How to remove dampness in an apartment. What to do if there is high humidity in the apartment

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Constant dampness in the room can harm the floor, furniture, clothing and even human health. It is important to solve this problem as quickly as possible, otherwise it will develop over time dangerous mold. How to get rid of the smell of dampness in an apartment? Let's figure it out.

After the flood

Dampness in an apartment may appear after neighbors have flooded the ceiling, a pipe has burst, or the roof has leaked. If the room is flooded so badly that you have to make repairs, then first of all completely dry the rooms and treat all surfaces with a special primer.

If after the flood the humidity has only increased significantly, then place a heater or a special device for drying the air in the room. Check to see if mold has appeared on the ceiling, walls or under the wallpaper. Found a fungus? Then you will have to carry out repairs, otherwise the disputes will quickly spread throughout the apartment. Dry everything in the room: clothes, curtains, carpets, upholstered furniture, toys. If you live in a private house, then place these items outside on a sunny day, if in an apartment, then on the balcony.

In the bathroom

Dampness and mold in the bathroom on tiles or whitewash indicate poor exhaust hood. To begin with, try to keep the doors open as often as possible to allow all excess moisture to ventilate. Then clean the hood. If she's in poor condition, you will have to install a new one. It can also be equipped with an additional fan. A heated towel rail will help get rid of dampness in the bathroom. It will regularly heat the air in the room and evaporate moisture.

In the basement

Often the cause of dampness in an apartment on the ground floor is the basement. Carefully inspect the pipes in the basement for leaks. If liquid is oozing from them, then it is worth repairing them or replacing them altogether. You will also need to treat all the walls and ceiling with a waterproofing solution. It is impossible to remove dampness from the basement using folk remedies, so you need to turn to specialists to solve the problem.

In the closet

As soon as you notice dampness in the closet, remove all items from it and dry them. Light cotton items will dry in a few hours; outerwear will take more than a day. All things need to be straightened and hung to speed up the process.

Wash the cabinet itself with water mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. If you notice mold, then pour 1 tbsp. l. bleach per 1 liter of water and wipe the shelves and drawers with this solution. To remove mold from items, iron them through a damp cloth or use a steam generator.

How to remove damp smell

Any unpleasant odor can be easily removed with vinegar. Dilute it with water or use it in pure form. Dampen a cloth with it and wipe all accessible surfaces. Bleach will also do a great job of eliminating the smell of dampness in an apartment. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:5 and wipe everything in the room.

Hydrogen peroxide is also effective at removing odors. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray it around the room. Do not apply to painted walls or furniture - the color may fade. Ammonia- another remedy for the smell of dampness. Mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio and wipe all surfaces in the apartment.

From unpleasant odor Sorbent substances, such as activated carbon mixed with salt, will help get rid of it. Sprinkle the product into bowls and place it around the apartment. Change the mixture every few days. In addition, you can mask the unpleasant odor using essential oils. Add them to the sorbent or periodically light the aroma lamp.

You can get rid of the smell of dampness in your apartment, but it is better not to allow this to happen. Ventilate your apartment regularly and open the bathroom door at night. In autumn and spring, during rainy periods, turn on the heaters for a while. And never put wet things in a closet.

The dampness in the house is unbearable - there are ways to eliminate it!

The smell of dampness in an apartment can not only ruin your mood, but also harm your health. In the fight against this scourge, both an integrated approach and a precise understanding of what methods can be used are both important. In this material I will tell you in more detail how to get rid of the smell in the apartment and prevent its further occurrence.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Before you get rid of dampness in your home, you need to clearly understand what its source is. There may be several reasons:

  1. You were recently flooded by your upstairs neighbors. This is one of the most common reasons for the smell of dampness in an apartment, and getting rid of it will not be so easy. A similar situation may arise if you live in upper floors a house whose roof has long been in need of repair.

  1. Do you live in an old Khrushchev house on the first floor? Most likely, the unpleasant one spreads from the basement of the house and enters your apartment through cracks in the covering.
  2. The musty smell may be the result of poor insulation. water pipes, on which condensation constantly forms. Carefully check all communications for the need for additional insulation.

  1. The smell of dampness in the house may appear due to poor ventilation. It is quite possible that she simply cannot cope with the steam coming from the kitchen and bathroom. As a result, condensation settles in the corners of the rooms and provokes the formation of mold.
  2. In rare cases, dampness and mold can form due to excessive gardening. If you have a whole greenhouse in your house, and when watering it you forget about ventilation, don’t be surprised at the appearance of an unpleasant aroma.
  3. Have you noticed that your bath towel smells damp? The problem may arise due to the abundance of moisture in the bathroom where you shower or dry bed sheets.

Solving the damp problem

The method you use to get rid of mold odor depends on what is causing it. So the first thing you have to do is understand what caused the problem. Below I will talk in more detail about ways to combat the scourge.

After the flood

The most common situation is that you are flooded by careless neighbors. If the flood was severe, then most likely you will have to resort to repairs. In this case, the first thing you need to do is dry the house thoroughly and remove traces of mold on the walls and ceiling. During the repair process, use a primer with special antibacterial additives.

