How to build a gazebo with six corners. Hexagonal gazebos: drawings and dimensions

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A gazebo in the country is a necessary design, because in its shade you can relax after working day or protect yourself from the scorching sun. In such a building it is pleasant to gather in company or sit with family.

Of course you can buy finished design and pay the builders to install it, but all this is very expensive and not everyone can afford it. A thrifty owner will always find a way out, because self-production gazebos will cost less. In this article we will tell you how to build a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands.

Choosing a place

The ideal option is a place under a large and spreading tree, which would cast a shadow on the structure, preventing it from heating up under the scorching sun. If it is not possible to set up a gazebo like this, then place it near small trees, but the most the best option- near any body of water.

There are many types of gazebos, differing in shape, appearance and other parameters, but the hexagonal one will stand out for its uniqueness, which is why we will choose it.

  • Compactness.
  • Large capacity.
  • Sustainable.
  • Enough space for several benches.
  • Appearance.


To reduce construction time and enjoy the process, it is recommended to stock up on tools. You will need:

  • Saw for metal.
  • Electric planer.
  • Hammer.
  • Nails.
  • An electric jigsaw, but a simple one can also be used.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Circular machine.
  • Plumb.

We will build a hexagonal gazebo from wood. The best choice– spruce or pine, the wood of these trees is highly durable and low cost. To speed up construction, you must first make a design drawing and navigate it. Circular machine cut the wood into boards of suitable sizes, and use a plane to make them perfectly smooth.

Marking the site is very important, since the correct shape of our structure and its stability depend on it.

Draw a circle and mark six corners, which will be the edges of our design.

Railings for a hexagonal gazebo can also be made by hand, for which we chamfer the selected material and plan them. In the first vertical post Carefully cut out the groove and, adjusting it to size, insert the railing there. The resulting structure is sheathed with slats.

The hexagonal gazebo will please you for a long time if you treat it wooden elements with a special solution that protects it.

After covering the wood with varnish, you can paint it at your discretion. If you have children, you can colorfully paint the hexagonal gazebo or decorate it with flowers and cartoon characters.


The presence of a gazebo is a prerequisite for any modern summer cottage. It's hard enough to imagine spending time on fresh air outside this convenient structure in all respects. With the help of a gazebo, you have the opportunity to achieve almost complete unity with nature, without losing the comfort of home.

There are gazebos various forms and types, however, if you want to assemble it yourself, then the most rational material would be natural wood, since it is much easier to process.

In addition to the material from which it will be built, the direct impact on specifications gazebos renders shape future design. The most ergonomic is the hexagonal design, which retains all the advantages of a circle and at the same time is assembled from straight sections.

This article will provide you with detailed instructions about how to make a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, which will help you carry out this process completely independently.

Hexagonal gazebo

Site marking

First of all, the site must be graded; all irregularities must be removed - the hills must be cut off and the lowlands must be filled in. The filled areas should be compacted.

Once the area is completely leveled, you can begin marking out the future gazebo - for this you will need a rope, metal stakes and a long ruler (2m).

  • It is necessary to draw a circle that will approximately correspond to the area of ​​the future hexagon. To do this, take a piece of rope, the length of which will correspond to the radius of the circle being drawn. Pegs are tied to both ends of it - one is stuck in the center of the selected area, after which the rope is pulled tight and a circle is drawn in a tense position using the second peg;

  • Then a second similar circle is drawn so that one circle passes through the center of the other. Both circles must have equal radius. In the diagram, the centers of both figures are marked with the symbols A and B;

  • The intersections of the circles with each other are recorded; on the diagram, the intersection points are marked with symbols C and D. Straight lines are drawn through these points and the center of the original circle A. At the points of intersection of the drawn straight lines and the original circle, points E and G are marked. As a result of these operations, you will receive the vertices of a regular hexagram - all that remains is to connect them with straight lines;

Straight lines must be drawn using a ruler so that the lines are as straight as possible, otherwise errors will occur in the measurements.


Hexagonal gazebos are most often installed on a columnar foundation, since the cost of its construction is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of pouring a solid concrete base. Pillars must be installed at each corner of the hexagon - prerequisite for foundation of this type is the deepening of load-bearing elements below the soil freezing level. If this factor is not taken into account, then under the influence of frost heaving of the soil the columns will shift, which in turn will cause them to tilt.

