How to remove odor from a sink drain. Eliminating smell from the kitchen sink with your own hands: basic techniques and rules

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Every home has its own characteristic smell. But the room does not always smell of pleasant detergents, refreshments or flowers. It's not very good when bad smell from spreads throughout the apartment. Perhaps it is simply clogged and needs cleaning. Many housewives do not know how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink, so we will look at the reasons for its appearance and what to do about it.

The main reason why there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen is sewerage problems. The main function of washing is to remove different types mud. The drain installed under the sink is directed to the sewer pipes.

The causes of sewer system malfunction may include the following:

  • siphon clogged. A siphon is a small curved part of a waste pipe. Its role is in maintaining the water level inside the bend, as well as separating the air in the room and the sewer pipe. Over time, inside the pipe, siphon due to poor care A greasy coating may form. Small particles of food waste stick to it;
  • airing of the sewer riser. This malfunction is indicated by a characteristic gurgling sound inside the sink. IN in this case Only a housing office employee can fix the problem, because this is a malfunction of the main system;
  • mechanical damage to the drain pipe;
  • contamination of the inner surface of pipes with fats and food residues;
  • deformation of the corrugated pipe. Over time, the corrugation has the ability to stretch and sag. Such situations happen even with proper installation. Due to the stretching of the corrugation, water is unable to be retained and is drained directly into the sewer. In addition, it can return back;
  • violation of the seal between such parts of the sewer system as the riser and drain. This is a mistake made by sewer system installers. Quite often they don't worry about sealing and just insert the corrugated pipe into the riser hole;
  • evaporation of moisture from the water seal due to non-use of washing, location heating pipes under the shutter. If the sink is rarely used, water evaporates from the water seal, which is formed in the bend of the siphon and prevents the spread of sewer odor;
  • installation flaws (workers may choose the wrong pipe diameter).

Types of siphons different types and the principle of their operation

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of stench from the sink, you need to take into account more rare provocateurs of unpleasant odors in the kitchen:

  • severe wear and cracking of plastic pipelines;
  • siphon malfunction;
  • improper design of the drainage system at the bottom of the sink;
  • holes on metal pipes sewerage.

Why is the smell from the sink dangerous?

The stench from the kitchen sink is not only a nuisance for the housewife, but also a danger to the health of the apartment residents. Humans are able to recognize odors, which is considered a natural mechanism necessary for survival. The body defines an odor as “disgusting” only in situations where the stench can harm it.

The air that enters the premises from the sewer system contains toxic gases:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • ammonia.

These components explain the unpleasant smell from the sink. Sewage air also contains methane. It is formed due to the decomposition of sewage. This gas does not have any odor, but it still remains dangerous. Long-term effects of toxic gases on the body threaten negative consequences.

The smell from the sink is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Important: Methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide harm the respiratory system and can cause partial loss of smell. When exposed to foul odors nervous system, there is a feeling of increased anxiety. Sometimes they provoke nervous breakdowns and fainting.

Considering the above facts, it is better to eliminate the problem with an unpleasant odor than to harm yourself and your loved ones.

Effective ways to eliminate sink odor

You can remove the smell different ways, which are offered by specialists.


When kitchen waste or toothpicks get into the sewer, grease and food remains are retained and a plug is formed, reducing throughput pipes The adhesion of fat and food provokes a putrid odor. A metal cable will help remove the plug. It should be firmly grasped with your palm, slowly rotated and pushed further. The plug can be pushed further along the pipe or removed from the sewer (in the case when the cable is equipped with a hook at the end).

If the blockage is removed, the water flow returns to normal. The water must first be supplied in a thin stream, then you can open the tap harder. This is necessary to ensure that the blockage is cleared. Recommended to enable hot water. It helps get rid of greasy deposits and plug residues from the pipe walls.

After cleaning the system, the special cable for cleaning the sewer should be washed, wiped, and lubricated with machine oil. These actions will prevent rust from appearing on the product. The dry cable needs to be rolled up and stored.

