How to clean an electric oven from grease and carbon deposits. Three simple ways to clean the oven with ammonia

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Over time, the internal surfaces of each oven become covered with a dirty coating and every housewife begins to think about how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home and what products she might need for this? Today we will discover the most reliable and proven methods that will help clean the inside of the oven from burnt stains quickly and without the use of expensive chemicals.

The most effective methods

There are many ways that can help clean the oven at home quickly and without serious effort, but we will look at the most proven ones, which everyone will probably have in their household:

  • using soda and vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • ferry;
  • detergents.

Cleaning the oven with vinegar and baking soda

Using vinegar, you can easily clean the oven from the accumulated layer of grease on the internal surfaces and in hard to reach places. To do this you need to do the following:

1. Wet a kitchen sponge with regular table vinegar;
2. First of all, treat the inside of the oven with it, having previously removed the grates and baking sheets.
3. The product removes dirt most effectively if it is applied evenly to all internal walls and left for a while.
4. Thoroughly wipe all parts again and rinse off the vinegar along with the dirt. clean water.

Baking soda is the most effective way to remove dirt from a glass door or window. It also helps to quickly get rid of the burning smell. Using baking soda is very easy. It is enough to wipe the device with a damp washcloth and sprinkle everything with baking soda. Then treat the surfaces with a stiffer sponge and leave them in this condition for one hour. After this time, you can easily wipe off all the dirt.

To quickly clean the inside of the oven, you can combine vinegar and soda, since when these substances interact, a strong chemical reaction occurs - the release of hydrogen. Using this method allows you to get rid of even the most stubborn stains:

  1. First, wipe the oven with vinegar, sparing no liquid.
  2. Wet the washcloth with water and pour it onto the sponge a large number of soda
  3. “Apply” baking soda to the surfaces of the device to start a chemical reaction.
  4. Leave the device in this state for several hours, then vigorously wipe all parts with a hard sponge. If some stains remain, add more baking soda and treat the surfaces.

Ammonia is the best assistant for soot

You can clean the inside of a burnt oven in 5 minutes using ammonia, which has the property of effectively softening grease and other deposits. In this case, you should take some precautions - be sure to wear latex gloves with a gauze bandage and work in a well-ventilated area. Remember also that ammonia has a specific, persistent odor, so you will have to wipe the oven with a clean sponge until the odor goes away. Otherwise, all cooked food will be saturated with ammonia.

To clean the oven from grease yourself, you need to apply ammonia to the surface of the device and leave it for half an hour. Then all that remains is to clean the walls and get rid of the persistent smell of ammonia.

Steam treatment

You can clean the oven from carbon deposits using steam treatment. It is best, of course, to use a special steam generator, which effectively softens fat deposits, after which they can be easily washed off yourself. If you don’t have a steam generator at hand, try testing alternative method. Fill a baking tray or oven-safe container with water and add some detergent. The heating temperature should be no more than 150 degrees. Heating time is about half an hour. During this procedure, layers of fat and burning are exposed to steam and become softer. Remove them with a regular sponge with a hard surface. This method can also be used in combination with others to clean your oven quickly and easily. old fat and don’t think about which way is the best.

Using detergents

If you trust products that are specifically designed for cleaning household appliances, you should understand the features of their use. Detergents include special gels, powders, pastes and laundry soap.

Cleaning the oven with laundry soap is considered the most gentle compared to other cleaning products, since some of them can damage the surfaces of the appliance or get into food if you do not wipe the appliance thoroughly enough.
You can bring the oven into proper shape if food has burned in it using a soap solution:

  1. Grate half a bar of soap, dissolve it in a bowl for oven.
  2. Place the plate in the oven and set it to somewhere around 150 degrees.
  3. After the soapy liquid begins to boil, keep the solution in the oven for another 45 minutes.
  4. Under the influence of soap fumes, layers of fat begin to peel off, and it is easy to get rid of the burning inside the oven. We recommend using an abrasive sponge for cleaning.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, the walls are thoroughly washed with water, and then the device must be ventilated for at least 6 hours.

You can do the same with liquid cleaner. To the oven gas stove washed much faster and effortlessly, it is recommended to warm it up a little for 15-20 minutes - the fat accumulations will soften and you can easily wash them.

Important! When cleaning an electric oven, do not apply detergents or cleaners to the heating parts of the appliance as this may cause it to malfunction.

How often do you clean the oven from grease and deposits?

