How to install an electric hood over a gas stove. How to properly install a flow hood over a gas stove? Types of hoods and operating principle

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When using kitchen stoves, it is necessary to clean the room atmosphere from harmful products released during combustion. Therefore, having an exhaust hood in the kitchen is truly vital. But at what distance from the stove should you install a kitchen hood? The efficiency of the device and ensuring the cleanliness of the air surrounding the cook depends on this parameter.

The distance between the bottom panel of the device and hob depends entirely on two criteria - the equipment placement option and the type of slab.

The type of hood itself, its components, as well as the size of the air duct does not determine required height installation, except for situations with a low ceiling, when it is simply impossible to install a higher hood for structural reasons. The rated power of the equipment should always be taken into account, adding or subtracting 10 centimeters from the average design height of the installation. Speaking of other rules for installing a hood -.

Horizontal hood

Only by type kitchen stove depends on the height of the hood, in which the steam suction plane is located horizontally. The patterns of placement of this type of equipment depend on many parameters, the main of which are the characteristics of the device, model, type of plate:

  • The device should be hung at a distance of 65-85 cm above the gas burners;
  • Above the electric stove - 60-80 cm.

When installing an inclined hood model, you must adhere to the following recommended heights:

  • 55-65 cm when there is a gas burner below;
  • 35-45 cm if food is cooked on an electric stove.

Naturally, no one forbids installing a hood where its operation will be as convenient as possible. However, all recommended values ​​are not taken out of thin air. When calculating them, you should always take into account several important criteria:

  • Kitchen area;
  • Its layout;
  • Interior;
  • Power of the installed hood;
  • The growth of a housewife.

If necessary, the installation height of the equipment can be easily increased, but it cannot be lowered below the minimum permitted distance. Such installation will complicate the operation of the equipment - the hood will interfere with the housewife, who will soon get tired of hitting her head on it.

Important! By placing the hood too low, you predetermine its constant heating. It is better not to allow this, otherwise the equipment will quickly break down.

Installation height above electric stove

By itself, any kitchen hood is a design that allows you to forcibly suck in polluted air, clean it efficiently, taking away all kinds of fumes, substances of incomplete combustion, smoke components, food odors and other suspended impurities formed above the stove when cooking food.

Design exhaust unit significantly determines the height of the equipment and the conditions for its installation. According to installation features, the following hoods are produced:

  • The hanging system is completely flat; the device is mounted under the kitchen wall cabinet, directly hanging over the stove;
  • A built-in type device, when the housing is mounted inside a cabinet hung above the stove;
  • The most common wall option- fastening is carried out on the wall adjacent to the slab;
  • Corner type equipment is convenient in a situation where it is convenient to place it in the corner of the kitchen if there is a stove there;
  • The island version of the device is used in spacious rooms where it is necessary to fix the hood in the center of the kitchen to the ceiling.

When installing a kitchen hood over an electric stove, you need to be guided by the fact that it is undesirable to place it below 60 cm from the hob. Although this parameter is not critical, since there is no risk of blowing out the flame. Therefore, the minimum distance can be varied.

At what height should the hood be installed? gas stove?

Many years of practical experience various models hoods led to the emergence of recommendations defining the minimum permissible height equipment location above gas burners.

Various manufacturers the instructions for the equipment oblige consumers to comply with certain conditions installation For example:

  1. The Metida60W brand hood, manufactured by Shindo, has a capacity of 420 m 3 /h and should be installed at a distance of 75 cm from the burners. The manufacturer does not recommend using the device if there are no utensils covering the open flame on the operating burners.
  2. The Bosch brand hood DWW09W650 has a declared capacity of 650 m 3 /h. It has a telescopic air intake design; it can be lowered to the stove, but not closer than 65 cm from the burner.
  3. The Russian installation of the Saturn M60 brand has a productivity of 245 m 3 / h. Manufacturers recommend mounting it higher than 75 cm from the burner.

