How to decorate the assembly hall for September 1st.

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September 1 is coming soon, children go to school, the first bell rings, excitement, celebration. And I want the office to be decorated in a festive way on this day, especially elegantly. Many parents search on the Internet interesting ideas, they come up with something themselves, run around looking for ready-made jewelry or materials from which these same jewelry can be made. In this article I want to talk about the ways and how you can decorate your office. But only ideas that you can easily develop on your own.

1. Vytynanki. Quite common in Lately decoration that requires a minimum of cash costs, but quite a lot of time. Carefully and beautifully cut out using a model knife (if you don’t have one, then an ordinary stationery knife, which almost everyone has) will do on a special mat (if you don’t have one, you can use a stack of unnecessary newspapers or paper), openwork and not very decorations look great on windows and on chalkboard. If you cut out leaves from colored double-sided paper, you can hang them around the classroom. You can draw templates for vytynanka yourself (if you are good at drawing) or download them from the Internet.

The cutting process itself is not complicated, but quite labor-intensive. Yes, and it takes a lot of time. But the result is worth it. How to cut? First, print the template of the required size; if you need to enlarge or reduce the picture, then manually set it in the printer settings right size, if the picture is large and the sheet format is A4, then it will be printed on several sheets of paper. You can then assemble the finished drawing from the parts directly on the window. After the template is ready, place it on a special mat or on a stack of waste paper and carefully layout or stationery knife cut along the contour. First you need to cut out the smallest elements, then the larger ones, cut out the pattern along the contour last!

I’m adding a few templates here so you don’t waste time searching:

Or you can decorate it like this (but unfortunately there are no such templates, you can either buy it or draw it yourself):

2. Painting windows with paints. It’s beautiful, of course, especially if your parents are artists. Bright, elegant, festive. Children usually look at such beauty with pleasure. But, in my opinion, there are more disadvantages here: firstly, a large and not openwork pattern will make the class darker, and secondly, it is difficult to wash this beauty later (tested from my own experience, several hours were spent washing the windows). But the classroom with such decor + balloons looked very elegant.

3. Decoration with balls. A fairly common way to decorate any event, including the first day of school. Besides, what child doesn't love balloons? You can make garlands and various figures from the balls. Or you can just tie inflated with helium balls to the backs of chairs will also turn out very beautiful.

4. Decoration with posters and garlands. In almost every stationery or holiday supply store you can find ready-made posters and garlands made for almost all holidays. These posters can be hung on your door or on your chalkboard.

In addition, you can make a beautiful poster yourself in Photoshop with photographs of children and teachers and print it on photo paper in any photo studio or at home if you have the necessary equipment. You can also make a garland yourself.

Or you can mix all these styles and get a beautiful and elegant class. For example, cut out and stick stickers on the windows, tie helium balloons to the chairs, and hang beautiful posters with congratulations on the board. It all depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and the amount of money that the parents of your class are willing to spend on decorating the office. By the way, the most cheap option- This is to inflate the balloons yourself and cut out the protrusions for the windows. And on the board you can draw beautiful drawings and write congratulations with the most ordinary school crayons.

For September 1 to be perceived as a holiday, an invigorating morning line-up with heartfelt poems and cheerful songs is not enough. We also need to decorate the school premises.

Where to place the decorations?

It’s worth starting from the entrance to the building: this is the place that all students and their parents will definitely see. A multi-colored arch made of large helium balloons will look great here. Precisely according to the beautifully designed entrance group others will judge the school itself: how well the administration organizes the work, etc.

What other places can be decorated with decorations:

  • lobby;
  • assembly hall for special events: lineups, meetings with famous people, holiday concert;
  • entrances to the premises where all students are: the dining room and the gym;
  • windows on outside buildings: here you can place welcome posters from September 1st.

Offices - close attention

The design of classrooms should be approached with special care. This is where the educational hour takes place, dedicated to the Day knowledge, here schoolchildren meet with teachers, get acquainted with new students, and become imbued with the thought of the upcoming school year.

It is necessary to decorate classrooms taking into account the age of the students. If in primary school figures of animals and fairy-tale characters, funny faces on flags and posters are appropriate, then in middle and high schools the design should be “more mature”: these can be bright attributes of autumn or ornamental patterns.

