How to decorate a barrel at the dacha. How to decorate a water barrel at your dacha

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Metal water barrels are an indispensable attribute in almost any vegetable garden or garden. It’s not difficult to simply paint a barrel at your dacha, but you can approach this event creatively. As a result, beautifully painted old garden barrels become original element design country garden.

Selection and preparation of barrels for further decoration

Not only drawings on the surface are in demand, but also decoration with plants, as well as decoration with wicker boxes and other design elements.

You can simply paint the surface a single color or decorate it using special stencils. It’s not difficult to paint containers with your own hands in an original way, but it’s important to choose the right materials, and Also properly prepare your work surface:

  • the water barrel must be intact, without water leaks;
  • the container in which flowers or garden crops are supposed to be grown, on the contrary, must have drainage holes in the bottom part;
  • containers can be plastic, wood or metal, but metal and plastic structures;
  • the surface of the old barrel must first be very thoroughly cleaned of dirt.

So that everything is applied decorative elements preserved throughout the entire period of operation, it is necessary to mandatory remove rust from the surface and old paint using coarse sandpaper or a special brush with stiff metal bristles.

On the next preparatory stage you need to wash the surface well and dry it, and then thoroughly degrease the surface to be painted with a regular solvent, which will significantly improve the adhesion of the applied paint. Good result gives the use of a primer before applying the main, base background paint.

How to decorate a water barrel using a stencil

You can brightly decorate the surface by drawing fairy-tale characters or animals, seasons, and cartoon scenes. To apply beautiful drawing, you can use ready-made stencils or create an original and stylish stencil yourself in accordance with personal preferences.

Making your own stencil

The basis for the stencil can be cardboard or thin plastic of sufficient thickness, from a file folder. The picture can be selected from any source, but the most convenient way is to take a ready-made suitable pattern from thematic Internet sites and print it on a regular household printer. If necessary, an image that is too large is divided into several separate fragments.

How to paint a water barrel (video)

Basics and features of the technology for creating a stencil with your own hands:

  • the pattern is applied softly onto a paper or cardboard base with a simple pencil, and on plastic base application is carried out using a felt-tip pen or marker;
  • Using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the design along the lines, without damaging the internal jumpers;
  • internal small areas pattern can be cut through nail scissors or a wallpaper knife.

The workpiece must have smooth edges without burrs, dents, cracks or accidental cuts and tears. Landscape images are best done according to the template only partially, and complete the smallest details using a regular art brush. It is very convenient to fill large areas of the design with paint using a foam sponge.

Also, all kinds of natural materials, represented by leaves, twigs or shells, can be used as very original and quite accessible stencils. First, the surface of the container is painted with paint in light green tones and the diagonals are drawn in white, after which it is applied to the surface natural material and sprayed with spray paint.

Technology of applying a pattern to a barrel

After cleaning the rust and old layer, the surface of the metal barrel is coated with a metal primer. Standard technology ornament or pattern, as well as a plot design on the surface of the tank is not complicated, but requires compliance with some rules:

  • the main background should not be too bright, and is applied from a spray can with paints for working with metal;
  • The stencil is fixed on the surface of the container using paint or ordinary stationery tape;
  • the paint must be applied very carefully and in doses, which will prevent the pattern from blurring;
  • to get a three-dimensional drawing, it is necessary to add various shades of paint to an already painted stencil, ranging from more light color and ending with the darkest tone.

The only difficulty that a novice designer may encounter is the problem with precise calculation quantity of paint and high-quality drawing of the smallest elements. To make the drawing durable, final stage varnish coating is carried out.

Garden barrels in garden design

Many owners of household plots and garden plots are very well aware that an incorrectly designed barrel can create real disharmony, and very often does not fit into the “ green interior» landscape.

Children's zone: how to paint a barrel and apply a design

To decorate a nursery or play area, you can use containers with the most fun and thematic designs that will harmoniously fit into the environment and become an original addition to sandboxes, swings or painted plywood houses.

Without fail, barrels of water are covered with tight lids, in which round hole for draining rainwater. You can paint with the brightest and most cheerful colors or depict funny faces and cartoon or fairy-tale heroes. The images of butterflies and frogs flying over flowers look especially interesting.

