How to beautifully store wine: wine racks, shelves and racks as an element of kitchen decor. DIY wine shelf: interesting ideas DIY wooden wine cabinet drawings

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A glass of good wine during a meal can not only lift your spirits, but also saturate your body. useful substances, vitamins and antioxidants. If you are a fan of European cuisine, you will probably completely agree with this statement. But any product or drink can retain its beneficial features only subject to storage rules. Meat - only in freezer, eggs in special trays, vegetables in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. Wine will require exactly the same “special” conditions.

Wine cabinet built into kitchen furniture

It is recommended to use shelves for wine bottles. Designed not only to fulfill their primary purpose - preserving a noble drink - they allow you to add some “zest” to the interior of a house or apartment.

The cost of this type of furniture is far from being at the level of chairs and stools. This is, rather, a kind of art, so be prepared to pay a hefty sum for a quality product, or consider creating such a piece of furniture yourself.

The statistics cannot lie when they say that more than 91% of all wine bottles purchased are consumed within the first 24 hours. But a true wine connoisseur knows that the entire “life” of this amazing drink is a long, complex process that has embodied a whole science since ancient times, which continues to develop and improve to this day.

Direct Sun rays, vibrations, humidity, temperature are the main factors that completely deprive a newly-minted sommelier of his hobby, which is the main reason for storing vessels with this drink in a special cellar, where the temperature is constant and the absence of sunlight completely eliminates the oxidation process.

Special cabinet for home storage wines at the right temperature

Racks for storing homemade wine in the basement of a house

The owners are absolutely lucky country house who can afford to equip a real wine Vault, where you can enjoy the gifts of Dionysus all year round, sitting in front of the fireplace in the evening. But what should a person do who, being a connoisseur of the “art of wine”, is forced to live in an apartment where it is hardly possible to allocate space for specialized storage?

A similar question was asked at the end of 1976 by the French founder of the EuroCave company, which produces wine racks, specialized cabinets that allow maintaining the quality of a noble drink even in urban environments. But this applies, rather, to cabinets.

The wine rack is equipment for several other purposes. Therefore, returning to the beginning of the article, it is worth fully deciding on the purpose of purchasing a rack. Would you like your wine to mature in the kitchen? Then your choice is a closet to store it. If you need a beautiful decorative element or just a shelf for storing bottles where a couple or two of semi-sweet red wines will await the next celebration - make a wine rack!

An original honeycomb shelf for wine bottles for your guests

Types of wine shelves

They are divided by type of design, as well as the placement of wine bottles.

Comfortable wine cabinet with drawers

Combined wine rack for horizontal and vertical storage

But the trend fashion trends, the cruel “invasion” of trends dictates to the consumer absolutely new, unimaginable, and in some places truly grandiose designs! By and large, such furniture is selected based on the design of the room where its further placement is planned. A craftsmen or creative personalities They make such shelves with their own hands, putting their soul into them, turning an element of the interior more into a museum exhibit than furniture.

Wine rack in the kitchen for a small collection

What does the market offer us?

  • Industrial style stands. A cunning interweaving of wood and metal forms structures that are a little close to steam punk.

    Mini bar, stand for wine bottles and glasses in loft industrial style

  • Floor racks of the “tree” type (when the bottles seem to grow from the trunk).

    A wooden wine rack from Potterybarn fits well into this interior.

  • Standard shelving units based on clever design solutions. (Waves, squares, circles, triangles).

    Unusual design solution bottle storage

  • Classic wooden floor, wall, slightly stylized honeycombs.

    Interesting idea to create wooden rack for bottles with your own hands

  • Single or multiple shelves located in special order on the wall.

    Wine shelves – unusual decoration on the kitchen wall

The list goes on, taking into account the designer's flight of fancy.

Racks with wine - unusual interior solutions

Disadvantages and advantages of wine shelves

Small decorative wine rack self made

As already mentioned, the main disadvantage of this type of storage is its absolute inability to store alcoholic drinks, observing all the basic rules. Here the wine will never “ripen” correctly, but can only be temporarily preserved until the next visit of the guests. Or play the role of a beautiful decorative element of the interior, harmoniously complementing its integrity, which is the main advantage, not taking into account the ease of access to any bottle.

