How to putty on walls with finishing putty. How to putty walls with minimal effort and maximum effect

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You started the renovation and decided to putty the walls. But you don’t know at all where to start, what material to choose, and in general the whole process is shrouded in mystery and darkness. First, let's figure out what putty is and why it is needed.

The difference between plaster and putty

Starter plaster is a coarse powdery mixture that builders use to level walls. Before plastering, measurements are taken using a level and the degree of deviation of the wall from the ideal vertical is determined. In other words, this is done to ensure that the wall is level. The maximum thickness of the applied layer is about 5 cm. After drying, this mixture has roughness.

Putty is a powder used after plastering. Hence the name – finishing putty. It is plastic and makes the wall smooth. You can apply it in a maximum layer of 1-2 mm (and you won’t be able to do more). Finishing putty fills in small imperfections in the plaster, preparing it for painting or wallpaper.

Which putty is best for walls?

The putty is available in both paper bags in powder form and in the form of a ready-made mixture in plastic buckets. It is hardly possible to say which one is better, since this can only be understood through personal experience. The only difference is that the putty is ready-made and you cannot adjust its thickness.

Therefore, to begin with, it is better to use a powdered composition, and at the same time learn from your own experience how to dilute the mixture.

Depending on the composition, there are several types of putty: gypsum, cement and polymer.

  • Cement putty consists of sand and cement. This composition tolerates moisture well, but does not have plasticity. This means that cracks may appear over time. The surface will be rough after drying, so sanding is necessary. But it is great for outdoor work. She is not afraid of rain and snow.
  • Gypsum putty. If you're going to use gypsum putty, be prepared for the fact that it dries very quickly, so don't mix it too much. As it dries, there will be a stone in the bucket instead of putty.
  • Polymer putty has high elasticity and stretches well. It can be used for both external and internal work. Using this composition you can achieve a perfectly smooth surface, but it is not cheap.

When choosing putty, it is important to consider what will be on the walls. Gypsum-based putty consists of many small grains that are visible after the surface has dried. Also, you can see characteristic stains due to certain properties of gypsum. Gypsum putty comes in beige, gray and even Pink colour. If you try to paint it, for example, white, you will have to apply several layers. This type of putty is difficult to paint over light colors. But it will fit perfectly under wallpaper.

Glue applied to the wall helps soak the composition. Because of this, the wallpaper may not stick well to the wall and stick in pieces. Wet wallpaper is problematic to trim from the bottom and top. Gypsum putty is not saturated with moisture as much as polymer putty. And for painting it is better to use polymer putty. As a rule, she white, soft consistency and looks perfectly smooth on the wall.

Is it possible to putty the walls yourself?

Puttying walls with your own hands is possible, but requires some practice. The first knowledge can be gained by watching a video or watching how specialists do it. Of course, at first it won't work out very well. But there is a silver lining: you can always count on polishing. Therefore, if it does not immediately turn out perfectly smooth, stripes and stains form, these defects will be hidden sandpaper.

What tools will you need?

In order not to run around looking for the necessary things in the midst of work, it is better to prepare everything right away.

  • drill with mixer;
  • plastic containers;
  • latex gloves;
  • roller with a long handle;
  • narrow spatula (5-7 cm);
  • wide spatula (25-35 cm);
  • serpyanka;
  • respirator;
  • stepladder (or table);
  • work clothes;
  • newspapers, rags, polyethylene.

If plaster is applied to the walls, then it is better to use a brush for priming. Since the roller will not be able to treat the surface effectively enough. We choose the width of the spatula ourselves. Standard width 35 cm, but for a beginner it is better to use a narrower one, as it is easier for them to work. A drill mixer is a special attachment for stirring the composition. Happens different shapes, doesn't really matter. Ideally, you can use a large bucket as a container. water-based paint. It does not split under the influence of a drill.

Preparing walls for finishing putty

First you need to clear the room of furniture. What you can bear, bear it. Dust from this process cannot be avoided. The floor must be covered with polyethylene or newspapers. The more surface you cover, the better.

Why prime the walls?

If the room was too dusty, clean the walls with a wet broom. In order for the putty to stick well to the walls, they must first be primed. Primer is a special liquid. After it dries, a microfilm of the adhesive composition forms on the walls. The walls are completely degreased, cleaned and dust-free, so the putty will not fall off in the future. Pour primer into plastic container and dilute with water. The concentration level is indicated on the bottle. Next, use a roller with a long handle to prime the walls. This process is similar to ordinary painting, the main thing is to ensure that the walls are completely primed. It’s easy to guess from the wet stains on the wall.

Some moments

Putting walls under wallpaper with your own hands is easier than painting. Wallpaper will hide small defects and imperfections. But you need to make sure that there is no previous wallpaper left on the wall (if there was any). Because under the influence of the primer they will get wet and stick to the putty.

The easiest way is to putty and prime gypsum boards (plasterboard sheets). There are no special recommendations for this, just move the roller from top to bottom. Whatever the surface, it is better to prime separately with a narrow brush near the ceiling, floor and sides, since the roller in these places does not reach all the way.

Puttying walls after plastering is a more labor-intensive process. Therefore, it is necessary to prime very well. To do this, it is better to use a brush to fill all the microcracks and depressions.

Which primer to choose

The primer is used to create an adhesive layer on the surface, which promotes favorable adhesion of the composition to the wall. When choosing a primer, you need to pay attention to the room. If it is damp, it is better to choose a primer with an antibacterial effect that prevents the formation of mold.

