How to choose a stove for a bath depending on different criteria? Design diagrams of stoves for baths, description of the design of stoves Where stoves for baths are made.

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The bathhouse is a traditional place for Russian people to relax. In the steam room you can relax and spend time in good company. At the same time, it is indisputable healing effect baths The main and main criterion for arranging a comfortable steam room is the stove. Today there is a huge variety various ovens for a bath. They may differ in material, installation method, thermal conductivity and vary in price range.


In order to choose the right stove for your steam room, it is very important to take into account some of them characteristics and a number of specific criteria that will make your stay in the bathhouse pleasant and comfortable. When choosing a heater for a sauna, it is worth considering the sufficient level of thermal power of the stove. It must be correlated with the size and area of ​​the room. The stove should heat the steam room itself and the rooms adjacent to it within a fairly short period of time. In the summer season, the entire area of ​​the steam room should heat up in about 30-40 minutes, and in winter it usually takes about 2 hours.

Next important criterion When choosing a traditional stove, stones are used. Their mass and quantity should also be sufficient to quickly warm up the steam room. Usually in bathhouses 100 grams of water is enough to warm up one cubic meter of steam room. An indicator of the quality of stones is also the color of the steam that comes from them when water splashes out. The steam should not be very thick, but should have some degree of transparency.

It is not recommended to lower the temperature of the stones below one hundred degrees. One cubic meter of steam room requires about 5-8 kg of stones. With the standard mode of heating the room, the temperature of the stones is about 200-250 degrees.

Also, to set the desired mode, you need a steam generator in the oven. Some heaters are equipped with a steam generator, which ensures that water automatically enters the oven, where it evaporates and the steam is evenly distributed in the steam room. This is a very convenient function, but not all sauna stoves have it.

You should pay special attention to the material from which the stove is made. This is one of the most important and fundamental criteria when buying a heater. Many low-cost furnaces are produced using structural steel. High temperatures do not have the greatest effect on such material. in the best possible way, since its strength decreases quite significantly when heated. In this regard, even stoves made of ordinary stainless steel are more durable, have a low cost and are easy to operate.

Main characteristics

There are so-called “hot” stoves for baths and “cold” ones. These two options have their own specific characteristics. In particular, a “hot” stove in a steam room heats up to a temperature exceeding 100 degrees. It is advisable to use such stoves when you need to heat a large room. But such ovens must be used with extreme caution, taking care to avoid accidental touching of the surface, otherwise this will lead to very serious burns.

Also, due to the rapid heating of such a stove, it is necessary to constantly monitor the air temperature in order to prevent it from overheating, at which point it will be harmful for a person to stay in the steam room.

“Cold” ovens do not require such strict rules operation. Their walls usually do not warm up above a temperature of 50-60 degrees. This reduces the risk of burns if you accidentally touch such a stove. When using a “cold” stove, heating the air in the room is much easier to maintain at the required level for a long time.

Furnaces are also characterized by their placement. Most often they are located in the steam room itself, but there are models that can be placed in the dressing room. Stoves placed in a steam room do not require such a delicate approach during installation, and they are much cheaper than models located in a dressing room. In this case, there are some disadvantages. In particular, it will not be possible to store firewood near the stove itself due to high humidity and you will have to constantly go to another room to get them. Also, the free space in the steam room will be reduced due to the stove.

Therefore if total area Since the room in the bathhouse is sufficient, it is more advisable to place the remote stove in the dressing room, and leave only the heater in the steam room itself.

You can also classify stoves according to the method of heating the heater. Today, stoves in which the stones do not come into direct contact with the fire have become especially popular. In such stoves they are kept in special containers. At the same time, they heat up to 400 degrees. In other kilns, the stones may come into direct contact with the fire. Their heating temperature in this case is very high and can rise to 1000 degrees.

You can also select stoves with and without a water tank. Having a tank is quite convenient, because the water will be heated by the high temperature of the stove and can be used for water procedures.


For any experienced bathhouse attendant, and even for an amateur, an important factor is not only the technical arrangement of the bathhouse, but also its appearance. In the bathhouse you can create a truly atmospheric room, in which your stay will be pleasant and unforgettable. But it is important to know some basic features for the proper finishing of a bath room. Traditionally, decoration in Russian baths was made exclusively from wood. And this is not only a tribute to the original Russian traditions, but also scientifically based facts:

  1. Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, which at high temperatures will not emit various harmful substances, which, of course, will only bring benefits to humans.
  2. The thermal conductivity of wood is extremely low, due to which its surface does not heat up much, which allows you to avoid burns from accidental touches.
  3. The heat is distributed evenly over the wooden covering, and this directly affects the rate at which the steam room warms up.
  4. Also a huge advantage of wood is high level air exchange. If the bathhouse is built exclusively using wood materials, then the bathhouse may not even require additional ventilation.
  5. When heated, wood can emit a very pleasant smell and substances beneficial to humans - phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human nervous and cardiovascular systems and can have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background.
  6. And one of the main advantages of wood is its simply attractive appearance, which is unlikely to ever go out of fashion. Many types of wood do not require additional processing, much less painting.


The main thing on initial stage when designing a bathhouse - choosing the right material for its finishing. It is worth choosing a finishing coating based on certain factors:

  • the coating must be resistant to high temperatures, high air humidity and direct contact with water;
  • do not emit any harmful substances when temperatures rise;
  • should not cause any allergic reactions in humans;
  • have high strength and long service life;
  • have an attractive appearance.

One of the main rules when decorating a bathhouse is that you should not use a covering made of coniferous wood in the steam room. Such wood has a large amount of resins, which will begin to release at high temperatures. And this coating heats up much more than other types. But conifers It is advisable to use it in rooms adjacent to the steam room. They are perfect for the dressing room and washing room, which do not heat up as much as a steam room. In neighboring rooms, coniferous wood will emit a very pleasant aroma and have a healing effect on the body. Also, materials such as plasterboard, PVC or moisture-resistant fiberboard are also suitable for adjacent steam rooms.

Experienced professional bathhouse attendants recommend using deciduous wood when decorating a steam room. These include birch, aspen, poplar, ash or linden wood. In particular, ash wood, according to many, looks the most attractive and has high strength and a long service life. Quite often, linden wood is used to decorate a steam room. It creates a very pleasant aroma in the room. Aspen is one of the most durable, heat-resistant materials and is not subject to rotting.

Generally, hardwoods wood is very well suited for use in rooms with high temperatures.

Much attention should be paid to the design of the stove in the bathhouse. After all, this is the main component of any steam room. For the design of sauna stoves, you can use various materials, among which brick, tile, natural or artificial stones, plaster, tiles and steel cases. In the process of tiling a stove, some of its varieties can be distinguished:

  • Clinker tiles. In the production of this type of tile, clay is used mixed with various melting agents and dyes.
  • Majolica. During the production process of these ceramic tiles, the clay is fired and coated with a special glaze. Also, if necessary, various ornaments and paintings can be applied to such a surface. This tile has very rich and bright colors.
  • Terracotta. This tile is similar to the previous type of tile, but this specimen has very high strength.
  • Marble tiles. This look gives the bath room a rather cozy atmosphere. A stove with marble cladding looks quite presentable. Marble is also highly durable and durable.