The minibar in the living room allows you to properly and beautifully store your favorite drinks

The downside of the wine rack is, alas, not a cellar where you can go down on a special occasion, giving excursions for guests, sorting through all the pearls of your collection, as is usually shown in films.

The wine collection is perfectly located on small shelves-stands located on one of the walls

How to choose a rack?

Chic bar in the living room, allowing you to make cocktails for every taste

The only one the right decision, advice, recommendations are not and cannot be here. Wine storage stands are chosen solely based on personal preference. Do you like it when metal is combined with wood or stone? Or perhaps plastic construction from the hi-tech category? Do you want to place floor stand in the kitchen or honeycomb?

Wine rack unusual shape located on the kitchen wall

What you really should pay attention to when purchasing this decorative element is the manufacturer’s brand, the quality of the materials used, and the assembly of the structure. No one will be pleased to look at a swaying, creaking rack, which instead of aesthetic pleasure brings only irritation and hatred of the “Chinese fake”. Or maybe the best option Will you create a wine rack with your own hands?

Original wooden stand for wine bottles fits easily under the stairs and adds zest to the interior

Video: DIY wine shelf

If you are a wine enthusiast and you already have some... a large number of bottles of wine, then you need to find a place to store them. An original wine rack in the dining room, kitchen or even living room will give the interior even more organic decorative element. You might prefer to go with a wall-mounted shelf, while others opt for floor-standing cabinets, which are ideal for those who don't like running to the store every time they need a bottle of wine. A wine rack is a functional element in your home, but that doesn't mean it can't also be decorative. The selection of wine shelves is rich, but their prices are also steep. Make an interesting DIY wine bottle shelf and storage area for less. Not everyone loves wine, but let's face it, almost every home has a bottle or two in it, gifted for some special occasion. Therefore, if you want to save these gifts for certain holidays, then you should store them properly. Keep your favorite wines within reach for dinner parties and festive events One of these clever wine racks can help. Next 18 ideas homemade shelves You will definitely need them to create an original and functional wine rack. Take a look and make your choice!

1. Old board and several cast iron bolts from railway
Ideal for storing large bottles. It will fit both into the living room and kitchen interior.

2. A unique wine rack that will decorate the wall
Another one good idea wall shelf for wine

3. Modern wine rack
This shelf is ideal for the dining room or kitchen, on which you can store your favorite wine collection

4. Rustic shelf
This shelf will save space. Simply find the nails and remove part of the fence.

5. Stylish shelf
It will save space and add style to your living room.

6. Curved shelf
This small piece of aluminum can hold your bottles perfectly. In addition, it takes up so little space.

7. Industrial style shelf
This wooden frame with pipes adds character to the interior

8. Another industrial style shelf
Make a new wine rack out of old pipes

9. Unusual shelf made of pipes
Unusual, but very practical shelf, which will also save space

10. Wall table with wine bar
Nice bar under the table. Great way store wine bottles without wasting space

11. Shelf made of cylindrical building blocks
Ideal for a rich collection, it will become your personal bar, which will give you the freedom to choose your favorite drink without leaving home

12. Wooden shelf with leather straps
Another original one, but cheap way make a shelf

13. Acrylic shelf
A unique shelf that will add even more elegance to the interior

14. Shelf made of cardboard tube used for postal shipments
This charming shelf is suitable for the kitchen or living room, because it does not take up little space.

15. Table-cabinet made of pipes
Use yours Creative skills, make such an original table-cabinet from polymer pipes

16. Minibar made from a wheel
This shelf will also decorate the interior of your home.

17. Wooden box shelf
Take a wooden box and simply drill holes of the required size

18. Barrel shelf
Recycle wine barrel: Punch holes in it and turn it into a stunning wine rack

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For true connoisseurs of European cuisine, not a single meal is complete without a glass of expensive wine. This drink has long gained wild popularity and still does not give up its leading position. Such a noble product requires a special approach to its storage. Many true connoisseurs collect very valuable and rare specimens in their collections.