  • Alkyd primer has powerful properties, but does not penetrate into the material. It should not be used for plaster, putty and plasterboard. It is suitable for wood and iron because it has an anti-corrosion effect. In addition, such a primer creates a film on the treated surface, which is why the material does not breathe.
  • Latex primer is suitable for almost any surface. This is an ideal option in the case of plaster and crumbling surfaces. It is very moisture resistant, waterproof and elastic. But it has such properties due to the addition of synthetic substances to it, so it is not suitable for connoisseurs of environmentally friendly products.
  • Acrylic primer is best for home use. It does not have a strong odor, dries quickly and is easy to use. The thick composition is diluted with water to the desired consistency and applied to the wall. This primer can be used on any surface. And its price will pleasantly surprise you.
  • Primer deep penetration used in cases where the surface is friable, loose and not solid enough. It could be old plaster, wood, or just gypsum board with fallen corners. This primer penetrates deep into the material, giving it strength and water resistance, which is especially important in wet rooms.

Additional preparation of gypsum boards for primer

The joints between plasterboard sheets contain cracks and recesses. To eliminate unevenness in these places, it is better to use plaster. Thanks to its coarser composition, it will level the surface faster. But it’s not enough to just use a spatula. After the plaster dries, a crack forms at the joint site, since there is nothing for the composition to stick to in the area of ​​the crack. To prevent this from happening, we use a serpyanka. Serpyanka is a mesh tape in a roll, similar to gauze. It happens different widths and on one side it has a sticky surface, so it can be easily glued to the joints. After gluing the serpyanka, apply a layer of plaster from bottom to top. We make sure that it does not move and, if necessary, correct it. Drying time 2-3 hours. After this, we remove small rocky particles with sandpaper. The surface is now ready for priming.

Final wall putty. Technology

After the primer has dried, the surface is ready for application. finishing putty. To prepare the composition, take a plastic bucket and pour it into it. a large number of water, less than half. To begin with, it’s better to make a little composition to fill your hand. Then pour a little putty there, while stirring with a mixer. The consistency should be slightly less liquid than thick sour cream. We achieve uniformity of the composition, the complete absence of lumps, otherwise balls of dry powder will form on the wall. The mixture should not roll off the spatula. If this happens, it means it is too watery. It is very difficult to work with such a composition.

We proceed directly to puttying. We have two spatulas in our hands: large and small. Please note: the spatula is not absolutely even. It is curved more in one direction than in the other. It is necessary to define the “rounded” side. If you putty another one, stripes will remain on the surface.

Speaking about spatulas, it is worth noting that you need to choose stainless materials. Otherwise, during subsequent puttying, rusty stains will remain on the wall. We take a little mixture onto a small spatula and transfer it to a large one, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. Starting from the window, we begin to putty the wall, creating a non-transparent layer of 1-2 mm. If you make the layer too thick, it will be more difficult to smooth out and cracks may form as it dries. When working with plasterboard, the direction of movement of the spatula does not matter, since the surface is smooth. On a plastered wall, dried large particles have their own direction. Therefore, we simply repeat it when puttingty. This will become clear as you work.

Important: the uniformity and smoothness of the putty is very dependent on the lighting. Flaws that are not visible in daylight may become noticeable when illuminated with electric light.

Puttying walls for painting implies a uniform layer of composition without gaps. If in some place the layer is thinner, the paint will have a different shade. The difference between wallpaper putty is that the wallpaper will hide small errors.

As you work, various stripes and stains will appear on the wall. Let's level out the situation as best we can. But don’t forget that there is still life-saving polishing.

Sanding walls

Wall sanding is used to remove small irregularities, streaks and bumps. This process can be either manual or mechanized.

To sand the walls, use regular sandpaper. It differs in particle size. The lower the number of the skin, the rougher its surface. For finishing putty, sandpaper of larger sizes is suitable. If large scratches remain on the wall, then you need to use a finer piece of sandpaper.

In addition to sandpaper, diamond mesh is also used. It differs in the size of the cells, and, unlike sandpaper, it is not clogged with putty. It can be used either manually or using a special holder.

The grinding itself is necessary to eliminate remaining defects; even a beginner can handle it. This process is very dusty, so be sure to wear a respirator. Sanding is done in a circular motion. If you sand in one direction, noticeable scratches will form.

After finishing sanding, the surface needs to be primed again, as a large amount of white dust will remain on it. Wait for it to dry and proceed to further work. Puttying walls with your own hands may seem like a time-consuming and complicated process for beginners. In fact, this is not the case, you just have to start.

Wall putty is The final stage preparing the base for wallpapering, painting or applying other decorative coatings. This event is aimed at maximizing the leveling of the surface, eliminating obvious defects, small chips, potholes and other imperfections in the rough finishing. Professional work taking into account the materials, they can cost a hefty sum, so many people try to putty the walls with their own hands. It should be noted that the technology of puttying walls is not particularly difficult, therefore, after studying the main principles and practicing a little on old walls, you will successfully cope with this task.

The feasibility of wall putty is due to the following reasons:

  1. Wallpapering and painting require a perfectly smooth surface, otherwise everything will problem areas will be clearly visible under the coating. Putty allows you to effectively level the wall and avoid expensive and complex work on plaster.
  2. The putty can be remade several times, applying repeated layers and eliminating even the slightest flaws on the walls. However, this will not affect the quality of the coating in any way.
  3. Materials for puttying are affordable, available in a wide range and have low consumption.
  4. To plaster complex relief structures made of plasterboard, you need to seek the help of professional finishers. With putty, things are different - you can do all the work yourself, saving your money.

Types of putty materials

Puttying walls involves several basic principles, on which the quality and appearance decorative finishing. First of all, you need to choose the right putty mixture. The main criteria are the base material, type of finishing coating, size and purpose of the room, temperature conditions and humidity indicators.