Using a cable to break through blockages

Using a plunger to clean

The siphon needs to be inspected. If the problem is caused by stretching of the corrugation or improper installation of the structure, it is enough to install everything correctly and fix it. If the stench is caused by a blockage, the siphon and drain are cleaned with a plunger. It must be new, which has not been used to clean the bathtub or toilet.

The drain hole of the washbasin is covered with a plunger cap, pressed, then the tap is opened with hot water. After the cap is closed with water, you need to firmly press the handle of the device several times. This is necessary to pump water up and down and destroy the plug that has formed in the pipe. Then the plunger is removed to wash away the remaining clog with water.

Disassembling, washing the siphon

Before starting this action, you should place a bucket under the sink. This is necessary to prevent water from pouring out of the water seal onto the floor. Then we unscrew it wrench or use a settling cup with your hands. If you have installed non-demountable design, which means you need to remove the entire siphon. After all the water has drained, we begin cleaning.

The pipe located behind the siphon is checked and cleaned if necessary. The siphon itself is washed with household chemicals(dishwashing detergent, dissolved powder, washing gel). After such cleaning, the siphon is assembled, the tightness of the connections and the position of the entire structure are checked.

Methods to help clear a small blockage in the siphon

Sealing joints

When the smell is caused by depressurization of the joint between the drain and the sewer pipe, it requires sealing. The simplest method is to wrap it with fum tape, but a better solution is to use a special plumbing sealant (Moment, Tytan, Ciki Fix, Ceresit). It will prevent the appearance of mold, mildew, and the proliferation of microorganisms.

To prepare the surface for applying sealant, you need to use acetone, alcohol, and a dry soft rag. Apply the sealant using a soft narrow spatula. The joints should initially be wiped dry and degreased. Then the sealant is squeezed out so that it covers the entire joint in one strip (without breaks). A spatula is used to smooth the seams.

Sealants for sewer pipe joints

Protecting the water seal from drying out

To do this, just open the tap more often, replenishing the water level in the siphon.

Disinfection with soda and salt

These folk remedies are considered good disinfectants that will help remove bad smells from the sewer. To do this, you need to pour it inside the drain hole of the sink, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse the sink with large quantity water. This method can also be used for prevention.

Soda + vinegar

To flush out a simple clog, you can use baking soda + vinegar. Inside sewer drain pour out half a pack of soda, pour vinegar into this mass, and plug the hole with a rag. The sewer must be flushed after 20 minutes.

Note: To improve the smell of the room, you can add flavored oil (mint, lemon, rose, lavender, etc.) to the mixture. Thanks to this simple method, the room will smell nice.

Lemon acid

You can also use citric acid. A large pack of powder is poured inside the drain hole and poured with boiling water. This improvised means will help eliminate unwanted odors from the kitchen sink at home.

Products for removing odor from pipes

Washing with special means

There are many different household chemicals that are produced for cleaning drains. Its purpose is to eliminate plaque on pipes, dissolve blockages, disinfection, and eliminate unpleasant odors. Very popular and effective means are "Mole", "Mr. Muscle", "Floop", "Pothan", "Tiret".

Products for removing blockages and prevention

We have already looked at how you can remove the smell from the sink if it appears in the kitchen. Now we will give you ways that will prevent the appearance of stench from the sink:

  • Do not clean off food residues in the sink;
  • for prevention, pour soda + vinegar into the pipes once a week;
  • Use personal protective equipment when cleaning chemical pipes. means (gloves, glasses, bandage);
  • Rinse with hot water every time you wash dishes. drainer;
  • If you are away from home for a long time, pour into the sink a product that prevents the evaporation of water in the bend (sunflower or other oil). This perfect option for a summer residence;
  • install a removable siphon;
  • ventilate the room if you use “Mole” and its analogues;
  • do not use aggressive chloride products for metal sinks;
  • install .

If there is a stink from the sink, you already know what to do and therefore in most cases you will be able to cope with the problem yourself. You should not endure the unpleasant and rather dangerous smell of sewage in a place where the whole family gathers, and the housewife spends most of the day preparing everyone's favorite dishes.