When finishing a stove with brick, you can highlight some advantages of this type of cladding. Thus, the brick coating heats up well and quickly to the required temperature and is capable of retaining heat for quite a long time. Also, the advantages of this type of cladding include its durability, because the brick is not destroyed by high humidity and temperature. Cladding the stove with stone gives the room a very aesthetic appearance. When finishing with stone the following can be used:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • marble;
  • coil;
  • granite.

You can also decorate the stove using a steel case. Such unusual look finishing is as follows - the surface of the furnace is surrounded by a special metal frame on which steel panels are installed.

This type of cladding allows the stove to heat the room, but it is worth considering that important point that the frame coating itself becomes very hot and, if accidentally touched by a person, can cause a serious burn.

Plaster is a type of design that is also quite popular and is used frequently. If you choose the most inexpensive and simplest option for finishing a stove in a bathhouse, then using plaster will be the optimal solution. The work of plastering the stove must be carried out in several stages:

  1. First, you should remove dirt and dust from the surface of the stove and apply the first layer to completely clean the stove;
  2. then a new layer of plaster is applied to level the surface;
  3. on final stage It is best to whiten the surface using lime.

One of the oldest options for covering a stove is laying tiles. Despite the long-standing use of such cladding, tiles will give the stove a very original appearance, giving the bathhouse a certain atmosphere.

Drawings and dimensions

Some experienced craftsmen prefer to build a sauna stove without pre-made drawings and diagrams, arguing for the simplicity and undemanding nature of the structure. But, of course, such professionals already have experience in laying stoves, and to design a stove yourself, it is better to prepare drawings in advance and calculate everything correctly. The amount of heat and steam that the furnace will produce will depend on the correct construction of the furnace.

All parameters of the stove must be calculated based on the area of ​​the steam room. To calculate the volume of the steam room, you need to multiply its indicators, that is, height, width and length. After this, it is necessary to make calculations based on the fact that for one square meter of steam room you will need 1 kW of energy.

Below are some examples of popular drawings of sauna stoves, from which you can choose the one you need or come up with your own project.

Types: Which is better?

Sauna stoves can be classified according to the fuel they use. Stoves can be gas, wood-burning, or electrically powered.


Sauna stoves powered by gas are not very popular and are quite rare, because their installation will require development individual project, and the process of placing the stove itself will require a lot of time and effort. But the temperature control in such stoves is fully automatic, they do not require constant loading of firewood and they do not have to be cleaned often. The same can be said for electric ovens, although installing them won't require as much effort. These furnaces operate from the electrical network.

Wood burning

The classic and most popular option is wood stoves. They, in turn, can also be systematized by type depending on the material of manufacture. They can be made of brick, metal, steel or cast iron. Below we will consider stoves made of various materials and different designs.

Remote firebox

The design of such a heater has a long firebox, one of which has a door for storing firewood, and the other part is connected to a reservoir in which the stones are located. Accordingly, such an elongated design allows the stove firebox to be located in the dressing room or adjacent room, and the hot stones themselves will be located in the steam room.

The part of the wall through which the firebox is vented is best lined with stones or fire-resistant materials.

Firebox without removal

Open heaters

Also one of the standard and classic options, in which the stones are located on the upper surface of the stove. They heat up and produce steam when water is poured on them.

Closed fireboxes

They provide for placing stones inside the stove structure. On the top of the heater there is a tank with liquid, which gradually falls onto the surface of the stones.

Wood burning stoves made of metal

Often stoves from such material are made independently, using welding machine and iron sheets. Also, metal stoves have been produced by famous world brands for a long time. The positive qualities of such structures include:

  • low cost of the product or components;
  • the ability to make a stove yourself without special effort and large financial and time costs;
  • long service life;
  • small size and lightness;
  • quick heating of the steam room;
  • wide range of design options.

Among the disadvantages is the rapid cooling of the furnace body. Most metal products have this property, since metal is incapable long time maintain temperature. Another disadvantage is the high heating temperature of the housing when in operation, which can lead to burns if accidentally touched.

Cast iron stoves

These models will be higher in cost and more massive in weight than conventional metal ones. Cast iron is one of the traditional materials in the production of sauna stoves. There are a number of positive aspects regarding it:

  • high resistance of cast iron to corrosion;
  • long service life and reliability;
  • These stoves can be used even when heating large rooms;
  • wide range of designs;
  • long-term heat storage.

The main disadvantage of such furnaces is that low-quality cast iron can burst with a sharp change in temperature in an amplitude of more than 90 degrees. This situation is possible when a bucket of cold water is tipped onto the hot stove body. Also, cast iron stoves tend to be very heavy, which reduces their mobility. In general, cast iron stoves and metal models are similar in many respects. Such stoves can be made either remotely or without removing the firebox. The heaters of such stoves are both open and closed. Unless large cast iron stoves may require reinforcement of the foundation due to their large mass. Based on this, we can conclude that cast iron and metal stoves are among the most convenient and widely available options.

Stone and brick stoves

They have a number of positive qualities, for example, brick and stone heat up very well and can heat large rooms or adjacent rooms with a steam room. The stone stove is excellent option in terms of design, giving the room a special aesthetic appearance.

The disadvantage of stone stoves is their high price, because such stoves are considered exclusive design projects.

With heat exchanger

Furnaces with a heat exchanger should be discussed separately and in more detail. The heat exchanger itself is a serpentine-type pipe, which is often simply called a “coil”. They are designed to heat water in the presence of a tank near the stove. Such pipes can be of two types: internal type coils and, accordingly, external ones. Internal type designs are most often used. In terms of their performance, they are more efficient and reliable.

The operating principle of such a heat exchanger is as follows: cold water from the tank it enters the coil, in which it is heated by the heat of the stove. Then the heated water again enters the tank and can be used for hygiene procedures and washing. Water will circulate in the heat exchanger while the stove is in operation. In addition to the coil, another water circuit can be used.

With built-in boiler

Bathhouse stoves with a built-in boiler are no less popular than others. Such models are very easy to install, and their operation does not require time or effort.

Electric boilers for water heating are usually not placed in the steam room itself, since they are not recommended to be exposed to high temperatures.

Ovens with protective screen

The protective screen serves as protection against accidental combustion of flammable materials near the stove. In such ovens there are usually three main components: a floor screen, a side screen and a front screen. The floor screen is designed to protect wooden floors in close proximity to the oven. Side screens will reliably protect the walls of the steam room near the stove from high temperatures. And the front screen ensures safety when installed between the steam room and the dressing room. Protective screens can be made of metal. There are also brick thermal screens.

The metal screen is installed on the furnace body, maintaining small gaps. Thanks to such screens, the level of infrared radiation is reduced, the room warms up faster, and air circulation between the stove and the screen prevents the structure from heating up to high temperatures. Brick screens are ordinary brickwork around the perimeter of the furnace.


