How to make a globe out of paper. DIY vintage globe

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The word globe comes from the Latin globus, which means “ball”. For modern people Of course, it is no secret that the earth has a spherical shape. But it was not always so. The history of the origin of the model of our planet and how to make a globe from plasticine with your own hands will be discussed in this article.

Globe history

Back in the 3rd century BC, ancient Greek scientists established that the earth has a spherical shape. The first globe is mentioned in history around 150 BC. Its creator was Crates of Mallus. His model was depicted as a single continent, furrowed by rivers. The oldest globe that has survived to this day is considered to be the globe of the German cartographer Martin Beheim. He made his model by stretching tanned calfskin over metal ribs.

Of course, it had not yet been discovered in 1492 New World, which is why it wasn't on Benheim's world map. They used Ptolemy's maps as a basis. Taking this model as a basis, later cartographers made changes related to new geographical discoveries. After this, the globes spread throughout Europe. They were given to high-ranking persons and even monarchs. Actually, in our country the globe appeared as a gift to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov from the Dutch ambassadors. Later this globe passed to Peter the Great. Nowadays the globe is considered a symbol of enlightenment.

Citrus option

Try making a model of the globe from plasticine with your child. Why plasticine? This material is ideal for children's crafts. It is very flexible, convenient and safe to work with. Modeling classes help train fine motor skills hands, which contributes to the development of speech, because the speech center and the center responsible for coordinating the fingers are located nearby in the brain. Thanks to modeling, attention and memory are trained, and making crafts that are close to real models helps to better understand the essence of things. And of course, the child’s imagination develops and the child’s creative potential is realized.

Yulia Sukhorukova

I present to your attention master class on making a globe with your own hands. Of course, every child will not be able to do such work. It can be done collectively. Personally, I was prompted to make such a fake by the holiday, dedicated to the Day EARTH!

For this work you will be needed:

1 - balloon (it is desirable that when inflated it is round and not oval);

2 - newspaper or paper;

3 - flour and water or PVA glue;

4 - paint (in my case blue);

5 - plasticine;

6 - paper tape.

Begin manufacturing:

1-inflate the balloon until the right size;

2-glue the ball with torn newspapers or paper soaked in glue or paste, at least 4 layers, while allowing each layer to dry (approximately 1.5-2 hours)

To make newspaper or paper hold better, you can tie it with thread between layers. On last layer, we do not apply thread. It is better to fasten the last layer with paper tape.

The base is ready. I didn’t pop the ball inside, but later we’ll make a rope for its tail.

We paint our ball in blue color, t. because on planet Earth, most of the seas and oceans predominate. And then, according to the shape of the continents, we lay out the continents themselves.

Also, using plasticine, I signed the name with the ocean and continents.

I think it turned out not bad.

This fake decorated the muses very well. hall at the Earth Festival.

Globe, map, globe scan, Mercator projection, physical map, political map, images from NASA satellites, NASA, hybrid map,a high resolution19200x19200, water, oceans, seas, islands, depressions, plains, mountains, ridges, plateaus, countries, states, cities, printer, paper, scissors, glue, PVA, free download.

In the beginning God created a three-dimensional array in Matlab

RGB 19200 x 19200 x 3 blue color. And God said: let there be dry land in the middle of the water in the equiangular Mercator projection. And so it became.

And God created on land various states of four primary colors sufficient for non-overlapping coloring of any map. And by chance it turned out that the British Empire turned out to be painted green, China - yellow, the USA - purple, and Russia - pink. Only Greenland and Antarctica remained white. And God called the dry land and various objects, mountains, ridges, plateaus, plains, and even one small hill on it, and called the collection of waters oceans and various objects, seas, islands, trenches, underwater ridges and rivers flowing into it. And God saw that This Fine.

And God said: Let the land grow a city, a state and a capital. And he created algorithms for placing inscriptions so that they do not interfere with each other. And God transformed the Mercator projection into a scan of the globe and divided it into separate sheets of 10 degrees. And so it became.And God saw everything that He had created, and behold, it was very good. And all this can be mixed with NASA images, printed, cut out and pasted onto a globe.

The easiest way to print is from Paint , there you can set the scale and slightly stretch or shrink the image along each axis if necessary. In my case, for an equator length of 1333 mm, the scale turned out to be 28%. Moreover, 10 degrees at the equator is 1333/36 = 37.0 mm. One centimeter equals 44000/133 = 330 km.

