How to attach corrugated sheets to the roof. How to properly attach corrugated sheeting: all methods are available

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The durability of coatings depends not only on the quality of the material used, but also on the method of its installation. If you select the correct fasteners to install the corrugated sheet and then use them to secure it correctly to the sheathing, the resulting structure will be durable.

1 Types of fasteners for installing corrugated sheeting to metal purlins

Currently, a wide variety of hardware is used as fasteners for corrugated sheets, each of which has an individual installation method and has a certain strength. Besides different material In manufacturing, they primarily differ in their designs, which is the main factor when choosing a specific fastener for use for certain purposes. Today, the hardware industry produces such types of fasteners for corrugated sheets as all kinds of rivets, roofing nails, self-tapping screws, dowels and screws. Moreover, in order to perform the fastening correctly, you should use only fasteners specially designed for this purpose. The use of other types of fasteners can lead to poor-quality installation of corrugated sheets, which will greatly reduce the service life of the roof or fence.

When fastening corrugated sheets to metal purlins, self-tapping screws and rivets are used. The most common fastening element is a self-tapping screw (including when attaching to wooden sheathing). It is convenient because, unlike a rivet, its installation does not require pre-drilling a hole. This is possible thanks to the design of the self-tapping screw - the tip of its working screw part is pointed and acts as a drill. To install a rivet, you must first drill a hole, and before that, pre-core the corrugated sheet (for precision drilling of the hole), which leads to its deformation and damage to the protective coating on it. Another good thing about a self-tapping screw is that its installation, unlike a rivet, can be carried out without special tool, is simpler and practically does not require special skills. In addition, in case of dismantling, it is very easy to unscrew the screw and the hardware may still be suitable for further use, but riveting a rivet is associated with certain difficulties and invariably leads to damage to the corrugated sheet and destruction of the hardware.

The above-mentioned features of the use of rivets have determined a narrower scope of application for fastening corrugated sheets by riveting than for self-tapping screws. This method is relevant only in cases where, for some reason, other methods cannot be used. For example, rivets are indispensable when fastening corrugated sheets to metal frame or purlins made of pipes, angles or in the form of hollow welded structures. In this case, only riveting ensures the highest quality and fastest installation of corrugated sheets. This has led to the widespread use of rivets in the construction of fences, where various types of fences are used as posts. metallic profile.

2 How to properly fasten a corrugated sheet

When installing with self-tapping screws, you should use roofing ones with a rubber gasket. The corrugated sheeting is attached to the purlins in the lower wave. This makes it possible to ensure a tight fit, and in the case of wall or roof cladding, it also reduces the likelihood of leakage at the installation site of the fastener to a minimum. It is necessary to lay profiled sheets with an overlap of 1–2 waves in a row, and on the walls and roof also 10–20 cm between rows. At the point of overlap, the corrugated sheets are connected to each other. If this happens along the upper wave, it is usually with rivets.

Can be performed in both horizontal and vertical directions. In the lower and upper parts of the roof (wall), the sheets are attached to the sheathing in each lower wave, and for the rest it is allowed - after 1 or 2 waves. The number of fasteners for corrugated sheets in the latter case is approximately 6–8 pieces per 1 m2. When fastening in the lower and upper parts, the number of hardware is determined by the length of the wall or roof edge and the wave frequency of the corrugated sheet.

The profiler needs to be mounted approximately 10 cm from the ground. The frequency of the fence attachment should be no more than two waves. The amount of fasteners depends on the height of the fence.

After installing the corrugated sheeting, it is necessary to remove the chips formed during drilling or installing self-tapping screws. Otherwise, corrosion of metal shavings can cause destruction of the protective layer of the sheets.

3 Technology for fastening corrugated sheets with self-tapping screws

To screw in self-tapping screws, you cannot use drills without a torque and rotation speed regulator. When attaching corrugated sheets to metal purlins, the rotation speed of the screwdriver chuck should not exceed 1500 rpm. Self-tapping screws should be installed before screwing in and then screwed in perpendicular to the surface of the corrugated sheet.

The use of self-tapping screws without pre-drilling holes is only possible for metal purlins with a profile thickness of up to 2 mm.

When constructing a fence, they use self-tapping screws for corrugated sheets of larger diameter, since they have to work under conditions of increased load created by the wind, and mainly under tension. In the case of installing corrugated sheeting on the roof, the self-tapping screw mainly works in shear, so it is permissible to get by with products of a smaller diameter.

