How to plaster slopes. Plastering window slopes: necessary tools and step-by-step instructions

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Replacing a glass unit is always accompanied by deformation window opening. And in the end, after the installers leave, you are left with a new one beautiful window and ugly dilapidated slopes. This violates not only the aesthetics of the room, but also its thermal insulation. Therefore, it requires the immediate application of appropriate measures.

In this article we will look at how to plaster slopes on windows so that they fully meet all the necessary requirements.

General provisions

Why do you need to know how to plaster window slopes and what are they actually needed for?

Knowledge will help you cope with the task yourself. And, based on the fact that the cost of hiring appropriate specialists is quite high, this way you can significantly save your family budget.

They perform the following functions:

  • Aesthetics. The crumpled surroundings of cement chips might look good in some dungeon, but in a living room it’s still somehow ridiculous. But an even, smooth frame will only emphasize the beauty and freshness of the new window.

  • Increased thermal insulation. Some of the resulting installation work cracks and crevices may even extend through the wall to the outside. And, even if the hole is not through, it still greatly increases the level of thermal conductivity of the window opening, which negatively affects the coziness and comfort of the room.

  • Moving the dew point outward. Violation of heat exchange due to deformations leads to abundant condensation from the inside of the window. Finishing work will help normalize the process and eliminate moisture settling in the room.

Description of technology

Before plastering the slopes on the windows, you should carefully prepare by collecting everything you need.

Tools and materials

We will need:

  • Cement-sand mixture. It is prepared by mixing cement and sand one to three or buying it ready-made.

  • “Smoother” for smoothing the applied layer.

  • A rule and a specially made template for leveling the cement coating.

  • Sponge for wetting.

Work progress

Now let’s look in detail at how to properly plaster slopes on windows. The process at first glance seems quite complicated, but by adhering to some recommendations and peculiar tricks, it will not be difficult for you to complete all the work yourself.

The instructions look like this:

  1. We prime the surface to increase adhesion.

Tip: when using DSP, you can limit yourself to abundant wetting without using a commercial primer. This will save budget funds.

  1. We create a suitable solution. Purchased ready mixture just add to the water and mix thoroughly using construction mixer with a special nozzle. If we prepare it ourselves, then mix sand and cement in a 3:1 ratio and add water until it becomes mushy.

  1. We install corner plaster profiles. This is very important point, since they not only form and protect corners, but also serve as a kind of beacons for future leveling of the cement layer.

It is precisely these guides that answer the question: how to plaster window slopes evenly?

  • We apply several sheets of mortar along the corner in increments of 15-20 cm.
  • We attach the profile and press it onto each flat cake.
  • We attach a building level to it and, by pressing or, conversely, adding mortar, we set it vertical.

  1. How to plaster slopes plastic windows so as not to stain or damage the glass and the plastic itself? It is necessary to cover them with a special protective film.

  1. Cut out a template from a piece of plastic. The goal is that the resulting figure can fit completely on one side into the narrow gap between window frame and the surface of the slope, and the other to lie on the guide profile.

  1. We place the template down the slope as shown in the previous image and apply the plaster to the slope with a spatula.
  2. Bringing the workpiece up, remove the excess amount of solution. In places where it turns out to be insufficient, we report and repeat the procedure. If the layer turns out to be thick, then you should wait until it hardens before applying the next one.
  3. We also cover the metal guides so that they are not visible.
  4. After the slopes have dried, we look for unevenness with a spirit level:
  • Carefully fill the depressions with a small amount of the mixture and level them with a smoothing trowel.

Plastering slopes is the last stage When replacing windows, without it this process will not be considered complete. In this article we will tell you how to plaster slopes correctly so that moisture does not accumulate in the structure and cold air does not enter the room. Anyone can do this work, even those who have never encountered repair work. The main thing is to follow the algorithm and treat everything with great care and responsibility.

Why should slopes be made?

These window parts perform certain functions:

1. Gives the window a sophisticated look.

2. They hide various errors.

3. Improves the thermal insulation of the room.

Thermal insulation can be maximized by completely replacing the window. This process includes: quality installation double-glazed windows, installation of a window sill, creation of slopes, formation of window finishes.

What tools are needed to create slopes?

1. Construction level (the length should not exceed one meter, but do not use a tool that is too short).

2. Aluminum rule.

3. Device for centimeter measurements.

4. Bowls for preparing mixtures.

5. Small spatula.

7. Grater.

8. Two ironers different sizes.

9. 45 centimeter spatula.

