How they make swans from car tires. DIY tire swan diagram, step-by-step instructions and master class

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For many Russians, a summer cottage is not only a place where vegetables and fruits grow, but also a relaxation area for soul and body. Decorative ponds, garden gnomes, flower beds, paths, etc. – there are a huge number of ways to decorate a vegetable garden. IN Lately Crafts made from waste, such as plastic bottles and old car tires, are becoming popular. There are many benefits to giving a second life to old items. Step-by-step instructions for learning how to cut a beautiful swan from a tire yourself will help you make such a craft!

  • Firstly, it is environmentally friendly, because things will not rot in a landfill for centuries, polluting the environment.
  • Secondly, it’s always nice to create comfort and decorations with your own hands.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable; such decorations will require a minimum of financial investments, because every motorist’s tires wear out. You can come up with a lot of decorations for the garden from them: small flower beds, fences, artificial ponds and much more. Figures of animals and birds carved from tires are also gaining popularity. If you decide to decorate yours too garden plot, read the master class.

How to cut a swan from a tire with step-by-step instructions

To cut a swan from a tire you need:
  • Worn car tire
  • Grinder saw
  • Jigsaw
  • Thick wire, rod or steel plate
  • White and red paints for exterior use
  • You should work outside, as the grinder heats up the rubber, and this causes strong smell burning
  • Be sure to wear thick mittens or gloves
  • Feet must be in closed shoes

We study safety precautions when cutting a shape from a tire

Let's get started - step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan from an old wheel

For work you need to choose the most old tire, as thin as possible and, as they say, bald. The more worn the rubber is, the easier it will be to work with. If you have a choice, it is better to give preference to a tire with a nylon or nylon cord rather than a steel one. To do this, the tire itself should not have the “steel” marking. The latter are difficult to cut, and they are also dangerous both during work and during further use: It is better not to place such a bird on the playground to avoid cuts in children.

First, you need to draw a “pattern” of the future swan on the tire. Mark a point in the middle and from there draw a beak that smoothly turns into the head and neck of the bird. When working with an R13 tire with a circumference of 1.8 m, the dimensions are approximately as follows: beak length 8-9 cm, head 9-10 long and 7-8 cm wide. The neck at the beginning has a width of 4-5 cm and is closer to the body thickens to 8-10 cm. Its length is about 75-80 centimeters.

The swan's body should remain undivided and should not be cut: this part is where the wings and neck are connected to the head.

Swan carving diagram:

After completing the drawing of the swan from the wheel, the cutting process begins. It's quick to cut with a grinder, but this heats up the rubber and gives off a strong smell of burning and soot. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make notches for the jigsaw blade using the same grinder, drill or chisel, and continue cutting with it. It is convenient to use the blade with reverse tooth at low speeds. This way the material will heat up less, there will be no soot, and control over the process is better due to the low speed of operation.

It would be correct not to cut out one side completely and then the other, but to make small cuts on both sides one after the other. It’s much more convenient to work this way, the rubber doesn’t bend as much, and the likelihood that it will turn out symmetrically increases.

Next, you need to unscrew the workpiece. It's not long, but it's quite hard physically. To do this, you need to lay the cut part to the ground, press it down with your foot and pull the resulting wings up. The result should look something like the photo.

After this, you should secure the shape of the neck. To do this, you need to make holes in it in pairs at a distance of 15 cm from each other and insert staples from soft wire. Use them to attach a rod or steel plate to the bird's neck from above. Next, bend the part so that it resembles the neck of a swan.

After cutting and shaping the swan, all that remains is to install the figurine in the selected area and decorate it. It will be beautiful to make not just one bird, but a couple at once. Paint the body white and the beak red. Draw eyes or form them from buttons, stones, pieces of rubber.

You can also make a stand from another tire lying on its side. An artificial pond or its imitation, for example, made of stones, will look very useful.

In addition to the swan, you can make other crafts with your own hands from tires. All you need is a little imagination and time.

Video on the topic of the article

    Swan - beautiful bird, decorating any pond. But not everyone can afford to purchase and care for real swans. But you can make your own artificial swan from scrap items.

    This swan can be used to decorate a garden or playground.

    You can also make a swan, into which you can pour soil and plant flowers. One way or another, both you and the children will receive aesthetic pleasure from such a craft.

