How to cleanse from negativity. Cleanse the house from the evil eye and damage - cleaning the home with St. John's wort herb

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In the process of moving into a new home (whether it’s a barely completed apartment in a new building or a typical one-room/two-bedroom apartment in long-built buildings, already belonging to the secondary real estate market), the question inevitably arises: what rituals should be carried out to energetically balance this space and configure it “ for yourself”? Today, many methods and techniques belonging to different traditions have accumulated, however ideal option The place to start activating the positive forces of space is cleansing the apartment with a candle.

The use of candles in the energetic improvement of a house or apartment is not a new invention at all, historically dating back to the times when people performed complex rituals when laying the foundation of a house, when moving into it and living in it. They believed that they needed to carry a cleansing substance (whether fire or water) around the perimeter of the house, which would eliminate all potentially negative clots of energy and information accumulated in the ceilings of the building.

The fire was also a calling signal for the spirits, who were appeased and into whose jurisdiction the room passed after it had been tuned in the right way and negative elements had been removed from its structure. Lares, penates and manas, brownies and storerooms - all these creatures and deities received home space into their hands and had to take care of it in every possible way and protect it from evil deeds, words and eyes. Today you can often see how new house a priest is called to sprinkle all the corners and read prayers in the house, thereby creating in it a peaceful and kind atmosphere of Christian love and reverence for God. In the absence of the opportunity to consecrate a home with the help of others, you can always do it yourself using church candles, which will become a kind of conductor between the temple and the home. Cleaning an apartment with a candle should not be done at random, but strictly in a certain order, subject to a number of rules:

  • Before the ritual, it is a good idea to fast for one or three days, preparing yourself to read the holy prayers, and the day before go to church, confess and receive communion.
  • To prepare the apartment, it is recommended that for the same period (1-3 days) place in all its corners (without exception) a container with freshly poured table salt so that she absorbs the negativity floating in the air of the rooms.
  • The principle of energy purification of a room is to walk around all the rooms of the house with a candle in your hands and a prayer in your mouth. You need to go through all the premises, both residential and non-residential, and show them well to the fire, on energy level burning out negativity and giving positivity.
  • The circumambulation must be performed exclusively clockwise, otherwise the ritual will turn out to be anti-Christian and will bring unknown things to the house.
  • Candles for cleaning the apartment from negativity need to be bought in the church, preferably the thickest and longest ones, but in the absence of them, any will do. It is believed that the longer the candle burns (the larger its dimensions), the better the space will be heated with goodness.
  • It is better to consolidate the result obtained with a “seal” - a word-formula that seals the space in the state in which it came after its cleaning. This will prevent new evil from entering the room and will limit the negativity to the threshold of the house. You can seal it in different ways, but the main thing is to say that since it was done, it will now remain so forever.
  • Any additional actions and things hung around the house that will help maintain the home in a certain energy state will be regarded as enhancing the effect. Therefore, icons in red coal, horseshoes for luck hanging over the threshold, aroma lamps, lit incense and indian incense they will not interfere with the house in any way, but on the contrary, they will support it.

The video talks about the properties of fire and candles:

Options for home cleaning procedures

Despite the primitiveness of the actions that are necessary in the process of clearing a room with fire, at the moment there are several ways to carry out this activity.

Basic home cleaning “old-fashioned way”

The simplest home cleansing using a candle can be represented as a combination of the following procedures:

  1. In the temple one can buy the most ordinary wax candle, anyone can unlearn (you can take, for example, even the simplest “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us”).
  2. The house or apartment that will be cleaned is first thoroughly cleaned and washed, leaving not a speck of dirt or a pinch of dust in it.
  3. They take the church candle in their right hand and stand at the right doorframe of the entrance, taking it as a starting point.
  4. They light a candle, clasp their other hand into a fist and begin to read prayers from memory, while simultaneously moving along the walls of the room with a burning object that brings purification.
  5. In the corners you should stop and make the sign of the cross with a burning candle, clearing the corner completely.
  6. The main principle of the event is to track failures, which can be identified by the flame. Where it begins to behave violently, crackle or pound heavily, you need to stop and read the entire set of prayers until the candle calms down.
  7. At the end of the procedure, you need to return to the door and leave the candle near it to burn out. As the candle goes out, say: “My place must be clean, not smelly, and not let go of enemies. I illuminate it with a candle, empower it and keep it that way. Amen!". Only in this way will the cycle be considered completed.

