How to finish an OSB slab on the outside. Installation of OSB on walls - recommendations for doing the work yourself

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OSB boards are usually used for cladding frame or half-timbered houses. That is why the question of finishing the facade arises. You can choose siding or ceramic cladding, but these options are expensive and labor-intensive. Painting will be much cheaper. For this they can be used different means. on the street? This is discussed in the article.

Why do you need to paint slabs?

To understand whether OSB boards are painted, you should familiarize yourself with their composition and appearance. They are easy warm material, which is used in the construction of external structures, internal walls and partitions. The panels may differ in brand; for the outer part, dense products are used, the markings of which have the numbers 3 or 4. Since the material is created by pressing wood shavings and glue, it turns out breathable, environmentally friendly, but it is sensitive to atmospheric influences.

And when creating slabs, the chips are oriented longitudinally in the outer parts, and across the fibers in the middle. Because of this, the strength and thermal insulation properties of OSB boards are created. Is it necessary to paint OSB boards outdoors? The surface of the material is pleasant and warm to the touch, but does not have an entirely attractive appearance. That's why it needs to be painted.

Another reason for covering with a special product is to protect the material, and therefore the house, from destruction, moisture, mold, and fungi. Although the products are moisture resistant, the connection areas are vulnerable. Therefore, such facades must be painted. Only before this, it is necessary to clean off dust, as well as putty and primer. It is important that there is a delay between procedures. After puttying, you need to allow at least 12 hours to dry. The same period is provided for complete drying of the primer.


Nowadays many types of paints and varnishes are sold. But not every one of them is suitable for this OSB board on the street; it must be determined after studying the paint properties and possibilities. When purchasing, keep in mind that the panels contain 90% wood. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the scope of application of the paint and varnish.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to get a high-quality result? Alkyd paint great for these purposes. It is perfectly absorbed into wood and dries quickly due to its water component. But this fact is associated with a lack of funds.

The paint can be stored at positive temperatures, but when hardened it can withstand frost up to 30 degrees. The disadvantages include low level resistance to fire, alkalis. Alkyd paint is in demand due to:

  1. No unpleasant odor or harmful formations.
  2. Quick drying, long lasting color retention.
  3. Excellent hiding power or the ability to obtain a smooth surface without drips.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Affordable price.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors to protect the material from various influences? One that has a polymer component, colors and water is suitable. The main property required for outdoor service is the ability to create a reliable film.

Acrids have good adhesion and OCB. These properties influence the demand for paints for facade finishing. Manufacturers produce mixtures not only of rich shades, but also with different physical characteristics. The surface of acrylic paint can be matte or glossy, transparent or dull. Such mixtures:

  1. Dries quickly and is very durable.
  2. Used for processing porous, loose surfaces.
  3. They are water- and vapor-tight.
  4. Tolerates significant temperature changes.


How to paint an OSB board outdoors so that the material does not deteriorate from various influences? Oil paint is classic. Compared to modern mixtures, it is less in demand because it has some harmful properties:

  1. High toxicity. During operation you need to use
  2. Necessary long time for drying, since drying oil becomes the basis for obtaining paints.
  3. It takes experience to apply the product evenly.
  4. Due to its low durability, the surface needs to be renewed frequently.

The advantages include excellent absorption into the surface and ease of storage. Thick paint can be thinned with drying oil.


Which OSB boards are suitable for high-quality home protection? Latex paints suitable for wood are used. To create mixtures, ordinary water, acrylic resin, and latex polymer liquid substance are used. It's with her that it's normal acrylic enamel becomes a coloring compound.

The composition is based on polyvinyl, silicone, and other additives to improve performance. Facade paints created to obtain OSV textured, dense.


If you are interested in what is the best way to paint an OSB board, then you should pay attention to water-based paint. It is used for finishing external walls. The product is suitable for renewing concrete and stone materials, which must first be treated with putty and primer. Aqueous emulsions are divided into:

  1. Silicate. The base includes liquid potassium glass. Steam resistant paints.
  2. Silicone. They contain silicone resin and fungicidal additives. After drying, they do not allow water to pass through and repel dust and dirt.

The best way to paint an OSB board on the outside is up to each owner to decide for himself. The above products are ideal for this job.


These products are considered special, so their processing is carried out non-standardly. Working surface smooth, may be smooth and somewhat rough. Before finishing, the surface should be treated with a special tool.

The edges may be porous, so they absorb more pigment, resulting in uneven color. The defect can be eliminated using putty for exterior use. It will remove joints and seams, after which primer treatment is required. The procedure will improve the adhesion of the dye to the OSB panels. It also protects from harmful influences.

If defects or unevenness appear during installation, then the entire façade needs to be puttied. For outdoor work, paint is applied at least 2 times. A better visual result and a more durable surface is provided by painting in 3-4 layers.

Color options

How to paint an OSB board outside? This work can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Spray gun or spray gun. This method is effective for an even, durable coating. Painting with such a device is quick, but it increases paint consumption. In addition, the mechanisms are expensive. This method can only be used in calm weather using a respirator.
  2. Paint brushes. This option is labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  3. Rollers are used to speed up the process. With this tool you can quickly and efficiently update large areas. Used for different mixtures.


The internal surfaces of OSB boards are sprayed. You can also take a roller to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion. In hard-to-reach areas, apply the product with a brush. When applying the first layer, you need to control the uniformity. If you use water-based varnish, you need to monitor whether the slabs are damaged by moisture. Strokes should be done in one direction.

Before applying the next layer, you need to take breaks to dry the surface. To do this, you need to wait 6-8 hours, the time is determined by the type of paint. Drying should be natural at a stable temperature. Drafts should not be allowed.

The outside of the house is exposed to negative factors, so you need to choose high-quality paint for it. You need to pay special attention to the ends. Sharp edges of the slabs should be rounded with a radius of about 4 mm. Then the surface is cleaned of dust and a primer is applied.

When choosing paint for finishing, you need to pay attention to aesthetics clear varnishes. Many people do not tolerate sunlight well. Water based paints The slabs are often deformed. Organosoluble, alkyd, oil products will be the most suitable. The principle of operation is the same as indoors. But at least 3 layers are applied to the facade.


First you should touch the joints of the OSB boards. The treatment of these areas will be positive, but not for long, since during the installation of the house the slabs “play” and the putty cracks and falls out of the seams. This will negatively affect the appearance of the facade. There is another option for decorating narrow areas - using decorative overlays. They cover the seams after painting. They are needed as protection and a design element.

