How to independently replace a double-glazed window. How to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window yourself: video, instructions How to change a plastic window yourself

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There are two reasons for replacing glass: it mechanical damage or initially incorrect installation of the product, as a result of which the tightness of the window system is lost - its key property, without which the design loses its meaning.

Loss of tightness is not always indicated by obvious signs. The presence of a defect can be determined by the following signs:

  1. By a sudden decrease in air temperature in the room and the presence of a draft.
  2. On foggy windows.
  3. On glass that freezes in the cold season.
  4. By increasing the noise level in the room.

Thorough visual inspection allows you to identify poor-quality installation, the presence of cracks, through holes or low quality material.

Note! If even a minimal defect associated with a violation of the system’s tightness is detected, you should not postpone repairs, since subsequently the entire structure may need to be replaced along with the profile, and this is a more significant cost.

Prices for seals for plastic windows

Sealant for plastic windows

Modern MPO manufacturers offer various ways improvements plastic construction window:

  1. By replacing a single-chamber glass unit with a double-chamber one, you can increase the thermal insulation properties of the system.
  2. Anti-resonance double glazing increases sound insulation in the room and prevents increased external noise due to resonance.
  3. Using energy-saving designs, you can retain heat indoors.
  4. More reliable protection provided through the use of Triplex glass.


The process of replacing a double-glazed window yourself involves performing several steps:

  1. Freeze. Performed for the manufacture of new double-glazed windows.
  2. Dismantling the damaged element.
  3. Installation of a new double-glazed window.

For each of these stages, it is important to be careful in work and adhere to technology. Working with glass requires compliance with safety precautions.

Taking measurements

The first thing you need to do is take the measurements correctly. The dimensional accuracy of the new product depends on this. The following measurements are made using a tape measure:

  1. The overall dimensions of the glass unit are its height and width.
  2. The thickness of the glass unit is measured as accurately as possible, down to a millimeter.
  3. Air chamber width (distance between glass panes).

The parameters of the arched glass are determined using a template made of cardboard or thick paper.

Table 1. Taking measurements

The dismantling of a double-glazed window begins with the removal of glazing beads and PVC linings (plates). To remove glazing beads, use a chisel, spatula, or other sharp flat tool. First of all, extract side elements, and then lower and upper.
A special spatula is used to remove the linings.
To measure the height and width of the glass unit, carefully tilt it.
Having removed the glass unit from the grooves, measure its thickness, consisting of the thickness of the glass and the air chambers between them.

After measurement, the product is inserted back and fixed using linings and beads. The production of double-glazed windows according to the measurements provided is carried out by companies offering MPO installation services. If you are not sure that you can take the dimensions yourself, then it is better to contact a specialized company that will provide a measurer and carry out subsequent installation of the product. In this case, the company will be responsible for the work done. If the measurements are taken independently, and the manufactured product does not fit as it should, then you will have to pay extra for the rework. Therefore, the sizing step must be approached responsibly.

How to properly dismantle a double-glazed window

When installing a new double-glazed window, the old one must be dismantled. The design of the plastic window system is such that the glass unit is fixed to the frame using special profile elements - glazing beads.

The plastic strip is hollow inside - it also has a practical purpose, and not just a decorative one, due to the air chamber.

On the outside, the glazing bead has a different profile, which forms the decorative appearance of the window structure.

Note! To avoid confusing the previous location after installing the new glass, it is recommended to make marks on their surface. Otherwise, you may end up with noticeable gaps.

To work you need to use the following tools:

  1. Rubber hammer.
  2. Rake as a lever, thickness from 5 to 8 mm.
  3. With a knife or thin spatula.

You need to start work by removing the vertical elements. This is done by placing the blade of a knife or spatula between the frame and the bead. Gently tapping with a rubber hammer, the tip is driven slightly deeper. Then, the bead is bent, applying minimal force, and pulled out of the seat.

After the side beads are removed, remove the lower and then the upper element. When removing the last bead, the glass unit must be supported.

