How to insulate a house made of timber with your own hands? How to insulate a timber house from the inside. How best to insulate a timber house from the inside.

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If you are going to build a wooden house, then the relevant question is how to insulate it from the inside. This point must be taken into account at the design stage.

Any wooden building needs mandatory insulation both outside and inside.

The work is being carried out in stages. The process should include:

  • preparation work surface;
  • leveling and sealing cracks;
  • production of a vapor barrier;
  • installation of sheathing (it is installed on load-bearing walls);
  • laying the heat insulator and sealing it;
  • manufacturing ventilation system;
  • performance interior decoration premises.

Thermal insulation of walls

To fill the cracks you will need jute fiber.

To complete the first stage you need to use special compounds with antifungal and antiseptic effects. The treatment must be carried out very carefully, only in this case the walls will be maximally protected from negative impact environment.

You will need jute fiber to fill the gaps. Fill all the cavities inside the walls with it using a special chisel. If there are large cracks in the surface of the walls, then they need to be filled with tape tow, which is rolled up before being placed in the cavity.

To prevent the accumulation of moisture that enters from the inside, it is necessary to create a vapor barrier in the thickness of the wood. To do this, the entire surface of the walls that will be insulated is covered with a special film.

Next, the load-bearing walls are lathed. This is also a multi-step process. First of all, they are manufactured vertical racks made of timber, which are installed in the corners, with a cross-section of 5x10 cm and the same length as the height of the room. Along the edge of this beam there is a beam of the same length, but with a cross-section of 5x5 cm. The beams are fastened together with self-tapping screws. The result should be a stand in the shape of the letter “L”. Such racks are installed in all corners. They must be positioned strictly vertically; a level is used for this. When the racks are installed, vertical bars with a section of 5x5 cm should be mounted between them at a distance of about 60 cm.

Insulation is laid on the mounted sheathing. Most often, mineral wool is used for this purpose. It needs to be cut into strips, the width of which will be 1-2 cm greater than the distance between the vertical bars. Fix the insulation with anchors to the wall. It is necessary to fill all the empty space between the sheathing beams with insulation. After this, another layer of waterproofing film is stretched over the insulation.

After the second layer of the vapor barrier membrane is stretched, you can complete the interior decoration of the house from timber. Sheathing the inside of the house is done after the film is secured to the sheathing beams. For this you can use construction stapler. 3x4 cm bars are mounted on top of the staples used for fixation.

The interior cladding of the house is made of wooden paneling. This will allow you to get additional insulation walls In this case, the interior will be maintained in characteristic style houses made of timber. Can be used instead of lining and plank. Externally, this material resembles a small beam. Its installation is best done horizontally.

High-quality insulation of a house made of timber is impossible without creating an effective ventilation system.

This will allow you to maintain comfortable humidity in the room. Ventilation system forced type necessary because wall insulation will increase humidity in the room. Perfect option such a system is a network of hidden channels that will be displayed in attic space. Forced circulation air can be provided by a low-power fan. It will be enough to turn it on for 25-30 minutes a day to create conditions that are comfortable for staying in the house.

How to insulate a wooden house from the inside?

Log houses in Lately are gaining momentum. They are chosen not only for their low cost and environmental friendliness, but also because they can be erected in a short time and at any convenient time (both in winter and summer).

However, such buildings require additional thermal insulation, especially in our country, where the climate in winter is very harsh in some places.

Many, faced with such a problem, wondered whether it is possible to insulate a house made of timber from the inside and how to do it correctly?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the penetration of cold air into the room. There may be several of them:

  1. Incorrect installation and selection of insulation thickness contribute to the penetration of cold air into the room.
  2. Between the beams there are holes and cracks that formed during shrinkage or improper installation.

Stages of insulating a house made of timber inside

Internal insulation of a timber house includes several stages:

  1. Preparing the premises.
  2. Leveling out all irregularities and holes.
  3. Vapor barrier.
  4. Frame.
  5. Insulation of a timber house from the inside using materials.
  6. Ventilation.
  7. Decorating the rooms from the inside.

