How to make a smart home with your own hands. How the Smart Home system works and what it consists of - overview of types and reviews Smart Home easy setup

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Today in Minsk you can find many offers from companies that deal with automation of residential and office premises"Full construction". But before widespread implementation new technology life is still far away, because most of these decisions have high price. Minsk programmer Alexander Bogdanovich independently designed and installed “smart automation” in his home with the help of the Belarusian manufacturer Nootekhnika. He shared his experience with KV readers.

- Alexander, tell us how much time it took you to design and install “ smart home»?

I don't really like the name "smart home". In my opinion it's more marketing ploy, which does not particularly reflect the very essence of the system, but the essence is smart automation.

It all started with the fact that after long wanderings around rented apartments, my wife and I decided to build own house. Already at the time of purchasing the plot, I began to think about smart automation systems. I wanted something unusual, and besides, it was a great opportunity to apply my knowledge, because I am a software engineer by training.

I understood that even at the construction stage it was necessary to lay down the possibility so that in the future it would be possible to “screw on” something and automate it where it would be reasonable.

About three years before construction began, I started designing everything on paper. I tested a lot of things, roughly speaking, on my knees, assembled them, wrote code. Works good. I put it aside as a worked out moment and moved on.

Construction went on for three years, and about a year and a half ago we moved into our own house, in which at that time only two rooms were ready. And so, when it came to practical implementation, some of the ideas “fell off” by themselves as unnecessary.

- What main elements does your system include?

Today, my smart automation system includes four main elements.

Firstly, it is remote control of light using Noolite solutions from Nootekhnika. This is a very important moment for me. For those who live in an apartment, it may not be clear, because the areas are completely different.

The possibility of wireless light control (Noolite systems control lighting via radio) immediately intrigued me, plus the price tag captivated me. From the very beginning, I wanted my smart automation to be quite affordable in addition to comfort.

The switch, which is essentially a remote control radio transmitter, is battery operated. It can be placed anywhere, you can even glue it to furniture, the main thing is that the surface on which it is installed is non-metallic. One lamp can be controlled by several switches at once.

Now we have absolutely no conventional mechanical switches at home. Sometimes the Noolite transmitter just lies somewhere in the room, and only six months later, when we decide that this is where it is really needed, we stick it on. At one time I even had such a switch in my car so that I could turn on the lights at the entrance to the house.

Lighting control is not carried out according to electrical network, so there is no need to run wiring under each switch. The control unit, which is used to turn the light on/off, is neatly mounted in my wall; you can also hide it under a suspended ceiling.

It is also possible to control the Noolite lighting system via a USB adapter, as in principle with any load. And by controlling the load, you can control almost any electrical device, even to the point that using Nootekhnika solutions you can turn on or off the TV.

Another plus was that the guys from Nootekhnika are located in Minsk, this Belarusian manufacturer. So during the design of my system, I communicated with them a lot, and in general I was satisfied with everything. In the summer, Nootekhnika should release blocks with feedback, which I again plan to use at home.

Next I needed to know the temperature readings by room. I started looking for solutions. Wireless? At that time, to implement it, a lot of money was needed. One such sensor cost about $30, but there is more than one need for it in the house. As a result, I found a bidirectional 1-Wire bus, which I ordered in England. With a line up to 200 m, it works even without any additional power supplies.

The wires go directly from the computer through a USB adapter. Next, I bought DS18B20 temperature sensors in China for a dollar apiece, and a DS2408 microcircuit for controlling 8 channels for 8 dollars.

Another important element my system – automated lawn watering. When I watered 5-6 acres with a hose in the summer, I realized that automatic watering was necessary. So far, of course, it is in a semi-assembled state, but it has already been tested - everything works. It is controlled through an 8-channel microcircuit and a key board, which opens the solenoid valve.

CCTV. Over the course of a year, I tested several video surveillance systems. I chose Xeoma: I won a key for 8 cameras from them at a promotion, and I managed to save money again.

