How to cut glass correctly at home. How to cut glass and what you need for it

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Not everyone can afford to buy and install metal-plastic windows. Therefore, some people prefer to repair old wooden windows, believing that they will last for some time. The main problem with repairing them is that the glass installed in the window eventually dries out and needs to be replaced, and some may have broken. When going to a store to buy glass, a person can turn to specialists for help in cutting glass, or he can carry out this process on his own.

We measure glass

First you should carry out correct measurements, which will allow us to cut off the piece we need in just one time, without redoing it again and again. It would be nice to define exact dimensions clean the frame from paint in the place in contact with the glass. After this, take a tape measure or a long ruler and measure the width and length of the area that needs to be glazed. It’s worth immediately taking into account one point - it’s best not to cut end-to-end, but take a little less, about 0.5 mm. This is necessary in case there are irregularities on the window. If you are sure that the window is good, then you don’t have to make such a reserve.

Let's get started

As a rule, a whole sheet that a person purchases is quite large in size, several meters in length and width, and therefore has a large weight. In order to transfer such glass to a flat surface, two people are needed. Yes, and be careful - don’t get hurt when transporting the glass.

You can avoid getting cut by wearing thick gloves or mittens, or, alternatively, by wrapping your hands in a piece of rag.

The table on which glass will be cut must have an approximate perfect shape surface, should not be dusty, and no objects should be placed on it. Otherwise, there is a risk that the glass will crack in the wrong place during cutting, and you may simply have to throw it away. You can sweep the table with a broom or wipe away the debris with a rag, and only then put the sheet down.

If you take a dull tool, you can spend quite a lot of time cutting glass, if it succeeds at all.

Which glass cutter to choose

There are three types of glass cutters: diamond, roller and oil cutters. Briefly about their advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Diamond – designed for cutting glass of any thickness and for working on long time. It is best to use a tool with a beveled handle; if necessary, you should also sharpen it on a special whetstone
  2. Roller. As the name of this glass cutter suggests, the roller part is made of special rollers made of cobalt-tungsten alloy, famous for its strength.
  3. Oil-based - almost similar to the roller, but differs in the presence of a bottle of oil in the latter, which is automatically supplied to the glass during cutting. Experts usually use an oil glass cutter when they need to cut through thick glass.

Having chosen a glass cutter and placing the glass on the table, mark on it required sizes. This should be done rationally, trying to avoid a large amount of waste in the work. But, of course, they will still be there. Applying an even strip or ruler to the glass marks, we draw a line, but only once. A second attempt may result in a crack. We cut the glass carefully, but carefully, applying even force along the entire line. Having cut off the glass, carefully move it to the edge and try to break it along the seam with a slight movement. It must be strictly on the edge, otherwise, again, you can break the sheet incorrectly.

If you can’t break it off, lightly tap the seam with a glass cutter or pliers. This is necessary in order to enlarge the crack in the place where the cutting was made.

Having cut off the required piece, carefully remove it and put it aside where it will not disturb anyone, or immediately install it in the window.

Installation and shutdown

We find the frame we need and insert the cut piece of glass there. It is important that it must be closed with a latch, otherwise a gust of wind may open it and the loose glass will fall out. If the glass cannot be inserted due to some interference in window frame, you can trim that place with a knife or plane. Having dealt with this point, we begin to secure the glass. Temporarily, for fastening, you can hammer one nail in the center of all sides, but not all the way, since we are doing this temporarily. By established sizes we cut off the glazing beads, and for aesthetics, 45˚ angles are cut off at their edges so that the fasteners touch beautifully. We remove the temporary nails from the window one at a time, starting with the bottom one. We place the bottom bead and nail it with small nails, being careful not to hit the glass with them or with a hammer. We also install the top bead ourselves, followed by the side beads.


Glass- this material is special and differs from other building materials.

The construction material It is extremely fragile and is mostly transparent.

That’s why, before you buy glass and work with it, you need to start shopping with the tool.

But you shouldn’t buy the first tool you come across, because it may be of poor quality and will not be able to cut the glass as needed.

