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At the dacha or in the garden, you often have to do work that can leave dirt on your hands. Now on almost every summer cottage there is a washbasin on the wall of a house or barn. Most common form of this product It is a small container with a pressure spout that is hung on the wall.

These washbasins are quite easy to use and cost little. Some craftsmen themselves make a similar galvanized washbasin for their dacha; its service life is much longer. Making a washbasin for your dacha with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to know the technology.

Types of structures

Few people know that this type Personal hygiene products can be made not only a practical thing, but also part of the exterior of the entire garden. With my own hands You can assemble several types of washbasins for your dacha:

  1. From plastic bottles.

This design is simple in its implementation, and in terms of cost, no one, even the cheapest “device” from the store, can compare with it.

  1. "Moidodyr".

This washbasin is a full-fledged workplace. Here you can wash dishes and vegetables.

  1. Portable, on stands.

A portable washbasin can be placed in any convenient location, for example, near a table or barbecue, and after use, transfer it again to a storage location.

  1. Mounted from a canister.

A wall-mounted washbasin, assembled using canisters, is very convenient due to its volume. There is no need to pour water into it every time you need to wash something.

Each of these types has a special design, and any amateur summer resident who has a pair of necessary tools. After all, each of the gardeners sooner or later thought about how to make a washbasin in the country with their own hands.

Washbasin made of plastic

Everyone at their dacha has several empty and unnecessary plastic bottles; you can use them to make a plastic washbasin for your dacha. They remain from drinks that are brought with them and drunk after work or during rest. You can easily and quickly build an outdoor wall-mounted washbasin from them.

The simplest washbasin

There are many ways in which plastic containers can be easily converted into personal hygiene products.

But they all boil down to simple steps:

  1. Rinse the container to remove any remaining unfinished liquid.
  2. Next, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle.
  3. The resulting tank must be fixed on a vertical surface so that the neck faces down.
  4. The cut off bottom can be left and used later as a cover for the washbasin.

The design is almost ready, then those who don’t want to bother too much can leave everything as is and pour water through the top. To open such a tap, it is enough to turn the lid until water flows from the tank in a thin stream. But this design is not perfect, since if you open the cap too much, you can accidentally open the bottle completely and all the contents will spill out.

Therefore, many craftsmen are trying to come up with interesting variations of various mechanisms for supplying water, allowing them to wash their hands without the risk of being doused with water. Here are a few options that are most often found in such designs:

  1. A nail is taken large diameter and becomes dull. Next, you need to remove the lid of the wash bottle and make a hole in it into which the nail should fit freely, but it should be smaller than the head. Next, the structure is assembled in such a way that when the lid is screwed on, the cap is inside the structure. Now, if the container is filled with water, it will hold it, but if you lift the nail, water will flow out of the opened hole.

This scheme has several disadvantages: firstly, the nail will rust over time, polluting the water, and secondly, such outdoor washbasin for the dacha will constantly leak, since the head of the nail has irregularities.

  1. It's even easier to make a hole in the top of the lid. Then you don’t have to turn and open it completely, just turn the cap on the bottle a little and water will flow out of the hole.

There is only one downside to this design. It is quite difficult to adjust the required width of the water jet.

  1. A simpler, but more expensive, scheme may be with a simple water tap instead of a lid. It can be purchased separately. Or remove it from old technology. The main thing is to choose correct diameter, matching the width of the neck.

Also, syringes, taps from boxed wine and other improvised means are used as taps and “spouts”, here, as they say, whoever is good at what. Do-it-yourself washbasin for a summer house, photos and videos:

Washbasin from plastic bottle

This type of washbasin is quite simple both to manufacture and to use, but from a practical and aesthetic point of view they are clearly inferior to their competitors. You can hang the washbasin on a tree branch using a rope.

Mounted from a canister

Models made from canisters are a more advanced version of washbasins made from plastic bottles. They can be made from any large containers, starting from plastic canister, ending with an old saucepan.