Yulia Sukhorukova

I present to your attention master class on making a globe with your own hands. Of course, every child will not be able to do such work. It can be done collectively. Personally, I was prompted to make such a fake by the holiday dedicated to EARTH DAY!

For this work you will be needed:

1 - balloon (it is desirable that when inflated it is round and not oval);

2 - newspaper or paper;

3 - flour and water or PVA glue;

4 - paint (in my case blue);

5 - plasticine;

6 - paper tape.

Begin manufacturing:

1-inflate the balloon to the desired size;

2-glue the ball with torn newspapers or paper soaked in glue or paste, at least 4 layers, while allowing each layer to dry (approximately 1.5-2 hours)

To make newspaper or paper hold better, you can tie it with thread between layers. We do not apply thread to the last layer. It is better to fasten the last layer with paper tape.

The base is ready. I didn’t pop the ball inside, but later we’ll make a rope for its tail.

We paint our ball blue, i.e. because on planet Earth, most of the seas and oceans predominate. And then, according to the shape of the continents, we lay out the continents themselves.

Also, using plasticine, I signed the name with the ocean and continents.

I think it turned out not bad.

This fake decorated the muses very well. hall at the Earth Festival.

The most convenient way to visually study continents and bodies of water is with a model of the globe. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a ready-made globe. Then you can feel like a creator and make a miniature planet yourself. Moreover, it can be made in several ways. Let's look at how to make a globe with your own hands from paper.

Preparatory stage

Cover the table on which you are going to make crafts with newspapers, waste papers or special oilcloth. Get everything ready necessary materials, so as not to be distracted by searching for them in the process.

You will need:

  • pots;
  • glass containers;
  • spoon;
  • water - five glasses;
  • flour - one cup;
  • newspapers or consumer paper;
  • balloon;
  • primer;
  • tassels;
  • paints (acrylic or gouache diluted with PVA glue);
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • bushing from toilet paper;
  • plastic plate (cake stand).

The globe needs a base. Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a paper ball with your own hands. Ideally, you need a round balloon. Choose the diameter with which you want to make the globe. Inflate the balloon and tie tightly. Place it on a glass or any other convenient container that can serve as a stand. If you want to make the most realistic model of the planet, then try to achieve a slightly flattened shape. If you only find a standard oval balloon, just inflate it lightly.

Cooking the paste

Before you make a globe from paper with your own hands, you need to prepare a binding solution - a paste. Pour four glasses of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, in another container, mix the flour with the remaining liquid. As soon as the water boils, gradually add the resulting mixture into it, stirring constantly.

Reduce heat to low and cook for a couple more minutes. Don't stop stirring otherwise it will burn. The finished paste can be placed in a cool place so that it cools faster.

How to make a paper ball with your own hands

Tear the newspaper into small strips or squares with your hands. Lubricate the balloon with oil or Vaseline. Place a pan with a binding solution in front of you. Dip newspaper pieces into the paste and apply to the ball. So make several layers. Don't forget to leave a small hole through which you will then remove the ball. Cover the remaining paste with a tight lid or plastic bag. Leave the workpiece to dry for a day.

Warm up the adhesive mixture and repeat the entire process. That is, wrap the ball in pieces of paper and let it dry. In principle, you can stop at this stage. But the more layers of paper, the stronger the ball will be.

We are already getting closer to how to make a globe with our own hands. We did not make a completely closed piece from paper, but one with a small hole. Puncture a balloon through it or untie the tip and deflate. Don't let go of the tail, hold it with your fingers. Remove the balloon. The result was a hollow piece of papier-mâché in the shape of a ball.

We paint and create continents

Cover the future globe with primer and let dry. Now paint the ball blue. This is how we simulate oceans and seas. Draw the continents with a pencil by hand or using stencils. Paint them with green, brown, yellow and white paints, based on the actual layout. If desired, sign the names of continents, bodies of water, islands, and so on. Now all that remains is to make a stand to make a tabletop globe. But first, let's look at how else you can make a world map.

Other options for creating continents

Paint the globe blue. We cut out the finished continents from paper and glue them to the ball. The map can be left white so that during the learning process the child himself can color the continents and bodies of water. required colors. Or you can completely cover the globe with blue paper, and then apply the continents.