The painting activity is carried out from the top of the wall so that the paint does not flow onto the drying area. You also need to take the weather into account. It is preferable to do finishing at positive air temperatures.

It should be remembered that a painted facade is considered unpretentious during operation, but maintenance is still required. The materials are usually impact resistant. Walls must be washed regularly detergents, unless the manufacturer recommends something else. Do not use stiff bristled brushes as this will damage the finish.

Thus, OSB boards must be processed. Paint will be available and effective option. The house will be reliably protected from various adverse factors.

Very convenient and multifunctional material for different construction work– oriented strand boards. Since the production technology of these boards is not complicated, for interior finishing work the master can choose a specific option from four types of OSB boards or consider special types of these boards.

What are the sheets of these products made of? Everything is simple - wood chips are used (flat fragments are used), shavings: these materials are glued together and the result is actually an excellent finishing material. Three or four layers of chips or shavings – these are the indicators that can be called optimal. Installing OSB on walls is more preferable than using the same chipboard.

However, oriented strand boards are a kind of modification of wood-fiber material, some of its modern analogue. If finances allow, it is better to choose for facing works after all, OSB (plywood or chipboard are increasingly being abandoned today).

Scope of OSB, classification of boards

Before considering the classification of slabs and deciding which is the best OSB for finishing walls, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of such a material.

Types of OSB boards

Here everything is as follows:

  • OSB boards of the first class - they are usually chosen for rooms where there is a low level of humidity;
  • Type two - the material can be safely chosen for dry rooms, it is even used as a structural element during construction work;
  • Type 3 OSB – these boards are used in rooms where there is a high level of humidity;
  • The fourth type of such products is used for cladding structures that can cope even with significant mechanical loads. Moreover, we are talking about conditions where there is a high level of humidity.

Application area

One thing can be said about the scope of application - installation of OSB is a truly urgent task, since such boards are used in many construction aspects.

It’s just that this material has such a manufacturing technology, due to which all internal defects are simply eliminated (at the same time, Chipboard sheets they appear very often - voids, uneven fillings). Due to all this, OSB is a more preferable option - it does not deform and does not shrink.

And now in detail - where exactly can this material be used??

  1. OSB cladding for walls is often very profitable solution. Thanks to this approach, the house receives reliable protection from dampness, while also gaining additional insulation. What's best here: there is no need for additional finishing work after installing OSB;
  2. Under construction frame-panel houses OSB boards are usually used, which have high level moisture resistance;
  3. Since the material has such valuable quality, it makes a decent reusable formwork;
  4. It is used as a base when making external cladding walls, as well as in interior work - if wooden finishing is carried out country houses, cottages (made of timber, rounded logs);
  5. OSB boards are your faithful assistant if you are making sheathing or rafters for the roof. This material can work even under serious load - it will definitely withstand the weight of not only the roof itself, but also all associated loads (wind, snow) - even if natural tiles(material that weighs little);
  6. If you need to level the floors in your house or lay them from scratch, here again you can pay attention to the installation of OSB. Just such a slab - perfect option to create a very strong, even base. It’s better not to find it under plank floorboards, carpets or other coverings;
  7. Pay special attention to the process when you need to adjust the joints of the slabs to a plane. If necessary, they must be equalized - without this there is no way.
An interesting point - not every manufacturer can use OSB boards as underlying layers - in the case of floor coverings. And the panels are laid so that the smooth side is facing up.

What else does a master need to know?? Following:

  • Apply additional protective covering it is not necessary in the form of paint or varnish - the material initially has excellent protection in the form of a special impregnation;
  • Processing slabs is not that difficult - about the same as regular wood. Screws and nails adhere perfectly to the surface. OSB boards are not afraid of rotting, fungal influences, the decorative qualities of such material are excellent;
  • OSB panels today are often used in furniture production - after all, they are an excellent alternative to natural solid wood (but in terms of cost, they are significantly more profitable);
  • The material does not weigh that much - therefore it is perfect for finishing, construction, painting work and more.

How to finish a house faster

It is quite logical that any owner wants to move into his home faster - especially if the construction is carried out independently. Private cottages are located separately from neighboring buildings - so in this design you don’t have to worry about neighbors.

Here a completely reasonable question may arise: maybe not to do rough sheathing - but to immediately attach the OSB finishing materials directly to the frame racks?

Is this approach to the matter allowed, or is it excluded?

If you pay attention to the instructions compiled by professionals, it will immediately become clear: you cannot do this. There will also be reasons for this conclusion. Simply, it is important to insulate the house - only in this situation will it be comfortable (especially since winters in the Russian Federation are cold - almost throughout the entire territory).

Why are frame bevels required at all - lower and upper? Everything is simple here: they form spatial rigidity - together with the cladding. They can also be called mandatory elements if we consider the design of any frame structure.

A frame that does not have slopes will retain its mobility even with cladding - as is the case when there are any. However, if there is no cladding, you can imagine what the consequences may be.

External rough wall cladding

A lot is used today for rough cladding. different materials. There is definitely a choice here - everyone will agree with this. Pay attention to at least these options:

  • Board;
  • OSB boards.

Any of these surfaces needs finishing: this could be facing with plaster - with a mesh or a layer of polystyrene foam. There is an opinion that even the boarding can be left as a finishing touch - but in this case the wood will need to be processed additionally. Hydro-wind protection of the walls is also installed under the boards.

You must take into account the following: it is not recommended to finish the frame with boards - without rough, preliminary covering with OSB boards. Otherwise, there is a risk that the boards will come loose in the fall or spring. In addition, this is important for the spatial rigidity of the frame.