Market building materials offers a wide variety of mixtures. Let's look at the most common types of putties.

Type of putty Characteristics Areas of use
Oil-adhesive The cheapest putty. Improves the waterproofing properties of the coating, protects against the effects of steam and increases the resistance of the structure to destruction.
It is not used for wallpapering or painting with any paints other than oil paints, since it is quickly absorbed into the walls and appears as stains.
Technical (non-decorative) wall cladding in basements, sheds and closets.
Finishing of wooden plastered walls.
Cement It is highly resistant to moisture and durable. Due to its low elasticity, it shrinks after drying, which can result in cracks appearing in the finish. Tiling of bathrooms, kitchens and toilets.
Finishing of technical and unheated premises.
Plaster It is unstable to high humidity and temperature changes, absorbs moisture, as a result of which the coating begins to swell and fall off from the base.
It is characterized by high plasticity, therefore it qualitatively levels any surface even when applying one layer.
Interior decoration with normal level humidity, in particular living rooms, corridors, offices, etc.
Polymer Most often used as a finishing putty to eliminate microcracks in the starting layer. It is characterized by high elasticity and ease of use, which significantly reduces labor costs and material consumption. Finishing of premises with cement, plastered and plasterboard walls.
Decorative finishing living rooms, where the application of thin coatings and delicate artistic work is expected.

Required materials and tools

Puttying walls with your own hands is a responsible and time-consuming undertaking, before which you need to prepare following materials and tools:

  • mixtures for starting and finishing putty;
  • composition for priming walls;
  • containers for mixing putty (if the mixture is dry) and working with primer;
  • paint roller, narrow and wide brushes for applying primer solution to hard-to-reach areas, for example, corners and places behind radiators;
  • spatulas: a narrow tool for taking the mixture from a container, a wide one for applying putty to the walls, a corner tool for leveling the layer of mixture on the outer and inner corners;
  • building rule for controlling the evenness of the base;
  • a trowel for smoothing a layer of putty over a large area;
  • a lamp or lamp to identify poorly aligned sections of the wall;
  • electric Grinder or a hand trowel for grouting a dried surface;
  • a drill and a special “mixer” attachment for thoroughly mixing the putty.

Important! Without a drill with an attachment, it will be almost impossible to obtain the desired consistency from the dry mixture. Therefore, if you do not have this tool, it is best to purchase a ready-made one.

VIDEO: how to putty walls for a beginner

Starting puttying of walls

Standard wall puttying technology involves starting and finishing treatment. The starting coating is used for the initial leveling of the wall, to process joints and seams in drywall, to close the screw heads and to fill large potholes, cracks and other irregularities. At the initial stage, the wall must be cleaned of particles of dirt, dust, greasy stains and the remnants of the old finish, then leave for some time until completely dry. Before applying the putty, the base is primed so that the next layers adhere tightly to the wall and do not peel off after drying.

Advice! When preparing for puttying, experts recommend using a reinforcing mesh - the material will adhere better to the walls, and the risk of cracks is significantly reduced.

All chips, cracks, differences and significant irregularities are sealed with starting putty.

Starting wall putty is performed with a mixture with a coarse-grained structure, which is specially designed for basic rough processing and is most often sold in dry form. After applying this composition, the surface becomes smooth, but has a porous texture, so in most cases it requires.

Using the rule, you need to check the evenness of the wall - you need to see how evenly the tool adheres to the base. If the wall is relatively flat, then the mixture is applied in large, sweeping strokes, and the spatula should always be pressed against the wall at the same angle.

In areas with large depressions, slides or other deviations from the level, the putty is applied in a thick layer, after which it is pulled over the entire surface using a trowel. This must be done until the wall is level. After the starting layer has hardened, the surface must be thoroughly sanded to eliminate tool marks, splashes and sagging.

In what cases to use reinforcing mesh

Most often, puttying walls with reinforcing mesh is required when there are significant differences in the base. The serpyanka mesh makes the leveling process more efficient and accurate. The result is high-quality and solid foundation, suitable for further finishing works, in addition, the risk of cracks on painted walls is significantly reduced.

The reinforcing mesh is fixed to the surface using glue, which must first be applied with a roller or brush. The mesh is pressed tightly against the wall and coated with glue containing outside. After the glue has completely dried, you can begin to putty.

Another way to fix the serpyanka is to press it onto a previously applied wet layer of putty, level it and putty on top with another layer. For beginners, the first method is more preferable, since it does not involve any special difficulties.

Corner processing

Wall putty in hard to reach places such as external and internal corners, is done using a corner spatula. For external corners, special perforated overlays are used, which are embedded in a previously applied layer of putty. After the mixture has dried, final processing is performed on both sides of the joint. To do this, the mixture is applied to both sides of the corner and leveled vertically using a corner tool, while trying not to leave grooves.


On internal corner a solution is also applied, the excess of which must be removed as a rule. The mixture is leveled with an angled spatula using longitudinal movements. In this case, it is recommended to control the plane using a building level. If necessary, the operation can be repeated with a smaller amount of putty mixture, and then proceed to the main finishing work.

Applying finishing putty

Finishing wall putty is the final stage of surface preparation before applying the final coating. At this stage, the same procedure is used as for the initial treatment - priming the base, applying a putty mixture and sanding. The material used is a composition with a fine grain fraction, which eliminates microcracks after the tool, pores and other minor defects. As a result of the finishing process, a smooth and even surface is obtained, on which even thin wallpaper can be glued and paints of light shades can be applied.