Now you know how to clean the oven and you just need to decide how often you need to carry out this procedure? The main rule is to try not to allow the device to become covered with thick layers of fat, burnt food and other contaminants. Firstly, such a device does not look aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, the unpleasant odor can be absorbed into the food being cooked. Thirdly, old dirt is much more difficult to get rid of. Therefore, after each use of your oven, lightly wipe the walls, door, baking sheets, racks with a sponge (you can use detergent or folk remedies). If the first stains are visible to the naked eye or the oven emits an unpleasant odor, it’s time for “general cleaning.”


You may be lucky enough to own an oven that cleans itself or has a special coating that does not form carbon deposits. Otherwise, it should be clear to you that it is possible to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using folk remedies, you only need to apply a small amount of effort and patience. You choose traditional methods without chemicals or give preference to special cleaning products - this does not matter special significance. The main thing is to carry out the cleaning procedure regularly to extend the service life of the device.

Every housewife sooner or later faces the task of how to clean the oven. It’s good if you have an electric oven with a self-cleaning function, but burnt-on fat and pieces of food are not so easy to clean, especially if they are already months old. We'll tell you about 7 ways to help you cope with this difficult task.

The easiest way is to use special means designed to dissolve fat and carbon deposits. They contain strong acids or alkaline compounds, which literally remove dirty deposits from surfaces before our eyes.

When working with caustic substances, be sure to use protective gloves and a mask to avoid damaging the skin and mucous membranes. Also take care to ventilate the room, as household chemicals have a strong, unpleasant odor.

To clean the oven from grease, you can use the following products:

  • Amway Oven Cleaner;
  • Faberlic for cleaning ovens and stoves;
  • Schumann;
  • Shine.

It is enough to apply the product to contaminated surfaces and leave for 5-30 minutes, depending on the layer and age of the grease. For ease of use and uniform application, such products are available in the form of a spray or equipped with a special brush. After the action time has expired, wash off the remaining carbon deposits and products with water.

A safer option is regular laundry soap. It costs much less than specialized household chemicals and does not require prolonged contact with hands.

In order to wash off fat, you need to grate the soap and dissolve it in water. Place the resulting mixture in suitable dishes and place in a preheated oven. After half an hour of evaporation at 110 degrees, it is enough to wash the surfaces with clean water. Wipe the walls thoroughly so that there is no soap residue left on them, which can subsequently give an unpleasant aftertaste to the dishes cooked in the oven.

You'll definitely have two in your kitchen. good remedies for fat - soda and vinegar. Cleaning is done as follows:

    Empty the oven and use a spatula to scrape up any bits of burnt-on food.

    Mix baking soda with warm water to form a paste with a consistency convenient for further use.

    Apply the prepared paste to all walls and thoroughly rub the stains with a hard sponge.

    Leave the baking soda for 12-24 hours to allow it to break down old fat and partially absorbed it.

    Scrape off the dried soda with a cloth, while simultaneously cleaning off the carbon deposits.

    Spray vinegar evenly onto the surface of the oven using a spray bottle. It will react with the baking soda and form a sizzling foam.

    Leave the vinegar for a while to break down the fat, and then scrub the walls with the sponge again.

    After this, rinse off the remaining vinegar with clean water.

If there is no vinegar, you can replace it citric acid, having previously dissolved it in water. Some stains may be too persistent. To get rid of them, repeat the procedure with applying baking soda and scrub thoroughly. problem area sponge

Method 4: Ammonia

It's not the most pleasant, but very effective method. In order to clean the oven, you will need ammonia - a 10% ammonia solution. For one cleaning procedure you will need 200 ml of this product or 5 jars of 40 ml each. Ammonia has an extremely unpleasant, pungent odor, so try to inhale its vapors as little as possible. Be sure to ensure good ventilation in the kitchen - open the window and turn on the hood.

First, prepare two dishes that can be used for heating in the oven. Pour warm water into one bowl, and add the contents of all five jars of ammonia into another. You will need about 1-1.5 liters of water.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the bowl of water on the bottom shelf, and the bowl of ammonia on the level above. Turn off the heat and leave the liquids to evaporate for half an hour. Once the oven has cooled, you can clean it with a sponge.

If you cannot stand the smell of ammonia, you can use vinegar essence instead. However, keep in mind that vinegar also has a suffocating odor when heated.

How to clean the oven using ammonia - watch the video:

Another available product is citric acid. It eats away fat well, and you don’t have to rub or scrub anything.

To clear electric oven With this tool, you need to do the following:

    Take a packet of citric acid and pour it into a bowl. Pour about 1 liter of water into 20 g of lemon. To speed up the process, you can use warm or hot water.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

    When the citric acid has completely dissolved, place a bowl of water on the lowest rack in the oven.

