How to set up a water supply system for a bathhouse with your own hands, diagrams of wells and boreholes. Water supply to a bathhouse and a house from one well How to supply water to a bathhouse from a house

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For bath procedures to bring real pleasure, it needs to be properly equipped. And first of all, make sure that the water supply system in the bathhouse is reliable and working all year round, including the coldest months.

However, not everyone needs this. For many people, the bathhouse is located in the summer summer cottage, and there is simply no point in investing in a complex system. So here we will look at everything possible schemes bath water supply from the simplest to the most functional.

Types of bath water supply

If the bathhouse is used quite rarely, and you enjoy hauling water into it in buckets, you are unlikely to be interested in how to make a water supply for a bathhouse. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this method is not only labor-intensive, but also very impractical and uneconomical.

In summer, the water remaining in the container stagnates and loses its freshness. And in winter it must be completely drained after each procedure, otherwise the frozen liquid will rupture the tank and.

Even if water costs nothing (river, rain, etc.), its drained excess creates problems: high humidity, mold, overflow drain hole. And an automated water supply system will allow you not to think about such phenomena and not waste time and effort preparing the bath for the bath day.

Summer water supply

If you visit the bathhouse only during summer visits to the dacha, you can connect the seasonal water supply to the bathhouse. To do this, you need to lower a submersible pump into the water source and lay a pipeline from it to the bathhouse. You can use a regular garden hose.

Advice. When laying “over the air”, without digging into the ground, it is more practical to use thick-walled polyethylene pipes. They will last more than one season and will not create problems when preserving the pipeline for the winter.

In the photo - HDPE pipes

By turning on the pump, you will quickly fill all the containers in the bath and can add more if there is not enough water.

You can pump water into a storage tank located in the attic or on a hill on the site. From there it will be fed into the bathhouse by gravity. In this case, it is convenient to install the faucet directly in the washing room.

Making such a water supply in a bathhouse with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, but it doesn’t provide much comfort either. In addition, the system needs to be preserved for the winter: drain the water from it so that when it freezes, it does not rupture the pipes and shut-off valves.

However, in some cases it is the only possible one. For example, if a house is still being built on the site and it is planned to common system water supply from a centralized source.

Or the now popular bathhouse on wheels - the water supply scheme for a mobile bathhouse involves connecting a flexible hose to different sources.

All-season water supply

Unfortunately, the summer water supply in the bathhouse will not work in winter due to the banal freezing of water in the pipes. Insulating them is not an option, since even the highest quality thermal insulation materials are not able to protect against severe frosts.

To prevent ice plugs from forming in pipes and equipment, you need to:

  • Either lay them below the freezing level of the ground and constantly heat the bathhouse;
  • Either provide a constant flow of water in the system, which is very irrational;
  • Or completely drain the water from it after each visit to the steam room;
  • Or maintain a positive temperature of the water inside the pipes using a heating electric cable.

Each method has its drawbacks. For example, if there are frequent power outages, using a heating cable will be useless. And constantly heating a room that is visited only occasionally will be too expensive.

Therefore, in practice the following schemes are used:

  • The simplest one resembles summer water supply for baths, with the difference that the pipeline is laid with a good slope towards a well or borehole. There should be no shut-off devices on it, and the pump should not have a shut-off valve. By turning it on, you can fill all the containers in the bath. After turning off the equipment, the remaining water in the pipe, thanks to the slope, flows by gravity through the pump back into the well.

It is important. To prevent the water in the source from freezing, it must be insulated - make a caisson for a well or a house for a well with a well-insulated lid.

  • A more complex scheme involves greater material and labor costs for its installation. Such water supply systems for baths consist of a pump and a pipeline laid in a trench below the freezing level of the soil up to the washing room.
  • To do this, make a hole in the wall of the well, insert the end of the pipe into it, connect it to the pump, and seal the hole. A trench is dug up to the bathhouse and under its foundation. It is better to make the vertical part of the pipeline from the pit in the bathhouse to the water tank from a flexible hose, and the pit itself is well insulated and equipped with a lid.

  • There is another similar scheme in which water pumping equipment is installed not in a well, but in an insulated base of a bathhouse.

These are the most common methods by which water supply is arranged in an unheated bathhouse. If it is heated all year round, it can be equipped with much greater comfort by installing a pumping station and a hot water boiler, completing internal wiring throughout all premises.

This will make it possible to make a bathroom in the bathhouse, install a shower and even equip a kitchen. The only weak point of such a system in winter is the area where it enters the building above the freezing level. It must be insulated or a heating cable must be laid in the pipe.

Hot water supply

Another important question: the bathhouse and in it. If in winter it is not heated, and it is possible to install electric or gas water heater no, you will need a hot water tank. It is filled from a cold water supply system, but heating depends on the type of tank.

Image Description Advantages

Built into the stove from above or on the side, the tank’s bottom or wall is in contact with it, and the water is heated by fire from the firebox. It can be scooped from above or removed through a tap welded into the wall. Very high heating efficiency. But you need to monitor the water level in the tank. To prevent the boiling liquid from creating raw steam, it must be more than half full.

Hot water supply in the bathhouse is provided from a tank installed on chimney. Hot smoke passing through it heats the water. High efficiency and increased service life of the chimney, since it does not heat up so much during the combustion process, giving off heat to the water.

In a remote tank, water is heated from the heat exchanger of the sauna stove - water supply in this way is convenient when large quantities users. The container can be installed anywhere without being rigidly tied to the oven. For example, the stove can be in the dressing room, and the tank in the washing compartment.

