How to open a training center - from idea to launch. How to open your own training center

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How to open a training center - from idea to launch

Times of global change always provide additional features for people who know how to think outside the box and see prospects where others give up and retreat in the face of difficulties. One of these opportunities is the creation of a training center that will provide training services additional types activities of the population and show broad horizons in new living conditions.

Organization of a training center

To organize such a business, you must have the status of a legal entity. Depending on the planned scale, the types of activities of the enterprise are selected. If the staff includes permanent teachers, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate for the activities of the educational institution, which will entail unnecessary expenses and time delays in completing bureaucratic procedures. In the process of opening an enterprise, it will be easier to indicate the type of activity as “consulting services”, “assistance in holding and organizing events” or other streamlined formulations of KVED. And work with several independent trainers or teachers by agreement.

When starting such a business, you need to have a good understanding of the relationship between supply and demand for the provision of such services. What does it mean to have a clear understanding of where people interested in training will come from and to decide in advance on the intended coaching staff: teachers, psychologists, coaches or seminar presenters, etc. For the profitability of a training center, it is best to combine this type of activity with a leadership position in a network company or by working among people who are hungry for professional, spiritual and financial growth. This will allow you to initially have a minimum number of future listeners and provide the necessary advertising for the enterprise.

Profitability of the training center It is impossible to calculate in advance. Income will directly depend on the volume of classes provided, the cost of training and the costs of maintaining the work of the center.
The expenditure part consists of the following items:
- rent or one-time redemption cost of the premises and the costs of its maintenance;
- payment for utilities and telecommunication channels;
- the cost of the necessary furniture, equipment and equipment;
-salaries of employees and training personnel;
- advertising costs.
Requirements for the training center premises

Rent for training center premises or its redemption value may vary widely. It depends on the location of the building and internal state premises.

Establishment area is calculated based on the planned intensity of the class schedule and the number of students. The training center must have a common room where workplace administrator and exits to two or more isolated classrooms. Classrooms for classes are best designed so that they can easily be transformed into a conference room; the furnishings should be mobile. It is advisable to equip the room with a projector, a teacher’s workstation with the ability to install a computer, a whiteboard or flip chart. If you plan to conduct computer courses or training to work with 1:C, it is necessary to equip a computer lab with at least 5 PCs.

The increase in attendance is greatly influenced by the location of the center close to transport communications. It is also worth remembering that a training center, which is located in a residential building, may subsequently cause negative attitudes from residents. This is due to the possibility of holding seminars outside of working hours. Such events often last until late and are accompanied by a stormy exchange of emotions among the audience.

If you have your own, suitable premises, costs will be significantly reduced.

It is also worth thinking in advance about the nutrition of future applicants. If there is no cafe, canteen or store nearby, it is worth installing at least a coffee machine in the building of the training center or equipping a special room for coffee breaks.

Training center staff

In addition to permanent or part-time teachers, the staff must include an administrator, an accountant, a handyman, and a cleaner. For small volumes, some positions can be combined. And the functions of permanent cleaners and handymen (electrician, plumber, mechanic) can be assigned to the appropriate services, which can be contacted as needed.

The key figure of the training center is the administrator, who must constantly be on site, give advice and carry out all the organizational work of the center. In addition, advertising and marketing research also fall on the shoulders of this employee. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on candidates for the position of administrator. This must be a sociable, creative, responsible person. Experience working in MLM structures will serve an excellent purpose for the administrator of a training center.

Employee salaries, to increase the profitability of the center and interest in the influx of new students, must be flexible. Consist of a clearly defined salary and bonus percentage, which depends on the number of students.

Ways to promote a training center

The center's marketing policy depends on the chosen area of ​​activity.

The main activities may be:
- specialization in various advanced training and retraining courses, training in new professions;
- various auxiliary courses aimed at children and youth;
- conducting seminars on the topic of personal growth;
- renting out space for various events.

When focusing on vocational training, it makes sense to enter into cooperation agreements with employment centers and large enterprises in need of professional growth employees.

If the educational center's activities focus on children's specialization, it is possible to advertise in the media and distribute leaflets in places where parents gather. for example, in the Houses of Creativity.

As practice shows, the most productive advertising of activities in the field of spiritual and financial growth is personal example and presentations by people who have undergone this type of training. Therefore, with this specialization of the training center, marketing activities can be limited to information meetings.

Information about rented training spaces and conference rooms can be placed in various printed publications and Internet resources aimed at entrepreneurs.