If the flooding turns out to be not on a catastrophic scale, the instructions for action are as follows:

  1. First of all, check the humidity level in the apartment. If it is high, install a heater or dehumidifier in your home, they will help get rid of moisture.
  2. Buy a special aerosol odor absorber.
  3. Dry every item of clothing, shoes and carpet. Upholstered furniture can also emit an unpleasant odor, so drying it is definitely worth doing.

  1. Wipe all surfaces with vinegar - it will do a great job of removing mold and unpleasant odors.

In bathroom

The main reason unpleasant dampness in the bathroom there is a bad exhaust hood. You can solve the problem using one of the suggested methods:

  • Install a more powerful exhaust fan.
  • Implement renovation work and carry out a new hood.
  • Place a heated towel rail in the bathroom.

To prevent the smell of mold from leaving your bathroom, resort to bleach - it itself is a great assistant in the fight against this crap. Moreover, the price of such a product is affordable for everyone. Treat all surfaces with bleach or a chlorine-containing detergent, paying special attention to the joints between the tiles.

A steam cleaner, which can be used to clean any surface in the apartment, is no less effective.

In the basement

A damp basement in a house is not an easy problem. Get ready for the fact that you will have to do titanic work.

  • First, inspect all the pipes in the basement. If they leak, they need to be replaced.
  • Check the waterproofing of the walls and ceiling. If necessary, you can resort to the services of a repair company. If you decide to do everything yourself, then use special solutions and mixtures that help prevent moisture penetration. Follow the instructions on the packaging exactly, otherwise your plaster will be of little use..

In the closet

Getting rid of the smell of dampness in a closet is much easier than in the basement. For this it will be enough:

  • Remove all clothes from the closet and dry them. Hang heavy winter items in the sun and keep them there for two to three days; for light items, a few hours is enough.
  • Wash the cabinet with a vinegar solution or a small amount of bleach. After this, be sure to leave the doors open for a while and all the windows in the room open.

  • Clothes that have mold on them should be dry cleaned immediately.
  • Wash the bed linen, dry it in the sun and iron it through the damp fabric.

Healthy recipes

In this section I will add more tips, and you will understand exactly how to get rid of excess moisture in your apartment. I'll suggest a few very effective recipes to create detergent:

  1. As I already said, bleach is enemy number 1 for harmful fungus. Dilute 1 part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water and wipe all infected areas with the resulting solution.

Since the component is very toxic and has a strong odor, cleaning should be done with gloves and a respirator.

  1. Increased humidity leads to the formation of fungus, which undiluted hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with. Apply it to all the black spots on the walls and ceiling, then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. This recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces, because peroxide can eat away the colors..

  1. Regular table vinegar will help remove the smell. Using a spray bottle, spray it onto the affected areas. Wait just a couple of hours, then rinse these areas with plain water.

As a preventative measure, repeat the procedure after 10 days. Do not forget to ventilate the room thoroughly to get rid of the characteristic aroma.

  1. Don't know what to do with mold that appears? Use baking soda! Dilute a teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of water, soak a soft sponge in the solution and wipe the problem areas with it. Then treat the surfaces with water.

After this, wipe the walls and ceiling again soda solution. Remember, you can’t wash off the baking soda a second time – it will prevent mold from forming..

  • Place small containers of salt in corners where there is dampness. Crushed activated carbon tablets, which need to be changed every week, also help equally well.

Instead of a total

I told you how to get rid of humidity in an apartment, the most in effective ways. Hopefully with these tips you can solve the problem in no time. And in order to never resort to extreme measures, try to dry things on the balcony or outside, and constantly ventilate the apartment.

Many more useful information You can learn more about the topic from the video in this article, and for clarification of unclear points, write in the comments. I think your fight against the nasty smell will be short and effective.

When assessing the air parameters in the house, most people first of all pay attention to its temperature, forgetting about this important indicator like humidity. The subjective sensation of heat or cold, general well-being, the condition of plants and the safety of many household items depend on it. Let's figure out what the norm of air humidity in the apartment is, and also find out what it affects.

The humidity indicator reflects the degree of saturation of the air with water vapor. It can be absolute and relative. In the first case, it is determined how many grams of moisture are contained in 1 cubic meter of air. In the second, the percentage ratio of the actual amount of water in the atmosphere (absolute indicator) and the maximum possible at a given temperature is calculated.

When using such a concept as the norm of humidity in an apartment, it is implied relative indicator. This parameter largely determines the comfort of the indoor microclimate. Both the person and the home environment suffer from too much or too little humidity.

Dry indoor air provokes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • decreased elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, and a feeling of “sand”;
  • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in blood circulation, weakness, headaches, decreased performance, and increased stress on the heart;
  • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, causing a slowdown in digestion;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which results in a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • an increase in the amount of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which should normally be bound by liquid droplets.

Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria. As a result, residents of the house may encounter:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, allergies;
  • feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;
  • unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increasing the drying time of washed laundry.