You will get fewer joints due to the area of ​​OSB sheets - which cannot be said about working with other materials. OSB finishing is usually made with a material whose thickness is 11-13 mm.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The OSB boards are fastened to the racks so that there is a joint in the middle. And there should be a small gap between the plates - three to five millimeters is enough;
  • The sheet completely covers the lower trim;
  • Closely related to the number of storeys of the building top harness. It will be completely hidden - and the edge of the OSB slab will be aligned with the edge of the trim if the structure has only one floor;
  • When the building consists of two floors, the sheet is positioned as follows: it must fit onto the racks of both floors at once. But somewhere in the middle of the sheet the top trim overlaps. This condition cannot be called mandatory, but if it is met, the rigidity of the structure increases noticeably, which benefits the structure;
  • Sheathing with OSB boards when fastening to a window opening is carried out in two-story houses, should be produced in a single sheet - this is exactly what the professionals advise. Then all the joints can be moved to adjacent racks outside the racks of the opening. They simply cut a window opening in the slab - there is nothing complicated in such work;
  • When horizontal or vertical jumpers are made in the frame, a very convenient joining of the slabs is obtained. In the event that these jumpers have the same cross-section as the racks - and this often happens;
  • Spiral nails are selected for fastening. Self-tapping screws are also suitable - 0.5 or 0.45 cm long. You should also not refuse combined fasteners (both nails and self-tapping screws) - such a solution is considered to be of very high quality.

Remember that basic rules for performing fastening work must be observed.


  1. It is customary to fix the finishing of OSB slabs in intermediate areas every 300 mm;
  2. After 150 mm, fix the places where the slabs are joined;
  3. After 100 mm it is necessary to sew the outer edge.

To prevent cracks in the material due to too zealous fastening, a distance of 1 cm is maintained from the edge of the slab to the place of fixation (a little less is possible).
  • A gap of 4-5 millimeters is left between the plates so that they do not warp. The fasteners are driven 4-5 cm into the rack;
  • The part of the OSB board that is vulnerable (one might say this is the "Achilles' heel" finishing material) – ends. To ensure the protection of these areas, there are gaps called expansion gaps (between the crown beam and the top edge, also between foundation wall and bottom edge). Here the gap will be 10 mm. And between those slabs where there is no tongue-groove, 3 mm is quite enough;
  • To seal these expansion gaps, apply a sealant to acrylic base. It is important that it carefully fills all the cavities - and that this work is done evenly;
  • Wind protection, waterproofing - all these tasks will be performed by a superdiffusion membrane, which also has the property of vapor permeability (this indicator is 750 g/m² or more).
Craftsmen do not recommend using polyethylene, various films, glassine. It’s just that these materials have a low level of vapor permeability; all excess moisture must be reliably ventilated.

Also, you should know:

  1. The superdiffusion membrane is installed depending on the rough lining with materials, what it is fine finishing. For example, the membrane is often attached closely to the insulation - to the frame studs;
  2. They make a sheathing (here they use wooden slats, the cross-section of which is 2 by 5 or 3 by 5 cm. Thanks to this design, the required gap will be achieved. Then you can finish the surface with OSB boards, SML, DSP or sheathe it with boards;
  3. From the inside of the room, you can use film to create a vapor barrier for the walls. The material is installed in such a way that it fits tightly enough to the insulation. A construction stapler is used for fastening. The joints are overlapped - 150-200 mm; the joints must be taped.

For such work, you can choose the simplest adhesive tape - there is no need to use building material. Vapor barrier adhesive tape will also work.
  • To perform a vapor barrier, you can use foiled polyethylene, which will not thicken the wall thermal insulation (basic). Foam material is also often used for this task - this practice is common in our time.

Finishing the structure inside

Which is better: OSB sheathing or plasterboard cladding? Many are clearly inclined to favor option number one - when it comes to interior finishing work in the house. It is quite difficult to keep the frame posts in a completely level state - when work is underway, the same applies to drywall.

It’s just that the sheets of this material are softer when compared with osb boards. They will easily repeat all the irregularities - so then you will have to work hard to get a completely flat surface - more layers will need to be applied to level them.

OSB board is an order of magnitude stiffer in structure than plasterboard sheets, so all flaws can be smoothed out to a certain extent. Afterwards they begin to carry out work related to finishing.

Watch a video about how OSB boards are used for interior decoration. This material will definitely be useful if you do not have much construction experience.

OSB-3 boards and roofing work

Roofing work is a very popular way to use materials such as OSB boards. By the way, to cover the roof with OSB-3 slabs, a material thickness of 0.18 cm is sufficient.

In order:

  • Products can have both a locking edge and a straight edge. The first option is more preferable;
  • Between load-bearing beams the distance should not be more than 609 mm - this applies to both the organization of sloping and flat roofs;
  • Whether the slabs are capable of expanding is of great importance. It is customary to leave a gap for each linear meter: 2 mm is quite enough (believe me, this is enough);
  • When laying slabs with smooth edges, the gap is made a little larger - 3 mm. Leave it around the perimeter of each slab - this is the only way to achieve optimal results;
  • For OSB fastenings choose nails for the roof. Attached to supporting supports. There should be a distance between them: 10 cm or even more;
  • The finishing of OSB boards is attached with nails - they should have a length that exceeds the thickness of the board by two to two and a half times (or even more) - this is quite normal.

If the interior decoration is done using OSB panels, the following can be noted: a slab made of polished panels will look better if appearance is very important in your space. To finish such slabs, it is better not to use ceramic tiles or wallpaper - this is what the manufacturers themselves recommend. And it’s best to listen to their opinion!

In order to paint OSB with high quality with your own hands, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the mixture.


Several types of material can be used.


One of the simplest and most popular solutions, the composition provides fairly high adhesion to the surface of OSB panels. Traditional options:

  • Oily. Coloring with such mixtures is widespread, although in recent years it has been declining. This is explained by the fact that the products are quite toxic and have a pungent odor. The resulting coating has a service life of 3–5 years, after which it fades and loses its decorative qualities.

  • Alkyd. A universal variety that allows painting inside and outside the premises. The treated surface has a bright and rich color that lasts for a long time. Compared to the previous version, enamel is more resistant to any weather conditions, but is not environmentally friendly and has a wide decorative range.


The most modern products with high aesthetic and performance qualities. For processing OSB, compositions with a polymer component are used. This list includes:

  • Acrylic. The mixtures are absolutely safe, UV resistant and easy to apply. When working with particle boards, water-based compositions require high-quality priming and application of the solution in thin layers. It is necessary to prevent excessive moisture absorption, otherwise the panel may swell.

  • Latex. Painting a surface with such a mixture is quite simple; the material has almost the same advantages as the previous one, but differs more high cost. This includes the rubber variety, ideal for outdoor use.


On a note! When choosing a composition for different processes, it is better to give preference to certain categories, even taking into account the fact that many mixtures are universal. This is especially true for facade work, so in such a situation it is advisable to purchase special solutions.