- How is the system managed?

The system consists of a regular system unit, a server with Ubuntu. All this works and communicates via a USB adapter using a 1-Wire topology. As for programming languages, I used Python plus MongoDB and the Flask microframework.

I rewrote everything several times, making the system simpler and more convenient. Now you can manage it through the Web interface, which is used mainly for adding scripts, and the Windows Phone application - directly for management. I sketched it out in a couple of days, and now all the necessary information is displayed on my phone.

Any script can be run manually or automatically. Soon I’m going to connect the Internet to the system, and it will be possible to control it from the outside.

- What happens if the electricity goes out in the house?

If the power goes out, everything goes out. And in order to “reboot” the work of smart automation after this, there is a Monit system that monitors all processes, like a parent watching over their children. If something suddenly crashes or freezes, it simply restarts the service. Of course, Monit itself could “fall”; this is not excluded. But for almost two years of test work there were no problems. When the lights come back on, the server automatically “rises” itself. Within a minute or two everything is working again.

- How realistic is it for a person who does not have an engineering education to assemble such a system?

When we buy a box and sensors for it, install the application, and everything works - that’s one thing. In my case, the system is do it yourself, and everything in it depends on the software. The 1-Wire protocol involves writing special software through which communication with system devices occurs, and not everyone can write it. Most likely, there are some frameworks based on 1-Wire. But these will be generalized solutions that need to be “finished” to suit your needs.

- What important requirements Is “smart automation” responsible for your home?

I have two criteria: my system must be quite convenient and at the same time budget-friendly. The main elements - Noolite switches, temperature sensors - I can easily buy myself. In addition, I was able to achieve the flexibility of the system because I designed, soldered, installed and wrote the code myself. I needed automation that would be convenient not only for me, but also for my family and guests. As a result, I can easily add new elements and change the system at will, which is not something you get when buying ready-made expensive solutions.

Interviewed by Nadezhda Abramchuk

Life hacker understands how to automate an apartment and why it is worth doing.

What is a smart home

Remember Ray Bradbury's story "There Will Come Soft Rains"? If not, then let us briefly remind you: we are talking about the life of a house left without owners. Automatic systems continue to work as before: the talking clock reminds you that it’s time to get up, the smart oven prepares breakfast on its own, and the weather box reports that it’s raining outside. It’s painfully reminiscent of modern technology, isn’t it? But the story was published in 1950.

Smart House is a set of solutions for automation daily activities, which will save you from routine. Here and Appliances- from robotic vacuum cleaners to devices controlled from a smartphone - and systems that control everything that happens in the apartment.

At its core, this is a story about improving the quality of life. Comfort consists of little things, and a smart home will take care of all the little things. If you woke up at night and went to the kitchen for a glass of water, you don’t have to wade through dark corridor looking for the switch: the light will turn on automatically. Have you ever worried that you didn't turn off the iron or TV? No more anxious thoughts: just send a command to the smart socket from your smartphone, and it will turn off the device that is powered by it.

Why is it needed at all?

Everything is obvious: to make your life easier and better. A smart home means peace of mind and significant savings.

Let's start with calm. If worrying about everything in the world is a common thing for you, a smart home will help you get rid of at least those worries that are associated with your apartment. Did you turn off the iron? No problem, send a command to the smart socket, it will quickly turn off the power. You are afraid that you are neglected before leaving home washing machine went out of order and set up a water park for the neighbors downstairs? It's OK. If it really is leaking, the leak sensor will instantly tell you about it.

The result: you worry less about non-existent problems and free your brain from unnecessary thoughts. You can check how things are going at home at any time using your smartphone.

Now about saving. To many, this advantage of a smart home will probably seem dubious. They say, what other savings can there be when you need to buy several sensors, sockets and a video camera? Believe me, it's tangible. Take the same smart socket - it can track how much energy the device connected to it consumes. As a result, you can identify the most power-hungry appliances and save a lot on bills. And it’s hard to imagine how much money you will save if the leakage sensor promptly reports an incipient flood.

