How to get rid of flies in a country house. How to get rid of flies: folk recipes for a relaxing holiday

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Oh, these flies! Annoying, nasty flies! It is very difficult to get rid of them. It would seem that she washed everything, put it away, sprayed it with dichlorvos, and almost suffocated herself, but at least they didn’t care. Most, of course, died, but a few fly around as if nothing had happened. A day or two passes, and they fly again, and every day there are more and more of them.

Again you buy another product against flying insects. You spend money and health, but they appear again. And so on endlessly. They fly, buzz, distracting you from work, wake you up in the morning, preventing you from sleeping, and sit on you.

But the most amazing thing is that there are a lot of flies in the house late autumn when it's cold outside... Are you familiar with this situation?

Today we will tell you how to get rid of flies in your house forever.

Before you get acquainted with the means of exterminating flies, pay attention to the characteristics of the residence and reproduction of annoying insects.

Housefly development cycle

The development process of a fly has 4 stages.

  1. stage - egg laying. The fly lays up to 150 eggs in manure, compost pit, a bunch of garbage.
  2. stage - the appearance and development of the larva. It appears in a humid environment after 8 hours and feeds on the food in which it appeared. The larva develops in 5-14 days.
  3. stage - pupation of the larva. The time comes, and the larva crawls to a dry place and pupates there.
  4. stage - the appearance of an adult fly.

After 3-4 weeks, an adult insect emerges from the pupa. The fly lives only a month, but during its short life it leaves impressive offspring - from 500 to 2000 eggs.

Insect damage

Flies in the house are a danger to human health because they love dirt and garbage. Bacteria, dangerous microorganisms, stick to their paws. When flies land on food, they leave germs on it.

If you do not wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, you can become infected with serious diseases:

Carriers of dangerous diseases need to be eliminated.

Aromatic fly repellents

Annoying insects do not like the smell of some plants: geranium, myrtle, eucalyptus. These indoor plants are repellent annoying insects. Flies cannot stand the aroma of tomato leaves either.

If you plant it in a box on the windowsill, the smell will scare them away. Place fern and tansy leaves around the apartment, and place a jar with a solution of milk and toadflax in the corners of the rooms. Flies do not like the aromas of these plants.

Basil planted in a pot will also repel harmful insects. If you break it Bay leaf on particles and put it near the trash can, by the door, on tables, or make a steep infusion and treat places where there are a lot of flies, then they will disappear.

Wormwood branches emit a smell that flies are afraid of. They will fly away if wormwood is hung in the house.

A way to combat flies indoors can also be washing floors with the addition of turpentine, kerosene, wiping windows and doors with a solution of vinegar - 2 tablespoons per liter of water. If you put some essential oil in the aroma lamp: mint, lemongrass, eucalyptus, cloves, the smell will spread throughout the house, driving away insects.

Fly traps

One of the great ways to combat annoying insects is homemade traps.

Homemade sticky tapes

Adhesive tapes from annoying flies, sold in stores, cope with harmful insects. But they sell out quickly because they are effective and cheap. But sometimes you won't find them in the store.

You can make your own sticky tape.

An effective remedy for flies in the house is homemade adhesive tape made of paper, treated with a mixture of rosin, castor oil, honey and jam. Hang them in areas with the greatest concentration of insects. The smell attracts flies, and once they get on the sticky paper, they will stick to it and stay there forever.

Instead of honey, you can take office glue, spread it on paper, and on top apply a layer of rosin and castor oil solution in equal proportions.

Can be soaked parchment paper mixture of half a glass of milk, 40 g of sugar and 40 g of hot pepper, hang sticky tapes around the apartment. Hot pepper kills flies no worse than insecticides.

Fighting flies with folk remedies

Nowadays, self-prepared fly poisons are widely used.

Making fly repellent at home is easy and simple.

Take 1 tablespoon of formaldehyde, 5 tablespoons of sweet water and 3 tablespoons of milk. Pour the resulting solution into saucers and place it on the windowsill in several places.

To attract annoying insects, place pieces of bread in it. The flies will die within a few minutes, having had enough of the poisoned bread.

Insects do not like the strong smell of vodka. By spraying it in places where insects accumulate, you can ensure that they leave this place.

