How to properly conduct an interview on family microclimate. How to end an interview with a candidate

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Many employers often wonder how to conduct a job interview; in this article we will answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Hiring consists of several stages:

  1. The stage most often preceding a personal meeting is reviewing the applicant’s resume. It is in it that our future employee must indicate his personal data, personal qualities, clarify the specialty and place of acquisition, level of qualifications, work experience, as well as possible requirements or wishes for the future place of work, many indicate the desired salary level and much more.
  2. The next step is the interview itself. The organization of a personal meeting must be clearly thought out by the employer. Before the interview, you should make a list of questions that interest you that you would like to clarify with the applicant. It is also important to consider the time and location of the meeting. Make sure that the person is waiting for you in a pleasant and comfortable environment. If possible, I could even get to know your company better.

Main stages of the interview

Interview plan:

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  • Familiarization with the applicant's resume.
  • Introductory presentation of the enterprise.

After you've reviewed the applicant's resume, give them an introductory presentation of your business.

  • Conducting an interview and reviewing the documents provided by the applicant (identity card, employment history, documents about vocational training and about education).
  • Discussion employment contract and conditions of employment.
  • Decor labor contract(agreements).
  • Registration of an order for the admission of an employee to the staff of the enterprise.
  • Registration of an employee.
  • Registration and entry of relevant entries into the employee’s work book.

How can an employer conduct an effective interview?

For effective interview With candidates for an open vacancy, the employer must be able to speak concisely, ask the most relevant questions, listen carefully to the applicant, Special attention to his nonverbal signals. Body language and facial expressions will tell you much more about the interlocutor than his resume and himself, this is worth paying special attention to. Your future employee should do most of the talking.

The most important thing is never draw conclusions or make a decision here and now. After conducting interviews, you must carefully consider each candidate and select the best applicant.

Interview structure

Each interviewer is asked specific task during the interview. Reach maximum results Choosing the right structure for holding a meeting with applicants will help solve this problem.

Conventionally, the structure of the interview can be divided into:

  • According to competence.
  • Situational.

A situation similar to a real working one is created; it is also possible to conduct training, education or sales directly during the interview.

  • Structured.
  • Stressful.

Most often, this type of interview is carried out in case of hiring, which implies the presence of stressful situations. When conducting a stressful conversation, the employer seeks to find out whether the candidate can cope with tense situations.

Structured interview

A type of interview in which you must take into account not only the words of the applicant, but also his non-verbal behavior, that is, facial expressions, gestures, speech literacy, ability to react quickly, general outlook and much more. Typically, such a conversation is carried out according to a pre-prepared plan and has a number of thoughtful questions. The questions you should ask the candidate must cover information about all his personal qualities.

It is best if this type of interview is carried out not by one person, but by several, since it is impossible for one person to control all the necessary nuances.

Competency interview

According to the business dictionary, competence is a range of phenomena and issues in which a person has knowledge, experience and authority.

Experts believe that a number of skills upon successful use in certain situation subsequently can be used by a person constantly.

When conducting this type of interview, the main goal for the employer is detailed introduction with work experience, professional skills and additional skills of the candidate. To best analyze information about the applicant, various tasks, questionnaires, tests, and more are used.

Situational interview

Another name for this type of interview is case interview (English: Circumstances).

When conducting a situational interview, a situation is simulated in front of the candidate that can occur at the enterprise and will require certain skills and abilities, and certain qualifications from him. Also, during the interview process, the employer can check personal potential and creative thinking.

Stressful interview

This type of interview is used quite rarely.

This interview is aimed at determining the applicant’s resistance to stress and ability to work under pressure. The main task of the interviewer is to make the candidate feel uncomfortable, nervous and put him in the most uncomfortable position.

You can achieve the task assigned to the employer by using tactlessness and rudeness during interviews, as well as using provocative questions. It is effective to conduct a stress interview simultaneously with a group of applicants.

After the conversation is over, be sure to reveal to the candidate the essence of conducting an interview using this method. Apologize for the inconvenience caused to him during the conversation.