For optimal use area of ​​the training center and the fastest return on investment, it is better to combine several areas of activity. In any case, you should not expect quick and large profits from the activities of the enterprise. Such a business will be able to generate profits after some time, which will be required for its establishment. But, with proper organization of the business and passion for its occupation, a training center can become a source of profit for its owner, bring new, interesting events to life and help make useful contacts.

Detailed instructions will help you plan how to open a foreign language school, find out what you need to purchase and what you will have to spend on, how much money your own teaching business in this area can bring in, and what you will have to take care of when launching your own linguistic training center.

Organizational issues of creating such a business

Foreign language teaching can be offered for different purposes and to different categories of clients. You can create a business in this area in the format of advanced training courses, classes with a tutor, a foreign language school, an educational center for children, schoolchildren, students or adults. The organizational and legal form of the organization depends on the choice of specialization and the planned scale of activity.

  1. Registration as individual entrepreneur;
  2. Creation of a non-state educational institution or an autonomous non-profit organization.

Permits and tax burden

Individual teaching activities are not subject to licensing, but no state-issued documents on completion of training will be issued to clients, nor will final certification be carried out. This option is more suitable for teaching adults in courses; for them, it is often not so important to have papers confirming their linguistic qualifications, the main thing is real knowledge of the language.

There will be no problems with hiring other teachers; new legislation in the field of education allows the hiring of individual entrepreneurs for other teachers (in total, no more than 15 employees when working under a patent). There is only one clarification: if an entrepreneur works alone and hires freelancers, then he will not need a license, and when hiring other teachers on a permanent basis, he will need to obtain permission to conduct this activity. As a taxation system educational activities you can choose “” (6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses) or a patent (for self-employed individual entrepreneurs).

If training is planned with the issuance of documents confirming the qualifications of graduates, then you will need to register a legal entity (NOU or ANO) and obtain a license from the local department of the Ministry of Education. With this type of organization, the client, upon completion of training, can receive a certificate or certificate of additional education. But for licensing it will be necessary to prepare a voluminous package of documents, mainly proving the suitability of the premises for conducting classes and the level of material and technical equipment of the institution, professional qualifications teachers and staff curricula. A package of documents and an application for a license are reviewed in Rayono within 2 months, the validity period of the license is 5 years, and subsequently it is necessary to renew it.

Necessary basis for teaching foreign languages

What does it take to open a foreign language school? In addition to direct knowledge of the language, a penchant for teaching or at least organizational activities, a novice businessman will need other resources to create his own educational center.

People will stand apart from the list of foreign language courses required for any course. The staff may include native speakers, or Russian-speaking teachers and linguists with the necessary qualifications in English, German, French or Chinese. Properly selected teaching staff is the key to the success of an educational institution. People will go to a good teacher based on a recommendation, and this means that a businessman will be able to reduce the cost of attracting clients through word of mouth.

Even if you decide to conduct classes yourself and teach all clients, you will need the services of support staff for the company’s accounting services, IT support, security, cleaning, etc. These non-core services can be outsourced and concluded with specialized companies that provide relevant specialists.

Main expenses when starting a foreign language school

There are other business needs that require startup investments. You need to spend money on the following expense items:

  • Premises (classroom, auditorium, conference room, office with an area of ​​20–50 sq. m. at the rate of approximately 2 sq. m. per person) for the required number of students, taking into account the number of groups, their occupancy and schedule. Licensing requires that such premises receive approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire service and other supervisory authorities (it is better to rent them in a building that already meets all the necessary standards).
  • Furniture and equipment for classrooms (desks or tables, chairs, blackboards or projectors, computers for teachers and tablets for students, speakers and headphones, language phones).
  • Supporting educational materials (textbooks, additional literature, workbooks, audio recordings and videos, posters and others visual aids), as well as stationery and Consumables.

The most important intangible investment is the training program and teaching materials that will help build the language teaching process with maximum effect in relation to the selected audience and client categories.

Financial aspects of language teaching activities

A business plan with recommendations on how to open a foreign language school, includes a list of necessary expenses and possible income from this type of activity. It’s worth starting your financial analysis by determining the amount of starting capital.

How much money will be needed to prepare for the opening of a language training center:

  • or a legal entity - 1000-5000 rubles, as well as expenses for - another 1000-2000 rubles at a time.
  • The cost of renting and renovating a premises depends on the condition and area of ​​the premises itself and its readiness to accept students, and most importantly on the region, location and appetites of the landlord. You can spend 5-10 thousand rubles for a small class or pay the first month’s rent in the amount of 50-100 thousand rubles for a whole complex of premises, and also spend several tens of thousands of rubles on putting it in order.
  • Purchase of furniture and equipment - a computerized classroom for 5-10 students will cost about 100-150 thousand rubles, but you can get by with a minimum of costs, basic furniture and simple equipment in the amount of 5-10 thousand rubles per classroom.
  • Purchase of methodological educational materials and manuals - a set of educational literature can cost from 500 rubles to several thousand rubles for each student.
  • Consumables – for 1–5 thousand rubles you will have to stock up on stationery, paper, consumables for office equipment and other small items for working with students.