If you make a lotion from half a glass of hazel infusion and half a glass of table vinegar and smear it on the body or spray it where there are a lot of flies, then they will not fly up to you or to this place, and if you spray it all over the apartment, the insects will fly away altogether. This product helps not only against flies, but also against mosquitoes.

If you cut a lemon into 2 parts and stick several sticks of cloves into them, then flies will not fly to this place.

The poison for insects is saccharin, a sugar surrogate. Mix 2g of saccharin with 20ml of honey in a glass of water and soak a newspaper with this mixture. Place the dried newspaper on the windowsill, away from pets.

There is a houseplant, the Venus flytrap, which grabs insects with its leaves and processes them. Plant such a plant on the windowsill and you will not have a single harmful insect.

Modern means for killing flies

There are 3 ways to kill flying insects:

  • physical;
  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Mechanical means

Physical means

Chemical methods of controlling flies

Sprays are products that are used for large lesions in apartments. The concentrated poison consists of microcapsules that penetrate the chitinous layer of insects, and they die.

3.. You can also use ultrasonic fly repellers, which drive them out of the apartment.

Now you know how to get rid of flies in your house forever. We hope that from the methods of destroying them that we have offered you, you will choose one, the best one, buy it and successfully deal with flies.

The main thing is to remember that to prevent them from appearing, you need to keep clean, wash dishes on time and remove leftover food for pets.

The well-known axiom that it is easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to overcome it later is quite true in relation to the fight against flies. Such prevention will include timely cleaning of the house, keeping all rooms clean, and storing food in places inaccessible to insects.

Traditional fly repellents

The traditional set of products includes mosquito nets and gauze nets installed on doors and windows. They certainly make the home more inaccessible to insects, but do not solve the problem entirely, since some of these annoying creatures still manage to get inside.

Sometimes in apartments or shops they use sticky tape to catch flies.

But, let’s face it, such tapes with flies attached do not decorate your home at all, so it makes sense to look for other means.


Before you go to the store for poisonous agents (by the way, flies adapt to various pesticides quite quickly), you can try using plants. The smells of some plant species are absolutely intolerable.

Flies really don't like the smell that black elderberry and fern give off. It is enough to collect several branches of these plants and place them in different places in the house, and soon the pests will begin to disappear. You can also tie the branches with thread and put them in vases, it will also be aesthetically pleasing.

A few pots of tomato bushes can be an effective remedy against flies; they also dislike the smell of the leaves of these plants. The best strategic position to place your tomato air defense plant is on a balcony or window sill. By the way, the specific aroma of tomato leaves will turn away not only flies, but also other flying insects from your home.

Ordinary indoor geranium, which is kept in many homes, will also help get rid of insects. Its aroma has a disinfecting effect and drives away insects. Myrtle and eucalyptus will be good helpers in driving out flies; by placing pots of these plants on the windowsill, you will create an invisible but effective barrier.

You can also suggest a rather exotic way to solve the problem of how to get rid of house flies - use predatory plants, for which the flies will serve as food. A couple of pots of sundew, butterwort or Venus flytrap will quickly reduce the number of houseflies.

Traditional methods

People's ingenuity has also developed several simple, but effective means. It has been noticed that the smell of laurel oil is very unpleasant for flies, which means you can use it to get rid of flies in your apartment. To do this, rub the door and window openings with laurel oil, and also wipe the furniture with it.

Do this procedure a couple of times a month, and the problem of flies in the house will be solved.

Another method is the use of poisonous feeders. Pour a little black pepper, which is extremely poisonous to flies, into sweet water and place this saucer with the “treat” in the place of concentration. After 2-3 days, the rows of flies will thin out considerably.

Fighting insects in the house (video)

It is recommended to rub surfaces on which flies often land with wax or castor oil. The smell of these substances is harmful to them. They also do not like the smell of kerosene and turpentine, but these aromas are not particularly pleasant for people, so they are not suitable for fighting in apartment conditions.

Flies in the country

If you have to fight flies in a garden or personal plot, then the first step is to treat the landfill with waste, compost and cesspools. For these purposes, an aqueous emulsion of karbofos is used, which is obtained by diluting 10 g of the substance in 1 liter of water. Spray concentration areas at least once a month during warm months. An aqueous suspension of bleach (10 g/1 l) and a soap-kerosene mixture also have an antifly effect. Waste around which flies swarm should be covered with soil to prevent further reproduction of insects in this place.

