How to get rid of thistle in the garden forever. How to get rid of thistle in the garden: several effective ways

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Sow thistle is a plant from the aster family, widespread throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS countries (except perhaps in the Arctic). It is easily recognized by its bright yellow flowers collected in inflorescences, spiny stems and carved leaves. When a leaf or stem is broken, white (milky) juice is released. The weed reproduces very quickly and is extremely tenacious, so removing sow thistles from potatoes is no easier than completely getting rid of wheatgrass.

Kinds. There are many types of thistle, but in our gardens there are three most often found:

  • sow thistle is an annual plant with a branched root system;
  • rough sow thistle is an annual plant with long conical roots;
  • field sow thistle is a perennial, root system which can grow up to 4 meters in length and a meter in width.

Sow thistle is the most common weed of the Aster family.

Sometimes pink thistle is called field thistle - a prickly plant with carved leaves and lilac-pink flowers, which has the same developed root system as sow thistle, therefore the methods of controlling both weeds are the same.

Organic farming methods

Supporters organic farming There are only three ways to get rid of thistle:

  • weeding;
  • mulching;
  • sowing green manure.

Features of weeding an area overgrown with thistle

Thistle reproduces in the same way as dandelion: yellow flowers turn into white fluffy “brushes”, and the fluffs with seeds are carried by the wind. One plant produces up to 20 thousand seeds per season.

Thistle also has one more property: if after weeding a piece of root at least 3 centimeters long remains in the soil, a new plant will sprout from it. Therefore, the mechanical method of weed control requires patience and perseverance.

In the spring, before planting potatoes, the soil is loosened (in small areas - with hoes or cultivators, in large areas - disc harrows) and carefully select thistle rhizomes. However, all the plants cannot be destroyed at once; the weed will definitely sprout. Subsequently, sow thistles on potatoes are weeded out at least once every 2 weeks, carefully ensuring that the weeds do not have time to produce seeds.

In early spring, young plants can be easily pruned with a flat cutter or a Fokin loop. To make it more convenient to dig up long and powerful rhizomes, use a Tornado cultivator or a two-pronged spade. Particularly convenient is the spade, the teeth of which are twisted in a spiral, like those of the Tornado. Roots removed from the ground should not be thrown into compost, otherwise they will germinate.

The Fokina flat cutter perfectly weeds out sow thistles

After harvesting, if there are no plans to sow green manure, the area is plowed, but the soil is not loosened: then the seeds and rhizomes will remain on the surface, and during the winter at least some of them will freeze. With regular weeding, the deep-lying roots of the weed are gradually depleted, which makes it possible to get rid of 90% of thistle within 3 years.


By using mulching, you can significantly reduce labor costs for weeding and effectively destroy weeds. Under a layer of hay or straw, young, newly hatched sow thistle sprouts rot, turning into fertilizer. Mulch is an ideal breeding ground for earthworms and beneficial bacteria.

Instead of vegetable mulch, you can use cardboard or black spunbond (agrofibre). Mulching is practiced even in large farms, where special machines are used to chop plant matter.

Sowing green manure

Most theorists of organic farming claim that only the land on which nothing else is planted becomes overgrown with weeds. Therefore, the site should not be empty.

In the fall, after harvesting, future potato beds are sown with buckwheat, white mustard, watercress or sugar beets. In the spring, before planting potatoes, phacelia or legumes are sown. If there is a lot of thistle, it is recommended to next year After the potatoes, sow corn thickly. Over time, green manure will drown out the sow thistle, but until then the weeds will have to be uprooted.

Chemical means of combating sow thistle

Not everyone has the strength and time to methodically destroy sow thistles only mechanically. Even the outstanding agronomist N.I. Kurdyumov, a staunch supporter of organic farming, recommends using systemic herbicides containing glyphosate in moderate doses: Roundup, Tornado, Hurricane, Smersh.

The problem is that all herbicides for sow thistle on potatoes have a non-selective effect, so the products must be used carefully, so that not a drop gets on the crop plants.