Regular canister

Making such a model is quite simple. For production you will need any empty container made of plastic or metal with an opening top and a water tap. Next you should do the following:

  1. In the lower part of the container, 1 - 2 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to make a hole, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the tap inlet.
  2. Next, you need to fix the tap in this hole. You can do this in three ways:
  • If the tap is metal, then it can be fixed using two washers, two rubber gaskets and a nut. The washers and gaskets are arranged so that one piece is placed on each side of the hole on the faucet. The nut is screwed on from the inside.
  • If the crane and container are made of metal, then the crane can be welded to the container, then the structure will not be collapsible, as in the previous version, but at the same time, it can last much longer.
  • The last method is best used when working with plastic. If both components are made of plastic, then hot melt adhesive can be used to connect them.

Type of design

Such washbasins for the garden and cottage can be hung on the wall, or you can build a small structure that will hold it at a height of 10-15 cm, then it can be placed on the table. Often, under this type of washbasin, a sink with a drainage system is installed, which directs dirty water into the drain.

Portable washbasins on racks

This outdoor washbasin for a dacha does not have such large selection variations of designs like the previous one, however, it is much more practical for a number of reasons.

The main advantage can be understood based on the name of this design, since, unlike most types of washbasins, they can be transported and used outdoors in the country house. It is due to mobility that craftsmen from gardens and dachas take on their production.

Washbasin on racks

To make such a washbasin, you need to make a container. This can be done according to the description presented a little higher, in the section “Attached from a canister”. In addition to the tank, you will need a base on which it will hang. To make it you can use wooden beams, but better - a metal rod with a cross-section of 5-7 mm. The fact is that structures made from the latest version of materials are smaller in size, but lighter and more durable. Do-it-yourself washbasin for a summer house, photo:

In order to connect the rods, welding will be required. The lower platform should be wide to give the structure stability. There are 2 popular variations of support elements:

  1. IN in this case The washbasin has 2 legs, which are located on two parallel rods. Due to the two legs, it is difficult to tip the structure on its side, and supporting parallel rods prevent it from falling backward or forward.
  2. "H"-shaped. This scheme is similar in appearance and properties to the previous one. The only difference is an additional rod; it must be welded perpendicular to the leg supports, so that the letter “H” is formed. This additional element will protect the structure from moving legs.

The legs, like the support, are made of rods; their length can be different, but not more than one and a half meters, otherwise the structure may bend over time under the weight of the water in the container. To keep the tank on its “legs”, you can weld two hooks. In addition, it can be hung, or a small “basket” can be welded into which the container will need to be inserted.


This design It is quite simple to construct and does not take up much space; it can be carried and installed in places where it is necessary to wash your hands. This unheated garden washbasin is very convenient to use.

Washbasins made of wood are less mobile due to their weight. Therefore, portable structures made of this material are quite difficult to find.

"Moidodyr" with a bedside table

The most solid version of a washbasin that you can build with your own hands is garden plot, is considered “moidodyr”. This design can replace a small outdoor kitchen in its functionality. It can be installed on the veranda, inside the house or outside. The product is a full-fledged washbasin with a cabinet and a sink. The cabinet is extended, resulting in a table that is convenient to use for cutting food. The washbasin itself hangs on the wall, which is securely attached to the cabinet.

The simplest scheme

To make it you will need a lot of materials, however, you don’t have to run to the hardware store for them. To assemble such a structure, what is left in the barn after building the house may be suitable:

  • old boards and beams - for the frame (you can use metal corners);
  • lining, plywood, plastic are perfect for cladding;
  • Thick plywood, starting from 7 mm, can be used as a tabletop.

The most important attributes of this design are the sink and the water tank, which is installed above it. You will most likely have to buy a tank, but you can make it as described above from any convenient container. But you can take an old sink, left over from the old kitchen.

A hose is connected to it, the free end of which must be lowered into the drainage ditch to drain dirty water. At the same time, it is necessary to install a siphon in the structure, just like in an apartment, so that bad smell and bacteria from the table did not spread around the sink. Especially if he is at home.

Option 1

Wooden beams are used as a frame, which are covered with cladding on top. “Moidodyr” consists of a cabinet in which the sink is installed and walls on which the washbasin is hung. Therefore, the design is assembled based on the size of the tank and sink. A pipe with a siphon leading to drain hole, for the removal of waste and dirty water.