Ideas for decorating barrels (video)

Painted barrel flower beds

A blooming flowerbed from a barrel is the most interesting way designing flower beds in the garden area. The main advantage of a plastic barrel is its excellent safety and durability. This design does not rust, but before using it as a flower bed it should be properly decorated. Painting can be done using a spray gun or spray can.

Metal structure also often used as an original flower bed. The simplest and most accessible stencil is used to use twigs or other available materials to create an easily recognizable outline. Such materials should have sufficient density, and the contour obtained around the template should be slightly adjusted using an artistic brush.

From large quantity metal containers, decorated in the same style, very beautiful and unusual compositions are obtained. Nutrient soil is poured inside the barrel or containers with soil are placed, after which petunias or different kinds ampelous, profusely and long-blooming ornamental plants. Barrels can be placed on different heights or dig to different depths into the soil.

Artistic painting of a barrel in accordance with the style of the garden

A win-win option for designing containers in accordance with different styles is the creation of original stories from plastic bottles. Transparent plastic bottles cut into random pieces are painted different colors in accordance with the plan. The cut out elements are glued to a surface painted in a base tone using regular construction adhesive. This way you can get a mosaic or plot design.

Barrels that are painted with floral patterns look very beautiful and harmonious with garden vegetation. The main condition is right choice background, which should not be too bright and distracting from flower beds, flower beds and garden edgings. You can effectively decorate the surface with a pattern of fluttering butterflies, bees and dragonflies, or use images of other representatives of flora and fauna.

Original ways to decorate a barrel

An unusual alternative to standard coloring is represented by relief decorative screening. In this case, the technique consists of applying a layer of construction adhesive to the surface of the barrel and adding a dense layer of screenings. After drying, add required color can be obtained using spray paint. The lower part of the container can be decorated with large pebbles, and the upper part can be decorated with shells.

If you independently design a garden space in a country style, then It is advisable to decorate barrels with wicker boxes:

  • harvesting willow, dogwood or bird cherry twigs a couple of meters long until the beginning of February;
  • the basis of the wicker structure is thick and even branches with a diameter of 20-30 mm in the amount of seven to eight pieces;
  • thick frame branches are pointed at one end and buried around the container into the ground by about a quarter of a meter.

How to decorate a barrel (video)

Weaving with soaked rods begins from the back side. The ends of thin branches must be nailed with small nails to the supporting thick branches. Weaving involves threading each thin twig between vertically installed thick shoots of the frame. To obtain the most dense weaving, the twigs must be tapped periodically from above using wooden hammer. The wicker structure can be supplemented with artificial sunflowers.

To get the original and stylish design, it is enough to show your imagination and purchase high-quality working material. It should be remembered that for proper painting it is best to use cans of paint for painting cars, and also be sure to use latex gloves, work clothes and safety glasses.

Dilapidated metal barrels Almost everyone has one for water summer cottage and, often, they are no longer presentable appearance. An old barrel spoils the appearance of the entire site, but it can be given a second life and updated. But what can you do if nothing interesting comes to mind except simple paint? Let's use our imagination or explore cunning tricks decor of water barrels.

Even a decrepit barrel, “eaten” by corrosion, can be transformed and become an unusual decoration, such as a flower bed, a comfortable chair on the playground.

However, it happens that completely normal-looking barrels for collecting moisture do not always harmonize with the landscape, especially when they are placed under each of the eaves and drainpipe. There are 2 options here:

  • Hide the barrels away, leaving the garden without much-needed moisture.
  • Ignore the non-aesthetic quality of the resulting “picture”.

Often, option No. 1 does not suit owners whose property does not have a central water supply or a well. There is only one way out: decor garden barrels for water, so that they fit into the landscape and are not its flaws.

Before deciding on the choice of how to decorate the barrel, you need to additionally think about how to decorate the place where the container is placed. If you have flowers there, you need to choose the option that will be most in harmony with the flowers surrounding the barrel.

If the container is placed near a children's area, you can paint the barrel differently, making it bright, funny and attention-grabbing.

Let's look at options for how to paint a barrel located in the flower bed area.

