +10 degrees.
  2. In the fall, green manure is sown after harvesting the crop, when severe frosts have not yet begun.

Mustard must have time to germinate and develop before it can be mowed. In this case, it is recommended to plant more seeds - up to 400 grams - to get more green mass.

Sometimes it is better to sow a plant just before frost in well-loose soil. Then they survive the winter and rise in the spring. In this case, it is necessary to plant the seeds deeper so that they are not washed away by melted snow.

When the green manure gets stronger and grows enough, but does not bloom yet, it is mowed down. During flowering, its leaves begin to die, which leads to a decrease in useful mass. On average, 1.5-2 months pass from the moment of planting to harvesting. After mowing, the easiest way is to trample the mustard into the ground and compact it, then loosen it to a depth of 10-15 cm. To increase efficiency, you can use the Baikal EM1 solution - this will speed up the decomposition process and allow you to further enrich the soil. Adding vermicultured compost with an abundance of earthworms to the soil at the same time as the mown plant will have a good effect. By loosening the soil, they help it better absorb nutrients.

Mustard can be grown up to 3 times per season to continuously fertilize the soil. In summer, it is grown between the rows of the main crop and care is taken to ensure that the plant does not clog the plantings. The plant is also removed before the flowers appear.

You should not sow crops of the same cruciferous family after mustard: turnips, cabbage, radishes and others. This is due to the fact that both species have the same pests and diseases, which can negatively affect the development of the main crop. It is best to use mustard as green manure before growing nightshades, grains, potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes.

It is also worth remembering that this type of mustard alone will not be able to fully provide the soil with all the necessary nutrients, since it only provides a certain set of microelements. It is necessary to additionally fertilize the soil or alternate planting of green manure plants.

Additional Information

The following information may help you get more benefits from mustard.

  1. To increase the useful mass and enhance its properties, a mixture of mustard with peas, spring vetch or oilseed radish is often used in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts mustard and part of an additional plant).
  2. To protect against insects, you can use mustard powder (they pollinate the soil) or mustard infusion for spraying trees, bushes and root crops. An infusion is prepared from dry mustard: 100 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. It must be infused for 2 days, then strained. Use diluted: part infusion to 2 parts water.


As a green manure, white mustard is suitable for enriching the soil and ridding it of pests and diseases. It can be used before planting cereals and nightshades to increase the nutritional value of the soil.

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