To protect your home from flies, special industrial preparations are used, as well as folk remedies. For this purpose, vinegar, vodka, kerosene and aromas are used. medicinal herbs. Some plants can repel flies, so they are often planted around the house or in the country. To get rid of insects, you can use traps made by yourself. Keeping your home clean is a preventive measure against insects.

Fly repellents

You need to fight flies in your apartment and on the street, starting with preventive measures, using factory-made and folk remedies.

Will be effective and mechanical method extermination of insects. To do this, use a fly swatter. However, it will not help with a large concentration of insects. In this case, you can make homemade traps, spray essential oils, vodka, vinegar. Planting fragrant plants will also help in the fight. medicinal plants and washing floors with kerosene.


Ready-made adhesive tape for catching flies can be purchased at the store or made with your own hands at home.

To make a trap you will need:

  • Castor oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid honey – 100 g.
  • Rosin – 1 tbsp. l.

Pre-cut strips of paper or fabric are coated with the resulting mixture. You can replace honey with office glue. In this case, the tape is first smeared with the substance, and a mixture of castor oil and rosin is applied on top.

The trap is placed in such a way that the child cannot reach it.

Another effective poisonous remedy is ground black pepper. It is mixed with granulated sugar or powder and the powder is sprayed in the apartment. You can sprinkle it on adhesive tapes. To do this, mix 40 g of pepper and 2 tbsp in half a glass of milk. l. Sahara. The resulting mixture is soaked fabric tapes and hung in the kitchen and in the courtyard of a private house.

Saccharin is also poisonous to flies. To prepare glue solution, take 1 g of the substance, 100 g of honey and 1 liter of water. The resulting mixture is coated with the cut ribbons. Another remedy contains pepper (10 g), sugar (60 g), potassium dichromate (20 g), wine alcohol (40 g), water (0.5 l). The resulting mixture is applied to paper and dried. You can mix arsenic potassium salt in an amount of 1 g with sugar (5 g) and dilute with 500 ml of water. The solution is applied to the paper, dried and laid out or hung.

You can prepare a special product that is placed in small containers near doors, windows, balconies and loggias. To do this, mix sweetened water (5 tbsp), formalin (1 tbsp), milk (3 tbsp), pour into saucers and place a piece of bread in each. Formalin kills flies in just 1-2 minutes.

Softening hard water at home - folk remedies and filters

Liquid products: vinegar, vodka, kerosene

One of quick ways To get rid of flies is vinegar. This food product is for humans - good remedy from insects. It is perfect for use indoors and in the country. When setting a table in the yard, moisten a cloth with a vinegar solution and wipe the surfaces of the furniture. The effect of the unpleasant odor for flies lasts for 3 hours. Vinegar can be used to lubricate window and door slopes. You can heat the solution over a fire. The smell becomes more intense, causing insects to leave the room.

To get rid of flies, dilute kerosene (a quarter cup) in a bucket of water and make wet cleaning floor. The effect of this remedy is short-lived, but begins very quickly.

You can also spray vodka in the apartment, which repels insects with its smell.


Tansy has a pungent odor that is unpleasant to flies. It is useful to plant it under the windows of a private house, near the gazebo. She grows well in flower pots, which can be placed on window sills. Flies do not fly close to plants such as mint, elderberry, lavender, wormwood, basil, bay leaf, and cloves. They are also afraid of the smell of growing tomatoes and avoid bird cherry flowers.

Bird cherry

You can pick castor beans or wormwood and put them in flowerpots. The smell of these plants repels insects.

Castor bean

The aroma also helps remove flies essential oils: wormwood, tansy, eucalyptus. For this method, mix 20 drops of any of the substances with 1 liter of water and spray it in the room. You can pour this solution into containers and place them around the apartment.

How to deal with flies in the country

Harmful insects in the country and in your own wooden houses are a more common occurrence due to the fact that animals are kept in these areas. Buildings in the form of barns, chicken coops, pigsties and country toilets- the main place where many insects gather.