No matter how clean the housewife is, and no matter how carefully she monitors the cleanliness of the kitchen sink, over time, the problem of disgusting sewer smell will still appear. What to do and how to deal with this? There are two ways out of the situation: eliminate the unpleasant odor yourself or seek the help of a specialist.

Causes of odor

Sometimes the reason can be very simple, and the first thing every housewife resorts to when the kitchen sink stinks is to unscrew and clean the siphon. The fact is that over time, fat and dirt accumulate in the siphon, stick to the walls of the pipe, and rotting processes begin. This is what causes “sewage odors.” But these are not all possible problems.

Other Causes of Bad Kitchen Sink Odor

Sometimes the problem may lie not only in the siphon or its incorrect installation.

A disgusting odor may also appear due to the following reasons:

  • Cracking or others mechanical damage drain pipes can also cause odor. Water seeps through and saturates the walls and floor, which over time begin to grow mold.
  • Airing the riser. If the riser becomes very clogged, then when water passes through it, characteristic sounds are heard, after which a sewer stench appears. In this case, you will have to contact the housing office, because you cannot do it yourself.
  • The seal between the sewer and the drain has disappeared. In this case, you need to go over the joint with sealant again. It is best to choose silicone sealant.

Home smells are an important component of the idea of ​​home and comfort. Smells shape the mood no less than the interior and color palette premises. Delicate perfume bouquets of the bedroom and alluring aromas of the kitchen, the bright fragrance of relaxing bath foam or a thin trail of your favorite perfume - everyone has their own ideal idea of ​​home smells. And immediately the question arises and the unpleasant odor from the sink, which quickly fills the entire house and literally smothers all other aromas.

Why might this problem occur, and how to solve it? We'll tell you in the article.

Installation of a home sink

A pipe is called a siphon curved shape located under the sink bowl. This element is necessary in the design so that the water in it does not allow the smell from the sewer to rise up. The water seal creates a seal for odor from the riser, preventing it from entering the room.

There are self-cleaning (corrugated) and barrel-shaped (or flask) ones. The latter have a removable element that can be removed and cleaned without disconnecting the siphon from the sink.

The water is drained through the pipe, but the last part of it always remains in the siphon elbow, which has the shape of an English S, to protect Fresh air in your house. Regardless of the siphon design, there is always water inside. The slightest violation of this principle will lead to the spread of stench in your home.

Why does the sink smell?

Everything goes into the sink dirty water, food debris, hair, and fat get there. A coating forms on the walls of the pipes, which is the source of the amber. However, if there are no faults, there is no smell from the sink. If an unpleasant odor does appear, you need to look for its causes, which can be reduced to two reasons: problems with the siphon or sewer pipes.

Causes of siphon problems

  1. Lack of liquid in the water seal.

This is possible if siphon installed incorrectly. For example, if the plastic pipe in a barrel-shaped siphon model does not reach the level of the liquid in its flask, a stench is guaranteed.

The problem can be easily eliminated by adjusting the height of the pipe - it should be about 3 centimeters below the water level in the hydraulic lock, but it must not rest against the very bottom of the flask. Errors also occur when installing a corrugated pipe: the installer forgets to form a water seal, and the water goes into the sewer without stopping or, conversely, flows back into the sink.

  1. Water, which is usually located in a siphon, evaporated due to long periods of non-use of the sink.

To avoid such an unpleasant surprise, before leaving for long term pour some vegetable oil down the sink drain. Oil forms a film on the surface of the liquid that will prevent water from evaporating. And if the smell still appears, run some water through the drain. The water seal will fill and the smell will disappear.

  1. The siphon corrugation has stretched or sagged.

The S-bend must be supported by a special clamp that firmly fixes the position of the siphon corrugation.

Other causes of problems and odor

An odor can also appear when the water seal is functioning normally.

If you've gone through everything possible reasons appearance of “odors”, but still could not find the reason, call a professional plumber.

Why is the smell dangerous, and how to deal with it?