    How to make a swan from a tire

    1. Prepare old tires, preferably “bald” ones, and mark the cut lines with chalk.

    2. Start cutting along the lines, then bend them to create wings.

    3. In order for the head and neck with the chest of the swans to keep their shape, it is advisable to use a stainless steel plate, which must be bent so as to give the shape of the head, neck and chest.

    4. After this, you need to screw the plate to the rubber using inconspicuous small screws.

    5. Also cut out the eyes from rubber and, using the same screws, attach them to the swan's head. And after that, cover our swans with white twice water-based paint, just make your noses red.

    6. All that remains is to fix the swan in the halves of the lids, pre-painted in the color of the water (blue, light blue, green), and your swan floats in the pond.

    How to make a swan from a wheel

    This is another option for making a swan with your own hands from a tire. To make it, prepare, as always, an old wheel, chalk, sharp knife(just in case, also have a hacksaw or jigsaw ready) and paint.

    1. Using chalk, draw on both sides of the wheel all the details of the future swan, i.e. head, tail, wings, neck, beak.

    2. Start with a sharp knife to cut out all the parts along the contour lines.

    * If some parts do not lend themselves, you can use a hacksaw or jigsaw.

    3. Bend the wings and neck. If the neck is difficult to bend, plywood will help you, with which you can fix it.

    4. All that remains is to paint the swan.

    How to make a swan (video)

    Watch the video tutorial on how to make a swan from a tire if you want to understand some of the details. This tutorial used a jigsaw.

    How to make a swan from a tire

    1. The first thing to do is use chalk to mark the areas on the tire that you will be cutting. The images show these lines.

    * If your knife is sharp enough, then everything will take you no more than 20 minutes.

    * It is worth noting that it is very difficult to cut thick rubber, so use a sharp knife that is periodically moistened with soapy water.

    2. The hardest part of the tire must be knocked out using a chisel or grinder. This part will serve as the head and tail of your “swan”. Everything will take no more than five minutes.

    3. It's time to turn the tire out.

    4. It is advisable to properly treat the head and tail of the rubber swan, since uneven edges can cause scratches.

    5. All that remains is to paint the swan - you can use it White color or a very unusual and beautiful bronze color.

    How to make a swan from modules

    Crafts from plastic bottles. Swan.

    There is no need to get rid of plastic bottles if they have already been used for their intended purpose. There are many crafts that you can make from them.

    For example, there are several ways to make a beautiful swan for the garden. Moreover, such a swan will not only decorate your garden, but will also bring benefits.

    You will need:

    Plastic bottle 5 l

    Milk bottles 300 g

    Hard Wire Hose



    1. Using a marker, mark the lines on the 5-liter plastic bottle that you will follow to cut out.

    2. First cut off the top of the bottle and leave the neck, which is needed to secure the swan's neck in the hole.

    3. For the skeleton of the swan's neck, use a hose with stiff wire. Insert it into the bottle through the neck and secure the neck to the lower part of the body with wire. You have a swan frame ready.

    4. Preparing feathers for the bird. Take a white plastic bottle (usually the kind used for milk) and cut off the neck and bottom.

    Start cutting the “feathers” - their width and shape depend only on your imagination.

    It is advisable to cut the edges of the “feathers” with fringe to achieve an even more realistic effect.

    WITH outside heat each candle feather.

    5. Start collecting two feathers and fixing them with wire.

    6. For the bird's neck, use bottles without a bottom. Depending on their number, you can choose the length of the neck. IN in this example 16 bottles of 300g were used.

    The part near the beak was made from the top of a bottle without a neck.

    7. Where the beak is located, the hose ends and to attach the structure you need to make holes on both sides in the bottle and in the hose. Next, secure it with wire.

    8. Close the lid and to prepare the base of the beak, take the cap from chemicals. This cap needs to be cut in half, similar to the letter M.

    9. Take another such lid and insert the beak into it - there is a groove inside so that everything comes out exactly.

    10. Glue the first and second covers.

    11. Paint the beak and place your favorite plants in the flowerbed.

    How to make a swan from plastic bottles

    This is not just a swan - this is a swan princess who will decorate any garden. It’s worth noting right away that assembling this swan is a labor-intensive and rather lengthy process, so be patient and let’s get started.