10. Grater for gypsum compositions.

11. Hermetic gun.

12. Special knife.

14. Angular profiles.

15. Window trim.

16. Marker.

Note! Make a small goat for work, it is much more comfortable. Experienced builders It is not recommended to use stools, because it is very dangerous.

How to choose a mixture

The choice of mixture directly depends on the degree of humidity, as well as on the location of the slope. It can be outside or inside. If in an apartment high humidity, then it is best to use a cement mortar. For indoor work, gypsum or limestone solutions are used. In addition to this, you need to prepare polyurethane foam: it is necessary for removing cracks in windows. The primer should be deep penetration. It is necessary to wear special clothing mandatory. Work should be as comfortable as possible.

How to plaster slopes

1. Preliminary preparation. First of all, the window is cleaned of dust, dirt and debris. After which the holes are sealed with polyurethane foam, time is given for it to dry completely, and the excess is removed. WITH outside The joints are secured with tape for complete protection from water. Window sills are installed before the slopes are formed. This sequence will give the window additional strength.

Note! If you have previously installed a window sill, then cover it with cardboard. This way you can protect it from various unforeseen mechanical work. The windows are also covered with polyethylene. Paper is used to cover fittings and radiators. The solution for plastering slopes should be applied to cleaned areas.

2. Primer. If you use a primer, you can ensure better bonding of the solution to your favorite material. The mixture is selected depending on the type of base. It can be brick, concrete or wood. After the surface is completely treated, it is given time to dry.

3. Vapor barrier. WITH inside the windows fill the end part vapor barrier film or apply a special sealant. If you do not complete this step, then after some time the foam will get wet and begin to collapse from the condensation that has formed on it. There will be draft from the windows.

Note! Give preference to frost-resistant sealants, apply them to a dried surface, remove the residues, since if they harden, it will be impossible to remove them.

Basic Tips

The solution is mixed strictly according to the instructions. Do not use a mixture that has passed its expiration date.

Note! Do not mix a lot of solution at the same time, especially if it is based on gypsum, which dries instantly. The amount of mixture depends on the slope area and the width of the application layer.

4. Installation of corner profiles. They are installed on the mixture and leveled.

5. Installation of window trim. They have 2 shelves.

6. Applying the mixture to the slope. Experienced builders recommend applying the mortar using a template, or as it is also called mortar. You can actually build this part with your own hands from thick plastic. You need to make cutouts on the template. First of all, find out the location of the angle of repose. The rule is applied to it and a mark is applied using a marker. Place the template tightly against the profile, then smooth the mixture evenly from the wall, forming its alignment. Then you need to carefully inspect the resulting surface. If unevenness has formed, the procedure is repeated again using a small grinder.

After some time, the excess is removed with a smoothing iron. Minor errors can be removed with a grater.

Gypsum plaster is pre-soaked with a sponge. After a short amount of time, the area is smoothed with a spatula. After complete drying, the slopes can be painted. If you are thinking of covering them with tiles, then you don’t have to remove the errors. Surface protection materials are removed.

Some tips when forming slopes

After necessary element plastered, you need to make a furrow half a centimeter wide with a spatula. The recess is filled with silicone. It helps to avoid the formation of cracks in the corners of the joint between the slope and the window.

High-quality plastering of slopes will help to make better thermal insulation premises, and will also emphasize the style of the rooms. Windows were and are not the last component of the design, and the interior of your home will depend on how they are decorated.

Plastering is the most budget option arrangement of window slopes. This is not a difficult job, but despite the extreme simplicity of execution, you also need to prepare for it.

If you have no experience in carrying out such activities, it is recommended that you first practice plastering simpler surfaces such as ceilings and walls. Having mastered the basic subtleties of the process, you will be able to plaster window slopes yourself no worse than a qualified craftsman.

Before starting work, prepare all the necessary equipment to complete it. It is better to collect all the required elements in advance so as not to be distracted by searching for missing elements in the future.

You will need:

When choosing building level pay attention to the length of the product - the tool should fit normally between the window sill and the window lintel. At the same time, the level should not be too short either - it is simply inconvenient to work with such a tool. The optimal length of the level is 100 cm.

Additionally, you may need various auxiliary devices, namely:

Before you begin finishing work, you have to complete several preparatory activities. Give them due attention. The convenience and speed of further finishing and the overall quality of the finished coating directly depend on the correct preparation.