So, the cabinet should be a little big less sink(if it is overhead), or at least 2 cm more (when installing a mortise version). The height of the cabinet can be different, the main thing is that the person does not hunch over when washing dishes/hands. The front part of the cabinet is hung on hinges, which creates a door. In addition to the sink, the cabinet may also have a countertop.

Option 2

The wall is made simpler; it rests on the 2 outer beams of the back of the cabinet, which must be extended by at least one meter. If the structure exceeds a meter/one and a half in length, then there should be three support beams. The trim is made from the same material as the doors and side walls of the cabinet. The tank is attached to the wall using hooks or a welded structure. Free space, if available, can be used to build shelves or hooks for towels, knives and other kitchen utensils.

Sometimes "Moidodyr" is supplied heating element. It is necessary if the washbasin is used in the cold season. Installing a water boiler on a washbasin will allow you to wash dishes in the garden or at the dacha in warm water even in the cold season.

Bottom line

Making washbasins for your garden and dacha with your own hands is quite simple. At the same time, if you don’t have experience or time, you can start with a simple design, mounted from a canister, and gradually build it up to a large “Moidodyr”.


No matter how much the townspeople love to spend their summer free time in the country, no one wants to give up the benefits of civilization. And the presence of a washbasin is an elementary thing that is required for comfort. Despite the fact that similar country houses sold in finished form, many people prefer to do everything with their own hands. Moreover, designing a washbasin does not require any special technical knowledge or practical skills. And as a building material you can use the materials at hand, which can always be found on personal plot.

How to make a washbasin for a summer house from a plastic bottle with your own hands: step-by-step instructions and photos

When you urgently need a washbasin in your summer cottage, you should use the most in a simple way made from a large plastic bottle. Such a solution will last for some time until you build a more advanced and reliable design. The principle of operation of such washbasins is standard, regardless of the design - water for washing comes from plastic container, fixed in a vertical position on any support with the neck down.

The water supply hole can be modified in different ways

Universal manufacturing scheme plastic washbasin boils down to this:

  1. Pre-rinse the container to remove any remaining liquid. It is recommended to take a five-liter plastic drink bottle.
  2. Cut off the bottom completely or in half, leaving it to protect the water from debris.
  3. Hang the resulting container vertically so that the neck is pointing down. For fixation, use twine, wire or something of your choice.

At this point the process is almost complete. You can experiment with a water outlet (the neck of a bottle with a screw cap). What are the options:

  1. Let it be as it is. If you want to wash, slightly unscrew the lid until water flows out. To prevent it from being completely unscrewed by accident, you can make a small hole in its side. The downside is that it is not always possible to set the optimal jet.
  2. A hole is drilled in the center of the lid, where a nail is inserted so that the cap is inside the tank and cannot slip out. The device is activated by pressing on the tip of the nail and lifting it up. The disadvantage of this design is the rapid rusting of the nail, which is constantly in a humid environment. An alternative to a nail can be other available materials: a syringe, a faucet from a box of wine.
  3. They install a water tap in the bottle cap, which you can buy or use second-hand. Secure it with electrical tape.

Such structures do not look particularly aesthetically pleasing, but are convenient for rinsing your hands and face. However, washing dishes using them is problematic. This is due to the small volume and inconvenient drainage device.

Video: the process of making the simplest model of an outdoor washbasin

Improving your water drain is possible with a little effort and time. It is proposed to consider an option that uses the following components:

  • connector with valve for hoses (purchased at a gardening store);
  • marker or felt-tip pen;
  • plasticine;
  • waterproof glue;
  • five liter bottle.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, disassemble the marker, since to work you will need its body without the insides, which you will remove. Now remove the rubber gasket located under the valve in the connector.