Decor with plants
To hide ugly barrels, “dissolve” them among the general landscape. For example, dig a container up to 50x50 into the ground, and in front of it, plant bushes of flowers. They will be a green hedge, hiding the aged metal behind them. However, when digging a barrel into the ground, wrap it underneath with several layers of polyethylene, so moisture will not accelerate corrosion.

Packing a barrel in moss
Quite a distinctive style. To do this, you will need thoroughly dried, away from sun rays, forest moss and twine.

Vine finishing

From a vine or other flexible trees you can weave not only a fence, but also a beautiful basket. And in our situation, this method will be used to decorate water barrels. A barrel hidden in a willow fence will look great not only near the flower garden, but also in any other place, even near the terrace.

A willow box will perfectly hide an unsightly vessel.
Even a person without special skills in weaving wicker products can weave such a box.
The branches need to be prepared in January. You can take twigs of willow, dogwood or other shrubs. The length of the rods will be enough to braid the container (1.7-2 m will be enough).

Take a thick and even vine about 2-3 cm in diameter, it will be needed for supporting columns. 8 pieces are enough for one barrel; they should be 30 cm higher than the barrel (so that they can be driven into the ground).

Send the blanks to winter under cover or in a cold shed. In the spring, when the weather warms up, you need to get down to business. A few days before, soak all the branches (minus 8 thick ones) in a container of water, the branches should be completely covered with water. Once soaked, they will bend and take shape better.

Use a knife to sharpen one edge of the branches for support and drive them into the ground in a circle, taking into account the size of the barrel. It should fit there. That is, the diameter of the box should be 10 cm larger than the diameter of the barrel itself. You can immediately put the container inside.

Start weaving along the back side so that it is less noticeable. Nail the ends of thin branches to the support pins with small nails, and then weave as indicated in the photo.

Camouflage barrel
If you urgently need to hide the container, paint it dark green or spotted color. It will be almost invisible near plants.

Painting water barrels
It happens that barrels are placed in places where there are no green spaces or flower beds. Therefore, the capacity immediately catches the eye. Need to turn old barrel into an attractive part of the landscape.

Amazing transformation of a container with a brush and paints.
The barrel can be painted in the brightest and warmest shades. The easiest way is to draw a cheerful face. To do this, first completely paint the container in one tone, and on it draw a pair of eyes, a nose and a smile. Children especially like the image of a ladybug, kitten, and frog.

If you wish and have the opportunity, you can draw a whole plot from a cartoon, using part of a children’s coloring book as a stencil. And the barrel won’t be scary, and the kids are happy.

Rest zone

Here it would be better to paint the barrel with a can of spray paint, creating a semblance of graffiti on it. Draw a floral design. Buy cans of several colors, cellophane or latex gloves and safety glasses to prevent paint from getting into your eyes when spraying. In one of the cans the paint should be a very light shade. In the garden, cut branches of different sizes from beautiful shape leaves.

Using sandpaper or a brush with metal bristles, clean off any protruding corrosion damage on the water barrel. Treat it with an anti-corrosion compound and let it dry.

Coloring stages:

  • turn the barrel upside down and place it on a raised platform. Apply the lightest paint to the entire outside of the container. When it dries, a contrasting background is applied over it in vertical stripes.

  • Place the branch against the container and apply a second, dark paint over it. It will give an outline along the edges of the leaves, and in the middle there will be a lighter tone. The barrel must be completely painted.

  • Once the paint is completely dry, turn the barrel over and brush the paint over inside(about 20 cm from the edge). This way, rotten metal is almost invisible.

In addition to floral designs, the barrel can be decorated with inscriptions and various wise quotes.

Containers in the country are needed to collect rainwater and heat it for irrigation. They can be metal, wood, plastic. Barrels don’t always look beautiful; decorating can be a great way out. Thus, they can perform not only a practical, but also an aesthetic function.

If you decorate the containers, they will fit harmoniously into landscape design dachas will add an original touch to the space. Such beauty will not cost much, but you will see how your summer cottage will be transformed.