In general, a smart home is an idea that fully justifies itself. A life without unnecessary worries is worth much more than a few sensors and sockets.

How to make your home smart

Easier than it seems. If you select correct technique, you don’t even have to call specially trained people for installation. For example, all Rubetek devices are equipped with simple and clear instructions, so you can handle it on your own without any problems. Let's figure out what's worth purchasing if you want to upgrade your home, but it's not very clear where to start.

This is probably the first thing you need to buy if you are serious. The control center will allow you to interact with all the smart devices you purchase: you can connect up to 300 devices to it. With its help, you can create operating scenarios for equipment. For example, if you leave home, you launch the appropriate mode. The lights in the rooms go out, the blinds or curtains close, and appliances powered by smart plugs turn off. No more running around the apartment, checking if you turned everything off.

The control center works in conjunction with a free mobile app, so it's easy to control from your smartphone. You can even give commands by voice.


They will protect your home from intruders, floods, fires and gas leaks. The guys from Rubetek secretly told us that very soon they will go on sale cool thing- temperature and humidity sensor.

If you connect it to the control center, the sensor will monitor whether the apartment is too hot or cold. For example, if the temperature drops below a specified limit, the sensor will report this to the control center, and it will send a signal to the heater.

The opening sensor will be useful for parents of overly curious children. If you have cabinets or drawers at home where your child should absolutely not look, install such a sensor on them. As soon as the child climbs where he shouldn’t, you will know about it. And if you attach a sensor to the door, you can monitor whether the child came home from school on time.


What is your child doing while you are away from home, what is your pet doing right now, is everything okay with your elderly parents - a smart video camera will answer each of these questions. IN mobile application The Rubetek camera keeps an event log and saves screenshots; videos can also be recorded in an archive on Google.Disk or Yandex.Disk.

An outdoor video camera will be useful to car owners. Firstly, this way you will know for sure that everything is fine with your car. Secondly, it makes it easy to find out if there is a parking space near your house: you can do this right on the road. If someone damaged your car in this parking lot, you will identify the culprit in just a few minutes.

Smart plugs

A real find for anyone who doesn’t remember whether they turned off the iron or the TV. You send a command to the outlet - it immediately de-energizes the device powered by it. Sockets with a dimmer allow you to adjust the brightness of a floor lamp or wall sconce without leaving the sofa. You can install such an outlet in a children's room. If the baby is used to falling asleep in the light, the night light connected to it will go out gradually.

If your electricity bill surprises you every time, buy an outlet that measures your energy consumption. She will tell you exactly which device decided not to deny itself anything.

Smart technology

If you have been thinking about buying an air conditioner, you should definitely choose a smart option. It is worth purchasing a temperature and humidity sensor to pair it with. The sensor monitors the temperature in the room, and when it rises, it tells the air conditioner that it is time to correct the situation. Control the air conditioner from your smartphone, give it voice commands, integrate it into everyday smart home scenarios - in general, do not deny yourself anything.

Ready-made sets

In case you don’t want to think on your own which devices to buy, Rubetek has ready-made kits for specific needs. Great option for the first acquaintance with smart technology, moreover, such a kit is cheaper than the devices included in it separately. The “Video surveillance and access control” set is suitable for those who are concerned about protecting their home from intrusion by strangers.

The kit includes a control center, a video camera, an opening sensor and a motion sensor, which can be paired with a relay or smart socket so that the light automatically turns on when a person appears.

Set " Smart apartment» will save you from worrying about whether the faucet is leaking or whether the lights are turned off.

The set contains a control center, an opening sensor, a leakage sensor, a video camera and a relay for two-gang switch to turn the lights on and off from your smartphone. For complete peace of mind, you can additionally purchase a smart intercom, socket, smoke and gas leak detectors.