4 Fastening profiled sheets with rivets

The corrugated sheet is attached to the sheathing or to another corrugated sheet with rivets using a special construction hand gun (rivet gun) after pre-drilling the holes. More recently, the process of joining parts by riveting was quite complicated, as it required a simultaneous enormous impact force from both ends of the fastener (from each of the products being connected). Modern rivets and riveting tools provide durable and reliable fastening performing the installation operation only on one side, at the location of the connection. The folding of the corrugated sheet fastener and the formation of its head is carried out when the rivet is pulled into the gun. With this fastening method, there is no need to drill through a hollow metal profile (pipes, squares, etc.) - it is enough to drill only one of its walls (from the installation side).

It is very important to choose the right rivets. In this case, first of all, you should take into account the weight (thickness) of the corrugated sheet, because the selection of the diameter of the hardware and the material from which the fasteners should be made depend on this characteristic. The larger the diameter of the rivet, the more durable and reliable the fastening can be made with its help. These fasteners are made from galvanized steel and aluminum. The produced rivets are divided into types according to the type of flange:

  • with wide – ensure the formation of the most durable and reliable connection;
  • with hidden - used in cases where it is necessary to obtain a smooth and aesthetically pleasing surface at the fastening site;
  • with standard - are universal fasteners that can be used in any situation.

In order to correctly fasten corrugated sheets, it is also necessary to select rivets according to their length. Before flaring, after installation in the prepared hole, the end of their rod should protrude approximately 10 mm above the attachment point. A shorter length will not allow you to create a sufficiently strong and reliable floating element (cap), and a larger length will lead to the flaring of the end occurring above the surface of the material being joined (there will be no rigid fixation of the corrugated sheet to the sheathing). Therefore, in order to choose the right rivet length, it is necessary to take into account the total thickness of the materials being fastened.

When choosing rivets, also pay attention to their color so that it matches the profile sheet. This makes it possible to achieve inconspicuousness of the connection point and thereby significantly increase the aesthetic appearance of the roof, fencing or other structures.

The roof is one of the most important parts of the house. It must be durable, with good thermal insulation and, most importantly, airtight - not a single drop of water from the street should enter the attic or living space through it. Therefore, great attention must be paid to the arrangement of the roof. There are many cladding options for it, one of the most frequent materials used in private construction - metal profiles. When used correctly, it allows you to make inexpensive, but at the same time reliable roof. In this article you will learn how to attach corrugated sheeting to the roof and what tools are needed for this.

First, let's explain what corrugated sheeting is and what subtypes it is divided into. This material is rolled steel sheets with a wavy profile, the width and height of the projections of which are regulated by standards. Thanks to this shape, the profiled sheet has significant rigidity with a small metal thickness.

To protect against corrosion, corrugated sheets are coated on the outside with protective materials - galvanized or polymer film. The latter gives the material a certain color.

Important: there are several options for the protective coating of corrugated sheets - polyester, the most common option, polyester with Teflon - is less common, but has improved protection from the negative influences of the external environment. There are also steel sheets, PVC and PVDF exterior coating - they are more expensive, but at the same time they have the highest possible resistance and durability for the material.

There are three main types of profiled sheets, each of which is suitable for creating certain structural elements the buildings. Let's get acquainted with this classification of material using the table below.

Table. Main brands of profiled sheets.

Code designation of the corrugated sheet brandFunction performed

Thin sheets with low height profiled parts. They are used in the construction of fences, simple canopies and walls that do not bear a significant load. It is not advisable to use it for roof cladding - the material is not strong enough and in winter it can bend under the thickness of snow and ice.

Steel sheets with average strength characteristics can be simultaneously used both as wall and load-bearing corrugated sheeting, but in the latter case there is a limitation on permissible loads. It can be used as a material for roof cladding, but only if the amount of snow falling in the area where the house is located is not too large.

Profiled sheets with large thickness and high profile. They are more expensive, but at the same time have increased strength. Used to create load-bearing structures. Recommended for roof cladding.

Important: after letter designation The grade of corrugated sheet comes with a number - it indicates the height of the corrugation of the material in millimeters. When purchasing, pay attention to it.

The quality of the purchased material is one of the most important components of the strength and reliability of the roof. Therefore, here are a few simple rules that will help you choose good corrugated sheeting.

Important! When planning to sheathe a roof with corrugated sheeting, pay attention not only to the brand, size and quality of the material, but also to its color - it should be in harmony with the walls and base of the building and not blend in with the surrounding space.