Using finishing putty, the walls are perfectly even for further painting or wallpapering.

Final puttying of walls involves the following nuances:

  • the mixture is applied to the base using movements from top to bottom thin layer 1-2 mm, while the tool must always be pressed against the wall at an angle of 20°;
    Important! If the putty layer is thicker than 5 mm, after drying the coating may crack and crumble.
  • before each new sampling of material, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the instrument with a wet sponge to remove dried particles;
  • for pasting thick wallpaper One layer will be enough, but under thin wallpaper or painting you will have to apply 2-3 layers;
  • the finishing mixture dries for about 36-48 hours, after which it is necessary to carefully sand the surface until a smooth plane is formed.

Unevenness and roughness left behind by the tool, as well as strips from the spatula at corner joints, are easily eliminated at the grinding stage, so they do not require re-application of the material. If you plan to paste thick wallpaper, you can skip sanding.

The key to a smooth and even wall surface is high-quality preparation. That is why it is important to properly prime the walls - it is not a difficult task. However, it is important to follow the procedure and be able to work with the tool correctly. How to properly apply putty on a wall with your own hands? Let's look at it in the article.

Preparing the tools

Before applying putty to the walls, you should prepare a certain set of tools. These include:

  • A drill with a special attachment that will act as a mixer. Usually putty is sold dry, that is, you have to prepare it yourself by mixing it with water. Using a drill with an attachment you can make the perfect putty mixture. At the end we will get a homogeneous composition without any lumps.
  • Spatulas. You need several of them. They should all be different sizes. Before applying the finishing putty to the wall, it is important to prepare both a large spatula and a small one. Remember that there are always hard-to-reach places on the wall. Therefore you need to work different instruments.
  • Brush and roller. These tools are required for priming. Experts do not recommend skipping this stage. After priming, the wall will be covered with a thin film. It provides high-quality grip facing material.
  • Rule. It is necessary if the wall is uneven and you need to apply a fairly large layer of putty. In this situation, experts recommend using a long metal rule.
  • Level. It can be laser or alcohol. Used on uneven walls. This level is used to install test beacons (they are mounted before applying decorative putty on the wall).
  • Sandpaper. It is needed in order to obtain the most smooth and beautiful surface. For this, fine-grain paper P240 is used. But it is used after the finishing putty has been applied to the wall. At the initial stage, experts recommend using coarse-grained paper.
  • Manual skinner. This tool will make grouting the walls easier. It uses special clamps to hold the sandpaper in place.
  • A container in which the mixture will be mixed.

What material should I use?

There are several options:

  • Gypsum putty. It is relevant due to its low price and lends itself well to leveling. Also, gypsum putty does not shrink. Among the disadvantages is poor resistance to moisture. Therefore it is not used in the bathroom.
  • Cement. Has excellent resistance to moisture. However, among the main disadvantages, experts note large shrinkage. Therefore, you need to work with it extremely carefully.
  • Polymer. Among the advantages of the material, it is worth noting that it does not shrink. At the same time, it is as resistant to moisture as cement. Working with you can get high-quality results. However, among the disadvantages it is worth noting high price material.

Putties by type of purpose

According to their intended purpose, these compositions are divided into:

  • Leveling (starting).
  • Finishing (decorative).
  • Universal.

Starting mixtures are characterized by high adhesion, strength and large grain size. Experts recommend using such compositions for leveling walls after applying plaster. What layer should I apply putty on the wall? Its thickness can range from 3 to 20 millimeters.

As for the finishing ones, they are used for high-quality execution decorative finishing. Using this composition, you can powerfully hide small flaws on the wall and get a perfectly smooth surface. Layer thickness - up to 4 millimeters.

On what walls can universal putty be applied? They can be used in both cases - both finishing and starting. But you need to understand that such compositions have a high cost. Experts recommend using universal compounds on walls with minor defects.

A few words about ready-made putties. There are quite a lot of them on the market. They are quite convenient to use, since you do not need to knead the mixture with a mixer. There is virtually no dust during work. This saves time. But the cost of ready-made mixtures is much higher. In addition, ready-made putties have a high shrinkage. They are applied in a layer of at least two millimeters. Also, the shelf life of ready-made mixtures is shorter than that of dry ones.

How to prepare a wall?

First we need to prepare the surface for applying putty. First of all, the wall should be as clean as possible. It is necessary to exclude the presence of soot, greasy marks and paint stains. There should also be no residues old plaster and other elements (scale, parts of formwork).

Before applying putty to the wall, the surface must be primed. This will ensure good adhesion of the mortar to the walls. What tool is used to apply the primer? Experts recommend applying this composition using a roller. It is important to distribute the primer evenly. Omissions must be excluded. The composition is applied in one layer.

How to apply putty on a wall correctly?

If a dry composition is used for work, it is important to prepare the mixture correctly. This operation is performed in several stages:

  • Add a small volume of water to a clean container.
  • Then dry putty is poured here.
  • The composition is mixed first with a simple spatula, by hand.
  • Next comes a drill with an attachment. Using this “mixer” we will obtain a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, you can add more water while stirring the composition.

How do you know when the putty is ready for application? Its readiness is determined by consistency. So, the putty should stick slightly to the spatula and be elastic. It is unacceptable for the mixture to drain.

To fix this, you can add a little more dry mixture. Lumps should also be excluded. If there are any, then the putty is too dry. Gradually add water, thoroughly stirring the solution with the tool.

The next step is to apply the starting putty. To do this, it is recommended to use a large spatula, about 45 centimeters wide. The composition should be applied in medium portions. It is important to distribute the putty evenly over the surface. It is recommended to hold the spatula at an angle of thirty degrees. The composition is applied diagonally, in one motion.