Progress is not only about landing a man on Mars or transplanting everything that is possible, but also about solutions that help get rid of everyday worries. Yes, even if suffering about a leaky tap looks funny on a global scale, but if there is an opportunity to entrust the entire routine smart devices, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this.

With the development of technology and various electronic devices it becomes possible to completely transfer the control of systems located in apartments and houses to automatic autonomous mode. Smart home what is it? So, first, let's define what a smart home system is. This is an innovative advanced system of full or partial automation of various engineering systems of a residential premises aimed home comfort without mechanical human intervention. An integrated smart home control system can control, as well as right time turn on and off the equipment included in it, and also inform the owner about this.

Smart home functions

This automatic complex can control the following equipment and perform the following operations, in other words, we list the capabilities of the system:

  1. Constant monitoring and control over the safety of living quarters and surrounding areas. This capability can include video surveillance systems, as well as a number of measures related to unauthorized entry. A security circuit that includes a siren can send a signal in parallel to the security service;
  2. Fire safety;
  3. Control and maintenance of the set temperature inside a separate room or the entire room. This is achieved proper work in the established modes of heating equipment, air conditioners, ventilation;
  4. Monitoring the power supply and turning on a backup source in the event of a main power failure. This includes uninterruptible power supplies and stabilizers.
  5. Organization of proper and cost-effective water supply. This applies to both cold and hot water. This function may also have sensors that respond to burst water pipes or leaks;
  6. Control of lighting during arrival, departure, or when the owners are absent. This equipment is divided into emergency and work lighting. During the absence of the owners, it can turn on the lighting in order to reproduce the process of the presence of people in the house, and thereby scare away intruders and thieves from the home;
  7. Constant round-the-clock monitoring of the functioning of all switched on systems;
  8. Switching to automatic mode household appliances, telecommunications, and various multimedia equipment;
  9. Watering in hot weather lawns and vegetable gardens, feeding pets and fish.

The smart home system is aimed not only at controlling and switching all equipment located in the house, but also at their economic use, that is, at reducing energy costs. The operation of this system is very relevant if a person or people with disabilities live in the premises. For intelligent monitoring and control, computer technology and specially developed programs for this are used.

Smart home equipment

The market for modern devices and systems aimed at automation is filled with both high-quality products and counterfeits, so if a person decides to implement the system himself, it is not recommended to skimp on quality. Create short description, indicating the necessary nodes on the floor plan is, in principle, not a problem.

The list of equipment that can be used in organizing and setting up a smart home:

  • Lighting and power switches for sockets;
  • All kinds of dimmers for adjusting the brightness of lighting;
  • Equipment for controlling blinds and shutters;
  • Motion, light, temperature, fire sensors, atmospheric pressure, water leaks, presence, etc. You should choose only reliable sensors for a smart home, since this is the main tool for the system;
  • Telephone line converter;
  • Intercom line converter;
  • Microphone with AGC and ADC (serves as voice control for a smart home);
  • GSM module;
  • IR receiver and transmitter;
  • IR RF repeater;
  • Voltage meter;
  • Stabilizer and uninterruptible source nutrition;
  • Current meter;
  • The control device and interface are touch or push-button. A password is often set on the control equipment;
  • Frequency meter;
  • Ball valves with electric drive.

How does a smart home work?

For automatic operation All systems included in the smart home complex use modern electronic sensors, a controller, and related equipment. All of them are connected into one single control circuit, through which the above processes occur. That is, depending on the selected equipment, certain sensors are used. Smart home technologies may differ slightly from each other, but their main function is still automation. For example, in order for certain lamps that the owner chooses to turn on, they must be connected through solar activity sensors, that is, responsive to illumination inside or outside the room. In addition, the lighting equipment can respond to the presence of a person and turn on or off when he comes and goes without affecting the light switch.