Types of interviews:

  1. Formal interview. When conducting this type of interview, a distance is maintained between the applicant and the employer. Usually carried out at enterprises where an official type of communication is accepted. You will be able to determine by the reaction and behavior of the candidate whether he will fit into the team of employees and his ability to keep his distance without experiencing discomfort during communication.
  2. An informal interview. This type of interview aims to build rapport between you and the applicant, to reduce awkwardness and fear, and to obtain objective and sincere answers to your questions. The technique of conducting such an interview is often used not across the table, sitting next to the interlocutor or when he sits on the side of the table. When you get the candidate's favor, you can ask a few “uncomfortable” questions; the chance of hearing a sincere answer during an informal type of interview is much higher than during a formal one.

Types of interviews by functionality:

  1. Dropouts. The main task is to weed out random and unsuitable applicants, as well as those who clearly do not meet the employer’s requirements. Most often, recruiters are involved in screening, and a personal conversation is not necessary; the screening process can be carried out over the phone.
  2. Qualifying. The main task is to objectively assess skills, experience, education, personal and business qualities, level and salary expectations.
  3. Final. The final interview involves selecting the best candidate, so if after the screening interview several people are selected, the best one is chosen among them.

Possible questions during the interview

The questions asked by the employer during the interview will help reveal the applicant's capabilities in more detail. Questions can be divided into several types.

Types of questions:

General issues. Such questions require a short and clear answer from the applicant. The most appropriate use of this type of question is to confirm previously obtained information (for example, from a resume) or some fact. Also use these questions for variety in a conversation or before a series of questions on the same topic. You should not overuse such questions, they will not bring you large quantity information about the person who came for the interview.

  1. Open questions. Questions open type require a detailed and detailed answer from a person. An open question puts the applicant in a position where he is forced to answer it in detail, perhaps even giving examples. Your task in this case is to set appropriate question and listen carefully to the detailed answer to it. You can start such questions, for example, with such or similar phrases such as “Tell me more about...”, “Curious to know...”, and the like.
  2. Finding out weaknesses applicant. Pay special attention to questions of this type. Just ask the applicant a direct question about certain situations at his previous job when he was not at his best. Do not be shy to put a person in an awkward position; on the contrary, if he feels awkward, he will open up better and describe his shortcomings.
  3. Reflective questions. An excellent method for changing the topic of conversation. The main technique of this type is adding to the main question or sentence the phrase “isn’t it ...?” This technique allows you to obtain consent from the interlocutor (he will reflexively agree) and continue the conversation further.
  4. Suggestive questions. Just like general questions, this type of question should not be overused. Use them to push the applicant to detailed description their opinion on this or that work issue. Do not use leading questions along with reflective questions at the beginning of the interview.
  5. Repeating phrases or mirroring statements. Use this technique in communication to find out the details and essence of the interlocutor’s answers. Just repeat key phrase, spoken by the applicant, slightly paraphrasing it, then just shut up and listen to the interlocutor’s answer with obvious interest, you can periodically nod in response. Other circumstances from the applicant’s life that are worth asking about.
  6. Priorities in professional activity.
  7. Family status.
  8. If there are children in the family, please specify gender and age.
  9. Religious and political views.

Nuances of the interview

Unfortunately, even a well-conducted interview cannot provide you with objective information about a candidate for a vacant position.

  • Many people are nervous during an important conversation or have various complexes that will not allow them to reveal all their talents, personal qualities, skills and professional skills.
  • There are many sources of information that can help a candidate prepare for an interview.

Provide lists of frequently asked questions and more.

  • Applicants will try their best to show you only their strengths and positive sides.
  • Weak and strengths you can identify the applicant using situation modeling different types and leading questions.
  • Do not draw conclusions about the applicant based on the favor or dislike that may arise towards the applicant during the conversation.
  • After holding a personal meeting with candidates for the vacancy, put your thoughts and impressions in order and only then make a decision.

It is necessary to warn the applicant that he will have to wait some time until you make a decision and notify him about it.

An interview is an important stage in selecting an applicant for an open vacancy. A well-organized interview makes it possible to evaluate each candidate and select the most suitable applicant for a specific position. The recruiter needs to decide in advance where and how to conduct the interview, what questions to ask and for what purpose.