    You can call on one or more people to help you create the craft to speed up the process.


    Plastic bottles

    Fat copper wire(if you have thin wire, then fold it in half so that it does not break)

    Stationery knife


    White and yellow paint (can be regular or aerosol)

    1. You should start making a swan from plastic bottles from the head and neck. Then these parts of the swan become the body. First, cut the plastic bottle to fit the head.

    2. Trim the neck parts of the craft. It is advisable to make 18 similar blanks in advance to create a neck.

    3. Use an awl to pierce each piece.

    4. Prepare the wire and thread it through the holes of the blanks, gradually stringing them to form a neck (you need to thread it from the bottom to the head). Attach your wire to the tip of the beak.

    5. When you have assembled all the pieces on the wire (1 piece for the head and 18 for the neck), start assembling the body. Prepare 4 bottles and cut them as shown in the image:

    6. Using the same pattern, start stringing the pieces onto the wire. Insert a whole bottle into the outer blank.

    7. Secure the other end of the wire.

    8. To make a swan's neck stronger, you must first give it the desired shape. To do this, simply adjust the depth of entry of one workpiece into another.

    Use wire to secure all the swan parts together.

    Start making holes in the bottles that make up the neck so that the wire runs parallel to the floor (you need to do this on the floor and preferably start from the tail).

    You should end up with a kind of “zigzag” of wire - it should “enter” and “come out” of the neck where the two pieces fit into each other.

    9. Place the uppermost end of the wire where the crown is attached.

    10. From plastic bottle cut out the crown for the swan princess.

    11. Take the crown and place it on your swan's head. To do this, you need to make 2 holes in the neck of the crown and thread the wire from the neck into them. Next, you need to wrap the wire around the neck and use pliers to clamp it.

    12. It's time to assemble the body. The first thing you need to do is the belly, which has two “sticks” and each of them is made by connecting 4 large blanks (point 4) and 1 whole plastic bottle.

    You need to "sew" these "sticks" using wire. This should be done in a zigzag, parallel to the floor. It is necessary to create a rigid foundation for the swan.

    13. We continue to make the body, namely its next row. The middle will be occupied by the swan’s neck, which means you will need the help of another person - while you “stitch” the second row, your assistant needs to keep the neck constantly in an upright position.

    Still, first you need to prepare 2 “sticks”, each assembled from five large blanks and one whole bottle (for the tail). After this, all 3 blanks need to be fastened with wire, placing the neck between two “sticks”.

    14. Pay close attention to securing the neck curve at the front.

    15. We are preparing the third row of the body. Start assembling another “stick” - use 4 large blanks and 1 whole bottle for the tail.

    Push your pieces tightly into each other, and pour water into the untouched bottle to balance the neck and tail of the craft.

    It is worth noting that the stick does not need to be stitched separately. All you need to do is place it on top of the neck from the side of the body and attach it with wire to the side “sticks” of the 2nd row of the swan’s body.

    16. It's time to make wings for your swan. To do this, you need to collect 2 “sticks”, each of which contains 4 large blanks and one whole bottle. Bend the pieces as shown in the image and fasten them again with a zigzag using wire.

    To make the base of the wings you need to make 2 short “sticks”, each of which consists of one a whole bottle and one large blank.

    17. Begin attaching the bases of the wings to the swan's body. The image shows a top view with the bird's tail on the right side. To attach everything, use a wire that needs to be threaded through the bases of the wings and secured to the already installed swan parts.

    22. It's time to paint. For this you can use like spray paint, and regular (but it will take more time). If you decide to use an aerosol, then you need to paint on outdoors, and not indoors.

    How to make a swan with your own hands

    In this master class you will learn how to make a beautiful flower bed from the swan you made earlier.

    You will need:

    Plastic bottles

    Plastic bags (preferably thick, for example, from under washing powder or dry animal food)


    Saw or knife



    Soil (preferably special ready soil from packages).

    1. First you need to firmly secure the swan in a place specially prepared for it. To do this, you need to dig a shallow hole.

    To keep the swan level, you need to hammer 2 wooden pegs on both sides of it, in the upper part of which you need to make small cuts.

    Pull a wire through the notches, which will help the craft remain level.