The beds are covered with film, bushes and trees are protected with “screens” made of corrugated sheets. Branches that are accidentally exposed to the herbicide are immediately pruned. Spraying should not be finely dispersed, so neither a spray bottle nor a vacuum cleaner will do.

Glyphosate is absorbed into the leaves of plants and, together with the juices, penetrates to the roots. In order to kill the root system of thistle, it takes 1–2 weeks, during which the area cannot be weeded: otherwise, you can cut the root and separate the healthy part where the poison has not yet reached.

The best time to spray herbicides is autumn. After harvesting, the area is harrowed to a depth of 5 cm to provoke massive emergence of weeds. When the sow thistle reaches a height of 10–15 cm, it is carefully treated with herbicides.

If you need to apply a herbicide in the spring, then do the same thing: shallowly harrow the area, and then spray the seedlings. But after using preparations containing glyphosate, at least 2–3 weeks should pass before planting potatoes.

To destroy potato sow thistles in the summer without damaging the cultivated plants, it is convenient to use a brush or a medical syringe. According to the instructions, prepare a herbicide solution (usually 40 ml per 10 liters of water), then either smear the leaves with a brush or inject them into the stem, closer to the root.

Glyphosate has the property of reducing nitrogen content in the soil. Legumes do not grow well in areas treated with herbicide. When feeding potatoes, the amount of nitrogen fertilizers must be increased.

It should be borne in mind that glyphosate is toxic, so you can only work with it with gloves, goggles and a respirator. Spraying is carried out in dry weather. The remains of the solution cannot be poured down the drain: they are disposed of by digging a deep hole in a vacant lot. It is dangerous to use glyphosate more than once a year.

The benefits of weeded sow thistle

The leaves and roots of thistle are a storehouse of vitamins, but only if you do not use herbicides. This is another argument in favor of organic farming. The green mass is eaten with pleasure by pets.

An infusion of field thistle leaves helps against powdery mildew. You need to infuse 3 kilograms of crushed leaves and stems in 10 liters of water for 2-3 days. Spray cultivated plants (currants, gooseberries, nightshades, legumes, cruciferous vegetables) with the resulting liquid for 3 days in a row.

The taste of the leaves is very piquant. Nutritionists recommend adding young sow thistle greens to salads and soups (instead of sorrel). Before use, the leaves are kept in salted water for 40 minutes. In addition to sow thistle, add egg, onion, cucumber to the salad, season with sour cream mixed with sugar, salt and lemon juice.

IN folk medicine sow thistle is used to improve metabolism and as an anti-inflammatory agent. For gout, migraines, neuroses, pour 1 tablespoon of dried leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and drink a tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day.

For hemorrhoids, cool baths with thistle infusion bring significant relief. A handful of dry leaves is poured into a liter of boiling water; when the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and poured into a basin with a little warm water. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for 15 minutes.

It will be possible to remove this thistle from the garden forever modern methods treatment of affected areas. It interferes with the development and fruiting of useful crops, is a carrier of plant diseases, and provides favorable environment for the development of insect pests. The integrated use of chemical, agrotechnical and folk remedies will help get rid of weed in a short time and for a long time.

How to remove sow thistle from the garden forever

Vegetables, berries and fruits are at risk in areas where weeds appear. It causes the following harm:

  1. Complicates soil cultivation.
  2. Creates artificial shade for crops, preventing natural light. This slows down the growth and development of useful plantings.
  3. It causes the spread of insect pests and the appearance of fungal diseases.

Thistle is one of the most common types of plant pests. For effective fight with thistle in the garden, it is necessary to take into account its specific features:

  1. The roots grow to a depth of 6 m. They suck out everything nutrients from the ground. Useful plantings on the site will not receive the necessary minerals and vitamins. Lack of fertilizer affects the quantity and quality of the crop. Sow thistle – common reason lack of fruiting.
  2. The pest reproduces rapidly by vegetative means.
  3. Thistle is very difficult to destroy. Thanks to its branched root system, it easily grows in different parts plot on any soil.
  4. One plant produces about 6,500 seeds, which are easily moved among crops by the wind. If you carelessly weed or dig, there is a high probability of transferring seeds to unaffected areas.