From this article you will learn:

  • where to conduct interviews;
  • how to prepare for an interview with a candidate;
  • what questions to ask a job applicant;
  • how to conduct a telephone interview.

Competent selection when hiring is the key to creating a cohesive and efficient team, and therefore successful activities companies. To quickly fill a vacant position with a qualified employee, the recruiter needs to carefully prepare for the interview. Moreover, what is important here is not so much formal questions and answers, but rather the created confidential atmosphere of conversation, which allows you to see true face candidate.

Where to conduct interviews

It is of great importance conducting an interview. To make the candidate as comfortable as possible, it is better to conduct the meeting not in the office or in the presence of other employees. Most candidates get lost if visitors are constantly passing by them, and telephone conversations are being conducted at the next table.

It is advisable to invite candidates for a conversation in a separate meeting room, where no one distracts from communication. But as a last resort, if there is a shortage of office space, you can organize a separate corner in a common work area behind a partition. In such small booths with a table and chairs, the level of extraneous noise is reduced, nothing distracts from the interview and the desired feeling of privacy is created.

Unusual places for interviews

In some cases, the interview can be organized outside the enterprise, in an informal setting. Here are some atypical places to interview a candidate.

    In a cafe, restaurant. An interview with a candidate in such an informal setting encourages the establishment of contact, helps the applicant reduce self-control, feel at ease, and open up faster.

    In the car. This option is suitable when you need to clearly show the applicant the geography of his future activities, demonstrate the objects on which he will have to work.

    In the lobby of a luxury hotel. This interview location is a unique technique that can be used to test the flexibility and professional loyalty of the applicant.

    By Skype. The use of modern Internet technologies is very popular today, including when applying for a job. This type of conversation significantly saves time and makes it possible to evaluate applicants for a vacant position from other regions.

    By phone. As a rule, a preliminary interview is organized by telephone. How to conduct these types of conversations is described below. Typically, initial interviews are aimed at quickly screening out obviously unsuitable applicants.

How to prepare for an interview with a candidate

In order to conduct an interview correctly, the day before the recruiter needs to familiarize himself with the applicant’s resume and make a list of questions based on it. Questions should take into account not only the candidate’s professional skills, but also the characteristics of his personality and character. It is first necessary to draw up a position profile, which will be used to determine how well the candidate’s professional skills and personal qualities correspond to those stated in the vacancy.

The profile usually includes a description general characteristics, such as age, education, work experience, and a number of special requirements:

  • responsibility,
  • loyalty to the employer,
  • controllability,
  • systematic thinking,
  • teamwork,
  • independence,
  • diligence, etc.

Additionally conductive interview a specialist can prepare an extended questionnaire or testing sheet if you need to study it in more detail psychological picture, professional skills or work experience of the candidate.

What questions to ask a job applicant

Basic interview questions will help the recruiter adequately assess the professionalism and personal qualities of the applicant. The conversation should be logically structured, but not formulaic. Therefore, when preparing questions, to conduct an interview correctly, you need to think not only about their content, but also the sequence of presentation.


HR Director of RDTECH company

I use conflict tests, situational interviews, and observe nonverbal manifestations

The tests by Kenneth THOMAS “Types of Behavior in Conflict”, Vasily PUGACHEV’s “Conflict Personality” and “How Do You Act in Conflict” tests are perfect. I also conduct situational interviews. I ask how the candidate acted in conflict situations at my previous job. I record phrases that show how conflicted a person is and how tolerant he is of criticism. For example, the phrase: “I will be upset if my button is torn off on the subway” speaks of touchiness. And “My weak quality is I like to sleep” is about the lack of self-criticism. People who have high demands on themselves and others or who are highly anxious can also have conflicts. Most often, anxiety manifests itself nonverbally.

It is necessary to periodically include in a logical chain unexpected questions, perhaps even provocative. This will allow you to see not the mask of a friendly applicant, but the true face of the candidate and will help you assess how suitable he is for the vacant position and suitable for working in your company.

