How to clean the hood grate in the kitchen. We clean the kitchen hood in the apartment ourselves

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A kitchen hood is an opportunity to rid the room of grease fumes and odors that can saturate the entire apartment. But sooner or later you have to clean it. Of course, there are special chemicals designed for these purposes. But more and more often housewives are wondering how to clean grease from their hoods. folk remedies. There are many options!

Before you start cleaning the hood in the kitchen, it should be prepared for this. Accordingly, you need it:

  1. Disable;
  2. Disassemble.

ATTENTION! Before starting the process, be sure to read the instructions for the hood. And you need to remember to turn it off. Otherwise, there is a risk of electric shock or short circuit.

Disassembling the hood for washing is carried out in the following order:

  • First, remove the hood cover, which is located directly above the stove. To do this, just open the latches and the cover will easily be removed from the grooves;
  • Only then is the filter carefully removed;
  • Next, you should remove the pipe, which also requires cleaning;
  • It is necessary to remove and air filter;
  • Externally, you need to inspect the hood body to ensure that there is no contamination on it.

ATTENTION! It is very important to find information about the air filter in the hood instructions. Not every type of it can be purified.

The hood body is very easy to clean. Any tool will do for this. You can even simply dilute the powder, soap or dishwashing detergent in water and use a sponge to wash away traces of grease. After which the entire surface is wiped with a clean cloth. But how to wash the hood mesh from grease is another question. There are many ways.

There are many methods for cleaning greasy and dirty stains from a hood and its filter. You can use purchased funds, which contain a variety of chemical elements. Among the available store products:

  • Comet;
  • AmWay cleaners;
  • Sano Forte Plus;
  • Isesclean;
  • Shine for slabs;
  • and much more.

And someone tries a wide variety of time-tested folk remedies available:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon.

And, of course, in the fight against grease in the hood, you cannot do without brushes, rags, and sponges.

How to clean grease from a hood using folk remedies: soapy water

Many housewives agree that laundry soap is one of the the best ways How to clean the grate of the hood from grease. Moreover, the fatty acid content in such soap should be at least 72%(this number is usually written directly on the block).

Prepare the cleaning solution as follows:

  1. 0.5 pieces of soap are grated;
  2. The resulting soap shavings are dissolved in 2.5 liters of hot water;
  3. Now either soak the mesh and filter in the liquid, or thoroughly moisten the problem areas;
  4. After 10-15 minutes, the surfaces should be cleaned of any remaining grease using a rag or metal sponge.

If suddenly the dirt does not disappear the first time, the procedure can be repeated again.

How to use lemon to remove grease from a hood

An indispensable remedy – lemon, or rather its juice – will help remove fresh fat from the hood. To do this, it is enough to thoroughly rub all the greasy surfaces of the hood with its pulp. They are left in this form for 10 minutes. Afterwards, everything is washed with a regular napkin. This remedy does not always help the first time. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that you will have to repeat the procedure a couple more times before the hood is completely cleaned.

Quite a difficult question, what to wash with kitchen hood from fat that is already old. You can use acid for this. The most accessible one for us is vinegar. It can be used both in concentrated, undiluted form, and in the form of a weaker aqueous solution.

It is enough to dilute 2 parts acetic acid in 1 part water. With this solution, wipe all necessary surfaces of the hood and leave for 12-15 minutes. After this time, use a sponge and clean water all remaining contaminants are removed.

IMPORTANT! Because Since the product involves the use of concentrated acetic acid, it is recommended to work only with gloves. They need to be thick. The product should not come into contact with the skin or eyes!

A heavily soiled hood can be washed off grease stains using regular baking soda. For such folk recipe required:

  • Pour a large saucepan of water;
  • Add a little crushed laundry soap to it;
  • Add a handful of baking soda;
  • Mix everything;
  • Dirty parts of the hood are lowered into this product;
  • The pan is placed on the stove;
  • Everything is boiled for 20 minutes;
  • After this, the fire is turned off, and the dirty parts of the hood are left in the solution;
  • Next, the grate just needs to be rinsed in hot clean water.

The result is crystal shine and cleanliness of the hood!