Excessive or insufficient amount of moisture has a bad effect on the condition of home furnishings. Plants dry out or begin to rot, wooden furniture and parquet become deformed or “shrink,” paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

Factors affecting humidity

The main factor that affects air humidity is its temperature. The warmer it is, the greater the amount of water vapor it can maximum accommodate, and vice versa. But when evaluating relative humidity valid inverse relationship: the warmer the air, the lower its relative humidity will be for the same volume of water vapor contained in it. Therefore, airing in winter makes the air fresher, but less humid. Optimal temperature considered 18-22 ºC.

Water vapor is “taken” from the air in the room:

  • any heating devices;
  • air conditioner;
  • interior items, especially cushioned furniture, toys, carpets.

Any sources of water and steam lead to an increase in relative humidity:

  • aquarium;
  • houseplants;
  • wet laundry;
  • containers with boiling water (saucepan, kettle);
  • leaking roof;
  • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

Standard indicators

Let's figure out what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment. It depends on the purpose of the premises and the time of year.

Humidity standards for housing:

  • warm period – 30-60%, maximum permissible – 65% (for individual regions with high humidity this standard can be increased to 75%);
  • cold period - 30-45%, maximum permissible - 60%.

Relative air humidity is not standardized in auxiliary rooms - bathroom, toilet, corridor, pantry and others.

Standards for plants and interior items:

  • for furniture and antiques – 40-60%;
  • for equipment – ​​45-60%
  • for books – 30-65%;
  • for plants – tropical – 80-95%, subtropical – 75-80%, others – 40-70%.

What is the normal level of relative humidity in the apartment where the child lives? Since the intensity of heat exchange processes is increased in young children, they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. Ideal air humidity in a children's room is 50-70%. If a child is sick with ARVI or an infectious pathology, then this parameter should not be allowed to decrease below 60%.

Important: B heating season air humidity drops to 15-20%. It definitely needs to be raised, especially if there are children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers in the house.

How to measure relative humidity?

Knowing what the optimal air humidity in an apartment should be, it’s worth deciding how it can be measured. The most rational way is to use a special device - a hygrometer.

There are several types of devices - electrical, chemical, condensation, hair and others. There is no need to buy expensive things for an apartment. professional device. The simplest hygrometer with an error of 3-5% is enough. It is often combined with a clock and a thermometer. It is important to place the hygrometer away from sources of moisture and heat.

You can determine humidity using alternative methods– a glass of water, an Assmann table and a fir cone.

Glass of water

Pour water into a glass and cool it to 3-5 ºС. To do this, just put the vessel in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Next, you need to place the glass on the table away from the radiator and watch it for 5 minutes. At the same time, condensation forms on its walls due to temperature differences. Possible results:

  • the glass has dried within a few minutes – the humidity is reduced;
  • the walls remained fogged - the microclimate parameters were normal;
  • Streams of water flowed down the glass - there was too much moisture in the air.

Assmann table

The Assmann table is designed to determine humidity using a psychrometer - an instrument consisting of two thermometers - a regular one and one with a humidification device. Its likeness can be made at home. You must first measure the temperature in the room with a regular alcohol thermometer and write down its value. Then you should wrap its end with a damp cloth. After 5 minutes, the temperature must be measured again. It should go down.

Next you need to look at the Assmann table. The readings of the “dry” thermometer are located vertically, and the temperature difference is located horizontally. Seeing required values, their intersection should be found. This will be an indicator of relative humidity.

fir cone

Note: Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are drying out the tips of plant leaves and electrical discharges emanating from synthetic clothing.

Humidity regulation

In any season normal humidity air in the apartment should be at least 30-40% and not higher than 65%. How to regulate it?

Ways to reduce humidity:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • installation of exhaust fans;
  • use of dehumidifiers and climate control systems;
  • timely repair of water pipes and plumbing fixtures;
  • use of heaters and air conditioners;
  • refusal to dry clothes in the room;
  • installation of a hood in the kitchen.

Methods for increasing humidity:

  • purchasing an aquarium or decorative fountain;
  • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
  • hanging wet towels on radiators;
  • periodically spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • using an air humidifier - steam, ultrasonic or traditional;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • growing a large number of indoor flowers.

Air humidity in the house - important parameter, affecting both the well-being of its inhabitants and interior items. Normally, this figure ranges from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children and people with respiratory diseases spend most of their time. To regulate the moisture concentration in the air, it is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers.



High humidity in an apartment is a serious problem. Over time, mold appears on walls, windows, furniture and even clothes due to increased humidity. Not only do walls lose their appearance and things become unusable, but dampness is also very harmful to human health. Over time, prolonged stay in a damp room leads to a decrease in immunity, exacerbation of allergic reactions and other health problems, including chronic and oncological ones.

Causes of high humidity

There are many reasons for high humidity.