It is better if the window sill is installed before finishing begins. Otherwise, in the future you will have to close the gaps that appear between the side window slopes and the mounted window sill.

First step. Provide reliable protection window sill from damage and contamination with the solution. For protection, it will be enough to cover the product with simple thick cardboard or suitable sized drywall scraps, if available.

Second step. Remove old plaster, paintwork and any kind of contamination from the surfaces of the opening, if any. The wall for laying plaster must be clean and level; the presence of dust and any other contaminants is unacceptable.

Third step. Close the double glazed window plastic film. You just need to glue it protective film to the glass unit with tape.

Pens, heating batteries and also wrap all other accessories with film or thick paper.

Fourth step. If you find excess foam (it is assumed that all the cracks have already been filled with this material after installing the window), carefully cut them off with a sharp knife.

Fifth step. Cover the surfaces of the opening with a deep penetration primer mixture. This treatment will help improve adhesion (the setting of the applied plaster mortar with the surface to be finished).

When choosing plaster, focus primarily on the material used to make the window opening. A consultant from a specialized store will help you choose the right mixture.

Sixth step. Install a vapor barrier layer. To do this, seal the foam seal with a special film vapor barrier material or cover it with a frost-resistant silicone sealant.

Apply the sealant to a previously cleaned and dry surface. Dispose of excess sealant immediately. It is very difficult to remove hardened product.

Without an internal vapor barrier of the foam seal, the foam will constantly get wet from the condensation that forms and lose its thermal insulation properties and collapse. In parallel with the foam, glass and slopes will begin to get wet, a draft will appear in the room, etc.

Seventh step. Make some. It can also be purchased at finished form, but making it yourself will save you some money.

Malka is an ordinary template used for plastering. Inspect the window slopes. You will notice that they do not have a strictly even shape, but seem to expand slightly inward, due to which the dawn of the window is created. To properly plaster such a surface, a small amount is needed.

Video - Using malka

For self-made The easiest way is to use sheet plywood. Ready template will have a width of about 150 mm, and a length 50-100 mm greater than the length of the slope. You need to make a cutout on one side of the template. You will move the side with the cutout along window slope, and the other side - along a pre-mounted beacon.

As a result, the finished surface will be as smooth as possible. You also need to make an additional cutout in the template for the passage of window hinges.

The production of malka should be taken with full responsibility. The working surfaces of the template should be as smooth as possible.

Professional painters and plasterers use aluminum paints in their work. Such devices are usually made according to individual order, but also ready-made options can be found in specialized stores. At this point, make the decision at your own discretion.

Of course, slopes can be plastered without a template, but in such a situation the angles are unlikely to be the same.

What do you need to know before starting work?

To make the work as easy as possible, and to ensure that the finished coating is durable, beautiful and of high quality, remember and follow the following simple rules:

The procedure for plastering slopes

The process of finishing slopes with plaster does not differ significantly from plaster simple walls with an angle. However, as already noted, when finishing window slopes, it is strongly recommended to use powder.

First step. Determine the location of the angle of repose.

Second step. Set the rule with a level at a certain angle and mark the position of the angle on the wall surface with a pencil.

Third step. Apply starting plaster solution to the surface to be finished. The bottom layer of plaster should be thick enough.

Fourth step. Press the template onto the sash and begin to slowly smooth the plaster down the slope. Your task is to get correct angle And smooth surface slope without irregularities.

Fifth step. Remove the rule by slowly moving the tool along the sloped corner.

Sixth step. After the bottom layer has dried, apply the finishing plaster mixture to the slopes. Pre-place special products called perforated corners at the corners of the slopes. Such elements should be fixed in the starting layer of plaster that has not yet dried, slightly pressing them into the coating. Thanks to these devices it will be ensured additional protection edges from various kinds damage.

After a while we use the ironing iron

Apply the finishing coat in the same order as the starting coat. Make the second layer thinner than the first.

Level the plaster composition until you obtain the most even and perfectly smooth finish.

In the case of finishing plastic slopes window designs a number of separate rules must be followed.

The work is performed in the sequence described above. After completing the slope, you need to cut a small groove in the still wet plaster mortar with a spatula. Make it between the frame of your window and the slope itself. A recess up to 0.5 cm wide will be sufficient. The finished recess should be filled with silicone sealant.

PVC (the main material for the manufacture of the windows in question), especially if it is of low quality, expands noticeably when heated. In hot weather, the plastic can expand so that cracks form at the junction points between the block and the slopes. Silicone sealant has an elastic structure and will not allow the problem described above to occur.