Is sewer smell dangerous? Maybe you just shouldn't pay attention to him? The fact is that this persistent “aroma” is indeed harmful. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia with their derivatives - nitrogen, methane, carboxylic acids - are not best friends human lungs.

Method 1

A radical method: call a plumber who will disassemble the structure completely, wash all the components and reassemble the sink, ridding you of the bad smell.

Method 2

Start your own struggle with troubles by observing the sink. If the water flows normally, but there is an unpleasant odor from the drain, try to reduce the flow of waste that ends up in the sink. The more intensively the waste reserves in the pipes are replenished, the more stronger smell. Rinse the pipes with hot water and disinfectant.

Method 3

If the problem of sewer odors lies in the siphon, it needs to be cleaned. Sometimes the cause of ambergris is an ordinary cotton swab or toothpick caught in a siphon with dirt wrapped around it. In a barrel-shaped siphon, it is necessary to check the level of the pipe in the hydraulic lock. And with a corrugated siphon, it’s worth trying to change the position, fixing the correct one with a holder.

Method 4

If there is a blockage, buy liquid, powder or gel for cleaning pipes at the store. They are poured into the pipe and left for some time in order to chemical substances interacted with the dirt and destroyed it, eliminating the smell. Powders are used after draining hot water for 5 minutes. Thick gel-like substances are more active and remove blockages better. After any such impact, you need to pour a lot of warm water to rinse surfaces from that are highly toxic.

Method 5

Traditional methods of removing odor from a sink are a salt or soda attack. Baking soda or salt should be poured into the sink drain and left for 20 minutes, and then rinsed.

Both substances absorb odors and dirt well and disinfect the pipe. The same functions can be performed by lemon or citric acid, which needs to be poured with boiling water so that it “boils” and dissolves the dirty, greasy residue from waste in the pipes. Baking soda + vinegar will also help, just be sure to plug the sink drain while the caustic vinegar does its job.

Washing dirty dishes with particles of grease and stuck food leaves its mark on the walls of the drainage system. A large accumulation of these particles leads to rotting and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. No less important in this matter is the condition of the drain and siphon, whose failure to work also makes itself felt.

Sources of odor

It’s easy to determine the source of your troubles; just examine all possible objects that can cause an unpleasant odor in the kitchen. First of all, give Special attention siphon drain pipe and sewerage. These three plumbing parts are the most vulnerable to clogs and dirt buildup. Also inspect the space between the sink and the wall; a hose may have come off, a water leak may have occurred, or an old dirty washcloth or floor rag may have gotten stuck.

If the water does not flow well and as a result an odor appears, you should inspect sewer system. Perhaps a large object got into the drain, which created a plug or a blockage. It is the latter option that is one of the most common causes of that smell from the sink. The largest blockage is concentrated in the siphon. It is here that, when washing dirty dishes, a huge amount of grease, debris, dirt, hair particles, stuck food residues and soot accumulates. Of course, special grates for the sink opening help to minimize the entry of waste into the drainage system. However, over time, even such careful care shows cracks. A sediment forms on the walls of the siphon, which begins to rot and emit an odor.

Cleaning the siphon can help solve this problem. The mechanism of action is as follows. Place a bucket under the base of the lower part of the siphon, carefully unscrew the lid and remove all accumulated dirt, fix the lid in its place. After this, rinse the drain with boiling water adding a small amount detergent. If the siphon has a corrugated tube, then it also needs to be disconnected and thoroughly cleaned. But in houses with old system drain, disconnecting the siphon is quite problematic, especially with a cast iron elbow.

If the water does not flow well and as a result an odor appears, the sewer system should be inspected.

The main purpose of the siphon is to create a water seal, that is, a special barrier that blocks the evaporation and penetration of foreign odors into the apartment from the sink opening. If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable.

Most often, the problem lies in the incorrect installation of the drain system itself with a siphon. Depending on the type of structure, this problem can be solved in the following ways. If you have a bottle-type siphon, correctly fix the location of the drain pipe so that it is approximately 2-3 cm below the water level.