One of the reasons - bad walls buildings from the foundation. This reason is associated with violations of technology during construction. As a result, the foundation transfers moisture to the walls, and the walls evaporate it into the rooms. Result - in the apartment high humidity, and it doesn’t matter whether the house is new or old. IN in this case It is very difficult to eliminate the source of high humidity, because Such construction defects are almost irreparable.

Other possible reason- salt. If the house is being built in winter period, salt is often added to concrete so that frost does not prevent the concrete from gaining strength. Walls containing concrete with salt will themselves be damp, and the wallpaper will be wet. And nothing can be done about it. But this is not scary, i.e. After a few years, the walls will dry out well and the dampness will disappear.

But most common cause high humidity in the apartment is a problem natural ventilation. It often happens that in new apartment the humidity was optimal, but after, for example, replacing the windows with modern sealed ones, dampness appears. The reason for this is that sealed windows interfere with proper air circulation, and now moist air does not leave the room, condenses on the walls, windows and provokes mold.

But even if everything is in order in a house with waterproofing and ventilation, this does not mean that the problem of dampness will never arise. In the rainy summer, when outside for a long time There is high humidity, the dampness may well spread into the rooms.

An aquarium can also be a source of high humidity. By the way, it is recommended to place aquariums in rooms with low humidity, because... they actively evaporate water and saturate the air with it. And if the humidity in the house is high, then the aquarium will only worsen the situation.

Constantly drying washed clothes in rooms also aggravates the humidity situation.

The location of the apartment windows also affects the humidity. If the windows are on the sunny side, then the humidity is lower, if in the shade, then the humidity is higher.

- Heating is also one of the humidity factors. If the heating in the apartment is poor, the radiators heat poorly, then this also contributes to an increase in humidity. - Leaking roof - if this is a problem, then no methods of dealing with moisture will help until the roof is repaired.

There is another source of humidity that is inherent in any apartment - water is released into the air when people breathe. Moreover, we are not talking about milliliters per day, but about whole liters (from the whole family).

Ways to reduce humidity

There are several ways to combat high humidity in an apartment.

Firstly, it is necessary to open windows and ventilate rooms more often. This is important not only for getting rid of dampness, but also for maintaining health, because... Fresh air always helpful. If the heating is not central, i.e. If the boiler is installed, it is useful to turn up the heating and open the windows. This method dries out rooms well.

Secondly, you should check the ventilation system. It happens that the ventilation shaft becomes clogged, air exchange stops and humidity begins to rise. In this case, the shaft must be cleaned. It happens that the shaft is poorly designed and there is almost no air exchange. In this case, forced ventilation can be installed. Those. install a fan in the air duct.

Third, you can use a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier or dehumidifier is a device similar to appearance for an electric heater. The meaning of its work is that it sucks air from the room, passes it through its filters, cleans and dehumidifies it. The output is air of the required degree of humidity, purified from dust. This option is the most expensive, but it saves, even if other methods do not help.

By the way, even the most ordinary air conditioner, set to cooling mode, reduces air humidity. This happens due to the fact that moist air, in contact with a cooled surface, condenses and is discharged through a tube to the outside of the room.

How to measure humidity in an apartment

High humidity in a room can be determined not only by indirect signs, such as wet walls or mold on the wallpaper, but also with the help of a specialized control and measuring device called a hygrometer (the full name is “psychrometric hygrometer”). Household hygrometers are inexpensive. They can be hung in rooms and control the humidity level. For reference, an acceptable humidity level is between 40% and 60%.

There are four main reasons why you need to get rid of humidity in your apartment as soon as possible:

Causes of dampness

Poor ventilation, nearby sources of moisture, savings on heating and improper insulation are the main reasons causing dampness in a private or apartment building.

Insufficient ventilation is the most common cause of high air humidity. IN apartment buildings, especially in the old foundation, the installed ventilation shafts and grilles become clogged and overgrown with debris. As a result, air movement stops. Making the situation worse plastic windows, especially cheap samples, low-quality materials for covering ceilings and walls. In private houses, especially self-built ones, owners sometimes try to save money by using ventilation, believing that there are enough windows and doors. This is wrong!

If the ventilation system cannot cope, it is not necessary to create a draft, especially in winter - this can lead to hypothermia. More expensive, but most practical solution will be forced exhaust ventilation, as well as amplifiers of an existing system, for example, exhaust fans.

Another solution to the problem is to install a recuperator or use a special air dryer. The latter device is indispensable if the cause of dampness is excess moisture (for example, in a bathroom, swimming pool, with an abundance of house flowers).

Source of moisture

Sources of moisture in the apartment:

  • precipitation: rain, melting snow, condensation can enter the apartment through a leaking roof, through wall pores and unsealed seams (especially if the wind, improper roof overhang or defective drainage constantly direct precipitation onto the wall);
  • stagnation of water in the apartment: leaking plumbing equipment, swimming pools, baths, aquariums, including those located on the floor below; the same effect is achieved by running a bath or taking a long shower;
  • the greenhouse effect from poor window ventilation (condensation accumulates on the glass), abundance indoor plants, especially if they need abundant watering;
  • The breathing of people, animals, and plants also increases humidity - usually this factor is not noticeable, but in cramped and / or poorly ventilated rooms it will be noticeable.