Due to the fact that OSB-3 boards, which have low adhesion due to additional treatment against moisture penetration, are most often used for cladding interior structures of premises and facades, priming is a mandatory procedure. In addition, this significantly reduces paint consumption and reduces the likelihood of deformation when choosing water-based compositions.

The following varieties are suitable for this work:

  • Drying oil. This is a simple solution if you plan to use oil paints.

  • Concrete contact. Although any modern polymer-based compositions classified as deeply penetrating can be used, this mixture is optimal. It fits well on the surface and impregnates it, forming a rough layer that provides the best adhesion.

Concrete contact primer is used to ensure maximum adhesion of paint to the OSB surface

After laying and drying any type of soil, it is necessary to quickly treat the base with decorative or protective materials. During this period, adhesion is maximum.


The following varieties are used:

  • Like drying oil, it helps protect the material from the harmful effects of water, preventing rotting. Although the outside of the building is sheathed with moisture-resistant products of classes 3 and 4, OSB-2 boards are most often found inside; they are processed separately. Stain is also applied as a decorative layer when covering panels with varnish.

If you want to preserve the texture and give the slab a noble red tint, stain is used
  • Fire retardants. They are recommended to process all sides and ends of parts before installation. Fire retardant impregnation reduces the likelihood of fire and also increases the time during which the material will be flame resistant.
  • Antiseptics. Such protection is required to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew, which are most often caused by dampness.

Important! Particular attention must be paid to the ends of parts located outdoors. They are impregnated more thoroughly, since it is in these places that destruction begins, caused by the harmful effects of the environment.


This composition is more suitable for indoor work. For floors or ceilings, colorless varnish is more often used to ensure the preservation of the natural appearance of the material. To enhance the ambience, well-defined wood chips can be treated with a stain of a suitable color, which is not just applied, but literally shaded.

To convey the texture of natural wood, colored varnishes are chosen. But the structure of the panel is extremely heterogeneous, so obtaining a uniform coating will not be so easy, regardless of the chosen paint and varnish mixture. The desired result can be achieved by painting the base 3 to 6 times.

Colored varnishes can imitate a variety of wood types

Features of painting OSB boards outside

Work on the street involves the creation of a decorative layer, which will also play a protective role. For the process you will need a simple list of tools, suitable for covering walls inside the house:

  • Spray gun. For each composition, the desired option is selected.
  • Paint roller. It is better to provide several replaceable nozzles.
  • Tassels. For work in hard-to-reach places.

Everything you need is purchased in advance.

Surface preparation

Before installing the sheets, high-quality impregnation of the ends of the parts is carried out. Further actions:

After all processes are completed, the facade is left to dry completely.

Applying paint

You can cover the prepared surface with the selected solution according to the following scheme:

  1. If necessary, the composition is diluted to the desired consistency. To spray, it must be more liquid, but because of this the number of layers increases and the consumption increases significantly.
  2. The solution begins to be laid from top to bottom in a single layer.
  3. The pronounced dark areas that appear are left, they are eliminated only evenly and consistently.
  4. Next, layer by layer is laid until the desired result is achieved. After each treatment, the base dries out.

If you carry out all the steps without haste, you will end up with a coating with a slightly protruding texture of wood chips.

Painting slabs indoors

The process can be performed in two ways, depending on preference. But preliminary preparations are carried out, almost similar to those for external areas. The only difference is that moldings are not used to hide seams inside the house, unless provided for by the interior design.

Classic method

This method involves simply applying OSB paint to the wall surface. After preparing the base, the decorative mixture is mixed and applied evenly and sequentially in several layers to all treated areas. If putty was previously used, the painted surface will be uniform, but if it is absent, a strong or weak texture will be observed, depending on the amount of material applied.

Painting OSB without prior puttying allows you to preserve the texture of the material

It is much easier to treat the floor: after sanding, it is prepared and covered with 4-5 layers of clear varnish.

Decorative method

To decorate the base of oriented strand panels beautifully, you can use various techniques. For example, aging of the coating. Instructions:

  1. The slabs are carefully sanded and primed until smooth.
  2. Acrylic patina is being prepared. It is quickly applied to the desired areas or the entire surface. The longer the mixture sits on the base, the richer the color becomes.
  3. The solution is wiped off with a rag.
  4. Next, you need to paint the material with a light shade to highlight the darker areas.

An alternative method could be easy installation several colors, but each subsequent layer should be “softer” than the previous one.

Caring for painted OSB

With the correct choice of decorative composition and compliance with the preparation and application technology, further procedures will be as follows:

  • After 5-7 years (depending on the composition), a light treatment with a thin layer of diluted solution can be performed to revitalize the surface.
  • Significant difficulties arise due to the shrinkage of the house; more serious reconstruction may be required. But if the frame was positioned accurately, observing the gaps, then you will only need to rearrange the moldings on the outside and minor finishing work on the inside, followed by painting in the desired color.
  • Worn flooring is re-sanded and varnished.

Painting OSB is not the most difficult process, requiring accuracy and a precise sequence of all actions to obtain a high-quality result.

The issue of installing OSB boards on walls outside the house is discussed in the article: attaching OSB sheets to walls outside the house. Here we will look at next question: finishing of walls made of OSB boards outside the house.

The issue of finishing walls from OSB panels inside a house is discussed in the article: finishing OSB walls inside a room.

There are a lot in various ways wall decoration from OSB sheets outside the house. All of them take into account the features of OSB boards, which are subject to the same deformations as wood. More details about properties of OSB slabs can be found in the article: what is OSB slabs, types, characteristics, application. Among the main methods used for external finishing of walls made of OSB sheets are the following:


More details about the choice of paint and technologies for painting OSB outside the house can be found in the article: how to paint walls made of OSB sheets outside the house.

Applying plaster

Installation of decorative stone

Siding fastening

Decorative facade panels

Installation decorative panels on the walls of a house made of OSB.

Read the contents of the article! Decorating the outside of a house with OSB: methods for finishing OSB sheets: painting, plaster, artificial stone, siding.

OSB boards or otherwise OSB sheets are widely used for the construction of walls in houses, in particular in frame construction. Therefore, the issue of their external decoration is very relevant today. Moreover, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in terms of protecting the material from negative impact external factors ( high humidity, sudden temperature changes, solar radiation and others).

In this article we will look at the following question: OSB finishing on the outside Houses.