Experts give useful advice: To avoid the appearance of unwanted bumps and transitions, each new layer should be applied overlapping. Also, when performing the starting layer, the putty composition must be mixed in small portions. This is done to avoid the presence of dry particles. They significantly reduce the quality of work. Don't worry if streaks from the spatula appear. Afterwards they can be easily hidden using finishing putty.

What's next?

When working, you should use an angled spatula. It is needed to align corners (for example, when applying the composition near windows). How it's done? First, a small layer of putty material is applied along the entire height of the slope. Next, we use an angled spatula - we use it to remove unnecessary parts. Then the slopes and corners should dry. This takes about a day.

Finishing putty

When the starting putty has already dried well, you need to start applying the finishing putty. In this case, both a small and a large spatula are used. On the latter you need to apply a piece of putty with a small tool. The portion should be small. Next, this composition is applied to the surface evenly. What layer of putty can be applied to the wall? The layer thickness should be about one and a half to two millimeters.

Then you need to process it using sandpaper. As we said earlier, it should be fine-grained. To make the procedure easier, it is recommended to use a skinner. It will not only make the work easier, but will also make the layer as even and smooth as possible.

How to apply putty on the wall under wallpaper? Preparation

This operation is more complex. How to properly apply finishing putty to walls? The first step is to prepare the surface. Can putty be applied to a concrete wall? It can be made of any material, the main thing is cleanliness. It is important to clean the wall from dust and dirt. If there are small cracks or pits, you should not undertake additional work - when applying a layer of putty, these visible defects will be covered. But if these are serious irregularities, it is still better to use a cement-sand mortar.

Next we cover it with newspapers or plastic film floor and start preparing the solution. Experts recommend using a commercially produced dry mixture. Recently, formulations with a disinfectant effect have appeared on the market. They cost a little more than usual, but provide excellent protection against fungus and mold. When purchasing cheap mixtures, it is important to sift them through a sieve. This will prevent the formation of large lumps when preparing the solution. What you will need before applying putty to the walls under the wallpaper:

  • Bucket for mixing the solution (you can use another available container).
  • Dry mixture.
  • Water.
  • Construction mixer. If you don't have one, you can use powerful drill with a special nozzle.

The solution is made in the same way as in the previous case. In this case, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations. The preparation details for each mixture are written on the packaging. But there is one general rule - ready-made composition should have a thick consistency (like sour cream) and not drip when applied to a spatula. How to fix too liquid composition, we have already told in the previous case. The algorithm here is the same.

Let's get started

So, for this operation we need two spatulas. With a small one, we will scoop the putty from the container, then apply it to a large spatula. It is not necessary to apply the solution across the entire width of the instrument. It is enough that the putty occupies half of a wide spatula (that is, 15-20 centimeters). Then the composition is applied to the surface at an angle of twenty degrees. What is the technology for plastering walls under wallpaper? Work should begin on the left side if you are right-handed, and vice versa. This way the first layer will be covered by the next one on the right. This will eliminate large transitions and stripes.

Apply putty to the wallpaper

The first layer is applied in the same way - using a large spatula at an angle of twenty degrees. Next you should wait at least 12 hours. This is necessary for the layer of material to dry. Then sandpaper comes into play. We use it to remove all the irregularities and stripes that appeared during the work. It is important that the paper is fine-grained. After the surface has become as even and smooth as possible, it is necessary to apply a primer. Next, apply the second layer. But you need to make sure that the primer is completely dry. As for thickness, the second layer should be at least twice as thick as the previous one. However, the total thickness should not exceed one and a half millimeters. The second layer is the final one. Therefore, after it has dried (the process lasts 12 hours), you need to sand the surface again and coat it with a primer.

Working with a roller: nuances

Some decide to apply putty using this tool. Can putty be applied to walls with a roller? Experts give a positive answer. This is a fairly simple type of work. Even a beginner can handle this operation. In this case, you can make the walls with an original ornament or simply align them.

How to apply putty to walls with a roller? First you need to know how to choose the right tool. For work, it is better to use a short-haired roller. It ensures even application. If we talk about the length of the pile, this parameter should be no more than five millimeters. Otherwise, you will have to remove the excess layer of material. Can I use a paint roller for this job? Experts give a positive answer, but the length of the pile should not exceed the same five millimeters.

Before applying putty to the walls with a roller, it is important to prepare the composition. The dry mixture is made similarly to the cases described above. If this ready mix, it must first be mixed. Remember that the consistency should be more liquid. Thick putty cannot be applied with a roller. You can change the consistency using plain water.

So, when the wall is prepared and primed, we get to work. We dip our roller into the container so that it is covered with putty on all sides. In this case, the material should not drip. Apply the composition in a thin layer. Should be applied to separate part walls. It is important to distribute the composition over the base. After this, using a wide spatula (its width should be from 30 to 40 centimeters), we remove part of the composition. You need to hold the spatula at a right angle, 90 degrees. You can move the tool in any direction. This will remove most of the composition from the base. But the small depressions will already be filled with mass. If after application all scratches and irregularities have not been eliminated, this work needs to be repeated again. This way we will achieve maximum effect.


So, we figured out how to apply putty to the walls. As you can see, you can work with the material in different ways. But in most cases, a classic spatula is used. They can make a smooth surface very quickly. Sandpaper is also used in all work. You can’t do without it, otherwise there will be noticeable shagreen on the surface. As for the type of putty, everyone chooses it for themselves. But experts recommend giving preference to dry mixtures. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and they are quite easy to prepare - no additional components, except water, are added to the composition. You should also pay attention to the room temperature. You cannot work with frozen walls. In addition, when working with putty, do not be lazy and use a primer. With it we will get maximum adhesion.