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  • A hexagonal frame made of timber with a cross-section of at least 20 cm is used as a grillage, depending on the area of ​​the future gazebo - it is assembled in accordance with the original markings. After fixing the frame on the foundation of the gazebo, an intermediate sheathing is made of timber of the same diameter, which will be the basis for the future floor and will strengthen the assembled frame;
  • The installation of load-bearing pillars is carried out - their cross-section must be at least 10 cm. They can be of either a standard shape or have a carved structure, depending on the preferred design of the gazebo;

  • To be able to secure the racks to the base, it is necessary to mount a metal pin into their base. To do this, drill a hole of the appropriate diameter in the base of the rack, which is coated with epoxy glue, after which a pin is inserted into it;
  • When installing, holes are also drilled in the frame - it is important to ensure that the racks are positioned vertically and level. To do this, their position is first checked with the construction plumb and only after that their fixation is finally carried out;


The roof is assembled using a rafter system - a hexagonal block is used as the central ridge. The upper part of the rafters is sawed under required angle, which will determine the slope of the future roof and is screwed with self-tapping screws to the hexagon. The lower part is screwed directly to the supporting posts. It is more convenient to assemble the roof frame on the ground and attach it to racks almost ready.

The roof covering is carried out using prefabricated panels made of wooden lining. They are assembled in the shape of triangles, the width of which is selected based on the available spans. Each element should lie on the rafters in such a way that there is room on both sides for the next sheet. Subsequently, tiles, ondulin, etc. are installed on them.

Bottom line

Building a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands is within the power of every person, even if he is not professional builder. It is enough to have minimal applied skills and accuracy. You can get more information by watching the video in this article.

About the fact that the gazebo is on summer cottage necessary, there is no need to argue. It not only decorates the landscape, but also serves as a favorite vacation spot for household members and guests. Next to it you can place playground, decorative pond, barbecue and other summer buildings.

Having approved the decision on construction at the family council, the owner of the site remains to choose the form of construction and materials for work. We will try to help in this matter and offer you a photo review of the most popular options and tips for self-assembly.

This philosophical thought applies not only to the universe, but also to the creation of human hands. From an aesthetic point of view, as well as for reasons of maximum strength and capacity, a hexagonal gazebo for a summer house is the best option.

Hexagonal gazebo - laconic, beautiful and roomy

A rectangular structure is easier to build, but is inferior in all respects to an equilateral hexagon. Confirmation of this fact can be found in nature: bees build hexagonal-shaped honeycombs, and no one will force them to make a square cell out of wax.

Types of structures and design options

The most popular materials for building a gazebo are wood and metal. A hexagonal gazebo made of wood is cheaper than a steel one. It is easier to assemble it, since in this case it is not necessary welding machine and skills to work with it.

There are countless ways to decorate with wood. And here design options There are only two uses for it:

  • chopped gazebo;
  • frame structure.

The frame at the base of the hexagonal gazebo is strong and solid

Hand cutting of crowns is not an easy task. That's why home handyman you need to contact a company that will produce a “constructor” of suitable dimensions for assembly. All that remains to do on the site is to lay the crowns according to the attached diagram and build a roof.

The frame option is more democratic because it does not require special processing round timber. Two dozen planed beams, batten, OSB boards, roofing material, a screwdriver and a hacksaw – that’s all you need for independent work.

Frame gazebo - the favorite brainchild of the home craftsman

Having decided on the design, it's time to think about the design. A win-win option is to fill the frame with wooden gratings and cover the sides with clapboard. Openwork lattices are beautiful in themselves, but their main function is to serve as a support for climbing plants, which will create a shady trellis.

Decorating a hexagonal gazebo wooden lattice and clapboard

A roof made of wood goes well with wood. soft tiles. Therefore, completing my home drawing, please take note of this option. Metal coating reliable, but less comfortable in the rain, which turns it into a ringing “drum”.

Wooden gratings can be installed at the top of the structure, or they can be lowered to the very bottom as a fence. For balance appearance a narrow lattice belt is reinforced at the top. Do not forget that round carved columns look better than square ones without decoration.