Near a private house there may be chambos or septic tanks that saturate the grant with moisture. As a result, the basement becomes very damp and mold develops in it. Another source of moisture in the basement and on the 1st floor is a split blind area (a waterproof covering located around the perimeter of the house). Moisture from the soil and precipitation will seep into the house or basement.

An unheated room is a refuge for dampness. Ideally, the walls of an apartment or house should be heated to at least half their thickness, then the place where condensation forms will go outside (to the street). In frozen walls, the place where condensation forms is shifted to a warm area, and is often even located on the surface of the walls on the residential side. The problem is aggravated by poor ventilation of the premises.

Housing where no people live or which is not heated enough begins to become damp very quickly: the wall decoration is destroyed on average in two seasons.

There is water all around: high humidity

In addition, in addition to natural wear and tear, the structure loses an additional 5% of its strength every year due to dampness.

Advice! Vacation home, dacha - no seasonal housing should be left without heating. Hire a person or arrange with a neighbor who will periodically monitor this. If you are going away for a couple of weeks, do not close the battery valves.

Improper insulation also causes dampness. The main mistakes are an insufficient layer to provide warmth, and poor materials with zero vapor permeability.

To properly insulate an apartment, you can use one of two options:

  1. The thickness of the polystyrene insulation layer is within 10-15 cm (and this is relevant for any region of the Russian Federation).
  2. Use vapor-permeable material as insulation, for example, ecowool, mineral wool. This will make it possible to ensure that moisture in the walls is removed.

How to remove high humidity

Dealing with moisture will likely require a significant investment of either money, time and patience.

The most reliable methods of dealing with dampness are expensive. However, after the restructuring you will not have to think about drafts or sachets. The methods are expensive, but they pay off with interest:

  1. Replacement of the ventilation system, installation of fans, hoods.
  2. A major overhaul that completely removes old plaster in damp areas. After this, the room is dried and the walls are covered with a fresh layer of plaster.
  3. Replacement and repair heating systems and water supply pipes. The task becomes more difficult if these systems are hidden.
  4. Solving problems with the waterproofing properties of the foundation, walls and roof, which is the most labor-intensive and expensive procedure. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope here on your own, without the involvement of specialists.

Available and simple ways reduce indoor humidity:

  1. When the weather is dry and warm outside, you should ventilate the room more often by opening the windows.
  2. The bathroom needs especially frequent ventilation, the hood in this room requires regular cleaning.
  3. You should not dry clothes in the room, as this will significantly increase air humidity. This is only permissible in winter, when the air is dried out by the heating system and needs to be humidified. In summer, it is better to dry clothes on the balcony or street.
  4. When cooking, pots with boiling water must be covered with lids. It is also recommended to close the doors to the kitchen, this will serve as an obstacle to the spread of steam throughout the rooms in the apartment. Open the windows for slot ventilation in winter or full ventilation in summer, do not forget to turn on the hood. Try not to let the pans steam too much (reduce heat).
  5. Reducing the number of indoor plants will help to slightly reduce the humidity in the room.
  6. A special air dryer (compressor or adsorption) will eliminate high humidity in a separate room.

Advice! Regularly ventilating the room, regardless of the time of year, will allow you to install plastic windows that are equipped with a “micro-ventilation” function.

High humidity is removed if the room is constantly heated at the same temperature.

How to remove damp smell

Often high humidity is accompanied by a characteristic smell of dampness. Its cause is a fungus, therefore, in order to eliminate the problem, the infection must be destroyed. Thoroughly wash away mold stains; if it has become deeply embedded, replace the coating (down to the layer of plaster), if possible. Then treat with a disinfectant compound, and then with a protective one. Products must be labeled “antifungal” or “fungicide.”

To prevent mold from growing again, in addition to treating with protective agents, you will need in warm, dry weather:

  • arrange a draft in the apartment, which will ensure good ventilation;
  • hang carpets, bed linen, curtains, clothes outside to dry and disinfect under the sun's rays.

Advice! In winter, heaters will allow you to dry the room, household dehumidifiers air conditioners, which are equipped with a heating function.

Folk remedies for dampness in the apartment

Folk recipes also help to dry the air in the apartment:

  1. With the onset of summer, in warm weather, it is recommended to treat walls that are not wallpapered and covered with mold with the following composition: dissolve half a kilogram of laundry soap in five liters of water, then boil the mixture. Cover the wall evenly with a cooled soap solution using a brush and let dry. Repeat the treatment several times. Traces of soap suds should form on the wall. After this, apply another composition consisting of 100 grams of alum diluted in six liters of water.
  2. Excellent moisture absorption calcium chloride. Place containers with this substance in damp areas of the room. The advantage of calcium chloride is its reusability. It is enough to dry it (for example, in an oven). Be sure to crush calcium chloride before use.
  3. Treatment with a mixture of salicylic acid and alcohol will help eliminate mold and prevent the spread of dampness. Dry the walls thoroughly. After this, combine one part salicylic acid and two hundred (200) parts alcohol. Dilute the mixture with a small amount clean water. Lubricate the black mold spots with the resulting product.