The easiest way is to transfer a ready-made world map. Some craftsmen process the image in a graphics editor: enlarge it, stretch it, and then print it and glue it. Or you can do it even simpler - take a ready-made paper globe model as a basis. For example, you can use the image above and resize it to the size you need.

Globe stand

Take a toilet paper roll, make a cut on one side and bend it over. Apply hot glue to them and attach them to the middle of the plastic plate. You can take the lower part instead round box from under the cake. If necessary, widen the hole in the globe. Insert the other side of the sleeve into it, pre-lubricated with glue. The tabletop globe is ready. If the papier-mâché workpiece turns out to be quite heavy, then weight the stand with plaster or use a container with sufficient weight instead of a plate.

How else to make a base for a globe

  • Simply crumple up the newspapers and wrap the paper in several layers until you have something that looks like a ball. The method is simple and fast, but not neat.
  • Buy a ready-made foam blank.
  • Use Christmas balls if you want to make a small globe.

Take a volleyball, football, gymnastics or other ball of suitable diameter as a basis. You can immediately draw or stick continents on them. You can also use them as a form for papier-mâché. Only the paper blank will have to be cut to remove the ball. But you can attach loops to the halves and turn the model of the planet into a box.

Now you know how to make a globe with your own hands from paper. Try making it with your children, they will definitely enjoy this exciting process.

Do you love geography or dream of going to trip around the world? We suggest making a globe with your own hands using the papier-mâché technique. The history of this technique goes back to one of the most romantic countries - France. Papier-mâché was first used to make dolls, and the technique was widely used at the end of the 17th century. The range of products made using the papier-mâché technique has become stunning: frames, boxes, toys and even furniture. At the moment, there are three papier-mâché techniques, one of which you can learn from this article.

Materials for making a globe craft:

Balloon made of thick rubber;

Acrylic paints;

Cling film;

PVA glue;


Simple pencil;

Sheet of cardboard.

Stages of work on making a papier-mâché globe:

1) Inflate the balloon to the desired size. We tie it well so that it does not deflate.

2) Wrap the ball in cling film.

3) Cut newspapers or pages of old books into strips.

4) Place the balloon on the bowl to make it easier to cover the surface.

5) Then coat the prepared ball with glue and apply strips of newspaper. So we cover the entire surface. To make the globe durable, glue newspapers in several layers.

6) Drying process. The paper can dry in half a day, but it is better to leave the ball for a longer time.

7) Make a cone from a sheet of cardboard and glue its edges so that it does not unwind. This will be a stand for the globe.

8) When the workpiece has dried, draw the contours of the continents on it with a pencil.

9) Now let's start decorating. Try to paint in several layers so that the globe becomes rich in shades. In order to convey naturalness to the globe, remember the depth of the oceans and seas, forests and mountains are always darker. Don't forget to let each layer of paint dry. You can also decorate the stand.

10) It remains to fix the finished globe on the cone. The tip can be trimmed or hidden when gluing the ball onto the cone.

DIY globe craft ready! Using the example of a globe craft, you can see that the papier-mâché technique is simple and safe. Now you can clearly help your child master geography and study the structure of our unique planet. This will be a good and sought-after school gift for your favorite teacher or will simply be a decoration for your office.

It is necessary to perform scrupulous, but interesting job. It is important to find the most suitable card possible and print it. There are many ready-made globe layouts on the Internet. An old political map will also work.

Copy of land made of paper

Origami globe

Globe for the little ones

Making a homemade globe that is exactly like a real model of the globe requires meticulous but interesting work. It is important to find the most suitable card possible and print it. There are many ready-made globe layouts on the Internet. An old political map will also work.

When making a paper globe with your own hands, make sure that the scale of the map and the base on which the map is glued match. You can make the base in several ways.

Globe mockup made from cardboard blanks

For such a globe, you need to patiently and correctly make several pentagonal cardboard blanks. This is the most difficult and responsible part of the work. Their number will depend on the size of each of them. You need to complete the elements according to the diagram.

What to do next, how to make a globe with your own hands from these strange elements? Cut the map into the same elements and glue it with PVA glue onto the cardboard parts of the future globe. You should have a construction kit that can be assembled from spare parts, and which can later be disassembled if you notice that some part has been glued incorrectly. Take your time. All elements must then be assembled in strict sequence so that the copy of the land is correct.