In general, the distance between the burners and the bottom of the installation is determined by the following requirements:

  • Eliminate the possibility of spontaneous combustion;
  • Provide convenience for the housewife;
  • Ensure complete absorption of contaminated air.

However, in order to optimize the functioning of the equipment, it is necessary to clarify this value. You should definitely ensure the comfort of the housewife, so take into account her height. In some cases, the installation height of the hood should be increased by purchasing more powerful equipment.

Installing an outlet

The practical determination of the installation height of the hood above the stove affects the location of the outlet into which the device will be connected. Most often, the socket is installed directly above the hood body. Although a good option would be to secure the socket a little higher (10-30 cm) from the line of hanging kitchen cabinets.

We should not forget that it is necessary to shift the hole for the future socket by 20 cm relative to the axis of symmetry of the device, since this is where the exhaust duct.

Installing a hood requires compliance with some nuances that guarantee the effective functioning of the equipment:

  1. The air receiver must completely block work surface, since only in this case will it be able to completely capture the evaporation from it.
  2. When purchasing and installing a hood, be sure to take into account the dimensions of the niche where it is supposed to be installed.
  3. It is ideal when the hood is slightly wider than the hob.
  4. The hood must be equipped with good lighting and not make a lot of noise.
  5. Hoods are equipped in factories with a short electric cord, which is why it is advisable to install an outlet close to the equipment.
  6. The air duct of the installation must certainly have a minimum of right angles - this affects the efficiency of air intake.

Video installation of a hood with your own hands

We are publishing a video that shows how a home craftsman independently attaches a purchased hood over the gas burners of a kitchen stove. A detailed commentary from the author of the video allows you to understand all the intricacies of the installation process and get a visual representation of the sequence in which this work needs to be done.

The height of any hood and its proper installation ensure long-term operation of this equipment. Please read the instructions carefully before installation. It contains the dimensions of the equipment, describes installation methods, and connection options to the ventilation duct. multi-storey building.

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If you have a modern gas stove in your kitchen, then it is not recommended to do without a special hood above it:

  • First of all, the gas you use to cook your food emits quite a bit when burned. a large number of various substances that do not bring any benefit to the human body;
  • secondly, all these combustion products, if they are not purposefully forced to collect over your stove as quickly as possible and go to ventilation system, before entering the system natural ventilation they manage to disperse throughout the kitchen (and during this time you will be able to inhale them fully);
  • thirdly, no matter how small the particles of gas combustion products are, if you don’t have an exhaust hood installed in your house above the gas stove, they manage to cover the thin layer all yours kitchen furniture, which does not at all contribute to its longevity and preservation of its beautiful appearance.

Therefore, having realized that you cannot do without a hood, you should think not only about how to choose it, but also how to hang the hood over the stove.

Residence of the gas stove

Ideally, your gas stove in the kitchen should be located directly under the ventilation grille. However modern architects, knowing that most housewives in new houses will definitely buy themselves a hood, they do not pay much attention to this moment. As a result, in the kitchen of even an expensive new building, the stove (along with the gas pipe) may end up in the opposite corner from the hood. What to do in this case?

There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Move the gas pipe closer to ventilation grille. Unfortunately, you do not have the right to do this yourself. You will have to contact your local Gorgaz and order a transfer project from them gas pipe and gas valves. After that, their workers will come and carry the pipes to you according to the project. It is clear that with such a bureaucratic approach, this process will take too much time and will bring very significant costs.
  2. Assemble a long air duct from the appropriate elements. In the event that the air duct, in your opinion, is spoiling appearance kitchens, it can be hidden in a box made of PVC panels, OSB, plasterboard or other similar materials.

Choosing a hood

Typically, most housewives choose a hood for their gas stove based on their financial capabilities. However, this approach is not always justified, since cheaper models are less powerful and are not always able to cope with the required amount of work (that is, they do not provide adequate ventilation kitchens).