Balls: decorations for every taste

The greatest variety of decorations is made from children's helium balloons. The following types are in demand:

  • Figures made up of individual balls. They depict something related to the theme of the holiday: schoolchildren, pencils, numbers, etc. In the classroom they are placed near the blackboard and decorated in the lobby or assembly hall.
  • One-piece foil figures. They depict numbers and letters or fairy tale characters who came to greet the students.
  • Balloons hanging from the ceiling. If all products are the same color, the interior of the class becomes stylish appearance. If they are multi-colored, the atmosphere becomes more fun.
  • Arches and chains. As a rule, they are located above the entrance to the building or on the stage of the assembly hall, sometimes above the blackboard.

  • Bouquets and large single flowers. Decorate walls, curtains, stair railings.
  • Fountains. These are several balls on a base that is located on the floor. Placed anywhere in the room where they do not interfere with the passage.

Helium balloons can become not only decorations, but also gifts for students. To do this, attach cards with the names of schoolchildren to bouquets, figurines or balls hanging from the ceiling. And after lessons, let everyone find theirs.

What other decorations can you use?

Various paper decorations look good: pompoms, flowers, letters and numbers. Garlands and streamers with the inscriptions “Happy September 1!”, “Happy Knowledge Day!”, as well as flags with school supplies on them, will perfectly decorate the room.

Interesting option - vinyl stickers, depicting autumn leaves, stationery, bells, letters, schoolchildren. If you take large ones (about 50 cm high), they will be clearly visible in a large room. Such pictures can be easily attached to walls, boards, doors, windows and removed without leaving marks. The only thing you shouldn’t glue them to is paper wallpaper.

Autumn wreaths made from plastic parts look beautiful. Red-yellow leaves, twigs, berries, and mushrooms are woven into them. You don’t have to remove such decorations after the holiday, but leave them until the beginning of winter, until the time for snowflakes and New Year’s paraphernalia comes.

Beautiful school design helps create a positive mood for learning and remains in the memory for a long time. And it looks simply gorgeous in the photographs!

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Decorating the hall for September 1: from school to kindergarten

The decoration of the assembly hall, where the official part will actually take place, is most often done by school (kindergarten) staff, sometimes by parents, and in some cases they do it together.

The main goal of the design is a beautiful appearance that children will remember for many years.

I suggest you take a closer look at the types of decoration for the assembly hall.

School hall

There are an endless number of options for different types of decoration. The main thing is that the people decorating the hall must have excellent imagination and an impeccable sense of taste.

So, let's see which school hall decoration ideas will be the most successful.

Decorating with balloons

Balloons are one of the most common types of decoration today. Figures are made from them (sun, flowers, men, snowmen and many others). The assembly hall will certainly be beautiful if you use balloons to decorate it. Here are some examples of how to decorate a room with airy beauties.

As I already wrote above, on September 1 you need quite a lot of finances and if you want to save money on ordering balloon decorations, you can try to decorate the hall yourself. This can be done in several ways, described below.


Draw a poster and cut out of colored paper Maple leaves, flowers, any symbols of study (grades, owl, books). The poster can be placed in the center of the room, and symbols and flowers can be attached to the curtains using bobby pins.

The base for the poster can be soaked in tea, beet juice or other natural dye to make this decoration look more unusual.

Large paper flowers

This decoration is right on trend and they look very cute. To decorate the hall you will need about 10 pieces of these flowers. I suggest you learn how to make such flowers right now.

We will need:

  • colored paper;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • decorative sparkles.

We prepare templates of 8 pieces of each petal. We take one petal, cut a strip 10 cm long in the middle, put one edge on the other and glue it. We have a voluminous petal. Now we curl the edges using a tube - this will make it look more natural.

We take as a basis an ordinary circle of cardboard and glue the petals onto it crosswise from large to small. Decorate the middle with sparkles. The flower is ready.

Origami stars

To create such a star we will need:

  • five identical squares of colored paper;
  • glue.

Take one of the squares and bend it diagonally, then unbend it and bend it along the second diagonal (you should get two criss-cross folds).

We turn the square over and bend it in half, unbend it and fold it on the other two sides. Now we take it without unbending it after the last fold, take it by two edges and bring the paper towards the center. We have a blind corner at the top, but our layers open up from below.

From below we bend one left layer to the middle, and then do the same manipulations on the right. We turn over and bend the corners on the other side as well. We turn the folds back and fold the paper along the folds inward on one side and on the other. Turn it over to the other side and do the same here.