Advice. The optimal volume of the tank is calculated in accordance with the number of people washing in the bathhouse: each person should have at least 15 liters of hot water.

When choosing a material for making a container, consider the following options:

  • Black metal. The most budget and affordable option, you can weld the tank yourself. But the material is susceptible to corrosion, which affects the quality of water.

  • Stainless steel. The most preferable option is lightweight, wear-resistant, non-rusting, and aesthetically attractive. But it costs more.

  • Cast iron. It is also not subject to corrosion and retains heat well. But at present it is practically not used due to its lack of availability on sale.

In order for the system to serve for a long time and be reliable, you need to plan the construction of the bathhouse and water supply carefully, taking into account all the nuances.

Selection of materials

It is very important to choose the right pipes for supplying and distributing water. They must be durable, easy to install and withstand significant temperature changes.

  • Steel pipes, for which there were practically no alternatives in earlier times, are practically not used today due to their instability to corrosion. They wear out quickly, and their replacement is associated with large expenses and a large amount of work.

  • Polyethylene pipes are resistant to low temperatures. They are flexible and durable, easily connected using special fittings. They are convenient to use for laying summer water supply. PE and HDPE pipes do not require preservation; it is enough to simply drain the water from them for the winter.

  • Polypropylene pipes are indispensable for the installation of external underground water supply and internal wiring. They are securely connected by soldering.

  • Copper pipes- the most expensive. They have excellent performance characteristics. Their main area of ​​application is a hot water supply system in a bathhouse with a remote hot water tank.

Installation features

The pipeline must be protected from external influences and soil pressure. To prevent underground pipes from receiving mechanical damage, the instructions recommend laying them on a sand bed or placing them in a corrugated hose of a suitable cross-section.

This will prevent them from being deformed and compressed by the layer of soil located above, and will protect against its seasonal movements.

In order to have access to a sauna throughout the year, the water supply in winter needs to be protected from freezing. And first of all, this applies to complex pumping equipment.

  • If the pump is submersible, it is in the water. She can freeze only in very coldy provided that you are standing close to ground level. In this case, insulation is necessary external walls well and equipment with its cover.

  • The presence of a pumping station will require the installation of a caisson or an insulated pit in the bathhouse.

  • Any system must provide drain taps to be able to completely drain water from equipment and pipes during extreme cold weather.


We recommend that you watch several videos in this article that describe in detail different ways supplying water to the bathhouse. After which you can choose your best option, how to make water supply in a bathhouse, based on your capabilities and finances.

There are several ways to organize water supply for a bathhouse from a well. They have different levels of complexity, cost and provide different degrees of comfort. But they all have one thing in common: since usually baths are not used constantly, but periodically, the entire water supply system must be protected from freezing in the winter. There are only two solutions: either ensure a constant positive temperature (heat the bathhouse constantly) or make sure that there is nothing to freeze in the pipes and other devices, i.e. ensure that water is drained from the system and devices.

The organization of water supply for bathhouses and cottages can be done in different ways. There are absolutely simple options, requiring a minimum of funds and time for organization, there are more complex ones, but providing a greater level of comfort.

The easiest and most economical way

The simplest option is to lower a submersible pump into the well (without a check valve), run the pipes through the air, but so that they are not horizontal, but have a slope either towards the well or towards the bathhouse. Important: there should be no taps or other shut-off devices along the entire length of this pipeline.

When turned on, the pump pumps water. While the water rises through the pipes and reaches the building, some time passes (depending on the depth of the water mirror and the distance to it, the power of the pump). When the container (bucket or tank) is almost full, the pump is turned off. The water remaining in the pipes partially flows into the container, and partially back into the well.

This system provides minimal convenience, but it is very simple and functions without failures even in winter. Everything you need for its performance in the winter is something that you can do yourself, spending a little time, money and effort.

With console pump

There is a more complex scheme, but also not particularly expensive, but providing a higher level of comfort. It uses a cantilever pump.

In the diagram, it is installed in a bathhouse (or in a house in the country), and wiring already goes from it. This scheme of water supply from a well will be good provided that the water level in the well is not lower than 5 meters and the water flows well enough. At greater depths, you will have to be tricky - fill the suction pipeline with water to the level of the console pump, which will create Better conditions for its operation, water can also flow from a depth of up to 7 meters.

To ensure the operation of such a water supply system in winter, it is necessary to insulate the canopy for the well. The pipe exit from the well (sealed) must be made below the level to which the soil freezes in winter in your region. At the same level, lead the pipeline to the entrance to the room and there raise it to the pump.

To prevent pipes from freezing in the event of abnormal cold weather and soil freezing below the average, it is better to wrap them with thermal insulation materials or lay them deeper than the freezing point. Both options have their drawbacks: you either need to dig deeper than 1.5 meters (usual freezing depth for middle zone), which you don’t really want, or spend money on thermal insulation and waterproofing materials.

One of the options for maintaining the temperature of the pipeline in winter is to use a heating electric cable, but in this case you must have a guaranteed power source, which for rural areas, alas, is not always realistic. Costs are costs, but replacing the entire pipeline after winter is much worse. So it is advisable to take one of the measures.

With storage tank in the attic

One of the varieties of such a scheme involves installing a storage tank for water in the attic, in the attic, etc. This option is good because after pumping water into the tank, you can turn off the pump, and the water will flow into the comb by gravity. But in order to unheated room the water has not frozen in the pipes or in the tank, you need to make a pipe to drain the water. It is advisable to take it back into the well, or into the sewer system - as you decide for yourself. In this option, you will need to think through everything carefully so that the amount of water in the valve pipes is minimal.