Cleaning rooms according to the elementary principle is good because you don’t need to learn complex ones; even the simplest “Our Father” will do.

Candles for saints - special cleansing of space

Another method seems somewhat more complicated, since it calls on the saints of God as assistants. It is done like this:

  • You need to acquire icons of Orthodox saints who are your patrons or simply appeal to you.
  • For each icon, buy a large candle and a traditional icon cloth.
  • Install altars of icons with candles in those places where there are the greatest problems with the energy background.
  • Light the candles and read near each icon three times the prayers that are intended for this saint.
  • Leave the candle until it burns out, wrap the icons in linen and then hang them throughout the house as space guardians.

Cleaning method for “black apartments”

It also happens that the home is so saturated with the dirt of negativity, other people’s evil thoughts and other energy-informational impurities that nothing can be done about it: walking around, sprinkling with holy water and fumigating with herbs does not help. In this case, you need to give the fire more time and strength. For example, this way:

  1. After the standard walk around with a candle and reading prayers or psalms, you need to walk around the house again and call all the brownies for help, putting a piece of food and a drop of drink on their windowsills. You can call in any way, by asking or persuading, but without threatening.
  2. Then you should place a large candle in the center of each room ( maximum size). This will be the energy-informational centering point of space, which will remove all bad energy and burn it to the ground.
  3. Directly cleansing candles with fire using this method must be done over the course of a whole day, making sure that candles burn continuously in all rooms.
  4. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to take away the cinders, thank the housekeepers and ask them to keep the rooms in the same condition always.

Cleansing a house with a candle always helps not only to make it warm, easy and comfortable for its residents and guests, but also to create a certain microenvironment, a mental background, a space of feelings, ideas and thought forms. In other words, a cleaned apartment will never become a place for scandals, hatred, tears and insults, but will bring joy, goodness and happiness with its entire appearance. Fire - universal remedy to expel all kinds of evil spirits, even of immaterial origin, so it easily solves all problems associated with the need to eliminate certain blocks of space, negative accumulations of energy, larvae and other phenomena of a catastrophic nature.

You can remove the evil eye and damage from your home and protect yourself from witchcraft attacks on your own. Choose an effective ritual and eliminate negativity forever.

In the article:

How to cleanse an apartment from damage and the evil eye

In order to get rid of negative influence to the house, they perform a cleansing ritual, but first. If found - . Then they begin the ritual.

Carrying out general cleaning. Remove items related to death or witchcraft from the premises:

  • cards;
  • clothes of the dead;
  • broken mirrors;
  • black headscarves (worn at funerals).

These things are returned to their places after cleaning, but some have no place in the house. For example, sources of negative energy -. During the cleaning process you may find:

  • bones;
  • threads;
  • hair;
  • buttons;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • needles (door jambs are carefully checked);
  • wax figures woven from sticks.

If you find such an object, do not rush to sound the alarm. Lining is considered to be things that lie in an unusual place, for example, or buttons in the shades of a chandelier. They take a black dense cloth in which they wrap the lining, take it outside and burn it to ashes.

They carefully sort through the pillows: often when damaged, objects of unknown origin appear in them.

If there was a deceased person in the house recently, his things are burned. They throw away the pillow, bedding and mattress of the deceased. During the period of purification from living rooms remove mirrors.

After the work has been done, they go to the temple and consecrate 2 bags, one with salt, the second with poppy seeds. Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into each corner of the apartment.

Finish with the one facing east. It is believed that this is the gate to heaven, so it must be open. Sprinkling the housing, they say:

I scatter poppy seeds and salt, I bring joy back to the house. Let illness and misfortune, evil and evil spirits go away, let grace and love return to my home. Let comfort and joy return, and grief and troubles go away. Amen.

Poppy is placed in the corners of the balcony and veranda. There are no exceptions. After the ceremony they wait 3 days. Then they carefully sweep the used ingredients into a bag and leave it in a vacant lot. Upon returning home, they collect blessed poppy seeds (without salt) in small bags and place them in different rooms.