At the same time, do not forget that even a high-quality and powerful hood will not do its job 100% if there is no air flow in the kitchen. fresh air(for example, the window will not be slightly open). Previously, when the premises were wooden windows, having cracks that every housewife dreamed of getting rid of, the problem of air coming in from the street was solved by itself. Now plastic windows deprive us of this “privilege” unless they have a ventilation valve installed.

The width of the hood must be either larger or equal to the width of the gas stove, since the hood must be hung above the stove in such a way that it draws in gas combustion products, odors, and vapors.

Installing a hood above the stove

Any hood for a gas stove is always accompanied by detailed instructions, which explains how to hang a particular model of hood. However, there are also general requirements:

  • the hood must be located exactly in the middle of the slab (that is, the central axis of the hood width must coincide with the axis of the slab width);
  • The distance between the hood and the stove is recommended to be equal to 70 centimeters;
  • a separate electrical outlet must be equipped for the hood (using an extension cord in this case is not recommended);
  • wherein electrical outlet should be positioned in such a way as to avoid kinks in the hood wire;
  • any hood is always attached to the wall and never hangs on the ventilation duct.

Fastenings for the hood are usually included in its package.

Once you have secured the hood in its place, you can begin assembling the air ducts, while observing the basic principles:

  • you should not reduce the diameter of the air duct along its entire length (that is, if the hood has an outlet with a diameter of 125 mm, it is not recommended to connect an air duct with a diameter of 100 mm to it);
  • air ducts are allowed to bend at 45 and 90 degrees, but this is recommended only if you have purchased a fairly powerful hood;
  • in order to exclude reverse movement air from the ventilation shaft to the hood, install an anti-return valve on the air duct.


Look at the instructions for installing the hood and connecting air ducts:

There are two types of air exchange in the kitchen with a gas stove - general and local. An exhaust device directly above the hob ensures not only the removal of gases and odors from the entire living space, but also necessarily in order to comply with safety measures and comfortable living. To do this, you need to know not only how to calculate the required geometric parameters, but also how to correctly install the hood over a gas stove.

Documentary base

  • Job gas equipment, its maintenance requires compliance with approved construction rules and regulations. These include:
  • regarding the requirements for mandatory forced ventilation premises of this kind - SNiP 2.04.05-91;
  • standards for the hourly volume of exhaust air removed - at least 90 cubic meters for 4-burner stoves - SNiP 2.08.01-89;
  • required performance ventilation unit in the hood above a gas stove - at least 200 m3/h (GOST 26813-99).

These and other documents provide answers to emerging questions on the topic: how to install a hood over the stove?

In operating mode, the hood must localize the spread of odors and fumes, drawing them into the air duct. At the same time, the distance from the surface of the stove to the edge of the exhaust hood should be optimal to allow free work at the stove.

Performance calculation formula

Installing a hood above a gas stove will be justified if it completely ensures the removal of exhaust air. Required power devices is determined by the formula:

N – required power,

Q is the volume of circulated air in the kitchen.

In turn, the volume is determined as follows:

where: a, h, b – length, height and width of the kitchen space, respectively.

According to the standards, the height of the exhaust device is selected based on:

  • power of the exhaust device;
  • the height of a person at the stove;
  • architectural features of the room.

This explains the size range: with a straight hood, its height above the gas stove is selected from 75-85 cm, the inclined model of the exhaust device in the lower part is 55-65 cm. At the same time, the width of the working part of the exhaust structure must be at least the same size hob or even overlap the width of the slab. Therefore, first they buy a gas stove, and only then select a hood. Standard dimensions are usually indicated in the operating instructions. They can be changed to adjust a person’s height, but not downward.

Attention! All devices for purifying air from smoke and combustion products must have a certificate for installation in the kitchen.

When connecting the system to the ventilation hose, you should avoid its bends or make sure that there are as few of them as possible, and the outlet itself is of a minimum length. The air vent is composed of short and straight sections. In situations requiring a change in its cross-section, clamp adapters are used.