To work you will need:

  • Enamel based on alkyd varnish in several colors;
  • Primer;
  • Spray cans;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Brushes of different diameters.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. You need to choose a color, color, pattern, composition with which the barrel will be decorated. The paint that will be used during work depends on the material from which the container is made: for the street you need to choose a durable coating. The primer will protect the barrel from corrosion, and the enamel on this basis will last longer.
  2. If you are not a professional artist, then it is better to work with stencils and practice putting paint onto brushes correctly, because drips can ruin the design. Paint in spray cans is not as durable, but if you work with stencils, then they are very convenient to use.
  3. First, coat the vessel with a primer, let it dry, then paint it with a base color paint. Drawings and small details are drawn last.

If it is important for you that the water warms up better in the barrel (for example, for irrigation or summer shower), then color it in dark color. You can disguise the barrel to match the color of the house. This is, of course, the simplest solution, but still the first step towards creating organized space Location on.

If you have a lot of metal barrels, you can make them original composition. Pour soil into the containers; if they are so large that filling them completely is labor-intensive, then simply place the containers with soil in the upper part. Their diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel so that it can fit tightly inside. Fill a basin (pot) with soil and plant petunias in it. If there are two barrels, then you can make a couple in love from them. Paint one blue, draw cartoon eyes and a tie, and make the other into a girl in a pink dress with a white collar. For beauty, petunias can also be red and blue colors. You can put umbrellas in a basket of flowers.

It is not necessary to plant flowers in barrels; cheerfully decorated containers with funny faces, even filled with water, will look advantageous.

Bright metal vessels You can place them directly on the site and plant light-loving plants in them, which will thus become closer to the sun.

  1. A wooden barrel can be installed without decoration: wood with metal rims looks stylish in itself. Place a figurine of a person in a container or make an impromptu pond with water lilies and aquatic plants.
  2. Plastic barrels are inferior to both wooden and metal ones, so you need to pay attention to their decor Special attention. If you have artist friends, let them come up with an avant-garde or classic floral design. This task is also suitable for graffiti lovers.
  3. From a wooden container you can make country well, simply by attaching a bucket to it with a chain.

How can you paint a barrel?

If the color and shape of the container suits you, you can simply surround it with pots and flowerpots with flowers. Small barrels can serve as tables, chairs, and bench legs on the site.

On absolutely every summer cottage you can see several old water containers, mostly barrels. These containers are used for watering plants, and also as a reserve if the water in the area is suddenly turned off.
Painted barrels at the dacha
So that the appearance of the barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated using paints.
A painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden on the lawn, between the vegetable beds, in the front garden, on the porch of the dacha, etc.
This idea is popular because it requires virtually no effort or money.
Now let’s look at the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.
How to paint barrels in the country?
First you need to select suitable barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look most beautiful, because... You can make drawings of any complexity on them.
To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:
Empty clean water barrels
Metal brush and sandpaper
Water-repellent paints in various colors
Simple pencil
To Work with plastic barrel much easier, because Before painting it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.
When decorating a metal barrel, you first need to completely remove all rust. To do this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all the rust has been removed, it is recommended to treat the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will allow you to degrease the surface before painting.
After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think about the design. It all depends on your imagination. The best looking barrels are those with the following pictures:
Fairy tale characters
AnimalsPeople (for example, a boy and a girl)
Having created a sketch of the drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first paint the barrel one color (entirely). Next, using a brush, the contours of the design are drawn, which are then painted with a suitable paint.
To paint a barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended to first paint the container one color and wait until the paint dries. Next, using paints different color, you can leave the handprints of each family member on the barrel. This idea will make the barrel creative and become a memory for the whole family.

Barrel with family prints
After the barrel is completely dry, place it in appropriate place at the dacha and enjoy the updated landscape design.
I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, pour inside the container fertile soil and plant suitable plants.