It is very important to determine what tool you need, because there are several types of glass cutters:

  1. Roller;
  2. Diamond;
  3. Oily;


The roller glass cutter for cutting glass has a built-in special roller, which is made of a very durable tungsten-cobalt alloy. The usual roller diameter is 6.6 mm, this roller diameter allows cutting glass up to 4 mm thick.


The diamond glass cutter is equipped with a correspondingly small diamond, this diamond cuts glass. The hardness of diamond is well known and therefore it has long been used for cutting glass.

Nowadays, as before, a diamond glass cutter is considered the best tool to cut glass.


Not long ago, an oil glass cutter was added to the list of glass cutters.

This is essentially an improved roller tool that has a reservoir built into the handle to supply lubricant to the roller. This lubricant binds particles that were formed when cutting glass while ensuring smooth movement. This glass cutter can cut glass up to 20 mm.

  1. Before purchasing any type of glass cutter, it is best to ask the seller to check.
  2. If you are satisfied with the instrument, then you can buy it, but buy the one that was demonstrated to you.

How to cut glass

A sheet of glass is not as easy to cut as it seems at first. To make a glass cut, preparation is necessary.


  1. Absolutely new glass will only need to be thoroughly cleaned of dust and wiped dry with newspaper; fabric is not suitable for such work.
  2. If you have to cut old glass, you should first degrease it, after which the glass is washed well with water and detergents.
  3. After all the above manipulations, the glass will need to be dried in a closed and clean room.

Cut glass

Ditto preparatory work This includes cutting glass and preparing containers for waste collection. There should be two containers, that is, for collecting small waste and for collecting larger ones, which may be useful for something in the future.

It is best to start cutting glass with a simple window glass, and then move on to more complex options.

Glass cutting technique

When using a diamond glass cutter, you need to hold it at the very bottom of the handle and draw a smooth line along the ruler, almost without pressing on the glass.

When cutting glass with a roller glass cutter A little pressure is required and when the glass cutter moves, a whitish stripe appears on the surface of the glass, deeper than when using a diamond tool.

Possible mistakes

When there is a river of glass there are two mistakes:

  1. The pressure with a glass cutter can be too strong;
  2. The glass cutter is carried out several times in the same place.

When cutting glass, try to press the tool evenly along the entire length of the cut.

If you notice chips while cutting glass, this only means that you are pressing too hard on the tool. To avoid this, reduce the pressure on the glass cutter.

Never double-draw along a cut line, as this may damage your tool.

The final stage is glass breaking

Thin glass is broken by hand. The piece of glass that has already been cut must be placed on the edge of the table, so that the cutting line is on top and protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, and the main part of the glass should lie on the table.

You need to press the glass sheet with one hand, and with the other you need to grab the protruding part of the glass and gently press down on the glass with your hand.

If the edge that needs to be broken off is small and cannot be broken off by hand, use pliers.

Knowledge of the theory of cutting steel allows you to apply this knowledge in practice. That is, you can take a small piece of glass and practice on it.

After you try glass cutting in practice, you will be more confident in your skills in the future. We hope this information is useful. We wish you good luck and patience!

Glass is used in many areas of life. Often at home you have to replace a cracked window, fireplace damper, kitchen apron, or make a plexiglass canopy or glaze a greenhouse. And the work will be with a fragile and traumatic substance. To avoid injury and significant waste of fragile material, you need to know how to cut glass.

Types of glass cutters

First of all, you need to remember that there are different types of glass: regular window glass, tempered glass, plexiglass, acrylic glass, corrugated glass, and ten more options. Also, even an ordinary one can be quite thick or, conversely, thin and very fragile. Depending on the type, the tool and cutting method are selected. But using a glass cutter is the most common option.

The construction market offers several options for glass cutters:

  • diamond can cut glass almost any thickness and its service life is long. A diamond is used as a working element, which, if necessary, can be easily turned with an unsharpened edge;
  • roller has a working part, which is made of an alloy of cobalt and tungsten and is characterized by increased strength. The number of rollers ranges from one to six and they can be replaced;
  • oil has rollers and a reservoir with lubricant that flows to the surface and reduces friction. When worn out, the roller itself and its fastening require replacement;
  • with compass function, which allow you to cut circles. Most often, an ordinary oil glass cutter is mounted on a special device with a scale that allows you to set the diameter of the circle.