Finishing OSB outside Finishing walls from OSB boards outside the house: how to finish OSB walls

There are many different ways to decorate walls made of OSB sheets outside the house. All of them take into account the features of OSB boards, which are subject to the same deformations as wood.

Among the main methods used for external finishing of walls made of OSB sheets are the following:

Painting a house made of OSB

Painting is the simplest and most common option that does not require high costs time and finances. Water-based or oil-based wood paints are used for exterior work. In order for the coating to adhere well, it is important to properly prepare the surface for painting. First of all, it is recommended to seal interpanel seams acrylic sealant, and then thoroughly clean and prime the entire surface of the slabs. The paint is applied in several layers. Each of them must be given time to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer.

Painting OSB boards

To paint OSB boards, you can use a brush or roller.

Applying plaster to pox boards

Plaster allows you to extend the life of the slab and additionally protects it from fire. OSB boards can change their geometric dimensions over wide ranges due to changes in humidity and ambient temperature. If you apply plaster directly to the OSB board, it will soon become covered with cracks and peel off from the base. Therefore, two main technologies are used: the use of an intermediate layer and layer-by-layer application of plaster.

Plaster OSB boards

Expanded polystyrene or glassine can be used as an intermediate layer. Expanded polystyrene has good moisture insulation and further improves thermal insulation properties walls. Glassine or bitumen cardboard has a low price.

To prepare the base, sealant is applied to the joints between the sheets. The sheets themselves are primed. After this, an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam or glassine is glued. A reinforcing mesh is attached on top of this layer and a layer of plaster is applied.

When applying plaster directly to OSB sheets, the process is divided into several stages. After preparing the base, as in the previous version, proceed to the first stage. During which the first layer of plaster is applied, a reinforcing mesh is embedded in it. After drying, apply another layer. After this, a leveling layer is applied.

The option without an intermediate layer is less reliable and after 2-3 years the plaster may begin to peel off, so it is usually recommended to use an intermediate layer.

Installation of decorative stone on osb boards

Artificial stone is one of the most complex and expensive finishing methods. However, the excellent appearance of the finished facade and the durability of such a coating will certainly pay for itself over time. Stages of work:

  1. Before starting work, the seams of OSB boards are filled with frost-resistant sealant, and the boards are primed.
  2. Polystyrene foam is glued on top.
  3. Then it must be filled with frost-resistant putty.
  4. Then apply two layers of glue. Place the reinforcing mesh into the first one.
  5. Place on the second layer decorative rock.

Finishing OSB boards with decorative stone

Sometimes decorative stone is glued without an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam. This option is less reliable and after 2-3 years the coating begins to peel off.

Fastening siding to OSB boards

Siding is a universal finishing method that can be used for any facade. The material has an affordable price and excellent appearance. Provided that the OSB board has a flat surface, fastening the sheathing is optional. At the same time, so that during operation the material does not swell from the condensation formed, it is important not to forget to install a windproof, waterproof membrane between the slabs and the siding.

Finishing OSB boards with sidingDecorative façade panels

Decorative facade panels have a wide range of modifications and are made using various materials: wood, metal, plastic, glass. The technology for installing such panels depends on the panels themselves. Most often used for fastening are: dowel fasteners, brackets and metal profiles.

Installation of decorative panels on the walls of an OSB house

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. It doesn't matter which one you choose. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists and the correct technology.

Methods for finishing osb outside

Many builders sheathe the outside of the house with OSB (OSB) boards. This material is affordable and differs high quality. When the time comes to carry out the final work, the craftsmen think about how to paint the OSB board on the facade of the house? To make the right choice you need to study everything possible options, used for this product.

What is OSB board?

The first OSB boards have already been created more than thirty years ago during mass developments from frame materials. Most residents of Canada, the USA and many Europeans live in such houses.

For the first houses built according to frame technology, was required reliable casing resistant to sunlight and moisture. Wood was not suitable for this type of installation, as its installation took too much time and effort.

Traditional fiberboard panels also could not be used for their intended purpose, because they were too heavy. In addition, experts have noticed that such material is afraid of fumes.

After selecting the options, we developed a special technology based on laying long wood chips. The chips are glued together under the influence of wax and special resins that can withstand moisture.

OSB panel technologies allow without special financial costs build a house from a frame with reliable facing material. This type of panel can be affected by any of the carpentry tools designed for cutting.

The panels are applied to the facade of the building using carpentry adhesive, which is made on a synthetic basis.

OSB panels are divided into four types by degree of strength:

  1. OSB-1 is a panel that is often used in rooms with a dry microclimate prepared for work. It should be noted that this type of panel is used only in interior work;
  2. OSB-2 is also used for interior decoration rooms such as bedrooms or living rooms. But an important condition is the presence of dryness in the home;
  3. OSB-3 class boards are made with increased strength and resistance to moisture. They are suitable for interior and exterior work;
  4. One of the most durable boards is OSB-4. It can withstand significant loads and is durable. The cost of the material is significantly higher than that of other types of panels.

Often used in construction OSB-3, since it has an affordable price and fulfills the basic requirements for quality products.

Finishing methods

Craftsmen who have completed work with OSB panels on facade works, often think about the material that is best suited for finishing. The choice of material should directly depend on the performance qualities that the craftsmen plan to endow the house with.


This is one of the simplest and economical methods, but work should be carried out carefully. One incorrect application can ruin the overall appearance of the tiles. When carrying out surface painting work, you need to remember the following rules:

  • In the paint chosen as the surface coating material, must not contain water. Excess water will cause the panels to swell and ruin the product.
  • During the work, you need to pay special attention to the edges of the slabs and paint these places liberally.
  • Experts recommend using oil based paints when conducting similar works. This paint does not harm the structure of the panels and is deeply absorbed, creating a rich color.
  • In order for the texture to be completely painted, you need to apply paint in several layers. We must not forget that each layer should have drying time.

Sometimes the owner of the house wants extra protect walls with fire-retardant composition, but you need to take into account the fact that not all paints are compatible with such impregnations.

In such cases, surface priming will be additional processing, which will be located between the impregnation and the paint layer.


This option for covering OSB panels is the most popular and justified for outdoor work. This type of finish has a number of features:

  • experienced craftsmen carry out additional waterproofing surfaces using liquid rubber or roofing felt;
  • for greater stability apply plaster mesh which will prevent the formation of cracks;
  • mesh is used for plastering special composition for reinforcement in facade structures;
  • plastering of the external façade is accepted finish with a layer of decorative plaster, which will not only be a strong protection against external influences, but will also give the building a characteristic personality.