In total, start-up costs can range from 20–40 thousand rubles (for one office and for a total number of 10–50 students) to 300–500 thousand rubles (when opening a full-fledged educational institution with many groups and several separate classes).

Costs of operating a training center

The costs do not end there, because current activities will be accompanied by other fixed and variable costs:

  • payment of rent and utility payments– from 5–10 thousand rubles to 100–150 thousand rubles per month;
  • salaries and deductions for employees (for a self-employed individual entrepreneur - only deductions to funds) can reach 10–70 thousand rubles per teacher, taking into account his teaching load, class occupancy, average salary in the region and other factors;
  • taxes and accounting services – from 3–5 thousand rubles monthly to 10–20 thousand rubles per month;
  • purchase of new manuals, stationery, consumables – 1–5 thousand rubles and up to 10–15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for support staff services – from 2–3 thousand rubles. up to 10–20 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising and website maintenance – from 1–2 thousand rubles to 5–10 thousand rubles per month.

In total, maintaining the work of a foreign language school per month can cost from 20–30 thousand rubles to 250–400 thousand rubles or more, depending on the scale of work and the number of teachers.

Educational center income: where does the money come from?

Accordingly, the business must bring in more money than is required monthly for its maintenance. The cost of foreign language teaching services is influenced by the average prices in a particular city, the qualifications of teachers and the level of training. On average, tariffs can be as follows:

  • group classes (5–10 people or more) – from 1000 to 5000 rubles per month or more;
  • individual lessons (1–2 people) – from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles monthly.

According to the schedule, there may be one or 2-3 classes per week lasting 1-2 academic hours. The workload per teacher is 10–18 ac. hours weekly, on average he can work with 2-3 groups and the same number of individual students. Based on this, you need to calculate the potentially possible number of groups, which means planning your income.

Working independently with 20–30 students (in groups and individually), an entrepreneur can receive about 30–100 thousand rubles per month. Measures such as attracting hired employees, tightening the schedule and increasing the number of classrooms will increase income by the same amount per each new teacher. If you have 5 teachers and if they are fully loaded, you can receive about half a million rubles in income per month. But then the school needs to work with 100–150 students at a time.

The payback period for such a linguistic center ranges from 3 to 12 months, but it all depends on the amount of the starting investment, as well as on the monthly ratio of the amount of income and the amount of expenses.

Whether it is profitable to open a foreign language school depends only on whether the aspiring businessman can recruit the required number of students in order to not only break even, but also make a profit from teaching English, Chinese or other languages. But the main thing is whether he can maintain the quality of training at a consistently high level so that the flow of clients does not dry out all year round. To do this, you can provide special offers for summer camps, for those who want to prepare for exams or for those who want to “pull up” their knowledge before a tourist trip.

In this material:

Many businessmen who plan to start their own business with minimal investment, are thinking about how to open a training center, because education is always in demand among the population.

Many people dream of working for themselves and starting their own business, but not everyone takes the plunge. This is often due to a lack of Money for initial investments, because everyone knows that without initial capital it will not be possible to bring your business idea to life. At the same time, nowadays there are many ways to obtain funds for business development. Now money is offered not only by private financial institutions, but also the state. Undoubtedly, large sums You shouldn’t expect any help, but what is offered in the form of subsidies can be considered quite a decent amount to start your own business. The key is to spend your money wisely and implement a really good training center business plan.

If a Russian citizen is going to open his own business with a small initial investment, he can try his hand at teaching. Moreover, you don’t even have to be an experienced teacher to open your own training center. Most often, all the work is done by professionals hired by the entrepreneur, and the businessman himself solves only organizational issues and performs simple accounting work and can be an administrator to save on salaries.

Room and furniture

When it comes to a training center, there is no need to think about purchasing complex equipment, products for sale and so on. Knowledge will be sold here, so the most important point that a training center business plan should contain is the selection of experienced personnel. But in addition to this, students must be provided with a good environment in which it will be pleasant to study. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality and modern furniture for classes.

Do not forget about the need for a sufficient amount of free space. The premises for the training center should consist of several rooms, so rent will become a significant expense item.