Before disinfestation at the dacha, animals are removed from the premises. To exterminate flies, use chlorophos (3% essence). When added to this solution soda ash greater effect can be achieved. The product is heated to +50°C and all rooms are sprayed with it at least 2 times a week.

In autumn, when flies are most active, it is recommended to hang sticky tapes in all buildings. Good decision consider mosquito net, which acts as a mechanical barrier. In summer cottages, you can spray chemical factory aerosols against insects.

Maggots that flies lay on waste are destroyed with boiling water. To be safe, dissolve rosin in it and add anti-flea shampoo.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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Spring... What could be more beautiful! However, with the arrival of the first gentle rays of the sun, all of nature is reborn, and annoying, annoying flies are no exception. Especially many of these insects live in rural areas. A person must understand that proximity to flies is not only an unpleasant buzzing and tickling during sleep. Insects can be carriers of various dangerous diseases, so you need to know wooden house.

Danger lurks on the legs of flies

Unpleasant insects are often carriers of various diseases. A fly, having flown in from the street and landed on human food, can introduce any viruses and bacteria there.

Preventing the appearance of flies in a wooden house

Many people do not understand where flies in a wooden house come from. If only they knew the basics preventive measures against the appearance of insects in housing, then this problem would not affect them. So, how can you prevent fly attacks in wooden housing?

  1. Flies simply love unsanitary conditions, so they don’t complain too much clean houses. Carry out wet cleaning more often, immediately put uneaten food in the refrigerator, and food waste in the trash. By the way, you don’t need to store garbage for a long time either. Try to throw it away as quickly as possible. If you keep livestock, then flies often fly into the house from cow dung. Water the manure with a weak solution of vitriol - and the reproduction of larvae will be stopped.
  2. Protect windows and doors with insect screens - the barrier method is very effective.
  3. Elderberry and bird cherry planted along the house will repel fruit flies with their smell. The same can be said about the pot indoor geranium on the windowsill. Drosophila "love" tea leaves, so don't keep them old tea in the bucket for a very long time.

If preventive measures still haven’t saved you, it’s time to read tips on how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.

Getting rid of flies using chemicals

Modern manufacturers offer customers a range of different means to combat house flies. Below you can find the most popular and effective of them.

  • Aerosol is a very easy to use product. You just need to press a button and spray a stream of poison onto the insects. Very often flies are destroyed using Dichlorvos. This is done like this: the chemical is generously sprayed into the room, then it is locked for an hour. After this, the housewife will only have to ventilate the room and sweep the dead flies into a dustpan. Chemical manufacturers know exactly how to get rid of flies in a wooden house.
  • Sticky tape is very effective in controlling flies. It's already in use long years. The essence of the work is to hang the tape near the window or in the center wooden house. Chemical composition impregnation attracts flies with the smell, they land on the tape, but can no longer fly away. Their paws are firmly stuck in the sticky substance! The insect quickly dies from this poison.

  • Vaportrin-impregnated plates give excellent result in the fight against flies that have infested flowers. Killing flies in a wooden house using this method will not harm a person, but insects will clearly have a hard time.

Chemical methods of insect control provide high result, but they also have a drawback. Some chemicals can harm a person (for example, there is clearly no need to breathe Dichlorvos). It is especially not recommended to use such methods in a home where small children live.

How to fight flies in wooden houses using folk methods?

If the use of chemical products is unacceptable for you, and flies are extremely annoying, then try to drive them out using traditional methods. For example, black pepper is horrible dream flies, for them it is a real poison. Place three pinches of ground black pepper in a glass of sweet water and leave it in the room. After an hour, all you have to do is collect the dead insects from the bottom of the glass.

Flies in a wooden house in the fall are frequent guests. You can prepare a trap for them with your own hands. Just take a newspaper and soak it in sweet water. When the paper dries, it will become an extremely effective trap for annoying insects.

Extra fly removal

It happens that you need to get rid of insects as soon as possible (for example, you are expecting important guests). In this case, you can use a less strong chemical.

If you don’t want to do this, but you don’t know how to deal with flies in wooden houses, do it easier. Curtain the windows tightly. The room needs darkness. After 15 minutes, open all the windows, doors, balcony - and the flies will rush to the newly appeared light.