Types of hoods and operating principle

Local hood - turns on during cooking

There are two options:

  1. Works exhaust device to remove unnecessary vapors, fats, odors along with air. During recirculation, the flow passing through the filters is cleaned and returned back.
  2. The hood is connected to the ventilation hose. Dirty air masses, being captured, are immediately transported from the premises. As an option - direct output through the wall directly to the street.

Parameters for selecting a hood

The main indicator of the exhaust device is the maximum permissible volume of air removed per unit of time. Bandwidth hood is indicated in her passport.

Installing a hood above the stove takes into account:

  • hob width;
  • dimensions (area) of the kitchen;
  • ceiling height;
  • number of household members living;
  • frequency of food preparation.

Based on this indicator, the model is selected required performance and the height of its suspension is determined. Purchase better model with several adjustable power modes.

Hood installation


Before proceeding with installation, select right place for equipment - gas stove + hood. The photo shows an electric stove - the recommendations are also relevant for gas objects.

Before installing a hood over a gas stove, you need to first prepare the room.

  • Mark on the kitchen plan the location of all communications, as well as installed appliances, if the installation is carried out in an already used room.
  • The energy dependence of the hood requires the presence of an outlet (but not above the stove!) with 220 V connected. Model with circuit breaker preferable: it will always turn off in time when an short circuit or fire. If the kitchen is not equipped with a grounded socket, the rules for installing a hood over a gas stove require that a separate RCD (16 A) be provided in the electrical panel. Connect to the network a line of three wires “zero”, “phase”, “ground” in yellow insulation with a green stripe running along it.
  • The value between the exhaust device (lower edge) and the surface of the stove (burner) is measured.
  • The completeness of the package is checked for the presence of the necessary fasteners, hooks, dowels, etc.
  • The location for attaching the structure is marked.


  • the air duct is assembled. It can be with square or round. Standard option– size 130x130 mm Better to choose plastic construction with smooth internal surfaces. Its diameter should be the same along its entire length, correspond to the cross-section of the ventilation hole and, preferably, have a check valve.
  • Using a hammer drill, holes are drilled for the hood clamps.
  • The screws are screwed in.
  • Using a level, check the horizontal installation.
  • The hood is hung (without a box).
  • Connects to the exhaust pipe connected to the duct.
  • The hood is connected to an electrical outlet. If the cord is missing or short, an autonomous line is drawn from the panel or diverted from the outlet closest to the hood. Making twists insulated with insulating tape in places where the missing part of the cord is added is strictly prohibited.
  • Test run underway technical device in all modes.
  • At normal operation on final stage the box is fixed.

Exhaust equipment installation options

According to installation design, exhaust devices are:

  • built-in type - the entire installation is hidden in a hanging cabinet;
  • fireplace and dome type - the structures are fixed on the wall;
  • island model - mounted on the ceiling;
  • corner hood - placed in the corner;
  • flat model - involves two planes of fixation: at the back - to the wall, at the top - in the hanging cabinet.

Any of the models has certain type filter elements that absorb strong odors, grease and other secretions.

Used as filters

  • Grease traps are installed only in kitchens with a ventilation shaft.
  • Carbon filters are elements of modern treatment systems with recirculation mode of operation.

Even if you follow the rules for installing the exhaust system and operating it, the efficiency will be reduced if preventive maintenance is not carried out in a timely manner: clean surfaces, change filters. Thus, creating the conditions necessary for a safe and comfortable stay in the kitchen is not difficult at all. For this purpose they are used different methods. But exactly coercive system With local exhaust above the stove is considered the most optimal and common option.

The microclimate and health of the inhabitants depend on high-quality ventilation in the premises. It is especially important to monitor the level of ventilation in a place such as the kitchen. Lack of access to fresh air can lead to intoxication of the body.

At the same time, an incorrectly installed exhaust system will not give any effect and there will be no increase in oxygen. You need to figure out: how to properly install a hood over a gas stove? If you take into account all the points, this can be successfully done even without the help of professionals.