Hexagonal gazebo with carved columns

Without special equipment, it will be difficult to apply threads to two-meter posts. The way out is to order finished parts in a company that professionally deals with artistic carving.

It is more logical to make benches in a gazebo with lattice filling not solid, but from stacked blocks. In this case, the structure will look equally good both outside and inside.

Lattice gazebo - lattice benches

Will help you extend the summer holiday season closed design gazebos. For cladding, you can use blockhouse - a material that is easy to install and gives the structure the beauty of a wooden frame.

Hexagonal gazebo closed type with blockhouse finishing

In the summer they film in this building window frames and open the doors, and in spring and autumn everything is returned to its place. The heat from a friendly company sitting at the table will be enough to create a comfortable temperature.

If you want to admire the beauty of a live fire, then instead of a table in the center of such a gazebo, you can put an open fireplace or install a metal brazier with a hood.

Closed gazebo with round hearth

Country style decoration is very popular in country house design. To embody this style as roofing River reeds or wooden shingles are used. The frame of such a gazebo should correspond to the general style. Therefore, for racks it is better to take not edged beams, but stripped and sanded logs.

Gazebo with thatched roof and fabric screens

Hexagonal gazebos made of metal can be laconic to the point of minimalism. Their main advantages are durability and strength.

Gazebo made of profile pipe

Making a drawing metal structure, you can adhere to the principle of “nothing superfluous”, or you can create a real masterpiece blacksmith art.

Usage artistic forging– the best decoration

Metal looks great with glass not only in office buildings, but also in the country gazebo. Glazing of walls and roof makes light construction and sunny. This original “glass box” will fit perfectly into the landscape of any area. A light note of formality inherent in the union of glass and metal will set the right tone for a business meeting.

Gazebo made of glass and metal - elegant and airy

Colored cellular polycarbonate is a practical and aesthetic material for cladding the sides and roof of a hexagonal gazebo. On a hot day it will create pleasant partial shade, and in bad weather it will protect you from rain and wind.

Anyone who does not feel confident in the role of a designer can buy a gazebo made of metal. Full readiness and a durable awning on the roof are the obvious advantages of this solution.

From bench to roof - a complete gazebo set for sale

While talking about hexagonal structures, we forgot to mention brick. This material is not used as often as wood and metal for construction. Large format gazebos are built from brick, equipped with a barbecue, barbecue and cooking stove.

Brick hexagonal gazebo - a luxurious option for relaxation and culinary delights

Step-by-step description of self-assembly

Before you make a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, you need to prepare a drawing. It indicates dimensions designs and methods of joining frame elements: floor frames to the foundation and racks, as well as fastening racks to the roof.

For high quality workmanship a table and benches, a sketch drawing will also not be superfluous. It will help you accurately calculate the dimensions of the furniture, taking into account its comfortable placement.

The dimensions of the building and its area are selected based on the estimated capacity. For a building in which 6 people sit at a table, the length of the side edge must be at least 1.25 meters. Having drawn a plan for the gazebo and thought through the placement of benches and a table, you can begin laying out the foundation. There are several different ways to perform this operation on the Internet.

After studying them, we chose the simplest and most understandable:

  • We cut off a piece of rope (its length should be equal to the radius of the circle into which the hexagon of our gazebo is inscribed). We tie two wooden pegs to the ends of the rope.
  • Having driven one peg into the ground, we pull the rope and with the second peg, like a compass, we draw a circle on the ground.
  • At any point on the circle we hammer in one peg, and with the second we make a notch on it. Having passed along the entire contour, we get 6 points. These are the corners of our future gazebo (diagram No. 1).

Scheme No. 1 Sequence of laying out the foundation

Having carried out the outline of the gazebo onto the site, you can begin laying its foundation. The result of this work and other stages of installation will be clearly explained to you by step-by-step photographs.

For a wooden structure, as well as for a metal frame, it is enough columnar foundation. It can be made from masonry concrete blocks by digging a shallow hole (40-60 cm) under them. The height of the foundation above the ground is 1 block.