Prices for corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

Rules for cutting corrugated sheets

In the process of laying a roof from corrugated sheets, many home owners are faced with a seemingly simple question - what tool should they use to cut this material into pieces of the sizes they need? Most often people use for this purpose angle grinder, better known as a “grinder”, is a tool that is found in almost every home. But if you study the instructions for the profiled steel decking, you may find a clause there that does not recommend or even prohibits the use of an angle grinder for cutting the material. Otherwise, the warranty for corrugated sheets is considered invalid. Why is this so?

The thing is that the corner Grinder It gets very hot during the process. As a result, the metal at the cut site may melt, and with it the outer protective coating. The width of the damaged area can reach 3, 5 or even more millimeters. And this, at first glance, insignificant value is enough to begin the process of corrosion on the edge of the sheet and gradual deterioration of the corrugated sheet. In addition, flying sparks can cause minor damage protective coating and away from the edge of the cut - after a few years, red spots may appear in their place.

Therefore, it is undesirable to use a grinder for cutting corrugated sheets (unless we are talking about laying a temporary roof, for a couple of years, no more). But if you don’t have other tools, try to use thin cutting wheels - in this case, damage can be minimized and the likelihood of material damage can be reduced.

Cutting discs for grinders - explanation of markings

There is another tool available that is suitable for this task - hand scissors or metal saw. They are cheap, you can get them almost anywhere and when cutting they do not have the same impact on the corrugated sheet as an angle grinder. But at the same time they have their drawbacks. Firstly, cutting profiled steel sheets using hand tools is a long and tedious task. Secondly, when handling a saw or hand metal shears, you will need some skill and accuracy to make straight line cutting without burrs and similar defects.

A good option for a tool for cutting corrugated sheets for roofing would be circular saw at low speeds and with a special blade designed to perform this task. There is another alternative - jigsaw with metal blade. But with it you can only cut corrugated sheets with a low corrugation height normally - otherwise the sheet will break and suffer a lot of mechanical damage.

Important! When working with an angle grinder, circular saw and other similar tools, take precautions - wear safety glasses.

An excellent option in terms of cut quality and speed of work is to use special guillotines(quite expensive) and electric metal shears. But at the same time, they are a specialized tool that you are unlikely to use often.

Advice! If you have made careful calculations before starting work on covering the roof with corrugated sheets and know exactly what size sheets are needed, then it makes sense to offer the seller to cut them in advance using professional tool– guillotines for metal. This will save time, save energy, possibly simplify the process of delivering the material to your home, and also eliminate the risk of damage to the corrugated sheet due to incorrect cutting technology.

Prices for nibblers


Technology of laying a roof from corrugated sheets

Now let's look at the whole process of roof cladding with profiled steel sheet, from the very beginning to the end. For your convenience, it will be presented in the form of step-by-step instructions with photographs.

Installation of thermal and waterproofing and lathing

Work on fixing the corrugated sheeting should begin with preparation. It is expressed in the creation of the first parts of the “layer cake” of the roof:

  • thermal insulation, preventing the house from cooling too quickly.
  • waterproofing, which prevents moisture from penetrating under the roof.
  • sheathing– a frame on which steel profiled sheets will subsequently be placed.

Now let's move on to the step-by-step instructions, which describe this entire process in more detail.

Step 1. Treat the rafters of your home with an antiseptic. If you want to get a strong and durable roof, perform this action with all wooden roof elements in the future.

Step 2. After processing the rafters, proceed to laying the thermal insulation layer of the roof. It is advisable to use sheets of mineral wool or similar materials for these purposes. But if you are working with a non-residential or seasonal building (such as a summer house), then you can get by with creating “ cold roof", without insulation - its role will be played by a layer of air in the space under the roof.

Step 3. Waterproofing must be laid over the insulation layer and rafters. To do this, you can use cheap roofing felt or specialized construction films that are strong enough and do not allow moisture to pass through (some also have the ability to “release” water vapor from the space under the roof so that the insulation does not become damp over time). Secure the waterproofing using construction staples and a stapler. At the same time, make sure that the individual sheets of material are overlapped with each other; its value should reach 10 cm or more - this reduces the likelihood of violating the integrity of the layer.