    The wire is threaded, tightened and secured under the curved parts of the wings.

    2. Prepare one thick bag and cut it to form a large rectangle.

    Cover with this polyethylene "blanket" inner space between the wings.

    *The edges of your bag should extend slightly above the wings.

    3. You have a kind of pot into which you need to pour soil for flowers.

    4. Use a stapler to staple the front and back of the flower bed together.

    *If desired, you can cut off the excess edges of the polyethylene.

    5. Now all that remains is to plant something in the finished flowerbed.

    How to make a swan out of paper

    How to make an origami swan

Many car owners have old tires gathering dust in their garage - they are either too lazy to throw them away, have no time, or they are deliberately kept in case they “suddenly come in handy.” Old tires are most often used to create curbs, decorative flower beds, equipment for sports and courtyards or create original decorations for the garden and yard from them. One of the decor options is swans made from old car tires. Any craftsman can make them with his own hands; the only materials you will need are tires and some available tools and a couple of hours of your time.

Probably does not exist on the territory of the countries former USSR a town in which there would be no garden or yard decoration in the form of car tires. When done skillfully, such crafts look aesthetically pleasing, original, and their creation is quick, simple, and economical from a financial and time perspective. Decorative swan, and better composition from a pair of swans will add zest to your site and will invariably attract the attention of guests.

Decorate your home with crafts made from lagenaria and pine cones. Did you know? The history of the appearance of car tires goes back almost 200 years - the first such invention was patented and presented to the public in 1846.

How to make a swan from a tire: step-by-step instructions

Create original decoration for the garden, it is advisable to do it outdoors, because during the cutting process the rubber will heat up, releasing hazardous chemicals, which will not be easy to remove from the room. If you work in a garage, it is advisable to wear a respirator.

Required materials and tools

The tools you will need are:

  • drill (can be replaced with a sharp knife);
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • work gloves;
  • roulette.

Necessary materials include:

  • tires in the desired quantity;
  • thick wire (1.5-2 m);
  • thin wire (20 cm);
  • paints for decoration (white, red, black), resistant to sun rays and precipitation.

Important!It is advisable to choose “bald” tires and with nylon cord reinforcement rather than metal - this will greatly simplify the process of working with them, and will also protect you from possible injury.

Manufacturing process

First, let's look at the features of applying markings, because without it it will hardly be possible to cut a beautiful swan. First, you need to draw two lines parallel to the inner hole of the tire, exactly half of the product - these will be the wings. Along the outer edges, the distance from the beginning to the end of these lines will be equal to the length of the neck and head. The head will rest against the tail.

Main dimensions of swan parts:

  • beak (length 9 cm, width 4 cm);
  • head (length 11-12 cm, width 8 cm);
  • neck (width at the head 4 cm, at the base 10 cm).

They will help you decorate the territory of your summer cottage garden sculptures, interesting solution may also become decorative waterfall, which you can do yourself.

When all the materials are prepared, you can begin the process of creating a garden decoration:

  1. Wash your tires thoroughly to remove dust and other contaminants. This will make it easier and more enjoyable further work with them, besides, the paint will adhere to a clean product and stick to it much better.
  2. When the tires are dry, apply markings using chalk and a tape measure. Wings can be made the most in a simple way- by drawing semi-ovals, or making them curly.
  3. It's time to put on glasses and thick protective gloves or gloves. At this stage, you need to use a knife or drill to make several holes on the head and beak of the swan so that a jigsaw can be inserted into the opening. If you make these holes throughout the pattern, cutting will be much easier.
  4. The most important, labor-intensive and traumatic stage is cutting out the pattern. It is best to work with a jigsaw on average speed, moving in the direction from the base of the neck to the head of the bird.
  5. When the swan is cut out, it is necessary to process the cuts using a knife or grinder: make them smooth and more accurate.
  6. The product must be turned inside out so that the swan takes a more believable position.
  7. Now you need to work with the head and neck of the product, since without a frame they will not be able to take the desired graceful shape. To do this, you need to make double holes in the center of the neck every 15-20 cm and insert thin wire staples into them. Next, all that remains is to thread a thick wire through them, which serves as a frame, and give the sculpture the desired position.