With water-air tank, hydraulic accumulator and control system

For those who do not want to endure absolutely no restrictions on comfortable conditions, there are more complex schemes using modern equipment. This . They maintain constant pressure in the system, they can lift water from any depth, the main thing is to choose the right pump. Moreover, these systems can pump water from centralized water supply, which is necessary if the system is worn out and the pressure in the network is low.

Scheme of water supply from a well with a hydraulic accumulator

What pipes to use for water supply from a well

When organizing water supply for a cottage or bathhouse, it is important to choose the right pipes. They should be:

  • Safe, especially if you use the water for drinking.
  • Durable, since most of the pipeline is laid below the soil freezing level, replacement entails a large amount of work.
  • They tolerated temperature changes well.
  • Easy to install and repair.

Previously, only metal pipes were used. There were no other options. But, firstly, they quickly rust, and secondly, installation and replacement are possible only with welding machine. Today there are other options.

Polypropylene pipes for water supply

In order for the water supply to serve for a long time and properly, the best option for a summer house and bathhouse is polypropylene pipes. They feel great when low temperatures, when connecting them, no rubber or other gaskets are used, which over time lose their elasticity and require replacement. They do not emit any harmful substances, do not rot or oxidize, are not damaged by fungi and microorganisms, and manufacturers claim a service life of about 50 years.

But. Polypropylene pipes require special equipment for welding. A special soldering iron is used to heat the pipe. When heated, it is quickly connected to an angle, tee, tap, etc. Important: when welding, do not do any rotational movements. This is especially true for reinforced pipes. After connecting, give it a couple of minutes to cool and you can continue assembling the water supply further. The device is not very expensive, and you don’t have to buy it. You can rent a soldering iron for polypropylene from almost any company that sells polypropylene pipes.

Another good thing about polypropylene pipes is that they are available for both cold and hot water. That is, the internal wiring of the water comb in the room can also be made from the same material. Another plus: even and smooth outside surface, which is easy to care for and does not require painting.


To submit cold water(cannot be used for hot) HDPE pipes are often used - polyethylene low pressure. They have practically the same characteristics as polypropylene (they are not afraid of frost, do not rot and are not susceptible to fungi, but at the same time they are environmentally friendly), but they have one big advantage: they can not only be welded, but also use detachable fittings. This is much more convenient, does not require special equipment, and repair/replacement becomes easier. Watch the video to see how to connect HDPE pipes.

But, on the other hand, detachable fittings mean there is a high probability of leaks. Therefore, they try to plan the pipeline so that all collapsible fittings are in accessible places and not underground.

Insulation and pressure compensation

When laying pipes (polyethylene or polypropylene - it doesn’t matter), it is advisable to take measures to compensate for soil pressure. If your soils are heaving, this is a must. You need to lay the pipe (preferably with insulation, but possible without) in a corrugated hose of larger diameter. It will, firstly, serve as thermal insulation, and secondly, protect against excess pressure.

There is also Energoflex tubular insulation, using which you can solve the issue of thermal insulation in one fell swoop and protect pipes from excessive loads.

Insulation for water supply pipes "Energoflex"

Recommendation based on personal experience: buy pipes and all corner tees and taps in one place, preferably located near the house/bath. Why? Because even professionals rarely manage to perfectly calculate the entire circuit at once, so during the installation process you will have to buy, change, return something more than once, and sometimes more than twice. Therefore, immediately upon purchase, find out how and what you can/will need to do to exchange and return parts of the plumbing system.

Well insulation

Preventing the water mirror from freezing is not very difficult - the water in the depths always has positive temperatures and all that is required is to prevent the cold from coming from outside. Thermal insulation of a well includes two components - insulation of the shaft and the installation of a protective house on the surface.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a concrete well

To insulate a well from the outside, you need to choose a material that does not absorb water. Typically polystyrene or foam is used. These materials are inexpensive, durable and chemically neutral. Although there is one “but” - they are afraid of ultraviolet radiation - they are destroyed under its influence. This problem is easily solved: a well house is built around the insulation, or the outside of the material is lined with finishing material.

A simpler and faster option is to apply two layers of paint to polystyrene or foam. In this case, you cannot use acetone paints: they corrode these materials. If the well is round in shape, you can use polystyrene foam “shells” - products of a semicircular shape. All that remains is to select the appropriate diameter, connect the parts of the shell, and seal the joint with reinforced tape. If there is no such “shell” of a suitable size, you can cut polystyrene/foam sheets into strips and attach them to well rings.

Thermal insulation of the walls of the well with polystyrene foam: at the top there is a finished “shell”, at the bottom there is slab material cut into pieces

Thermal insulating material should be laid slightly below the soil freezing level in your region. To do this, dig a well to a given depth, install protection, and secure it with tape or any other fastener you can think of. To protect against water, you can wrap the entire structure over the insulation a couple of times plastic film(You can also secure it with tape). Next you need to either build wooden house for a well, or lay Decoration Materials- your choice.

There is another option for insulating a well - foamed polyurethane foam. This mixture is applied at positive temperatures (from +20 o C to +30 o C) using a special device. This mixture is inexpensive, as are the services for its application, but has the advantage that the material fills all cracks and defects concrete rings, extending their service life. The disadvantage of such material is that it is unpresentable appearance treated surface, but this is eliminated exterior decoration or building a house for a well.