Before cutting glass with a glass cutter, you need to prepare it:

  • clean from dirt, possibly wash and wipe dry;
  • remove the slightest dust, since the smallest particle that a glass cutter stumbles upon can become a source of cracking;
  • if used glass is used, it is also degreased with kerosene;
  • drawing cutting lines.
Important! It is necessary to prepare the surface on which cutting will be carried out. It is chosen to be flat, clean, without changes in height.

Safety regulations

The approaches to how to properly cut glass with a roller or diamond glass cutter are the same. The main thing is to observe certain rules and remember safety precautions:

  • wear protective equipment: gloves and goggles;
  • place the glass on a flat surface and check that it fits well and does not vibrate;
  • scratch along the ends of the cut line so that you can ease the pressure and avoid chipping the edge;
  • a diamond glass cutter is taken at the base of the handle and guided without much pressure along the intended line;
  • the roller glass cutter is clamped with a pinch between the thumb, ring and middle fingers, and is responsible for the pressure forefinger. It should be pressed to obtain a whitish cut;
  • By back side lightly tap along the cut line;
  • move the glass to the edge of the table and break it off along the cut line.
Expert advice! A straight line The cut can be obtained by using a ruler. To prevent the ruler from slipping, it is glued with double-sided thin tape. This will also make the break easier.

There is a relationship between the width of the glass and the width of the strip that breaks off freely:

Craftsmen have their own style when working with glass surfaces, but you should adhere to certain general recommendations about how to cut glass correctly:

  • there is no strong pressure applied to the glass cutter so that the edges of the cut do not crumble;
  • one line - one cut, you cannot “cut” again in one place;
  • movements with a glass cutter must be fast and confident. Optimal: 1 m in 2 seconds;
  • towards the edge, the pressure decreases, which allows you to avoid crumbling the edges;
  • mark the table, not the glass itself.

How to replace a glass cutter

Not only professional tools will help when cutting glass, but also not quite ordinary ones, for example, such as scissors or a grinder. They can easily cope with such work under certain conditions.

Scissors cannot cut glass in the air, but you can cut glass with scissors in water. In a liquid, gravity is less and the scissors make not a cut, but a microcrack. This crack plays the role of a capillary into which water will enter. Capillary water has a wedging effect at weak points of crystallization and the glass breaks off in pieces.

Interesting! If it is necessary to cut out shaped parts, the glass is placed in cold water and then boil for several hours. After cooling, the tension inside is relieved and the material becomes soft.

There are several ways and options for cutting thick glass. The simplest one is to use an oil glass cutter if the thickness is no more than 20 mm. But as an option, . The dimensions of the tool should be small and convenient. The diameter of the circle is the smallest, then it will be easier to work with.

Plexiglas: glass or plastic

Not all types of glass can be cut with glass cutters. There are materials on the construction market that either cannot be cut at home at all, or to cut them you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules, and some are cut very simply.

One of the most flexible materials for cutting is plexiglass. This transparent plastic with thermoplastic properties. The material is very easy to process, but there is one feature: low thermal conductivity, due to which the edges of the cut immediately heat up. So before you cut acrylic glass, you need to think about how to cool it.

Basic tools for cutting plexiglass:

The choice of tool directly depends on the thickness of the glass: the thinnest - with a knife, the thickest - with a circular saw or on a machine. Electric saw blades are special for plexiglass, but are suitable for copper and aluminum.

Use a hacksaw or stationery knife needed quickly. Unlike window glass, the cut line can be drawn several times. During cutting, the blades are cooled so as not to melt the edges of the cut. The resulting cut will have roughness, which can be removed when processed with sandpaper.

The low melting point makes it possible to cut plexiglass with a jigsaw and obtain a wide variety of shaped products. The file in the jigsaw is replaced nichrome wire. which connects to a transformer with an operating voltage of up to 4 V. The heated wire easily and softly passes through the plexiglass along any trajectory. the cut is smooth and even, requiring no additional processing.