Now you know how to cope with plastering slopes on your own. Follow the recommendations received and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - Plastering slopes with your own hands

The slope is one of the main elements of a window or doorway. Without the side surfaces, the entire structure can hardly be called complete. Firstly, incompleteness always looks unsightly, and secondly, slopes are additional protection against heat loss, which is very important for comprehensive facade insulation.

You can save on energy consumption, and if you choose budget material, the benefits will be significant. - most cheap way finishing. All work can be done independently; for this you will need plaster material, tools and basic skills.

It is unfair to consider the method of plastering slopes hopelessly outdated. Modern technologies greatly facilitate Finishing work and enable home craftsmen to do everything themselves. Difficulties when working with plaster mixtures occur extremely rarely.

This is a classic, one of the familiar materials that is easy to work with. If you follow the technology, you don’t have to worry about the result. Plastered surfaces are durable, moisture-resistant and environmentally friendly.

External slopes are designed in different ways. In addition to plaster for external decoration and insulation, use:

  • metal;
  • drywall;
  • tree;
  • lime;
  • PVC panels;
  • stone.

These are the most popular materials, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Plaster slopes are chosen by those who value durability and visual appeal. This material is time-tested and is associated with reliability. Plus, it is affordable and the costs of arrangement will be minimal.

If installation work is carried out correctly, the joints will remain invisible. Plaster mortar fills all cracks and crevices, which ensures structural integrity, high-quality sound absorption and waterproofing. This material is resistant to mechanical stress, easy to repair and update. It can be painted, varnished, and decorated with decorated elements.

How to choose plaster and prepare the right solution?

You can buy a mixture for plastering slopes. Best suited for outdoor work facade plaster. Following the instructions, the dry mixtures are diluted and applied to the surface. Despite the inconvenience and efficiency of preparation ready-made solutions, many people prefer to make their own mixtures. Their quality depends on maintaining proportions and choosing the right material.

For exterior finishing suitable slopes are frost and moisture resistant, best option- cement-sand mortar. Cement is the strongest among binding materials for external slopes. The component composition provides excellent adhesion to the base. The integrity of the coating is maintained much longer than when using other mixtures. Construction gypsum and clay are inferior in many respects. They are sensitive to moisture, which can lead to destruction of the coating.

Cement is diluted with water. Sand is most often used as a filler. The standard proportion is 1:3, the consistency of “liquid sour cream” is considered ideal. A mixture that is too thick can cause the surface to crack, and a weak, watery solution will spread.

The cement-sand mixture sets in 15 minutes and hardens in 11–12 hours. If you are plastering slopes with your own hands and have no experience in this matter, it is better to prepare the solution in small portions. The application process requires efficiency; you may simply not be able to cope with it, and as a result, the material will harden and be unsuitable for use.

Ideally, defects do not appear on a well-finished slope. The plaster should not peel off, crumble, crack, etc. If these phenomena are observed, additional costs will be required for restoration and sealing. To prevent defects in your work, we first advise you to study the instructions for using the material or consult with professionals.

Technology for plastering external slopes

Construction of slopes is a labor-intensive process. It will take patience, accuracy and attentiveness. When starting work on your own, consider three key points correct plastering: high-quality solution, competent application technology and professional grouting. The algorithm for finishing window and door openings is largely similar; all plastering work can be completed in 3 stages:

Leveling and cleaning surfaces

The bases must be clean. To do this, remove all dirt and external defects: protruding polyurethane foam, residues old plaster and paints, greasy spots. Cracks are carefully cleaned. If this is not done, the new layer will simply fall off.

The original surface should not have lagging parts or irregularities. To avoid deviations, it is checked for verticality. For minor unevenness and the presence of voids, apply a leveling plaster layer. For large deviations, you can use wire mesh.

Applying the mixture

The plaster layer should not exceed 7 mm. Each next one is applied only when the previous one dries. This is one of the main rules for plastering slopes. There are other nuances. Required thickness marked with a pencil and. They serve as a guide and allow you to achieve maximum evenness.

To improve adhesion, before starting work, the solution is made more liquid and distributed over the surface. This is done by throwing it onto a plane using a spatula. The solution should stick immediately and not spread. You can correct the surface with a small brush.


After the solution has dried, the corners are straightened, the slopes themselves are rubbed down and treated with a primer. The final design depends on preference. This could be painting, tiling, varnishing, etc. The main thing at this stage is to wait for the solution to dry completely.