Painted water barrel with flowers
Another tip is to make the background of the pattern on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the second green. The contrast of shades will make the composition of barrels more attractive.
Photo of painted barrels at the dacha
So that you can clearly see this idea for the garden, we present to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Blue painted barrel

Idea for using a painted barrel

Beautiful water barrel

Simple design of a water barrel

Barrel design in pop art style

Drawing of a bunny on a barrel

Beautiful barrels in the garden

DIY barrel coloring

Green barrel at the dacha

Painted barrel with climbing plants

In the landscape of our summer residents, even old, leaky barrels are transformed, becoming unusual flower beds and seats on children's playgrounds. But even “healthy” barrels placed specifically for collecting rainwater do not always fit into the landscape, especially if they are located under every eaves and drain. And here summer residents have to make sacrifices: either turn a blind eye to the unaesthetic “picture,” or remove the barrels away, depriving their beds of life-giving moisture. Yes, but the second option is in no way suitable for owners on whose property there is no central water supply or wells. There is only one thing left: to decorate the barrels so that they become part of the landscape, and not its “warts”.

Before choosing a method for decorating a barrel, you need to think about the overall design of the place where the containers are installed. If there are flower beds there, then it is worth looking for design options that will be most harmonious surrounded by flowers. If the containers are near a playground or recreation area, the decor can be completely different: bright, provocative, and attention-grabbing.

Even the most unsightly barrel can fit into the landscape by choosing the decor in accordance with the style and color scheme yard

Let's consider which optionThe design of the barrels looks good in the flower bed area.

Decorating with plants

To prevent ugly metal barrels from being conspicuous, the easiest way is to “dissolve” them in the landscape, making them as invisible as possible. You can simply dig the container halfway into the soil, and plant bushes densely in front of the top part. They will create a green wall, hiding old metal. But when digging a container into the ground, it is necessary to wrap the lower part in several layers of film so that moisture from the soil does not accelerate corrosion of the walls.

Packing in moss

An original design option could be decorating a barrel with moss. For this you need forest moss, well-dried in the shade, and twine. Starting from the bottom, moss is applied to the barrel in layers and secured with twine. One person cannot cope with such a job, since one person will hold the moss on the wall of the container, and the second will wrap the twine in a circle.

Decoration with vine

Most often, decorative fences or baskets are woven from vines and other flexible trees. But in our case, this method can be used to decorate barrels. A container hidden in a willow basket will look impressive both against the backdrop of flower beds and in the recreation area.

A barrel hidden inside a wicker basket will seem to disappear into the overall landscape, and this decor looks most impressive in rustic-style areas

Instructions for creating a willow box:

  1. In winter, in January, you need to prepare branches. You can use willow, dogwood and other shrubs growing in your forests. Try to do it before February so as not to weaken the tree with late pruning.
  2. The branches should be long enough to braid your barrel (about 1.7-2 meters).
  3. For the base of the basket, cut thick and even branches with a diameter of 2-3 cm. For 1 barrel, 7-8 pieces are enough. Their height should be 25-30 cm greater than the height of the container (to drive the branches into the ground).
  4. Store the harvested material under a canopy or in a cold utility room until spring.
  5. When the soil thaws, you can begin creating the decor. 2-3 days before, throw all the branches (except 8 thick ones) into a container of water so that they are completely submerged. Soaked stems bend well and take the desired shape.
  6. Sharpen one end of the supporting branches with a knife and drive them into the ground in a circle so that the barrel fits freely inside. Those. the diameter of the base of the basket should be 10 cm greater than the diameter of the bottom of the barrel.
  7. The container may already be inside (if it is bulky), or it can be inserted after the weaving is finished.
  8. Weaving begins from the back side, invisible to the eye. The ends of thin branches are nailed to the supporting branches with small nails.
  9. The essence of weaving: you need to thread each twig between vertically driven branches so that it passes either in front or behind the pegs.
  10. To make the twigs sit tighter, tap them on top with a wooden hammer.

Camouflage targeting

If the barrel needs to be hidden as soon as possible, paint it dark green or spotted (camouflage) color. Against the background of plants, such a barrel is almost invisible.

Sometimes it is enough to paint a barrel in shades of green foliage or camouflage - and it will transform into fashion element landscape design

Effective ways to paint barrels

It happens that barrels stand in a place where there are no green spaces or flower beds, and therefore immediately attract attention. In this case, you need to turn the old container into a spectacular landscape element that complements the overall picture.

In the playground area

It is advisable not to place such barrels in the children's area at all, because, filled with water, they pose a danger to curious mischief-makers. Such containers must be covered with tight lids that a child cannot tear off. Cut a round hole in the lid so that when you are away rainwater flowed into the barrel. But in this case, the container should always stand in one place, exactly under the drainage of water from the drain.