  8. The final stage is painting the swan white or another desired color.

Important! In the process of cutting according to the pattern, you need to work with a jigsaw in parallel, in small sections of 5-10 cm, immediately cutting out both sides of the swan. To make the decor look more organic in the garden composition, you can additionally make simple stand for a swan from the same tires. The heads of large bolts, which can then be painted black, work well to imitate peepholes.

When choosing a location garden decorations You should be guided not only by your taste, but also take into account some factors, such as the lighting of the place and precipitation. Despite the layer of paint that will slightly protect the tires from external influence, this is not enough to protect products from deformation and cracking, which inevitably occur with rubber left in the sun. Water ingress will also have a negative impact. Therefore, it is optimal to place rubber swans in a shaded area of ​​the garden or under a canopy so that they are not exposed to the afternoon sun and rain. Low temperatures also negatively affect the condition of the products, so it is recommended to bring them into the garage for the winter.

Did you know? The largest and heaviest tires are created for dump trucks (BelAZ) - the tire weight reaches 5 tons, and the diameter is about 4 m. Swan decor looks harmonious near a garden pond or waterfall, but if this is not the case, then the products can be placed near a flower bed. Worn out car tires you can give a second life by creating an original one from them garden decor. Overall it's excellent budget solution to decorate the area, creating which you can spend your leisure time pleasantly.

Video: DIY tire swan

Often old tires are thrown away after use or sent to the garage, as unnecessary trash. After all, find a use for them in Everyday life not so easy. But don’t forget about the garden and park interior, or rather about its decoration. With the help of your imagination, you can easily turn old tires into a fence, bench or flowerbed on the playground in a short period of time. We should also talk about creating fairy-tale characters from simple tires using the example of a swan.

Preparing for work

At the beginning of the work process, care is taken to select the correct material. A bald tire will be easy to cut. Therefore, the more “bare” the material, the better. A longitudinal pattern on an out-of-service product will also help to facilitate the whole process.

Tires certain type have a breaker. Such a tire will not be cut well. Among other things, the edges of the future figurine will be sharp and stick out at the place of the cut. Which will lead to injury, both in work and when operating the character. Choosing tires that work with nylon edging will help prevent the problem.

The tire that has been selected for the work process is thoroughly cleaned of any contaminants, washed and dried. Pure material able to provide a pleasant work experience in all respects.

There is nothing surprising or unique in the list of tools necessary for work.

The items needed to create a fairy-tale character include:

  • drills with a diameter of 10 and 3 mm;
  • electric drill;
  • a simple tape measure for taking measurements;
  • shoe knife;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • pliers;

Don't forget about the grinder and cutting disc.

As additional materials you will need:

  • thick wire;
  • dye;
  • metal rod for staples.

The entire process requires patience as it takes a significant amount of time and is considered quite complex. The entire process of creating a blank for a swan is best done on fresh air. And for this it is better to choose a beautiful sunny day. It will be difficult to remove the smell from burning rubber when cutting or drilling from the room.

In such a case, work will be carried out on a tire with a width of 16.5 cm, while its circumference is measured at 1.8 meters. As for the tire classification, it is called R13.

Marking should begin by drawing several lines that help divide the working plane in half. This will be the neck of the future bird.

Then, on the tread section of the tire, the character’s head, beak and neck are drawn in a certain sequence. It's better if old material There will be a center line to work with that is clearly visible. If it is missing, you can easily correct a minor defect with chalk.

So, from the starting line, which is symmetrical to the axis, the beak is drawn. Its length should be 0.09 meters, while the width of the part is only 0.03 meters. The beak should blend smoothly into the head. Its length is 0.1 meters and its width is 0.07 meters.

It has already become clear to everyone that when the head ends, the neck begins. It expands slightly towards the body. At the beginning, the part has a width of 0.05 m, by the end its size is already 0.1 m. You need to finish marking the bird’s neck on the line that divides the tire into two parts.

The last element of the item layout will be the tail. It has already been partially outlined. The fork of the part is the line that came out after cutting the beak. The last stage working with parts will be the execution of two equal lines that are located parallel. In this case, the distance between them should be 0.08 m, and the length of the elements themselves should be 0.3 m.

This stage usually takes a lot of effort. The work of cutting material should be done carefully, slowly, and patiently. It would not be amiss to mention that this part of the work must be carried out in work gloves made of dense material. After all, maximum protection for your hands won’t hurt anyone.