    Prepare the necessary materials and tools

  2. Using the obtained parts, proceed to modifying the valve, i.e., making it heavier. This is necessary so that the valve properly holds water in the washbasin. Extend it using a marker, after filling the tube with plasticine balls. Now lubricate the pin with glue and insert it into the hole in the felt-tip pen body. To make the valve fit into the tube easier, you can adjust it using wire cutters. Wait for the parts to set.
  3. Next, cut a hole in the bottle cap with the same diameter as the connector. Coat the thread of the connecting piece with glue and insert it into the lid.

    Lubricate the threads and insert into the cap

  4. Tighten the nut from the connector from the outside. Let the structure dry and install the modified valve in its original place in the connector. Also install the rubber seal in its original position.

    Insert valve

  5. Cut a circle in the bottom of the bottle where the water will be poured. To make it easier to fill the container, a funnel made from a plastic bottle of a smaller capacity is inserted on top. At the same time, it will serve as a lid.

    Making a water container from a plastic bottle

  6. To hang the washbasin from a tree or other stationary support, prepare 1.5 meters of twine. First tie it around the neck of the tank, then around the body itself. Secure the fastener with tape.

    Secure the rope fastening with tape

All that remains is to screw on the lid with the built-in valve and make sure that the system is working.

For ease of use, a connector for garden hoses with a release valve is mounted in the lid

Video: country washbasin made of plastic containers and connecting valve

How to build a garden washbasin from a canister: step-by-step instructions and photos

A washbasin made from a plastic canister is considered a more solid and practical design. Possible as storage tank use any other metal container (bucket, pan, basin). In addition, you will need an iron or plastic water tap.

It will take a minimum of time to make

The manufacturing technology of this model with an iron tap is as follows:

  1. On the side wall of the tank in the lower part (at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from the bottom), drill a hole for insertion of the required diameter.
  2. Insert the fitting (after unscrewing it and removing the clamping nut from one sealing rubber) so that the thread comes out. For strength, install a metal plate, then put on the previously removed seal and tighten the nut with a wrench. Additionally, you can coat all layers with sealant.
  3. Now screw the coupling to the fitting and tighten thoroughly.
  4. Connect the pipe.

If the faucet is plastic, then it is recommended to use hot glue to fix it. And in the case when both components are made of iron, then welding is acceptable.

To start using the washbasin fully, you should secure it in in the right place- on a wall, tree, special stand.

When installing a heating element inside the tank, a heated wash basin will come out. But then you will need an electrical connection.

To ensure drainage of flowing water from below, it is advisable to install a drain into the sewer system, cesspool or simply put a bucket. If the soil absorbs moisture well, then expanded clay, gravel or crushed stone can be poured underneath.

Video: a simple country washbasin made from a canister

How to make a frame for a washbasin yourself: step-by-step instructions and photos

The container with the tap can be hung on any stationary vertical support that already exists on the plot, or you can make it yourself. By this we mean metal racks. The convenience of their use is that the washbasin will become mobile and can be moved and installed anywhere at your discretion. The design is equipped with a crossbar on legs, which serves as a kind of “pedal”. With its help, the procedure for rearranging the washbasin is simplified - just press on it with your foot. It is also important to create some protection for this structure from moisture, since the legs are pressed into the ground.

You can buy a water tank ready-made or build it yourself using the example of the previously discussed models. The extent to which the support is deepened into the ground will depend on the volume of the attached container. This must be taken into account.

The container can be purchased ready-made

To manufacture such a design, the following components will be required:

  • cut metal pipe diameter 6–7 mm;
  • water tap;
  • two rubber seals;
  • two nuts and washers each.

There should be at least two legs, located at a distance of 20–25 cm, for better stability of the structure. They stop at a length of no more than 1.5 meters, so that over time the racks do not deform under the weight of the water tank.

Sequence of work:

  1. Cut the iron rods to the required length in the amount of 2 pieces. On one edge, the cut should be at an angle so that the legs can be easily pressed into the ground.
  2. Prepare the jumpers in the same way - upper and lower. It is also necessary to make parts for support from below.
  3. Connect all the workpieces together by welding.