Exist different methods, allowing you to get rid of thistle, a garden weed:

  1. Use of chemicals. The area is treated with purchased herbicides.
  2. Weeding the area. It is used for early onset of sow thistle and is aimed at depleting the root system.
  3. Loosening, digging up soil. The affected soil is treated with a rake and shovel.
  4. The use of folk remedies and recipes.

Getting rid of thistle is very difficult. An integrated approach is required with the simultaneous use of several methods. Timely prevention will prevent its occurrence.

Chemical control of sow thistle

Chemical method of controlling sow thistle garden plot– use of herbicides. Purchase medications in specialized stores. Modern means can be broad or narrow spectrum of action:

  • Roundup;
  • Tornado;
  • Arsenal;
  • Anti-weed;
  • Lontrel;
  • Glyfovit;
  • Chistopol.

To get rid of weeds using chemicals, you must follow the rules and recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to use herbicides in dry, sunny and windless weather. Any precipitation should be avoided. They will minimize the effects of drugs.
  2. Care should be taken to prevent chemicals from entering vegetable crops.
  3. The procedure will be considered effective if you follow the instructions for use of the drugs. Each herbicide has an optimal proportion to achieve the best effect.

Important! After applying the chemicals, the area can only be used for several months. You should wait until the herbicides disintegrate completely in the soil.

Following safety rules will allow you to get rid of weeds without harm to your health:

  1. Work with chemicals is carried out in special protective clothing.
  2. Skin contact with herbicides should be avoided.
  3. If the product comes into contact with open areas body or eyes, rinse the affected area quickly and thoroughly clean water, consult a doctor.

The use of herbicides to permanently kill thistle is an effective way to clean up the area.

How to remove thistle from the garden using folk remedies

Folk remedies for sow thistle in the garden are used in an area where numerous useful plantings. Using improvised methods helps get rid of the pest and preserve planted vegetables, berries and fruits. The effectiveness and quality of the result depend on the frequency and timeliness of application.

There are various traditional methods weed control:

  1. Spraying with kerosene is applied pointwise. Thanks to this, damage to other crops is minimized. The effect of the procedure occurs almost immediately. Unwanted vegetation quickly disappears.
  2. Mulching the soil with sawdust or other dense substance. They cover the soil with a thick layer, preventing the germination of thistle.
  3. Planting in the garden special plants– green manure. They improve the condition of the soil, enrich it useful substances. To combat thistle, varieties of legumes, alfalfa, nettle, lupine, and rye are sown in places where it actively germinates. After the green manure yields a harvest, the area is covered with a thick film until spring arrives. Any grass, including weeds, rots under polyethylene. The remaining humus is considered an excellent natural fertilizer.
  4. An excellent remedy for removing thistle is ammonia. The plant is completely treated with the product. For spraying, dissolve 7 bottles of ammonia in a bucket of water. After a short period of time harmful plant will wither and its root system will die.
  5. Usage ammonia will have a detrimental effect on thistle shoots. Spraying the solution will destroy it in a short period of time.

Advice! When working with drugs, you must use protective clothing. Spraying is carried out pointwise - the solution should not touch fruit and berry plantings Location on.

Agrotechnical methods

You can get rid of thistle using agrotechnical methods. They involve a mechanical effect on the weed. This method is considered quite effective, but energy-consuming. To implement it you will need special gardening Tools. Regular implementation of the recommended procedures will allow you to get rid of the harmful plant forever:

  1. In the fall, after harvesting, the soil is dug up. Its main goal is to completely extract the sow thistle root from the ground. To do this you need to go deep enough. The weed is then removed to get rid of it. It is best to burn the dug up plant. The soil is not loosened; the remaining seeds should not fall back into the soil. During cold weather, they will freeze and will not cause harm in the future.
  2. On the land affected by thistle, regular weeding is carried out every 2 weeks. It is believed that this period is necessary for the weed to restore the root system. Timely weeding will deplete the weed and deprive it of its ability to grow.
  3. Young sow thistle shoots are removed manually. The roots of newly emerged shoots are weak and small and can be easily pulled out.