Sample list of questions

Sample list of questions for an applicant
Why are you interested in this position? A valuable, thoughtful specialist will not answer with cliched phrases about good conditions work, prospects, and will focus on any details of the vacant position.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? The applicant can talk about his advantages in an abstract or reasoned manner. A competent employee provides specific facts and figures and focuses on working on shortcomings.
Why did you leave your previous job? Here it is important to see how the candidate speaks about his previous place of work or former bosses. Even veiled negativity will not testify in his favor. A competent and patient specialist is more likely to point out the positive aspects and emphasize his desire for career growth.
Where do you see yourself in 5–10 years? The answer immediately shows whether the person has ever thought about his life in the long term. An abstract answer also does not characterize a good candidate.
What would you improve in our company? The specific methods suggested by the candidate would be an ideal answer, but this is possible if the person is already familiar with the company's work.
What salary would you like to receive? A qualified worker always values ​​his work. The amount he named, which is not much higher than what you are willing to offer, will be more likely in favor of the candidate than clearly underestimated.

Unusual questions and tasks for a candidate during an interview

Questions This plan is designed to take the applicant out of his comfort zone and force him to open up. They can also be used to determine how stress-resistant an employee is, how flexible he is in his work, and how resourceful he is. However, the person conducting the interview must be able to correctly interpret the answers to these types of questions.

You can ask the candidate what kind of superhero he would like to become. The answer will show the qualities that the specialist considers the most important and valuable.

As a task, ask the applicant to explain a concept or concept to a 10-year-old child. professional term from the field of activity. Both the person’s reaction to a strange task and the clarity of its explanation will be important. Successful completion will demonstrate the professionalism of the applicant.

How to conduct a phone interview correctly

Interview by phone - handy tool for initial screening and express assessment of applicants. However, in some cases, a full interview with a geographically distant applicant can be conducted over the phone.

If a telephone interview is carried out as the first stage of selecting an applicant, then the main task of the conversation is to formally determine the applicant’s suitability for the vacant position. Information about education, work experience, reasons for leaving a previous job, and knowledge of a foreign language are found out.

A telephone interview is not much different from direct face-to-face communication. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to introduce yourself and clarify whether you are talking to the right person. This is followed by a standard phrase: “I’ll tell you a little about our company and the vacancy, and then I’ll ask you a few questions.”

What can you find out during a telephone interview?

During a telephone conversation, you can determine how good the applicant is, for example, in spoken English. It is not difficult to form an opinion about a person’s communication skills. By asking specific questions, the recruiter can reveal the candidate's true motivation, degree of teamwork, learning abilities, basic inclinations and personal qualities.

A remote interview is especially convenient if the recruiter has questions while studying the applicant’s resume. A telephone conversation allows you to quickly resolve controversial issues.

In conclusion, we can summarize that for an effective interview it is important to think through not only the questions and structure of the conversation, but also wisely choose the place for the interview. When and how to conduct the interview, what list of questions to make, the recruiter decides based on the specifics of the vacant position. However, it is important to avoid templates and standard techniques.

The employer initially has a head start - a resume. He already has some information about the applicant. Some companies also conduct a preliminary telephone call. But the applicant does not have such a head start. But everything is in his hands!

What do you need for a job interview?

First of all, collect information that will help you better understand what the customer is looking for. What you need to know when going for an interview:

What kind of company is this? What do they write and say about her? What are her latest achievements, acquisitions?

For this, all information resources are good - the company’s website (special attention to the names and surnames of the management team).

It’s a good idea to visit the office, try to find out who usually conducts interviews, and study the company’s advertising.

It’s great if there are additional sources of information - for example, friends who work in this company.

You may not collect the information that allows you to own the world. But “understanding the issue” will be very useful. And you will go to the interview not as a blind applicant, but as an information-savvy one.

Example of interview and questions:

Why should I hire you??

A very common interview question. Classic. Employers love it because it provides a good opportunity to see the applicant’s ability to sell himself. For some specialties this is the main professional quality. For example, for a sales manager.

For the applicant, this question opens great prospects self-presentation. And it’s stupid to miss such a chance. It makes sense to tell how you worked as a department on an important and urgent project, working tirelessly, 60 hours a week. This way, the employer will hear the answer to his veiled question: “Are you ready to go beyond your job duties?”