Simple conspiracies to rid your home of damage

There are many ways to get rid of negative impact, aimed at the apartment. The front door needs to be cleaned every year. She is most often subject to magical attacks. First the ceremony is performed indoors, then outside. At 15–16 lunar day In the morning before sunrise they wash the door thoroughly, saying:

Water, water, wash away all the sorrows, all the troubles and all the dirty tricks.

Where there is water, there is trouble.

Returning to the apartment, they fill a bucket of cool water. Reading "Our Father" and throw salt (preferably consecrated) into the container. The action is accompanied by the words:

Protect, salt, from sorcerers and witches, from evil intent and evil slander.

The entrance door is washed again on both sides with the enchanted liquid. The rag is not thrown away, but the water is poured under the tree. Take a large clove of garlic and rub the rim of the door. They say:

Away, away, everything unclean and slanderous.

When the ceremony is completed, they cross themselves and say:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Frankincense and wormwood for cleansing negative programs

You can cleanse your home using incense and wormwood. The hostess must buy the ingredients. They count the number of corners and make the same number of small bags from coarse fabric.

The herbs are divided and placed into bundles. Make sure they are approximately the same. In the process they whisper:

She collected wormwood, looked for incense, cleaned the house, protected it. Bring back peace to my home, bring back harmony, joy and understanding. Drive away spirits and demons. Drive them away and let them set foot on the threshold of my house. Amen.

The prepared bags are carried to the corners. For three days in a row, pieces of incense are set on fire and the room is fumigated. Every morning they read the Lord's Prayer before breakfast.

Removing the evil eye from a house with an apple

The fruit is used in rituals. Most often this is, but it can also be used to protect the home. Take a big red apple and a candle. The larger the living space, the thicker it is.

The seeds are cut out from the fruit, making a hole. They insert a candle there and leave it in one room for an hour. Pronounce:

Apple, apple, take on yourself all the anger, everything unclean, everyone is cursed and all the slander.

After the time has expired, the attributes are moved to another room and the spell is repeated. A candle with an apple should be everywhere, including in the corridor and on the balcony. Each time they enter a new room, they repeat the words. After the ritual, the fruit and candle are left in a vacant lot.

Signs of damage to your home

When the sorcerer cannot get to the victim, he affects the home. Important from the evil eye and damage. If protection is not put in place, but witchcraft is exerted, the problem will quickly manifest itself:

  • it is impossible to have a pet - cats and dogs do not want to enter the door;
  • it often seems that there is someone at home;
  • extraneous rustles, creaks, distant steps are heard;
  • fails, even ideal conditions for a transaction;
  • friends come less often;
  • at severe damage the house takes victims - people die one after another (there is definitely something in common);
  • if witchcraft affected the area around the building, nothing grows on the ground;
  • the owners are haunted by failures;
  • Cracks form on the walls and ceilings, often forming a characteristic pattern (pentacles, silhouettes, faces).

Magic is not necessarily to blame for strange things happening in the house. Perhaps the room is not suitable for the person, the place is associated with negative memories. Before you start cleaning your home, make sure your guesses are true.

How to determine damage in the house yourself

The two rituals below will help determine whether the damage has been successfully removed and find out about its presence.

Fried salt

WITH The olive oil is placed in a frying pan and placed on medium heat. There is no need to heat it up, as with.

After half an hour they look at the color:

  1. Turns yellow or becomes light brown - there is no negative effect.
  2. If it turns dark brown or black, clean the room immediately.

Candle flame

You can determine the witchcraft effect without reading special conspiracies. In the morning they go to church and buy an ordinary wax candle. At home they put it on the table. When the attribute flares up a little, evaluate the flame.

Every particle of the surrounding world contains energy. To achieve harmony in life, you need to be able to control its flow.

If you are plagued by quarrels, misfortunes, and you feel discomfort in your own home, then it’s time to cleanse your home of accumulated negative energy. Try to get rid of it in time to ensure a happy and comfortable life.