Types of hoods

It is not always easy to choose a hood for a gas stove. There is a kitchen hood different types, and they differ mainly in the installation method. There are the following types of equipment:

  • hanging;
  • built-in;
  • wall;
  • corner;
  • island.

Above the stove and the features of the room will directly influence the choice of model for the kitchen. Suspension system usually placed under shelves, and the built-in one is “hidden” inside cabinets or shelves located directly above the stove.

Wall-mounted systems are attached directly to the wall at a certain level above the slab. When gas stove located in the corner of the room, it is necessary to install a corner exhaust system. Such a hood is specially manufactured in such a shape that it fully copes with its functions in a given place in the room.

Island exhaust systems are usually attached directly to the ceiling. They are used in places where the slabs are located in the center of the room and it is simply impossible to secure the hood in any other way. This arrangement is most often found in professional kitchens, such as canteens or restaurants, or in large kitchens in residential apartments with a non-standard layout.

Power determination

In order for the ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove to fully perform its functions, it is important to be able to correctly calculate the power of the future exhaust system. Otherwise, even if correct installation there will be no hood, there will be no fresh air in the kitchen.

In order not to make a mistake in the chosen power, it is worth considering how many people there are in the family, how often they cook and what dishes they prefer. For those who rarely cook a lot, often only for themselves, and in a family of 1-2 people, a power of 200-300 m³/h will be sufficient.

For a medium-sized kitchen and a family of 3 people who like to cook from time to time unusual dishes, requiring long work gas stove, you need a system with a capacity of 300-400 m³/h.

If you live in the apartment big family, or the exhaust system is planned to be installed in a large kitchen of a private house, you will need equipment with a capacity of up to 600 m³/h. If you follow these simple instructions, the ventilation system will fully remove stale air from the kitchen, and working with food will only bring pleasure.

How to position the equipment

To keep the kitchen always fresh, it is important to know at what height to hang the hood above the gas stove. It is important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are described in detail in the instructions. Not the last factor in determining the location of the hood is convenience during subsequent use.

Different standards for the location of hoods for electric and gas stoves:

  • minimum height from electric stove to the exhaust system – 65 cm;
  • The minimum height between the hood and the surface of the gas stove is 75 cm.

First of all, the difference in standards is made for the sake of human safety. Sufficient distance provides protection against spontaneous combustion. Often the exhaust system housing contains plastic elements that can catch fire due to being too close to the fire and high temperatures.

A small distance between the hood and the oven can create great inconvenience when cooking. For example, there are pots big size. If the exhaust system is located too low, the housewife will not have free access to such dishes, which can also lead to injuries and burns.

At the same time, the installation height of the hood above the stove should not be too high. A large distance between the stove and the hood will mean that contaminated air cannot be fully removed from the room, but will be spread throughout the kitchen.

The installation height of the hood above the gas stove is considered normal if it is in the range of 70-90 cm. When deciding at what height to hang the hood, it is important to take into account the height of the cook. When the exhaust system is positioned too low, you may hit your head on it.

Additional terms

It is important to take into account not only the distance from the stove to the hood, but also the working area of ​​the system. Under no circumstances should it be less area slabs If the oven width is 60 cm, then the hood can be 60 or more centimeters. In cases where the placement of the exhaust system needs to be higher than normal, the dimensions of the hood must be larger.

There are inclined air intakes. Most often, they do not absorb polluted air so effectively. This should be taken into account when installing an exhaust system. In such cases, it is permissible to neglect minimum height placement of the hood. The bottom edge can be fixed at a height of 55 cm.

After you have managed to select a suitable exhaust system, you should figure out how to install the hood in the kitchen correctly.

Equipment installation process

The requirements for ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove are clearly stated in regulatory documents. If you follow them, your home will always be fresh and safe.

Installation must consist of several stages.