For better connection of blocks with wooden frame floors, reinforcing rods are driven into their voids. The joints of antiseptic timber (section 15x10 cm) are connected using the “overlapping” method and placed on the reinforcement.

A 15-20 cm rod is released outside for mounting the racks. Holes of the appropriate diameter and depth are drilled in the racks.

Setting 4 concrete blocks under the floor joists, they are cut in pairs into the foundation support beam.

The support beam and floor joists are installed on the foundation (roof rafters cut to size lie on top)

Wooden rack-columns (section 10x10 cm, height 220 cm) are placed on the reinforcement and fixed in a vertical position using scraps of board.

Having installed the strapping beam on the upper ends of the racks, the temporary connections are removed.

In the middle part of the posts along the perimeter of the hexagonal gazebo at a height of 110 cm, a railing (board 50x100 mm) is embedded. A fence will be attached to them.

A board (50x100 mm) is attached to the upper belt of the harness, and a hexagonal post is installed vertically in its central part. The roof rafters will rest against it.

ends rafter legs cut at such an angle that they fit tightly with the edges of the thrust column, and alternately fix them with self-tapping screws to strapping beam and column.

If the roof of the hexagonal gazebo is covered bitumen shingles, then you need to lay an OSB board under it. To install it, sheathing boards are attached to the rafters.

The cutting of the slab is carried out on the ground, and on the roof it is fixed with self-tapping screws to the rafters and sheathing.

Before installing the tiles, the roof overhangs are sheathed with a metal cornice strip.

Joints between OSB boards are coated silicone sealant, after which bitumen shingle cards are laid on them.

The final stage of construction is laying the floorboard (deck or tongue and groove). To protect against soil moisture, the “honeycombs” of the support beams are covered with a vapor barrier.

After this, all that remains is to install the planed block of sidewall fencing.

In psychology, the hexagon means beauty and inner freedom. And in construction, this is the most popular and practical form of assembly. decorative structures. Do-it-yourself hexagonal gazebo surrounded by a luxurious rose garden or, say, home fountain- the best confirmation of this.

Variety of building materials

This design is characterized by increased resistance to complex weather conditions. And if during the construction process you only use quality materials, wooden beams made of larch or, for example, corrosion-resistant polycarbonate, such a gazebo will serve as a reliable shelter even in winter. Fireproof metal structures are most often sought after by owners of small summer cottages.

Add variety to your site by building a gazebo on it

But supporters of environmental pure materials, as a rule, prefer wood. Unlike natural stone, it is a fairly light and relatively inexpensive raw material. For regions with the highest rainfall, oak is best. This wood not only retains heat well, but also repels moisture.

If there is enough time for construction, it is more logical to choose brick. Compared to a tree it:

  • non-flammable and subject to reuse even after a fire;
  • does not expand as a result of high air humidity;
  • retains heat, thereby creating a favorable indoor microclimate in the hot summer;
  • does not rot, and most importantly, does not require treatment with antiseptics;
  • after many years it retains its original attractiveness.

For the roof of a hexagonal gazebo, metal tiles, corrugated sheets, asbestos-cement slate, polycarbonate or ondulin are suitable. The latter absorbs noise well and easily wrinkles, which is especially important for arranging hexagonal-shaped roofs. If there is no barbecue near the gazebo, you can use straw or reeds.

Video: “Hexagonal gazebo in four days”

From this video you will learn how to build a hexagonal gazebo for your summer house:

Preparatory work

First you need to stock up on the necessary tools. These include: an electric drill, a plumb bob, a plane, a circular saw, a jigsaw and screwdrivers. It would be a good idea to buy a shovel, a measuring tape, twine and stakes. As for the choice of location, a win-win option could be a plot near a pond or a shady courtyard with fruit and berry trees planted around.

So, if we compare ceramic and sand-lime bricks, the first definitely has more advantages. At a relatively low price, it retains heat better and absorbs street noise. And diversity color range, shapes and sizes does not limit specialists in the implementation of extraordinary creative ideas. When choosing wood, it is better to choose oak, which is resistant to excessively high temperatures and moisture. With a minimum budget - spruce or larch.