Diagnosis of negative energy in an apartment and house

Signs of the presence of negative energy:

  • Feelings of anxiety and fear for no reason.
  • Children and pets often behave restlessly.
  • Strange thoughts appear in your head that make it difficult to concentrate.
  • Lack of desire for a goal.

Effective methods of cleaning from negativity and damage

Sound cleansing

  • To prevent the appearance of negativity at home, hang a “wind chime” keychain at the entrance to your apartment.
  • Look into every corner of the house with a bell constantly ringing. Linger in the most dark places: in closets and pantries.
  • Walk around the perimeter of the apartment, flapping your hands. Pay attention to the corners. After the ceremony, wash your hands with soap.
  • Another way to cleanse an apartment of negativity with sound is using a Tibetan singing bowl - a magical object that helps to expel evil forces. Determine the center of your home, put a chair, sit down and start playing musical instrument until you feel positive changes.

Incense, herbs and essential oils

It is enough to light incense sticks and drip essential oil onto a chair, sofa or carpet. For these purposes, buy special fragrances:

  • Orange attracts positive emotions, increases self-esteem and drives away depression.
  • Basil increases self-confidence, cleanses the aura after contact with negative people.
  • Melissa attracts good luck and helps against damage and the evil eye.
  • Lavender helps to relax and heal damage in the aura.

Sea and rock salt

An ordinary spice used in everyday life absorbs negative energy like a sponge. Salt is an important component magical rituals. Clean your home. When washing floors, windows and furniture, add a handful of salt to the water. If possible, place saucers with seasoning in each corner and leave for several days. During this time, the salt will absorb the negativity accumulated in the house. Then, flush the salt down the toilet.

Energy paintings, faces of saints

Magic items and specially charged attributes are powerful sources of protection that will help effectively combat bad energy in the apartment. Before buying a painting or icon, study their meaning, read specialized literature to get rid of the wrong energy flows that they carry.

Works of art do not contain positive or negative energy. They act as conductors through which energy is transmitted. Carefully select the place where the item will be located. To ensure that people nearby are charged only with positive emotions, consider the following:

  • Place the image of Christ above dining table to offer prayers to him before meals.
  • Place personalized icons above the head of the bed.
  • The home iconostasis should be in the red corner: the most illuminated part of the home.


The element of fire is a necessary attribute for the ceremony. For cleansing, candles are used, ideally church candles, which are charged with the strong energy of the holy place.

Light a candle and walk around the apartment or house, paying attention Special attention doorways, hard to reach places under beds and sofas, in which clots of bad energy accumulate. At the end of the cleansing ritual, do not extinguish the candle. Read the prayer and wait until the candle burns out completely. It is important to protect the premises from reappearance negativity after cleansing.

Holy water and candles

From front door walk around the apartment with a light in your hands church candles, reading "Our Father". In places where the candle fire begins to crackle or burn more intensely, linger longer. Pay special attention to reflective surfaces in the house (glass, mirrors), as bad energy is sealed in them. Then, cross the corners of the house three times. Cross the candles across the entrance doors from the outside. Sprinkle your apartment with holy water. Pay special attention to corners and mirrors. At the end of the session, throw the candle stub out of the house or burn it completely and take a shower.

General cleaning and decluttering

General cleaning helps get rid of accumulated negativity. Get rid of the haven of negative energy flows: old things, unnecessary items, broken dishes, cracked mirror.

Thoroughly clean your apartment with the idea that you are throwing negative thoughts and memories out of the house with the trash. Pay attention to old things - if they are not an item pleasant memories, get rid of them.

Video tips

How to protect against negativity

There are many ways to protect your home from bad energy.

  1. With the help of salt, which quickly absorbs negativity, most people clean their living spaces, things, and even themselves by taking salt baths. To carry out the ritual, heat the salt in a frying pan and scatter it around the apartment. After a day, remove it, thinking that the negativity goes away with it.
  2. Protect your home and houseplants. They absorb bad energy, process it, and release good energy. It is useful to have a lot of flowers in the house. Plant ficus, cacti, agave and geranium.
  3. Stones and crystals will provide a positive effect. They are specially charged for this purpose. Before use, study the action and influence of stones and crystals.