Cover/house for well

Regardless of the complexity of the water supply system that you will install in your bathhouse, the well must be equipped with a warm house, or at least an insulated lid. This is necessary to, firstly, prevent dust/dirt/leaves, etc. from getting into the well, and secondly, to prevent the water from freezing in severe frosts. Wooden wells they do not need insulation - wood itself serves as an excellent heat insulator, but wells made of concrete rings need to be insulated.

To maintain a positive temperature in the well, some craftsmen lower a boiler equipped with a thermal relay into the water, which is set to operate at +1°C. At this temperature, the boiler turns on, heats the upper layers of water and turns off. But such a scheme is realistic when guaranteed power supply. Power outages for 5-8 hours in cold weather, and that’s it, the water will freeze.

It is more troublesome, but also more reliable - during construction, insulate the rings of the well from the outside, to the depth of freezing of the soil or slightly below (just in case) and build a well-insulated house for the well on top.

There are two types of houses:

Cover for a well made of wood

It is also made from wood - the board is taken quite thick (about 50 mm). It’s even easier to build a lid for a well with your own hands than a house. The outer part can be square or round. Choose the sizes to suit your taste, but they must exceed the diameter of the well.

The cover usually consists of two layers of boards laid perpendicularly (at 90°). The inner part must exactly match the shape and size of the well ring and fit tightly into it, blocking access to cold air.

Often, in order not to raise and lower it every time you need a bucket of water, a door is made in the lid on hinges (the door should tilt completely - this is more convenient).

A canopy, a well cover and external insulation with finishing are good protection from frost

In addition to the lid, you can make a canopy for the well. This way the structure becomes even more attractive, and the roof, even if small, protects both the well and the person who collects water from precipitation or sun rays during the heat.


Building a well near the bathhouse is still half the battle. It is also necessary to properly supply the water from it to the bathhouse and insulate the well to prevent the formation of an ice plug in the winter.

Today people no longer use rocker arms and buckets to fetch water for a bath. Modern buildings have automated systems delivery, allowing you to consume it all year round required amount in hot and cold form. We will tell you how to organize such a system in our article.


A competent water supply is a clean flow of water under a comfortable and constant pressure designed to heat it. The availability of water is a pressing issue; without it, neither hygienic nor health procedures in the steam room are unthinkable. It is not difficult to make a water supply in the bathhouse with your own hands. It is much more difficult to organize a water source for it when one does not exist near the building.

Types of bath water supply

There are two main seasonal types of water supply to bath buildings, let's look at them.

The first, simplest type is the summer supply of water to the bathhouse. This system is designed to operate only during the warm season. Water is delivered, in addition to the bathhouse, to other buildings located on the site. The system is built sequentially, when its branches are connected to the supply water pipe as necessary to distribute water to all its consumers. When cold weather sets in, water is removed from the summer system by gravity to its lowest point through the drain valve.

The second type is a winter water supply option. Its difference from summer water supply lies in the possibility of general and selective water supply to a particular building. In addition, the pipeline is supplied heating cable, installed in its cavity, and a valve for supplying or turning off water in the selected room. The cable prevents water from freezing in cold areas of the water main. To take a steam bath, just open the water supply by turning the shut-off valve. At the end of the procedures, the pipeline is closed in the same way, and the water from the system is removed by gravity into the sewer network.

To supply water to a bathhouse in winter, there is also an electronic option for controlling the distribution of water flows through the pipeline system. Water supply to buildings is carried out remotely using a distribution block, which is installed near the water source and controlled by pressing the necessary keys from the buildings connected to the system.

Sources of bath water supply

Depending on the source of water, the water supply for a bathhouse can have the following options: from a well, from a borehole, from rainwater storage tanks, from the central water supply system of the house.

Water supply for a bathhouse from a well

Quite often, this option for providing a bathhouse with water seems to be the only possible one, but some of its disadvantages should be taken into account:
  • Sudden changes in water levels depending on the weather or season, so during dry periods the well's resources may be insufficient.
  • Well water usually contains suspended particles, since its natural filtration during rains or floods may not cope with its task.
  • In winter, the well head requires insulation, otherwise there is a high probability of water freezing in it.
To supply water to baths from a well, the required pressure is required, the creation of which is provided by submersible pumps. They all differ from each other in price, power, operating noise and the volume of water pumped per hour. Jeelex brand pumps are considered a budget option. More expensive, but with less noise - Grundfos JP or Espa Technoplus. Some models do not have dry-running protection; in this case, the pipe outlet is equipped with a sensor.

Advice! To reduce noise when the pump operates, you can equip it with a receiver for 50 liters of water, this will help equalize and maintain the pressure in the system, which is of no small importance for heating water in the bathhouse.

Water supply for a bathhouse from a well

When choosing a water supply for a bathhouse from a well, it is necessary to place a pump in the source, which will pump water into a storage tank as it is consumed.

There are two types of water wells:

  1. Sand wells. Their service life is from 5 to 15 years, it depends on the volume of the aquifer and the rate of water consumption. The average depth of wells is 10-25 m. One well produces about 1 m 3 of water per hour. With temporary seasonal use, it gradually silts up.
  2. Artesian wells. Their water is of high quality, requires almost no filtration and is extracted from a depth of more than 30 m. The installation of an artesian well is very labor-intensive and costly, but for 50 years you won’t have to worry about water supply problems.

Important! Drilling and developing artesian wells is more expensive than sand wells. They require permission from environmental authorities.