As a rule, a training center for everyone consists of premises such as a reception area, where an administrator’s desk and a waiting room with upholstered furniture, several classrooms, depending on how many groups are planned to be recruited, as well as a rest room for employees, replacing the teacher’s room, and a bathroom.

These are the main premises that will be difficult to do without. Additional classrooms may also be needed, although everything here depends solely on the type of educational institution. For example, if there is enough space, it is advisable to additionally equip a dressing room. This will be extremely important in the cold season.

As for the location of the training center, transport accessibility and developed infrastructure are important. You can open a training center in a residential area, but it is important that it can be easily found. It is unlikely that people will search for a long time for a house where classes are held, especially if it is located in an unfamiliar area. It is best to find a room nearby with a stop, and draw a small map on your website and business cards.

Staff and training program

When opening a training center, no matter what direction, the most important condition will be highly qualified personnel. If a businessman has friends who are teachers, this is great, since he can invite them to work. In fact, finding good teachers is not difficult. After all, they are ready to do part-time work, since the salaries of specialists, unfortunately, are quite low.

A training center will be in demand if it offers its clients a special training program. It can be developed jointly with experienced specialists. It is important that the training center is different from what other institutions of this type offer. This is the only way to win in the competition.

Documents for starting a business

A training center is a business that does not require significant investments, but in order for the work to be legal, all the paperwork must be completed correctly.

Moreover, when it comes to training people, additional licenses that are issued to educational institutions to be able to provide services of this type can play a big role.

But first, a businessman must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is necessary for officially conducting business in the Russian Federation. In addition, you must select suitable system taxation, which in this case PSN may perform. It is important that the number of employees does not exceed 15 people. In addition, the entrepreneur must go through the registration procedure in Pension Fund and officially become an employer.

To obtain a license to provide training services, you need to prepare a large package of papers. This includes the training center program, information about the personnel and their qualifications, data about the premises, and the equipment used. Must be present at the training center educational literature in the right quantity. What kind of material will be used for training is also indicated in the data for obtaining a license. Without permitting documents, the educational institution will not be allowed to operate and will not be able to issue valid certificates of completion of courses.

But it is worth noting that not all entrepreneurs who open their training centers care about the license. If a person wants to gain knowledge and not a diploma, he will not be very concerned about the license. But the received certificate will not be taken into account at the official level.

Advertising of the establishment

In order for people to know about the training center, you need to talk about it. There are many effective ways to advertise your business, but for a training center it is not the quantity, but the quality of the audience that is important, so not all marketing techniques are suitable here.

One of the most popular types advertising to attract customers is the creation of your page on social networks. Here you can find many people who will be interested in such information. Moreover, this way advertising will be available to precisely those people who have the opportunity to study at the new center, that is, those living nearby.

You can print out advertisements and hang them on poles. This is good and effective method, but requires spending money in contrast to distributing information on the Internet. The main thing is to recruit the first class, and after that, when one group of people becomes aware of the high quality of education at the center, popularity will begin to grow quickly.

The training center is good way open your own business with small investments. At the first stage, 10 thousand dollars is enough, which will quickly pay for itself.

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Nowadays it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of one’s profession and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand creates supply, so opening a training center for additional education is quite a good opportunity to earn money. Let's consider all the stages of how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to teach and who?

Typically, additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, and educational marathons.

They are conditionally classified:

  1. According to training time.

The duration of the events depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
This long-term training format includes foreign language courses, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which on average is from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term training is good because long time Income will come from students in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. According to the subject of the courses, which can be:

Professional is an increase in the level of professional knowledge, or the development of new professions, such as an accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when individual skills are developed, for example, foreign languages, or pumping personal qualities, the so-called personal growth trainings that are now popular.

Creative courses where they teach how to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroidery, wood carving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, teenagers and adults.

Having decided on the training program and audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, an accountant, teachers, and a cleaner.

Teachers can be either full-time employees or invited from outside.

A specialized training center that teaches the same courses over and over again requires a permanent full-time teaching staff.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for conducting educational programs. Nowadays this format is popular, when space is rented out for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for holding educational events. In this case, teaching staff is not needed, an administrator or a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also a freelance outsourcer.

How to choose a room?

Mostly educational establishments located in central areas, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center profitably? Choose a central location instead!

An exception may be residential areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The room must correspond sanitary standards.
Its size and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

It could be like large rooms, or small classes. A prerequisite is a bathroom, room-kitchen, where employees can relax during lunch or students can have a snack during the educational process.

What equipment is needed?

The main equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, and stationery.