Preparing the room for insulation

Before you start insulating a timber house inside, you need to do a number of preparatory work:

  • cleaning all surfaces from dust and dirt (wallpaper, if any, should be removed);
  • treat the surface with a special antiseptic solution (this must be done to prevent insects and mold from appearing);
  • it is necessary to treat the surface with a solution that protects the wood from burning;
  • All wiring that runs along the wall should be separated from the surface.

Wall treatment

Sealing cracks

At this stage, it is necessary to close all existing cracks, even the smallest ones, using jute fiber. The void is filled using a chisel. For big holes use tape tow.

On a note: If the house has just been built and no one lives in it, then it is necessary to close all the holes again in a year. If people live in the building, then this procedure can be carried out after a couple of years, since shrinkage occurs more slowly than in a non-residential building.

Vapor barrier

The accumulation of moisture between the timber can lead to rotting of the wood. To avoid this, create a barrier - a vapor barrier and waterproofing film, which is placed on the beam with the rough side. This must be done before you start insulating. inner side walls.

Thanks to the correctly positioned vapor barrier/waterproofing film, moisture does not reach the wood.


The racks are made in advance so that the corners are formed the desired shape. The length of the beam will be equal to the height of the room (section 5 × 10 cm).

Cut another strip with the same length, but with a different cross-section (5x5 cm). It is attached using self-tapping screws to the edge of the beam. The result is a design that resembles the letter “G”.

It is worth noting that there should be exactly as many such racks as there are corners in the room. To ensure that the racks are in the desired position, use a level. Then, keeping a distance of half a meter between the slats, install bars with a cross section of 5x5 cm vertically.

Laying insulation

Installation of insulation material

Mineral wool is used for thermal insulation. It is worth noting that the width of the insulation should be a couple of centimeters larger than the gap between the bars.

Using anchors, during installation, the insulation is fixed to the wall.

Advice: For additional thermal insulation (that is, to improve it), another layer of film is placed.

Finishing work

A stapler is used to attach polyethylene to the block. As soon as the film is fixed, they move on to finishing the room.

Ventilation system

After thermal insulation, the air humidity in the house will increase, so you should create a ventilation system: with its help, the microclimate will improve.

An attic is perfect for this purpose, where you can place the entire ventilation system. To start air circulating, you can use a fan with a low power level.

In winter, you need to turn on the fan for half an hour every day.

Insulation of the floor in a house made of timber from the inside

To reduce heat loss in wooden house, it is necessary to insulate the floors. To do this, use mineral wool/foam. If the floor is already covered, it must be dismantled.

Important detail: After dismantling the floor, a structure is made from the base rough coating, on which polyethylene is placed. The gaps between the joists are sealed with insulating material.

If you are going to insulate using polystyrene foam, you must first pour gravel into the floor structure to a depth of forty centimeters, and then level it.

It will take about two weeks for the concrete to dry completely. After two weeks, a film is laid on the rough coating, and then foam plastic.


To insulate the ceiling, foam plastic/mineral wool/expanded clay is used.

However, despite wide choose thermal insulation material, most owners use sawdust. This type of insulation is good because it is highly environmentally friendly and low cost.

But before insulating the ceiling with it, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. This can prevent the appearance of fungus. Also this material treated with antipyrine so that in case of fire, it does not catch fire.

To avoid the appearance of rodents, the sawdust should be thoroughly dried and lime should be added to it. This insulation is tightly placed in voids.

What should you consider when choosing insulation?

Range of insulation materials

To choose insulation that is as safe as possible for health, you need to pay attention to the combination of material and wood. The insulation must not only be well ventilated, but it must also be in harmony with the properties and vapor permeability of the wood.

Attention: Many people prefer foam. But, it is worth noting that such material does not allow moisture to pass through well, so for internal as well as external thermal insulation It should not be used indoors (condensation will drip onto the wood, which will lead to rotting of the timber).