    The water should boil (you can tell by the formation of steam on the glass). As soon as the liquid begins to actively evaporate, you can turn off the oven. Usually you need to wait about half an hour for this.

    Do not open the door until the oven has cooled down. After this, simply wipe the interior surfaces with a rag. Citric acid dissolved in water in combination with high temperature will corrode old fat.

A melamine sponge is great for cleaning surfaces at home. This miracle product is a new generation of plastic, foamed to form many small pores. Melamine carefully cleans surfaces, and it is not afraid of even the most severe dirt. This sponge can be used to clean not only the oven, but also pots, stoves, kitchen furniture etc.

In order for the cleaning product to work, you need to wet the sponge and gently squeeze it out (but do not twist it!). Next, start cleaning the oven. Don't be afraid that the coating will be scratched. Despite the fact that melamine rubber is durable and similar in properties to fine sandpaper, it does not leave scratches or other marks. But dirt is easily wiped off and absorbed into the sponge.

Another means to combat carbon deposits is steam. Some previous methods also involve heating water until it evaporates. But a much more effective approach is to use a steam cleaner. Heat and fine spraying of water particles - the best remedy against frozen and burnt fat.

In order to clean the oven, simply empty it of the baking sheets and racks, pour water into the steam cleaner and turn it on to heat. The liquid will begin to evaporate, and a special nozzle will direct the steam so that it literally melts away the impurities. Additionally, surfaces are disinfected.

In addition to the oven, you can easily clean grates, baking trays, backsplash tiles, countertops and furniture using a steam cleaner. This indispensable assistant For effective cleaning all rooms in the house.

When cooking in the oven, the walls and door quickly become dirty household appliance. It is advisable to clean grease, carbon deposits and other contaminants from the oven immediately after cooking before they dry out. Homemade recipes and professional products will help get rid of the heaviest stains.

Before cleaning the electric stove or gas oven, you need to prepare the household appliance in advance.

  1. Pre-wash the stove to remove minor dirt, dust, and soften carbon deposits and grease deposits. Then further cleaning will be much easier.
  2. Before washing the stove, unplug it or turn off the gas.
  3. Wash the inside of the device with a soap mixture. It is prepared from a glass of water and 2 spoons of dish soap. Clean the oven with a soft sponge.
  4. Remove everything unnecessary from the oven and cover the fan with a thick cloth.
  5. Preheat the oven for 20 minutes, setting the heat to 250 degrees. This condition will increase the effectiveness of the cleansing procedure.

Cleaning Rules

Before you start cleaning the oven, you need to consider a few recommendations:

  • It is better to avoid using aggressive chemical cleaners. They can remain on the surface of the walls, and then penetrate into the food during baking. This may pose a risk of food poisoning;
  • Odors from household chemicals, detergents, and cleaning products can also penetrate into dishes cooked in the oven, worsening their taste;
  • You must first remove the baking sheets and racks from the oven;
  • Before washing the oven, you should wear gloves, even if you plan to use folk remedies. Soot and carbon deposits can cause irritation on the surface of the skin of the hands.

These rules will help you clean your oven quickly and safely.

Why clean the oven?

Dirt on the walls of the oven is not visible at all, so many people do not understand why they need to clean it.

  • The more carbon deposits on the walls of the device, the worse it will heat up, wasting energy or gas. This factor changes total time cooking, the food may be soggy or partially burnt.
  • Cleaning the oven is also necessary to eliminate foreign odors. When heated, carbon deposits begin to emit a sharp, unpleasant odor and smoke. And dishes cooked in the oven acquire the smell of burnt butter or garlic sauce, in which the hostess cooked the chicken the day before.

How often to clean

The frequency of cleaning depends on the operating mode, but you should not put off cleaning. If the oven is used regularly, then it should be washed at least once a month. The oven door must be wiped after each cooking. To quickly and easily remove fresh drops of grease from glass, you can use any dishwashing detergent.

  1. Dissolve a little detergent in warm water.
  2. Soak a sponge in it.
  3. Apply the mixture to the glass, then rinse.

In this way, you can clean fresh greasy deposits and carbon deposits yourself. If you carry out this procedure regularly, then dirt will accumulate on the oven more slowly.

Cleaning products

There are many store supplies, intended for cleaning the oven at home. The most popular are Silit Beng, Mister Muscle, Shumanit, Sanita Antifat. The chemical liquid is applied to the surface and left for the time specified in the instructions. Dirt will dissolve quickly and can be easily washed off with a regular sponge.