Depending on the subject of the training center, you may also need training methodological material, computers, for children - toys and carpet covering on the floor.

How to make it official?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. A license is not required to conduct educational activities in the course format. Only there must be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of training programs of the center;
— documents for the presence of highly qualified teaching staff;
— documents for premises that meet all sanitary standards;
— documents to provide the learning process with everything necessary;
— information about the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will the costs be?

It’s difficult to say a specific number, because... rental cost and wages employees differ significantly from region to region.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let’s summarize what they consist of:

  1. Renting a premises may require additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. Staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Some expenses can be reduced on salaries. For example, pay salaries based on the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on the promotion methods. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to create your own website right away; it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper on initial stage than investing in a website.

How should you promote your training center?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can refer you to you for retraining. Post advertisements on city forums.

For children's centers it is necessary to place advertisements on forums and magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. He might even pass by standing houses and post a notice at the entrance.

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We are often asked - “How to open a training center”, how difficult is it, how expensive is it?

The budget for the opening and operation of the training center will include the following expense items:

  • Creation and opening of a training center.
  • Licensing.
  • Development of training programs, production of training manuals, manuals, presentations, etc.
  • Creation of a training site.
  • Creation of material and technical base.
  • Support and development of the training center.
  • Rent.
  • Payments to teachers and staff.
  • Promotion of the training center.
  • Adding new professions to the license.
  • Improving the material and technical base.
  • Training site support.
  • Creation and adjustment of new training programs.

Naturally, this list does not reflect many “little things”, and also does not reflect the “intangible part” - your personal time and nerves.

Training centers of organizations are distinguished by several points.

Who does not require a license for educational activities?

Firstly, they often do not need a license - after all, they are not going to take money from their own staff, dealers and partners for training. So this point can be excluded. But then those who have completed the training will receive “candy wrappers” instead of serious “crusts”. But this makes the process cheaper.

Secondly, organizations may try to save money on the work of the training center by assigning unpaid additional work to already overburdened staff. There can no longer be talk of any material and technical bases, much less serious training programs. Because of this, creating a corporate training center becomes similar to creating a “corporate leaflet” that no one reads, or a “corporate drinking party” that divides people.

Finally, it is important for organizations to pay attention to such important elements, as the introduction of one’s own ideology and norms with the help of a training center. This is extra effort and financial expenses, which are necessary.

It is realistic to open and make a serious training center self-sufficient within a period of 2–3 months to 1 year.

Practical lessons:

  • Studying issues of interest to course participants.
  • The main stages of organizing a training center with a detailed consideration of each stage.
  • Licensing.
  • Attracting investors and partners.
  • Studying practical examples creating successful training centers.
  • Algorithm for the operation of the training center.
  • Templates for basic documents.
  • Algorithms for creating and promoting a training center website.
  • How can a training center make money?
  • Development of a training center.
  • Trainings.

Business education - Study programs

The Higher School of Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics implements business training programs and additional education in the field of general and functional management:

All business training programs are aimed at training senior managers and general consultants with up-to-date knowledge and qualifications that allow them to effectively manage organizations or their departments. Formation and development of a leader key competencies helps not only to develop skills in a systematic approach to strategic business objectives, but also to structure their own business experience

Main programs

MBA programs High school management were developed using international experience and taking into account the realities of Russian business.

The Executive Master of Management in HR program - Strategic Human Resource Management is a fundamentally new program developed by the best professors, teachers of the Higher School of Economics and the best practitioners and experts in the field of HR with unique experience in large Russian and multinational companies.

The Executive MBA and DBA programs are original developments of the School, aimed at top managers and owners of Russian companies.

The School of Leadership program was developed with a focus on participants in the Leaders of Russia competition, educated and ambitious people.

Corporate programs at the Graduate School of Management are aimed at companies that want to improve the skills of their managers. To train their employees, companies can choose any discipline from a wide range of courses offered, for which they are designed as short-term business seminars, and medium- and long-term programs, up to corporate programs at the Executive MBA level in a format adapted to the requirements of companies.

Conditions of admission, organization and duration of training

Upon admission to the business training programs of the Higher School of Management, an interview or test is conducted

A prerequisite for admission to the MBA, Executive Master of Management, Executive MBA programs and the School of Leadership program is the presence of higher education and work experience. The DBA program has additional requirements

The programs are implemented in two forms - evening and modular

The duration of business training depends on the chosen program and varies between 0.9–2.3 years

Learning process and results

The educational process at the Higher School of Management is organized according to mixed type, which involves the use of various teaching methods: from lectures and business seminars to solving cases and discussions. At the same time, the emphasis is placed on active forms of learning: trainings, business games, case study analysis.