Rules for cutting tempered, grooved and fire-resistant glass

Very rarely, it may be necessary to cut fireproof glass, for example to replace it in an oven or fireplace door. At home and without special skills, such a procedure should not be carried out, since heat-resistant glass is a split system consisting of several tempered and non-tempered glasses. But some craftsmen use an angle grinder with diamond blade very small diameter. To avoid crumbling when cutting fireproof glass with a grinder, pour oil over the cut line.

If you use not a grinder, but a machine with a diamond wheel, you can cut tempered glass at home. In this case, a cooling emulsion must be continuously supplied to the cutting wheel. You can cut it, but all the properties of such glass will be nullified. The technology for manufacturing tempered glass often involves imparting certain properties to already finished product, such as a fireplace door.

Another type loved by designers and often used in everyday life for decorative purposes is corrugated glass. It differs from the usual one in that it has a non-smooth surface on one side. It is necessary to cut corrugated glass on the flat side with any glass cutter, but an oil cutter is preferable. To make it convenient to work, the table is covered soft cloth, on which the glass sheet is laid.

A diamond glass cutter is not as easy to use as a popular roller tool, but once you master it perfectly, it will work much faster and more economically. Let's try to figure out why this is so with the help of this review.

What is special about a diamond glass cutter?

For those who are accustomed to solving all everyday problems with their own hands, a tool such as a glass cutter is not something mysterious, because, as a rule, there is enough glass in our house. Brittle breakable material large quantities present in windows and furniture or interior doors. For home use There are, of course, devices that are simpler and cheaper than a diamond head, but experts still choose a noble stone, why?

Glass is a very capricious material, metal often leaves the edge in an unsightly state, requiring long and careful grinding. Diamond works more accurately and accurately, and it rarely becomes unusable, because it is the most durable material in the world of stones, the same cannot be said about metal cutting rollers. But you shouldn’t think that the tool contains that same precious stone; in fact, a less processed diamond is used for cutting, often it is even replaced by an artificial one. This is possible because they do not differ in strength at the level at which we use them.

A diamond of any origin, be it natural or artificial, causes very thin line cutting, works very carefully, the output is significantly less waste. But this is only if you know how to handle it correctly. Don’t be afraid that such a glass cutter is professional, diamond tool it just requires some skill, and below we will try to acquire it. There is little value in such a device, because the size of the stone can only reach 0.16 carats, and the smallest representative will weigh about 0.02 carats.

Professional diamond glass cutter – design

We will consider the device of such a glass cutter from our philistine point of view, without going into the wording of GOSTs, according to which hand tool is being produced today. Since we will have to work with our hands, the first thing we will feel is the handle. Its form must correspond certain requirements. To ensure that it fits comfortably in the hand, its end has a drop-shaped, plump shape; closer to the working part of the instrument, it bends slightly. This allows us to transfer the necessary force to the cutter, which our hand will practically not feel, but its very position will create it.

Next comes the rod, that is, the frame that comes out of the handle and holds the remaining parts of the tool. Typically made from brass or steel. As is customary in modern production, this section of the rod is coated with an anti-corrosion compound. This frame is crowned with a hammer, most often presented in the form of a rhombus, with two corners cut off. This hammer sometimes has slits on the sides, these are not for beauty, they are useful for breaking off glass along the cut line. In addition to directly breaking off this accessory used to tap the cut line if processed large leaf glass, and there is no way to grab it by the edge.

At the end of the tool there is a cutter, which consists of two parts. First comes the steel orb, and the diamond is fused onto it using silver solder, most often. The cutter is held in the hammer by a mounting screw. When you manage to dull the diamond, the screw is unscrewed and the cutter is turned with the other face of the stone. Yes, they don’t throw it away, but choose a new, still sharp edge of the diamond. This is another advantage of such a glass cutter: it takes a long time to get dull, and then it doesn’t require a new cutter; it’s enough to turn the existing one.