  1. Drawing up a drawing of the proposed location of the hood and power supply.
  2. Installation.
  3. Checking filters.

To avoid mistakes, the installation of a hood over a gas stove should be carried out in accordance with a pre-drawn drawing. It is also necessary to draw up a diagram in cases where the installation of equipment is planned in an already used room. This will help to correctly take into account all communications and calculate the position of the hood.

It is important to mark the intended location of the hood with a pencil on the wall. We must not forget that the exhaust device requires a source of electricity. For these purposes, a separate outlet is provided that will supply this equipment. If there is no grounding, the point should be equipped with a separate RCD, which will ensure independent shutdown in case of current leakage. This is necessary for user safety.

It is important to pay close attention to the preparation of the food point. There should be no twisted electrical wires, simply insulated with electrical tape. Everything must be done in accordance with regulations.

Before starting the process, it is important to repeat the rules for installing the hood and check the equipment of the device. Everything should be prepared in advance necessary tools so as not to be distracted later.

First, the air duct is assembled. Holes are made in the wall for dowels for subsequent fastening of the hood clamps. Using a level, be sure to check whether the hood will be positioned horizontally.

The hood is hung on screws that are screwed in without an external box. In the case of a flow system exhaust pipe connect with ventilation duct. Without putting on the box, the device is turned on.

If the test run showed that the device is working properly and all modes switch well, turn off the device and put on the box. It turns out that it’s not at all difficult to figure out how to hang a hood. Before starting work, it is important to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and only then begin work.

Proper installation of a ventilation system in the kitchen will create a pleasant and healthy atmosphere. Everyone who works there will feel fresh and well.

When using gas stoves, it is necessary to clean the kitchen atmosphere from combustion products, and an exhaust device is simply vital. The height of the kitchen hood above the gas stove determines the degree of efficiency of the system and is the most important parameter in ensuring clean air.

Lack of air purification leads to discomfort and constant intoxication of the body. A hood installed at the wrong height above a gas stove can also make its presence useless, or complicate the cooking process. Optimizing the installation of equipment will create the necessary comfort for the kitchen owner.

In general, a kitchen hood is a structure that provides forced intake of contaminated air in order to clean it from various fumes, products of incomplete combustion of gas, smoke components, suspended impurities and odors that form above the stove during cooking. Exhaust systems contain a housing, an air intake, a set of filters and electrical ventilation elements.

According to the principle of operation, hoods are divided into two main types:

  1. The flow-through type of device is based on the forced removal of contaminated air into the ventilation system of the house, i.e. outside the kitchen. This system ensures almost complete removal of contaminants from the premises within a short time, but requires an influx of fresh air mass from outside.
  2. The circulation type of hood does not remove air from the room, but cleans it by passing the contaminated air through a filter system and then returning it to the kitchen. The main advantage of this type is the absence of additional highways; and the disadvantage is an increase in the time for complete air purification.

Classification of hoods

The design of the installation determines the location of the hood in the kitchen and the conditions for its installation. Based installation features, it is customary to distinguish the following types devices:

  • the suspension system usually has flat view and is fixed at the bottom of the shelf or wall cabinet directly above the stove;
  • the built-in type is a hood, the body of which is located inside a cabinet or dome above the stove;
  • the wall-mounted version of the hood is fixed to the wall surface above the gas stove;
  • the corner type is designed so that the hood can be hung in the corner of the room if the stove is moved to the end of the wall;
  • The island variety is needed in large kitchens, where it is necessary to hang the hood from the ceiling in the center of the room.

Based on the design and shape of the air intake, three main types can be distinguished: flat horizontal, vertical and dome-shaped installations. U flat designs the bottom surface is rectangular blinds; sometimes limited by a low side. They must be hung horizontally above the stove at a certain height. Available in widths of 50 and 70 cm. Vertical design provides for an inclined arrangement of a rectangular hood, close to the vertical direction. In the upper part, it is possible to make a guide visor.