Today we're sharing 13 amazing DIY ideas for decorating wine racks in your home.

Built-in wardrobes

Obviously, one of the most convenient and attractive ways to store your wine collection is to integrate special racks into your existing ready space. This way you don't have to look for extra bed in your kitchen. The Room Interiors portal suggests equipping a regular sideboard for dishes with shelves. Thus, in one half you can store drinks, and in the other, sets of glasses and cutlery.

Another option, equipped with kitchen set. All you need is to equip one of the modules with special compartments and a grille, as the designers from Live Laugh Decorate did.

The following DIY project will appeal to those whose kitchen space is so limited that it seems impossible to allocate even a little free space. You can get a small vertical shelf. It is very narrow and therefore does not take up too much space, and you can vary the height yourself. If desired, you can make it from the floor to the ceiling.

A stunning wine rack option. All you need is to make a few round holes in the plywood sheets and fasten them together. This shelf can be used as a partition to divide space. If you paint the inside unusual color, it will become a stylish and fashionable interior detail.

Wall racks

Not everyone is lucky enough to have extra space for a built-in wine rack. However, everyone will definitely have a free wall. So why not use the empty space for a minibar? This project from Shanty 2 Chic was brought to life using a few pieces of wood and large hex screws. Light wear and marked title stickers give the shelf an elegant look, turning it into an antique piece.

An unusual option is offered by the designers of Hart’s Desire Photography. Such wooden shelf allows you to store the drink at an angle of 45 degrees. It looks a little dangerous, but in fact, the design is very reliable!

If you prefer versatility and multifunctionality in everything, then the project from The Kurtz Corner is what you need! By attaching special threaded trays to a regular hanging box, you will accomplish two tasks. This will be a shelf for storing both wine and glasses.

Our next idea comes from Erin's Lane/Etsy. Everything is extremely simple: all you need is a massive wooden board and a few cast iron bolts from the railway. We combine all this, and a wine rack appears in your home. rustic style! A quick but very stylish DIY project.


The idea may seem strange, but a wine bottle perfectly replicates cylindrical shape. So why clutter the space with a million shelves and racks when wine can be stored in space-saving tubes of the right size? For example, equip the cellar with a wall made of cylindrical building blocks. Now they can be purchased at any hardware store. A terracotta clay tube creates an ideal microclimate for storing a delicate and capricious drink.

Turn your wine rack into a real work of art! Budget alternative brick blocks, will durable pipes from PVC. Create an amazing composition from elements of different diameters, just like the Adventures in Creating designers did.

Drainage pipes are also great for storing your favorite wines. The main thing is to firmly fasten them together, then your drinks will be completely safe. Also, Adventures of an Almost 40 Year Old Intern proposes to equip a similar coffee table. This will create an additional surface for placing things or accessories.

If you are looking for the most simple and economical option, then you won’t find anything better than a shelf made of postal cardboard tubes. Agree, this project from Bob Vila looks very original and worthy of attention!

Case stand

Our latest DIY project is a true work of art! DanMade's handcrafted shelf for HGTV is made from whole piece natural wood and stakes. All that remains is to find appropriate place for such a stunning accessory.

Another original idea

And so, now you have as many as 13 ideas for equipping a wine storage. If you have your own original ideas, don't forget to share them in the comments!

Places: .

A glass of wine seems to be simply an indispensable component of a good dinner in a pleasant company or family circle. By the way, in Western culture wine is often consumed and not only on the occasion of a specific holiday, but on the contrary, it becomes an everyday noble drink. In addition, doctors have long noticed the positive effects of red wine on health. It is not for nothing that the expression appeared among the people: “A glass of wine with lunch is a cure for all ills.”

Who would have thought that red wine contains a wide range of vitamins and microelements? Explore useful set quality red wine and correlate it with the description and composition of your multivitamins - in wine you will find vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, H, D and calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium, zinc, selenium, etc.