Important! To finally get rid of thistle, it is necessary to completely destroy its root system.

Thistle is a harmful weed; combating it with high-quality and timely agrotechnical methods is the key to clean crops.

How to get rid of thistle on potatoes

Sow thistle is the main danger for potato plantings. The weed quickly clogs the fields, interfering with the full cultivation of the vegetable:

  1. Due to thistle, potatoes stop receiving nutrients from the soil.
  2. The microclimate of crops is disrupted.
  3. Harmful grass prevents sufficient intake fresh air to the vegetable, resulting in late blight.
  4. Because of harmful effects weed, the potato crop loses quality - the root crops become small, deformed, and cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Reference! Late blight in potatoes is dangerous fungal disease. Appears as brown spots on leaves, fruits, leads to rotting and death of the entire plant.

It is necessary to get rid of weeds in a potato field before they cause irreparable damage to the crops. There are several effective methods for controlling thistle on potatoes.

Mechanical protection

The method involves intensive work with soil: moving and processing. To do this, select the right combs. The mesh harrow will ensure thorough hilling. Effect of use special devices depends on the composition of the soil and the level of occurrence groundwater.

Important! Heavy soil and close proximity to the groundwater surface will minimize sow thistle control efforts.

When removing the weed, potato seedlings should not be damaged. There are quality tools for this:

  • disc hillers;
  • spinning hoes;
  • brushes, squeegees.

Chemical control

To get rid of pink thistle in a potato field, the main control measures are chemicals. When using them, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. Plant potato tubers at a depth where chemicals will not spread.
  2. Loosen the soil before processing.
  3. Apply the products to moist soil.
  4. After treatment, do not water the potato field. Water can transfer drugs to the roots of vegetables.

Important! Use herbicides strictly according to the instructions, observing the correct proportions.

Following the rules will protect vegetables from the harmful effects of chemicals.

The integrated use of two methods will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of weeds in a potato field.

Removing thistle from the garden forever is a labor-intensive task. The weed interferes with the growth of crops, depletes the soil, and causes bad harvests and the spread of plant diseases. You can get rid of thistle through a set of measures, including the use of chemical, agrotechnical, and folk remedies. Timely application of weed control methods will ensure order in the area.

Thistle is a member of the aster family. However, this plant is a weed that causes a lot of inconvenience to summer residents and gardeners. Fighting thistle is not an easy task and takes a lot of time and effort.

Externally, the plant is a pretty yellow flower. Its spiny leaves have a serrated edge and are oblong in shape. Big problem represents precisely the root system that this weed has. It is incredibly powerful and can go a meter into the ground. It is almost impossible to completely uproot thistle. In addition, it reproduces precisely with the help of root suckers.

Thistle grown in a garden bed quickly spreads in all directions over a large area.

This weed belongs to annual plants, however, this does not make it any more harmless. It grows so easily: you can find this plant on almost all continents of the world. For it, the type of soil or its density does not matter at all; it will take root everywhere, even where other plants die. In addition, sow thistle is absolutely not picky about climatic conditions and tolerates both cold and heat.

Therefore, it is important to understand in time how to deal with thistle in order to save your summer cottage from it.

Ways to fight

If you notice thistle on your land, you need to take immediate action. The fight should begin with weakening the root system of the plant. This is the only way to completely eliminate this weed.

There are two ways to get rid of the plant:

  • Chemical. Using special medications;
  • Mechanical. Resorting only to the help of agricultural implements.

Chemical method

Choosing for yourself chemical method, must be found suitable drugs. Herbicides are very popular. However, their use has its drawbacks.

They are great for uncultivated areas of land, before plantings have appeared there. This is due to the fact that herbicides are toxic substances. They kill the weed, but at the same time poison the soil, and therefore the rest of the plants planted on it. Fruits collected from such plantings should not be eaten.