Step 4. Mount the counter-lattice - wooden slats 20-30 mm high, nailed on top of insulation and waterproofing above the roof rafters. The counter grille performs two tasks, the first is to create a ventilation gap under the roof, the second is to additionally secure the moisture-proof film. Thanks to the gap formed at this stage under the corrugated sheet, air circulation and timely natural removal of water vapor, which otherwise can harm the insulation materials and roof sheathing, will be ensured.

Step 5. On top of the counter-lattice, vapor and waterproofing, install the main sheathing - a frame for the future roof made of corrugated board, laid perpendicular to the rafters. When constructing private houses, as a rule, it is created from wood - either 32x100 mm boards, or 40x40 (or 50x50) timber. Like any other timber roof parts, the sheathing must be treated after installation. antiseptics, to prevent rotting of the material.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

An important point that should be discussed separately is distance between sheathing elements. This parameter depends on the load-bearing properties and wave height of the profiled sheet - the smaller they are, the more often the frame should lie under it. So, for material grade NS8, the sheathing should be continuous, and for C21 - from 30 to 65 centimeters, depending on the angle of the roof. You can get more detailed data from the table shown in the image below.

Important! When building a house in an area where there are often strong winds or hurricanes, the distance between the sheathing elements should be halved and parts should be placed more often.

Video - Installation of corrugated roofing

Laying corrugated sheeting on the sheathing

After installing the protective layers of the roof and sheathing, proceed to the most important part of the roof arrangement - the installation of corrugated sheeting.

Step 1. Prepare the corrugated sheeting for installation on the roof - lay it next to the house, remove the packaging, if necessary, cut the material to the required length (it is desirable that the length of the sheet be equal to the length of the roof slope plus an overhang from 5 cm to 20 cm). Also don't forget to prepare everything necessary tools and a ladder to climb up.

Important! It is advisable to work with corrugated sheets in shoes with soft soles and without metal elements - this way you will not scratch the protective surface of the material or damage it in any other way.

Step 2. Arrange runners for safely lifting corrugated sheeting onto the roof - make them from two beams or boards. Another option - wooden staircase, inverted with steps towards the ground. With the help of such runners you can drag long sheet corrugated sheet upwards without bending it, dropping it or damaging it in any other way.

Step 3. Lift up on skids and install the first sheet of corrugated sheeting from the edge of the roof. If the length of its slope is too long and several rows of sheets are used, start from the bottom. In the image above you can see the order of laying corrugated sheeting on the roof.

Advice! If desired, before laying the corrugated board on the sheathing, install cornice strip– it will improve defense wooden elements roofs from moisture. After completing all the work, it makes sense to supplement the bar with a drainage groove.

Step 4. Align the corrugated sheet, make sure there is an overhang from the eaves of 5-15 cm. It is also desirable that there is an overhang from the end of the roof. Using a screwdriver, secure the sheet to the sheathing with roofing screws, starting from the eaves or ridge. Twist them into the bottom of the waves without missing any of them. When fastening to the sheathing elements lying above, place the fasteners through one lower part of the wave, while maintaining a checkerboard order, as in one of the photographs below.

Important! Nails must not be used to install corrugated roofing! When using them, the integrity of the material is compromised and, as a result, such a roof will be leaky and quickly become unusable.

Step 5. Using the same principle as in the previous stage, begin installing and securing the next sheets of corrugated sheets. At the same time, when connecting them to each other, create an overlap in one, two or more waves of material, depending on the angle of the roof slope. This is necessary to prevent moisture from flowing into the joints between roof elements. If the corrugated sheeting is laid in several rows, then there should be an overlap between them, and it should be quite significant, from 30 to 50 cm, and in some cases - up to a meter.

Step 6. Install the ridge strip and other additional elements necessary to cover and protect the joints of the corrugated roofing with the walls and other roof slopes.

Step 7 Seal the joints of corrugated sheets with each other and with additional elements with a sealant that is sufficiently resistant to sudden changes in temperature, precipitation and sunlight.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


After completing all these steps, fixing the corrugated sheeting on the roof of your house can be considered complete - remove the tools and remaining building materials, clean the roof and the ground next to it. After 1-2 months, you can go up and check if the roofing screws are loose - tighten them if necessary.

Video - How not to attach corrugated sheets to the roof

Corrugated sheet roofing type provides reliable protection roofs from bad weather and comfort in the house. For this purpose, it is important to correctly fix the material on the roof, following the right technology and using high-quality fasteners.

The best fasteners for corrugated roofing

Profiled metal sheets are convenient for installation as roofing, as they do not require complex actions. To properly fix the coating, you should choose a reliable fastening option. This is necessary to ensure the material’s resistance to strong winds and snow load, and also to prevent roof leaks.