So that no one is deceived, we will say right away that puttying is a rather long and labor-intensive process that requires strict adherence to the sequence of actions, patience, diligence and attentiveness. It also requires not only the moral and physical preparation of the master, but also very specific actions with the surfaces being treated, which we will definitely talk about today.

So, first of all, we need to look at the walls we will be working with. In most cases, these will be plastered surfaces, as well as those made of plasterboard and similar materials. If it's just in front of you Brick wall Without plaster, it will not be possible to putty it, since the applied layer is measured in millimeters, and for normal leveling it may require much more.

It’s another matter if you have to work with monolithic slab surfaces, in panel houses– here it is quite possible to do without leveling, if they are installed efficiently, vertically. Since, in fact, both surfaces will be concrete, and in the case of plaster, gypsum is also possible, the work will be carried out in the same way.

The easiest way to work is with plasterboard surfaces. Here the procedure will be slightly different, so we will describe it separately.

The next point we pay attention to is the purpose of the room itself. This parameter will affect the selection of the type of putty. Let's look at the most common and popular ones.

Types of putties

1. Gypsum mixtures are presented on the building materials market in a huge range. They are the best-selling because they have a low price, good performance characteristics, are harmless and hypoallergenic. This material is used for dry rooms. For bathrooms and similar places with high humidity they are not taken, since flora in the form of black mold begins to multiply very quickly in the plaster.

Among the positive properties, it is worth noting that this putty “breathes”, that is, it allows steam to pass through itself, due to which a natural microclimate is established in the room, and excess moisture comes out through the walls. Surface obtained from gypsum putty somewhat rough, has good adhesion to paints, wallpaper and other finishing materials.

2. Polymer mixtures have a number of advantages. In particular, it is worth noting that the material is supplied mainly in ready-to-use form and has an ideal consistency. The mixture is homogeneous and allows you to easily obtain perfectly smooth surfaces. It fits perfectly on plasterboard sheets and can be combined with starting gypsum surfaces.

The material is supplied in buckets or hermetically sealed bags, which allows the use of putty for a long time After opening them, it is enough to reseal the container. Such mixtures will not be afraid of storage in damp places, unlike gypsum, which are supplied dry, in bags that get wet easily.

The surface made of polymer putty is not afraid of water and cannot allow steam to pass through it, so its use is justified in damp rooms. Due to its structure, the material can be applied in thinner layers, which significantly reduces consumption and eliminates the initial difference in price with cheaper putties. At the same time, you get a flat surface almost immediately and reduce the need for sanding, which, believe me, means a lot.

There are other types of putties, for example, facade ones based on the same polymers or cement. We won’t talk about them today, as we are considering options for internal repairs.

We continue to inspect the walls. The next stage is determining their evenness. To do this, we need a rule or some kind of long, even rod. It must be applied to the walls in different directions to identify recessed or protruding areas and determine the degree of surface evenness. If the errors are insignificant, then you don’t have to worry too much about leveling, but if they are noticeable, then, without plastering again, you can use coarse mixtures, which can be applied in thicker layers. Here we smoothly move on to the types of mixtures according to their intended purpose.

Prices for various types of putties


Starting putty

Starting ones - in fact, this is already a plaster or cement plaster. These mixtures are coarsely ground, which allows them to be applied in layers of up to 5 cm, depending on the manufacturer and the characteristics of specific compositions.

Advice! All necessary information available on packages, be sure to read before purchasing.

Due to such mixtures, using the rule, without placing beacons, it is possible to correct rather serious defects of the plasterers.

Note! In general, if you plan to paint the walls, then you should worry quite a lot about leveling the walls, since such surfaces have one very unpleasant property. When sunlight falls on them at an angle from a window or from any other source, all the differences become noticeable, which is quite striking. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve, if not perfect evenness, then at least smooth and invisible transitions to the eye.

Finishing putty

Make a smooth surface from the starting putty smooth surface impossible. For these purposes, finishing mixtures with the finest grinding are used. It is not difficult to understand that applying them in large layers is not allowed. The material is used to eliminate minor irregularities in the base and create a smooth surface.

Finishing putty "Volma"

The finishing mixtures have good plasticity and softness, which makes them easy to work with. The average production time of the material after mixing is 30-40 minutes.

Universal putty

Agree, purchase and use separately different types putty is not the best best activity, since they have different properties, they need to be allowed to dry well, it is difficult to calculate the amount of material, and so on. It is much easier to purchase a universal composition that has a medium grind and absorbs best properties starting and finishing mixtures. With its help, it is easy to make the surface smooth (although you have to grind more), and a layer can be applied, if necessary, up to 1 cm. The material is suitable for both plastered walls and drywall.

Having dealt with all the specified parameters and choosing the most suitable material, you can smoothly move on to.

What you need to know about preparation

In this chapter we will examine not only the actions performed on the walls before applying putty, but also the required equipment and materials for the work.

Working tools and materials

Without a good, reliable tool, any job turns into torture. Puttying is no exception. What is important is that almost all the necessary equipment will not cost big money, therefore, everything can be purchased at the same time as the materials.

Table 1. Required tools.

Tools, photosDescription

A spatula with a wide blade will be our main tool. The following requirements apply to it:
1. Blade width from 30-35 cm - this will allow you to work more efficiently, capturing more area in one pass. By using a smaller tool, you are consciously adding more work to yourself. Once you get used to one instrument, you can try to master a larger one.
2. The blade must be perfectly straight, so inspect it carefully before purchasing.
3. The metal is taken hard, thick enough so that it does not bend much when pressed.
4. Choose the handle that is most comfortable for your hand and grip.