The use of sheathing with the installation of siding panels is an economical method that helps improve the appearance of the building.

Siding can be fixed to the installed OSB surface.

There are a large number of options for siding panels, so if you wish, you can choose a model that imitates a block house or brickwork.

The advantage of such cladding is that if OSB boards are already glued to the side of the facade, it is not necessary to mount an even frame. However, you can't do without a membrane which will protect from wind and moisture.

If this additional fastening is not installed, the siding will periodically sweat from the inside, and the OSB will swell under the influence of moisture.

If you choose between two types of siding panels - PVC or acrylic, then you can choose any type, since there are no significant differences between them.

Facing products are produced in one thickness, varying from 0.8 to 1.3 millimeters. They are able to withstand temperatures reaching 80 degrees Celsius, and exposure to sunlight, under which they do not fade.

Both species have high stability to the spread of fire and chemical reagents. Acrylic panels have a rich color, but otherwise are almost no different from PVC products.

Is it possible to attach siding directly to OSB - practical advice For siding installation from professionals, watch the video:

to contents

How to plaster a slab outside the house?

The question of whether it is possible to putty the surface of OSB boards is controversial: some experts believe that this coating will not protect the product from the appearance of cracks on the surface of the facade. Others, on the contrary, recommend using an additional coating, because it will refresh gloomy wooden panels and serve as protection against moisture and dust.

Carrying out high-quality work on plastering the facade of the building can be done subject to the following conditions:

  • the surface must be coated with an adhesive compound before carrying out work;
  • the solution applied to the surface with a spatula should not be thinner than three millimeters;
  • use of reinforcing mesh after applying the first layer;
  • surface coating adhesive composition after the first layer has dried.

The surface of OSB slabs visually looks decent, and some home owners leave them at this stage and do not carry out additional work on cladding the building.

Many experts still recommend covering the slabs with plaster - this will not only give the house individual features, but also protects against external damage. In order to perform plastering efficiently, you need to follow the sequence of work:

  1. When applying the first layer, you should try to run a wide spatula along the wall to fill all the recesses on the OSB. For proper application, you need to move the tool along the wall in an arcuate motion. Completion of the first layer should not be accompanied by streaks along the surface to be coated.
  2. After the first layer has completely dried, clean the wall with an abrasive mesh and repeat the application of putty.
  3. In order to achieve ideal surface with a smooth shine, you need to apply at least five successive layers.
  4. After applying the putty, the surface must be dried, after which a layer of paint can be applied to it.

Even experienced craftsmen ask the question of what is the best way to carry out the work of filling panels. The work process can be complicated by the fact that most putty materials do not adhere well to wood surfaces.

Therefore, you need to choose those coating models that have the highest adhesion to a wooden surface.

In order for the work to be completed successfully, it is recommended to pay attention on a mixture of Rodband and Goldband. These mixtures are made on a gypsum basis with admixtures of polymer materials.

If the owner of the premises wants to save on putty material, then it is better to purchase Rodband, its texture is more rigid than that of Goldband, and the price is much lower.

Selection finishing is also important and should be approached thoroughly. In order not to make a mistake with this choice, it is recommended to purchase Vitonit KR mixture.

Installation of porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles are suitable for gluing to OSB walls, but is it necessary to carry out such serious work that can also cause damage to building structures?

Porcelain stoneware tiles are resistant to fungal growth, moisture and mold. One of the most important advantages of this material is considered to be stability and a wide range of products in stores. All these advantages are suitable for internal work, but not external ones.

OSB panels can be tiled indoors, for example on the floor, but external works Not recommended.

Craftsmen do not use porcelain stoneware in facade work one at a time main reasonthe wall surface must be ventilated in order to avoid waterlogging and swelling of the panels.

OSB coloring agents

In addition to water-repellent protection, paint coating provides a number of advantages for the surface:

  • the coating can protect wooden surfaces from premature deformation;
  • if large chips are noticeable on the surface of the wall, they can easily be hidden after applying the impregnating solution;
  • Compared to other materials, painting is quite cheap and is not inferior in protective qualities.

Typically, for outdoor finishing, OSB-3 or OSB-4 is used, which are the most resistant to weather conditions. Not every owner can purchase OSB-4, since this material is highly expensive and resistant to mechanical stress. If the “four” is completely protected, then OSB-3 requires additional coating.

The boards are made from wood, which is the main component of the product, giving it environmental properties. At the same time, such a natural composition makes the wood product vulnerable to the onslaught of weather conditions.

You can add additional protection with siding, artificial stone or the most common and easy-to-install material – paint.

When choosing a composition suitable for outdoor use, you can pay attention to all mixtures intended for working with wooden surfaces.

It is necessary to avoid coatings that spoil the appearance of the facade. These include glazing substances and gloss varnishes. These compounds will show off and highlight the texture of the chips, which is not particularly attractive. Therefore, it is better to refuse such products.

The following compositions are suitable for coating OSB boards:

  1. Latex compounds.
  2. Alkyd paint.
  3. Acrylic mixtures.
  4. Oil mixtures.

Previously they were widely used, but today they are almost out of use. This happened due to the displacement of this mixture by other more popular ones.

Oil suspensions toxic in composition, and the work has to be carried out in special masks or a respirator. The oil takes too long to dry and spreads over the painted surface, which of course requires additional effort to restore the wall and eliminate smudges.

After work on applying the suspension, rags often form that spoil the appearance of the facade. Another unpleasant property of this paint is the impossibility of covering it with a new composition that differs in components.

In order for the painting job to be completed safely and without additional effort and touch-ups, you need to remember a number of features of the wooden material:

  • If there are sharp protrusions on the building, they will contribute to the spreading of the paint composition. If there are such corners, they need to be rounded, as in a plasterboard;
  • the edges and joints of the slabs must be puttied to eliminate possible difficulties in applying and making the wall smooth;
  • The question of whether it is necessary to prime the surface between the wood and the paint should not arise, because there is a clear answer to it - yes. This action is mandatory for precise adhesion between the paint and the material;
  • if the owner wants to achieve an even application of the composition over the entire surface of the wall, he will need to apply finishing putty to all the slabs;

The number of times for applying paint is determined individually, but experts advise painting at least four times. After the paint has been thoroughly absorbed into wooden surface the color of the product will become saturated, and the strength of the composition will noticeably increase.