Despite the fact that basalt and fiberglass are non-natural materials, they have excellent vapor-permeable properties. If there is a ventilation system, moisture will not accumulate.

But it is worth noting that such materials emit harmful substances, which enter the room during ventilation. As a result, a person breathes them. Of course, if you install the film, then no harmful particles will enter the room, but the beneficial microclimate of the tree will also disappear.

As for flax fiber and fiberboard, they are best combined with the properties of wood.

Video about internal insulation of a timber house

Insulating a house made of timber from the inside will allow you to:

  • reduce heat loss;
  • reduce operating costs for servicing thermal equipment.
“Pie” walls of a house made of timber with insulation from the inside

The choice of insulation method (internal or external) must be made at the design stage. Especially it concerns interior works, because installing thermal insulation reduces the area of ​​the room and affects the placement of heating, electrical, plumbing equipment, requires the organization of a ventilation system.

Features of choosing insulation

Before insulating a timber house from the inside, you need to select a suitable insulating material.

Characteristics that insulation must have:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low weight;
  • vapor permeability;
  • non-shrinkability;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • cheapness.

Mineral wool materials

Wall insulation timber house Most often produced with mineral insulation.


  • light weight;
  • fire safety;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • pest resistance;
  • the presence of a foil layer (allows you to eliminate the installation of a vapor barrier);
  • affordable price.

Thermal insulation basalt wool inside a timber house

Features of insulators with different bases:

  • Basalt wool is a non-shrinking material in the form of slabs (ISOLAYT, ISOLIGHT-L ROCKWALL, PAROC, Nobasil), non-hygroscopic, withstands temperatures up to 1000 °C.
  • Fiberglass plates and rolls (Izover, Knauf, URSA) have a high water absorption rate. The use of vapor barrier membranes and waterproofing is required. Shrinkage of the material creates voids that affect thermal insulation.
  • Ecowool – cellulose fibers(Isofloc, Termex, Ekovilla), slightly flammable, with antifungal and antibacterial properties due to the presence of boric acid. When water is added to a container with cotton wool, a composition is formed that is best applied to vertical surfaces using special equipment. Such adhesive compositions make it possible to thermally insulate geometrically complex structures.

Expanded polystyrene and penoplex

The materials are similar in chemical composition to polystyrene foam. Made from polystyrene granules. Penoplex has a more finely porous structure that is resistant to mechanical stress. Expanded polystyrene is closer in structure to polystyrene foam.


  • Moisture-resistant insulation - does not require additional waterproofing.
  • Non-toxic - there is no release of formaldehyde resins during operation.
  • Low weight facilitates installation work.
  • Resistance to fungi and mold. Doesn't rot.


  • High flammability. Treatment with fire retardants does not improve the properties of the material.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Destroys when interacting with dichloroethane and benzene. When gluing to an insulated surface adhesive composition must be selected without solvents.
  • The material is further processed chemical compounds to prevent the formation of mouse nests and insect infestation.

Thermal insulation interior walls foam plastic

Insulating a log house from the inside requires the use of vapor-permeable materials, so the use of expanded polystyrene and penoplex is undesirable. The resulting condensation between the insulator and the wood will lead to rotting wooden frame, mold will form, fungus will appear.


Urea foam is produced in three forms:

  • Liquid - resin, phosphoric acid and foaming agent, after mixing, are supplied under pressure to the insulated surface using a special device. After hardening, a material similar to expanded polystyrene is formed.
  • In sheets - liquid material poured into molds. It is then used as slab insulation.
  • In the form of granules - obtained from defective sheets. It is used for insulating ceilings and floors.