It works roughly on the same principle. heating system and air conditioners. There are sensors throughout the house that respond to temperature changes, the owner only needs to set the optimal temperature for him in the entire room or in each room, and the smart home itself will decide and do right choice that you need to turn on cooling, heating or just ventilation. The same situation applies to humidity parameters.

All information from sensors, actuators, energy and water supply, as well as from security equipment is sent to the central controller (processor), which is the brain of the entire system.

All systems can be divided into:

  1. Information sensors and cameras;
  2. CPU;
  3. Actuators (all kinds of electric valves and gate valves);
  4. Control and management systems for all these processes.

Smart home design

Of course, the installation and design of a smart home is a simple matter and it is better to entrust it to the shoulders of professionals, since installation and installation will be required large quantity sensors along the entire perimeter of the room and local area. A smart home system for an apartment is less expensive, but of course, it all depends on the wishes of the client and his financial capabilities.

Installation can be divided into three stages:

  1. Connection and interfacing into a single system of all devices and equipment existing in the premises. This is done through the use of connecting cords or radio waves, as well as special software;
  2. Sensors are installed and adjusted that will indicate the state of this or that equipment, for example, whether curtains, blinds or entrance gates are closed;
  3. Pairing all these systems with a microcontroller, that is, with the brain of a smart home, it will send a signal to the owner about execution, receive a remote signal to control this equipment, and also carry out measures aimed at saving costs. In some cases, designers also recommend installing emergency shut-off valves or gate valves on the inlet water supply and gas supply pipes, as well as on their communication outlets. In the event of an emergency and if the owner does not confirm the permission signal to close, the controller itself will be able to shut off or turn off the required supply of one or another source. A problematic situation may be false, we must not forget about this. In any case, you have a choice whether to control it via the Internet or via a radio signal, using a smartphone or a special remote control.

There are several ways to implement the idea of ​​a smart home:

  • Purchase of a ready-made project, as well as turnkey installation, which is offered by many companies;
  • Purchase of a ready-made modular kit and integration into the existing home system;
  • Create the entire system yourself, that is, carry out the development, design, packaging, and installation of the system “from scratch” on our own. In any case, this is creative work.

Before making a decision, it is recommended to evaluate both your capabilities and strength to install it yourself, and consult about the cost of turnkey installation in a specific region or country. Installation of a smart home system, design, and installation can be performed both as a complex and individually. Prices for these services and products can vary greatly, so a long choice is inevitable. Comparison of smart home systems is aimed at guaranteeing its operation, as well as at the likelihood of an erroneous or false alarm. These are the main criteria that should be taken into account when choosing.

Video installation and setup of a smart home

WITH The modern market is saturated with a variety of systems and complexes that transform ordinary house in "smart" or "intelligent". Listen to the manufacturers, their devices will make even a birdhouse genius.

What is a smart home in general and how is this intelligence expressed, and is it difficult to teach your home “smartness” on your own. In this article we will tell you what a smart home is and how to make a smart house in your country house with your own hands minimal costs, that is, cheap.

What is a smart home and how to make a smart house in your country house with your own hands, at minimal cost

Since we are making a smart house in the country, we will consider it as an example, telling you what a smart home is. Sometimes it sits for a long time without owners, or people live in it permanently and a little intelligence will not hurt it.

In our absence, independently or with our minimal participation, our smart home should:

  • protect yourself from intruders,
  • look after local area(at least water the flower beds, lawns and garden),
  • carry out climate control,
  • in case of a critical, force majeure situation, somehow try to cope with it, at the same time inform us,
  • provide the ability to manage and configure all of the above, wherever we are.

Most smart home systems on the market allow all this and more.

The device itself existing systems a smart home is similar to a living being:

Special electronic sensors are the eyes and ears of the home. Electrical impulses from them are transmitted through wires-nerves to the controller - the brain of the system. The controller, depending on the signal, selects the appropriate action program and turns on the motor-muscles of the corresponding actuators.