But store-bought cleaners have one drawback - they emit harmful fumes, so when using them you need to ventilate the kitchen and wear gloves. After such cleaning, you should thoroughly rinse the oven with dishwashing detergent so that the food does not acquire a chemical smell.

To avoid using harmful, aggressive chemicals when cleaning, it is recommended to wash the oven with folk remedies. Vinegar, ammonia, soda, laundry soap or citric acid effectively help clean the oven.

  1. Soda. Baking soda helps remove deposits from the oven door that ruin the appearance of the appliance. To remove soot, apply soda powder to damp glass, grind, and leave for an hour. The soda will corrode the carbon deposits, which can be easily washed off with a damp sponge or rag. You can mix a spoonful of baking soda with a spoonful of liquid detergent and a glass of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, mix, spray on the inner walls of the oven and leave for half an hour. Then simply wipe the oven with a damp cloth.
  2. Vinegar. You need to generously moisten the walls of the oven with vinegar, leave it to soak for half an hour, and then wash it with soapy water. If grease stains cannot be removed, you can use a stiff brush. For more ingrained, old stains, you can prepare a homemade cleaning mixture. Mix vinegar, laundry soap, and soda in equal parts. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state and apply it to the walls of the household appliance. After treatment, leave the oven for 3 hours, then remove the cleaning mixture and wash the walls with a wet sponge.
  3. Lemon acid. Two bags of acid are poured with a small amount of water, and this solution is applied to the walls of the oven with a soft sponge. The remaining solution is placed inside and the oven is lit for half an hour at a temperature of approximately 50 degrees. The use of citric acid helps get rid of greasy deposits, soot, unpleasant odor.
  4. Ammonia. This is a good tool for cleaning carbon deposits from the stove. But there is one drawback - ammonia smells very specific. You need to heat the oven to 70–80 degrees. Boil water in a small saucepan and place it on the bottom of the oven; place a cup of ammonia on the top shelf. Close the door, leaving the liquid until the morning. In the morning, combine water with ammonia and add dishwashing liquid. The resulting solution is used to wash the inside of the oven.
  5. Laundry soap. Grate the soap and dilute it in hot water to a cool consistency. The container with the liquid is placed on the bottom shelf, the oven is turned on at 110 degrees for about half an hour. When the stove has cooled down a little, remove the carbon deposits with a wet sponge.
  6. Steam cleaning. Effectively softens fatty deposits, stubborn dirt, and carbon deposits using steam. Mix the cleaning liquid with water and place the container with this solution on the bottom shelf of the oven. Preheat the stove to 100 degrees so that the liquid boils and evaporates. Leave for half an hour, then remove dirt with a damp cloth.
  7. Homemade pasta. Mix citric acid, dish gel, Pemolux abrasive, mix well until smooth. The resulting thick mixture is applied to the contaminated surfaces of the oven, left for half an hour, and washed off with warm water.

Sometimes heavy dirt can be removed with an abrasive brush, but often you can’t use it, it scratches the walls of the oven.

Types of oven

Ovens are classified into electric and gas, according to the type of energy consumed. Ovens also have different coating: plain enamel, easy-to-clean enamel, bioceramic or catalytic enamel. Depending on the type of oven, different cleaning principles apply.

  • Stainless steel should be washed with a sponge or cloth without using abrasive cleaners. Metal scratches easily.
  • Enameled surfaces can simply be treated with a solution, homemade paste, or store-bought cleaner, and then washed off after a certain time.
  • Oven gas type need to be cleaned using proven methods. These are vinegar, soda, and a solution of laundry soap. You can use them individually or prepare cleaning mixtures.
  • For an electric oven, cleaning with ammonia, citric acid, laundry soap or steam is suitable.

All cleaning methods are described above. Before you start cleaning the oven, you need to remove the baking sheets and trays from the chamber, close the fan, and remove everything that can be removed. This will make the cleaning process easier.

How to clean a baking tray

Even more dirty than the oven are the baking sheets. Sometimes such a thick layer of soot accumulates on them that it becomes difficult to wash it off.

To clean those dirty baking sheets, you can use a strong home remedy:

  1. You need to mix 100 g of soda, two tablespoons of peroxide, a teaspoon of washing gel.
  2. All components are mixed until smooth, add peroxide if necessary.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to a dirty baking sheet for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Use a hard sponge to remove dirt.

There is another way to clean carbon deposits from a baking sheet. You need to pour boiling water into it and dissolve two spoons of soda in it. Leave the container for several hours. Then use dry baking soda powder to remove softened dirt.