After removing the bead, remove the seal located around the perimeter of the glass.

In addition to glazing beads, double-glazed windows window opening is held by spacer PVC plates - they are installed between the window block and the frame. They are pulled out at the same time as the glass unit.

It is necessary to remove the glass unit carefully by tilting it. If the dimensions of the product are large, then it is better to do it together.

Taking out window unit, wear gloves to prevent the glass from slipping out of your hands.

The process of installing a new double-glazed window

At the final stage, a new double-glazed window is installed. At correct installation the room will become warmer and quieter. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order - no new tools or manipulations are required.

Before installing a new unit, the frame must be inspected for contamination.

Before installing the block itself, it is necessary to correctly distribute the folding and leveling inserts inside the frame.

Seam inserts snap to the frame around the perimeter.

In order for the plate to fit correctly, it is better to place it at an angle on the folded liner, and after installing the double-glazed window, tuck it in.

The block is installed at an angle of 45 degrees, resting on the lower plates, then placed completely in the sash opening.

The top bead is fixed. To ensure that it fits tightly into place, it is tapped with a rubber hammer.

To facilitate the installation of a short bead, cutouts are made in the center of the element in its invisible part to reduce the rigidity of the product and make it more flexible.

If the length of the beads is less than 400 mm, installation is carried out sequentially around the perimeter, starting with the short element.

At the final stage, when the operation of the sash is checked, glazing beads are installed. The bottom element is installed last.

After installation, you need to make sure that the structure fits tightly into the frame and the sashes function correctly. They are adjusted if necessary.

Replacing damaged glass

Sometimes you may not need to purchase a new double-glazed window. For example, if one glass is damaged, but the second is intact. In this case, it is enough to make the replacement yourself.

A double-glazed window consists of two or three glasses with an air chamber between them. They are separated by an aluminum frame with silica gel inside, which acts as a molecular sieve. Often the thickness of the glass is 4 mm, and the width of the chamber between them is 1.6 cm. The glass is fixed to the frame using butyl sealant.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the block from the frame, remove the sealant and measure the dimensions of the glass, including its thickness.

Table 2. Instructions for replacing glass

The glass unit is removed from the frame and placed with the damaged side up on a soft substrate.
To make it easier to cut off the black sealant holding the glass, the block is left indoors so that it becomes room temperature. The work is carried out using stationery or construction knife.
Damaged glass is carefully separated from the structure. Clean the remaining sealant around the perimeter using a sharp spatula or knife.
The surface of the aluminum frame is degreased. Silicone is applied on top.
New glass is installed on the frame.
The glass is lightly pressed around the perimeter and left for about 1.5 hours.
After this, silicone is applied in a circle along the end of the block in the area where the new glass is fixed. The product is left for a day.
The block is installed in the previously described way: first, the lower liners and linings are laid, the block is installed, the side and top spacer liners are fixed, and the beads are mounted.

Temporary conservation

If one glass is damaged and through hole not in the block, then there is a crack while it is being manufactured new element, must be preserved. This will help temporarily reduce heat loss in the room, prevent drafts and reduce noise levels.

To do this, use a transparent sealant specially designed for use with glass. With its help, the crack will not grow further. Apply the composition twice, maintaining a technological break of 2-4 hours. detailed information instructions for working with the material are indicated on the packaging.

Prices for silicone sealant for windows

Silicone sealant

You can also use optical glass glue, which will strengthen the crack and prevent it from spreading further.

As practice shows, independently replacing a double-glazed window does not cause difficulties, provided that the basic technological requirements are met. It doesn't take much time to work. Not counting the drying time of the sealant, the entire job will take an average of 2 hours.