ADVICE! If the pan is not large enough to completely fit the wire rack, you can clean one side first and then the other by turning it over.

How to quickly remove grease from a hood: a clog remover

If the hood is in a completely neglected state, when neither soda nor vinegar helps, then how to quickly wash the hood of grease? It is possible to correct the situation with the help of aggressive pipe cleaning products. It may be a granular preparation, powder, liquid or cream.

The hood grate is placed in a container made of of stainless steel. It is carefully poured on top or covered with a purchased product for removing blockages in pipes. Now you need to carefully pour warm water on top. After 10 minutes, when the grate is already soaked, the fat begins to come off, the solution is drained, and the filter is washed with warm running water.

ATTENTION! Drain cleaner is a harsh chemical. It should be used no more than once a year. Otherwise, the grate, made of metal, will gradually begin to collapse.

Today in stores you can find a wide variety of products that are created specifically to combat greasy old dirt in the hood. It is enough to buy one of them (domestic or foreign production) and use it.

To do this, the grate, on which the fat accumulates, must be placed in a large container. From above, its surface is filled with a special cleaning agent. The gratings can be laid in layers and also treated with a product. They should be kept in this state for at least 20 minutes. Then they are thoroughly washed in water.

If the drug has not completely dealt with the dried fat in the hood, there is no need to worry. It is enough to repeat the cleaning process again.

Each housewife can choose the most suitable remedy How to clean grease from a kitchen hood. You just have to try different variants. But don't try to use these harsh chemicals frequently. Better – once a month or even less often. Otherwise, you may simply damage the hood.

Once faced with serious old greasy stains on the hood, housewives dream of making it easier for themselves to wash them off. But is it really that simple?

  • It is recommended to clean the hood once every 1 month. Then the kitchen will always be clean, and oh greasy stains can be forgotten;
  • When the hood is washed and dried. It must be disabled. Then both the owner and the unit itself will be safe;
  • Do not heat the hood. Before boiling (if specified in the cleaning recipe), you need to check the part for the presence of plastic elements. After all, they can melt;
  • It is better to get rid of contaminants when they are still fresh. Even a simple soap solution will be enough, which can easily wipe off simple stains. Therefore, there is no need to delay cleaning. It’s better to wash the hood a little and easily once a week;
  • It is worth taking care of your hood regularly. Then it will work much more efficiently. And the question of how to clean the hood from grease will no longer arise. No additional costs for professional products not required.

Video: how to clean grease from a kitchen hood

Very effective recipe How to wash a kitchen hood filter from grease is presented in this video:

The kitchen hood is designed to eliminate odors, fats and fumes. Because of this, difficult-to-remove dirt and grease deposits form on it very quickly, so the hood requires periodic maintenance. If you do not clean the ventilation grille, mesh and filters, the device will lose its functionality. Everything is clear with the outer body of the hood and it is not so difficult to wash it, but what to do with old layers of fat and soot on the ventilation grille and filter will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Preparation for cleaning work

If your hood no longer eliminates cooking odors and smoke, this is a sign that it’s time to clean the device. Before you start cleaning the hood, you must follow some rules:

  1. Before disassembling, disconnect the device from the power supply.
  2. Remove the top cover by releasing the special latches.
  3. Remove all removable parts of the device: grille, mesh, filter (on some models of hoods internal filters disposable and can simply be replaced with new ones).
  4. If the device operates through an air vent, then, if possible, it is also necessary to dismantle the corrugation, or clean all its accessible places.

For parsing kitchen device It is better to refer to the instructions for your specific model.

6 tips on how to easily and safely clean your hood at home

The main components used to clean the device are budget and effective means that are in every home:

  • any cleaning powder,
  • baking soda,
  • dishwashing liquid,
  • lemon,
  • table vinegar,
  • ammonia,
  • laundry soap,
  • foam/metal sponge.

You will need:

  • large iron utensils,
  • 1 pack of baking soda,
  • laundry soap (if necessary).

Pour water into a large saucepan or bowl and place on the stove to heat. Add a whole pack of baking soda to the water (approximately 1 pack per 5 liters of water). As soon as the soda dissolves in warm water, immerse the grill or filter in the dish, bringing the water to a boil. Thus, simmer over low heat for 30-50 minutes. As soon as you see that grease and soot easily come off the grate, you need to rinse under running water, cleaning hard to reach places with a brush.