The task is not as difficult as it seems. But, naturally, the child will need the help of an adult to create this interesting model.

How to make a globe with your own hands based on a finished ball

Another blank can be made from a regular old soccer ball. Just cover the ball with newspaper and apply several layers of paper with glue. Then you can choose one of the options:

1) Glue on the marked and painted globe blank.

2) The child can independently paint the globe.

Suitable for making a globe is any other ball-shaped object you find at home. This could be a toy rubber ball, or a small ball that has been Christmas tree toy. Whatever you want, let the child show his imagination and make a globe with his own hands. Surely he will be proud of this.

Copy of land made of paper

You can also make a globe with your own hands using photo paper. This model will be the most plausible. It will consist of 2 parts: the hemispheres of the North and South. They are then glued together using a strip of hard cardboard paper, which will be the equator.

On good photo paper, print out the full layout of the globe. Preferably with all the continents, with the names of the countries. Cut straight down the center. Then you need to carefully cut out the elements. Their number is 24, in accordance with the number of meridians. Cut out each meridian very carefully so that the globe does not turn out crooked. We begin gluing the sheets at the top, that is, from the poles. Sheets are glued together inside. When you connect all 24 sheets in the center, bend them and secure them to the “equator”. Be sure to number all the sheets on the inside of the paper with a pencil.

When you have completely made the globe with your own hands, come up with a stand for it, and you will have a wonderful copy of the original globe. It is best to cut the stand out of wood. Make the semicircle supporting the axis of the ball thin and not heavy; the stand for it needs a thicker one to support the weight. Make sure that the semicircle is the right size.

Origami globe

Any experienced origami lover can make a globe with his own hands. A master class on making a paper copy of a globe using this technique can be given to a child by a parent.

There are several globe layouts using the origami technique. But most often they make a globe craft in the form of a square “ball”. After all, this craft serves only as a funny decoration, a trinket. There is no respect for scale here. Origami globes are folded for fun.

You can make a real round globe if you make a craft from paper modules. More than 1 thousand modules need to be prepared for the globe. It's much more complicated, but modular origami looks very nice, and your Earth will really be spherical.

Globe for the little ones

Try it for yours small child DIY globe from plastic plates. It's very simple and won't take much time. Just cover 2 plates with patterns and glue them together.

But if you don’t find such a layout, then download the usual one, which only shows the meridians. And then glue the cut out continents on top. On the continents, your child will draw whatever he wants. This is a “trial version” to show your baby what the planet looks like. You can even not glue the meridian layout, but simply stick on blue paper depicting the oceans. You can also recommend that your child make continents from plasticine and use superglue to attach them to the plates in the places you indicate.

All the given copies of the Earth are made in order to interest the child and spend time with him. But educational material there will be no such globe, made with your own hands. These crafts are low-precision models. But at the same time, making an entire globe with your own hands - who wouldn’t be interested?

The globe in the interior sets the atmosphere of adventure, intrigue and new discoveries. And a vintage globe is also a stylish touch that will make the room interesting.
Especially if you paint it white and mark the places of future travel on it so that the globe looks special, expressive and fits into bright interior, it can be easily changed appearance to vintage. How can I do that? Watch it in our master class.

What you will need:
white paint;
simple pencil;
charcoal pencil;
spray sealant;
ink sponges;
1.First you need to separate the globe from the base. If you can't take it apart, then you'll need some adhesive tape to avoid getting paint on the base and frame.

2.So, take a brush, white paint and paint along the equator line.

3.After the globe has dried, take a simple pencil and trace the outlines of the continents of the world. Remember geography lessons and contour maps.

4.To make the globe look impressive, additionally outline all the lines with a charcoal pencil.

5.Now you will need an eraser. Use it to lightly blend all the drawn lines along the contour (not across). This will give the globe a more elegant vintage look.

6.To protect the lines from smudging, spray the entire area of ​​the globe. Let it dry.

7.Install the globe onto the base with the frame (or remove duct tape, if you used it). It seems like everything, but you can make a couple of touches that will make it special...
8.The final touch in the design of the globe will be your colored mark. For example, where you dream of going. Dip your fingers into the ink sponges (choose the color you want) and leave your fingerprints wherever you want on the globe.

The result was a stylish globe that easily fit into the bright interior. If you complement the space with a vintage suitcase, wooden spools and any animal figurines, the decor in the apartment will take on an adventurous character.


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