The training center does not need a license

Classes are taught by teaching staff who also have extensive experience in the field of business decision making and management consulting. During the seminars, the teacher organizes the work, directing it both to the students’ assimilation of the material and to monitoring their individual preparation. Trainings contribute to the acquisition of skills to adequately respond to specific situations that arise in the course of the company’s activities. Lectures develop theoretical material that serves as the basis for active forms communication. A large place in the educational process is given to independent work students, during which they study specialized literature, as well as complete assignments on a covered topic or prepare their own project, linking the acquired knowledge to the activities of a specific company.

This organization of business courses is mostly of an applied nature and has been proving its viability and effectiveness for many years. Examples from Russian practice discussed at business seminars are designed to adapt international practice to domestic realities, which makes it possible to gain knowledge and experience in the field of Russian and international business.

Studying under the programs of the Higher School of Management ends with a graduation defense qualifying work or dissertation.

An MBA diploma is a confirmation of successfully completed training and meets high international standards.

How to open a training center for hairdressers and manicurists: business idea

The need to tidy up the hair on the head has become automatic in humans. Caring for hands and nails is also a requirement at the genetic level. Therefore, the rapid growth in the number of establishments offering haircut and manicure services is taken for granted. But where can you get so many service personnel? The answer is found by enterprising people who organize hairdressing training courses. At the same time, they are introducing training in the art of manicure and training specialist stylists.

The business turns out to be quite profitable and not the most difficult to organize. By registering as an autonomous (independent) non-profit organization, an entrepreneur does not need any additional licenses or special permissions.

Sanitary standards for one hairdressing place are required. But based on 5 training places, finding a spacious room in the city with an area of ​​no less is not so difficult.

Since the location of the training center does not play a special role, you can save a little on rent, but it will still cost a pretty penny (for square meter- 2.5 thousand rubles). Interior furniture and educational equipment (chairs, counters, mirrors, sinks) can be purchased domestically. The equipment for each workplace will cost up to ten thousand rubles.

A significant cost item is consumables. Comfortable sharp scissors, high-quality paints, professional combs, massage brushes, brushes for basting and hair coloring, hairdressing negligees and other paraphernalia will cost up to $1 thousand. Each student will also need a training dummy for 1.5 thousand rubles.

It is advisable to put training on stream, recruiting up to 5 groups of 5 people at a time.

How to open a training center? Algorithm for how to start making money on knowledge!

The average cost of three-month hairdressing courses is around 22 thousand rubles. The minimum positive profitability is obtained by enrolling at least 10 students per course.

If time and opportunity permit, you can supplement your basic studies with a short-term additional course (for example, a series of classes “Wedding hairstyles”). This will add another 12 thousand per person to the “income bank”.

Classes will be held in an intensive mode, which not every teacher is able to withstand. Therefore, when choosing a candidate for a teacher, a special approach is needed. In addition to high individual professional skills, the teacher must be able to convey his skills and knowledge to students. It will require both psychological endurance and physical endurance. The valuation of such teaching work will be about 15,000 rubles.

Manicure courses are organized according to a similar scheme. Only according to sanitary standards, one manicurist is enough. Purchasing equipment and furniture to equip a manicure workplace will be cheaper than hairdressing costs. Only 3 thousand rubles will be needed for one student set, which includes all kinds of files, scissors, brushes, spatulas, as well as a special sander and sterilization equipment. Each student needs at least three manicure sets. Invite an authoritative person to play the role of teacher stylish master, who has a lot to teach beginners. This will make your wallet thinner by about forty thousand, but will add prestige and popularity to the school.

The cost of a manicure course is about 11 thousand, but groups can be made up of up to 8 people. By analogy with hairdressing training, basic manicure courses can be accompanied by additional ones. For example, a series of classes on nail extensions costs 8 thousand, and courses on artistic painting- 10 thousand rubles.

Some students strive to master both the art of hairdressing and manicure. Try to reward this zeal with a small discount on tuition. This can become a role model that will bring you additional benefits.

Another incentive for students will be the guarantee of their employment after completing the courses. You can secure such a privilege if you enter into contracts with beauty salons on terms favorable to both parties. The image of the school from such cooperation will only increase, which will bring additional dividends over time.

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

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The article was written with the information support of employees of the company Association Registration

Educational activities must be licensed. Only teachers engaged in individual tutoring have the right not to license their educational activities. Everyone else will have to obtain a teaching license. Read about how to do this in this article.