Outwardly, everything is simple, clear and works well. But there are also questions. Let's start with the price.

Modern smart home systems

Prices for intelligent systems have dropped by an order of magnitude even compared to the beginning of the century, and continue to decline. But they still “bite”. Today, the estimate for a “smart home” system with a minimum configuration starts somewhere from 120 thousand. rub. (2018).

Users of the site know well that from the reliable and uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems The comfort of living outside the city largely depends on the quality of a residential building. The Smart Home system can take over the management of the cottage, relieving its owner from solving routine issues. In our article, we have collected expert answers to the most common questions about it.

From our article you will learn:

  • What is a “Smart Home”;
  • What system can be considered a “Smart Home”;
  • What opportunities does it provide to its owner;
  • What technology is it based on;
  • What are the requirements for electrical networks for its installation? How lighting is controlled;
  • How reliability and safety of work is ensured;
  • What is the benefit of using it?

Automation of control

To understand what a “Smart Home” is and how it works, you can read the description of this concept on Wikipedia, or it is better to understand the purpose of this technology together with our experts.

This is the definition given by the head of the company "Smart Dacha" Ilya Kovalchuk :

– “Smart Home” is a system built on the basis of high-tech equipment. Its main purpose is to automate operations to manage various engineering systems in a cottage.

It provides comfort, safety, resource conservation and can “take over” routine operations, freeing the owners of the cottage from these actions.

And here is the definition given by the company development director Luxury Systems Ekaterina Koroleva :

– « Smart Home is a system for centralized control of electrical appliances and engineering equipment. And the operating modes of some nodes, one way or another, depend on the operation of others.

Thus, Smart Home technology provides an integrated approach.

Here is the definition of the head of the company's power supply systems department GWD Engineering Ilya Markov:

– This term usually means the integration of systems, equipment and components into a single intelligent cottage management system.


  • management and communications;
  • heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  • lighting;
  • building power supply;
  • security and monitoring.

Control over the operation of all systems can be carried out remotely - using a mobile phone, tablet or via the Internet.

General Director of the company Alef Elektro (Moscow) Andrey Nazarenko :

– This is best illustrated by the following example: using a mobile phone or tablet you can:

  • turn on the evening light scene in the living room;
  • set a timer to close the window after a certain period of time so as not to freeze in the morning;
  • switch TV channels or select a movie from the server;
  • check the status of all security systems.

The same can be done using a special control panel - push-button or touch.

Ilya Markov:

– We can say that “Smart Home” is based on three main principles:

  • providing comfort;
  • security;
  • ensuring energy efficiency.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– There are two types of systems:

  1. Wired.
  2. Wireless.

The residential building has protection against water leakage and a smoke detector that sends SMS. These are two different systems, and each of them is responsible for its own narrow range of responsibilities.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– It cannot be called a “Smart Home”, since it is impossible to control these sensors from a single window of the system interface. Each of these devices has its own parameters and settings, and they work independently of each other. A “Smart Home” provides complete coordination and control of all engineering and electrical equipment.

The technology is controlled by an intelligent program, and its operation is adapted to the specific cottage and owner’s preferences. For clarity, all available information about its operation is displayed on touch display located on the wall. Thanks to the intuitive interface, command names and explanatory images, managing the Smart Home system is reminiscent of working on an electronic tablet.

Minimum set of equipment

According to Ilya Kovalchuk, a minimum set of equipment, first of all, should ensure security, the ability to remotely monitor the cottage using video surveillance or alarm and motion sensors, as well as the ability to control heating. Thus, the technology will protect against theft and emergency situations.

Andrey Nazarenko :

– If a system can independently change its status, then it can be considered smart.

The main purpose of the technology is to increase the level of living comfort. This also includes ease of control: room illumination, minimization of equipment control panels, optimal performance all engineering systems of the cottage in order to save energy.