So before on our own to start making a sauna stove, you need to take care of the preparation the right tools and materials. For this you will need:

  • red and fire bricks;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • blower door;
  • combustion door;
  • grate;
  • cleaning doors;
  • asbestos cement slab;
  • stones.

Standard-sized bricks or stones are usually used as refractory materials (when laying a stove with stone, it is important not to use flint, which can crack due to high temperatures).

The main criterion before starting work is to calculate at least the approximate weight of the future stove, because depending on this, a solid base is prepared on which the structure can be placed. Therefore, before starting construction of the stove, the foundation is poured. To fill it you will also need cement, crushed stone and metal mesh. When laying a stove, they usually use standard devices that stove makers use:

  • trowel;
  • hammer-pick;
  • bubble or laser level;
  • mooring cord;
  • plumb line;
  • construction square;
  • tamping;
  • plaster rule;
  • containers for solution and bulk materials.

In order to trim irregularities on bricks, it is recommended to use a grinder. She should have a special wheel designed for working with stone surfaces.


With your own efforts you can make not only a structure made of bricks. Metal is often used for this. In this case you need:

  • sheet steel 1 and 5 mm thick (it is recommended to use heat-resistant compounds);
  • grate;
  • metal corner with a shelf approximately 40 or 50 mm.

For metal structures, slightly different devices will be needed, in particular:

  • welding transformer or inverter;
  • angle grinder;
  • cleaning and cutting wheel for metal;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • roulette;
  • scriber.

In cases where the future furnace will also include a tank for heating water, a large-volume piece of pipe will be needed. Also, to install a water heating system, you will need various taps with the necessary threads.

Preparatory work

Work on building a furnace should begin by preparing its future location. If this is an external heating system, then a part of the wall between the steam room and the dressing room is cut out. If the stove is planned to be located in the corner of the room, then mineral thermal insulation is laid in this place, which is then covered with bricks. You should also consider the location of the chimney.

Foundation installation

Installing the foundation is a very important stage of work, which is worth spending time and effort on. After all, even a stove of standard sizes is an impressive structure in terms of weight, especially if it is made of stone or cast iron. Therefore, for the stove you need to do good foundation, observing a certain sequence of work:

  1. First, you should dig a pit at the site where the stove will be installed. It should exceed the dimensions of the stove by about 20-25 cm.
  2. Then the bottom of the dug pit must be covered with sand in a layer of approximately 10 cm, then filled with water and compacted well.
  3. Then a layer of crushed stone is poured in a layer of approximately 15-20 cm.
  4. When arranging a reinforced concrete slab around the perimeter of the pit, you need to build plank formwork.
  5. Concrete for the foundation is prepared in following proportions– to do this, mix one part of cement with 4 parts of crushed stone and add three parts of sand. Water must be added so that the concrete does not spread and can maintain its plasticity. After mixing the solution, it must be immediately poured into the pit and compacted. The surface of the foundation is leveled and then covered with a polyethylene film. After such procedures, you need to wait until the solution hardens and hardens.

For a metal furnace, you should select the necessary blanks in advance. Typically, metal sheets with a thickness of about 4-5 mm are used for them. True, cutting such sheets with an ordinary grinder is quite difficult.

Often, a gas cutter is used for such purposes, which will significantly save time and effort.

So, the most critical stage of the work is the actual laying of the brick walls of the stove. As mentioned above, there are “cold” and “hot” sauna stoves. During their construction, the work will not differ significantly. In both cases, the firebox is first laid out using refractory materials, and then an ash pit is built under it. A grate is also installed between the working compartment and the blower. It is used to supply air to the oven.

“Hot” and “cold” stoves will differ only in the arrangement of the stones. That is, in one case the stones are in direct contact with the fire and are open and heat up much faster, while in the other the stones are closed. Also in modern baths a steam generator is often used.

But before installing the stove itself, you need to prepare a place for its installation. Even if there is no need for additional strengthening of the foundation, you still need to take care of the installation location. For this purpose, thermal insulation and thermal insulation are used. You can use metal sheets or a clay-brick layer as a fence wooden walls from a working oven. Then you can move on to installing the stove itself.

You can also use materials such as stone wool or use cement-fiber boards. The average thickness of such thermal insulation boards should be approximately 20-25 mm, which, in principle, depends on the power of the furnace.

Instructions for correct installation furnace walls:

  1. Roofing felt is laid on the fully hardened foundation. Then the so-called “basement” row of bricks is laid out. You should pay special attention to it and lay it out as evenly as possible, constantly checking the level. Actually, this row gives the oven the required shape. Some professionals even recommend laying two “basement” rows of bricks.
  2. Then, on the laid out rows, it is necessary to install a pre-prepared asbestos-cement sheet, which forms the bottom for the ash pit.
  3. The same sheet is installed on the third row, but under the firebox compartment.
  4. The next row of bricks will form a niche under the heater.
  5. Then the laying out of the firebox itself begins. At the same stage it is worth covering the bottom.
  6. Next, you need to lay out the stones and install the door and portal to the firebox.

A very important point for the proper arrangement of a steam room is the removal of the chimney. For a stove made of any material, you can use a metal pipe. The main thing is that the lower part of the pipe is more heat-resistant.

You can weld a metal stove with your own hands as follows:

  1. As a basis, you can take a large diameter pipe, which must be cut so that one part is slightly larger than the other.
  2. A hole is cut out on a longer section of pipe that will serve as a blower.
  3. A hole for the firebox is cut in the same way.
  4. Next, you need to weld the loops to the pipe. Then the doors of the blower and fuel chamber are hung on them.
  5. A hole is also cut in the side of the stove. It will be A platform is being made for placing the stones. Metal rods are well suited for it.

The result is an efficient and mobile round metal stove. In some cases, it can be additionally lined with brick. But in this case, it will no longer be mobile.


Today there are a huge number of manufacturers of sauna stoves on the market. Below is a rating of the leading brands in Russia, created based on an analysis of customer reviews and manufacturer reputation.

Termofor Geyser stove. Termofor is one of the leading manufacturers of sauna stoves. This model is a classic sauna stove specifically for Russian steam rooms. It is made using heat-resistant alloy steel, which makes it very reliable and wear-resistant. A special feature of the heater is the presence of a two-stage steam generation system, that is, it is both an open and a closed system. Present in the oven convenient system dispensing water that enters the heater. For this purpose, a special valve is installed in it, which supplies water in measured portions. The stove is suitable for both small baths and larger rooms. Main advantages:

  • warms up quickly;
  • the steam generation system gives the room a light, pleasant steam;
  • strong walls of the building;
  • large volume of the heater, which allows it to be installed in both large and small steam rooms;
  • attractive and stylish appearance of the stove.