Average quality tool, which will meet all the criteria, will cost you 700-1000 rubles.

The second spatula should be narrow. It is used for part-time work and collecting mixture from a bucket. Unlike the first one, it is better to choose a flexible tool. The average blade width is 10 cm.

Interesting to know! Some craftsmen prefer to hold a trowel in their other hand, or even apply putty with it. It’s just like anyone is used to it.

You can use both a professional mixer and its substitutes electric drill and a hammer drill with an appropriate attachment. In any case, it is worth choosing a tool with the ability to adjust rotation speed.

It is most convenient to mix putty in a deep bucket. You can take a special construction material, or use what was left over from water-based paint or putty.

When putting putty, a brush is indispensable. The fact is that it is impossible to clean a bucket of old mixture with a spatula - there are always particles left that will dry out, get into the fresh mixture, and ruin it. If you try to putty it, then there will always be untidy grooves on the wall that spoil the whole look and your nerves. Therefore, after each batch, the bucket is washed out and cleaned with a brush and water.

Even the finishing putty needs to be sanded. For this we need a grater or an electric sander. The consumables used are abrasive mesh and sandpaper. The size of the abrasive fraction is selected in accordance with the type of tasks performed.

We use the following materials:

Construction mixer price

Construction mixer

Preparing the walls

So, imagine that in front of us is a wall plastered with plaster. We perform the following steps in order.

Step 1 - cleaning the walls. No matter how hard the plasterers try, frozen deposits and pieces of debris will always remain on the walls. To prevent all this from interfering with puttying, the walls must be thoroughly cleaned beforehand. We take some old spatula and systematically remove everything mentioned from the walls. We advise you to feel the surfaces along the way with your free hand in order to find particles of gypsum invisible to the eye.

Advice! If the work takes place in the bathroom, then it is best to use primer with antiseptic additives. It will eliminate mold, if any, and prevent it from multiplying in the future.

This usually takes from 4 hours, depending on the material used. Before use, be sure to read the instructions on the package. We recommend preparing in the evening so as not to waste time waiting.

It is better to prime the walls again so that they attract less moisture from the putty. This is very important, since the quickly drying mixture is very difficult to level and distribute evenly.

Now the walls are ready for puttying. We will tell you how this is done in the next chapter.

Prices for deep penetration primer

Deep penetration primer

Puttying walls

To get perfect smooth walls Before painting, you will have to apply at least three layers of putty, or work very hard with a float, sanding the surfaces. The best masters make 5-6 layers - such difficulties are required not only for painting, but also when gluing expensive thin French wallpaper, for example. Each new layer will be thinner, better leveling the treated surface. The technique for applying them will be slightly different, but let's talk about everything in order.

Step 1 – preparing the mixture. So, we start by diluting the putty to the desired consistency. This is considered to be the consistency of sour cream, but you will agree that the concept is a little vague. You yourself will understand the optimal thickness of the putty when you start working. From our own experience, we can say that you need to achieve such a consistency that the mixture does not flow off the spatula, but at the same time stretches well.

Step 1 - preparing the mixture

You should knead in small portions if you are picking up a spatula for the first time. It is necessary to feel the process before you begin to increase the volume of material produced. Make sure you use it all before it hardens in the bucket.

We take the mixture from the bucket with our left hand (for right-handers) with a small spatula and distribute it evenly over the blade of the large one.

Then, starting from any corner, stretch it along the wall, pressing the spatula at an angle of about 45 degrees. We collect the excess mixture from the edges of the main tool with a small spatula and distribute it again. In some ways, this manipulation is reminiscent of sharpening knives against each other.

Do not try to remove the putty evenly right away. Apply it in a thick layer and remove the excess only after 60 seconds with a clean spatula. This way you will get fewer grooves and get rid of the effect of the mixture slipping, which is especially important when puttingtying drywall. Walk the entire wall in this manner.

There is no need to wait for the first layer to dry completely. If this happens, then it will need to be sanded, primed again, wait until it dries and only then apply a new one. All this is extremely long, inconvenient, and leads to unnecessary costs materials, time and effort of the master.

It is much easier, while the first layer is still wet, but has already set, so that repeated drawing does not violate its integrity (15-20 minutes after application), immediately spread the next layer. Just don’t forget to clean off any deposits with a spatula first, if any remain.

Its thickness will be less. When applying to a spatula, you should press harder and hold it almost perpendicular to the wall, as shown in the photo above. In fact, we are making a “zero” layer, for tearing off. This technique allows you to fill the smallest grooves.

Each new layer will make the wall more even and smooth, but there will always be places that are invisible to the eye under overhead lighting. To eliminate errors, direct oblique side light from any source at the wall. This will allow all differences noticeable to the eye to appear.

We putty until we get a perfectly smooth wall.

Once you achieve a result that suits you, leave the wall to dry thoroughly - this will take at least 12 hours.

Then begins the “fun” part – sanding. Stock up on a hat, respirator, goggles and gloves, as there will be a lot of dust in the room. Next, using grinding tool We rub the walls until they are perfectly smooth, which can be controlled by stroking with the palm of your hand.

The finished surfaces are cleaned of dust with brushes and a vacuum cleaner, and then primed. Now the walls are completely ready for painting.

Video - Preparing walls for painting

How to putty drywall

Puttying the main area of ​​drywall is carried out in the same way as we described above. The difference lies in the surface preparation. If you have seen walls covered with plasterboard, you should know about the existence of seams and open screw heads that must first be hidden.