For achievement best result, you can add grated laundry soap to boiling water.

You will need:

  • dishwashing liquid,
  • cleaning powder.

Soak the removable parts of the hood in warm water, adding dishwashing detergent (it dissolves grease well). Leave in water for 1 hour. Next, rinse the ventilation grille and filter under running water using cleaning powder and a soft metal sponge.

If after the procedure there are still visible contaminants, repeat the soaking again.

You will need:

  • lemon,
  • baking soda.

Simple and quick way get rid of grease, soot and dust. Ventilation grill and the filter should be placed on a flat surface, sprinkled with baking soda on top. Table vinegar (70%, undiluted) must be poured into a spray bottle and thoroughly sprayed onto the sprinkled soda, especially good in places of heavy contamination. Leave in this state for 10-20 minutes. Afterwards rinse under clean water.

It is important not to forget to wear gloves, otherwise you can damage the skin of your hands.

You will need:

Baking soda has always been famous for its excellent ability to remove grease and other contaminants. Mix vegetable oil with baking soda, in proportions of 1.5:1, until the consistency of thick sour cream. Spread the mixture onto all removable parts of the device and leave it in this state for at least 30 minutes. After the dirt has come off, rinse with water, additionally brushing.

After the procedure, the condition of the ventilation grille and filter will be as good as new.

You will need:

  • lemon.

Cut the lemon into two halves or several slices; use them to wipe all contaminated areas on the grill and filter. Give lemon juice soak into old grease and grime for 10 minutes. After this time, wipe everything with a damp cloth. Repeat the procedure until a satisfactory result occurs.

You will need:

  • ammonia.

Half a glass ammonia dilute with 3 or 4 liters of hot water, and immerse all contaminated removable parts of the kitchen appliance in the boiling mixture for several hours. After this, use a brush or sponge to remove any remaining grease and dirt.

Important! Before starting the procedure, you must wear a respirator and ventilate the room, as there is a risk of burns to internal organs due to the pungent odor of ammonia.

Household cleaning products

Range of household chemicals huge for cleaning old dirt:

  • Products for removing pipe blockages, such as Sanox, Mole, Deboucher, Chirton, have a powerful cleaning effect. They come in liquid consistency, powder and granules. The ventilation grille or filter must be placed in a container and filled with cleaning agent and a small amount of hot water. The main thing is that the removable parts of the kitchen appliance are immersed in water. It is enough to leave for 5-7 minutes and you can remove the grille or filter from the solution, rinsing it with cold water.
  • Gel-type cleaners for stoves and ovens (Sanitol, Schumanit, TOPCleanner) are good at corroding grease. Place all removable parts of the device in a stainless container, spread several layers of cleaning agent on them and wait 10 minutes. After this, using gloves and a soft wire brush, remove any remaining dirt.
  • Another proven means of cleansing is regular whiteness. Which must be applied with a brush to a contaminated surface previously wetted with water and wait 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with running water.

You should work with household chemicals with extreme caution, using all safety measures.

In addition to folk remedies for cleaning and household chemicals, there are some other tricks on how to clean a hood:

  • Place the removable parts of the device in dishwasher using mild cleaning products intended for the machine. According to numerous reviews on the Internet, it copes well with dirt.
  • Steam cleaner with special attachments in the form of sponges. It works from the mains, so you only need to swipe it over a contaminated surface. If this kitchen appliances is missing, that is, a lot of the above methods of getting rid of old fat, soot and dust.

Cleaning the outer surface of the hood

In addition, the outer casing of the device also needs to be kept clean, because a large number of grease and dust. When cleaning the outside surface of the hood, you need to be careful not to let cleaning products run down onto your face and hands. Therefore, it is better to use special chemicals for stoves/ovens in the form of sprays that corrode dirt well. All you have to do is leave the cleaner on for 10 minutes and remove all dirt using a soft, non-scratch sponge.