A more thorough model of a country washbasin: step-by-step instructions and photos

Here boards were used for cladding

If you don’t mind spending time and effort, you can start making a more solid design country washbasin with your own hands, called “Moidodyr”. It includes a cabinet and a separate area for placing a water tank. Building materials can be purchased or used those that are freely available on the site. The complementary elements are the sink and tank. Thrifty summer residents usually use a washbasin that was dismantled during repairs and make the cistern themselves. The model is universal, as it is suitable for installation outdoors and indoors.

A washbasin with a cabinet is a frame covered with sheet or panel material. It could be:

  • plywood;
  • Sheet steel;
  • plastic;
  • polycarbonate;
  • polymer panels.

It is quite possible to sheathe the frame with boards. Specifically for the frame you will need wooden blocks with a section of 50 by 80 mm, or a steel corner measuring 25x25 mm.

The frame consists of bars that are sheathed with sheet material

Sequence of further actions:

  1. Take accurate measurements of the sink and, based on them, calculate the dimensions of the cabinet base.
  2. Cut the blanks for the frame to the required dimensions: 8 pieces of the same length (to create the upper and lower square horizontally) and 4 vertical bars.
  3. Assemble the structure by knocking or welding, depending on the type of material.
  4. Sheath the frame facing material from all sides, with the exception of the front.
  5. Attach the doors to the front.
  6. On top, as a continuation of the rear wall, build a panel for attaching the tank.

Video: how to quickly make a vanity unit

Photos of other ideas for cabinets for washbasins in the country

Beautiful and practical washbasin for indoors and outdoors Vanity washbasin in original design Washstand with heating element "Moidodyr" in rustic style
Washbasin made from barrels
Washstand from available materials Designer country washbasin

Don’t be upset if, when moving to your dacha in a hurry, you don’t manage to prepare for everything. It’s especially disappointing when the comfort in city apartments suddenly gives way to rural restrictions. This primarily applies to simple devices for hygiene - washbasin. Making it yourself is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to have a desire, and there is always an abundance of available material in the garden plot. The proposed models and recommendations for their manufacture will serve as instructions for action.

Civilized elements of everyday life are not always present at the dacha. But you can adapt to everything. And when the question arises of how to make a washbasin in the country with your own hands, you can always find original solutions.

A washbasin can be made using materials such as wood, metal and improvised materials such as plastic bottles and canisters.

Selection of capacity

If you come up with the idea of ​​​​building a washbasin with a cabinet for your dacha yourself, this does not mean that literally all the parts need to be made from scrap materials. You can, for example, find plastic bottle 5 or 10 liters and use it to make a water container. But there is little hope that it will be reliable and look beautiful. It is better to purchase a washbasin with a tap specially made for such cases, as it is cheap and looks aesthetically pleasing. In this case, the capacity of the water container should be selected up to 20 liters. Relying on less water is not a practical approach.

The material from which the container is made is of considerable importance. Today, it is most important to make a sink for a summer residence from stainless metal or plastic. You can choose any one, but even here you need to look from a practical point of view.

When choosing between plastic and stainless steel, you need to take into account that the latter option is more practical, as it is more reliable. Many things have the ability to fall. If a plastic plumbing fixture filled with water is accidentally dropped, there is a high probability that it will break and fall apart. A small crack is enough for the washbasin to become unusable. A stainless steel washstand is preferable in this regard. It is more resistant to falls and impacts.

You also need to pay attention to the shape of the washbasin. At first glance there is no significant difference, but if you look at it practical point view, then the opinion will change. The fact is that washbasins with various shapes there will be a different flow pressure from the tap. If the container is large in width and small in height, then water will flow out of the faucet under low pressure. If the container is high, the water will flow out faster and you can wash yourself faster. And one more factor - the bottom of the container should not be flat, but slightly curved towards the tap.

Nowadays, washbasins are often made in which a valve tap is attached to the front wall of the container, and it is not located at the very bottom. It is not surprising that the water flows too slowly from such a faucet, if you take for comparison a small-capacity washbasin with a pressure tap. In the first option, the pressure is lost through the narrowed opening of the valve and the high installation location of the drain part - the valve is installed not at the lowest point, but on the front wall. Therefore, in order for it to flow required amount water for washing, you should give preference to models in which the tap is located, if possible, at the bottom of the container. Otherwise, you will have to come to terms with the fact that there is still water in the washbasin, but nothing is flowing from the tap - you will have to add water, since there will be dead space in the container.