For this, a special putty is used. One of the available and quality materials With the necessary properties is Knauf Fugen.

We glue all seams on the surface with fiberglass mesh. On external corners are installed perforated corners, which can be strengthened with the same putty, self-tapping screws or staples through a stapler.

The diluted putty is driven into the seams directly through the serpentine with perpendicular movements, after which the excess is removed with a wide spatula. The task is to achieve the closure of the grid and not go beyond the plane.

After the first layer has dried, a second one is made, which aligns the seams in the same plane with the drywall.

Important! Embroidered end seams will protrude beyond the plane of the drywall due to the lack of a cavity, so it is important to make the least noticeable transitions in these places.

Step 3 - sealing the screws on the drywall. The screw heads are sealed with the same putty. Everything here is simple and extremely clear.

Step 3 - sealing screws on drywall

Video - Plasterboard putty

In what cases is finishing putty necessary? Preparation of walls, rules for applying finishing putty, and details of how to sand it with sandpaper.

Why do you need to putty walls with finishing putty?

Without this work, even after meticulous treatment of the walls, flaws will remain.

If you plan to stick wallpaper with a rough texture on the walls, then such features will be invisible.

But if it is desirable to glue silk-screen printing, or wallpaper made of fabric or with a small print, then the absence of finishing putty will emphasize irregularities and defects.

Is it necessary to apply a finish to previously treated surfaces?

It is still better to apply finishing putty, even if the wall has already been treated and seems even and smooth. If you apply a white solution to the wall, then stains will definitely not appear on the wallpaper.

Do-it-yourself finishing putty on walls

Finishing putty is the final preparation of the walls. Subsequently, the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper.

Preparing the walls

Before filling the surface, severe unevenness must be removed. It is for this purpose that they install plasterboard structures or plastering the wall.

The next stage is priming the surface. It improves adhesion. After drying, you can begin to putty.

For surface pretreatment, starting mixtures are used.

Convenient to use two spatulas different sizes. One of them should be up to 50 centimeters long, and the second should be only 10 centimeters. A small spatula will make it easy to work in hard-to-reach places and corners. A large tool will allow you to get less tired on open areas of the wall.

Features of puttying work:

  1. Do not mix too much putty. Over time, it tends to dry out. The optimal volume is the amount for one hour of work.
  2. The putty should be applied in several layers. Professionals apply a minimum of three layers, which makes it possible to achieve an ideal result. The coating is durable and reliable.
  3. Putty from the corner and gradually level the wall towards the center.

How to apply correctly

If you plan to apply paint or wallpaper to the wall, then you need to apply a layer of finishing putty on top of the starting layer, as it will straighten the walls as much as possible.

Step-by-step application of finishing putty:

  1. The substance is applied in a thin layer to ensure evenness of the walls and save on costs.
  2. To reduce the consumption of the mixture, it is necessary to make the walls as even as possible when using the starting putty.

If you have a dry mixture, you must strictly follow the instructions. Pour a small amount of water into the container and add mortar, mix thoroughly. Then mix using a special mixer, gradually adding water to the container.

When working on a wide spatula with a small spatula, you need to apply the finishing putty in small portions. Afterwards it is evenly applied to the wall in a very thin layer, approximately 1.5-2 mm.

Then wait until the layer is completely dry.

Before applying each subsequent layer of finishing putty, it is recommended to coat each previous layer with a primer.

You can apply 3 layers.

After the finishing layer has dried, it is necessary to level the surface using a sanding mesh or fine-grained sandpaper.

First, to grind the surface, use 60 grit, and then change the sandpaper, take 120 grit.

Sanding requires a careful inspection of the wall. Notice the biggest defects. To achieve an ideal result, it is necessary to use construction lights that direct a powerful stream of light directly onto the wall. This will allow you to detect all emerging deficiencies in a timely manner and eliminate them. As a result of bright light, shadows from wall projections or depressions become visible on the wall. These shadows must be outlined with a pencil.

You should sand the wall, starting from the corner. Then they move from top to bottom, first cleaning a strip 1 m wide. After completely sanding the strip, they begin to grind the next strip. Sand the wall with sandpaper, making spiral movements. Do this carefully, without putting much effort. Do not press too hard, otherwise holes will appear in the putty.

How long does it take to dry?

There are 3 types of finishing putty for sale: cement-based, gypsum-based and polymer-based.

A composition based on cement or gypsum dries in almost the same time, but the polymer mixture dries out after a longer period of time.

  1. A cement-based composition is used where there is increased humidity, for example, in kitchens and bathrooms. For the façade of a building, it is better to use cement-lime-based putty. As a rule, this putty dries in 1-2 hours, but if work is carried out outdoors, it depends on the season.
  2. A gypsum-based composition is used in rooms where humidity is low; drying time is 2 hours.
  3. But the drying period for polymer putty is up to a day.

The putty itself hardens quickly, but the moisture still needs to evaporate. Therefore, a very thick layer can dry from 2 days to 2 weeks. But it’s better to apply it in a thin layer of 1.5-2 mm.

What to do after drying

Then the walls are painted. You can also cover them with wallpaper.

Is it possible to immediately level the walls with finishing putty?

Finishing putty can eliminate only the smallest defects. Therefore, if the walls are uneven, then be sure to apply starting putty to them first in order to cancel out large cracks.

If in the past during repair work Putty was often not carried out, but today this is a mandatory process. Modern high-tech Decoration Materials allow you to do all the work yourself. At the same time, you will save on the services of professionals and get high-quality results.

Using the tips from this article will help you get the job done efficiently and without flaws. The main thing is to take your time and ensure that all recommendations are applied.

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