Advice! Replace calcium chloride charcoal or quicklime.

  1. Use a hydrometer. In the warm season, the optimal humidity will be from 30 to 60%, maximum - 65. At the end of autumn, in winter, in early spring Humidity should vary between 30-45% and not exceed 60.
  2. Provide access to the sun's rays.
  3. Ventilate the apartment; this must be done systematically and efficiently.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. Provide high-quality waterproofing.
  6. Use fans, including exhaust fans, in the kitchen and bathroom. Check your traction periodically ventilation system. Check the condition of the plumbing equipment, and Special attention Pay attention to the pipe connections.
  7. Systematically inspect the seal on plastic windows and replace it with a new one in a timely manner.
  8. Doing major renovation, use mineral-based building materials. This will make it possible to effectively regulate the humidity in an apartment or private house.

You can eliminate dampness in your apartment with simple and accessible ways. Wall treatment special compounds will destroy mold and prevent its reappearance.

Systematic prevention will protect against increased humidity and fungus formation.

Littleone 2009-2012 > Family matters > Our home > Humidity in a new apartment

View full version: Humidity in a new apartment

Natasha the curdled milk

05.11.2009, 13:39

had the same problem
we bought a dehumidifier

do you have double glazed windows?

had the same problem
we bought a dehumidifier
it is certainly not cheap, but now this problem has disappeared
Where and how much, please share

Gucci Ferrucci

05.11.2009, 15:29

If I'm not mistaken, the humidity in the new apartment is most likely due to the fact that Construction Materials(such as putty, plaster, etc.) can retain moisture for about 2 years.

Tell me, what could be causing the increased humidity in a new apartment? There is heating, all the radiators are fire, and condensation constantly forms on the windows, which flows onto the windowsill. When you enter, it feels like being in a bathhouse (((Maybe someone knows how to deal with this?:091:

it will pass! be patient! new house... humidity is normal

Our house is not new, but the bathhouse is a bathhouse (((And there are no double-glazed windows, and I ventilate... In the morning in the kitchen on the floor there are streams from the window...
And mold:001: Every year I peel off the paint in the summer, I paint everything...
The apartment is rented…

Natasha the curdled milk

17,000 rubles, bought via the Internet

Natasha the curdled milk

05.11.2009, 17:00

But if you ventilate the apartment, is it the same as in a bathhouse?

if you ventilate, then it’s fine, but this ventilation is enough for a couple of hours, and in winter with open windows life is a bit difficult, and the laundry doesn’t dry anymore
Previously, when we came home, it smelled like a basement, an unpleasant smell, especially during difficult times when the radiators weren’t working and it was already cool. nothing helped during this period. Then my psyche could not stand drying clothes on a heater and I bought a dehumidifier.

06.11.2009, 16:04

Oh, our problem! Same new house, last floor. The humidity is terrible, but most importantly, in the bathroom (above the bath), the entire ceiling is covered in mold, and it is spreading further and further.

HELP, does anyone know what this is connected with and how to deal with it???

And we have the last floor, maybe this is somehow connected??!!

The house dries out, no matter how long it took to build it, in any weather. We had 80% humidity. In the morning I put on wet underwear,rrrrrrrrrr These are the costs of new housing.

And how long did this last for you?

Kitsya Mura

06.11.2009, 17:39

I really hope this goes away soon. The same thought was that these mixtures were drying out. We’ll wait to see what happens. We have wooden double-glazed windows and it’s a pity if they get damaged by moisture... If it doesn’t work, we’ll buy a dehumidifier (thanks for the information). Or maybe, in our case, this and the windows are not adjusted...

And with us wooden double glazed windows same problem. Only the apartment is not new. At first it was just humid and stuffy, but now there is mold everywhere: (Micro-ventilation, a fan in the bathroom - nothing helps: (The former owners did not have such a problem. We completely changed everything, there was no mold... It’s been 2 years since we moved in , but it’s only getting worse: (In the fall, we sealed the seams on the outside - there’s still mold:(

Kitsya Mura

06.11.2009, 17:49

do you have double glazed windows?
I know what happens if the double-glazed windows are installed incorrectly or are of poor quality
Friends have had the same situation for several years now, they don’t know how to get rid of mold, nothing helps

Be patient. This should go away with time. It was only during the second heating season that everything dried out. True, immediately after the surrender they drowned it very badly. And there were also puddles on the windowsills, and the bread did not dry, but became moldy...
You can buy a dehumidifier.

Most likely the humidity in the apartment is condensation. The enclosing structure (outer walls) of the building is not designed correctly (not enough insulation).

How can they be installed incorrectly? It’s just that I’ve already heard this version and I can’t understand - how is it wrong? We also have mold... The double-glazed windows seem to be good, wooden, pine.
and it’s really possible that your installation is poor, call a specialist...