At correct fastening corrugated roofing will last about 30 years

When laying the covering, you have to create holes in each sheet through which moisture can enter the under-roof space, leading to metal corrosion, mold and mildew. Therefore, during installation, only special fasteners are used that have a well-thought-out design to eliminate such consequences. To ensure maximum strength and durability of the roof, galvanized self-tapping screws with a wide head, larger than that of a conventional self-tapping screw, are used. Additionally, the wizards install rubber seals in the form of rings that protect the structure from moisture getting under the coating.

Roofing screws provide the highest quality fastening of corrugated sheets

Self-tapping screws equipped with a polyurethane or rubber press washer prevent the penetration of moisture into the fastening holes. Element caps can be colored different colors, which allows you to select details to match the roofing. With the help of such fasteners, you can firmly fix sheets of metal without damaging the protective layer, causing cracks and holes. The length of the roofing screws should be in the range from 25 to 250 mm, and the thickness - 6.3 or 5.5 mm.

The color of the visible part of the roofing screws can be matched to the base coating

Nails, regular self-tapping screws, welding and others similar methods absolutely cannot be used when installing profiled sheets on the roof. This will significantly shorten the life of the coating and lead to leaks.

Video: review of a set of roofing screws

How to attach profiled sheets to the roof

Simple installation makes profiled sheets popular for creating roofing coverings. However, there are several rules governing this process. Before work, you should consider the following features:

Preliminary work

Under metal coating Moisture accumulates on the roof in the form of condensation, which leads to rotting of the structure. Therefore, before creating outer covering preparatory work should be carried out:

  1. Installation of vapor barrier. Protective layer, preventing the escape of moist air vapors from the room, is installed from the inside under the roof. To do this, the vapor barrier membrane is carefully laid in each corner and secured with a construction stapler and staples. Mounted on top of the membrane interior decoration premises.

    The vapor barrier membrane is attached to the rafters on the room side

  2. Roof insulation. Insulation is placed above the vapor barrier layer, for example, mineral wool. Plates of material are placed tightly between the rafters. Sometimes it is more convenient to first lay the insulation, and only then attach the vapor barrier film.

    Insulation boards are laid tightly in the joints between the rafters without any fasteners

  3. Counter-lattice device. Outside, a sheathing is mounted on the insulation and waterproofing film, protecting the attic space from moisture. A counter-lattice should be installed on top of the waterproofing, providing a ventilation hole through which excess moisture is eliminated.

    The waterproofing film is laid along the rafters and secured with transverse bars of the counter-lattice.

  4. Installation of sheathing. The main sheathing is attached to the bars laid along the rafters, on which the corrugated sheets will be laid.

    The presence of an additional layer of counter-lattice bars allows you to obtain a ventilation gap under metal sheets, which will help remove condensation during the cold season

Methods and features of fastening profiled sheets

Fixation of profiled sheets on the roof is carried out according to general technology, some aspects of which can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics roofs. The main points of working with corrugated sheets are as follows:

  • To cover the roof, solid sheets are used, the length of which is approximately 5–10 cm longer than the length of the slope. If it is impossible to order material of this size, then the elements are joined along the length with an overlap of 100 to 250 mm, depending on the angle of the roof;
  • when installed on a roof with a zero or very small slope, the elements are placed with an overlap of 200 mm and using a seal that prevents moisture from getting under the sheets;
  • At the bottom and top of the sheathing, corrugated sheets are fastened in every second wave, and in the middle of the roof the fasteners are installed every two or three waves;
  • in longitudinal joints, self-tapping screws are installed in increments of no more than 50 cm;
  • the average number of screws for every 1 m2 should be 6–8 pieces.

Step between fastenings of profiled sheets

When installing sheets, it is important to consider not only their location, but also the spacing between the fasteners. This parameter affects the quality of the coating. For example, an excess of self-tapping screws, located very often, will lead to deformation of the sheets. As a result, the appearance of the roof deteriorates and its performance characteristics are impaired. Therefore, screws are screwed only into the lower part of the wave that is in contact with the sheathing.

Self-tapping screws are installed strictly perpendicular to the sheathing at the bottom of the sheet wave

When distributing fasteners across a sheet, it should be taken into account that maximum step between the screws should be 50 cm. In this case, in the central part of the sheet, fasteners can be installed in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance of 50 cm. If the corrugated sheet requires more reliable fixation, then it is permissible to fasten the sheet along the edges in each lower wave. At the ends, self-tapping screws must be installed in each line of the sheathing to ensure the strength of the coating.