And in conclusion, I would like to talk about one method that makes cleaning a kitchen hood easier. In order to make it easier to clean the grill, mesh and filter next time, the already clean removable parts must be lubricated with any oven or stove cleaner. Without rinsing, leave until completely dry and then put back into the hood. In this case, the fat will settle on the cleaning agent, and not on the filters and grill, thereby making your work easier in the future.

Severe contamination can be avoided if you follow the rules for caring for kitchen appliances: wipe with a damp cloth after each cooking, and do not leave the stove on if there are no dishes on it.

Ventilation and exhaust hood in the kitchen must perform their functions effectively. To ensure that there are no problems with the performance of systems that remove bad odors from the kitchen, you need to clean them from time to time.

  • natural, that is, providing for the entry of fresh air into the room and the outflow of internal air due to the creation of special pressure;
  • supply air, which assumes that stale air is pushed out of the room by a stream of fresh oxygen;
  • exhaust, the work of which is to pull out old air from the room and the influx of new air masses due to pressure release;
  • supply and exhaust, anticipating the movement of air and exchange processes thanks to the installation of a special apparatus.

In most apartment buildings and private buildings, ventilation is done naturally. Such a system is considered simple, as it allows the exhaust air to be replaced through windows and doors. In this case, a hole with a grill, through which gas that is no longer suitable for breathing escapes from the room, is always placed in the upper part of the wall.

Both fresh and exhaust air circulate through the channels

Causes of clogged ventilation

The main problem that causes ventilation to fail is contamination of the system branches, from where the exhaust air goes outside. Obstacles to the path of air masses arise as a result of dust, grease and soot settling on the walls of ventilation ducts. The layer of dirt inside the channels turns out to be quite thick, since many owners never clean them, limiting themselves to wiping off the dust from the outside.

Due to the thick layer of dirt on the walls of the ventilation shaft, air circulates poorly

In older buildings, poor ventilation in the kitchen can be caused by deterioration. brickwork air ducts The problem is usually associated with prolonged exposure to water entering the walls of the channels from above or from the bathroom. For this reason, the ventilation shaft becomes blocked and air exchange is disrupted. The same phenomenon is caused by the penetration of wasps and birds into air ducts.

Sometimes ventilation stops coping with its tasks due to the fault of the owners of the premises. We are talking about unsuccessful attempts to improve the apartment and expand its space by destroying the ledge in which ventilation ducts. As a result of such repairs Fresh air also stops flowing to apartments on other floors.

Checking the functionality of the ventilation duct

Before cleaning the ventilation shaft, you must first make sure that the operation of the air ducts is really impaired. To do this, you can use a burning match - bring it to the grate and see if the flame deviates to the side. If this does not happen, then the ventilation system is not functioning well.

Using a lighter near a ventilation vent may cause undesirable consequences.

Utility workers do not recommend assessing the performance of ventilation systems in this way, as it is dangerous. The fact is that in buildings with main gas pipelines, gas leaks occur that get into the air duct. If you bring a flame to a ventilation shaft where the gas has not yet escaped, an explosion may occur. Gas workers advise resorting to in a safe way checking ventilation operation:

  • cut a piece of paper 30 cm long and 3 cm wide from a newspaper;
  • bring the paper strip to the ventilation shaft grille, closing the windows and doors in the room;
  • pay attention to whether a piece of paper is pulling towards the grid.

If the strip pulls, then there is no need to doubt the functionality of the ventilation. If the air duct does not react properly, cleaning should be done ventilation system.

Checking the functionality of the ventilation duct can be carried out in three stages

Methods for cleaning and disinfecting ventilation and chimneys

To clean the walls of the ventilation duct in the kitchen yourself, you can use different means. Usually, to restore the functionality of air ducts, they carry out mechanical cleaning.

Mechanical cleaning

The most popular way to clean the ventilation system. It involves using a vacuum cleaner, a small spatula to remove dirt, and a brush with a long handle.

A brush with a long handle will help you clean hard-to-reach places

Stages of mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning involves a fairly simple process:

  • Move the stove and kitchen set away from the wall on which the ventilation grille is attached;
  • put newspapers on the floor so as not to stain other surfaces;
  • provide free access to any section of the air duct;
  • remove the grille at the entrance to the ventilation duct and wash it with powder and a scraper or replace it with a new one;
  • remove debris from the mine using gloves;
  • Clean dirt and grease from the walls of the channel with a scraper, then immerse the vacuum cleaner hose into the ventilation hole and move it along the ventilation shaft for about 5 minutes;
  • wipe with a damp cloth an area that can be reached by hand;
  • disinfect and then seal the entrance to the ventilation duct with a grill.