We do the same with the 4 remaining squares. Now all we have to do is glue them together with glue, glue one part to the other, then glue the next one to the side of one of the parts, and so on. As a result, we get a beautiful, three-dimensional origami star.

Volumetric butterflies

These butterflies are perfect for decorating a festive room.

We will need:

  • colored paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • compass.

Take a compass and open it 6 cm, place it on a piece of paper and draw a circle. Cut out a circle and set it aside. We take another sheet of paper and draw a 12*12 cm square on it. Now we mark 3 cm on both sides on one corner of the square. We take our circle and attach it to the two marked points and circle it.

Now we cut out our blank. We fold the resulting figure like an accordion. The more bends you get, the better and more beautiful the butterfly will be.

We take a sheet of contrasting color and cut a small strip from it, about 0.5 cm wide. Now we cut a piece from this strip and grease part of it with glue and wrap it around the accordion in the middle. We take the remaining strips, bend them in half and twist them (these are future antennae). Now we grease them with glue and attach them on top of the green strip on our butterfly accordion. Gently spread the wings - the butterfly is ready.

As you can see, all these decorations are made from simple colored paper, which requires a minimum of cost and time, and in beauty they are in no way inferior to balls. With such decorations of the hall, the Day of Knowledge will be remembered for a long time by students in the brightest colors.

Decorating a room in a kindergarten

Kids are interested in toys and cartoon characters, so before decorating the room in kindergarten, you should take into account the interests and age of the children.

For example, kids from the nursery group really love Peppa Pig and Paulie Robocar, and those who are older prefer spongebob and I will flash. If there are children in the hall different ages, you can make a combined decoration of the hall.

Design options can be very different. For example, balls.

As I already said, this perfect option for any holiday. They are universal and always delight both adults and children. If you make figures from balloons, then the kids will certainly like them and remember them. You can order ready-made figures, or you can make them yourself.

Let's learn how to make beauty with our own hands together.

Peppa Pig

This character is perfect for a children's party.

We will need:

  • ball No. 12 (12 inches), No. 9, No. 5, No. 260 (4 pieces).
  • a piece of a ball for a knot;
  • markers;
  • tube;
  • stickers (eyes and cheeks).

We inflate the balloon, deflate it, turn it inside out and inflate it again. We put a marker in the places where we will have ears and blow it off.

We take a piece of the ball, make a knot at the end, string the piece with the knot onto a tube and put it inside the ball. We feel for the knot, take it and fix it on the ball using ball No. 260.

We do the second ear in the same way. Turn it inside out and insert ball No. 5 inside it using a tube. Inflate and tie a No. 5 knot.

We string ball No. 9 onto a tube, inflate No. 12 and insert No. 9 inside it. Hold it so that the air does not escape and inflate No. 9. We form a nose and tie No. 9. Inflate the ears, glue the eyes, cheeks and draw a mouth and nose.

We make the body from two long balloons No. 260. We do not inflate them completely and measure out a long bubble for 8 fingers and twist it, take the second one and tie it. On the second one we also measure 8 fingers and twist and tie them. Then we do everything the same, only each subsequent bubble will be shorter than the previous one by 1 finger. The dress is formed, then we tie the head using a ball trim.

Other ideas

A couple more ideas worthy of a children's party:

  • Paper decorations. Various ribbons, balls, maple leaves made of colored paper suspended from the ceiling. Children will certainly enjoy all this.
  • Toys. In one of our kindergartens, for example, on holidays some soft toys from the corridor and groups run into the assembly hall and perfectly complement the holiday decor.

With this I say goodbye to you, don’t forget to subscribe to updates and tell your friends at in social networks about my blog.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The new school year begins on September 1st, and this an important event for all students, their parents and teachers. But precisely for those children who are going to first grade, this day is generally a real holiday. It is important that this day leaves bright and positive impressions on schoolchildren, therefore it is necessary to approach the preparation of the event with all responsibility. Usually on Knowledge Day there is a ceremonial assembly, and a concert is prepared by the students. In addition to everything, you need to think about how to decorate the classroom and school for September 1st.

Decoration with paper garlands and balls

Now on sale big choice paper garlands, including themed ones. They different formats, color range, size. They can also be made. High school students need to be involved in preparation. Such garlands or banners are an excellent office decoration for September 1st. They can be mounted in window openings, above the board, or hang on the walls.