Corrugated sheet installation diagram

In order to avoid errors in work, professional craftsmen It is advised not only to take into account the basic rules, but also to study the layout of the screws on each sheet. This makes it possible to avoid serious damage to the seal of the coating as a result of using too much large quantity fasteners or screwing in an insufficient number of elements.

Self-tapping screws should not be screwed in too tightly or unevenly.

For sheets less than 0.7 mm thick, lathing with a pitch of about 50 cm is suitable. If thicker corrugated sheeting is used, the distance between the rows can be increased to 1 m. This approach allows you to create reliable basis and ensure the strength of the roof covering. In this case, the general rules for the location of fasteners are observed.

At the junction of the sheets, screws are screwed into each wave, in the upper and lower parts of the slope - through the wave, and in other places at the rate of 8 screws per square meter coatings

Step-by-step installation of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheeting is easy to install on a simple gable roof, if the roof has a lot inclined planes, then the sheets are carefully cut with special scissors. Using a grinder or saw is strictly prohibited, as this will lead to the formation of uneven edges and damage to the protective layer of the metal. The following steps are followed:

  1. The first sheet is laid in the lower area of ​​the end with a pre-calculated projection beyond the edge of the cornice (5–10 cm). The entire bottom row is mounted in this way, with self-tapping screws installed along the bottom through the wave, and along the edges - every 30–40 cm.
  2. The sheets of the top row are attached with an overlap on the bottom. If the slope angle is less than 15°, then be sure to treat the joints with sealant and fix the seal. Each sheet element is attached to the outermost slats, which the sheet reaches, and the remaining fasteners are installed in a checkerboard pattern in the middle. The screws are fixed to the bottom of the wave and must be kept perpendicular to the sheathing.

    Sheets of corrugated sheets are installed from bottom to top, gradually moving from one gable to another

  3. At the ends hip roofs or roofs complex shapes the sheets are cut to the required shape and fixed to the sheathing with self-tapping screws. Upon completion of the work, components are installed, for example, an end strip, a valley, a drip edge, etc.

    If there is no gable overhang at the end of the roof, then it is covered with an end strip

Video: installation of profiled sheets on the roof

Possible errors when installing corrugated sheets on the roof

Installing a roof with profiled sheets is simple and accessible even for inexperienced craftsmen. The technology for fixing metal does not require complex actions, however, during the work process, the basic rules should be taken into account. In this case, the following situations and errors can often arise, which can be easily avoided:

Fastening profiled sheets is simple, but only careful adherence to technology will ensure the roofing covering durability and reliability under any load.

Construction of a fence from corrugated board requires certain skills and experience. If we divide the process of installing a fence made of corrugated sheets into several stages, the most difficult of them include the construction of foundations and the installation of fence posts. The subsequent steps are much easier to complete.

If the fence posts have already been installed, and the foundations of the fence have gained the necessary strength, you can begin installing horizontal purlins (they are also called logs) for attaching the profiled metal sheet.

The number of rows of horizontal purlins is determined by the height of the fence. After all, the greater the height of the fence, the greater the wind load it will have to withstand during operation. For a fence with a height of 1.6-1.8 m, it is enough to install logs in two rows; for a higher height, three rows of purlins are already required.

How to attach a corrugated sheet to a fence with self-tapping screws - in places where there is an overlap, the screws are screwed into each wave

Installation of purlins must be carried out strictly horizontally. Therefore, when installing them it is necessary to use water or laser level. The only difficulty in installing joists is that it is better to attach them to the fence supports using electric welding.

How to screw corrugated sheeting onto a fence?

After installing the horizontal purlins, you can begin attaching the corrugated sheet to the fence. Before attaching the corrugated sheets to the fence, it is necessary to mark the installation of the profiled sheets.

To do this, at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground level, a thin nylon cord is pulled strictly horizontally between the fence posts. This height is enough so that minor unevenness in the soil does not interfere with the installation of corrugated sheeting.

It is best to use the fasteners for a fence made of corrugated sheets that are used when installing roofing coverings made of corrugated sheets. Roofing screws are made of especially strong steel grade C1022. Their surface has a reliable zinc protective coating with a thickness of at least 12.5 microns.