Diamond glass cutter - tool types

Since we started talking about edges, it’s time to explain what they are. Based on the number of working edges, two are distinguished. More difficult to use, but long-lasting, is a tool with a tetrahedral diamond pyramid, which is soldered into a square holder. The second type is more suitable for a novice glassmaker and is equipped with a curved cut diamond, which is fixed in a round base. This option is easier to use because the chip is in a plane with the main axis of the device, and the master intuitively understands how glass is cut with a diamond glass cutter of this type.

With a tetrahedral diamond, things are more complicated. The cutter has markings for 4 positions, that is, it shows the orientation of the working edge, which will then help you avoid getting confused when turning the ground edge. Another feature that is more difficult for a novice owner is the process of use itself. The cutter is not on the axis of the tool, but at an angle of 200 degrees, therefore, it must be held a little differently than it seems at first glance. From here, at first you can ruin a lot of glass.

Glass cutters differ in the size of the stone, which is due to the thickness of the glass planned for cutting. The smallest diamonds (up to 0.05 carats) are cut only into thin-sheet products (up to 5 mm). But glass with a thickness of 6-10 mm will only cut qualitatively a diamond of more than 0.11 carats. The cost of “precious” glass cutters is actually not as prohibitive as it seems, but significantly more than that of conventional roller tools. Fake diamond small mass for thin-sheet glass will determine the price in the region of $10, but larger and a natural stone will be in the tool for $30.

Cutting glass with a diamond glass cutter - what are our steps?

Now we have come to the controversial point with which we have been scaring you throughout the entire article. Let's try to figure out what's so special about working with this tool.

Cutting glass with a diamond glass cutter - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Prepare the table and tools

First of all, choose a spacious, flat surface and cover it with something soft, for example, carpet. All working surface should be larger than the largest piece of glass, a margin should be at least 15%. Do not plan to cut the product on the edge of the table; although this is practiced by some craftsmen, there is a risk of damaging both the glass and the tool in in this case much higher. Additional tools will be required to make it easier for you. For example, you need a long ruler, preferably of certain dimensions (up to 2 cm in width and up to 1 cm in thickness). With such an “assistant” your hand will not tremble at the most crucial moment. Also, for marking, you need to have a square, tape measure, marker and protective gloves in front of you.

Step 2: Glass Preparation and Cutting

Bring and carefully place the sheet on workplace. It should be remembered that this is a heavy material, and if the dimensions are impressive, then use the help of a friend or a rope tie to insure the glass from falling. Now wipe the material from dust or dirt, inspect for defects (bubbles, chips, cracks, scratches). Somewhere on the edge, check how your tool cuts. The glass cutter should be held by the hammer with two fingers (index and thumb), and you should press no harder than on a simple pencil when writing.

If you get a thin, barely noticeable white line, then you have found correct position, and you can start the main work, but if it turns out thick and leaves a lot of glass dust, this will not work. Look for the desired position by slightly changing the orientation of the tool. Never try to cut along the same line twice. This will not add quality, but will only completely ruin your glass.

Step 3: Slicing Techniques

You should always strive to save glass, so before work, check to see if the number of operations can be reduced by taking some side of the original sheet as the finished side of your product. For example, a rectangular piece can be cut faster if, after measuring the parameters of the sheet with a square, you find that its edges are also located at right angles. True, you should immediately check the edge for any “fraying”. If any are present, you need to cut off a strip of glass (for a thickness of 5 mm, it is enough to cut the edge by 2 cm).

Now, to make the planned rectangular piece, mark everything using a square and a tape measure, draw a thin line with a glass cutter, slide this seam onto the edge of the table and press sharply with your hand to break along the line.

You can tap the line with a hammer first so that the break occurs for sure and as smoothly as possible. This is how each side of the right triangle is cut off. And if you need a curved shape of glass, you will have to make a template from cardboard, place it under the glass and apply markings so that the glass cutter will have to move mostly in a straight line, that is, break your figure into several parts with more or less straight sides. If you still can’t break it this way, then make a template from plywood and cut the glass with it, moving the glass cutter along it.