Advantages of penoizol:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Seamless filling eliminates the formation of cold bridges.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • High noise absorption rates.
  • Adhesion to all types of surfaces.
  • Possibility of filling voids in walls and ceilings without dismantling the structure.
  • Once cured, it is non-toxic.
  • Saving time when performing work.
  • Resists microorganisms.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • The liquid insulator is applied using special equipment.
  • The material is processed at temperatures from +5°C and above.
  • Release of harmful substances during the process of spraying onto the surface and during the hardening period.

Insulation with foam insulation inside a timber house

Stages of internal insulation of a timber house

If it was not possible to sufficiently insulate a house made of timber from the outside, then in order to reduce energy costs to maintain a healthy microclimate in the premises, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations with the involvement of specialists or do the work yourself. The following stages can be distinguished:

  • preparatory work;
  • floor insulation;
  • insulate walls;
  • insulation of the ceiling and roof.

Preparing the room for insulation

Before carrying out the main work, perform:

  • Removing dust and dirt from the surface of the log house.
  • Elimination of chips, gaps, cracks by:
    • flax tow;
    • jute fiber;
    • polyurethane foam;
    • compositions based on polymers.
  • Treating wood with a liquid fire-retardant compound.

Wall insulation work

To understand how to insulate walls from the inside in a log house, you need to understand the processes that will occur after installing the insulating “pie”.

Warm air, steamy, from the room will tend to the cold zone - to the wall and ceiling. When a cold surface is reached, condensation occurs (dew forms). Getting wood and insulation wet is an undesirable process.

Layered “pie” for thermal insulation wooden house

How to properly insulate a house to prevent structural destruction, insulating materials, education favorable environment for microorganisms:

  • Organization of the ventilation gap. It must be made at least 30 mm between the wall and the insulation layer. The insulated surface is covered with a lath made of timber.
  • Attaching a waterproofing (vapor-permeable) membrane to the ventilation grille with a stapler.
  • Installation of a box for placing insulation between the bars.
  • Insulation laying “by surprise”. The insulator size must exceed linear dimensions cells by 1.5–2 cm (for mineral wool).
  • Make installation vapor barrier film. This step can be eliminated when choosing foil insulating material.
  • Organization of the outer decorative layer.

Timber, wood materials used for internal insulation premises are treated with a fire-retardant compound before installation.

Scheme for attaching insulation to a wooden wall


The main mistake when deciding how to properly insulate a house made of timber arises from confusion: where and in what sequence vapor barrier and waterproofing materials are installed.

Waterproofing membranes perform the function of protecting the insulating layer from condensation or moisture penetrating through the ceilings. The porous structure of the film allows leaking steam to escape from the insulation, but protects the protection from water penetration.

You can buy material with different characteristics on the market.

Types of waterproofing:

  • Pseudo-diffusion - vapor permeability 20–300 g/sq.m.
  • Diffusion (Tyvek Soft, Izospan AM, Delta Vent) and superdiffusion (Eurobarrier) membranes: vapor permeability 400–1000 g/sq.m. The difference is the ability to release steam. The prefix “Super” means improved properties of the material.
  • Volumetric separators diffusion membranes(Delta Trela) – polypropylene non-woven material with a three-dimensional volumetric structure. Ideal when working with metal roofing. The disadvantage is the high price.

The material is attached between the wall (ceiling) and the insulation. To avoid confusion during installation, manufacturers mark the surface of the material. The membrane installation technology is carried out according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Vapor barrier

Steam in a room is the result of human activity: breathing, cooking, cleaning, hygiene procedures. Convection of moist air, its movement from a warm zone to a cold one, is the cause of condensation on cold walls.

To insulate the house from the inside, film protection is installed, which:

  • prevents steam from entering the insulating layer,
  • prevents the formation of condensation.

Vapor barrier films cover the insulating layer on the decorative side.

Types of vapor barrier:

  • PVC film - cheap material, easily stretches and tears. It is advisable to insulate walls during seasonal living.
  • Reinforced polyethylene is more durable due to the reinforcing viscose fibers.
  • Foil materials – thin layer metal is applied to fiberglass, paper, polyethylene foam. Helps reflect heat into the room. This material is good for insulating baths and saunas.