Inflatable balloons can lift the spirits of children and adults, which is why they are ideal for decorating schools and classrooms for September 1st. They create a truly festive atmosphere and can please the eye for more than one day. You can inflate the balloons yourself. But, if you don’t have the time or opportunity to do it yourself, then you can turn to professionals for help. Now there are a number of companies that offer their services for decorating any premises with balloons, garlands of them, and can even prepare themed inflatable figures.

Design of information stands and boards

The blackboard is in all school classrooms and is important element V educational process. Because decorating the board on September 1st is an interesting and necessary stage in preparing an event that needs to be approached creatively:

  • instruct older students to paint the board with colored chalk and congratulatory messages;
  • hang the best creative works;
  • Together with high school students, you can prepare wall newspapers on school topics;

It would be nice to have an information stand in each classroom, which would contain information useful for schoolchildren, as well as a schedule.

Design of the school grounds

Decorating the hallways is just as important as decorating the classrooms for September 1st. They can also be decorated with garlands, balloons and wall newspapers. Near each subject room it makes sense to place a stand with interesting questions and related tasks. Each teacher will be able to offer a number of entertaining puzzles. Answers to questions may not be posted immediately. Let the students think, perhaps even argue.

You can also do it yourself original gift teachers - .

If you approach the preparation for Knowledge Day in advance and responsibly, then this day will definitely leave indelible impressions in the children’s memory!

Below are the design options balloons offices, corridors.

7 useful tips

Dear Colleagues!
Pass last days summer and very soon the first bell will ring at your school.
Another year full of creative and professional plans awaits you. I believe that this year you will be able to realize everything you have planned. And for the year to go well, you need to start it on a positive note. I bring to your attention 7 useful tips that will help you make your first day of school truly special.

1. Take a photo with your students
Children will enjoy taking a photo with you and will be able to post it on social networks. Let everyone see what a modern teacher you are!
Have each student write an anonymous note.

2. Have students write briefly about their expectations, fears, and goals for the new school year. Analyze all the answers and make a list of desires and concerns common to most children. Read them to the class with appropriate motivational, summative, or other comments. Children will be surprised how many of the answers are similar.

3. Survey: “What do students want to become?”
Ask students to write down on paper what they want to be when they leave school. Then, every 6 months, repeat the survey and compare the answers. Such surveys can be very useful in career guidance work with children. You and the children themselves will be interested to know how their desires have changed over the years. How great would it be to read these answers at graduation or class reunion a year from now!?

4. Place a time capsule
Ask students to write down on paper the news of the week, their own dreams, experiences, and advice. Place the notes in an envelope and save it to open at the end of the year.

5. Start a video diary
Write it down short video video of your first meeting with the class after a long summer separation. Periodically record video of your students during school holidays or answers near the board. At the end of the year, you will have interesting videos that will appeal to students and their parents. Such recordings can be edited into a film using modern applications and programs. Imagine how many touching memories of your class you could put into a film that you can watch with your children on graduation party. You don't need an expensive video camera for this, just digital camera, tablet or phone.

6. Have students create rules.
Encourage students to feel responsible for creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and order in the classroom. Let the guys make a list of rules that they themselves will follow throughout the year. These could be brief instructions: be polite, don’t be greedy, don’t interrupt the teacher, etc. In turn, the teacher can offer rules for himself, for example: be fair, lenient, attentive. The rules can be beautifully drawn up on paper and hung in the classroom.

7. Sum up a bright end to the summer
Ask students to bring a photo taken during summer holidays. Prepare whatman paper, scissors, brushes, paints and glue. Let each of the children cut out a small fragment from their photo. Then, ask each of the children to leave a handprint on the paper, coloring it with the color that they most strongly associate with the past summer. Encourage unconventional colors. Offer to glue a fragment of a photograph inside the print. When creative process will be finished, pin the poster to the board and ask each student to come out, find his print and briefly answer why his summer was that color and how he spent it. You can also explain to the guys that even though everyone rested separately, so you created your common summer and now you have to general year in a friendly and cheerful team. Based on the principle of the poster “Our fun summer”, create a poster “Our (...) school year”, and let the children choose the adjective that characterizes it themselves.

Give children joy on Knowledge Day and you will not only charge them with positivity for the entire school year, but also increase their respect and trust in you. I wish you success and a successful academic year!


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