“Sahara 24” from “Teplodar” is an excellent oven, characterized by adjustable modes. The power of this stove is quite large and is suitable for rooms of any size. The stove quickly warms up a room, for example a steam room average area it will heat up to over 100 degrees in an hour. The oven does not need special care, it is easy to clean from combustion products. Main advantages:

  • quick heating of even large rooms;
  • moderate level of humidity;
  • large volume heater;
  • extremely simple oven design;
  • ease of care.

The Hephaestus PB-01 stove, manufactured by the Hephaestus company, is deservedly one of the best cast iron heaters for baths. Its enormous power allows you to warm up large rooms with an area of ​​up to 45 cubic meters. m. The oven has the ability to withstand extreme temperature changes. Quick heating of the room and light steam make relaxation in the bathhouse pleasant and comfortable. The only drawback is the rather large weight of the stove, like other cast iron structures. Main advantages:

  • quick heating of the steam room;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • the ability to heat very large rooms;
  • duration of heat retention in the room.

Also excellent cast iron models are the Vesuvius Legend Lux ​​stoves. This model, unlike the previous one, heats smaller rooms. But she also has many positive qualities. It is worth noting that this design has a self-cleaning system glass surface, which significantly reduces the hassle of caring for the stove. Main advantages:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • durability;
  • easy care;
  • long-term heat retention.

In addition to the main sales leaders, other popular brands of sauna stoves can be noted, which are slightly inferior to the main brands.

The Ermak company is one of the leading domestic producers sauna stoves. The products of this company are distinguished by their compactness and the ability to complement the oven with various functional devices. The pleasant design of Ermak stoves gives the steam room an aesthetic appearance. Most of the products from this manufacturer are made from high-quality steel.

The Finnish company Kastor has also been actively involved in the sales of sauna stoves for a long time. The company's products have a very original and sophisticated design, which gives the steam room a rather creative appearance.

The “Parovoz” brand stove is very relevant for Russian baths, where intense and high-quality steam is valued. The very name of this brand speaks for itself. The stove is capable of producing a large amount of high-quality and useful steam thanks to a powerful steam generator.

Kutkin brand ovens are distinguished by a wide variety. The designs of this company can be gas, wood, or even diesel fuel, which not all manufacturers can boast of. Combination original design and efficiency make Kutkin stoves an excellent option for heating a steam room.

The stoves of the domestic company “Berezka” are distinguished by their affordable prices and high quality workmanship. The company produces a fairly large number of stoves of various models, from which you can choose any one depending on your individual preferences.

The domestic company Svarozhich supplies the market with exclusive stoves with a wonderful design. Furnaces from this manufacturer are distinguished by the fact that they have the ability to regulate modes. This stove can even operate in sauna mode. It has a large firebox and the door has a wrought iron finish.

And our “stove” rating is completed by the manufacturer “Troika”. These are quite reliable and efficient stoves at reasonable prices. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is their ease of maintenance, ease of installation and operation.

EasySteam brand stoves are distinguished by their high prices, but are not inferior in quality to global brands. These are quite powerful models with an attractive design that will become a real decoration for the steam room, and not just a structure for warming up the room. High-quality materials give the furnaces of this company a long service life and high reliability. This is one of the exclusive products that is not popular.

Sauna stoves differ in appearance, internal functioning system and characteristics. Despite the fact that the models are different, they have the same goal - to heat the bathhouse, helping to create the desired microclimate.

  • Thermal power. The main selection criterion. It should be sufficient to heat the steam room and adjacent rooms in summer time in half an hour, in winter in frosty conditions in 2 hours. For a stove with moderate capabilities, the average figure is close to 10 kW.
  • Heat storage capacity. The steam should not be transparent. For normal operation, 100 g of water per 1 m3 is sufficient. The temperature should not fall below 100˚C, otherwise the steam will come out heavy and damp.
  • Material. Chromium steel is the best option. There is no risk of burning oxygen. There are also models made of cast iron and ordinary steel.
  • Duration of work. The oven should operate for at least 3-4 hours and retain heat for a long time. Models that cool quickly will have to be re-ignited each time.

  • Type of fuel. Firewood, gas and electricity. The wood-burning copy is traditional. It guarantees fast, uniform heating and a favorable microclimate. Comes with or without chimney. In its absence, the fumes escape through the vent.

Electric – modern way. Features precise temperature control. For normal operation, a stable supply of electricity is required.

The gas model implies complete independence. It lends itself to automation. Suitable for those who have low gas tariffs in the region.

  • Type of heater. At open system The air is heated by hot stones. This stove quickly heats the steam room and is suitable for frequently visited baths. Closed increases the time it takes to warm up the room.
  • Availability of a heat exchanger. Allows you to save firewood and maintain a high temperature in the bathhouse.
  • Design. The stove can be of any size, shade and shape.
  • Price. The cost for a moderately powerful model does not exceed 20,000 rubles.

Secondary parameters:

The best sauna stove with a water tank

Termofor Kalina Carbon easy to use, compact and not inferior to premium options in terms of capabilities and build quality.

It has a logical and convenient arrangement of controls, all parts fit tightly together, the body is black with a matte texture made of structural steel - a material resistant to corrosion and scratches.

Panoramic glass for relaxation, internal loading of stones up to 95 kg using a pull-out compartment for long-term heat retention.

A chimney labyrinth to increase the efficiency of the stove and a built-in heat exchanger for heating water in the tank.

  • Volume – 30 m3.
  • Power – 15 kW.
  • Weight – 96 kg.

  • High power. Heats a large sauna area.
  • Built-in heat exchanger. To improve microclimate indicators.


  • Restrictions. Not suitable for a small bath, only for a large one due to its dimensions.
  • Economical material. Loses to models made of steel and chrome.

The best stove for a bath with a heat exchanger

Ermak 12 belongs to the economy class line, but this does not indicate poor quality. Material – stainless steel with chromium content. It is resistant to corrosion. The oven has standard sizes for its class: 425x520x690 mm. Weight – 52 kg.

The weight of the laid stones is 40 kg. This indicator requires longer heating of the raw materials. A remote tank and heat exchanger are included in the package.

  • Power – 12 kW.
  • Working area – 14 m3.
  • Zone for stones - 40 kg.
  • Firewood length – up to 450 mm.

  • Rich equipment.
  • Moderate microclimate. The water in the stove is hot, but does not boil.
  • Price. Low price.


  • The stones heat up slowly.

The best stove for a cast iron bath

Relevance Hephaestus PB-01 due to high power. It is capable of heating a large room with a volume of up to 45 m3. The thick walls of the structure quickly transfer heat.

The highest efficiency (87%) among sauna stoves – key feature. The stove can withstand high heat loads – up to 750 °C. Turbulent fins make it possible to reduce heat transfer in the chimney to 300˚C.

  • Power – 18 kW.
  • Weight of stones – 70 kg.
  • Firewood length – up to 400 mm.
  • Dimensions – 71.1×5×88.7 cm.
  • Weight – 350 kg.

  • Reliability.
  • Large working area. Suitable for a large project.
  • Efficiency. Heats rooms quickly and retains heat for a long time.