If the owners have metal products at their disposal, it is more logical to choose polypropylene pipes. They are resistant to corrosion, mold and mildew attacks. Many models can withstand temperature changes from 80 degrees below zero to 120 degrees hot.

Considering that the gazebo includes 6 supports, bases, railings and roofing, construction will take no more than 3-5 days.

Calculations and drawings

To avoid costs and technical errors It is better to familiarize yourself with the current drawings of such buildings in advance. You can look at them usable area structures, optimal sizes rafter system, location of slats, crossbars, strapping, posts and railings. The drawing is made regardless of the purpose of construction: whether it is a temporary shelter from rain or comfortable stay in any season.

Only with the help of graphic images indicating the location of beams, gratings, cornices, concrete supports and skates will be possible:

  • simplify the calculation of the raw material base;
  • choose the right site for construction;
  • quickly calculate the optimal dimensions of each structural element;
  • properly arrange window and door openings;
  • plan in the shortest possible time individual style structures.

When calculating materials, it is better to play it safe and increase the obtained figures by at least 12%. For the same purpose, it is important to take into account the number of people for whom the gazebo is being built. So, for a company of 8-10 people, the ideal construction area is 9-11 square meters. When calculating possible costs, you also need to take into account the features of the arrangement and impregnation of the roof, floor and, of course, the upper section of the structure.

When it comes to roofing, the starting point for costs is general form designs. Its rigidity can be increased with the help of decorative lathing. And so that the roof can withstand large snow loads, additional racks will be needed.

Step-by-step instruction

When building a hexagonal wooden gazebo, the first thing you need to do is mark the area and prepare the support columns. To avoid mistakes, it is better to use a plumb line. To arrange the floor, namely to attach the logs, you will need boards 30-35 mm wide and self-tapping screws. Before this, all structural elements should be treated with an antiseptic, with the help of which the viability of wood can actually be increased by 1.5 times.

Once the floor installation is complete, you can begin to perform other equally important tasks:

  • installation of fences and railings using lower beams, figured planks and steel corners;
  • installation of the roof on the ground (before starting work at a height, it is better to install a support block in the center of the gazebo; so that the roof can withstand strong winds, hail and a large number of snow in the future, additional supporting elements should be installed between the sheathing bars);
  • sheathing sheathing wooden slats followed by laying slate or tiles.

On final stage furniture is installed, and if the owners wish, window openings are glazed.

Marking the base and pouring the foundation

To cope with the first task, you need to lay out six identical beams on a pre-selected area. Drive stakes at the joints. After this, pour the foundation. In the case of a small and light gazebo made of wood, columnar is suitable Basic structure. If the owners decide to install a massive brick structure, it is better to use strip foundation. There is a concrete belt here required thickness already included in the design.

The main thing is to organize a flat plane on which the lower harness will be held. To secure it you will need bars or metal corners. If the gazebo is designed for more than one generation, additional fastenings will be needed.

Installation of poles

The pillars should be installed at right angles. As with the strapping, self-tapping screws and metal corners are used. If the latter are not enough, you can buy a connection that includes a socket and a spike. Of course, this installation option will take a lot of time and effort. But the stability of the support will double.

The gazebo will protect you from bad weather

Correct installation support pillars provides:

  • strict adherence to the laws of geometry (for example, the distance measured from any point of the outlined circle must be equal to its radius);
  • the optimal pit depth is not less than 65 cm;
  • removal of the surface layer of soil along with tree roots;
  • treating the ends of the pillars with appropriate waterproofing materials.


The ideal option for installation is beams. For reasonable savings, you can use boards with a section of 30 by 70 mm. They are attached to the corner posts using self-tapping screws. To increase the service life of wood, the material should be covered with roofing felt and plastic film. This is an ideal base for installing a floor that has been pre-treated with a protective waterproofing agent.

It is acceptable to lay the boards parallel to one of the six edges or in each section separately.


Roofing bars are cut at an angle of 60 degrees. The main thing is to calculate correctly optimal cross section rafters taking into account their dimensions, roof slope, weight of tiles or corrugated sheets. And in order to increase the resistance of the upper structure of the structure to heavy rains and strong winds, it is better to attach a crossbar to the rafters.