Installing a vapor barrier will prevent condensation and steam from entering the insulating layer

The films are fastened with an overlap (~15 cm) with a stapler onto the frame for the insulation. The joints and the area of ​​the brackets are taped with a special tape.

The foil material is fastened with reinforced aluminum tape. Holes for wiring and pipes must be sealed.

Application vapor barrier materials inside the house impairs the removal of vapors from the premises. Availability is correct organized ventilation, ventilation will create a good microclimate.

Insulation of floors and ceilings

Regardless of how to insulate the house from the outside or from the inside, work to block the flow of cold from the floor, ceiling (ceilings) must be carried out. Heat leakage through these surfaces amounts to up to 25% of the total volume. Measures to reduce heat loss are carried out as the foundation or ceiling is constructed.

The technology for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces is the same:

  • Skull blocks are attached to the joists, on which the subfloor is laid.
  • Treatment of wood with bio-, fire protection.
  • The waterproofing is laid on the resulting surface and attached to the sides of the joist.
  • Insulation (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, penoizol) is laid between the joists.
  • Attaching the vapor barrier.
  • Installation of finished floor.

A floor insulated with foam insulation does not require the use of a vapor barrier film. Can I use foam? Yes, but using waterproofing.

Roof insulation

In the presence of attic floor Installation of thermal insulation is carried out similarly to the insulation of walls indoors. The procedure for performing the work is identical. Nuances:

  • It is important to choose the right insulation and thermal insulation thickness.
  • The use of polystyrene foam is not permitted.
  • Steam and waterproofing are laid overlapping in the horizontal direction.
  • The ventilation gap must be at least 40 mm.
  • The roofing is done with perforated soffits.
  • Requires installation of a ventilated ridge.


Insulation of a residential building made of wooden beams is urgent need. You can't rely entirely on beautiful thermal insulation properties wood structure. Especially if the walls are not thick enough. During severe and prolonged frosts, freezing will occur and, accordingly, cooling of living quarters will occur. There will be a need to compensate for the leaking heat, that is, heating costs will increase.

Houses made of timber are rarely practiced. The main reason is a slight reduction in living space and possible violation microclimate, which can cause an increase in humidity in the interior. Therefore, insulation of walls from the inside should be carried out carefully, with maximum responsibility.

Excess moisture can have a negative impact on the wood. To prevent the insulation from becoming damp, it must be protected with a vapor barrier.

Stage-by-stage installation work

More often internal installation Wall insulation is required when cracks form as a result of improper laying of beams or due to shrinkage of the material.

The technology of thermal insulation from the inside is practically no different from external works By .

The entire production cycle, which allows you to insulate rooms, can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of the working surface. This stage includes caulking the cracks, creating a vapor barrier and creating load-bearing walls special lathing.
  2. Insulation of house walls using mineral wool.
  3. Interior decoration.

Before you start work, you need to stock up on everything necessary materials, as well as tools. In order for the thermal insulation from the inside to be as reliable as possible, you will need:

  1. Putty knife.
  2. Insect repellent emulsion.
  3. Liquid from rotting and fire.
  4. Chisel.
  5. Jute fiber.
  6. Wooden beam.
  7. Vapor-waterproofing film.
  8. Self-tapping screws.
  9. Building level.
  10. Mineral wool.
  11. Anchors.
  12. Axial fan.
  13. Stapler, staples.
  14. Wooden lining.

It is possible that you will need additional tools and materials to qualitatively insulate a particular house from the inside.

First stage: surface preparation

To perform high-quality insulation of the house from the inside, you should clean the inner surface of the walls of the house from dust as thoroughly as possible. Then the log house is treated with an emulsion that protects against the spread of insects, and a liquid designed to protect the wood from the processes of rotting and fire. If electrical wiring is located on the surface of the log house, it must be separated from the walls before attempting to insulate them.