Why did you leave your previous job??

An important question for the employer. The reason for changing jobs can reveal a lot about you, whether you want it to or not. You can’t lie - the security service and a follow-up call to your previous place of work will instantly bring you to clean water.

You can’t avoid answering either. It will look suspicious.

Telling the whole truth, the one on the tip of your tongue (the boss is a tyrant, the team is quarrelsome and intriguing) is a fundamentally wrong decision! Nobody needs a quarrelsome, conflicting frame.

The most correct answers: I wasn’t happy with the salary, there was no career prospects. But any claim needs justification. You must somehow motivate your application for a higher paying position.

What shortcomings do you have??

Trick question. Employers also like to ask this question. They look at the applicant's reaction. Does he have a sense of humor and self-irony? How adequate is he in assessing himself?

The difficulty for the applicant is that no matter how he answers, he will be at a disadvantage. Therefore, it is wiser to turn the answer into a joke.

As in the joke: when asked to describe your positive and negative traits the candidate begins to list: conscientious, hardworking, neat, punctual, honest...

They ask him: “What? Are there any shortcomings? - "Eat. I like to lie." At worst, you can tell this joke.

Joke! A worthy answer is from the category, “I have no shortcomings that could not be compensated by my advantages” or “I am a workaholic, I really burn at work, I cannot live without it.”

What would you like to do in 5.10 years??

An honest answer - “I would like to sunbathe on the beach” - is unlikely to satisfy the employer. Most likely, he wants to understand from your answer how ambitious you are, how far your career plans are aimed.

Typically, employers value active and ambitious employees. But there is a nuance here - aren’t you concealing a threat to “catch” the interviewer himself? Therefore, find out who is conducting the interview and what their position is, so as not to get into trouble. Suspicious competitors will eliminate you as they approach the company. And you won't pass the interview.

What is your working style??

Translated into the employer's language, this question sounds something like this: “Do you need to be managed?” “Can we put pressure on you? How about constant monitoring?

There are bosses of a democratic leadership plan. Such people tend to select proactive, self-sufficient personnel. So that they can work themselves, accurately fulfill their duties, without strict control from above.

The totalitarian style of the leader wants to hear an answer to this question like: “I am a good subordinate. Stress-resistant, executive, disciplined. I like to carry out clearly defined tasks.”

How do you spend your leisure time??

Questions like this - what book are you reading now? How did you spend your last vacation?..

In addition to the employer’s desire to find out more about the personality of the applicant, there is also the moment of observing not what, but how the questioner answers. It becomes clear whether he is a good family man, whether he can sacrifice a weekend with his family for a business trip. Will you often take sick leave?

Halo successful person without problems, surrounded by a crowd of loving grandmothers, ready to help at the first call, it won’t hurt the applicant. Managers like it when their employees' minds are occupied with work, and not with family worries.

The first impression, but not the last, how to get selected?

The first impression is that it is a one-time thing. It cannot be done twice. Therefore, before the interview, you need to tune in, get ready, think through everything carefully: what to wear, how and what to say.

5 secrets for a successful interview:

An interview is a dialogue. Prepare not only answers to standard questions employer, but also their own.

How will you be formalized - a work book or a contract? How are salaries paid – in cash or by bank card?
How long is the probationary period? Are sick leave and vacations paid? Is it possible to see the workplace?

It is better to ask these questions at the end of the interview, as appropriate. Or even save it for the HR department if it comes to employment.

But questions such as: are there training programs, advanced training courses? What is the company's development strategy? What is my role in the company? – will be appropriate during the interview. They will reveal your professional interest and show your serious approach to business.

Attention! Traps!

For those who are eloquent. Having asked a harmless question, the interviewer directs interested eyes and ears to the applicant. He smiles and nods his head approvingly, encouraging you to continue. And he falls into the net - he says unnecessary things, things that he did not intend to voice at all.

For the nervous ones. You may experience long pauses between questions or repeat questions after you have answered thoroughly. Like, I don’t understand, please explain. Why use such techniques during an interview? This is how candidates are tested for patience and stress resistance. Employers appreciate their presence.