Fasteners for a fence made of corrugated sheets - roofing screw

In addition, roofing fasteners for metal profiled sheets differ from conventional metal screws with a press washer in the presence of a special sealing gasket made of neoprene rubber. This gasket is necessary to create a seal at the point where the roofing covering is connected to the sheathing of the rafter system.

When installing a fence, such tightness at the point where the profile is attached to the guides is not necessary. But moisture getting under the head of the screw can cause premature corrosion of the edges of the hole in the corrugated sheet.

This can lead to streaks of rust appearing on the surface of the fence. Even when using roofing screws with rubber washers, it is recommended to process the edges of the holes in the corrugated sheet by special means, preventing edge corrosion.

In addition, unlike conventional metal screws, the heads of roofing screws are painted in the same colors as the corrugated sheet metal. polymer coating. This makes them completely invisible against the background of the fence.

It is best to install corrugated sheets together. While one person holds the bottom edge of the profiled sheet at the level of the tensioned cord, the second person uses a screwdriver to secure it to the purlin in the upper corner. After checking the horizontality, the corrugated sheeting is fixed in two or three more places.

Before attaching the corrugated sheet to the fence over the entire area, an adjacent sheet of corrugated sheeting is installed. It is better to install it in the same way as the roofing - with an overlap in one wave. This will allow you to more accurately align the sheet vertically.

The requirements for how to attach corrugated sheeting to a fence are the same as for attaching any vertical surfaces made of corrugated sheets. Self-tapping screws are installed through one wave.

Fastening corrugated sheeting to a fence - installation diagram of self-tapping screws with overlap

Despite the fact that the tip in the form of a drill allows you to screw them in without first drilling holes in the corrugated sheet, it is better not to abuse this. The fact is that a hole in a profiled sheet, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the screw, allows you to compensate for the linear expansion of the metal during sudden temperature fluctuations.

Reflections on the topic of how to attach corrugated sheets to the roof are relevant not only when completely replacing the roof. This material It also allows partial renovation of the roof of the house; it is characterized by good maintainability and long-term quality.

Corrugated sheeting for the roof of my house - material characteristics

Country, country, etc. individual construction can not be classified as cheap pleasures. The use of modern profiled sheets allows you to significantly save on responsible repair stage- performing roofing work. This saving concerns both the cost of the material itself and the possibility of its self-installation. Compared to metal tiles, profiled sheets are 2-3 times cheaper, the coating is made of natural tiles will cost even more. In addition to financial advantages, factory roofing materials from sheet metal have other advantages:

  • Small unit weight usable area, the minimum among existing materials. This quality allows the use of load-bearing rafters of a smaller cross-section than in the case of a massive roof - that is, the savings will concern the entire roof;
  • Long lasting corrosion resistance. A typical profiled sheet is multilayer construction, where steel is only the basis for overall strength. Polymer and zinc coatings are applied to the steel, resistant to mechanical and chemical exposure varnishes and sprayings;
  • Large selection of color options. The finishing layer of polymer can generally be made of any color - the catalogs of leading manufacturers of profiled sheets have a full-scale rainbow look. Please note that corrugated board in dark colors (brown, stained oak, etc.) tends to quickly fade under sun rays. It is better to opt for standard shades of red, brick, blue or silver. Then you won’t have to think about how to properly attach corrugated sheeting to the roof every few years, due to the loss of the original richness of color;
  • Simplicity and ease installation work due to the low weight of the sheets and the ability to “smooth out” unevenness roof frame. Other materials for roofs require greater geometric rigor of the rafters being built, floors between floors and other supporting structures.

Profiled sheets also have characteristic disadvantages as a roofing material. Firstly, there is a risk of damage to the zinc-polymer layers during unloading, transportation or installation. Even a slight chip of the protective coating will lead to rapid corrosion of the steel base under the influence of precipitation or simply from dampness. The damaged element will have to be replaced - and for this you will need to disassemble almost the entire roof; installation of corrugated sheets is carried out with a reliable overlap of the sheets on each other.

Secondly, compensation for the low cost of corrugated sheets is the so-called “drum effect”. In heavy rain, the sound of drops falling on the roof is amplified by the vibration of the sheets and can resonate with their vibrations. As a result, people on upper floors feel as if they've been placed inside a huge drum for the duration of the festival procession - and the muscular drummers spare no effort in showing off their percussion skills...

The “drum effect” is compensated by insulating the roof and creating an acoustic barrier of porous materials between the rafters and the roof. But the sound comfort of natural tiles for any sheet of profiled metal remains unattainable - perhaps to a greater extent than for a state employee an exotic carnival in tropical latitudes.