In such a case, protective measures should not be neglected. All cutting of elements is done from the neck to the head directly.

You can perform this action several times different ways. It all depends on the density of the tire and its wear. Damaged and very worn material can be cut with a simple knife shoemaker But the thick tread is cut with a grinder. In the latter case, the entire process will take place in clouds of smoke and with an unpleasant aroma of burning rubber.

If you have a jigsaw with good power, it is better to use it. Of course, after making the first holes in the material.

Previous experience gained by craftsmen suggests that a jigsaw should have frequently spaced teeth. Which are heading upward. This will make the whole process much easier. There is no need to perform work with a tool that is set to high speed. In this case, the speed, on the contrary, should be reduced by half.

To insert the jigsaw blade into required space, make an incision with a grinder. You can also simply drill a hole at the ends of the neck using a ten mm drill. The work will become more accessible if all the marking turning points have the same drilled holes.

There is no need to cut out one side of the part first, and then only the other. This is mistake. Since working with a jigsaw will become more difficult in such a case, because there will be strong vibration of the tool. All elements must be cut in parallel. Need to go through small areas at once. The length of one segment is no more than 5 cm. It will be easier to cut if you lean the tire itself from the inside onto a piece of board. The segment itself can be moved if necessary.

When cutting is completed, all edges of the resulting parts must be trimmed. If the tread contained a metal cord, then a grinder will help to sharpen the steel wires that stick out. With a nylon court, cultivation is carried out with an ordinary knife.

To obtain after cutting the wings from the side parts of the tire, or rather to acquire parts of the proper size, the cut tire is turned inside out. This process is simple to perform - the element is turned out with your hands using your feet to rest on the base of the object.

The end result: the wingspan of a swan. But at the same time, the head and neck of the figure lie on the ground. They still need to be bent in the desired way, after being strengthened. For this purpose, at the very beginning of working with the character, a steel rod was prepared.

First you need to drill holes along the axis, symmetrically to it. They should be arranged in pairs. The diameter of each is no more than 3 mm. They begin to drill from the central part of the head to the point where the bird’s tail begins. The distance between the notches must be at least 0.15 m.

Thread into the holes made required quantity soft wire staples. These staples will become the elements that hold the steel rod. It will add rigidity to the structure.

They begin to lay the rod below. The protruding edges of the staples are twisted around the main part. The characteristic curve of the neck can now be given by cutting off the excess parts. The mechanical part of all work is completed.

Decorating an element for the garden

The finished figure at this stage does not look very attractive. Above her appearance still needs some work. It would be a good idea to double-check now for the presence of sharp edges on the material. This will prevent little researchers from getting wounds and scratches in the future.

You can paint the bird white, as befits a swan. But this is not strict rule. After all, this is a fairy-tale character. The paint must be durable. The red beak looks good, the eyes of the figure can be made using bolts with round hats.

Installation of the finished bird can take place on a stump, a pole, or simply on the surface of the ground. For stability, the swan is covered with earth. Ideal option will be creating the base of the figure from another tire. You can paint it a completely different color.

For the first swan from tires on summer cottage you can make a girlfriend out of one more unnecessary material. No one can resist such decor. And the time spent on work will pay off in full with the positive emotions of friends and loved ones.

If you have old tires lying around in your garage, don’t rush to throw them away. Of course, you can no longer drive with such tires, but you can use them to make interesting decorations for the yard and garden. For example, these could be figures of swans with outstretched wings.

What materials and tools are needed to make a swan from a tire?

It is very important to choose the “right” tire for the job. I recommend taking one that has become completely bald during use: it is easier to cut and process. For the same reason, it is better to take a tire with a longitudinal pattern. Another tip: it’s better to choose tires with a cord (a rubberized layer of fabric made of textile, polymer or metal threads) made of nylon, rather than with a steel cord reinforcement (breaker). Reinforced products are difficult to cut, and the edges of the cord may stick out at the cut site, which can injure you while working. Such tires have the word “Steel” in the marking, therefore it is not present in a tire with nylon reinforcement.

Carefully choose tires so that working with them is convenient and does not pose a risk of injury.