After treating the area, it is necessary to allow the substances to erode, and only then plant crops.

It is also necessary to take precautions when handling drugs to avoid poisoning or burns. When spraying plants with herbicides, use protective gloves. It is best to wear a respirator, goggles and thick clothing before treatment.

If the garden is already laid out, it is better to use more safe ways combating thistle. Most Popular folk remedy is spraying the weed with kerosene. The substance should be sprayed very carefully so as not to affect useful plantings. In this situation, the weed will quickly die, and garden crops will not be harmed.

Weed control with other plants

Another folk remedy is to plant annual flowers along rows. It is believed that thistle does not grow near them. However, this theory has not yet been proven by anyone from a scientific point of view.

A simple and affordable remedy is green manure. These include: nettle, lupine, alfalfa, peas, rye. After planting, you need to wait until the plants grow up, then cover them with sheets of cardboard or film and leave them in this state until spring. The plants rot, enriching the soil, but the weed cannot grow in such conditions.

Mechanical methods

It is also important to remember mechanical methods fight against adversity. These include digging up the earth. It is carried out in the fall after the harvest has already been harvested. You need to dig deep enough to completely reach the sow thistle root. The weed is removed by hand. Afterwards, it can be used for compost.

After digging, you cannot loosen the soil. This is due to the fact that when the weed is extracted, it sprinkles seeds all around. If you loosen the soil, the seeds will go deep and germinate later. Remaining on the surface, they will simply freeze out during the winter period.

You need to weed your garden regularly—every two weeks. The roots of the sow thistle are restored during this period of time. With regular weeding, the weed will survive completely.

You can remove this thistle by hand while it is still young. As soon as you notice its sprouts, you need to get rid of them immediately. It's not difficult, because you have young plant The roots are still tender and located close to the surface.

Agricultural film is often used to cover beds. This is a special film with slots for cultivated plants. Weeds do not have the opportunity to germinate under it. It is effective, however, before using it, it is still worth carrying out at least mechanical “cleaning” of weeds.

Harm and benefits of thistle

If you don’t pay attention to the sow thistle and let it “live” its own life, then very soon you can say goodbye to the harvest. Thistle can cause a lot of damage. It quickly occupies large spaces, destroying garden crops in its path.

Naturally, for such vigorous growth, the weed needs to get nutrients from somewhere. He draws them from the soil. Thus, the land where the weed grows becomes depleted very quickly.

However, what is a headache for a summer resident still has its value. Thistle has and beneficial properties. It turns out that it is a favorite delicacy of herbivores. It is often used as food for livestock.

The plant is also an excellent honey plant. Yellow flowers Thistles are incredibly attractive to bees.

In addition to all of the above, the weed has one more use. It is an ingredient in some dishes. Its leaves are soaked and used in salads and cabbage soup. Thistle roots can also be eaten; they taste similar to Jerusalem artichoke.

It also found its application in medicine. The plant is known for its choleretic and laxative properties. Thistle is also used by nursing mothers for better production of breast milk.

Sow thistle works well to stop bleeding; its crushed leaves are applied to the wound. And young shoots of the plant are included in vitamin preparations.

But no matter what beneficial properties this weed has, it has no place in the garden next to other crops. Let these simple tips will help you get rid of the uninvited “guest” in a timely manner, and have a fruitful year!

Summer residents have several regularly occurring problems, one of them is weeds. Sow thistle is a weed that probably everyone knows, and so it appears again and again after every watering or rain. The reason for such vitality is its powerful root, which is up to 4 m long, and the lateral roots have buds that sprout shoots. If you cut the sow thistle root with a shovel and do not pull out all the roots, then a new plant will appear from each cut part of it. How to get rid of thistle?

Spring weeding is a good effective way to combat not only thistle, but also others.

It is very difficult to get rid of thistle, but its harm can be reduced to nothing if you remove it in a timely manner at the first appearance, and in no case allow it to bloom (June-September) and especially to shed its seeds. Thistle root restores its vitality within 2 weeks, so you have some time to complete the weeding. Thus, time after time (every 2 weeks), the sow thistle root weakens and stops growing. Yes it Long story, but where it is not possible to apply chemicals, there is no other way. Thistle is not afraid of frost and scorching sun.