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Areas of application of profiled sheets…

...not limited to roofing work. Metal sheeting can be used for the following renovation projects:

  • Cladding of ventilated facades as a replacement for expensive siding on the back sides of walls, for utility buildings, etc.;
  • Arrangement of solid fences made of corrugated sheets as a budget method of combating malicious attempts and curious glances;
  • Creation of walls in lightly loaded structures (greenhouses, booths, poultry houses, etc.).

Before learning how to attach corrugated sheets to the roof, you can conduct a repair “experiment in miniature” by finishing with corrugated sheets yourself canopy over the door. All basic installation techniques must be used for such a small structure; mastering them will significantly help with full-scale roofing work.

How to attach corrugated sheeting to the roof - step-by-step installation instructions

A reliable and durable metal roofing in its arrangement must go through several repair stages:

How to attach corrugated sheeting to the roof - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Rafter frame

Rafters for profiled sheets must have a certain degree of slope, at least 8°. In practice, this angle corresponds to a rise of 1 meter with a linear roof length of 7 meters

The greater the roof slope, the less requirements for sealing the joints between the sheets. If the roof is sloping (less than 8°), it is wiser to call professional roofers - it is very difficult to achieve tightness on your own at a small slope angle.

If the house already has a rafter frame, all damaged and questionable boards should be replaced, and the insulation and soundproofing of the roof should be completed. All movements on the roof should be thought out in advance, footrests should be provided, a mounting belt should be used, etc. – all the roofs in the world are not worth a traumatic fall.

Step 2: Rigging

Install the profiled sheet on reliable system rafters is easier than lifting the material into work area. If the installation itself is quite capable of one worker, then for the rigging stage you will need an assistant, or better yet two. It is most convenient to lift corrugated sheets onto the rafters in packs of 5-10 sheets, and this must be done carefully. Damage to the coating will lead to rapid development of crevice corrosion in the metal. You can secure stacks of sheets using individual bars or several slats.

Step 3: Start installation

Roofing with profiled sheets always starts from the bottom up, from the overhang to the ridge, from the visible end. A thin membrane is first attached to protect the thermal insulation layers from condensation. It is best to choose a diffusion type membrane; it is nailed to the rafter sheathing with nails with wide and flat heads. The approximate gap between the nails is 20-25 cm, make sure that their heads fit completely into the wood.

The first row of sheets is laid with an overhang of 30-50 cm above the roof overhang, the specific size depends on drainage system roof and the presence of drainage at the foundation. Even before attaching the corrugated sheet to the roof, you need to decide on the size of the overlap. Between adjacent panels it is performed for at least one full wave. If the wave of corrugated sheeting is small (up to 20 mm), and the roof is flat, the overlap between the sheets must be made into two waves. Don’t be afraid of overuse of material; reliability and moisture resistance are more important.

The joints between the sheet flooring must be sealed, and it is better to use a special tape rather than a hardening sealant. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to disassemble the roof and replace individual sheets. Fastening the corrugated sheet to rafter frame performed with self-tapping screws with sealing washers, in the amount of 6-10 screws per square meter of material. First, mark a hole on the sheet with a dowel, then drill it with a drill, after which a screw is screwed in.

Step 4: Continue installation

Adjacent rows of profiled sheets are offset in height by, on average, half their end size. They cut the sheets with a sharp hacksaw for metal, and on the ground - cutting on shaky rafters is unsafe. The overlap between rows is limited by the roof slope. On a flat roof the overlap is greater (up to 30 cm), on a steep slope (more than 20°) 10 cm is sufficient. Careful sealing of horizontal joints with the same tape is required. Screws for such joints are screwed into each recess of the deflection, that is, “through the wave.” If the rubber washer protrudes from under the head of the screw by 1-2 mm evenly over the entire diameter, it means that it is tightened well, not loosely and without “tightening”.

Step 5: Complete the installation

Upon reaching the ridge of the roof, a crucial stage begins - water and other precipitation tend to pour from above. Having laid last sheets, a wide end strip is mounted on top of them. It is fastened in increments of no more than 30 cm, maintaining an overlap of 10 cm between the slats themselves to drain water. Each end strip Before installation, it is carefully inspected for the integrity of the coating - a leak from the roof ridge is diagnosed with great difficulty and can appear at a great distance from the defective element. The last to be installed are the cornice and ridge strips for design design new roof.


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