Another good option is to create a draft in the house. Flies do not like wind and will most likely leave a room that is uncomfortable for them.

By the way, you should not sweep out spiders that are suddenly found in the house. The premises in which she lives worst enemy, the fly will avoid!

Well, the last method without the use of chemicals is an ordinary fly swatter, which is also used very often in our time.

How to get rid of flies in a wooden house using ultrasound?

Currently, ultrasonic devices are very often used to get rid of flies. They are effective and do not contain any chemicals. You will get rid of flies quickly and safely. High sound waves, which humans cannot even hear (they are, of course, safe for our ears), are destructive to insects. This high-pitched sound is too unpleasant for flies; when they hear it, they immediately fly as far as possible from the source. Ultrasound will not affect outdoors, but will perfectly cope with the task in a wooden house.

Now you know how to quickly and effectively get rid of flies that bring dirt and disease into our home. Do not allow annoying insects into your cozy home!

Sometimes a person unexpectedly discovers small flying insects in his home. Moreover, these midges can be different in appearance: gray, red, white, black. It's time to think about whether they pose a danger, whether they bite, and how to get rid of them. These questions can be easily answered by understanding which small flying insects most often appear in a house or apartment.

Types of small midges found in human housing

This small insects families fruit flies. Small size, easy to breed, short life cycle made fruit flies indispensable as an object of study for geneticists. Drosophila has popular names: vinegar fly, wine fly, fruit fly.

These insects live next to humans because here they find food for themselves, which is rotten berries, fruits, and sour juices.

The length of the insect is 1.5–3 mm, the wings are longer than the body.

Drosophila size 1.5–3 mm

The eyes are red, and the insect itself is yellow-brown in color.

Drosoophila has a yellow-brown color

Drosophila reproduce very quickly. In just 10 days, development from egg to adult occurs. The very next day after emerging from the pupa, the Drosophila lays eggs, and during its life it can lay up to 2 thousand eggs. With such a rate of reproduction, fruit flies quickly conquer space in the apartment, and although they are quite harmless and do not bite, confused residents urgently look for effective ways get rid of them.

It is believed that fruit flies are not carriers of diseases, but the very flickering of these flies before the eyes is unpleasant.

Where do fruit flies come from? They cannot fly from afar, because these midges fly no more than 180 meters per day. The most common reason for the appearance of fruit flies, biologists say, is fruits and vegetables brought home that already contain eggs of these insects. As soon as the fruit begins to deteriorate and rot, larvae appear from the eggs, and flies from the larvae.

Drosophila love rotten fruit

Drosophila can be brought into the house with soil for planting indoor plants. Adult flies emerge from eggs and larvae in the ground. They multiply especially actively when the flowers are waterlogged and the soil is acidic.

Theoretically, you can get rid of fruit flies by simply doing a thorough cleaning and depriving them of food, but this can take a long time.


Microscopic white insects on indoor flowers Whiteflies are harmful plant pests.

Tiny whitefly - a malicious pest of indoor plants

They may arrive with new indoor flower or fly in from the street. These small insects lay eggs on back side leaves. Hatched whiteflies suck out the juice and leave behind a sugary secretion. The leaves of the plant become deformed and then fall off along with the flower buds.

Whitefly destroys indoor plants

Pests reproduce extremely quickly and are extremely tenacious. If you do not start fighting whiteflies in time, indoor flowers will die. It especially damages begonia, fuchsia, and balsam.

Flower midges (sciarids)

Adults sciarids(flower midge or fungus gnat, or soil gnat) are black insects about 3–4 mm long.

Sciarid flower midge

They lay eggs among the roots of plants. The mosquitoes themselves do not cause much harm, but their larvae, which are worms up to 5 mm long, are very dangerous for flowers. The larvae eat the roots of the plant, causing it to die.

Sciarid larvae eat plant roots

They get there flower midges into a house with soil infested with larvae. They might even fly out the window. These insects are often found in damp basements of houses, and from there they make their way through the ventilation. Midges may be interested in food waste, rotten fruits and vegetables.

Sciarides do not bite, but they must be fought, otherwise they will destroy all indoor flowers.


Butterflies (sewer flies) are small insects up to 2 mm long.