Wash and dry the selected tires thoroughly. In addition to them, you will need for work:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful shoemaker-type blade);
  • jigsaw;
  • “grinder” with a cutting disc;
  • pliers;
  • wire for staples;
  • a plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2–1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished “swan” the desired color.

In addition, you need to draw a diagram according to which you will cut out the swan. You can use a very simple form to get a small flower bed.

You can make a small flowerbed in the shape of a swan using a simple pattern

When working with this scheme, it is enough to make cuts along the lines:

  • head and neck;
  • tail;
  • feathers on the wings.

After this, you need to turn the tire inside out, attach the halves of the head to each other and place a beak made of a piece of plastic between them. Fix the shape with self-tapping screws and paint it matching colors. You will end up with a small round flower bed.

IN a simple flower bed from a tire you can plant any low, densely growing flowers

A little more complex in execution, but very beautiful, is the original figure-decoration in the form of a swan spreading its wings.

You can make a beautiful swan spreading its wings to decorate your garden

The process of creating a swan from a tire

First of all, you need to mark the tire with chalk. Let's take an R13 tire. Its width is 165 mm, length along the circumference line is 1800 mm.

Product marking

Mark the product as follows:

  1. At the beginning of work, apply 2 stripes dividing the circumference of the tire in half lengthwise. This will outline the “neck” of the swan.
  2. After this, draw a “beak”, “head” and “neck” in turn on the tread (outer) side of the tire. From the first line, draw a “beak” symmetrically to the axis with dimensions: length - 8–9 cm, width - 3–4 cm. It should go into the “head”, the parameters of which are as follows: 10–12 cm - length, 7–8 cm - width, from the end of this “part of the body” you need to mark the “neck”, expanding towards the body. Its width at the beginning is 4–5 cm, at the end – 8–10 cm.
  3. IN last resort mark the “tail”. Its fork is located where the “beak” begins. Draw two parallel lines 8 cm apart and up to 30 cm long.

The process of creating a swan from a tire begins with marking the tire

Cutting process

Now start cutting:

  1. Cut from the base of the “neck” towards the “head”. A shoe knife can probably handle a heavily worn tire, but a thicker tread (tire element) is best cut with a grinder. If you have a fairly powerful jigsaw, use it after making the initial holes with a grinder.
  2. Carry out parallel cutting on both sides in small intervals of 4–5 cm. This is much more convenient than cutting out one side completely first, and then the other.
  3. When the cutting is finished, process all the edges of the resulting parts. If there is a metal cord in the tread, cut off the protruding wires using a grinder. For nylon cord, finishing the edges with a sharp knife is sufficient.

Remember the safety rules! Be sure to wear gloves and use special glasses.

How to turn a tire out and bend the “neck”

So that the cut tire accepts the required form, turn it inside out. Dealing with this is not difficult. To make the task easier, fix the tire with your foot outside rim. The frame is ready. Now you need to fix the neck and head. To do this, you will need a steel rod to which the “neck” piece will be attached. Do the following:

  1. Along the center line from the middle of the “head” to the base of the “tail”, make paired holes with a drill. Their diameter should be 3 mm, the gaps between them should be 15 cm.
  2. Prepare wire staples according to the number of pairs of holes. They will attach the “neck” to a metal rod. Immediately insert them into the holes.
  3. Place the rod from below, using pliers to twist the protruding edges of the brackets around it. Trim off the excess and give the “neck” a characteristic bend.

Instead of a rod, you can use a steel strip. Some masters find it much more convenient. In this case, do not use staples, but bolts or rivets for connection.

The neck of a tire swan is fixed using a metal rod attached to the tire with wire staples

Decoration and installation

Check again to see if there are any sharp edges or protruding wires left on the swan figure. If there are any, clear them.

Paint the figure white or black, a color characteristic of swans. You can apply a different shade or completely cover the figure with fantasy patterns. It is important that the paint is resistant to wind and moisture. Make the beak red, and screw in large bolts where the eyes should be.

Tire swans can be an additional decoration or an independent decoration

A manufactured and decorated swan can be placed on a whole tire, stump, or simply on the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil for stability.

Using the same scheme, you can create another version of the swan figure. The tire does not need to be turned inside out; it is enough to bend the “wings” further so that they lower to the ground.


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