We also had one window that was crying, it was installed poorly, the foam was of poor quality, we had to rip out the slopes and the window sill, remove all the foam, foam everything again

The first year we had the same problem, the heater worked all winter (cold and damp)
and on next year everything returned to normal.
the house was just not heated.

17.11.2009, 11:31

17.11.2009, 12:03

Watch the ventilation, install supply valves (bags), and ventilation constantly (ventilation).

1 Call workers to check the ventilation. In old houses it can be clogged, but in new houses, there may be a mistake during construction or some unscrupulous citizens may have blocked your ventilation duct when carrying out repairs in their apartments. You can also check it yourself: apply a piece of newspaper to the ventilation hole and it will proper ventilation must hold on to himself.

Little Shadow

17.11.2009, 12:47

17.11.2009, 12:50

1 Call workers to check the ventilation.

How to reduce humidity and dampness in an apartment?

In old houses it can be clogged, but in new houses, there may be a mistake during construction or some unscrupulous citizens may have blocked your ventilation duct when carrying out repairs in their apartments. You can also check it yourself: apply a piece of newspaper to the ventilation hole and it should hold up on its own if there is proper ventilation.

And unscrupulous builders could simply clog the ventilation with garbage.
Or pour concrete in a mine.
Just hold a thin piece of paper near the ventilation - it should “suck” a little to the hole.
When the fan is turned off, it is obvious if there is one.

17.11.2009, 12:54

This happens in old houses too - absolutely 🙁

I remember when we moved, we looked at apartments.
So, in one of them, in a ship, like, on the 7th floor, the owners were very proud of how they successfully expanded the corridor due to the ventilation shaft and installed a washing machine there.
To the question “what about the neighbors below?!” It was stated - well, all the windows are wooden, there are cracks.
Yes, and we left a little there - 5-10 centimeters for air. (this is from the original 60).

I looked later and it turned out to be very popular look expansion of space in such houses.
The paragraph is just...

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Let’s “dry” the rooms: how to get rid of dampness in the apartment

  1. What is the reason
  2. How to prevent
  3. First floor
  4. Fifth floor
  5. Folk remedies
  6. Anti-mildew
  7. Dampness and repairs

Before deciding how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you need to find out: the moisture comes from outside or is generated inside the room.

To do this, you need to take a small piece of glass, press it tightly against the wall and hold it for a while. If, after tearing the glass away from the wall, it is wet, you can be sure that the dampness is coming from outside. Otherwise, you need to look for an internal reason.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in an apartment? First of all, the absence or bad job ventilation. First, check whether you covered it with wallpaper or when installing kitchen appliances.

This reason can be easily eliminated: cut out the desired square on the wallpaper on the spot ventilation grille or make the correct drainage of household appliances.

Perhaps your upstairs neighbors are flooding you. Carefully inspect the ceiling throughout the apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. If you find wet spots on the ceiling or adjacent walls, go to your neighbor to sort things out.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could have formed due to poor thermal insulation of the walls or flaws in the seams of the house construction. In this case, these shortcomings must be eliminated.

How to prevent

If you dry at home a large number of linen, high humidity in the apartment cannot be avoided. It’s worth thinking about, maybe there is a way to stretch out the washing over time, and use the balcony rather than the bathroom to dry clothes.

If there is chronic dampness in the house, it is worth buying a dehumidifier, preferably with an automatic mode. It will independently maintain optimal humidity in the apartment.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install an electric heated towel rail there. It will dry not only the towels, but also the air in the room.

Any damp room should be periodically heated, dried and ventilated. This must be done even in winter. When preparing food in the kitchen, use exhaust ventilation.

It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

First floor

The reason for the dampness in the first floor apartment is the flooding of the basement. If this happens constantly, and complaints to the housing office do not yield results, you should think about installing waterproofing. But it also does not provide a complete guarantee against dampness.

The apartment on the ground floor also needs additional heating.

The room is heated by the rays of the sun, warm air from an air conditioner or a heated floor with a built-in electric heater - it doesn’t matter. By heating the apartment, you will drive moisture out of it.

If you are wondering how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the 1st floor, know: the flow of moisture from the basement increases sharply in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if you correctly place heating devices in the room, the problem will be solved. There is no need to be afraid of excessive energy consumption: you will only need to turn them on twice a year, in spring and autumn, for periods lasting a maximum of a month.

Fifth floor

If you are faced with the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the top (stained) floor, perhaps these tips will help you.

In a Khrushchev building on the 5th floor, the cause of dampness is usually external. High humidity here is a direct consequence of the lack gable roof, wall insulation, poor quality interpanel seams, cast iron batteries heating with extremely low efficiency.

Ironically, technological progress only exacerbates these problems. The design of the Khrushchev house assumes that fresh air constantly enters the room through the cracks in the windows and goes out through the ventilation shafts.

Installing plastic windows blocks the flow of air from outside. And the ventilation is on top floor A five-story building does not work well, since mainly the lower floors are ventilated in such a structure. As a result, on the 5th floor there is always mold in the corners and rivers on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you need to install an alpine window. This is a system of valves punched into the walls of each room in combination with a powerful hood.