Bath water supply with rainwater

The main vulnerability of this option is dependence on natural vagaries. The basis of a rainwater water supply system consists of two elements:
  • Storage tank made of environmentally friendly material;
  • Distribution - ordinary water pipes designed to deliver water to the bathhouse.
Additional costs will be required to purchase a centrifugal or submersible pump. Centrifugal pumps are preferred due to their outdoor installation, since the water usually silts up at the bottom of the tank. Forward pumps with a power of 500 W do a good job and throughput up to 2.5 m 3 per hour.

Bath water supply from the central water supply system of the house

This is the simplest version of a bath water supply system, which does not require searching for and arranging water sources. When locating a bathhouse in an area with an existing water supply, you need to obtain permission from the owner, make a connection to the house, bring pipes to your building, make their internal wiring and connect plumbing fixtures.

Materials for bath water supply

To transport water to the bathhouse from any source, pipes are required, which are made of various materials:
  1. Polypropylene pipes. They are indispensable when installing the external water supply of a bathhouse. Such products are elastic, which allows them to bend during installation. The pipes are securely connected to each other using special soldering.
  2. Metal-plastic pipes. They are most often used for internal water supply in bathhouses.
  3. Steel pipes. They are now rarely used for baths due to their rapid corrosion.
  4. Copper pipes. They have excellent performance characteristics, but do not withstand competition in the market due to their high price.

Installation of a bath water supply system

After preparing the water supply source for the bath, pipes are laid out and the corresponding equipment is connected to them indoors. Installation of a pipeline to a bathhouse used only in summer period, can be performed in simplified ways.

The water pipeline can be made on top of the ground and dismantled with the onset of cold weather, as well as laid underground at a shallow depth to avoid it mechanical damage walking or garden carts. For winter water supply, pipes are laid below the soil freezing level and insulated.

External work must be performed in this order:

  • A trench of the required depth is dug from the water source to the bathhouse.
  • At the bottom there is a sand cushion on which the pipes need to be laid.
  • The products are connected to each other using special fittings.
  • The pump is installed and connected.
Interior work takes place in the bathhouse:
  1. A water heater is being installed.
  2. Settling in pumping station in a specially designated convenient place.
  3. Water purification filters are installed.
  4. The installation and distribution of pipes in the bathhouse is carried out according to the principle: first, vertical risers are installed, and then their horizontal branches.
  5. Plumbing fixtures are connected to the pipe outlets.

Upon completion of installation, the water supply system is launched, tested and identified deficiencies are eliminated.

Hot water supply for baths

Any bathhouse, even when used in summer time years, requires hot water. Before making hot water supply in the bathhouse, you need to choose one of its methods:
  • Hot water is supplied to the bathhouse from the house through the water supply in any quantity and at any time. If the house has a well-organized hot water supply all year round, it would be rational to connect the bathhouse to the general system.
  • Autonomous method. It requires the installation of a water heater. Its type, type and brand must be selected taking into account the optimal energy sources for use. Storage heaters from Gorenje and Electrolux are practical and convenient. They only require one reliable outlet. Such heaters compete with flow-through similar devices, but for full-fledged work, especially in winter period, flow-through heaters must have appropriate power and use a three-phase connection.
  • Hot water supply can be provided using electric or gas boilers, which can be flow-through or storage.
  • Hot water can be obtained by heating it in a tank from a stove.
Watch a video about the bath water supply:

That's all science! If you wish and have time, you can supply the water to the bathhouse yourself. Surely pure water any temperature will please your household.

As you know, “Water is life.” A bathhouse without access to water loses its main purpose. Water is necessary for washing and brewing brooms, putting it on the heater to get healing steam, and even for the tea ceremony after taking bath procedures. It is better if the water is supplied directly to the bathhouse, then there will be no need to carry it in front of the firebox, and you can use it without restrictions. We’ll talk about how to supply water to a bathhouse with your own hands, methods of communication and types of sources in any area in this article.

Water in the bath is an integral part of any procedure, from the steam room to the shower.

Water to the bathhouse should be carried out not only in the area where the centralized plumbing system. Types of water source can be divided into:

  1. Centralized water supply.
  2. Kolodeznoye.
  3. Using a well.

Centralized water supply for baths

Areas with centralized water supply are the easiest option for connecting communications. The bathhouse is planned on the site so that the water supply is as close and simple as possible. In this case, you can install a double-circuit boiler in the bathhouse and provide hot and cold water supply.

Do-it-yourself wiring next steps:

  1. The water utility that owns this water supply must draw up technical conditions for connection.
  2. Select the well closest to the bathhouse and connect it to the general system yourself or with the help of water utility specialists.
  3. Distribute water inside the bath with full installation all devices.
  4. Conduct water from the central well to the bathhouse. The depth of laying the pipe should be equal to the freezing of the soil in winter +0.5 m.

It would be correct to enter under the foundation. If this is not possible, then the entry point water pipe needs to be insulated. A water meter is installed in the system, and system shut-off valves are installed before and after it. In the well, after the main shut-off valve of the bath system, a special drain is installed. The same one is installed after the water meter. These taps are necessary to drain water from the system during repair work.

But a bathhouse is not always built on a site with access to water. For example, garden and country buildings. In this case, you must choose one of the following water supply methods.

Well water supply for the bathhouse

A well for a bathhouse can be lined with old machine tires; this is the most inexpensive way.

Well water supply for bathhouses is one of the most inexpensive ways bring water to the bathhouse at your summer cottage.