To prevent bad energy and negativity from accumulating in your home, cleanse yourself and your thoughts, and tune in to the positive. Clean the room. The main thing is to believe in what you are doing, otherwise no rites and rituals will help.

For every person it own house- a special place. And we are not even talking about square meters, but about more subtle, intangible things.

After all, many have probably noticed more than once that in one house you feel comfortable, but in another you get the feeling that there is a oppressive atmosphere and from there I want to leave quickly.

It’s one thing when the apartment is not yours, but when such feelings arise in the house itself, you have to quickly take action to cleanse the apartment of negative energy and protect it so that negativity does not penetrate your own space.

Read also:

How to recognize bad energy

The most famous way to check for negativity in the house is do your own diagnostics using a candle purchased from the church.

With a lit candle, you need to walk through the entire room, including the bathroom and utility room; if it begins to smoke, and the flame continuously sways and crackles, it means that there are negative currents in the house, which cause a negative state of the household.

You can also watch pet behavior, they are the first indicators that sense negativity. At the same time, they become nervous, try to sit at the front door and try to jump out into the street to leave the house.

Bad energy appears if the people living in the house are in a state of bad thoughts, quarrels and swearing, tears often occur, and as a result, constant showdowns, and also if a person enters the house who is angry or wishes harm to the residents. There may also be an accumulation of negativity if a person in the house was sick and died.

How to clean the house?

You can protect yourself from bad energy. The very first and simplest thing is to invite the priest to the house so that he would consecrate the house.

Cleaning, oddly enough, also helps. Conduct an analysis of the things that are in your home. Throw away everything that you consider unnecessary, unnecessary gifts, broken things, chipped dishes and cracked mirrors. After you get rid of unnecessary junk, clean the house.

Buy aroma lamp and essential oils , you can also buy incense sticks. Choose the oil according to your inner impulse, which is right for you and, of course, provided that none of the inhabitants of the house have allergies.

Tea tree oil, thyme, rosemary and lemon balm help well. Oil tea tree It is worth using if there is no cat in the house, because they have a persistent intolerance to this oil.

Buy houseplants. Ficus, cactus, aloe, geranium, these plants will help harmonize the atmosphere in the apartment and protect it from negativity.

If he comes to the house negative person, but at the same time it is impossible to refuse to communicate with him for good reasons, reduce communication with him to neutral territory and do not let him into the house, because as you know, the house is our fortress, the place where we relax and gain strength, and then they will leave quarrels, disappointments, oppressive atmosphere and peace and love will settle in him again.

Prayer for cleansing the apartment

Helps clear space old prayer, for example, an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Here is her text:

“Truly, Saint Nicholas. You are known to the world and to us for your miracles. Help me cleanse my home of filth - sent and my own. Cleanse my house from vicious deeds, from demonic malice, from envy and black thoughts. Candle and holy water, cleanse my house. May there be peace and love in my world. Amen."

It is better to perform the ritual with the help church candle and icons, turning towards the entrance. Hold the candle right hand. You need to start the process by praying, with good thoughts and sinless thoughts. Some priests advise fasting for three days.

If after several rituals the candle stops crackling and its flame stops jumping restlessly, your apartment has been cleansed of negativity.

You can also “treat” a house with ordinary salt - an easily accessible remedy for getting rid of negativity.

Salt for cleaning space

Salt is considered the strongest magical crystal, any esotericist is aware of this. It's time to put this common product at the service of man. Today salt will become our amulet and protection.

By the way, do you know that it should never end in the house? Otherwise you will be in trouble, so buy it for future use.

The ritual of cleansing with salt is simple to perform. Take a frying pan and heat it on the stove. Sprinkle with salt (natural, sea, coarsely ground salt is best). Keep on fire for an hour to three - it is during this period that the energy of the living space is cleansed.

It is advisable to perform this ritual until 12 noon. If dark spots are visible on the salt film, the negative was really present in your walls. At the end of the process, the salt should turn white again.

Church bells

Cleansing the aura of a home and a person with the help of blissful sounds has been used since ancient times. Special meaning has a bell ringing for the Russian-speaking population.

During its sound, there is a transition to high vibrations, the strongest positive energy begins to be released, which has a healing effect not only on people, but also on the space around them.