Sewer fly

The larvae of these insects and pupae live in sewer pipes Oh, and they feed on decaying organic matter. Adults have wings and a body covered with hairs. One butterfly clutch contains up to a hundred eggs. There can be a lot of infection on the legs of these nasty insects. In addition, there are known cases of allergies to butterflies.

The butterflies themselves can also be food for spiders and other large insects that will appear in the house if the sewer fly is not exterminated.

Ways to get rid of little black midges

Fighting fruit flies at home

Folk remedies: juice, cereal, vinegar, etc.

How to get rid of fruit flies. Video

Fruit fly trap. Video

There are also special means , which can be used to combat fruit flies, as well as other insects.

You can use some kind of insecticide in the form of an aerosol or fly strips, but this is not advisable in the kitchen where the food is located. It is better to use sticky traps and tape.

Some modern chemical-based products for controlling fruit flies

  1. The Aeroxon Sticky Trap is designed to kill harmful insects on indoor plants. The trap has an attractive color. The glue is odorless and non-toxic.
  2. Sticky tape for Raptor flies. Yellow attracts flies that stick to the adhesive layer.
  3. Aeroxon Window Flycatcher Tape. Efficient and safe remedy from midges.

Breeding whiteflies and sciarids on indoor flowers in an apartment

Simple remedies for whiteflies

    The easiest and most harmless way for humans to destroy whiteflies is to manually remove insects from indoor plants. To do this, you need to remove the whitefly-infected leaves and loosen the soil in the pot. The entire plant must be treated with a soap solution.

    You can place sticky tapes near indoor plants: adult whiteflies will stick to them.

    Since the whitefly likes to live in the shade on the underside of leaves, you can scare it away with light: place sheets of foil near the flowers. Sun rays, reflected, will fall on bottom side leaves, where this pest lives.

    If one of the indoor plants is most affected by the whitefly, then it may be better to donate it and not spread it dangerous insect to other flowers.

    Make an infusion of yarrow. Add a couple of spoons of dishwashing detergent to it. Treat the leaves of affected plants with this composition.

  1. To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, spray the flowers with an infusion of dandelion leaves and roots every 10 days.
  2. At the initial stage of whitefly spread, wipe the plants with garlic infusion (3-4 crushed cloves and 2 glasses of water).
  3. Infuse for a day orange peels in water, then add 2 tablespoons liquid soap. Spray on plants for several days in a row. Keep the product in the refrigerator.

Whitefly is a pest of indoor plants. Video

Means of combating sciarids

  1. Dry upper layer soil by 1–2 cm. Then the clutch of eggs will die.
  2. Make top drainage. Cover the soil with a layer of gravel or expanded clay. The drainage dries quickly after watering, and the pest is unable to lay eggs.
  3. Remove dried leaves and flowers in a timely manner. Avoid watering plants with broths, drunken tea, milk, etc. Food products They simply rot in the soil and help pests multiply.
  4. Water the soil several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This remedy is considered quite effective.
  5. Draw “Mashenka” chalk (for cockroaches) stripes on the top of the flower pots.
  6. Use traps and adhesive tape.
  7. Keep the house clean and tidy, promptly remove food waste that can become food for sciarids.

Sciarides. Video

The use of insecticides in residential areas should be treated with extreme caution. The most popular are Aktara and Aktellik. You must strictly follow the instructions for using such products.

How to get rid of midges in the bathroom

In the bathroom, a butterfly (sewer fly) may appear near the drains. This insect is attracted to trash cans and clogged bathtub and sink drains.

Hence the methods of combating this disgusting insect.

Means to combat the butterfly

  1. The main thing in the fight against butterflies is cleaning the sewer pipes. Pipes must be cleaned both mechanically (with a cable) and modern means for clearing blockages. You can at least use the old one folk way: pour baking soda into the drain and extinguish it with vinegar.
  2. The trash can must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  3. Constantly monitor the cat litter if it is in the bathroom.
  4. Hang adhesive tape in areas where insects appear.
  5. Use midge traps.
  6. Place containers in the bathroom with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Midges land on the surface of the mixture, but cannot take off, as their wings stick together.
  7. Sewer flies really don't like the smell of chlorine. Treating bathroom surfaces with chlorine-containing cleaning products will help get rid of the unpleasant environment.


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