On the left is a dirty ventilation shaft, and on the right is its appearance after cleaning.

Air circulation

Another way to restore ventilation performance is to improve air circulation. The fact that there are problems with the movement of air masses in the room can be indicated by a piece of paper that is not attracted to the ventilation grille when the doors in the room are fully open. The problem of poor air circulation is usually solved by widening the gap between the door and the floor to 4 cm.

Air flow

To ventilate the room naturally, open windows and doors. But in winter time You probably won’t want to renew the air in your apartment this way. Therefore you should think about additional ways oxygen flow into the kitchen and other rooms. For example, in tightly closed plastic windows you can create inlet slots. Thanks to them, warm and cold air will begin to interact, and the desired microclimate will be created in the room.

Thanks to special slots in the room, air exchange will improve

Additional exhaust system

If improving the air flow does not change the situation, it is recommended to install it in the kitchen additional system hoods. To do this, it is necessary to install a fan powered by electricity in the ventilation duct. This device will add fresh air to the room.

Video: how to remove dirt from ventilation

Cleaning the hood above the stove

In addition to the ventilation system, the hood located above the stove needs cleaning. If you leave the device dirty, the air in the kitchen will be saturated with harmful fumes, fumes and smoke.

Preparing for work

Preparatory activities prior to cleaning the hood above the stove include:

  • disconnecting the device from electrical network;
  • removing hood clamps;
  • dismantling the top cover;
  • removing the air filter from the device;
  • Finding the necessary cleaning products.

Soap and soda - budget and effective option hood cleaning

It can be difficult to guess which product can cope with dirt stuck to the parts of the hood. You can fight stains with baking soda. In such a solution, you need to boil the mesh and filter, which are covered with plaque, for 30 minutes. To prepare such a product you need to use 200 grams of powder and 3 liters of water.

Regular laundry soap containing 72% fatty acids can remove a layer of adhering dirt from the surface of the filter and the hood mesh. This remedy is used in grated form and dissolve in 2.5 liters of boiling water. IN ready mixture, as in a soda solution, dirty parts of the hood need to be soaked. After a few minutes, the parts can be removed, washed and wiped with a damp cloth.

Vinegar essence is considered an effective means for removing grease and fumes from household kitchen appliances. To clean contaminated elements of the hood, the housewife will need a solution prepared from concentrated vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:2. The filter and mesh should be moistened with this product and left for 7 minutes. Then the cleaned parts of the hood must be thoroughly wiped with a cloth.

The hood can be wiped with a dry cloth so that no traces remain.

Cleaning methods

If little fat has accumulated on the hood, then the housewife should use with the following instructions for cleaning the hood:

Contaminants that have made the hood completely yellow or even brown with grease should be dealt with in a different way:

If fat from the hood cannot be removed by any means, then you can use the following instructions:

You should resort to drastic measures to clean the hood as rarely as possible. Frequent use of chemicals can damage the parts of a household appliance.

Before cleaning, do not forget to disconnect the device from the power supply.

The air duct of the device must be washed after cleaning the hood grilles. There will be no problems with this task, since the diameter of the pipe is large. The air duct can be easily cleaned of dirt using ordinary detergent and warm water.

Frequency of cleaning ventilation and exhaust systems

How often you need to clean your ventilation ducts and hoods is affected by the thickness of the accumulated grease and the cooking activity. If the hood works for at least two hours a day, then experts advise washing household appliance at least once every 3 months. If the stove is rarely used, it is recommended to clean the ventilation grille and hood parts every six months.

The absence of dirt on the device is a guarantee of its good operation.

The more often the ventilation and exhaust system will get rid of dirt, the easier the task of cleaning fat and soot will become.

Video: how to clean the hood grille

Every apartment owner is required to keep the engineering systems. To do this, you need to know how to remove dirt from the ventilation shaft and hood above the stove, and periodically perform the assigned tasks.