Of course, this does not mean that now you can replace one with the other, but it becomes clear why the grape drink has remained a favorite among people for so many centuries. And it's not just his positive impact on the human body, gourmets around the world value wine for its amazing taste and aromatic bouquet.

In connection with the latter circumstance, winemakers have long found out that there are factors that spoil the taste of wine. In short, storage conditions play a decisive role in preserving this drink. If the place and temperature do not meet the required conditions, the wine quickly “gets tired” - it loses its properties and changes its taste.

How to store wine?

If you decide to build a wine collection, you probably know that over time, wine becomes more valuable, stronger and tasty. True, the temperature should not rise above 14 degrees, the humidity should not exceed 70%, otherwise there is a risk of mold developing on the plugs. Great value has lighting. It must be artificial daylight spoils the wine. That's why cool cellars are a good place to locate a wine library: there is no sunlight, and the temperature is just right.

How to organize the wine library space?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a wine cellar or a wine room in an apartment, one thing is obvious: you will need wine cabinets or special shelves that make it possible to conveniently and safely store a large amount glass bottles. If the area of ​​the room allows you to “accelerate”, you can think about how to organize a place for tasting. It can be stylish leather sofas or round table with elegant chairs - however, a lot here depends on your capabilities and style preferences. By the way, it’s worth knowing that there are two types of wine coolers: single-temperature and multi-temperature. It is logical to assume that the difference between them is that the former maintain one temperature, while the latter can maintain several temperature zones. As for the cost, the price for such equipment varies from $1000 to $10,000. Agree, a very serious amount, especially for novice collectors. The good news is that knows how to make wine cabinets with your own hands. Of course, they will not independently maintain a certain humidity and temperature, but if they are placed in necessary conditions wine storage, they will also be functional and useful for you.

DIY wine rack made from PVC pipes

This wine rack looks so good and original in the interior that few people admit the idea that this interior element can be made with your own hands, and even from such simple improvised means. What do you need to have?

· Spray paint,

· hacksaw,

· hollow PVC pipe (choose a diameter suitable for the bottles),

· sandpaper,

· acetone,

· universal spray primer,

· self-adhesive double-sided tape.

How to make a wine cabinet with your own hands?

First you need to decide on a place. Find a convenient niche, empty shelf or cabinet where it will be convenient for you to store a supply of a gourmet drink. Measure the depth of your niche and use a hacksaw to cut the pipes. By the way, you can take measurements before going to the store, and when purchasing, take advantage of the cutting option directly at the construction supermarket. You need sandpaper to sand the edges of the cuts. You need to achieve an even smoothness, otherwise you risk damaging your hands every time you put in and take out wine bottles. Acetone will help you remove oils and anything else that will prevent the paint from applying evenly. It would be correct to apply the primer first, and after the paint has dried, but you can go straight to the second. Let the elements of the future wine cabinet dry thoroughly, and then connect them together using self-adhesive tape. Your minibar is ready!

DIY wooden wine rack

Did you know that storing wine bottles vertically, as we do in refrigerator doors, is not recommended. It turns out that in this position the wine does not touch the cork, therefore, over time, the cork dries out and begins to let air through. Let's find out how to make shelves that will allow you to store your favorite collection correctly, which means horizontally. What do you need to have on hand?

· Two wooden planks, the sides of which are equal to the diagonals of the selected shelf;

· a tool for making a cut;

· paint to your taste;

· varnish for fixing.

How to do it?

First, determine the place where you plan to place the collection of the noble drink. An identical cut must be made in the middle of the wooden planks. In the future, you need to insert one board into another crosswise. Before doing this, paint it in the chosen color, varnish it and let it dry thoroughly. Voila, you've done it!

Wine cooler made easy

There's another one simplest idea, which will require almost no effort or time from you. You need wooden boxes of the same size, which can subsequently be installed one on one and thereby make an impromptu rack. Inside the boxes, it is better to create the possibility of attaching the neck of the bottle, and in such a way that they are located either on the base or on the neck in a checkerboard pattern.

Another option that involves using a box. On the surface that you usually place on the floor when using the box for its intended purpose, make round holes to place bottles. The structure can be decorated and also “raised” on low legs.