Don't be shy about talking about your salary. You shouldn't ask this question at the beginning of the interview, but you shouldn't avoid it either, especially if you sense the employer's interest in your candidacy.

Job Interview Tips:

The answers and questions you ask during an interview should focus not on your interests, but on the interests of the company, according to the principle: “Don’t ask what the company can do for you. Ask what you can do for the company.”

Adapt to your interlocutor. Place it towards you. To do this, you need to be able to both hear and listen. You must try to understand who you are dealing with and speak the same language with him.

Of what a person says, only 7% is perceived. But 38% is HOW he speaks and 55% of the information is given out by body language.

Finish beautifully. How to end an interview gracefully? Finally, thank them for their time. Whether you will be hired or not, the image well-mannered person, left about yourself, has never bothered anyone.

There is no need to look ingratiatingly into the employer’s eyes with the question “When should I expect the call?” Keep your back and be patient. If the employer himself has not indicated a deadline for making a decision, then formulate your question, for example, like this: “When is the best time for me to call you back to clarify the result of the interview?”

And in the end I will tell…

So, you've used all the tips on how to competently pass a job interview, and everything went according to plan. They gave you 20 minutes - this is a good sign.

Usually, at the end of the interview, a period is indicated for the employer to make a decision. Regardless of what this decision is, the result is communicated to the applicant by phone.

The decision is announced, usually within 1-2 days. Faster - looks too hasty and suspicious. Longer is disrespectful.

So, they called you back and heard such welcome words: “We are hiring you. You are suitable for us." Great news, but don't relax - you've only won one fight. Victory is a valuable trophy, but you must be able to hold it in your hands.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about a job interview. We hope the information provided will help you conduct a proper job interview.

Watch the video: how to pass an interview.

Young companies always need employees. But not all beginning entrepreneurs can afford an HR specialist who will be responsible for recruiting personnel. Svetlana Shaporova, director, shared with the TAM.BY team, as part of the project, how to make a series of interviews comfortable for applicants and productive for the employer. Read useful instructions for beginners in the field of personnel selection.

How to prepare for an interview?

It's not just job seekers who need to prepare for interviews. An employer, especially one without interview experience, should also be fully prepared.

Try to save the tool called “intuition” for the finals. Think in advance about more reliable ways to check a candidate's compliance with your employer's expectations. For example,

Create a table to analyze and evaluate applicants. In the first column, place the requirements that you place on the candidate, in the second - methods for assessing them, in the third - comments. Remember that the requirements must be realistic and not exaggerated.

- It is important to make a list of mandatory and desirable requirements for the position. So that the search for an employee is crowned with success and does not last for a long time, decide on the optimal list of requirements that meet the position. Describe the tasks that are a priority for the position in the future 1-2 years, no more than- explains Svetlana Shaporova.

You can use the following assessment methods: a structured interview (your interview questions), professional tests, reviews from previous employers, studying information about the candidate in social networks, performing test tasks. In the comments column, accordingly, make notes on each of the candidates. Using such a table during an interview will help you analyze candidates and come to the conclusion: “Our man!” in favor of the most suitable one.

Professional tests can be used to evaluate a candidate both before and after the interview. If there are strict requirements for a vacancy or you need to narrow the candidate pipeline, then it is appropriate to use professional tests before the interview. This will serve as an input result filter that will save you and the applicant’s time. But remember that using such a tool may turn off some candidates.

When posting a vacancy on the website, you can use the library of tests or offer your own version of tasks. Additionally, you can choose various options settings: passing the test is a mandatory or desirable condition for applying for a vacancy. For example, if you are looking for a secretary, before applying for a vacancy, it is advisable to ask applicants to take an attentiveness and literacy test. If your accountant's responsibilities include mandatory reporting according to IFRS standards, offer candidates an appropriate test. However, do not unnecessarily overload the employee selection process with tests, methods and additional questions.

Consider what questions during the interview will help you understand whether the candidate is truly qualified for the position. Has he worked on the equipment he will have to work on; knows the tools and methods he will have to use; can he work with specific programs?