Heated floors that turn off for the whole day when you leave for work and turn on an hour before you return, thereby saving energy, can be called “smart” warm floors.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– There is a package of minimal functions that gives the system the right to be called a “Smart Home”. It includes two or more functions that can be controlled from a single interface:

  • water leakage control;
  • security and fire alarm;
  • gas leakage control;
  • light control;
  • climate control;
  • voice notification.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– “Smart home” also refers to the simplest monitoring and control systems: GSM sockets, emergency warning systems. In my opinion, this can be called any control or monitoring scheme built on the basis of high-tech equipment that brings real benefits to its owner.

Modern technologies and materials provide the opportunity to gradually increase functionality, which allows you to start small and subsequently create a complex and multifunctional automation system.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– One controlled outlet (which includes a heating device) can be called a “Smart Home” at a stretch, but for some it can really make life easier, save on electricity costs, and help make their life more comfortable even in an apartment. In the future, it may become part of a more complex scheme.

Such flexible customization allows you to implement any solutions.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– The possibilities are endless. The functionality can only be limited by imagination. Simply put, all devices that have an “on” button or "off" – can be automated.

How it works

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– The cottage has the Internet, a Smart Home controller and several temperature and motion sensors are installed. Even such a minimal system notifies the user about an intrusion into his home by sending a signal to his phone: SMS notification. The system also includes control of temperature and humidity in the house.

Further, by adding socket modules (smart sockets or installing relays), it becomes possible to automatically - according to a schedule or some events - control electrical equipment and control the level of lighting. Depending on the room temperature, turn on and off individual heating devices, air conditioners, maintaining comfortable atmosphere. Moreover, if you have a multi-tariff meter, and also in the absence of the owners, you can save on electricity in this way.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– When going to the dacha, you can do it in advance, via telephone, Internet, etc. install comfortable temperature. For safety, fire sensors, water leakage sensors, and gas leakage sensors can be added to the system at any time.

Subsequently, when such sensors are triggered, it is possible to shut off water and gas.

The system can be expanded almost endlessly.

Using Smart Home you can:

  • control the light;

The light can turn on in response to people approaching and turn off when they move away.

  • monitor the cottage and territory through CCTV cameras;

The picture can be transmitted in real time to the screen of a phone, tablet or laptop.

  • imitate the presence of people;

By turning the lights on and off, raising and lowering the roller shutters, the appearance of activity is created, which can scare away thieves in the event of a long absence of the owners.

  • automate watering.

All this can be controlled remotely, from any device, and you can receive any notifications about the operation of the systems.

Installation features

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– There are many systems and protocols designed to implement Smart Homes. Essentially, any protocol designed for automation can be used. From industrial protocol RS-485 to normal Wi- Fi.

At the moment, the most popular control protocols are those designed specifically for home automation and, for the most part, wireless, that is, they do not require laying a large number of wires, global changes in electrical wiring, etc.

The basis for a “Smart Home” can be an ordinary personal computer, and many controllers are devices with operating systems of the Linux family.

Andrey Nazarenko :

The best option building a “Smart Home” - when all devices exchange data with each other via cable using a protocol KNX.

KNX is a single unified international standard data exchange intended for automated systems management.

Many developers pre-lay the cable into the walls. In the future, this makes it possible to install equipment without costly alterations to the finished interior.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

The main requirement for equipment is its reliability. Also, the equipment must be flexible for programming, functional and have an acceptable cost.

If you plan to use the Smart Home system in your cottage, then you need to think about it when designing all engineering systems.

The system installation process is divided into the following stages:

  • At the stage of rough work, all communications are laid, incl. - and wires.
  • At the completion stage finishing work everything is installed necessary equipment, sensors, automation cabinets, they are configured and the system is programmed.
  • Next comes commissioning and commissioning of the system.

You can equip any home with a Smart Home system using equipment that operates via a radio channel. But such equipment does not provide a 100% guarantee of command execution. And if the owner wants to automate the facility after renovation, then all communications can be hidden in a false ceiling or in the floor.