Water heating

Retail outlets offer a washbasin with a water heater quite inexpensively. It pays for itself, since the heating device has a built-in temperature regulator. Thanks to it, water can be heated up to 30 and 70ºС.

It should be taken into account that the heating element gives maximum efficiency if it is installed at the bottom of the tank - up to 50 mm to the bottom surface. By attaching a heating element to the top of the container, heating water loses its meaning.

If you install a heating element in a container, some difficulty arises. You will have to make holes in the lower part of the washbasin body so that the heating element can be inserted. After installing the device through the insert, it will be very difficult to seal the cracks back. Therefore there is another way out. The heating coil can be inserted into the washbasin through the lid. This will avoid making lower side holes through which water would seep in if the seal is poor.

If you make a washbasin for your dacha on our own, then its design will require a cabinet. Before making it, you need to build a frame, which then needs to be sewn up. Under such cabinets the best way An old sink, which was produced decades ago and was installed in the kitchen, is suitable. The owners often made cabinets under it, in which they hid a trash can. And in this case, such a design fits better, because a cabinet with a door can fit well under such a sink. To such a structure with a sink, all that remains is to attach a board to which a container of water will be attached.

If the required sink with cabinet is not available, then the latter will need to be made on your own. First, a frame is made for it from wooden planks with a section size of 5x5 cm or from a corner of 2.5x2.5 cm.

  • Most optimal height sides of the washbasin, at which it is convenient to use the plumbing fixture - no more than 1 m.
  • 4 legs 1 m long are cut from bars or corners.
  • The sink or sink that will fit on the cabinet is measured from all sides. Dimensions must be taken in those places that will come into contact with top harness frame.
  • After this, 8 fragments are cut according to the measurements taken. As a rule, 0.5 m is enough.
  • The frame elements are then connected using appropriate tools into a single structure.

Since the working support of the device will be the inner edges structural elements, markings need to be made along them so that the washbasin easily fits into the frame. If it is metal, the surface of the elements must be painted so that they do not rust over time.

Making cabinets and table tops

There are many materials that can be used to cover the design of a cabinet. The main thing is that the chosen material is practical and durable. For example, if the washbasin is located outside, plywood cladding is not suitable, since during rain it will get wet and deteriorate. If you leave this material, you will have to make a hanging washbasin for your dacha. All sides except the front are sutured. The door is placed on hinges at the front. It is better to make the floor in the middle of the cabinet from boards, the gap between which should be approximately 1 cm. In this case, it is possible that spilled water can penetrate into the ground through the cracks.

In addition to the cabinet, you can build a tabletop on which you can place and dry dishes after washing.

  • A tabletop is attached to the sides of the cabinet, which would also serve as a drying rack.
  • To do this you need to prepare wooden planks cross-sectional size 2.5×1.5 cm.
  • They need to be knocked together so that slots with a distance of up to 2 cm are formed in the structure.
  • At a height of 40 cm above the ground, you can make a second tier if the number of dishes to be washed is planned to be large.

The sink for a country washbasin can be made from different materials, and with different service life. The main thing is that it is in marketable condition. Water can be drained from the device in different ways:

  • Place a bucket at the bottom of the cabinet and drain the waste from time to time;
  • organize a civilized challenge waste water into a ditch or sewer network;
  • drain water directly to the ground. In order to avoid making a swamp, at the drainage site, you need to make a small embankment of crushed stone.

Most practical option drainage is the use of a bucket. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of clogging the outlet with various fragments after washing, for example, vegetables and fruits. After filling the bucket, the contents can be poured into compost pit. The photo shows options for washbasins made for a summer residence.



We invite you to see what country washbasins can be like.

If you don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with the washbasin, you can make it from a plastic bottle.