It is important to remember that each layer has its own time to dry, and you cannot start painting before the previous mixture has dried.

Exterior decoration frame house from OSB paint - watch the video:

How to choose OSB for external walls

The first oriented strand boards appeared in countries where the culture of frame construction had long been developed. Thanks to their excellent technical properties, they were immediately welcomed, and over time the material became even better.

Now OSB is used as a structural and cladding material almost on a par with plywood, but at a significantly lower cost. Such sheets are used in the construction of any type of building: creating roofs, filing ceilings, assembling floors...

However, covering the “pie” of light frame walls is, in fact, their real calling.

OSB boards for cladding frame buildings

What is required from OSB for facade cladding?

OSB boards as cladding for external walls have a number of important advantages. All of them are due to the high standards that are required for light construction.

Moisture resistance and water absorption.

According to modern standards, oriented strand board should be able to easily withstand conditions that are considered “normal” (about +20 degrees temperature and about 65 percent humidity). This is enough to make it possible to clad the frames of external walls on the premises side. But the OSB on the facade should also be able to easily withstand moisture from precipitation, which can occur during the construction of the house, when the roof and finishing materials are not yet available.

Spatial strength.

OSB boards on the cottage frame do not just cover the spans between the posts and not only hold the insulation in place. The sheet material, after being fixed to the frame, secures the racks and improves the connection of the racks with the strapping boards. A slab sewn onto the wall is so “useful” for the framer that it even allows you to avoid installing jibs and spacers, which are usually used to stabilize walls in the transverse direction. It so happened that OSB, under high pressure created from specially prepared wood chips and resins, it is a durable load-bearing sheet that copes with all tasks on the facade. The material is not afraid of compression, bending, delamination... In terms of physics, it is slightly inferior to high-quality plywood, but much stronger, for example, chipboard.

Ability to hold fasteners.

It is not often that cladding acts as a rough strength material and at the same time a finishing decorative material. It is basically then lined with something else, and very often on the resulting slab base finishing claddings screwed or nailed. OSB has sufficient density and uniform solid properties to hold nails or self-tapping screws very well.

Large size, stable shape.

When choosing OSB for external walls, as a rule, developers value its impressive dimensions. This makes it possible to work quickly, have fewer joints, and more reliably assemble a larger number of elements together. In the case of high-quality, factory-produced OSB, we note very small tolerances in the thickness, width and length of the panels. That is, sheathing the frame of the house with this sheet material, we get very neat technological gaps, as well as even planes without drops or ledges. There are no knots, voids or unevenness in the sheets. The consumer has access to products from the most different sizes, including at the enterprise you can buy OSB with individual dimensions to order.

Possibility of using traditional technologies.

The pace of construction and the cost of the work being carried out are what else people pay attention to. The sheet oriented strand material chosen for façade cladding should be easy to cut, planed, pierced with nails... The ability of OSB to stick together after priming, as well as the possibility of painting the panels, will not be superfluous.

Insulating properties.

By default, facade walls are required to have high insulation characteristics, since this is the most important enclosing structure. Since OSB is a wood-containing board, the fibers of coniferous wood chips (which form the base of the sheet) at a minimum do not worsen the thermal performance of the walls; they definitely improve their sound insulation.

Fire resistance.

It is clear that for the cladding (STRUCTURAL cladding) of external walls it makes sense to use materials that are resistant to fire. Oddly enough, both plywood and OSB meet fairly strict standards and are well suited for any cladding in civil engineering. And if the external walls sheathed with oriented strand board contain mineral wool (especially basalt), then the fire resistance of the structure will be even better.

Environmental Safety.

Load-bearing frame walls must be lined on both sides. But the material used indoors must be suitable for this. By choosing modern plywood or high-quality branded OSB, we obtain boards with very low emissions of volatile substances. Oriented strand panel siding is rated E1 for formaldehyde, which is an excellent option.

Scheme external cladding walls with OSB panels

Table of materials used

Installing wall cladding

Thickness selection table


Boards made from compressed wood chips (especially OSB-3 made in Europe) have a pleasant appearance. They are usually sanded on both sides, the chips lie flat and tight in their place. The wood used is clean, without bark and obvious blackening. Homogeneous natural pattern natural wood clearly visible through the transparent binder. That is why OSB is often used not only for structural stripes on frame posts, but also as a finishing touch inside and outside.

How to choose the right OSB model for facade cladding

If we consider OSB board, manufactured and certified according to American standards, then to create an external wall you should use a material with the index W (wall cladding), or roofing material with the letter index R is also suitable here.

As for the OSB grade in terms of strength, manufacturers suggest using boards with a grade from 16 to 24, where the numbers indicate the maximum allowable distances between supports in inches. At the same time, to accurately select the thickness, it is very important what material will be used as the finishing material, whether it will be mounted directly on the OSB or will be secured through purlins or vertical elements of the auxiliary frame.

According to European standard, suitable for covering frame houses on the façade side there will only be panels of a grade no lower than OSB-3. Only they, as well as OSB-4 boards, have sufficient strength and sufficient moisture resistance.

The thickness of OSB, which can be used on facade walls, is directly dependent on the pitch between the racks. The larger the step, the thicker it is necessary to choose slabs for cladding. The minimum thickness that can be used for structural cladding is 9 mm, while the average thickness can be considered to be 12-15 millimeters with a pitch between racks of 600 mm. Maximum thickness structural cladding, which is economically and technologically feasible, is 20-22 mm.

Plastering walls made of OSB boards

OSB painting

If OSB will be attached as an additional layer to an existing structural cladding, then sheets with a thickness of 7-7.5 mm can be ordered. It is necessary to select OSB by size for wall cladding along the frame, taking into account generally accepted technological maps. First of all, you need to keep in mind that both horizontal and vertical installation of slab materials on the facade is allowed. In any case, the OSB boards must fit onto the boards of the top and bottom trim each floor, then complete and continuous ligation is ensured in the frame house from the foundation to the roof. Moreover, if the sheets have a width of at least 1200 mm, then diagonal jibs or transverse short struts may not be used in the design.

The cladding elements are fixed to the frame with a gap of 3 mm, and the resulting seams are recommended to be sealed with sealants or covered with construction tapes. It also makes sense to treat the edges of the material with paint and varnish material.