Because "Smart home" depends on electricity, Special attention should be given to the installation of the electrical network.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– All the equipment necessary to create “Smart Homes” is designed for standard 220 V networks. Thanks to wireless equipment, any existing cottage can be made “smart” without particularly altering its wiring, without repairs or changes in the design of the premises, etc. .

Any home starts with safety, so its electrics should also be “smart”. Everything is important - correct calculation wire cross-sections, presence of RCD or differential circuit breakers, grounding.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– Considering that a “smart plug” is not much more expensive than a regular plug modern socket, including the cost of its installation, then by creating a “Smart Home” from scratch and drawing up a project in advance, the cost of automation can be reduced, and the savings on electricity will quickly pay for this increase in cost.

We are figuring out whether, due to the energy consumption of the Smart Home system, we will have to receive crazy amounts of electricity bills at the end of the month.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– One of the main purposes of the Smart Home system is to save energy resources. Control equipment, sensors, and actuators are low-current and consume a minimum of electricity.

In terms of energy consumption, the costs are negligible, and the savings can be multiple. Properly installed and reliable electrical installations are already an element of a “Smart Home”. Smart Home systems can operate more stable than many other household electrical appliances.

Any country resident has encountered a power outage situation, and it is not clear what to do in this case.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– In cases of power failure, the system automatically switches to emergency operation mode. Readings from all sensors are recorded, and when electricity is supplied at 100% volume, everything returns to the state “as before the shutdown”.

Let's imagine that the lights are turned off in the cottage. In this case, the Smart Home system will notify you by voice that a shutdown has occurred. If there is no one at home, the system will send an SMS and call the user on mobile phone. Using uninterruptible power supply batteries, the system will continue to operate and support the main consumers of electricity: refrigerator, heating system, emergency lighting, security systems. In the event of a prolonged absence of electricity, the system automatically starts the generator.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– To ensure the functionality of all elements: the Internet, video surveillance, sensors and actuators, a good computer uninterruptible power supply is sufficient.

Because Since all Smart Home equipment is low-current, monitoring and feedback will remain in this case. The owner of the cottage learns about a power outage, non-working heating, other abnormal and emergency situations, etc.

Considering the peculiarities of our energy supply, it is advisable to install voltage stabilizers. This is necessary for normal operation ordinary electrical appliances.

Power supply systems may include uninterrupted power supply during power outages. These can be generators, with or without autostart, integrated into general scheme electricians or simply allowing the operation of a minimum number of electrical appliances. These may also be more complex and expensive systems uninterrupted power supply based on inverters and batteries.

Such systems provide the entire building with electricity for up to a day or more.

Electrical devices and other equipment can be protected from voltage surges and impulse noise by differential circuit breakers, network filters, residual current devices.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– To increase the autonomy of housing, electricity consumers can be divided into two groups - important ( boiler equipment, refrigerator, alarm system, etc.) and minor ones. In the event of a power outage, the automation itself will turn off some of the less important electrical appliances, powering only the most important electrical equipment from the generator.

We count the benefits

Every owner of a country home wants all investments in housing to be 100% profitable. And in order to understand how the Smart Home system works and how it can save money, an integrated approach is required.

Ilya Kovalchuk :

– If heating control is included in the Smart Home systems, the system can pay for itself in one heating season.

Payback of other systems security, fire sensors, monitoring systems for water leaks, gas leaks, pipe freezing in such cases is also obvious.

Ekaterina Koroleva :

– The system will pay for itself in full the minute it prevents an emergency, fire, flooding, gas leak, unauthorized entry into the facility, etc.

Also, using automation, you can remotely monitor your home while on vacation, with the ability to control appliances, lights, and climate from any mobile device or PC.

To summarize the article, we can say that using Smart Home» you constantly keep your finger on the pulse of the work of your cottage.


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