  • High price. Doesn't differ in accessibility.
  • Heavy weight. The floor must be strong in the bathhouse.
  • Mandatory brick lining. A measure against heating the walls and fire.

The best stove for a sauna at the dacha (heater)

Typically, garden and country baths are focused on quick heating. Varvara Mini has small dimensions and weight. It is compact and efficient.

Creates the desired microclimate in the room after switching on in half an hour. Fast heating occurs due to double convection. It warms up not only the volume of the bathhouse, but also its walls, floor, and ceiling. The weight of the laid stones is 40 kg. The maximum length of firewood is 30 cm.

Features include the ability to be equipped with a remote/mounted tank. Both systems from of stainless steel. The remote one is suitable for installation on the second floor or as a pass-through part through the ceiling. The water boils in it within an hour.

  • Power – 8 kW.
  • Working area – 8 m3.
  • Weight – 85 kg.
  • Weight. Suitable for a small bath.
  • Window on the back for easy maintenance.
  • Equipment.


  • Regular design. May appear unattractive.
  • Restrictions. Suitable for country baths.

The best stove for a sauna with a closed heater

Vesuvius Scythian made of steel gray with a matte surface. The door has many forged decorated elements in a golden hue. The built-in heater, heating up to 400˚C, allows you to get “light” steam.

To “plug” the convection part, the oven is equipped with a grate. The element holds stones along the entire perimeter of the body. Proper air circulation allows you to heat the room in 1 hour.

  • Power – 15 kW.
  • Volume – 24 m3.
  • Weight – 91 kg.

  • Large heated area.
  • "Light" steam. It will be comfortable in the bathhouse.
  • Safety.


  • Large mass. Quite a heavy model.

The best electric stove for a sauna

Harvia Sound M45 made of steel. Powered by network. Power supply type – 3-phase. TO wall model Made in Finland, there is a built-in remote control with a thermostat and timer.

The stove can be equipped with loudspeakers for music. The safe installation distance from the wall is 3.5 cm, to the ceiling – 110 cm, to the floor – 15 cm.

  • The size of the steam room is up to 6 m 3 .
  • Power – 4.5 kW.
  • Electric heater time – up to 4 hours.
  • The weight of the stones is 25 kg.
  • Weight – 16 kg.

  • Compactness. Doesn't take up much space.
  • Delayed start function. After the specified parameters, it turns on independently after a few hours.
  • Modern technologies. There is an opportunity to listen to music.


  • Small work area. Designed for several people.

The best gas stove for a sauna

Teplodar KomPAR 50- This is a rare type of heat generator for a bath - gas stoves are expensive, and they are purchased for commercial purposes. Installation requires permission and drawing up an individual design plan.

Features of the product: the steam room heats up in less than half an hour, automatic adjustment temperature, no need to clean the tank.

There is no need to constantly load fuel - add firewood. A tray for stones is installed on top of the structure, and there is also a removal device for combustion products.

  • Heated volume – 70 m3.
  • The thickness of the firebox walls is 0.6 cm.
  • Fuel - firewood.
  • Weight – 130 kg.
  • Compactness. Doesn't take up much space in the steam room.
  • Easy to use. Does not require careful care.


  • High price. It's very expensive.
  • Complicated installation. You will need to go to authorities to fill out the paperwork to get permission for installation.

The best wood-burning stove for a sauna

Kastor KO-20 is different modern design– matte surface, no frills, convenient opening systems. It is practical and elegant in appearance.

The main idea is the presence of enhanced live fire due to the glass door. It occupies almost the entire front panel.

The container for stones is designed for 60 kg. The double casing is another advantage. It is needed to reduce the safe distance for accelerating air exchange.

  • Power – 18 kW.
  • Volume – 20 m3.
  • The maximum weight of stones is 60 kg.
  • Weight – 99 kg.

  • Design. Fits into a modern bathhouse.
  • Light steam. Creates comfort in the room.
  • Relaxation. View of a burning fire.


  • Restrictions. For kindling, use wood chips and splinters, then firewood. Do not use birch. After this you will have to clean the firebox window.

The best stove for a long-burning sauna

It has a non-standard design - in the form of an iron barrel on legs. It is capable of heating air with a volume of 150 m3. Works on wood, cardboard. Coal will not work.

The firebox is the inner cylinder, the outer one is used as a convector casing. Cold air is sucked in by two holes at the bottom. It comes out hot through the top ten holes.

The temperature is regulated by two dampers. One of them is intended for supplying air to the firebox, the other for chimneys. Smoldering wood contributes to 8-hour heating of the bathhouse with the dampers closed.

With them open position The wood is burning, that is, the room is quickly warming up (10-15 minutes).

  • Manufacturer – Russia.
  • Material – steel.
  • Power – 8.4 kW.
  • Weight – 48 kg.
  • Service life – 20 years.
  • Quick heating of the room.
  • Large working area.
  • Versatility. Suitable for country houses, cities.


  • Design. Simplicity and rough lines of the body.

The best metal stove for a bath

Termofor Geyser- This is a classic option in design and functionality. Made of heat-resistant black alloy steel - this is a reliable material. Wall-mounted, belongs to the closed type. Combined fuel. The oven is designed to produce steam and heat water.

Standard features include an ash drawer and flame level adjustment. The walls of the firebox are 0.3 cm thick. It is divided by the heater into two parts - open and closed.

In the first, steam is formed, in the second it is dried. A dosing valve built into the funnel to prevent large quantity water.

  • Heating volume – 18 m3.
  • Firebox volume – 40 l.
  • The length of the firewood is 50 cm.
  • Dimensions – 41.5×90×83 cm.
  • All – 59 kg.

  • Easy to use. It is connected to the chimney at the top, there is protection against water getting inside.
  • Reliable case. Made of heat-resistant steel.
  • Laconic style. Will fit into any bathhouse idea.
  • Small mass. You can easily move it when arranging the territory.


  • Noise. Noise when wood is actively burning.
  • Working area. For a small bath.

Using the example of 10 stoves for a bath, we can summarize that the appropriate option when choosing is the one that quickly heats a large volume of the room. Safety is another important factor.

Many solutions require brick lining - and this is an expensive undertaking. Others are made of structural steel, a more economical material.

It is better when the firebox walls are made of steel and chrome. Such raw materials have increased resistance to corrosion and melting.

From the list we should highlight Tulinka NVU-150, Vesuvius Skif and Hephaestus PB-01. Models can heat air with a volume of 25 m3 and are suitable for both small and large baths.

They can withstand high thermal loads - up to 450˚C. Easy to use, they quickly heat rooms in half an hour and retain heat for a long time.

The humidity and temperature of the air, comfort and benefits for the body depend on the stove in the bathhouse. A sauna stove must be equipped with a tank for heating water, a chimney and a heater pocket for stones.