Depending on the location of the gazebo and its size, supports are chosen. With a minimum span width of less than 8 mm, a transom insert is made between the screed and the top of the rafters. For large indicators, a headstock is installed. This is what builders call a vertical element, the installation of which will require brackets or tightening clamps.

Decor and operating rules

A gazebo equipped in classic style, at any time you can decorate a flowerpot with fragrant petunias. Art Nouveau fans prefer instead wooden furniture and bedspreads made from natural fabrics, which are convenient for decorating window openings. But lovers of oriental style create stained glass windows of incredible beauty using frosted and colored glass.

The minimum shelf life of a wooden gazebo is 15 years. But if from time to time the wood is treated with bitumen and alkyd impregnations, the natural processes of destruction can be delayed.

We continue our traditional series of articles from Yuri Voedilo (professional builder and repairman). Yuri writes:

In private sectors and at dachas it has become fashionable to build gazebos for relaxation. The time has come for us to build one wooden gazebo. From the beginning we need to decide what kind of gazebo we want, in what place the gazebo will be, what shape and size it will be, and what we need it for. For outdoor gatherings with guests at the dacha or in a private house, for a barbecue with the family, or just to keep the rain from dripping on our heads while we are lying in a hammock. It will be especially pleasant to relax in a gazebo built with your own hands. Our customer requested a semi-open wooden gazebo on a concrete base, hexagonal in shape. Such a gazebo will be compact and able to accommodate quite a lot of people due to its shape, looks beautiful, and due to its design and concrete base, such a gazebo is stable and durable.

And so during work we cannot do without such a tool as:

  • Tape measure and square.
  • Wood saw and axe.
  • Brushes for painting.
  • Jigsaw, electric saw (parquet) or grinder.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Level, plumb.

And naturally we will need material:

  • Beam with a section of 15 by 15 -12 meters.
  • Boards 3 by 12 - 80 meters.
  • Beam 5 by 15 - 60 meters.
  • Paints and varnishes.
  • Wood screws 15 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, 150 mm long,
  • OSB with a thickness of at least 15 mm – 45 m2.
  • Metal corners 50 by 50 mm - 12 pcs.
  • Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm 2 meters.

Stage 1. Preparing a concrete base for a wooden gazebo

At the beginning of the construction of a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, the shape concrete base you can make absolutely any hexagonal, square or even round. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that the site is slightly larger than the gazebo of your intended size. And she could freely fit and stand on the site.

I wrote about how to pour a concrete floor in the article: Do-it-yourself professional floor screed step by step.

I think it’s not worth repeating since the technology is absolutely the same. The only difference is that you will pour the concrete not in the room, but in a hole 15-20 centimeters deep.

Stage 2. Preparation of material and marking of a hexagonal wooden gazebo

Let's start the construction of a hexagonal gazebo for a summer house with racks; we should have six of them, 15 by 15 centimeters thick. All are strictly the same height, at least 200 centimeters. The ends must be cut at an angle of 90 degrees. We treated all the racks below with resin so that they would draw less moisture from the concrete base. We painted all four sides with a wax-based pigment, and in the spring we will cover the top clear varnish. We treated everything with the same pigment wooden parts rafters, sheathing and even OSB. The truth is on the one hand, the one that will be towards the bottom.

Now, on the finished base, you need to draw a circle the size of our gazebo. And so that the circle comes out even, we’ll make something like a large compass. Let's take two pegs and tie them with a rope. We will place one peg in the center of the site and draw a circle the size of our gazebo. To obtain regular hexagon It is necessary to measure a distance from any point of the resulting circle equal to the radius of the circle. So we will get six points; these will be the very points where we will place the already prepared gazebo posts.

Stage 3. Drawing and assembly of a frame for a wooden gazebo

How to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands in a simple way? After previous works you need to place vertical beams, checking the level of verticality of the pillars with a plumb line or building level. Next, secure them to the base. We will fasten it to the metal corners to the floor with dowels 6 by 60 millimeters, and to the beams with wood screws 40-50 millimeters long.