A well is being dug in the area as close as possible to the bathhouse. Its depth should be at least 5 m. You can line the well with old car tires. Groundwater will flow into the well by gravity and accumulate in it. And thanks to natural filtration, the water in the well will be clean. The only negative is that in the summer, when the level groundwater decreases by 3-4 m, the well may dry up. In addition, the well must be periodically cleaned, otherwise it will be susceptible to silting.

Water is supplied to the bathhouse from the well using drain pump. The sediment has a special design and prevents debris (branches, stones) from entering the water. If there is no electricity in the area, you can use gasoline generator. The water will be pumped into a boiler or tank for hot and cold water. In extreme cases, water from the well can be drawn manually.

A cantilever pump is also suitable, but its design is not designed to transport water from a depth below 2 m. And more powerful models are expensive. The pump is installed next to the well, one hose is lowered below the water surface level, the second is carried into the bathhouse to the barrel. Pumping must be constantly monitored, since the water level in the well will quickly drop and the hose must be adjusted.

The disadvantage of well water supply is that in winter the water in the system can freeze. In order to use well water accumulation in the bathhouse, it is necessary to install an insulated structure.

The system is installed as follows:

  1. A hole is made in the wall of the well below the soil freezing level. Where will the hose be inserted? It is carefully sealed special compounds.
  2. A trench is dug from it to the bathhouse, below the foundation level.
  3. A hose is installed in the system and passed through a hole in the wall of the well. A pump is attached to its end.
  4. The second end of the hose is insulated and buried under the foundation with access to a tank for cold or hot water.
  5. The upper part of the well must be insulated using mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

The entire pipe system and the suction part are installed below the soil freezing level. For well water supply summer bath complex system installation is not necessary.

Water supply from a well

Schematic description of water supply to the bathhouse from a well.

A well is a complex structure for supplying water compared to wells. The well is simply dripped to a given depth and rings, car tires or a well frame are installed. The well must be drilled using a special installation. The water from the well is always cool and has good taste and mineral qualities, clean and served at any time of the year. For a Russian bath, such water is the best option.

Well maintenance is also more complicated than a well. So, to clean a well, it is enough to pump out the water and go down to remove the silt and clean the dirt. When filling the filter in the well, you will need to install a new structure. The system is installed in the following steps:

  1. A hole is dug to a depth below freezing of the soil, the inner part is expanded, leaving a caisson on top. This recess is necessary for easy installation of the tap system.
  2. A well is drilled to a depth of 7 m.
  3. A pipe, coupling, cable and a special pump are inserted into the well.
  4. The pipe should protrude slightly from above, where the head is mounted. The head consists of a distribution of taps. Here you can install a separate watering and water accumulation system for the bathhouse.
  5. In the technical insulated room of the bathhouse, usually the basement, a station for controlling the system, a water pressure sensor, and a hydraulic accumulator are installed.

The whole system as a whole resembles wiring from a well in winter. They are laid in the same way under the foundation below the soil freezing level. The place where the water pumping equipment is installed in the base of the bathhouse is insulated.

Distribution of water supply inside the structure

How to supply water to the bathhouse from the central pipe of the water utility with your own hands.

The water supply system inside the bathhouse must be assembled according to the simplest scheme. The simpler it is, the better. Pipes can be attached directly to the walls using special plastic fasteners. The most important thing is to properly organize the fill and drain system, as well as insulate the pipes in case of freezing. Water can be heated in a tank above the stove or through a simple boiler system. You can install a boiler in a heated bath.

It is not difficult to make water distribution in a bathhouse with your own hands; for this you need: flexible pipes, hacksaws, wrench. The system is connected into a single system starting from the pumping station.

Maintenance of the system is simple: once a year the heating tank is washed and cleaned pumping system. The tank is simply drained and the inside is cleaned from rust with an iron brush. Wash off with running water. It is not recommended to use various chemical compositions, there is a high probability that the product will not be washed off completely and subsequently it will end up in the water.

If the bathhouse is not insulated, then in winter the water pipes must be hidden in a special insulation. For an insulated and heated bathhouse, such measures are not necessary.

The difference between installation for a permanent bath and a summer bath

In summer, water for the bath can be drawn from a well, which is located next to the building.

For summer water supply to a bathhouse, the well method is sufficient. In this case, there is no need to bury the system below freezing of the soil, a maximum of 0.7 m. This is enough to withstand an accidental collision with a walk-behind tractor, a garden wheelbarrow, or even a mini tractor.

During installation, the angle of inclination is made towards the well, so in the event of a breakthrough or shutdown, the remaining water will flow by gravity into the well and the foundation of the bathhouse will remain dry.

In winter, the bathhouse will freeze, so the water system is buried to a depth below freezing of the soil, approximately 150–220 cm, depending on the region.

If the bathhouse is not heated, it is necessary to consider a system for draining excess water from the system after use. If this is not done, the water will freeze inside the pipes and taps and may rupture the system.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that it is not difficult to supply the bathhouse with water and install the system with your own hands. The main thing is a little patience and choose the right method that is suitable specifically for your bath.

The presence of water in the bathhouse is mandatory: while in the steam room, people sweat a lot, so after such a healthy relaxation you definitely need to wash. Of course, you can draw water every time, but it is much more convenient to make water supply in the bathhouse. With it, bathing procedures will become more pleasant and simple, and the absence of the need to draw water will save you from unnecessary hassle.