With a corrugated drain, it is important that the tube remains slightly curved and does not straighten out. Check that it is installed correctly and, if necessary, adjust the required form. This will help create a water seal, and to prevent the tube from returning to its previous position, secure it with special clips.

If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable

Other reasons for the failure of the water seal may be a vacuum failure. A characteristic feature This violation is indicated by the gurgling of water in a clogged drain hole. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first of them is cleaning the fan tube, for which it is best to seek help from a specialist. Second - installation vacuum valve, normalizing pressure in the sewer system.

Other causes of sink odor

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of odor from the drain hole, there are also secondary ones that also provoke this problem.

If the unpleasant odor is concentrated under the sink, then perhaps the reason lies in the violation of the tightness of the structure and the appearance of cracks. To find that very source, you need to smoothly open the water and take a closer look at the condition of the pipes and joints. If water leaks at the junction of pipes, then reliable fixation will help solve the problem silicone sealant or replacing the seal. If cracks are found, replace them immediately old pipe to a new one. If a leak occurs, odor may be absorbed into flooring. Therefore, after replacing pipes and linings, thoroughly wash the floor with a refreshing cleaner.

The cause of the smell may lie in a violation of the tightness of the structure.

Long absence of use

If you have not used the sink for a long time, the water in the drainage system may stagnate and the walls may dry out, which also causes an unpleasant odor. Therefore, before a long business trip or trip, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the drain hole. This will create a reliable enveloping film and simultaneously prevent the evaporation of moisture and the spread of odor.

Methods for cleaning the drain system

To clear the sewer and all parts of the drain system from blockages, as well as to eliminate foreign odors from the sink, chemical and mechanical means. IN Lately No less popular is the hydrodynamic installation, which flushes the sewerage system under high water pressure.

Soda is based on sodium carbonate, as are many chemical cleaning products. Therefore, this substance can be classified as folk remedies combating odors, clogged sinks and similar chemical exposure. This tool can be combined or used separately.

For the first option, we will prepare a solution. Dissolve three tablespoons of baking soda or soda ash in warm water and pour the mixture down the drain, leaving it for 20-30 minutes. After some time, rinse the drain warm water, or even better, scald with boiling water.


This method works well for minor blockages. If the problem is more pronounced, then you can combine the use of soda with table vinegar. To do this, pour about half a pack of soda into the drain hole and fill it with a glass of vinegar. The mixture will begin to fizz and foam, this is a normal chemical process. We also leave this mixture to interact with the walls of the drain system, after which we scald everything with boiling water and rinse thoroughly. To combine business with pleasure, use vinegar instead lemon juice. This will allow you not only to cope with the problem that has arisen, but also to fill the kitchen with a citrus aroma.

For best result and increasing pH levels, like chemicals cleaning, experts recommend calcining the soda in a dry frying pan, and after cooling, dilute it with water and pour it into the drain hole.

Attention, do not pour water into a frying pan with hot soda, otherwise you may get a chemical burn.

If there is a serious blockage and an unbearably terrible odor, use chemical sewer pipe cleaning products. They contain sodium, which softens the plaque that has formed on the walls. However, when using these products, be extremely careful, following the instructions exactly so that the caustic chemical components do not corrode the walls of the plastic pipes. So before using the product, familiarize yourself with the proportions and rules of use.

Such preparations are sold in a wide variety of variations, in the form of powders, granules, gels and liquids. Powdered preparations work slowly, so consumers give greater preference to liquid components. They have relatively the same cost, so it is important to rely on the gentle effect of a non-destructive product. polymer base drain system. We can recommend Tiret, Mister Muscle and the well-known Mole.

Follow safety precautions

When working with any drain cleaner, remember to follow the safety rules.

Put it on your hands latex gloves, as well as a respirator so as not to cause a burn skin and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Pour the liquid into the sink drain hole slowly, without unnecessary splashing. Leave the solution to interact with deposits on the walls of the sewer for the time specified in the instructions. After this, rinse the drain system with plenty of water and scald it with boiling water. This event will help you get rid of the blockage and completely eliminate the odors that bother you from the sink.