Prepare real cases from the life of your company and invite the candidate to solve them during the interview. This way you can evaluate how the candidate thinks, whether he can cope with similar cases, and how suitable the proposed solutions are for you. In this way, you will test professional competencies, the level of rational thinking, stress resistance and you will be able to avoid pre-prepared socially desirable answers from applicants.

It is better not to get carried away with methods for determining personal qualities without the appropriate education. It is important to remember that each test has different interpretations of the results and limitations, which depend on many factors. For example, how many hours did the applicant sleep the day before, what mood did he initially come to the interview with, what was the weather like, and so on.

Make a list of candidates you are interested in that you will meet with. Allow 15-30 minute breaks between interviews. During this time, you will be able to record your impressions of the previous applicant and prepare for a meeting with a new candidate. Such breaks will allow you to avoid time delays if one of the applicants is late for an interview.

Make sure there is a suitable room for the interview and warn your colleagues not to be distracted during the interview.

Before the meeting, be sure to read the resume again and mark the points that you want to clarify with the applicant during the interview.

- Follow the interview schedule you set. Value not only your time, but also the time of applicants. Don't keep candidates waiting. When you meet, you evaluate whether the applicant is suitable for you, and he, in turn, decides whether he wants to work in your company. The results we conducted this year showed that every second person quits today at will. Don't forget that employees and job seekers also choose their employer. Remember to respect candidates. During the interview, do not talk on the phone, check your email or write letters,- comments the director of RABOTA.TUT.BY.

How to conduct an interview?

First, introduce yourself. There is nothing wrong with this, even if you mentioned your name and position earlier. An interview is always stressful, and the applicant may forget this information.

Tell your interlocutor about the interview process: its format, duration, time for clarifying questions from the candidate. If there are several stages of the interview, warn the applicant about this. And only after the introductory part proceed to the questions.

Questions to help you get to know your potential employee better

To begin with, you can ask the candidate to talk about the facts of his professional biography. This will relieve the applicant’s initial anxiety and start a conversation with you based on information from the resume. You will also be able to understand how the candidate prepared for the interview and how motivated he is.

Questions about job responsibilities, achievements and professional development

What to ask:

  • What tasks did you perform at your previous job?
  • What tasks are you most proud of that you have completed? Why?
  • Which professional achievements can you attribute to personal and which to team achievements?
  • What tasks remained unfulfilled? What resources were missing?
  • Have there been any mistakes or failures in your work? What did they teach you?
  • How, where and what did you study this year? Which of these have been put into practice?

Questions like these help you find out how the candidate contributed to the company's success. The applicant’s ability to take responsibility, analyze mistakes and learn from them. Assess who is in front of you: a good performer or an independent expert, a potential leader.

Questions about the reasons for looking for a new job

What to ask:

  • Why did you decide to change your job?
  • How long ago did you have this desire?

Answers to such questions can reveal the applicant's attitude towards the previous employer.

Questions about employee motivation to work, including in your company

What to ask:

  • What attempts have you made to change the situation that does not suit you?
  • Tell us what you expect from your new job. What is truly important to you?
  • - What contributes to your maximum productivity at work?
  • What do you know about our company and work in it? What sources does this information come from?
  • What type of people do you find easier to work with and why?

Salary questions

What to ask:

  • What are your salary expectations? For a while probationary period? For the next year? Long term?

- More than 90% of candidates usually quote Net salary, that is, the amount minus taxes. Over 30% . Please clarify this point in order to speak with the applicant in the same language of numbers and avoid possible omissions,- says Svetlana Shaporova.

Questions about vacation

What to ask:

  • How do you usually relax?

If you are interviewing a candidate for a managerial position, you can ask questions about vacations. They help indirectly understand how well the candidate maintains a balance between work and personal life, whether he is a workaholic or not, how much time he will spend at work, and how he will manage his team. Such information will allow you to identify the personal qualities of the applicant, which is difficult to do in a regular structured interview.

Questions about hobbies

There is no need to burden the interview with questions about hobbies. They are more appropriate for next stages interviews and only if your company accepts certain collective types of recreation and sports. For example, every Friday you sing karaoke with your whole team or do yoga in the office in the morning. If the applicant does not share similar interests of future colleagues, it will be uncomfortable and difficult for him to fit in.