A bright mood, a joyful perception of the world, excellent physical well-being - this is what can give regular listening the ringing of church bells. This works especially powerfully during live performance (visiting a temple), but you can turn on music at home.

Restore a person’s energy aura and perform an apartment cleansing ritual by simply listening to one of these videos:

As you can see, it is quite possible to clean your apartment of negativity on your own. It is especially important to do this if you have just moved, or someone in the apartment was sick for a long time and died, or you are being haunted by a whole series of troubles. All the best to you!

Energy is all around you.

It is present in the cells of your body, in the foods you eat for breakfast, in the people you meet on your way to work, and even in the walls of your apartment!

To maintain harmony and balance in your life, it is necessary that the flow of energy inside you and AROUND you proceeded unhindered.

Moreover, it is IMPORTANT that the space around you (including the people with whom you constantly intersect) matches your inner vibration.

You can work as long as you like to raise your own vibrations, clear away the rubble of the past, heal your traumas and eradicate limiting beliefs...

BUT if you return home and plunge into negativity, all your work goes down the drain.

Influencing your loved ones can be difficult and takes time, but clearing own apartment from negativity everyone can. And quickly!

How to understand that you need to clean the energy in your home

A few of the many possible signs:

  • You experience strange feelings in the house that seem to have “nowhere” to come from. For example, fear, irritability, lethargy...
  • Often children are naughty and pets behave restlessly
  • There is something like a poltergeist in the apartment - strange knocks, creaks. Either they disappear for no reason or things break.
  • To you hard to concentrate on your sense of home and family. All the time, extraneous thoughts are spinning about work, some worries, the problems of other people.
  • You are a very sensitive person and read any energy. Once the balance in your home is upset, you feel "uneasy", don't find a place for yourself.
  • Do you feel a “swamp” in your life? stopper in goals or finances. This is often a sign of energy stagnation in the home.

What to do when your mood is at zero, and you wake up inexplicably anxious and even more tired than before going to bed?

How to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection

There are many ways to clear the energy space in your home. I will share the tools that I used myself at different stages of my life.

Choose the techniques that resonate most with you.

1. General cleaning of the house

Every time you clean, you are clearing your home of negative energy.

Beat the carpets, wash the curtains, wash the windows, vacuum the chandelier)
Start rearranging your furniture.

Before you start spring cleaning express your intention that you are energetically cleaning your apartment and harmonizing its energy.

2. Decluttering

Get rid of everything unnecessary, dirty, ugly - and immediately notice changes in energy.

Old things that you haven't used for a long time not only accumulate negative energy, but also block the flow of fresh energy.

In places where unnecessary things accumulate, energy stagnates, and you observe stagnation in your life: lack of creative inspiration, dullness of everyday life and despondency.

Restore natural energy flow by getting rid of old junk!

When throwing out another item, washing away the dust, clearly imagine what unnecessary qualities and situations you are freed from.

3. Sea salt to cleanse negativity

Helps get rid of negative energy and promotes the circulation of balanced energy within your apartment.

Can be used in pure form(salt crystals) or when dissolved in water.

Salt crystals have an amazing ability to absorb negative energy.

How to cleanse your house of negativity and protect it with salt

  • Place plates of salt in all corners of the room (especially the one where the family gathers and where you sleep). Salt should be in an open space, not in a cupboard. Remember to change the salt every 2 months.
  • Scatter large crystals sea ​​salt By carpeting. After about an hour, vacuum the carpet. Be sure to dispose of the dust bag in the vacuum cleaner.
  • Make a saturated brine solution by placing 5-6 tablespoons of salt in a bucket of water. Rinse the floors in all rooms with the resulting solution.

Sea salt can also be used for balancing and cleansing for yourself personally.

Accept salt bath by adding 1-2 handfuls of bath salts to the water. You can also rub yourself with salt soap (there is such a thing) to wash away the negative energy of a hard day at work.

Rubbing with salt soap or bathing in a salt bath narrows the boundaries of your etheric field, literally returning you to your body.

4. Clearing low vibrations with sound

Sound is one of the most powerful vibrations physically felt by your body.

Loud sound can effectively destroy dense negative vibrations. Helps dissipate stagnant energy.