To ensure installation goes quickly and efficiently, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The work is carried out at daylight or high-quality artificial lighting.
  2. Sometimes it is not possible to remove the entire block if, for example, it is severely damaged. To simplify the process of cleaning up fragments and avoid damage flooring, laid on the floor old fabric, which is then thrown away. The rags cannot be used in the future, as small glass fragments may become stuck in the fibers.
  3. If it is necessary to remove splinters from the block structure, it is recommended to use a rubber hammer, which does not produce as many splinters. This tool will be useful later when installing glazing beads.
  4. If the glass is large, it is better to call an assistant.
  5. It is not recommended to touch glass with bare hands. There are special suction cups for this.
  6. If one glass is being replaced, then before applying it to the frame treated with sealant, the remaining initially solid glass is wiped well, removing fingerprints and other contaminants from its surface.
  7. Before installation, a new double-glazed window must be inspected for defects, so that later you do not have to redo everything again.
  8. During work it is necessary to observe safety precautions. If splinters are likely to form, you must effectively protect your hands and face.

A crack in the glass is not a reason to spend a lot of money on a new product. You can limit yourself minor repairs, to window system continued to function as normal.

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Video - Sequence of actions when replacing double-glazed windows in a plastic window

Video - How to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window yourself

Today, the design of plastic and aluminum double-glazed windows is considered quite complex, and few people will undertake to carry out repairs on their own if the glass is damaged. However, when the right approach You can do without the participation of specialists, which will save a considerable amount.

How a plastic window works - design features

We will not talk about the chambers of the frame itself; we are primarily interested in the double-glazed window that is to be replaced. This design It is based on a special frame made of a profile in which a molecular sieve is located, which does not allow moisture to penetrate into the cavities between the glasses. This frame is most often made of aluminum or galvanized steel, sometimes it can be made of plastic. It is this that is a kind of gasket that separates the glass of the package, the distance between which depends on the requirements for this design.

Self-replacement of double-glazed windows plastic window is possible only if you know exactly the markings of what was installed initially. There is nothing complicated in the digital designations; on the contrary, you can easily choose exactly the size you need if you order an identical design. On the market you can find both single-chamber and double-chamber types; in the first case, the package consists of two glasses, and in the second of three. For example, brand 4-10-4-10-4 will mean a two-chamber model: 3 glasses of 4 millimeters each are separated from each other by two frames 1 centimeter wide. Option 4-6-3-16-4 is more complex, cameras in this case different widths, the gaps between the glasses are 6 and 16 millimeters, respectively, with the middle glass in the bag being only 3 millimeters, and the outer ones – 4.

The least popular, but available among the products of manufacturers of double-glazed windows, are three-chamber models, their cost is the highest, and their use is justified in the northern regions or in windows on the north side of the house.

Determining how many glasses you have, if you couldn’t figure it out during inspection, is quite simple. Hold a burning candle and count the lights in the reflection. 2 – this means a single-chamber model, 3 – a two-chamber model, 4 – which means there are three chambers ahead heavy expenses to replace. The manufacturing technology itself, or more precisely, the assembly of the packages, is noteworthy. The cavities are usually filled with inert gases, such as krypton or argon. Less often, in workshops without special complex equipment, simply ensuring maximum dryness of the air inside. It is logical that the chambers are made extremely airtight, which makes the assembly reminiscent of making an aquarium - the glass is placed on the frame using a special adhesive sealant. It is for this reason that if the glass is damaged, it is wiser to replace the entire glass unit.

We measure the plastic window - determine the dimensions of the package

It would seem that there is no other option but to remove the double-glazed window and, picking up an ordinary measuring construction tape, get exact values height and width. However, then you will either have to disassemble the frame twice, or the windows will be without glass until you buy new ones. The easiest option is to measure the distance between the outer edges of the beads that hold the glass unit in place. The secret is that the glass enclosed in the frame is slightly smaller than the plastic strips holding them in place, due to the existing adjustment gap. Taking into account the last factor, we reduce the result obtained after measurements by 3, taking off 1.5 centimeters on each side.