Who needs to receive

License to study in mandatory The following legal entities should receive:

  • State and private non-profit firms whose activities are primarily aimed at providing education rather than making a profit;
  • Commercial firms whose goal is to make a profit from providing educational services;
  • Branches of educational companies;
  • Private businessmen operating with hired personnel;
  • Scientific institutions.

Services must be provided under one or more of the following educational programs:

  • Higher or secondary specialized;
  • Preschool;
  • General education;
  • Add. education for both children and adults;
  • Increased qualification level.

Legal requirements

Current legislation establishes that a candidate for a license must fulfill a number of requirements:

  1. Availability of premises in which training will be carried out.
  2. Availability of everything necessary for the learning process (special equipment, furniture, textbooks, inventory, etc.).
  3. Availability of educational programs.
  4. Creation of conditions required for conducting educational activities.
  5. Availability of permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.
  6. Availability of teaching staff (must be fully approved before applying for a license).
  7. Availability of documents permitting access to materials that are state-owned. secret.

Required Documentation

For getting training licenses You must provide the following package of documents:

  • Application for receipt;
  • Original identification document of the applicant;
  • Photocopies of constituent documents certified by a notary;
  • Photocopies of the following certificates: tax registration, state registration, changes; they must be notarized;
  • Documents that confirm ownership of territories and premises;
  • Education programs and curricula;
  • Information about teachers - photocopies of their diplomas and their work records;
  • Conclusion of the fire service, SES and Ministry of Emergency Situations on the compliance of objects with certain requirements;
  • Information about the availability of training with distance learning elements;
  • A certificate confirming the availability of conditions for protecting the health and nutrition of students;
  • A check confirming payment of state duties;
  • Description of the entire documentation package.

Procedure for obtaining a license

The licensing authority accepts the application according to the inventory, making a note of receipt on it. The date on the inventory is the day on which the licensing process begins:

  1. Within three days, workers of the Min. Entities check the documentation provided by the applicant for correctness and completeness.

    How to open training courses without a license

    If errors are found, the documents will be returned to the applicant for correction. The applicant has a month to correct errors.

  2. If the specialists have no complaints about the documents, all kinds of checks begin: the accuracy of the information provided is checked, as well as the compliance of the applicant’s conditions with licensing requirements. An on-site inspection is also carried out at this stage.
  3. Within sixty days from the date of registration of the application, the Department for Supervision of Educational Activities will accept a positive or negative decision. If a negative decision is made, specialists must justify it. There can be only two reasons for refusal: provision of false information and conditions unsuitable for carrying out educational activities.
  4. The license you receive has an unlimited validity period. However, if the requirements are violated, it may be temporarily suspended or revoked permanently.

Business idea: how to open a center for preparing for Unified State Examinations

How to create an educational organization?

Our lawyers quite often receive letters from site visitors with questions about opening private schools, kindergartens, and various training courses and so on. Therefore, we decided to cover this issue in a separate article.

Educational activities are regulated Federal law"On education in Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Law").

The definition of education is given in the Law - it is understood as “a single, purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, values, operational experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development person, satisfying his educational needs and interests."

The definition of the term “training” differs somewhat from the above, which, according to the Law, is “a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to master knowledge, abilities, skills and competence, gain operational experience, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in Everyday life and the formation of students’ motivation to receive education throughout their lives.”

According to the Law, educational activities have the right to be carried out by:

  • educational organizations which can only be created in the form of non-profit organizations;
  • organizations providing training— scientific organizations carrying out educational activities, organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, organizations providing treatment, health improvement and (or) recreation, organizations providing social services, and other legal entities;
  • individual entrepreneurs- both those carrying out individual teaching activities and those involving hired teaching staff.

Let us note that the previously valid version of the Law (until September 1, 2013) excluded commercial organizations from the educational process - LLCs, joint-stock companies and similar legal entities, the purpose of which was to make a profit, were not entitled to conduct educational activities.

Educational activities carried out by legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs involving teaching staff, are subject to mandatory licensing. At the same time, educational activities carried out by an individual entrepreneur directly (i.e. personally, without hiring other teachers) are not licensed.

As an example of an activity that an individual entrepreneur can conduct without a license, one can bring tutoring, tutoring, etc.

The procedure for licensing educational activities carried out by educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities directly) is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing individual species activities, as well as relevant Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

An educational organization can be state, municipal or private.
An educational organization created by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is a state-owned one.
A municipal is an educational organization created municipal entity(municipal area or city district).
A private educational organization is an educational organization created by an individual or individuals and (or) a legal entity, legal entities or their associations, with the exception of foreign religious organizations.