If you have a great desire to build a sauna stove with your own hands, and not to hire specialists, be sure to read this article several times, you can even print it out on a piece of paper and use it directly as a cheat sheet. At the same time, you will save significantly and receive invaluable experience, which you will later add similar designs already for money. External decoration plays an important role, because a bathhouse is a place of relaxation, both physical and moral, and the appearance of the stove plays an important role in this! After exterior finishing the stove in your bathhouse should become its “highlight”, an exclusive decoration that is simply pleasant to look at, like a painting.

The sauna stove is placed either with a combustion door into the adjacent room, or directly into the steam room, where firewood is stored. Naturally, it is better that the firewood comes from next room, if the size allows you, do just that.

Water tanks are mounted either behind the stove body on supports (floor or wall mounting), or they are mounted directly above the stove firebox. At the same time, a stationary floor mounting of the tank is safer than a wall mounting.

Calculation of tank volume for a sauna stove

The volume of a water tank is calculated by taking from seven to ten liters of water with a temperature of at least fifty degrees per person. So, if you plan to visit a steam room with 3-4 people at the same time, you should choose a tank with a volume of at least 40 liters.

How to calculate the volume of the steam room and firebox of the stove?

It is not enough to measure the dimensions of the room. You also need to take into account the material of the surfaces. If the room has windows, a glass door, surfaces made of tiles, bricks, concrete, their area should be measured. For each square meter of area of ​​such surfaces, add one and a half cubic meters to the volume of the room, which will be taken into account when choosing the size of the oven. The minimum power of a sauna stove is 8-10 kW.

Oven requirements

The sauna stove must be safe (both in terms of fires and for human health - not cause burns if accidentally touched and prevent smoke from entering the room), temperature regime must be adjustable, and the dimensions must correspond to the volume of the room.

Metal heater stove, is it suitable for a bath?

This furnace design is the simplest. For work you will need sheets of steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm, a welding machine and a grinder (or a gas cutter), pipes for supplying and draining water, refractory bricks, oven clay solution, stones, pipes for the chimney, tap, oven doors with latches and hinges, metallic profile for mounting the stove support.

The structure itself consists of a water tank with pipes and a tap connected to it. The tank is heated from the back wall of the stove, the internal space of which, in turn, is zoned into a firebox and an open heater. Flue gases are disposed of through a chimney exiting the firebox through the heater and the walls of the bathhouse.

First of all, it is necessary to cut out the bottom and side walls of the future stove from steel sheets and connect them by welding. We weld corners inside the stove - they will support the sheet of metal on which we will lay the stones.

On the front wall we cut out a rectangular hole for the door, and from the cut out rectangle we make a door. You can weld it around the perimeter with strips of steel for a tighter fit. We drill several holes in the lower part of the door or front wall of the firebox to allow air to enter the stove. We weld the door hinges and the hinge for the bolt.

To make a chimney, we will prepare a pipe and make a hole in the sheet of metal on which the heater will be located. We weld the pipe to the steel sheet.

Let's start installing the water tank. It consists of three walls and a bottom, hermetically welded together and the back wall of the furnace. We weld the inlet and outlet pipes for water to one of the side walls of the tank. Then we weld the tap at the bottom of the tank. We install the entire structure on a frame made of steel profiles or on a brick base 20-30 cm high. We cover the metal parts of the stove with fireproof paint. We lay stones on top (soapstone, porphyrite, basalts, etc.) ranging in size from 5 to 12 cm. We install the chimney and chimney, pour water into the tank, cover it with a lid and ignite finished oven, checking the structure for the presence of draft and the absence of smoke in the room.

To modernize a potbelly stove for a bath, you can equip it with an ash pit with a grate and a box for collecting ash. This will greatly simplify cleaning the stove, and the ash door will help to better regulate the draft, and, accordingly, the temperature and rate of fuel combustion. For the same purpose (regulating the heating temperature of the stove), as well as to reduce heat loss through the chimney, it is equipped with a valve. It can be a gate type or any other.

Gate valve - view 2

Sauna stove made from a pipe or an old cylinder

The difference between this design and the previous one is that the water tank is located directly above the firebox. For work you will need: a pipe for the stove and tank (wall thickness 1 cm, diameter 50 cm, height 150 cm); pipe for the heater (the wall thickness is the same, and the diameter is 35cm); mortise valve; metal fittings; hinges for doors; steel sheets with a thickness similar to pipes; tools for welding, metal cutting.

Pipe sauna stove

  • We divide a pipe of larger diameter in two using a grinder. From one part (length 60 cm) we will mount a water tank, from the second (90 cm) we will construct a heating device for a bathhouse.
  • We make markings on a sheet of steel to cut out a circle equal in diameter to the pipe - the furnace body. To do this, it is convenient to use a can of paint or a marker. This circle will serve as the bottom of the structure. We weld it hermetically to the pipe.
  • We immediately make the legs of the structure. To do this, we strengthen the bottom of the sauna stove with a metal frame made of profiles. Frame height 10-15 cm.
  • After the stove stands firmly on its legs, draw a 25x7 cm rectangle on the body. This piece of metal will be the blower door. We cut it out with a grinder, equip it with hinges, a handle and a latch.
  • We make a grate. Its task is to pass air from the ashpit into the combustion zone, hold fuel and not prevent ash and ash from entering the lower chamber of the furnace. Such a grid can be made from pieces of reinforcement or a sheet of metal with holes cut in it. The grate must be secured by welding in the inner part of the pipe at a height of 12-15 cm from the bottom.
  • The firebox will be located above the grate. We cut out a door for it measuring 25x30 cm, departing from the level of the grate about 20 cm. We install the door in the same way as the ash door.
  • We will construct the heater from rebar. By bending it in different directions, we give the reinforcement rods the shape of a basket, and fasten them together with plastic wire. This is where we will place the stones for the stove. We install the “basket” on the top of the pipe. Here we cut a door of any shape and again equip it with hinges and a latch.
  • Next we'll take care of the water tank. The tank body is a pipe, 60 cm long. For this pipe we cut out the bottom, in which we in turn cut a hole and pass the chimney pipe through this hole. We secure the parts by welding. We cut in a tap closer to the bottom of the tank.
  • Now we assemble the two parts of the stove together so that the tank is located strictly above the firebox. We make a weld.
  • It is convenient to make the lid for the tank double-leaf. We cut out a circle, divide it into two equal parts, one of which is tightly welded to the tank, the other is attached to the first half with loops. To make it more convenient to open the tank, we equip the lid with a bracket handle made of reinforcement.

Thus, from the simplest materials you can quickly and cheaply build a sauna stove with your own hands, and it will not be functionally different from its purchased counterpart! By doing the work efficiently and slowly, you will get a result that will delight you and your guests for many years!

Do-it-yourself row masonry of a sauna stove - photo report

Everything is very simple, just look at the photos and do exactly the same, of course you need to use suitable materials and mixtures!

Zero row of the oven base: Second row of the oven base: Second row and air chamber Fourth row - blocking the vent We put the grate Third and fourth row of fireclay bricks We cover the fireclay brick with regular We lay the fifth row of fireclay bricks Installing the fire door Finished combustion door Appearance of the furnace at this stage We make a lattice on which the stones will lie

Some steam lovers perceive a visit to a Russian bath as an excellent relaxation for the body, others - as a way to prevent many diseases. Indeed, regular trips to the steam room strengthen your health and immunity, if there are no contraindications.