What to do if the kitchen hood begins to perform its functions poorly due to severe contamination? Is it possible to wash this device yourself without resorting to the help of a specialist? Consider 8 effective ways, which will allow you to clean the kitchen hood from grease and return it to its former cleanliness.

This kitchen unit is designed to purify the air and absorb grease, fumes and odors during cooking. When functioning properly, its filter will cover a layer of accumulated grease after some time. If the hood is not cleaned periodically, its effectiveness will become insignificant.

Preparing the hood for washing

Before proceeding directly to cleaning, it is disconnected from the electrical network and disassembled, since it is gas stove It is inconvenient to perform this procedure. You should first read the instructions for using the device, where the manufacturer indicates which detergent is suitable for this model. First of all, you need to consider what material was used to make the body and parts. An incorrectly selected product can cause damage.

What you need to do to prepare the device before washing:

  • Unclip the fasteners of the front panel and pull it out of the grooves of the hood. If it is mounted on bolts, they must be unscrewed and put together. Wash the panel using detergents;
  • remove the kitchen hood filter for soaking in water with added detergent;
  • remove the pipe connecting the device to the vent. Having removed cobwebs and fat from it, prepare it for subsequent work;
  • clean the unit body from dirt as with outside, and inside.

On some models, the air filter must also be removed. Information about this should be found in the instructions supplied with the hood.

Each part must be cleaned of grease and dirt and ready for reassembly.

Cleaning the kitchen hood and its parts

There are many methods that will help remove fat deposits from a kitchen hood:

  • liquid chemicals;
  • powder preparations;
  • white;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • soda solution;
  • ammonia;
  • acetic acid or lemon juice;
  • solution based on laundry soap.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Method 1 - liquid chemicals

Chemicals are used for radical cleaning of hood parts. A heavily contaminated filter is washed using liquid aggressive preparations used for cleaning drainpipes (for example, “Mole”). The procedure is performed only with rubberized gloves in the following sequence:

  1. IN stainless container dilute the product in water according to the instructions.
  2. The grate is immersed in the prepared solution and left for 15 minutes.
  3. After time, wash, remove all fat, and rinse.

Before soaking, you need to study the instructions for using the product, since some drugs are used cold water, for others - only hot.

Method 2 - powder preparations

It is easy to clean the internal parts of the device using powder products for drains, following these steps:

  1. A filter is placed in a deep baking tray and a cleaning agent is poured over its surface.
  2. Pouring the mesh hot water(for a reaction to occur), leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. The filter is taken out and washed thoroughly.

Advice: these products can effectively remove stubborn grease from the surface of the filter. But such radical treatment can be used occasionally. The alkali contained in the products harms the metal filter components.

Method 3 - white

  1. Moisten contaminated areas on parts with a wet cloth.
  2. Apply the bleach using a toothbrush for 10 minutes.
  3. Then clean off any remaining fat deposits and rinse thoroughly under running water.

Method 4 - dishwashing detergent

With their help, it is easy to remove recently appeared dirt. The procedure is performed like this:

  1. The filter is placed in a wide container and doused with very hot water.
  2. Using detergent applied to a sponge, I treat the entire surface of the part.
  3. Next, wipe thoroughly with a high-hardness brush.
  4. At the end of the procedure, pour boiling water over the filter again and rinse in cold water.

If cleaning does not give a positive result, the procedure is repeated or more drastic methods are used.

Method 5 - soda solution

If the filter and mesh are covered with a large layer of fat, you can achieve a good cleaning effect using folk remedies, in particular using soda:

  1. Take a large container filled with water (10 liters) and place it on the stove to boil.
  2. Gradually, as it heats up, add soda (1/2 cup), stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Place the hood parts into a container with the boiled mixture and keep it on the fire for 30 minutes. If the mesh does not fit completely in the solution, boil both sides alternately.
  4. At the end of the procedure, remove the part and wash it in clean water.

The advantage of this method is that a boiling soda solution allows you to remove dirt of various origins without causing scratches, as when cleaning with abrasive agents.