As they say, if little things determine the consciousness of everyday life, then the washstand determines... I don’t know what. But it definitely makes life more convenient with him. I don’t have a stationary washbasin on my site, but the construction guys took theirs. So somehow I got ready and went shopping in search. I didn’t really like everything I saw on sale, which is why this article appeared here.

Method number 1: nail in cork

The simplest and most obvious, of course. We make a hole in the center of a plastic bottle cap, insert a nail with the head inward, and screw the cap on.

Problems: water leaks, the nail rusts. And besides, there is a problem common to all washbasins with a rod: while you press from below, water flows, but your hands are busy and you can’t wash them, and when you let go, your hands are freed and you can wash them, but the water no longer flows :).

Method number 2: hole in the cork

We make it in a bottle cap triangle side cutout. Then, by turning the lid, the water will flow out; by turning it back, the tap closes. Original and simple.

Problems? Read a funny story from one forum:

“I built a washstand from a 5-liter bottle according to the recipe described: you turn the lid slightly and a thin stream flows. The unit hung on the corner of the gazebo, dug a shallow hole below and poured a bucket and a half of ASG into it. Everything worked perfectly while I was busy putting the dacha in order. And then relatives began to arrive...

The mother was the first to come across: she wanted it to flow better and she turned it off more - the lid flies off, all the water goes down at once! I explain that you need to unscrew less. An hour later, the mother-in-law comes up to the washstand... Well, you understand. He explained the same thing, although not so calmly. And then the wife goes to wash her hands... and not once, but twice within an hour! Considering that the day is just beginning, and the water is imported and there is almost no water, my educational speech begins to resemble a motorcycle without a muffler.

And then the washbasin attracts the children's attention. Usually you can’t force them to wash their hands, but this is under a normal tap. Well, I make a special step for them from a large block of wood. Voila! Children unscrew the lid in the same way two times in a row! I can’t bring myself to scold children... The next day I go to the store and buy an ordinary 3-liter plastic washbasin. I hung it in the same place..."

Method number 3: tap in the neck of the bottle

Almost similar to the first two. We take the faucet from washing machine, for example, a couple of turns of electrical tape, and you're done.

Method number 4: faucet in a plastic container

Instead of a bottle, we simply take a five-liter plastic container, drill and cut a hole at the bottom, and insert a purchased faucet. Voila. All that's left is to come up with a drain :)

Method number 5: tap into a regular bucket

Whoever likes it. On the plus side, it’s easier to decorate a bucket (see video below).

Method No. 6: pin + cork + bottle

We make several holes in the cap of a large plastic bottle plus 1 in the center. Insert the pin into the center. We attach a handle to the bottom. Inside we insert a rubber plug attached to the pin. Kind of like a drain plug in a bathroom or a faucet from a chemist's heating pad.

Method number 7: “for advanced”

Take a 5 liter bottle. Cut a 10x8 cm hole in its bottom.

We take a steel rod 18 cm long and 5 mm in diameter. Using a hacksaw, we cut the upper end of the rod along the axis. We separate the ends of the rod with a screwdriver. At the opposite end we cut an M5 thread. On the rod we make two transverse cuts 1 mm deep at a distance of 65 mm from the end. We attach a washer and a fixing bracket made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm to the rod. We insert a pressure spring with a diameter of 10 mm into the bracket. Its height is 15 mm greater than the height of the bracket. We put a rubber gasket with a diameter of 10 mm on the rod up to the support washer. Place a rubber washer on the bottom. Drill a hole in the center of the lid. We assemble everything: we attach the bracket with the equipment to the roof with two self-tapping screws, and screw the cap from a tube of toothpaste onto the lower end of the rod. We cover the metal parts with enamel to prevent them from rusting, and place them in a tank to dry. All…

Method No. 8: washbasin from a kettle

What could be simpler? We hung the kettle, put a basin underneath - that's all.

Video on making washbasins with your own hands

Method No. 9: designer washbasin made from buckets

A master class on creating a washbasin from a galvanized bucket and faucet, as well as a washbasin from a larger bucket, a colander and a siphon. The buckets are beautifully covered with film, so they called it a “designer washbasin for the dacha” :)

Both at the dacha and at a picnic, sooner or later the time comes when you need to wash your hands, because basic rules hygiene is the same for everyone. But civilization is far away, and the problem needs to be solved. For this regular one will do plastic eggplant. It turns out that making a washbasin from a plastic bottle with your own hands is extremely simple, and there is not just one instruction, but several at once, choose it yourself.