However, real comfort for vacationers is ensured only when the stove for the Russian bath is chosen correctly - moderately powerful, efficient, and safe. In this article, we will look at the best factory-made models that are current and have won consumer recognition. We will also dwell on the criteria for choosing a suitable model.

Wood heating has a relatively low efficiency, but bathhouses, especially in the North, are still usually heated with logs. For this reason, we have compiled a rating of wood-burning models.

The presented devices differ in design, characteristics, dimensions, functionality, and materials of manufacture, but all are fireproof and designed for heating a steam room

The TOP includes stoves from well-known manufacturers that sell well and have many positive reviews.

Place #1 - Harvia M3

The Finns are real pros in the production of high-quality equipment for baths and saunas, and the M3 model is another confirmation of this. Occupying small area on the floor, the heater for the Russian bath has a vertically elongated body, so it evenly warms the room.

A special open compartment holds 30 kg, which must be purchased separately. The design is thought out in such a way that maximum heat exchange occurs, and the stove for a long time stays hot.

The oven is compact and has a nice design. The body is painted in neutral colors – black and steel. The paint is heat-resistant and does not lose its protective qualities and appearance over time. Flames are visible through the heat-resistant glass.

Technical specifications:

  • heating power – 16.5 kW;
  • designed for volume – 6-13 m³;
  • firebox - without removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 30 kg.

According to reviews, the stove is beautiful, economical and quickly warms up the room. Although it is not intended for connecting a water circuit, it can be supplemented with a water tank, which is purchased separately and mounted in the pipe. If you need a water heating circuit, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the water circuit.

The negative point is low efficiency, only 67%. The ash removal scheme has not been thought through - during operation and during cleaning, some of it ends up on the floor.

Place #2 - TMF Geyser 2014

The Geyser series of the Termofor brand has a special feature - a combined heater. Interesting constructive solution allows you to make the internal steam generation system more efficient, light the oven and heat the steam room to 100°C in about an hour. This applies to all 4 varieties of 2014 - Vitra, Carbon, Inox, Carbon Vitra.

There are more than a dozen on the market various designs modifications whose body is made of chrome-plated steel. The color of the convector coating can be different: terracotta, anthracite, beige, chocolate. The door is made of either glass or stainless steel.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method: wall-mounted;
  • designed for a volume of 8-18 m³;
  • water circuit - yes;
  • heater – closed/open, 63 kg.

Consumers like that the stove can be heated with logs, briquettes, and pellets. The central top location of the chimney greatly simplifies installation. Ash can be removed during the combustion process thanks to the retractable drawer design. The open part of the heater can be used to steam a broom.

The complaints relate mainly to the service life. Users complain about the heater burning out quickly. After 3 warranty years it becomes unusable.

Place #3 - Harvia Legend 240 Duo

The Harvia brand is truly loved by customers and popular, despite the high prices of the products, so there is another, more powerful and productive model in the rating. It is capable of heating a fairly large steam room - up to 24 m³, so if the bathhouse is intended for relaxation with a large family or company, this is a good option.

The maximum open heater is designed in the form metal mesh barrel-shaped, allows you to load 200 kg of stones. Robust design Recommended for commercial use.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method: wall-mounted;
  • heating power – 21 kW;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass door;
  • designed for a volume of 10-24 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 200 kg.

Buyers appreciated it beautiful design fireplace-type fireboxes, thanks to which you can watch the burning of logs, as well as an interesting and simple design of the heater-basket. The double combustion system increases the time of using the steam room with a minimum number of bookmarks.

The main negative factor preventing anyone from purchasing a stove is the high cost - almost 40 thousand rubles.

Location #4 - Hephaestus PB-04

Cast iron model designed for self-installation in brickwork. Thanks to the elongated combustion channel, it can be moved into the room adjacent to the firebox. The walls of the case have a thickness of 10-60 mm, which indicates their reliability and minimal risk of burning. The parts are solid, made of SCh-20 cast iron with chrome, there are no seams or joints.

A gas afterburning system, a flame arrester and a large-volume heater allow you to increase the productivity and burning time of firewood.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method: wall-mounted;
  • heating power – 8 kW;
  • material of manufacture – cast iron/cast iron door with glass;
  • designed for a volume of 15 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 180 kg.

The advantage is the material of manufacture – cast iron. It heats up quickly and “gently”, evenly distributes heat. Efficiency reaches 87%, which is a good indicator for wood stoves. Many people like the design of the firebox - traditionally “heavy” for cast iron products. The door is decorated with gilding and ornaments.

The main drawback is that the stove is only suitable for a small steam room. The assembled weight reaches 700 kg, which causes difficulties during transportation and installation.

Place #5 - Varvara Terma Kamenka

The domestically produced device features a combined heater, which allows you to increase heating efficiency and maintain stable heat in the steam room for a long time. Designed for a large room, thanks to the remote combustion portal it can heat two rooms at once. Heating to an acceptable temperature takes 1-1.5 hours.

The open part of the heater is made in the form of a basket framing a casing, inside of which there is a closed part. The entire structure is made of steel coated with a heat-resistant black coating.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method – floor;
  • heating power – 14 kW;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass or steel door;
  • designed for volume – 12-24 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – closed/open, 240-250 kg.

The advantage of the stove is its ability additional equipment a remote water tank of 60-120 liters, which is installed on a pipe either in the ceiling or in the attic. Instead, you can install an easier-to-install, 50-liter mounted tank.

Buyers are not satisfied with the appearance of the stove. Compared to modern modifications of competing brands, it looks too primitive. Some consumers use brick or stone cladding to somehow enhance the design.

Place #6 - Vesuvius Skif STANDARD 12

An acceptable solution from the Vesuvius company for hot steam bath lovers who want to quickly and inexpensively set up a sauna. The furnace body is made of structural steel with a thickness of 6-8 mm and is designed for long-term operation - up to 10 years. The door, bumper and grate are cast from cast iron.

The heater is an open convection type casing, to put it simply - volumetric mesh, designed to load 110 kg of stones.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method – floor;
  • heating power – 12 kW;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass door;
  • designed for volume – 6-14 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 110 kg.

A simple budget modification has become popular due to its cost. However, there are other advantages - good heating of the steam room, beautiful door design, convenient ash tray cleaning system.

The disadvantage is the material of production. You can already guess from the price that there is a risk of rapid burnout, especially with frequent use. Therefore, we recommend purchasing a stove for summer cottages with seasonal visits.]

Place #7 - Feringer MINI

A beautiful stove lined with natural stone from the Lamel series. Created using German technology, which is confirmed by a certificate. Meets European safety and effectiveness standards. Economical, suitable for frequent visits to the bathhouse. The heat from one bookmark lasts for 3-4 hours.