Alternatively, until the OSB on the street side of the house is protected with a finishing material with normal waterproofing capabilities, the seams can be closed using strips or even formed as a horizontal connection of slabs with an overlap of 40 mm or more.

It is advisable that the installation of OSB on walls be carried out by specialists. OSB (oriented strand board) is a material that has gained popularity in the construction and finishing of houses. It is distinguished by a large number of advantages that allow it to be used in the external decoration of a home, in the cladding of internal walls and in the construction of partitions during the redevelopment process. Due to the increasing demand for this material, it is worth considering what advantages of OSB slabs and where they are used, as well as what finishing methods exist for this material.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards

According to builders, finishing walls with OSB boards has a number of advantages:

  1. Compared to other materials that are sold in sheets, OSB walls are relatively inexpensive.
  2. The manufacturing method assumes resistance to damage, which ensures a minimum of defects during production, transportation and after installation.
  3. They are lightweight, so installing the slabs on the walls does not carry a large load on the bearing structures. Also, due to their lightness, these slabs are easy to move from place to place and install with your own hands.
  4. These slabs look attractive on their own. There are several options for additional decorative finishing.
  5. This material is resistant to moisture, rot, fungal infection and is of little interest to insects.
  6. The strength of the structure of the slabs does not prevent them from being drilled or processed in any other way.

All these properties make the material suitable for external and internal work. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. Some companies do not follow technology in order to save money, so their products turn out to be of poor quality from an environmental point of view. Such stoves can emit harmful substances. Any OSB product does not allow moisture and steam to pass through, so in rooms with such finishing it is worth taking care of adequate ventilation.

Areas of use

There are two main ways to work with OSB boards. Firstly, this is the rough cladding of the main wall, inside or outside. This option allows you to reduce the number of joints, level the wall and make it more durable. To achieve such results, it is worth considering a number of points:

  1. The material is fastened every 30 cm in intermediate areas and twice as often at joints.
  2. The outer edges are attached to the wall every 10 cm at a distance of at least 10 cm from the end of the sheet.
  3. For ventilation, gaps are left between them, which are then filled with sealant. This is one of the main ways to provide ventilation for external walls.
  4. When finishing a wall made of OSB boards, you should take care of protection from wind and excessive humidity. Taking into account the characteristics of the material, it is worth using a superdiffusion membrane for working outside; for finishing the inside, foil polyethylene is useful.

Other nuances in the question of how to cover a wall with OSB boards are discussed in the following video:

Secondly, to change the layout of the rooms, you can use OSB. For this purpose, installation on a wooden or metal profiles. Drywall is attached in a similar way. The difference between partitions made of OSB is the resistance of this material to deformation, so such interior elements do not bend under their own weight and are more reliably protected from cracks and other damage.

Since the base of the material includes wood in chip fragments, when making OSB boards they are coated with a special composition. It contains resins, wax or paraffin. It not only has a fastening effect, but also gives the surface evenness and smoothness, so additional finishing OSB walls associated with additional difficulties. Firstly, the outer layer does not have any adhesive properties. Second, some components contain grease and other substances that can bleed through exterior finishes and ruin the final appearance, so you should consider decorative treatments for the material before finishing OSB walls inside your home.

Finishing with paint or varnish

Painting or varnishing walls is one of the budget ways decoration of room walls. But in order for the layers to lie evenly, and there are no unpleasant surprises in the future, it is worth considering a number of points.

First you need to inspect all the places where the plates are attached to see if they are not completely hammered nails or twisted screws. Such minor flaws can lead to manifestations rust spots through the paint. In the case of nails, it is worth using a nail hammer, since when working with a hammer, not only will the result not be sufficient, but the wall sheathing will also suffer.

If it is planned that interior walls will be painted, it is worth using acrylic sealant to treat the joints, since the paint does not adhere well to the silicone type.

An obligatory stage of work is the surface. It will provide the material with greater adhesion properties. In addition, the layer will lie more evenly on the prepared surface and give the corresponding effect. After the first coat of primer, you need to pay attention to the condition of the pile. After such treatment, it can rise and the wall will lose its evenness.

To correct this deficiency, the surface must be treated sandpaper and apply another coat of primer. After this, you can finish the walls of the room with varnish or paint. Depending on the humidity of the room, you can use the option of alkyd or acrylic. In some cases it will also be suitable water-based paint. Some builders recommend acrylic varnish for walls.

For reliability and aesthetic beauty, it is recommended to apply the coating in 2-3 layers.

Preparing OSB walls for wallpapering

Wallpaper is considered the most popular option for wall decoration, so it is used in rooms with walls finished with OSB boards. Sometimes such a need arises in the process of redevelopment of space. So, before making a partition, you should make sure that it is in harmony with the rest of the interior.

It can be used if there is a need for the finished wall to become universal for applying any type of decorative coating. With this type of wall treatment, you should pay attention to some features:

  1. The putty is applied to a clean surface. Presence of dust, dirt or traces of other things on the wall building materials may adversely affect the quality of the coating, so before applying the putty composition it is worth washing the wall well.
  2. It is worth paying attention to ensure that the heads of nails and screws are recessed as deeply as possible, and upper layer It is better to remove it with sandpaper. The surface for putty should be slightly rough.
  3. It is better to treat the joints between the plates with nitro putty. This will ensure evenness and strength. As an alternative, you can use body putty, since its properties are designed for moving objects. In this regard, the composition has not only lightness, but also great connecting properties, and it does not collapse on the wall for a long time. After completing the preparatory work, a layer of putty is applied.
  4. After applying the composition, you can begin priming the surface.

This option is convenient because now any decorative material can be used on top of the primer layer without regard to the features of OSB boards.

OSB boards are universal material for covering the walls of a house or finishing rooms inside it. This raw material is used both to strengthen walls and create partitions. It is quite durable, lightweight and resistant to mechanical stress, humidity, fungus and insects.

In order for this coating to last as long as possible, it is worth considering several factors before attaching OSB. This is especially true for the distance between nails and screws, as well as the location of the joints. Appearance allows the use of OSB boards without any decorative treatment. However, they can be puttied, coated with paint, varnish, or prepared for wallpaper. If the technology is followed, the result will be smooth walls, which will be the basis for any interior and will delight its owner for many years.


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