The above method concerns the determination of dimensions in both width and height. As for the thickness of the package, we have already explained how you can find it out by simply converting the marking numbers into dimensional values. Let us only note that when replacing glass, you can choose not an absolutely identical option, but one that is suitable in terms of overall thickness. That is, if you have a single-chamber package with a large gap between the glasses, you can take a two-chamber one, the sum of the marking numbers of which will correspond to the sum similar values previous design. Thus, you will significantly improve the heat retention rates in the room by increasing the number of chambers with the same package thickness.

Dismantling - the correct sequence of actions

So, let's get down to work on restoring your window sash to its original form. To do this, you simply need to replace the glass unit in a damaged plastic window, which is possible even for those who have never faced such a task before. You will need a narrow tool, such as a thin chisel, and also a rubber mallet. First you need to remove the glazing beads, and you must start with the side ones in order to avoid damage to the latches.

From the edge of any right or left glazing bead, that is, at the highest or lowest point. At the same time, we direct the sharpened edge away from the frame. We apply several weak blows with a rubber hammer to the chisel to form a narrow gap, which will mean disconnecting the fastener. Be careful, there is a risk of breaking the hidden part of the fastener that fits into the frame groove.

Now we are developing achieved success, turning the working part of the chisel 180 degrees and resting its plane against the edge of the bead. We press and the gap begins to expand. We continue along the entire height of the frame, if necessary, placing any narrow plastic plates as wedges where the glass unit lock has already come off. In no case do we use strong pressure or blows, so as not to break the plastic window; it is better to spend more time, but do without damage.

When both side beads are removed, disconnect the lower and upper ones in the same way (only in this order). When doing this, be sure to hold the glass unit so that it does not fall out, since it will no longer be secured when the last element holding it is removed. It is also important to remember that when removing the clamps, you should mark where they were located so that you can then install them in the reverse order. It is also necessary to remember (or better yet, mark) before removing the double-glazed window where there are spacers that correct its position in the frame.

Installation - how to properly replace glass and assemble a window

Finally one- or two-chamber glass structure removed and placed to the side (entirely or in fragments, depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, try not to break it; remove it with extreme caution. Next, we carefully place the double-glazed window in the plastic window and independently adjust the gaps, placing the spacers at the same points where they were previously. Check that the seals are also in place.

We return the glazing beads to the grooves intended for them window frame. Right now it is important to remember in what order you extracted them and which ones exactly - from where. We fasten in exactly the reverse order. To make the clamps fit into the grooves more easily, we tap along the outer edge of each with a rubber hammer, and the blows should not be strong - you are working with fragile plastic. When you hear a click, this will mean that the bead has taken its proper place. It remains only with the help of a special bolt and a hexagonal angle screwdriver if its position is violated.

Replacing individual glass at home - how to do it

Yes, if you know how to disassemble a double-glazed window, you can replace only its damaged part, but this will be much more difficult. The fact is that glass replacement in a plastic window is carried out in a room with a minimum amount of moisture in the air, or under a heat gun. Otherwise, moist air, once inside the chamber, will turn into air when the temperature changes, and it will fall directly into the cavity.

If you are determined, place the bag on a flat surface and use a construction knife to cut off the intermediate frame under the damaged glass.

Carefully clean the place where it is fixed from the remnants of the adhesive-sealant and use double-sided tape, without gaps (the latter are covered with silicone), glue a new aluminum frame, filling it with moisture-absorbing granules. Next, we place new glass on the same silicone, cut exactly to the size of the bag.

Possible damage to glass in a plastic window:

  • Crack,
  • Skol,
  • Through hole.

First aid

Crack or chip in glass unit
If the glass unit has received minor damage and the integrity of the structure is not compromised, try not to use the window sash with damaged filling. This will avoid further destruction of the glass unit. However, in order to use the window normally, broken glass needs to be replaced.

Through hole - a hole in a double-glazed window
In some cases, double-glazed windows may be damaged through and through. In this case, the first thing you need to do is attach to the window, for example, with tape, a piece of cardboard or other material that prevents the penetration of air from the street - which is especially important in the cold season, and begin the process of replacing the broken glass unit as quickly as possible.