Method 6 - ammonia

Long-standing traces of soot that even boiling water cannot handle soda solution, can be removed with ammonia. What to do in this case:

  1. IN hot water(3.5 l) add alcohol (1/2 cup).
  2. The parts are soaked in the prepared solution and left in this state for 1–1.5 hours.
  3. After this time, they are removed and washed in clean water.

Important: since there is a strong odor in the room when treating with ammonia, in order to avoid burns to the mucous membranes, wear a mask. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with open window. Gloves are used to protect the skin of the hands.

Method 7 - using acetic acid or lemon juice

The maximum cleaning result will be obtained by using undiluted vinegar (acid). When handling this product, wear gloves to avoid skin irritation. This procedure is performed like this:

  1. Take acetic acid and apply it directly to the parts with a sponge or toothbrush;
  2. Leave for 20 minutes until the dirt dissolves.
  3. The remaining fat residues are washed off with a sponge and rinsed in running water.

Another method of cleaning with vinegar - video:

Lemon juice is good for old soot. The filter, rubbed with its pulp, is left for 10 minutes. Then, use a napkin to wipe off any remaining lemon and dirt. Instead of lemon, citric acid or squeezed juice will do.

The procedure is carried out several times until a positive result is achieved.

Method 8 - solution based on laundry soap

This is an equally effective method of combating soot. It is easy to remove grease using ordinary laundry soap (72%). To prepare the solution, perform the following steps:

  1. Take ½ bar of soap and grate it on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil 3 liters of water and pour into a container with prepared shavings for half an hour.
  3. Then the infused solution is rubbed onto the parts with the largest accumulations of dirt and grease.
  4. After 10–15 minutes, take a sponge or plastic scraper and mechanically clean the surfaces.

Cleaning the hood with soap - video:

At the end of the procedure, rinse in clean water and wipe with a dry towel.

Frequency of hood cleaning

For some modern models The hoods are equipped with disposable removable filters, which allows you to replace heavily soiled ones with new ones. But in many modifications this innovation is not provided, which makes cleaning the grill an inevitable necessity.

Remove soot various kinds contamination from the kitchen hood, possibly by one of the above methods.

Please note: this procedure is much easier to perform if you wash the device at least once a month with detergent, and thoroughly clean all parts once a quarter.

You can clean the kitchen hood from fresh grease using regular detergent and a sponge. IN difficult situations First, scrape off the areas of soot and fat with sharp objects (spatula or knife), and then treat them with one of the products.

Don’t delay cleaning your kitchen hood. Regular procedures will save your energy and time.

The kitchen hood is an indispensable device in the kitchen, because they serve to clean the air from dust, grease, excess moisture, smells of food, etc. When cooking food, a lot of steam and fat are released into the air, the food sometimes burns, and then spreads in the kitchen unpleasant odors. According to sanitary standards, the air in the kitchen should be changed 8-10 times per hour. If this does not happen, fumes, greasy droplets and dust settle on the walls of the kitchen, on furniture, the refrigerator, and even on the plates and the food itself. Heavy air in the kitchen and gas accumulations from the stove lead to a deterioration in the health of the housewife and a decrease in the efficiency of the housewife.

What harmful substances are released in the kitchen during cooking?

The kitchen is the room where household members spend most of their time. According to statistics, a person spends 3 to 8 hours on it every day. And at the same time he inhales air, which cannot be fresh and clean by definition, because food is prepared in the kitchen, fried, steamed, boiled. It is rare that a kitchen can boast of space and convenience. Standard houses Soviet buildings were built in such a way that a minimum area was allocated for the kitchen space. Like, he prepared the food and is free. With poor ventilation in ordinary and, especially, small kitchens, the air is heavy. It is not possible to keep the window open all the time. But in fact, the air in the kitchen is not only not ideal in composition, but also contains a lot of carcinogenic substances. Among them, the most dangerous are the following:

  1. Radon, a radioactive gas that enters apartments with natural gas that they run on kitchen stoves. This gas is a cause of lung cancer along with smoking. We should not forget that 75% of everything radioactive radiation a person receives it not from solar activity or from staying in radioactively contaminated areas, but from radon. There is even more of it in the bathroom than in the kitchen, because radon enters apartments through tap water. By equipping taps with good carbon filters, human exposure to radon can be virtually eliminated. But with regard to gas, the only method is to ventilate the room and have a well-functioning hood.
  2. Aldehydes: formaldehyde, acrolein, ammonia, acrylamide, polycyclic aromatic substances, saturated and unsaturated acids. They are released during the frying process. And if water droplets get into hot oil, a micro volcanic eruption occurs from the oil-water mixture. The droplets “shoot” high and far, settling on the ceiling, walls and furniture. Over time, dirt and dust stick to them, emitting carcinogenic volatile substances.
  3. Carbon monoxide. The concentration of this substance should not exceed 2%, and a family of 3 people consumes 1 m3 of gas daily, i.e. the carbon dioxide concentration is almost 4%. Without a good hood, you can easily be poisoned by the combustion products of a gas burner.
  4. High humidity. The air in an average kitchen with an area of ​​9 m2 contains three glasses of water in the form of vapor. Ideally, air humidity should not exceed 60%. A well-functioning hood can help with this.
  5. Microorganisms. Germs and bacteria multiply in a warm, humid environment. This is why the kitchen should be cleaned as often as possible. And ensure high-quality air flow into the ventilation shaft.

Hoods vary in structure and functionality. Depending on the type exhaust device There are exhaust and filter hoods. In the first case, the hood takes air from the kitchen and “carries” it into the ventilation shaft. Filtering types of hoods are equipped with several layers of carbon and grease filters that clean and disinfect the air, returning it back to the room. This is a more complex device. Filters are changed every 3-6 months.

To clean them, you must first disassemble them.

  1. Disconnect the hood from the power supply. Remove the bottom cover, which is installed parallel to the gas burners. Unclip the latches and pull the cover down; it will come off easily. If the grille is attached with bolts, unscrew them using a screwdriver.
  2. Proceed to remove the filters. They are fastened with clamps or inserted into grooves.
  3. Remove the pipe containing the filter. It also needs to be washed with grease remover. If the design of the pipe exhaust does not allow it, simply remove the air filter and replace it with a new one.
  4. Prepare a grease remover in advance. This can be regular dishwashing gel. Apply the product to a sponge and rub the surface of the grate until foam forms. Place the grate in the soapy solution. If the contamination is heavy, wipe the surface citric acid. In extreme cases, when the grate has not been cleaned for a long time, the fat has dried up and cannot be removed. ordinary means, use a pipe cleaner. However, remember that excessive use of chemicals will damage metal surface grates.
  5. The air filter does not always need to be cleaned. It's best to throw away the old one and replace it with a new filter. If you decide to just clean the filter, you can put it in the dishwasher or wash it by hand.

What products can be used to clean kitchen hood parts?

  1. German degreaser Mellerud. Created specifically for removing grease film in the kitchen. Degreases the surface and makes it hygienically clean. The product is ideal for hoods and does not violate the integrity of the metal surface.
  2. HG Grease Remover. It is created specifically for oily surfaces. It is enough to spray on the grill or filter, and there will be no need to scrub off stubborn grease with the hard surface of a sponge. The product contains biodegradable components and is not causing allergies.
  3. Degreaser Shumanit. Specially created for old dried-on dirt. It has no abrasive components and does not harm the surface of the filter or grille. It has an antibacterial effect and removes all microorganisms. It has an economical dispenser, works quickly and effectively.
  4. Alive K kitchen product with degreasing effect. Contains natural ingredients, do not cause allergies or irritation to the skin of the hands. It copes well with grease and bacteria, and is suitable for washing hoods.
  5. Unicum Bami Gold Series Grease Remover Spray. A unique, powerful product that removes any oil and fat stains. When working with the product, you must use latex gloves. No need to rub with a hard surface with a sponge or brush. Fat is removed easily and quickly.

If you cook for the whole family every day, if you love creating culinary masterpieces, you should clean your kitchen hood every three months. To keep air quality high, replace the filters with new ones. If you often go on long business trips or like to dine out, it is enough to do preventive cleaning of your hood once a year. Ideally, the hood is disassembled and the fat layer is removed every six months.

Video: how to clean a kitchen hood without chemicals


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