The presence of equipped water supply in the bathhouse certainly increases the level of relaxation comfort, makes it more enjoyable and greatly facilitates the process of preparing the steam room.

The water supply allows you to save space, because in its absence you will have to allocate space for a container for storing water. Another advantage is that the water from the tap is of better quality than that which settles in a container, since during storage various microorganisms that are harmful to humans can develop in the liquid. Clean water flows through the water supply system, passing through special filters.

Bath water supply: types

Total allocated following types water supply depending on the period of its use: summer and all-season. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Summer water supply for the bathhouse

As the name suggests, this option is relevant only when you plan to go to the bathhouse exclusively in the warm season.

Advantages of summer type of water supply:

  • simplicity. To make a summer water supply, you do not need to hide the pipes in the ground, it is enough to run them along the surface of the site, this eliminates the need to make a trench;
  • efficiency. Simple budget hoses are suitable for water supply, and it is not difficult to make a water supply system with your own hands, which eliminates the need to overpay hired workers.

Disadvantages of summer water supply:

  • low strength. If severe frosts suddenly appear in winter, the hoses may burst, which will lead to unnecessary financial expenses for the purchase of new ones;
  • the need to clean and lay out hoses every season. In the fall you will have to collect all the hoses, and in the spring lay them out again - and so on every year;
  • the need to allocate space for storing hoses;
  • inability to enjoy bathing procedures in winter. Many people like to jump into snowdrifts and wipe themselves with snow after a good steam bath. Such entertainment perfectly strengthens the body and gives the feeling that a person has been “born again.” But if you have a summer water supply, you will have to lose this pleasure.

Often, summer water supply is a temporary measure. For example, when work is still underway on the site construction works, so it is not possible to dig trenches and connect pipes to common engineering networks, such a water supply will be an excellent temporary solution.

Winter water supply for baths

Winter water supply is characterized by the fact that it provides an uninterrupted supply of water at any time of the year. Another advantage is that there is no need to roll up and remove the hoses.

But this type is more complex, because it is necessary to install plumbing not only in summer, but also to provide water supply to the bathhouse in winter, when, as we know, weather conditions are more severe, for this reason more expensive materials are used for installation. Conducting winter water supply is more difficult, since it requires earthworks.

If we talk about which option is better, then, of course, winter water supply. You may spend more time and money on installing it, but then there will always be water in the bathhouse all year round, and you will save yourself from the need to remove and lay out hoses every year, in spring and autumn.

Options for water sources for a bath water supply system

Based on this feature, the following types of water supply are distinguished:

  • centralized water supply;
  • well;
  • well.

Eat additional option- take water from open reservoirs, if there are any nearby. But this method is considered the worst and is not used often, because the water quality may be poor, which is why there is a high risk of pump clogging.

Centralized water supply

This option is the simplest and most convenient, because it only requires connecting the system to central water supply and make wiring in the bathhouse premises.

To do this, you must obtain the appropriate permission. This option is the most in a fast way make water supply in the bathhouse.

But it is often carried out in places where there is no centralized water supply, so this method is not as common as others.


Wells can be of two types: shallow and deep. Of course, the second option is better.

A deep (artesian) well can provide water not only for the bathhouse, but also for other buildings on the site; there is enough water to water the garden. In addition, its quality is beyond praise: it is crystal clear, drinkable and does not require serious cleaning; ordinary filters are sufficient. There is no need to clean the system through which water is supplied, because... casing passes through the entire sand layer, so grains of sand do not fall into it.

The service life of such a well is about 50 years. Its depth can be from 30 to 300 m, depending on the characteristics of a particular area.

Despite all the above advantages, artesian well has a serious drawback - it will be expensive to make.

Another option is filter wells. Their depth reaches 30 m, wells are drilled to the sand layer. To organize water supply, you need to make a special filter column. The choice of a specific filter is influenced by the looseness of the sand layer; the greater it is, the more powerful the filter is needed to protect the pipes and pump from clogging.

The advantage of a sand well is its low cost. The disadvantages include the fact that there is a high risk of clogging the pump with sand or silt; if the well is not used for a long time, the filter will have to be cleaned regularly. The service life of such a well is much shorter - about 5-7 years, after which you will need to look for a new location and carry out all the work again.


Installing a well is the most easy way carrying water into the bathhouse. The well can also be used to provide water to a house, as well as a garden plot.

To organize this water supply option, you need to dig a well not far from the bathhouse; its depth will depend on the depth of the aquifer. During flood periods, the water level in the well will increase, and in summer it will decrease.

The disadvantage of a well is that the water in it will be dirty, so you need to buy not only a pump, but also a filter to purify the water.

The installation of the well is carried out quite quickly. It is made from concrete rings connected using the tongue-and-groove principle. To strengthen the structure, you can use special metal brackets. A bottom filter is made at the bottom of the well; crushed stone, stones and geotextiles are used for it.

The space around the well must be filled not with earth, but with sand, since it will provide a little flexibility, and if the soil heaves, the walls will move, but will not collapse. The top of the well must be covered with a lid, otherwise leaves and various debris will fall into it.

If the aquifer is located at a depth of less than 12 m, then you can get by with a simpler well - an Abyssinian one. It is a narrowed pipe driven into the ground to the aquifer. Just above the pointed part, holes are made that act as filters. The water level in the well should be 0.7-1 m.

If depth Abyssinian well less than 7 m, then you can use a regular hand pump, if more, then you will need a submersible pump.

Which pipes to choose for organizing water supply in a bathhouse?