If a silicone, Teflon glass or ceramic baking tray becomes dirty, you can only wash it with a soft sponge or napkin moistened with dish soap. You can soak such a container in soapy water. There is an exotic way to clean such baking sheets from carbon deposits - pour Coca-Cola on them, leave for several hours, or overnight. This soda dissolves even the most hopeless stains.

What not to do

Each type of oven has a specific coating, the type of which must be taken into account when choosing a method for cleaning the stove.

  • Do not use products containing acids to clean the oven; they damage the surface of household appliances.
  • Aggressive chemical cleaners leave harmful components on the walls of the oven, which is hazardous to health.
  • Do not close the oven after cleaning; the door must remain open until the smell of cleaning products has completely evaporated.

Attention. Activated carbon tablets are good at eliminating unpleasant odor. They need to be crushed, dissolve the powder in a liter of water (10 tablets), put the container in the oven, turn it on for half an hour.

You can successfully clean the oven if you follow certain rules:

  • Use protective gloves to avoid damaging your skin;
  • A respirator will not hurt if you plan to clean the oven with aggressive chemicals;
  • Remove jewelry from wrists and fingers;
  • During cleansing, children and animals must be removed from the kitchen;
  • When cleaning the oven, it is better to open the window in the kitchen to ventilate the room;
  • If the contamination is small, then it is better to use folk cleaning products. It is better to use aggressive chemicals in extreme cases, when the contamination is completely hopeless.

If acid comes into contact with exposed skin or chemical agent, you need to wash your skin with soap and water.

Oven care

The oven will last a long time and will please you delicious dishes, if during operation the owner provides proper care behind the kitchen stove.

  • There is no need to wait for a coating of grease and soot to form on the walls of the oven; after each cooking, you need to wipe the inner walls and glass on the door with a damp cloth.
  • With intensive use, once a week you should clean the oven with steam by placing a container of water inside for half an hour at a temperature of 10 degrees.
  • Before cleaning, any oven must be preheated.
  • If chemical oven cleaners are used, care must be taken that they do not come into contact with heating elements, fan, to avoid damage.
  • After completing the procedure, you need to leave the oven door ajar to allow any foreign odors to dissipate.
  • To reduce the risk of splattering of fat during cooking, you should use baking bags or food foil whenever possible.

Hard to imagine modern apartment, in which there will be no oven. Food prepared using such household appliances, saves beneficial features the product is many times better than when using a frying pan or even a slow cooker. Over time, a greasy coating accumulates on the walls and door of the device, which emits an unpleasant odor and spoils the aesthetic appearance. Housewives clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. We have put together a golden collection of effective folk remedies for you, let’s look at them in order.

  1. Before starting to process the oven, unplug the appliance. Remove the plug from the socket, then wrap it with tape or cling film. Such a move will prevent a possible short circuit, which often occurs when in contact with water.
  2. When cleaning the oven, do not use hard brushes (for carpets, car seats, etc.), iron kitchen sponges or products with solid abrasive particles.
  3. Carefully monitor the amount of water used for wet processing of equipment. Liquid should not get into the cavity of the device, since in most cases it floods the sensitive elements. Such exposure leads to damage to the oven and reduces its service life.
  4. Avoid using products containing chlorine. If possible, choose gentle cleaning products that do not cause negative impact for coverage. This move will help avoid corrosion due to enamel wear.
  5. There is no need to disassemble the oven even if you are sure that the inside is dirty. To treat invisible elements, contact a professional. He will remove all the aggregates, opening access for their wet processing.
  6. Cleaning the oven involves a certain sequence that must be followed. To begin, take out the wire rack and baking sheet and soak the utensils in the selected composition. After this, wipe the back and top walls, then the door and sides. Complete the cleaning by treating the outside of the equipment.
  7. As for the frequency of oven treatment, the procedure must be carried out 1-2 times a month, it all depends on the degree of contamination. If possible, remove them at the first stages of formation, so as not to subsequently waste time and effort on removing old ones. greasy stains and burning.

How to clean the oven from greasy deposits

Experienced housewives have developed effective home remedies for cleaning oven grease. Choose the method you like and use step by step instructions, enjoy the result.

The most common cleaning option is considered to be ordinary table salt. First, prepare a solution: dilute 100 g. product 230-250 ml. warm water, wait for the crystals to dissolve. Soak a kitchen sponge in the mixture and scrub the walls and door. Next, pour a little solution into a baking tray and sprinkle with dry salt. Heat the oven to 70 degrees, wait until the salt acquires its characteristic brown tint. After this, turn off the device, wet the sponge in water, and dip it in salt. Treat the entire cavity and parts of the device, leave for 1.5-2 hours, remove the residue with a damp cloth.