The most common is the domed variety, designed like a tent over a stove. Such hoods are sold in widths of 50, 60, 70, 90 and 120 cm. The depth of the dome (the height from the bottom of the dome to the hood louvers) is usually 0.5 m. The total height of the tent does not exceed 103 cm.

By design features, in terms of the versatility of installations, the following types are distinguished: stationary, removable and retractable (folding) version. The last type of hood is typical for a flow-through system and provides a retractable air intake, which is introduced into the cooking area only when air purification is needed.

Hood location conditions

The main parameter for the installation location is the distance from the stove to the hood. Before hanging the device, you need to decide at what height to hang the hood. Typically, the recommended installation height for the hood is indicated in the equipment instructions, and these recommendations must be followed. If there are no instructions, optimal height above the gas stove is determined taking into account certain conditions.

The distance between the bottom of the hood and the stove is determined by the following basic conditions:

  • safety is minimally permissible distance between an open flame and plastic, to prevent spontaneous combustion (safe distance - at least 65-70 cm);
  • the lower limit of lowering the hood is determined by the convenience of the housewife when preparing food - she should have free access to the largest pots;
  • The upper level of height is determined by the ability of the exhaust to draw air from the lower, most polluted layers.

In general, the normal height at which a hood can be hung is considered to be within 70-90 cm. But to optimize the operation of the equipment, this value should be clarified. First of all, the cook should be comfortable, which means taking into account his height. If a person has high growth, then the size of the working area should be increased to the maximum, and for this you need a hood with the greatest power.

Influence of hood characteristics

The choice of distance between the hood and the gas stove is significantly influenced by the power (performance) of the equipment and the area of ​​the air intake, as well as the type of its location. Weak hoods with a capacity of 240-300 cubic meters. m/h will have to be hung no higher than 75 cm. Modern powerful installations capable of cleaning more than 600 cubic meters. m/h, which makes it possible to increase the height of the working area.

To others important parameter are the dimensions of the hood. The width of the hood should not be less than the width of the gas stove, otherwise it will not cover the entire surface of the source of air pollution. Why is such an installation needed? On average, the width of the slab is 60 cm; therefore, hoods measuring 60-70 cm cannot be raised high. To increase the distance, install a device measuring 90 cm.

The solution to the question of what the installation height of the equipment should be is influenced by how the air intake is located - horizontally or inclined. When placed at an angle, the lower edge of the hood should be lowered below the recommended distance - up to 55 cm.

When choosing a safe distance, you should take into account the fact that the material of the device body practically does not affect this value, since the risk of fire is determined by the deposition of fats, soot and other substances that can ignite from open fire or overheating of the material on the surface of the air intake. Minimum distance is established based on this condition.

Based on experience in operating hoods, The following height for the bottom surface of the device is recommended:

  • standard 4-burner gas stove – 75-85 cm;
  • gas stove with an inclined hood - bottom line: 55-65 cm;
  • electric stove – 65-75 cm.

Different manufacturers require compliance different conditions installation Metida60W hood from Shindo with a capacity of up to 420 cubic meters. m/h is mounted at a height of 75 cm (at the same time, it is not recommended to use the device above the burner without installed utensils). Bosch DWW09W650 hood with a capacity of up to 650 cubic meters. m/h has a telescopic air intake that can be lowered to a height of 65 cm from the burner. The domestic installation Saturn M60 has a capacity of 245 cubic meters. m/h, it is recommended to hang it at a height of 75 cm, as indicated in the instructions.

Hood installation (photo instructions)

How to install a hood with your own hands (video)


When installing the hood, it is necessary to monitor the coaxiality of the location of the equipment and the stove - displacement of the device relative to the source of pollution will make the choice of the location height incorrect, since the intake will not be able to cover the entire area of ​​pollution.

Hood height above gas stove important factor in ensuring the efficient functioning of equipment. Underestimating the parameter leads to a risk of fire and a decrease in the comfort of servicing the stove; overestimation leads to insufficient air purification.


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