How to replace broken glass in a plastic window

For those who value time and want to entrust the work to professionals, we offer the service of professional replacement of double-glazed windows in apartment and country house windows.

If desired, you can replace the glass unit yourself. Below we offer detailed instructions.

Important: The double-glazed window changes completely: the individual glasses within the double-glazed window do not change, as they are glued together.

Instructions for replacing a broken glass unit yourself

Steps for replacing broken double-glazed windows

  1. Measure the glass unit
  2. Make a new double-glazed window to replace the broken one
  3. Install a new double glazed window

To replace a double-glazed window, perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Remove the beads holding the broken glass unit. First long, then short. To pry, use a flat, sharp object - a spatula or knife.
  2. Carefully remove the old glass unit. Make sure that the linings that spread it out and on which it rests are not lost.
  3. Install a new double glazed window. Spread it open with pads. How to do this correctly - see GOST 30674 Window blocks made of PVC profiles.
  4. Install the glazing bead in place: first the short ones, then the long ones. Use a hammer with a special “soft” tip to avoid accidentally damaging the glass.
  5. Dispose of the old glass unit.

Cost of a new double glazed window

Replacing a double-glazed window in a plastic window yourself is not nearly as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and this procedure does not require a particularly expensive tool; the only thing you need is knowledge of some simple rules, thanks to which you can easily cope with this work.

The need to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window may arise if it is damaged during repairs, rearrangement of furniture, or simply careless handling of the window. There is an opinion that in order to replace a damaged double-glazed window, you must definitely call a specialist installer, and for this call you will have to pay a considerable amount of money, but it is possible to save this money by replacing the double-glazed window yourself. All you need to do is just buy a new double-glazed window.

Conventionally, the process of replacing the glass unit of a plastic window can be divided into the following three parts:

  • measuring the old double-glazed window, for subsequent transfer of the taken dimensions to the company that will make you a new one;
  • dismantling a damaged package from the opening;
  • installation of a new double-glazed window.

Each of these operations has its own characteristics, which we will talk about below.

Measuring the installed glass unit

Many people believe that in order to measure an old double-glazed window, it must be removed from the opening, but this is not so. There is a technique for determining dimensions without dismantling it, and the essence of this technique comes down to the fact that we need to measure the distances between the boundaries of the beads, which will give us the basis to calculate the required dimensions. You can familiarize yourself with the location of the measurement locations by looking at the figure.

The red arrows indicate the places where you need to measure the width and height of the glass unit that requires replacement. After taking these measurements, all you have to do is simply subtract 1.5 centimeters from each result. These will be the finished dimensions of our package.

In other words, if, according to the measurement results between the points indicated in the figure, you have a height of 100 cm and a width of 50 cm, then you need a new bag with dimensions of 98.5x48.5 cm for replacement.

So, we have decided on the dimensions and they brought you a new double-glazed window, which you want to install yourself, and the first thought that arises in your head is, what tools will you need? And you will need very little, namely, rubber hammer And chisel which you probably have in your toolbox, or someone you know probably has.

Removing double glazed windows

This operation requires some skills. Therefore, you are advised to carefully read this section and strictly follow the recommendations described in it.

The first thing you need to know is that when removing the window beads that hold the glass unit in place, it is better to start with the longest of them, due to the fact that they have less rigidity and will be easier to remove. To remove the bead, you need to place the tip of the chisel in the groove between it and the window frame.

Use a rubber hammer to strike the end of the chisel with medium force until a gap forms between the bead and the frame.

Please note that during this operation the tip of the chisel, sharpened with an edge, must be kept in the direction away from the window.

After a gap has appeared between the bead and the frame, we widen it using a chisel, striking its side surface with a hammer. At the same time, be sure to rotate the chisel around its axis 180 degrees, and rest the flat part of the tip against the glazing bead.