Most often, private educational organizations are created in the organizational and legal form of ANO - autonomous non-profit organizations.

Educational organizations are divided into types in accordance with educational programs (main and/or additional), the implementation of which is the main goal of their activities.

Established by law following types educational organizations implementing basic educational programs:
1) preschool educational organization - an educational organization that, as the main goal of its activities, carries out educational activities according to educational programs of preschool education, supervision and care for children;
2) general educational organization - an educational organization that carries out educational activities according to educational programs of primary general, basic general and (or) secondary general education as the main goal of its activities;
3) professional educational organization - an educational organization that carries out educational activities under educational programs of secondary vocational education and (or) vocational training programs as the main goal of its activities;
4) educational organization of higher education - an educational organization that carries out educational activities according to educational programs of higher education and scientific activities as the main goal of its activities.

Types of educational organizations implementing additional educational programs: 1) organization of additional education - an educational organization that carries out educational activities on additional general education programs as the main goal of its activities;
2) organization of additional professional education - an educational organization that carries out educational activities in additional professional programs as the main goal of its activities.

The educational organizations listed above have the right to carry out educational activities according to the following educational programs, the implementation of which is not the main goal of their activities:
1) preschool educational organizations - additional general developmental programs;
2) general educational organizations - educational programs of preschool education, additional general education programs, vocational training programs;
3) professional educational organizations - basic general education programs, additional general education programs, additional professional programs;
4) educational organizations of higher education - basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, vocational training programs, additional general education programs, additional professional programs;
5) organizations of additional education - educational programs of preschool education, vocational training programs;
6) organizations of additional professional education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, additional general education programs, vocational training programs.

According to the Law, the name of an educational organization must contain an indication of its organizational and legal form and the type of educational organization.

Organizations providing training can be legal entities of any legal form, including commercial organizations such as LLCs and JSCs. Wherein:
Scientific organizations have the right to carry out educational activities in master's programs, training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, vocational training programs and additional professional programs.
Organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, organizations providing social services have the right to carry out educational activities in basic and additional general education programs, basic vocational training programs.
Diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, representative offices of the Russian Federation at international (interstate, intergovernmental) organizations (hereinafter referred to as the foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) have the right to carry out educational activities in basic and additional general education programs, taking into account the specifics established by Article 88 of the Law.
Other legal entities have the right to carry out educational activities under vocational training programs, educational programs for preschool education and additional educational programs.

To carry out educational activities by the organization providing training, a specialized structural educational unit is created within its structure. The activities of such a unit are regulated by regulations developed and approved by the organization providing training.

Registration of business in the field of education

As already mentioned, activities in the field of education have the right to be carried out by legal entities - educational organizations and organizations providing training, as well as individuals (citizens) registered as individual entrepreneurs.

Requirements for constituent documents legal entities, carrying out activities in the field of education, has its own specifics. Those interested in this question will find the answer to it in the Law; here we only note that the charters of such organizations must contain information about the educational programs in accordance with which training will be conducted.

Since educational organizations according to the Law can only be non-profit organizations, their registration is carried out by the authorized state body - the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its regional Directorates (in particular, in St. Petersburg - the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for St. Petersburg). More information about registering non-profit organizations can be found on this page.

As mentioned above, organizations providing training can be created both in the form of NPOs and commercial organizations. In the latter case, the registration authority for them is tax office(in St. Petersburg - MI FTS No. 15). Registration of such organizations is carried out by the tax authority in general procedure, no different from the registration procedure for “ordinary” LLCs.

Similarly, the registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs - both those carrying out educational activities directly and those who hire teaching staff, with the exception of the need to additionally submit certificates of no criminal record, is no different from the registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs in other areas of activity. The registration authority is the tax office.

After state registration the subject of educational activity (educational organization, organization providing training or individual entrepreneur who has attracted teaching staff) must obtain a license, and only after that can he begin to provide educational services. The requirements for license applicants can be found in the Law and in the relevant Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

After a certain period has passed after receiving a license, an educational organization has the right, in the manner and within the time frame established by the Government of the Russian Federation, to apply to the Ministry of Education (or other relevant state body of the Ministry of Education system) with an application to obtain state accreditation.

Educational organizations that have state accreditation and implement general education (except for preschool) and professional educational programs have the right to issue state-issued documents on the level of education and (or) qualifications received to persons who have passed the final certification.

Prepare constituent and other Required documents For the state registration of an educational organization, an organization providing training or an individual entrepreneur (IP), as well as to complete the registration, specialists from the Petrolex company will always help you.


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