After cleaning the surfaces, begin caulking the cracks. This is a necessary procedure that must be performed if you want to insulate the room. Immediately after the completion of the construction of the house, it is advisable to re-caulk it after a year, if no one lived in the building. If the house was used as a living space, re-caulking should be done as the wood dries out, after 2-3 years. The most common material for caulking cracks is jute fiber. If there are large cracks, you can use tape tow twisted into a tight roller. It is simply pushed into the space between the beams using a chisel. The gap should be filled with jute or tow until the material fits into the space.

When insulating the premises of the house from the inside, you must take care to reduce the “thermos” effect. Since the log house was probably insulated from the outside, thermal insulation will interfere with the free exchange of air and lead to increased humidity in the interior, as well as dampness of the wood. Therefore, in order to insulate the spaces of the walls without increasing dampness, it is necessary to install a vapor-waterproofing film on their surface. Apply the material with the rough side to the wood. This way they provide protection from humid air and allow the house to partially “breathe”.

Second stage: installation of sheathing and laying of mineral wool

To insulate interior space, you need to make a crate from a wooden beam. To get the maximum even corners prepare corner posts. A wooden beam with a cross-section of 50 x 100 mm is cut to the height of the room. A rail with a cross section of 50 x 50 mm and the same length as the height of the room is attached to the edge of the beam using self-tapping screws. Externally, the stand should look like the letter “G”.

Having prepared the racks, they are secured with self-tapping screws to the corners, controlling the position of the racks building level. The planes between the racks are filled with vertical bars with a cross-section of 50 x 50 mm, placing them every 50-60 cm. It is advisable to soak all the bars used in installing the sheathing with solutions that protect against insects and fire.

To insulate a room from the inside, it is best to use mineral wool. The roll is unrolled and a strip of the required length is cut, focusing on the height of the room. It should be noted that the width of the strip should be approximately 1-2 cm greater than the distance between the vertical bars of the sheathing.

The strip is placed in the space between the bars and secured with anchors with fairly large caps. After the installation of the wool is completed, another layer of vapor-waterproofing film is laid on top of it. The rough side of the film should face the insulation. In this case, the film will not only act as a moisture barrier, but will also protect inner space from microscopic particles of mineral wool, with the help of which insulation was carried out from the inside. The film is attached to the completed insulation with staples using a stapler.

Third stage: implementation of the ventilation system and interior surface finishing

Having completed the insulation of surfaces from the inside, you can expect an increase in humidity in the rooms and a deterioration in the microclimate. To avoid this, you should create forced ventilation. It is enough to connect all existing air ducts into one chain using the attic space of the house. Can act as an air blower axial fan with medium or low power. IN winter period Ventilating the premises for 20-30 minutes will help maintain optimal air freshness, while wall insulation will ensure desired temperature. Having prepared forced ventilation, you can move on to finishing the work by starting to decorate the interior of the house.

Having secured the second layer of film to the wall insulation, small bars with a cross-section of 30 x 40 mm are mounted on top of the brackets. For interior wall decoration it is recommended to use wooden lining. This will not only help to further insulate the room, but will also highlight the design features of the log house.

All photos from the article

Insulating a log house from the inside with your own hands is quite difficult task. Although wooden wall itself retains energy quite well, to ensure an optimal microclimate the use thermal insulation materials still desirable. Moreover, the effect of their use largely depends on the correct execution of the work.

If you have not previously encountered internal technology, then before purchasing materials and picking up a tool, you should carefully study the tips given in the article.

Material selection

Requirements for insulation

To understand how to properly insulate the inside of a house made of timber, you need to figure out what means will be used for this. On the market today building materials There are a variety of insulation materials available, but they all must have certain characteristics.

The main ones here will be:

  • low thermal conductivity and, accordingly, good performance heat saving;
  • long service life, allowing insulation from the inside of the timber no more often than once every few decades;
  • resistance to various influences - moisture, temperature changes, deformation, etc.;


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