Unfortunately, not all types of blockages and odors can be eliminated using folk and chemical remedies. Sometimes seals and plugs in sink drain pipes are so serious that only special specialists can deal with them. mechanical devices. Among them, plumbing cable, metal tape, spiral loops, etc. are used. Externally, all these devices differ from each other, but in practice they have the same mechanism of action - removing blockages and discharging residual solid particles into the central sewer or septic tank.

If you do not have such specialized tools in your home, you can use steel wire. The main thing is that it is flexible and easily penetrates into everything hard to reach places. Use the hook attachment when removing hair and pieces of fabric.

Plumbing cable
Steel wire

However best fit There will still be a plumbing cable, thanks to the convenient design. The spiral has good flexibility and penetrates into all parts of the drain system, and the handle allows you to rotational movements without slipping on your hand. In addition, you can always choose a model that is convenient for you, based on the characteristics and diameter of the pipes.

Before you start cleaning, don't forget to prepare buckets and rags, and put on some old clothes. Believe me, all this will be useful to you. After completing the procedure, use a washbasin for this.

Hydrodynamic installation - a new solution to the problem

An unusual way to deal with blockages is to remove the blockage using strong pressure of water, which pushes all clogged particles out. For these purposes, a special compressor is used, running on mains power or gasoline. It provides a high flow of water into the hose under pressure. This method helps to cope even with extra-complex blockages.

When carrying out this procedure yourself, consider several important rules:

  • water supply pressure and pressure;
  • the amount of solid particles and the extent of the blockage;
  • the material from which the sewer system is made.

Be especially careful when using this installation with plastic pipes. If the plastic is of poor quality and made from cheap polymer materials, then under high pressure water and mechanical stress, its fragile walls may not withstand the pressure and collapse.

The “aroma” of sewage, especially in the place where food is prepared, evokes the most negative emotions. Therefore, eliminating odor from your kitchen sink becomes a top priority. There can be several sources at once, and therefore the methods of disposal are different. His choice depends on the cause of the problem. It is necessary to check the sewer and siphon, and use a cable, plunger and cleaning products to eliminate the smell.


The sink is a place where all kinds of debris accumulate: food debris, oil, hair. Compressed into one ball, they become a source of unpleasant odor. This happens as a result of malfunctions in the sewer system.

A siphon is part of any plumbing fixture. It can be made of brass, plastic or other material, and is available with a membrane or dry water seal. Thanks to the curved elbows, the device forms a water plug, which clogs the air from the sewer, preventing it from entering the bathroom or kitchen.

The siphon has several functions:

  • Eliminating unpleasant odors from sewer pipes.
  • Protection against blockages. This is a filter and storage tank for large debris, which can be easily removed by opening the siphon.
  • Ensuring self-outflow Wastewater into the sewer.

There are two main causes of unpleasant odor:

Incorrect installation of siphon and corrugation

  1. In this case, water flows out of the water seal. If the height of the pipe is insufficient, an unpleasant odor occurs in 100% of cases. Adjusting it to a standard of 3 cm below the water line solves the problem.
  2. Errors may occur when installing the corrugation. If you forget to install a water seal, the water goes directly into the drain or retrogradely returns to the sink.
  3. Sagging or stretching of the pipe is associated with incorrect operation of the special clamp that supports the S-shaped corrugation structure.

Long downtime

The water in the siphon may evaporate if the washbasin has not been used for some time. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears. You can eliminate this by filling the sink with water and waiting for it to drain, then create a film of vegetable oil (a few tablespoons) by simply pouring it into the drain. If a smell appears, repeat the procedure.

Other reasons

Blockage (one of the most common reasons), dirt in the flask, incorrect installation of pipes, low-quality components. The former are easily removed with a plunger, soda, vinegar or by special means, such as Krot and others. We will talk about this in more detail below.

If your independent searches do not produce results, or you find incorrect installation of pipes, etc., you need to contact a plumber. Finding the cause and eliminating it is fundamentally important. The stench is dangerous, as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide negatively affect the bronchi and lungs.