Modern interiors involve the active use of various glass surfaces, which sometimes crack or break. To repair them yourself, replace the glass in a window or door frame with a new one, or carry out many other repair operations, you need to know how to cut glass with a glass cutter and what features exist in this complex operation.

How to cut glass: preparation, marking and sequence of actions

Before starting any work with glass, it is important to carry it correctly: exclusively with gloves, in an upright position, holding it in front of you.

So, how to cut glass correctly? To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

1.Prepare glass. If new glass is to be used, then it is enough to wipe it with a damp soft cloth made of fabric that does not leave excess lint, and then with the same dry cloth. Used glass must be prepared more carefully by washing off all the dirt and dust from it, and then wiping it dry.

2. Place the glass on a flat horizontal surface, for example regular table, placing a blanket or thick cotton fabric under it.

3. Mark the glass as accurately as possible, since a slight deviation of even 1-2 mm can nullify all the work. Marking can be done using a corner or a measuring tape ruler. It is better to choose a ruler with a special non-slip rubber or silicone backing, or simply glue a smooth strip of rubber to the bottom of a regular ruler.

4.In order not to think about how to cut glass smoothly, use the same ruler during the cutting process itself.

5.Quickly draw a line along the markings with a glass cutter, moving in one direction.

6. Break off the glass on the edge of the table by lightly tapping it, or use pliers.

It is best to cut glass using modern glass cutters, of which there are several varieties today. Each type of glass cutter is designed for a specific type of work, glass thickness and skill level.

Diamond glass cutter

The diamond glass cutter uses real diamond as the main working element. small size. A tight connection between the diamond and the setting is achieved through the use of silver solder, which significantly increases the viscosity of the solder.

This glass cutter copes well with glass up to about 10 mm thick. Sometimes a real diamond in a tool is replaced with an artificial one, which cuts no worse, but can handle glass of a smaller thickness (up to 5 mm).

At home, many people experience quite a lot of difficulties with how to properly cut glass with such a glass cutter. If you still need to use just such a tool, it is better to choose a glass cutter with a beveled cutting edge.

To work with a diamond glass cutter, you need to hold it firmly, like an ordinary pencil, at the base of the handle, and, without pressing on the glass, lightly draw a line along the markings made. A slightly cracking sound should be heard during the process, and the result should be a barely noticeable cut in the form of a scratch.

A glass cutter with a diamond element can cut up to 10 km of glass without the need for sharpening.

Roller glass cutter

A roller glass cutter is considered quite universal, in which the main working element is small rollers made of a very hard alloy of cobalt and tungsten. With such a glass cutter, you won’t have to wonder how best to cut glass with a thickness of 1 to 7 mm. That is why it is suitable for most household projects, including cutting glass for window and door frames, pictures, shelves, etc.

There are glass cutters with different numbers of rollers, which directly affects the quality of cutting. The more rollers, the better the glass cutter.

Usage roller glass cutter, unlike diamond, requires more pressure. The line on the glass from such a tool should remain white and deep enough.

Roller glass cutters can “last” without sharpening, cutting up to 350 m of glass.

Oil glass cutter

For those who just can't figure out how to cut glass with a glass cutter, it is best to choose a modern oil glass cutter, which is very similar to a roller cutter, but differs in function constant supply oil lubrication. This makes the glass cutting process much easier and smoother, resulting in a more even cut.

Such a glass cutter can handle glass up to 20 mm thick, and it will only have to be sharpened after 5 km of cutting.

Due to its smooth operation, an oil glass cutter is excellent for cutting mirrors, which are distinguished by their fragility, as well as thick corrugated glass. However, it is worth considering that the mirror must be cut along the front mirror side, and corrugated glass, on the contrary, along the back smooth side.

Regardless of what type of glass cutter is used, under no circumstances should you cut it along the same line several times. You should also move the glass cutter as smoothly as possible, without jerking, and slightly reduce the pressure a few millimeters before the end of the glass.

If you follow all the recommendations listed above on how to cut glass correctly, choose the most suitable glass cutter, and also prepare yourself well glass surface and the location of the work, glass cutting can be carried out even by a non-specialist at home, after practicing a little on unnecessary pieces of glass.


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