We lay beams 15 by 15 centimeters and 3 meters long on top of the posts, along the entire perimeter of the gazebo made of wood, and cut the ends at an angle so that the joint is tight. Before cutting a corner, be sure to check the verticality of the posts again with a level! Each strapping beam must be drilled as indicated in the photo and the reinforcement with a cross-section of 8 - 10 millimeters hammered in, this will prevent the structure from falling apart. Of course, you can also fasten it with ordinary self-tapping screws if there is no reinforcement, but the fastening will not be so strong.

Let's continue assembling the frame by installing the rafters. To do this, take boards 5 by 15 centimeters and 4.5 meters long and cut them at an angle on one side. The cutting angle is individual, it all depends on what slope you want for the roof. The smaller the cut angle, the higher the roof will be.

Having joined two rafters together, they need to be screwed together with self-tapping screws no less than 100 millimeters long. The resulting letter “L” must be placed on top of the harness and immediately screwed to them a third similar rafter prepared in advance. This way you will get a tripod that will already stand without outside help. In order to make the tripod wobble less, you can tie it together and temporarily tie it with small slats as shown in the photo, which will then need to be unscrewed. The place where the rafters are twisted is the top of the roof of our country house or garden gazebo, which should be clearly in the center of the structure.

12 such rafters need to be twisted, six main ones need to be installed clearly above the racks and six between the main ones. The places where the rafters rest on the strapping need to be cut, as in the next photo. And screw it with self-tapping screws 150 millimeters long.

Stage 4. DIY hexagonal gazebo painting

So, the frame is ready, it’s time to start building the gazebo roof. Let's start with the sheathing, for this we need boards of size: width 8-12 centimeters, thickness 20-25 millimeters, length depending on the row of sheathing. The bottom row is at least 3.5-4 meters. With each row that is higher, the length of the boards will decrease.

The joint of the boards should only be on the main rafters and cut at an angle. The distance between the rows should be as follows: 1) from the bottom of the first row to the center of the third row should be 120 centimeters. Since the osb will drop 5 centimeters below the board. And the horizontal joint of the osb sheets will lie exactly in the center of the third row. Place the second row of sheathing simply in the center between the first and second rows. 2) from the center of the third row to the center of the fifth there should be already 125 millimeters, as this is the width of the osb sheets. We fasten the boards with self-tapping screws 2-3 centimeters longer than the thickness of the boards themselves.

You need to sew osb onto the finished sheathing. For this, use sheets with a thickness of at least 14 mm. And self-tapping screws no longer than 34 mm (thickness of sheathing boards 20 mm + osb thickness 14 mm), otherwise the screws will come out on the other side. And protruding screws in the roof from inside the gazebo will not look beautiful, to put it mildly. If you initially decided to cover the gazebo with slate, then you do not need to sew on osb; attach the slate directly to the sheathing. Since our gazebo will be under a soft roof, we can’t live without it!

And so soft roof! There are many types of it, both the type of material from which it is made, the design, and the order of installation. Regardless of the type of roof, it is recommended to install it in warm or even hot seasons, when there is enough high temperatures ambient air due to heating improves the bonding strength of the soft roof. In cold weather you can use construction hair dryer, which is used to heat sheets of material, as we did. According to all the rules and instructions, soft roofing is laid on a layer of roofing felt, but our client, for some reason unknown to us, decided to lay it on bare osb, although the technology is the same. We chose the most common bitumen, square section of chaotic order. Since this type of roofing produces the least amount of cuttings that end up in the trash! Soft roof consists of strips, on the back side, part of the strip is covered with resin and covered with a film to prevent the sheets from sticking together. The first strip (starting) should be laid three centimeters lower than the osb, first removing the same strip from it protective film. The starting strip is distinguished by the fact that its edges are smooth without figured sections, after which we lay the next strip joint to joint. The lower part of the strip is glued (if you removed the protective film, of course), and the upper part should be nailed with special aluminum nails. But since inner side the roof will be visible in the middle of the gazebo, and the nails are too long and will stick out. Then we decided not to nail the roof, but to fasten it with shorter self-tapping screws, 4 pieces for each strip. In this case, the perforations (cuts) of the strip must be completely covered by the petals of the glued tiles of the subsequent row. Installation is carried out in such a way that all the petals of the strip are located at the same level and cover the nails.


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