How to find a fault?

Logically, this is a matter for a plumber. But such help costs time and money. If in emergency situations you cannot cope without professionals, then you can try to fix minor problems yourself: rinse the system with hot water and special products, disassemble and clean the siphon. You can detect cracks or chips, leaky joints, and seal defects. Defective parts must be replaced.

How to remove an unpleasant odor?

There are several ways to eliminate it.


A regular metal cable is not suitable. You need a special one, plumbing, at least 5 meters long. It is equipped with a brush or hook that can lift the clog. The handle is also specific: it allows you to rotate the cable.

To remove a garbage plug this way, you should:

  • Clear access to the corrugation.
  • Insert the cable into it to the maximum depth.
  • Start “screwing” it with your hands until it reaches the blockage.
  • Use a hook to pull out the debris or push the plug further.
  • You can try to break up the blockage with a cable, moving it in different directions.

After manipulation, wash the cable and lubricate it with machine oil. Then roll it up and put it away.


It is used if you are completely sure that the siphon is clogged and there is no desire to disassemble it.


  • Place the plunger cap over the drain and, opening the hot water tap, wait until it completely covers it.
  • Close the tap and forcefully move the plunger up and down, then sharply pull it out along with part of the blockage.
  • Turn on hot water and rinse the sink.

If you don’t have a plunger at home, you can repeat the same steps using a milk or juice carton, cutting off the top of the package.

They disassemble the siphon only if they are completely sure that it is the cause of the unpleasant odor. The test will be the following procedure: you need to pull the corrugation out of the riser, lower it into a container, turn on the water and see if there is a leak. If it is missing, the siphon is disassembled and cleaned:

  • First unscrew the bottom part. If this is not the problem, continue disassembling.
  • Remove all nuts and carefully inspect the pipes.
  • Remove the blockage.
  • Rinse the siphon.
  • Putting all the parts together.

When assembling, be sure to use the instructions; if you followed them, the sink should work normally.


They can be from improvised products or professional ones. The most popular:

  • Salt. The whole glass is poured into the sink and filled with half a liter of boiling water. After 3 hours, hot water opens and the entire drain is washed.
  • Soda with salt. The mixture is prepared in a 1:1 ratio, after which it is also poured into the drain. After half an hour, it is washed with boiling water and the procedure is repeated. If this does not help get rid of the smell, then another cleaning method is chosen.
  • Vinegar with soda. Proportions: pour two large spoons of soda into the siphon and then pour a glass of vinegar there. The drain is closed with a stopper, and 10 minutes after the end of the reaction, it is thoroughly washed with boiling water.
  • Concentrate sachet citric acid in powder form, pour into the drain and turn on hot water. A reaction like vinegar and soda begins. The further algorithm is the same. Dry mustard can be a substitute for lemon powder.
  • TO professional means chemicals for cleaning pipes include: Mole, Domestos, Brawl, Odorgon, Mister Muscle, Sanox, Whiteness. To rinse the siphon, you must follow the instructions and take into account that the powder is more active than the liquid.


You can not only get rid of unpleasant smell from the sink, but also prevent it if you strictly follow simple rules:

  • Clean sewer pipes not only when a smell appears from the sink, but also regularly (monthly). Salt and soda should be used once a week. This sequence of processing allows you to maintain the relative cleanliness of plumbing fixtures.
  • Never flush leftover food and tea leaves down the kitchen drain. They are the ones who clog the siphon.
  • When going on vacation or a long business trip, you should take care of the condition of the plumbing by pouring oil (vegetable or machine) into the siphon. Volume – small glass. This will help avoid evaporation of moisture and drying out of pipes, which gives off a sewer “aroma.” When you return, you just need to rinse the drain with warm water and detergent.
  • If it is necessary to replace pipes or a siphon, you should entrust the work to a specialist.
  • Choosing new plumbing fixtures should also be done by a professional. You need to focus on ease of use and quality. It would be better if the siphon is removable. This does not require complete dismantling of the pipes for cleaning.


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