DIY hanging wine stand

An authentic, slightly rough wine stand can be made from rough, ship-like planks. In part, the installation will be associated with a rustic interior style, but you can decorate it as you wish. Plus, you can also choose other materials and keep just the concept. The scheme for constructing a hanging stand involves cutting round holes for wine and strengthening it with reverse side such a circle of several small planks. This will allow you to place the bottle securely in the hole with the cork facing down.

A lightweight version of a hanging shelf is a strong board, in which you also do round holes, but hang the entire structure vertically. Wine bottles are also installed with the plug facing down.

Photo source:,

Elegant shelves for storing wine bottles will provide you with a lot of free space in the kitchen, and will also give you an aesthetic way to place them! The location of such stands can be numerous - on a table, on a wall, under a chair or in a kitchen cabinet. Today we want to show you some examples of photos that you can take with your own hands!

Let's make a small shelf ourselves!

The small wine bottle holder is ideal for those who like to enjoy a glass of wine at dinner or when entertaining guests. Or, as an option... You are a collector of wine bottles... Surely, you have some for them separate place somewhere in the basement... But in your collection there are a couple of the most luxurious and beautiful bottles! How can you leave them far away in the basement? After all, you, as a collector, will want to look at such beauty endlessly... In this case, make a stand for wine bottles for them with your own hands! And enjoying this beauty will be at least doubly pleasant!

Before making such a stand, you must prepare everything necessary materials and tools. First you will need two plywood sheets with a size of about 26x38 centimeters. Secure them with loops. And at a distance of about 30 cm, attach a cord to fix the distance. Tools you will need: ruler, pencil, string, hole drill, and sanding paper with 150 grit.

Making holes for bottles!

Before cutting holes, you need to measure them! We make marks and cut them out. In total we should have 12 circles. Then we sand the edges sandpaper. If you wish, you can paint the resulting stand.

Installation of hinges

After the work has been done, you can safely begin installing the hinges! For greater stability, it is recommended to use at least 2 loops.

Fastening the rope

The last step is to attach a string to securely hold the position of our shelf. Drill small holes, thread the cord and tie knots.

Creative shelf made of pipes and leather

Elegant wine cabinet made of wood and leather

You can make a beautiful shelf with your own hands from pieces of leather and pieces of wood that were left over. Which will fit perfectly into the interior of a dining room or living room. Wood is an excellent material for creativity. you can use suitable paint or apply an aging effect. Plus, a wine bottle holder is an incredible gift that everyone will appreciate!

Creative Ideas for Storage of Wine Bottles

You can make a minimalist wine rack using plywood and leather strips. Treat yourself or a wine lover with a chic handmade gift. This wine rack easily mounts on a wall, table or cabinet. Decorate your interior with this chic shelf!

We make it with our own hands!

To work you will need: plywood sheets, smooth wooden nails, wood glue and leather strips. As tools will also be required drill and sewing machine.

Shelf made of wood and metal plates

If you don't want to spend too much time and effort creating a bottle holder, then you should use this idea! This shelf is made of board and metal hooks. The most important thing is to choose creative hooks.

Installation Guide

Bottle shelf on the wall

An original idea for a country house

From several wooden planks You can make a wine rack with your own hands, which is ideal as decor for a country-style kitchen. Ready product You can decorate to your taste and color.

Practical shelf

Wall mounted wine racks will add an elegant touch to your kitchen. appearance. If you are making a shelf with your own hands, then pay Special attention on the strength and stability of the bottles so that they cannot fall.

Wine rack made of wooden pallets

From wooden pallets You can build almost any piece of furniture! With the help of a few wooden boards you can easily build simple stand for wine bottles with shelves for bottles and glasses. This stand can be easily mounted on the wall, which is an excellent option for small apartments.

A practical idea for wine lovers

Wine racks with space for glasses are very practical because they replace your Kitchen Cabinet and combine the function of wine. 🙂

Make a simple DIY holder

All you need: colored tape, paper towel rolls and felt. This device will be a good addition to the kitchen. After all, the stand can be used for all different bottles.


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