Fresh air enters the apartment through the valves, and the exhaust extracts the exhaust humid air from it.

It’s easy to verify its effectiveness in winter: large icicles are sure to form on the valve pipes outside in cold weather. This is moisture from the air in your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in an apartment using time-tested methods? folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Salt, sugar, and coffee beans perfectly absorb moisture from the air. If you place open bags or jars with these products in the corners of the room, in closets, the apartment will “dry out”.

For the same purpose, indoor furniture should be regularly wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When washing floors, wipe all wet surfaces dry. After each cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room.


The mold must be scraped off the wall, then the walls must be coated with a solution copper sulfate or a special antifungal mixture.

You can use bleach, baking soda, vinegar, oil for this. tea tree and regular soap solution.

It is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation in the house - fresh air will prevent mold from developing.

It is better to use when cooking forced ventilation. You should also repair leaking water pipes in a timely manner, do not overcool the room, and wring out the laundry well before drying.

For the winter, wooden windows should be insulated with a special cord wrapped in cotton or with porous gaskets. Seal gaps in frames with regular window paper.

And from replacement wooden windows If you have problems with dampness, it is better to refrain from using plastic ones.

If you still decide to install plastic windows, consider a ventilation system. Fresh air will no longer be able to reach you through the window.

How to get rid of excess humidity in an apartment?

But not everyone will dare to open the window in twenty-degree frost.

Dampness and repairs

If you have started a renovation and intend to radically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is advisable to use natural materials. They usually absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, it is also necessary to use waterproofing materials. Include antifungal components in your grout.

Think about the future installation of furniture in advance. It should not be placed close to the walls; be sure to leave a gap.

To eliminate the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the floor, external and internal insulation walls The walls must be wiped down with a bleach solution and re-plastered.

Drying and heating the walls. How to dry a wall?

Microwave drying (microwave drying). Drying rooms, drying walls, drying a house, drying a damp wall, drying basements. using microwave equipment. An effective remedy against mold and mildew


Using microwave dryers ( Heat gun based on the principle of microwave heating) it is possible to dry elements of both new and reconstructed buildings. By the way, this happens much better and faster, preventing the development of mold, rot and other defects from dampness.

Often, some elements of a newly constructed building are often covered with paint before they even dry. The same situation can occur during the planned reconstruction of old buildings. As a result, moisture is “locked” in the structure, and then a massive distribution of mold or rot occurs throughout the building.

Almost all molds produce toxic substances that are harmful to humans, which can trigger attacks in asthmatics, allergy sufferers, or people with weakened immune systems. In addition, the smell of rotting will begin to spread throughout the building, and visible damage and defects will appear in the structures.

It is possible to prevent the above-mentioned difficulties or, in the worst case, to remove the results of dampness by drying the structures. Using microwaves is the most effective way.

A microwave dryer works on the same principle as home microwave ovens. Microwaves, which are related to radio waves (frequency around 2.5 GHz), cause irritation and activity of water molecules, and this leads to an increase in temperature. Just like in a home oven, a microwave dryer heats the structure from the inside, that is, heating occurs throughout the entire mass of the structure in the area of ​​the dryer.

Dryers designed for construction needs can be used for drying both external and interior walls. supports, concrete floors, ceilings, loggias, basements and flat roofs. The mobile dryer system allows you to place them in a variety of places and positions. They can dry both vertical and horizontal planes, floors - from top to bottom, ceilings - from bottom to top, places where walls meet ceilings, and internal corners.

Microwave dryers are suitable for drying concrete, masonry, plaster, wood and wood products.

When designing dryers, special attention is paid to safety. According to existing standards, they are provided with protection. A correctly installed dryer guarantees a degree of radiation within a radius of 30 cm from the device that does not exceed the permitted norm.

Behind the strong construction required thickness(for example, a concrete layer of 25-30 cm) the maximum radiation density usually does not exceed the possible 10 W/m2. If the structure is thinner or less dense, it outside You can cover it with foil or block people’s access to this room while the dryer is operating.

Advantages of microwave drying:

Speed ​​- microwaves dampened structures basements can be dried in just a few days or weeks.

How to remove humidity in an apartment - methods and means

By other means (elimination of moisture, blowers), this result can be achieved in several months. For example, a 38 cm wall made of sand-lime brick(humidity at the beginning of drying 5.6%) was irradiated with microwaves for 4 hours. The moisture content has dropped to 1.0 - 2.0%!

Practicality - microwaves pass through glass, plastic, dry mineral matter and begin to “act” only upon contact with a moistened part of the structure. Therefore, they only heat areas that require drying.

ECONOMICAL - Despite their high power rating, microwave dryers provide energy savings. Blowers and other appliances act on the air in the room, while microwave dryers, without losses, transfer all the energy to the structure being dried.

Drying can also be done in a room that has already been finished.

Drying can be done at any time of the year, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Local heating of the structure destroys almost all harmful microorganisms.

Invite us, order our work on microwave drying!


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