Answers to such questions allow you to get to know the candidate better and predict what difficulties may arise during the work. It is not necessary to ask all the questions given. Check with the applicant about what is important for the position in your company. Sometimes 1-2 questions are enough. If you're having trouble figuring out whether a candidate is telling the truth, you can ask the same questions with different wordings and interpretations. In this case, you will be able to understand how sincere the applicant is and whether he is telling the truth.

At the moment we are seeing a trend towards more rational use of time. If previously interviews in most companies could last 40-90 minutes, now many employers are trying to reduce the time and optimize the interview process. If you conduct a good preparatory work, then find out necessary information about the applicant in 20 minutes. In most cases, this time is sufficient.

Don't jump to conclusions that the first candidate you interview is the perfect fit for you. Before making a final decision, still get to know several applicants for the position. Check the table, your list of mandatory and desirable requirements for the position in question.

Topics that should not be discussed in an interview

  • about plans for your personal life: marriage, having children*;
  • issues of religion and belief;
  • questions of nationality;
  • Political Views;
  • sexual preferences;
  • questions regarding the candidate’s health, unless required by the specifics of the future job.

- End the interview on a positive note. Answer the applicant's questions. Tell us how long you plan to continue searching for an employee for this position, how and when you will notify the applicant about the decision taken on his candidacy. Treat every interview as one important stages in shaping the reputation and image of your company as an employer,- advises Svetlana Shaporova.

*Such questions are often asked by managers. You can understand their desire to learn more about their future employee. But remember: the reason for refusal to work can only be a person’s business qualities and professional competencies, other reasons for refusal, such as marriage soon or the birth of children are discrimination in the field of labor relations. In addition, no one guarantees that the candidate will answer personal questions as honestly as possible. And we cannot predict some events in life at all.

IMPORTANT! THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A VACANCY are also PROHIBITED from indicating restrictions depending on gender, age, place of residence and other circumstances not related to business qualities and specifics labor activity(Article 14 “Prohibition of discrimination in the field of labor relations» Labor Code Republic of Belarus).

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: whoever controls the information controls the interview situation.

Before you go to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the HR department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (being late is unacceptable).

The company website or a call to the office will help you find out.

Map out answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time not similar to each other. Many people have heard about stressful interviews, where they can suddenly start shouting at the applicant in order to unsettle him. There are also so-called case interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and observed how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be prepared for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main advantages;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the company's work;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual problems that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two and two don't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind a simple wording lies a cunning plan - to force the applicant to say more than he should.

A simple question: “What wages would you like to receive? But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, etc. If you are asked whether you have had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know whether you are inclined to take responsibility or are accustomed to shifting it to others.

There are many tricky questions. You need to be able to see the “double bottom” (without fanaticism!).

Think about your nonverbal behavior

HR managers are people, not automatons. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, etc. An experienced professional may be rejected only because he behaved incorrectly.

Think about your body language in advance. If you habitually jerk your leg out of excitement, then sit cross-legged. If you tap your fingers on the table, try using something to occupy your hands, such as a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not automatons. They understand that you are worried. But naturalness in nonverbal communication will increase your credibility.

Set taboos on certain topics

“Tell me about yourself,” asks the interviewer. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football and was captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute…” - if the applicant’s story is something like this, he won’t see the position like his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to an employer and that in no way characterize you as a professional. In the example given, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), zodiac sign and sporting achievements.

There are topics that you need to taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals(buy a house, have children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience unrelated to future work(I cook well, understand plumbing, etc.);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you made a plan of what you will talk about, write down and remember the topics to ignore. Also think about how to answer correctly if you are asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

An interview is a nerve-wracking affair. You can forget your name, not to mention demonstrating your business skills.

To calm down, look around. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to work, and their analysis will help normalize your nervous system.

Looking critically at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: the company needs a good employee as much as you need a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions that interest him.

Don’t waste time on useless “Will you call me or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any current problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe what you envision as an ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting to work at your company?

There are also a number of questions that are not recommended to be asked. You can tell which ones by clicking on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Any extras? Write them in the comments.


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