In the fall, be sure to do a deep autumn digging and comb out the sow thistle roots with a rake.

Plant potatoes in the area with thistles; constant hilling of the root crop will allow you to regularly cut off the weed.

If the sow thistle has already filled a decent area of ​​the site, then let the soil rest for a year, just dig it up and water it, without planting anything. Apply Roundup.

For where there is a huge amount of thistle, it is advisable to dig up the soil with a pitchfork in the fall, selecting the roots, then the seeds will not go deep into the soil, they will begin to germinate and at this moment they will need to be weeded. When removing weedy remains of thistle, part of the root remains in the ground, so, sad as it may be, you definitely cannot avoid several diggings. You can apply soil treatment with Arsenal herbicide.

If thistle grows near your garden plot, mow it and, if possible, use chemicals.

In the fight against sow thistle, you can use chemicals. However, they affect both weeds and crops.

After using chemicals in the fight against thistle, the soil cannot be used for 2 months; this period must be allowed to decompose. chemical substance in the soil.

If you use plant residues as a base for compost, then be careful that sow thistle does not get into it.

Sow thistle is one of the prominent representatives family Asteraceae. More than 70 species are found in nature, most of which are annual or perennial, sometimes woody at the base. The most common varieties of sow thistle are the sow thistle and which, although they have certain healing properties and are sometimes used in cooking, most often perceived as weeds. How to get rid of thistle in the garden or personal plot Once and for all? Many people ask this question, but it is almost impossible to completely eradicate this weed. But at the same time, there are several very effective ways fight him.

Method number 1: deplete the root system

To understand how to get rid of thistle in the garden using this method, you need to know that in the spring the rapid growth of young plants occurs mainly due to the nutrients accumulated in the root system over the previous season. And only when the above-ground shoots grow properly, they begin to store nutritional material in the roots. Thus, in the first two weeks active growth of the new generation, the sow thistle is significantly depleted, so if at this time you carry out thorough weeding, destroying all the young shoots, you can ensure that the sow thistle will regenerate aboveground part again due to the roots. We do this weeding every 2 weeks - and as a result, we completely deplete the annoying weed.

Method number 2: get rid of rhizomes

Another effective method concerning how to remove sow thistle from the garden is digging up the area with the most careful selection of weed rhizomes. The remaining plants can be easily uprooted in the spring while the soil is still damp and loose. Of course, this does not guarantee the disappearance of thistle on your site, but it will significantly reduce its number.

Method No. 3: combating sow thistle in the garden using no-moldboard tillage

Dumpless cultivation is a technology in which the soil on the site is not dug up in the fall. Thus, the sow thistle seeds remain on the surface of the earth, and, sprouted in the same season or in early spring, are destroyed by frost and the first spring treatment soil. If you plow or dig up a plot in the fall, the weed seeds will spread throughout the entire arable layer, partially germinate, and the rest will hide in the depths of the soil, waiting longer. favorable conditions for growth and development. It should be noted that the germination of sow thistle seeds lasts up to 20 years.

Method No. 4: sowing green manure

How to get rid of sow thistle in the garden using legumes that are familiar to everyone? It’s very simple: in the spring, in an area overgrown with weeds, you can sow peas or other green manure crops. When the pea crop is harvested, its lashes, along with thistle shoots, are bent to the ground as tightly as possible and the whole thing is covered with several layers of newspaper. You can throw all kinds of plant debris and debris on top of newspapers. Under such a “blanket” the green manure together with the sow thistle will very quickly rot, leaving the area absolutely clean.

Here are a few folk ways how to get rid of thistle in the garden. There are actually a lot of them. Summer residents and rural residents act, as they say, in whatever way they can, experimenting on their plots from season to season. After all, what can you do to get rid of annoying weeds and enjoy the look of clean, tidy beds!


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