Squeeze the juice from 3-4 lemons, set the zest aside, it will be useful for removing unpleasant odor (if present). Soak the hard side of a kitchen sponge in the juice, apply to the oven door and walls, heat to 100 degrees, then turn off and wait half an hour. Wipe the treated parts to remove any remaining dirt. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Next, clean the baking sheet: mix 50 ml. lemon juice with 50 ml. dishwashing liquid, mix and spread over entire surface. Wrap the element in cling film, wait 30-60 minutes depending on the degree of contamination, and rinse.

Baking soda
To clean with soda, you need to first prepare the composition. Dissolve 160 gr. product in 350 ml. boiling water, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the resulting mixture into a baking tray, place in the oven, heat the device to 130 degrees, turn off after 45-60 minutes (when almost all the water has evaporated). Over time, the soda vapor will soften the fat and soot that has formed on the walls of the oven. To remove them, prepare a soda mixture: take 70-100 g. product, add water until a paste forms. Dip the sponge, wipe the walls and door of the device, leave for 40 minutes, remove with a damp cloth. If the result is insufficient, perform the procedure again.

In addition to cleaning agents, the composition disinfects the oven cavity, preventing further accumulation of bacteria. To prepare the mixture, take 45 g. citric acid, add 25 ml. warm water, stir, do not wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Apply a little mixture to the hard side of the foam sponge, treat the inside and outside of the oven, wait 25 minutes. Wash the sponge with water, wring it out, soak it in ethyl alcohol and thoroughly rub the stains. If desired, you can replace medical alcohol with vodka by mixing it with table vinegar in a 2:1 ratio.

Mustard powder has long been used to clean all types of surfaces. Experienced housewives unanimously say that the product copes well even with old fat deposits. Prepare a mixture of water and mustard powder so that you get a paste-like mass (about 40 ml of water per 75 grams of powder). Scoop up the mixture with a kitchen sponge, rub the stained areas, and leave for half an hour. Next, squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, soak a sponge in it, treat the walls, baking sheet and door, rinse and evaluate the result. Repeat the procedure 4-5 more times. If you doubt the effectiveness of the composition, mix mustard powder and citric acid in equal proportions, then use as directed.

Carbonic acid
Combine 200 grams into one bulk composition. table salt and 30 gr. carbonic acid, dilute with filtered water to obtain a paste. Scoop up the product with a sponge, rub the top, side and bottom walls, and treat the door. Next, prepare the solution: combine 10 g. carbonic acid and 100 gr. table salt, pour 350 ml. water, pour the resulting mixture into a baking tray and place it in the oven. Preheat the equipment to a temperature of 130-140 degrees, wait 45 minutes, turn off. Do not open the door for half an hour; after the specified period, treat the cavity of the device with a cleaning agent, removing any remaining dirt.

The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant odor that appears after processing. As a rule, it can be dealt with by placing a citrus fruit zest or half a lemon into the cavity of the device. To prepare a solution taking into account all the requirements, pour 100 ml into a baking tray. table vinegar (concentration 6-9%), add 400 ml. warm water. Place the baking sheet in the oven, set the temperature to 120 degrees, heat the device for half an hour. After this period, turn off the timer, soak a sponge in vinegar, and wipe off the softened dirt. Remove residues with clean water; if the result is insufficient, clean again.

Laundry soap

Due to its alkaline composition, laundry soap removes grease stains in a short time, while the product is environmentally friendly and safe. Grate half the block using a medium grater, pour in the shavings warm water and stir. Soak a sponge in the solution, wipe the door and walls, and pour the remaining product into a baking tray. Heat the oven for 45 minutes (temperature 140-150 degrees), after this period, turn off the appliance and wait a quarter of an hour. If carbon deposits and grease have softened, remove the residue with a hard sponge (not an iron sponge). In cases of incomplete results, perform the procedure 1-2 more times. At the end of the manipulations, carry out a wet treatment, carefully removing any remaining soap. Leave the oven door open for 10-12 hours, place 3 thick lemon slices in the appliance cavity to absorb the smell.