In stores you can see pipes made from different materials, they differ in their characteristics, areas of use and, of course, price. Let's figure out how to choose pipes and what you need to pay attention to.

The choice of pipes is primarily influenced by when you are going to take a steam bath. If you visit it exclusively in the summer, you can limit yourself to simple flexible hoses, and to increase their reliability, reinforcement can be made. Their advantages are affordable price, simple installation, no need to hide hoses in the ground. In the summer they need to be laid out and connected using special adapters, and in the winter the structure must be disassembled, the hoses rolled up and hidden in the attic or in the dressing room.

If you are going to go to the bathhouse in the winter at the dacha, then you need a more serious design. In this case, you will need a pump and more reliable pipes: steel, copper, metal-plastic, polymer or polypropylene.

Steel pipes are considered the least attractive option. This material is susceptible to corrosion and is also difficult to use. To lay such pipes you need to use many tools that not everyone has.

Copper pipes differ more high quality but they have high price, which is why they are also used quite rarely.

Metal-plastic pipes are a good option. They consist of three layers: aluminum coated on both sides with polyethylene. Such pipes are suitable for internal pipelines with hot water. Metal-plastic pipes are connected with fittings. They are easy to install, but this option also has disadvantages: in particular, rubber gaskets are used to connect individual segments, which, due to constant temperature changes, quickly fail, which leads to leaks.

Polymer pipes They are highly elastic and can be laid underground. Such pipes are perfect for hot water supply.

Polypropylene pipes are currently considered one of the best options. They can be used not only for internal cold water supply, but also for its external part. Pipes are resistant to corrosion and have high frost resistance. The pipes are fastened by welding, so they are more durable than metal-plastic pipes. But because of this, the complexity of water supply increases.

Do-it-yourself water supply for a bathhouse: choosing a pump

It doesn’t matter which source of water you choose (well, borehole), in any case you will need a pump to supply water. The choice of pump models is huge; they can all be divided into three large groups:

  • float;
  • submersible;
  • with hydraulic accumulators;
  • deep.

When choosing a pump, you need to focus on the depth of the water, the diameter of the well or well, and the predicted water pressure in the system.

Float pumps

Pumps got this name because they, like floats, are only partially in the water and partially above it. Pumps are installed on the surface of water sources: rivers, wells. They are suitable exclusively for summer water supply, since they can only function when the temperature is above zero.

The advantage of such pumps is that their operation does not depend on the water level in the source. They are low priced and easy to maintain. Disadvantages include low power and the lack of an automatic operation system.

Submersible pumps

This type of pump must be lowered to a shallow depth in the water and secured with special polyamide ropes.

Their advantage is that submersible pumps can operate at subzero temperatures. They are inexpensive, easy to install and operate.

The disadvantage of pumps is that when the water level decreases greatly, the suction pipe ends up on the surface and the pump stops working. It, like the float pump, has low power and is not equipped with an electronic control system.

Pumps with hydraulic accumulators

The pumps can operate automatically and have great power. Such pumps are universal in use: they are suitable for both shallow wells and open water sources.

The main disadvantage of such pumps is the price; they are much more expensive than other types of pumps. Pumps with hydraulic accumulators operate noisily, which can cause discomfort. If there is a risk of the bath freezing, then all the water must be drained from the pump, otherwise it may break.

Deep well pumps

This type of pump is currently the most powerful. Deep pumps are installed in deep wells and are equipped with protection against short circuits and silting.

Deep-well pumps have a high price; it makes sense to use them only if the water supply is not only for a bathhouse, but also, for example, for a country house. The disadvantage is that to use them you need to purchase a special water storage tank.

How to make water supply in a bathhouse with your own hands?

Before starting any work, you need to draw up a detailed plumbing diagram. This is done at the bathhouse design stage. You must immediately decide where the pumping station will be installed, where the water should flow, and where it will come from.

Please note that if you plan to build other buildings on the site in the future, you need to install pipes at a distance from these places.

If you plan to operate the bathhouse throughout the year, including in winter, then the pipes must be lowered into the ground. The depth of the trench should not be lower than the freezing level of the soil. In addition, they need to be insulated.

On the street, pipes are connected to special fittings; it is preferable that they be made of brass or copper, since plastic models will become unusable within a year. But digging trenches and changing parts will be quite difficult.

The internal water supply scheme includes vertical risers, main pipelines and underwater pipes to plumbing equipment and appliances. A pumping station, filters and a heating device are also installed inside the bathhouse.

The plumbing in the bath should be done in the following order:

  1. Installation of main water supply system.
  2. Laying vertical risers.
  3. Installation of branch lines.

Water supply pipes must be in rooms where the temperature does not drop below +2-3°C, otherwise they need to be insulated.

Main and underwater pipes must be laid with a slope towards the drainage unit located at the lowest point of the drainage system. This is especially true if you install plumbing in a bathhouse in the winter without heating.

If there is no heating in the bathhouse, then the water in the pipes will inevitably freeze, which will lead to their ruptures. To prevent this, you need to make a special drain point, for example, a tap or plug, through which all the water will come out of the water supply system.

The supply pipe should be at a slight slope to the main pipe, this is necessary so that water does not accidentally enter the emptied water supply system.

On last stage plumbing is connected.

When all the work is completed, you need to run water through the main line to test the system. There should be no air or leaks in the system. Next, you need to check the operation of the pump.

If any problems are identified, they need to be corrected. If you were unable to do this yourself, then you can contact specialists who will help solve the difficulties that have arisen.


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