The simplest ways

After conducting a little research, we found that the question of how to make a washbasin from a plastic bottle is asked quite a lot a large number of our compatriots. Accordingly, there are several options. For simplicity, we have divided all the tips into 2 areas.

The first includes simple designs that can be made in a couple of minutes with a minimal set of tools. The second direction is more suitable for lovers of intricate, original mechanisms assembled from improvised means with their own hands.

It couldn't be simpler

We decided to start with the simplest method in our opinion.

Each of us studied physics at school, but not everyone applies the acquired knowledge in practice, and in vain, because a homemade washstand in the country, working on the basis of the elementary laws of physics, can be created in the literal sense of the word in two minutes.

  • Initially, take an eggplant of any container and use a hot nail, awl or any other sharp object to make a small hole in the bottom, only the hole should be really small, around 2 - 3 mm.
  • After this, you need to tie a wire or rope to the neck. Our unique structure will subsequently be hung from it on a tree or wherever convenient.
  • In principle, that’s all, our unit is already ready. After this, all we have to do is close the hole we made earlier with our finger, fill the container with water, screw the lid tightly and hang it.
  • Since there is no air access from above, water will not pour out through the hole.. But as soon as we loosen the lid a little, air will begin to flow into the container and, as it enters, water will flow from the hole in the bottom. If you screw the lid back on, the process will stop.


In our opinion, this formulation best characterizes the operating principle of the following hand washing device.

Important: for such a washbasin, it is best to use standard eggplants with a capacity of one and a half liters, preferably with thick walls.
As a last resort, you can take 2 liters.
There is no point in taking less, and if you take more, the container will simply burst under its own weight.

  • As in the first case, you can get by with an awl and wire, only the manufacturing instructions and operating principle change slightly.
  • We start by punching several holes of arbitrary diameter in the bottom of the lid; water will flow through them.
  • Next, in the middle of the flask we make through hole in both walls at once and thread the wire through it.
  • This entire device is suspended in a place convenient for you. After this, the shower lid is unscrewed and water is poured in to the level of the hanging holes, that is, up to half. The lid is tightened and the device is ready for use.
  • Agree that all this resembles an hourglass. I turned it over to one side and the water started flowing. Turned it back and the leak stopped. The only inconvenience is that the capacity is too small.

Hole in the lid

This design is already closer to the standard washstand familiar to everyone. A minimum of tools are used to make it. Just like the hourglass, you will need a knife, an awl and wire for hanging. The eggplant is taken with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters.

We start by cutting off the bottom of the bottle; later it can be used as a soap dish. Water will flow through the holes in the cork, only this time the holes need to be punched not in the bottom of the cork, but on the side right next to the bottom.

The eggplant is hung down with a stopper and filled. As long as the plug is screwed tightly, no water will flow out. But as soon as you let go of it a little, water will start pouring through the holes. The disadvantage of this device is that if you turn the lid a little more, it can rip off and all the water will flow out in a split second.

For those who like to tinker

Important: unlike the methods listed above, you can’t do it with just an awl, a knife and wire.
These recipes are more suitable for the dacha, since it is easier to make a washstand at the dacha than at a picnic, because there are more tools and possibilities.
It is better to make such designs from bottles with a capacity of 5 liters or more.

Before making a washbasin out of 5 liter bottle, conduct an audit of the pantry and find out what you have in stock, because the designs may be different. The first device offered craftsmen, works on the same principle as those made from plastic or metal.

For the movable rod, you can use a regular nail, but it is better to take some kind of stainless steel rod. A central hole is punched in the cover through which the rod will move. Several small holes are made around it through which water will flow.

The valve, which will be located inside the tank and block the flow of water, is made from an ordinary rubber or plastic suction cup; such suction cups hold the soap dishes on the wall.


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