Put on gloves, soak a cosmetic swab in ammonia, and thoroughly wipe the oven both inside and out. Leave for 12 hours with the door closed, then remove any residue with a hard sponge and rinse thoroughly with water. You can also prepare a solution: mix 325 ml into one composition. clean water and 50 ml. ammonia, pour into a baking tray, put it in the oven. Heat the device for 45 minutes, maintain a temperature of 90-100 degrees. To ensure that the steam thoroughly softens the fat and burns, leave the door closed for 3 hours. After the due date, remove dirt with a cloth and wet cleaning. Place half a lemon inside to get rid of the unpleasant ammonia smell.

Dishwashing liquid
This method is less effective than the others, but it can be used in cases where there are no available means. Pour a large amount of thick dishwashing gel into a baking tray, add boiling water until it reaches the edges of the container. Place the baking sheet inside, preheat the oven to 145-160 degrees, wait 40 minutes. After this, remove grease and fumes with a sponge soaked in clean dishwashing detergent. Remove the residue with a damp cloth, and if necessary, apply the treatment 1-2 more times.

Soda and vinegar
The method is rightfully considered the most effective, since the combination of the listed components is 3-4 times better at removing fat. Take 120 gr. baking soda, dilute it with vinegar table solution (concentration 9%, not to be confused with essence) until you get a paste. Scoop the mixture onto the hard side of a kitchen sponge, wipe the walls, wire rack, and pan door. Preheat the oven to 110 degrees, then turn off the appliance and leave for 3 hours. Remove excess with a sponge soaked in water and lemon juice (ratio 3:1).

It is not difficult to clean the oven from grease if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the technology of using folk remedies. Consider an option based on table salt, lemon juice, baking soda, mustard powder, carbonic acid, and vinegar solution. Don't forget about ammonia, dishwashing detergent, and laundry soap.

Video: how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits

Cooking in the oven is very convenient. There is no need to spend several hours at the stove, just install desired temperature and observe the cooking time of a particular dish.

However, cleaning the oven compartment is a dubious pleasure; this part of the “stove” is subject to severe contamination, grease deposits and the formation of a dense burnt layer. It is not difficult for owners of a unit with a self-cleaning system to solve this problem, but what should those who have an ordinary stove installed in their kitchen do?

How to clean an electric oven without using harsh chemicals? There are many “folk” recipes.

How to clean an electric oven from grease and carbon deposits

The advantage of folk remedies is that they are harmless and do not cause allergic reactions.
Of course, it’s easier to clean the oven using an advertised product, but it’s not safe. The fact is that it is impossible to completely remove aggressive substances from surfaces after cleaning, and during the cooking process, toxins and harmful fumes can get into the food. Therefore, it is better to use safer methods.

How to clean the oven with citric acid

To clean the oven, you can use either fresh citrus or a concentrated solution of lemon juice. The product can be used in three ways:

  • Pour water into a heat-resistant bowl and add detergent, sliced ​​lemon (or 1 pack of acid) and place the dishes in a preheated “broiler”. Boil the product inside the cabinet for 30–40 minutes, and when the “inside” of the stove has cooled, remove grease and soot with a sponge.
  • Treat contaminated surfaces with a solution of lemon juice and water in a 1:1 ratio, or with citric acid dissolved in water. After half an hour, clean the oven and wash off any remaining product with warm water.
  • Pour water acidified with lemon juice or acid into a spray bottle and thoroughly wet the walls and bottom of the oven compartment. After 40 minutes, wash off greasy marks and carbon deposits with warm water.

How to clean an electric oven with ammonia

An ammonia solution can remove heavy stains. You can use it in two ways:

  • Apply ammonia to contaminated surfaces and leave for 8–10 hours, then wash them with dishwashing gel.
  • Place a bowl of water in a “broiler” preheated to 100–120 degrees (on the bottom shelf), and a container with ammonia on the top shelf. Before installing the containers, the oven should be turned off.
  • The door must be closed tightly and the products must be left inside for 10–12 hours.
  • After this, wash the surfaces with a solution of 3 liters of water, 20 drops of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of dishwashing gel.
  • Rinse the bottom and walls with clean water.

Ammonia works equally well with grease and soot.

8 ways to clean the oven with folk remedies

A mixture of soda, vinegar and citric acid

To clean the oven faster and easier, preheat it to 100–110 degrees. After that do the following:

  • Prepare a cleaning solution from 1 package of lemon juice, a tablespoon of baking soda and 1⁄2 cup of vinegar.
  • Apply the product to the surfaces, avoiding contact of the solution with the heating elements.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse the compartment with clean water and wipe dry with a towel.
  • After washing, the oven must be “aired” for 15–20 minutes.