It is necessary to strike with a hammer until the glazing bead completely comes out of the groove. Then you need to start dismantling the next bead, and this will be much easier, since now the beads do not form a single structure.

It is more convenient to dismantle each subsequent glazing bead from a free corner by placing a chisel there, as shown in the figure, and turning it around its axis with force.

After this, the bead can be easily removed by hand.

Dismantling all subsequent glazing beads is no different from what was described above. Having removed them all, carefully remove the glass unit from the opening. At the same time, we pay attention to plastic gaskets between the glass unit and the rebate window profile and keep them in the same form in which they were in the old double-glazed window.

Installation of double-glazed windows

When installing a new double-glazed window, you need to ensure that there is no dust or dirt in the opening on the rebates of the window frame. Installation is performed in the reverse order of dismantling. The only exception is that the short beads should be hammered in first, and the long ones after them.

First, you need to insert the glazing bead shank into the glazing bead groove of the window frame by hand.

Applying blows of medium force with a rubber hammer, completely seat the glazing bead in the groove.

The blows should first be applied evenly at the corners of the glazing bead, bringing them to the middle, where the latter completely sits in place. After replacing the glass unit in a plastic window, all we have to do is wipe it, and we can also smooth it small scratches, possibly appearing on the glazing bead and window frame using fine sandpaper.

The project site wishes your double-glazed windows to remain intact and not require replacement.

Plastic windows have high thermal insulation properties. This parameter depends on many factors.

This is especially true for the number of cameras. Often, due to inexperience, people acquire window designs, which as a result they are not satisfied with their technical characteristics.

The problem can be solved by replacing installed double glazing new design. You can do this work yourself. But for this you need to know some features and nuances.

Replacing a double-glazed window with a more advanced design has a number of advantages. First of all, it is worth noting that double-glazed windows have high sound and heat insulation properties.

Therefore, the costs of such a replacement are fully justified.

Replacement of the glass unit is carried out in the usual sequence. It looks something like this:

  • carefully remove the glazing beads;
  • dismantle the glass unit;
  • install a new structure;
  • secure the glass unit with glazing beads.

It's quite simple. But this seems only at first glance. Such work can be easily done only if we are talking about replacing one double-glazed window with a structure of the same type. In the case of a two-chamber product, the replacement has some nuances.

The fact is that double-glazed windows with one and two chambers have different thickness. Thus, a two-chamber product is thicker than a single-chamber one by as much as 8 mm. This is the peculiarity of replacing a double-glazed window.

To perform the job efficiently, it is necessary to replace not only the double-glazed windows, but also the beads. They must be slightly narrower than previous models.

Reducing their width will create additional space for installing a wide double-glazed window.

Of course, double-glazed windows have high technical characteristics. But sometimes even this is not enough to create the optimal temperature regime. This is especially true in regions with harsh winters.

If necessary double glazing can be replaced with a three-chamber design. Of course, it is not always possible to do such work. There are some features here that are related to the thickness of the glass unit.

The thickness of the double-chamber glass unit is 30 mm. It would be very difficult to install a triple structure instead. For the normal installation of such a double-glazed window, you need a profile whose thickness is 40 mm.

Of course, if the work is carried out by a professional, then the installation can be carried out on a 30 mm thick profile, which corresponds to double-chamber windows.

Sometimes, if you change the glass unit carelessly, it may be damaged. This especially applies to him individual elements, or rather glass.

If necessary, damaged glass can be replaced with a new product. This will cost slightly less than replacing the entire structure.

Replacing individual glass is a rather responsible and painstaking process. It is almost impossible to do it at home. Work to replace a damaged element is carried out in the following sequence:

  • unpacking the structure. In this case, its sealing is broken;
  • replacing damaged glass;
  • collection of double-glazed windows and its sealing.

At first glance, the work looks quite simple. But the peculiarity is that the process must be carried out in special conditions, close to the factory ones. In this case, you cannot do without the help of professionals.


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