It is important to maintain consistency in this chain of actions. This is the only way to achieve it good result and enjoy the work done. Plastering slopes will not take much time, and with the right approach it will transform the facade and protect it from bad weather. Moreover, all this with minimal costs and labor costs.

Where we talked about machine plastering, there was not a word about how to plaster slopes. This was done intentionally, because this issue deserves a separate description, and I will try to cover it today, in detail and clearly.

In our case, when plastering an apartment in Kyiv, machine plaster was used - MP-75 gypsum mixture. She also went to the slopes. If you use cement-sand mixture, then the same tools and devices are used, and I will try to describe the differences in technology throughout the article.

As usual, you need to prepare the base. If necessary, knock down the peeling sections of the old plaster, and in the new masonry, chop off pieces of mortar that protrude strongly from the seams.

Before application gypsum mixture, slopes should be primed. A description of primers, for which surfaces they are used and even instructions for use can be seen in.

If you plaster cement-sand mortar(CPS), then there is no need to prime, the surface is simply wetted with water. How to do this? Whatever you have at hand - a roller, a brush, you can just spray water with your hand, but we sprayed it with a household sprayer. Just cover the window with something so you don’t have to wash it.

The next step is the installation of corner plaster profiles. The profile is made of galvanized metal and looks like this.

It is installed by analogy with lighthouses, on a gypsum mortar (Rotband, MP-75), but it requires more time, since it is leveled in two planes at the same time - both in the plane of the wall and in the plane of the slope.

First, they achieve a vertical position of the profile in one plane, then, trying not to move it relative to this position, they level it in another plane.

Along with this, it is necessary to achieve such a position of the profile in which the plaster square (90 degrees), placed against the plane of the window (door) frame and aligned with its corner with the edge of the frame, will touch the corner profile with its other side. Wow, how I folded it... it will be clearer in the photo:

If there are several windows or doorways, then the corner profiles are first placed on the rightmost and leftmost slopes, time is allowed for them to harden, and then intermediate profiles are installed and aligned in the plane using the rule according to the already installed profiles.

When the corner profiles are installed, they are plaster beacons, both for the wall and for the slopes, protect corners from mechanical damage.

And this is the back side:

On both sides there is a bar adhesive tape, which is protected by paper strips. During installation, the strips are removed and the back side of the strip is glued to the window frame. And to the sticky surface front side stretch film is glued to protect the window from splashes of solution.

The front side of the window strip has two shelves. When gluing the strip, the outermost shelf is aligned with the edge window box, it will be plastered and will hold the plank inside the slope.

And the second shelf is like a beacon - a support for the rule when leveling the plaster mixture.

The distance between the shelves is about a centimeter; due to this distance, the slope angle is formed, which will be the same everywhere.

After installing the window strips, remove the protective strips from them.

And we cover the windows with stretch film.

Can be plastered. Just what kind of instrument? There's no way to get it right - the window frame gets in the way. How to plaster slopes in this case? You can cut off the edge of the rule at an acute angle, as you did. And we used the material at hand and made a template from a piece of plastic window sill.

Any rigid bar will do, as long as working surface was smooth and, if possible, sharp.

The template cutout extends beyond window frame and can rest on the shelf of the window strip.

Our next working tools are spatulas and a trowel.

Apply the solution.

You can even throw the DSP with a ladle - the window is sealed. Pressing the template to corner profile and the window strip, remove excess mortar.

Add plaster where it is missing and level it again.

After this, the surface of the slope looks like this.

After waiting for some time, remove the excess with a smoothing iron.

A little later we iron it vertically using a rule suitable for size.

When working with DSP, you need to look at the condition of the plaster layer - if it begins to set and does not float off, you can gradually fill the remaining unevenness with the solution and, depending on the type of further finishing, float it or leave it like that. If you have to, you don’t have to fill in minor irregularities.

Dip into water and, with little effort, work the surface in a circular motion.

After a while, we finally smooth the surface with a wide spatula, it becomes smooth, and with a sufficient level of skill does not require further puttying before painting.

The remaining edge of the window strip, after the solution has completely hardened, easily breaks off when bent.

It turns out beautiful flat angle, but I didn’t have time to take a picture of him - I had to leave.

That's all the wisdom. I understand that it is not always possible to buy window trim, but I want to make the window and door openings beautiful. If I manage to get into the right time V Right place, I will tell you how to plaster slopes exclusively with improvised tools.

Good luck to all! Bye!

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