Salt and acetic acid

For effective cleaning oven using these products, you must strictly follow the instructions:

  • Add 1 kg of salt and 1 tablespoon of acetic acid to a container with 0.5 liters of water, dissolve the products, stirring the liquid.
  • Place the cleaning solution in the preheated oven, preferably at the bottom.
  • Preheat the product for 30 minutes, then turn off the oven, and after it has cooled, clean the surfaces with a sponge.

This product can be used to wash not only the bottom and walls, but also the door, grates and baking trays.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar

Fatty deposits are sensitive to hydrogen, which is released during the interaction of components such as soda and vinegar. With the help of these products you can even deal with old stains. Follow this algorithm of actions:

  • Wipe the oven compartment with a sponge soaked in vinegar.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on a cloth or sponge and apply it evenly to the dampened walls. You can simply sprinkle the bottom and door.
  • After 2-3 hours, remove the softened fat with a hard-bristle sponge.

When carbon deposits and traces of grease have been removed, wash the surfaces with warm water.

Baking powder for the dough

Baking detergent is no less effective at removing stains. How to clean the oven using baking powder? You need to do the following:

  • Moisten the surfaces with a sponge or cloth;
  • Sprinkle baking powder generously on the bottom and sides;
  • After 2-3 hours, clean the “broiler” with a sponge and wash with clean water.

Under the influence of baking powder, streaks of grease and dirt roll off, forming soft lumps, and cleaning the surface will not take much effort.

Laundry soap

This method is completely safe, since laundry soap does not contain toxins or allergens. How to clean the oven:

  • Grind 1⁄2 pieces of soap using a grater;
  • add the pureed soap to a heatproof bowl with hot water, wait for the soap to dissolve;
  • Place a container with soap solution in a “broiler” preheated to 180 degrees;
  • after 40 minutes, turn off the heating and wait for the surfaces to cool;
  • Remove “acidified” fat and traces of soot using a sponge;
  • Wash the surface with clean water.

After cleaning, leave the oven door open for 20–30 minutes to “ventilate” it from the specific alkaline smell of soap.

Vinegar essence

Vinegar concentrate will help remove even heavy stains without damaging the surface. The work is performed in this order:

  • Soak a foam sponge with essence.
  • Wipe down all surfaces, including baking sheets and racks.
  • After 2-3 hours, clean with a sponge and remove any remaining vinegar.

Since vinegar is caustic, use gloves to avoid damaging your hands.

Baking soda

Using soda, you can tidy up not only the walls and bottom, but also the glass door of the oven compartment. Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • Wet surfaces with a damp cloth or dish sponge.
  • Sprinkle the sides, bottom and door generously with baking soda.
  • Spread the powder over the surfaces using a stiff bristled sponge.
  • Leave the “stove” to soak for 1–1.5 hours.
  • Wash off traces of soot and grease with a rag, remove any remaining soda with clean water.
  • After cleaning, leave the frypot door open for a while to allow the surfaces to dry.


Salt tends to absorb fat, and cleaning the oven with it will not be difficult. You can do it like this:

  • Sprinkle salt on the surfaces and distribute it evenly on the baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet inside and preheat the oven until the salt turns golden brown.
  • When the “stove” has cooled, wash the surfaces with water and detergent, and then with clean water.

To avoid burning, stir the salt on the baking sheet occasionally. If cleaning the oven the first time using one of the above methods did not work, repeat the procedure.

How to get rid of the smell of detergents?

Often, after cleaning the oven, soot remains strong smell detergents. To get rid of it, you can do the following:

  • leave the door open for several hours;
  • heat a container with 10–15 tablets of activated carbon dissolved in water in the oven;
  • wash surfaces with a solution of lemon juice or acid;
  • Rub the sides and bottom with half an onion.

Mechanical cleaning method

You can tidy up the inside surface of the oven using an abrasive sponge. In this way, you can easily clean off carbon deposits and greasy stains.

You should not use a washcloth when cleaning a glass door; scratches will appear on the surface, into which grease and dirt will constantly “clog.”

Steam cleaning method

You can clean the oven using a steam generator, but if you don’t have one, use an alternative method:

  • Pour water and 2 tablespoons of dish gel into a baking tray or deep roasting pan.
  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of 150–180 degrees and place a container of water inside.
  • After 30–40 minutes, turn off the heat and wait until the stove cools down.
  • Wash off softened dirt with a foam sponge or cloth.

Do not use hard scouring pads, as this may cause scratches and the surfaces will become much more dirty in the future.

To prevent oven cleaning from becoming a lengthy and labor-intensive process, put it in order at least once a month. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of effort to make your assistant look decent again.


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