How to do sound cleansing

  • Walk around the perimeter of the room, clapping loudly. Approaching the corner of the room, make several energetic claps, from bottom to top. At some point you will hear an echo from the claps. This means that you have done a good job and you can finish. After clapping, be sure to wash your hands under running water.
  • Take the bell with clear sound and call them the whole apartment- from the front door to the bathroom, paying special attention to corners and furniture (see point above).

Keep the bell as close to the walls as possible, ringing at such intervals that the sound does NOT interrupt. Ring until you feel the sound of the bell become more rich and thick.

  • Use sound of Tibetan/crystal bowls to cleanse and harmonize space.

Sit in the center of the room you intend to cleanse and play the bowl until you feel the energy in the room change.

  • Hang the wind chime at the entrance to the apartment. If you live in a private home, you can hang wind chimes in several places around the house to cover more space.

Note: Whatever instrument you use, the sound should be pleasing to your ears.

5. Incense and essential oils to remove negativity

One of the few methods that even men use))

To cleanse the space, you can use incense sticks, aroma lamps, use an aerospray, or simply drop the oil onto a special stand and place it around the room.

You can choose an essential oil for cleansing and protection “wisely”, listening to the advice of experts (the infographic below will help you with this) or choose based on own feelings and preferences.

Personally, I prefer to smell them)

6. Green plants to harmonize space

Houseplants not only provide oxygen to your home, but also infect the space with positivity, enhancing the circulation of vital energy.

Many indoor flowers are advocates and donors. This means that they are able to process negative vibrations and return them in the form of positive radiation.

The most useful and strong plants are considered geranium(harmonizes space, protects), cactus(draws in and neutralizes negativity), ficus(extinguishes aggression), primrose(calms conflicts) rosemary(relaxes and gives good dream), cyclamen(promotes unification and understanding in the family), begonia(literally absorbs negative energy), aloe(doctor).

But! In addition to plants useful to humans, there are also vampire plants. These are those indoor flowers that deprive the space and people in it of energy.

Any plant can become a vampire if it lacks care and nutrition. Sick, drying plants also suck away strength. Try to get them out or get rid of them.

There are also indoor flowers that may not be safe to have in your home. Tradescantia causes concern fern drains a lot of energy ivy“survives” from the men’s house, it is even popularly called “muzhegon”. Some types vine create a “suffocating” atmosphere in the house.

Dangerous to have in the house monstera. This is greedy tropical plant, which draws energy from your household. Its place is in public spaces, where the flow of people is constantly changing.

Very bright or fragrant flowers ( roses, orchids) require a lot of your care and attention. If you are a soft person by nature, or energetically weakened, these plants will have a destructive effect on you.

7. Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Lords

Mandalas, energy pictures, faces of the Ascended Masters in themselves are not sources of energy.

They serve as channels that conduct energy through themselves.

So be careful when choosing what you hang on your bedroom wall.

At one time, I had on my wall the energy codes of Janos, mandalas drawn especially for me by friends and reproductions of the Archangel Michael.

As an illustration (from top to bottom):

Mandala Safety, made by our participant and volunteer - Maria Velichko, Mandala Tea Party - a personal gift to me from the Mystic, code Protection from Janos and Archangel Michael performed by V. Suvorov.

8. Candles to cleanse stagnant energy

Candles symbolize the element of fire. And fire is a wonderful tool energy conversion.

It is no coincidence that candles are used in rituals of liberation from the past, healing, and religious rituals.

For energetic cleaning of the house, it is best to use wax ones, but any kind will do, even aromatic ones.

The procedure is similar to sound cleaning. Walk with the candle starting from the front door and further, along the perimeter of each room, clockwise.

You can linger in the corners a little longer, doorways, as well as in places where the candle will smoke black smoke, splash wax or crackle.

A sign that it can be completed - the candle burns calmly and exactly anywhere in your home.

Now you know, how to cleanse your house of negativity and install protection the best way. It's time to act!

But don’t overdo it... knowing you, I’ll say right away: it is recommended to clean the apartment 1-2 times a year. This is quite enough.

But you can imbue it with love and light every day!

So, what will you do TODAY to cleanse your home of negativity?


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