You can paint the barrels with the brightest and most cheerful colors. The easiest way to depict funny faces is to cover the entire barrel with one color and draw eyes, a nose and a smile against its background. Kids especially like images of ladybugs, butterflies, and frogs. If you cut out a stencil (and there are many of them on children's websites in the coloring section), you can print entire scenes from cartoons with a sponge.

The bright and playful design on the barrel will attract the attention of kids, so don’t forget to secure it properly and cover it with a lid for safety.

In a sitting area or patio

Children's drawings on barrels are not suitable for adult recreation. They will be too ridiculous against the backdrop of a barbecue, hammocks or outdoor furniture. In this area, it is best to paint barrels with spray paint, creating something like graffiti on them. It just seems that learning to draw is difficult. In fact, it all depends on the technique and accuracy of execution.

Here's how to make a floral pattern on a barrel. Buy several cans of paint (the most reliable are for painting cars), rubber gloves and safety glasses so that during painting the smallest particles of paint from the wind do not get into your eyes. One can of paint should be as light as possible (white, pale blue, etc.). Branches are being cut in the garden different sizes and a species with a beautiful leaf shape.

Look for trees and shrubs with carved leaf shapes, as this creates a beautiful pattern when painted and makes the barrel a true artistic masterpiece.

Use sandpaper or a metal brush to clean all areas damaged by corrosion on the barrel. Treat the entire surface with an anti-corrosion compound and allow to dry.

The final step is staining:

  • The barrels are turned upside down and placed on a raised platform (chair, table, etc.).
  • Apply all over outer surface container with base paint (the lightest), evenly covering the walls with it.
  • When the paint dries, a contrasting background is blown over it in vertical stripes.
  • Place a branch against the wall and apply the darkest paint on top of it. It will form a contour around the leaves, and a lighter color will remain in the middle.
  • In this way, the entire outer surface of the container is decorated.
  • You can apply the leaves in one layer, or you can put the next one on top of one (when the first batch of patterns has dried).
  • After complete drying, the barrel is turned over and the inner surface is painted (approximately 20-30 cm from the edge). Then the old metal will not be noticeable, which reduces the visual effect of the picture.

In addition to the floral design, the barrels can be decorated with inscriptions, wise sayings, by printing each word on a printer and cutting out the letters to make a stencil.

Multilayer compositions look richer, but they take more time to create, since each layer of paint must be allowed to dry

You can create a landscape from any season on the surface of the barrel if you choose correct colors: for summer - green, for autumn - yellow, etc.

Luxurious decor options

If the landscape near the house is solid, with sculptures, fountains and other paraphernalia, then the painted barrel will look rather sparse. Here it is worth using materials that are already found in the decor of the territory. For example, line the container with stone, pebbles or mosaic. Only when using mosaics or small pebbles, choose the right ones glue mixture. It must be frost-resistant and suitable for metal (if the barrel is metal). Good feedback Summer residents also received liquid nails. Otherwise, the technology is usual, as when laying any mosaic decor.

Some summer residents hide the walls of the barrel so skillfully under mosaic or polyurethane foam that the product takes on the features of an antique and expensive item.

A barrel can be used to make an excellent pedestal for garden sculpture, covering the top with a lid cut in half. This is enough to put a gnome or a frog, and there will be a hole for water to drain. Main decorative material will polyurethane foam. Any shape of a pedestal can be blown out of it: like a slide and a column, with an expansion at the bottom or at the top. It all depends on your imagination.

Main design points:

  1. For a strong adhesion to the metal, wrap the barrel with a sickle mesh and blow foam over it.
  2. To make extensions, tie to a barrel plastic bottles, and secure a sheet of thin insulation, like isolon, with tape on top.
  3. The foam is applied in one layer over serpyanka and isolon, evenly covering the barrel.
  4. Wait 4-5 days until completely dry.
  5. The excess is cut off.
  6. Coat the finished pedestal with a primer and then coat it with paint for exterior use.

If at least one of our ideas has awakened your imagination, try restoring your old barrels. You will see how effective element can be old container, while maintaining the main function of water collection.


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