It is possible to blow out the heater to remove excess moisture from the steam room. The door is large, fireplace type, made of ROBAX glass. The manufacturer claims that the sauna stove with closed heater can be used in various modes: bathhouse, hammam, sauna.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method: wall-mounted;
  • heating power – 16 kW;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass door;
  • designed for a volume of 16 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – closed, 60 kg.

The advantage is the presence of an additional option - aromatherapy. You can add oils with the scent of pine, bergamot, mint to a small container and enjoy a pleasant aroma during a couples session. Stylish design and beautiful firebox are pleasing to the eye.

The disadvantages are the same as with most steel units - the risk of premature burnout with regular use.

Place #8 - Ermak-Elite 12-C

Economical model made of structural steel with the addition of 17% chromium. The design is distinguished by a stylish design, rigidity and a well-thought-out heat transfer system. The stove is designed for a limited space, but it is possible to install it in 2 rooms due to the elongated firebox.

A big plus is the ability to connect a water circuit, a mounted or remote tank for heating water. The door with a diagonal of 310 mm is panoramic, equipped with Robax glass.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method – floor;
  • heating power – 12 kW;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass door;
  • designed for a volume of 14 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - yes;
  • heater – closed, 40 kg.

The main advantage of the stove is its expanded functionality. You can heat water for showers or to heat adjacent rooms. In addition to water tanks, a steam generator and an additional convector are connected. You can also attach another heater - a hinged one that can hold 40 kg of stones.

The downside is the material used. A steel stove with thin walls can easily be overheated, after which it will become unusable.

Place #9 - Teplodar Sahara 16 LK/LKU

The stove is interesting because it has several heating modes. Within half an hour, by adding water, you can create the hottest microclimate with a temperature of more than 100°C for particularly hardy steamers. If a regime is needed, as in a traditional Russian bath, the stove is heated slowly, to 80-90°C.

The letter “l” in the model name indicates the material of manufacture – high-alloy steel with chrome, “k” – the stove is equipped with a convector casing. The LK modification differs from the LKU in that the firebox is made from the dressing room.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method – floor;
  • heating power - no data;
  • material of manufacture – steel;
  • designed for volume – 8-16m³;
  • firebox - without removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 60 kg.

Users positively evaluate the versatility of all Sakha models - they can be heated with both wood and gas. To connect gas, you need to purchase a gas burner device. It is also convenient that you can equip the stove with a water tank.

The negative side of steel units produced by Teplodar, like all budget models, concerns their limited service life.

Are you interested in a gas-powered sauna stove? We recommend checking out the market.

Place #10 - Convection 26

An inexpensive model designed for both generating steam and heating water. It can heat one or two rooms, depending on the installation of the combustion chamber. Material of manufacture: steel + at least 13% chromium. The closed design of the heater increases the stability of heating, and the casing provides “soft” heating and protects against burns.

The “Plasma” modification, instead of a steel door, is equipped with a large screen made of heat-resistant glass, making the front part look more modern and elegant.

Technical specifications:

  • installation method – floor;
  • heating power - no data;
  • material of manufacture – steel/glass door;
  • designed for a volume of 26 m³;
  • firebox – with the possibility of removal;
  • water circuit - no;
  • heater – open, 90 kg.

There is a possibility of heating water, which is very convenient for a bath. The cost is low, so the model is purchased with pleasure. The casing is covered with durable black paint, which does not fade or peel over time.

The weak point is thin steel parts, which quickly burn out due to constant exposure to high temperatures.

Not all models worthy of attention are represented in the rating. Every year the range is expanded with more reliable, versatile units. If you want to find the best sauna stove, carefully study the reviews and listen to our recommendations.

Criteria for choosing a wood stove

Usually the stove is selected for the steam room, taking into account the volume/power ratio. But design also plays a big role: some like rounded, high-tech designs with heat-resistant glass, others like rough cast-iron cases with embossed doors.

But it is better not to be guided by any one aspect, but to consider all the technical characteristics and design features of the unit. We suggest considering several criteria before choosing and purchasing a stove for a wood-burning sauna.

Image gallery

In order not to make complex calculations for calculating power, just look at the instructions, which indicate both indicators - both power and volume

The body is most often made of steel or cast iron, less often - of combined materials. The door is often made of tempered glass, the grate is made of cast iron

A stove with a conventional combustion channel is installed directly in the steam room, and an extended firebox is necessary if it is located in a room adjacent to the heater and passes through the wall

Boiler stoves are equipped with hot water tanks and piping for connecting the water circuit. They can be used as a boiler to heat neighboring rooms

Thanks to the open design, stones heated to +250°C quickly warm up the air. This type is optimal for baths with frequent visits

Choosing a sauna stove is the most important process. The main criterion is power. The calculation must be correct, it is important not to make a mistake. If the power is insufficient, the bath will take a long time to warm up and cool down quickly. If you install a boiler that is too powerful, it will be impossible to enter there. There are other selection criteria. How to choose the right stove for a sauna?

Stove power

Power is selected based on the calculation, the contents of which are given below. To carry out the calculation, we measure the main dimensions: length, width and height. To obtain the net volume of the bath, it would be enough to simply multiply these numbers.

However, it is so easy to make a mistake. How to make a difficult choice - choose a stove for a bath? When calculating the volume, you need to make the following adjustments:

  • Typically, the steam room has the most effective thermal insulation. The walls are first insulated, only then sheathed with finishing material. It is customary to use thermal insulation with a layer of foil, which reflects heat back into the bath. The problem is that when a finished log house is ordered, thermal insulation is often neglected. This is acceptable, but it is worth considering that wood is a very heat-intensive material, its thickness is from 20 cm. Part of the heat will be spent on heating the logs themselves.
  • If the combustion part of the stove is placed in the dressing room, this is a “gap” in the thermal insulation. You need to take this into account in your calculations.
  • Doors and windows must be carefully insulated and tightly fitted. Otherwise, this too must be fate.
  • If the decoration of the bath contains ceramic tiles, brick, a natural stone, part of the heat will go to warm them up.

Only taking into account all of the above can you correctly calculate the volume that will need to be heated by the device and choose which stove is better for the bathhouse. To take into account all these parameters, a correction factor is used - 1.2 m3 per 1 m2 of poorly insulated or heat-absorbing surface.

Example: the steam room has a size of 2x3x2.2 m. There is an uninsulated window of 0.8x1.2 m and a door of 1.8x1 m. Let's calculate the volume: 2x3x2.2+(0.8x1.2+1.8x1)x1.2 = 13.2 +(0.96+1.8)x1.2 = 16.5 m3. We accept power: 16.5m 3 x 1 kW ≈ 17 kW. note that 13.2 kW(“pure” volume) would not be enough for us.

Additional selection criteria

Power is the main criterion, but far from the only one. What types of sauna stoves are there? In order for the result to fully meet our expectations, we need to consider the following:

  • product material;
  • firebox design options;
  • steam type;
  • various designs;
  • type of heater;
  • operating time from one fuel fill;
  • features of heating the bath;
  • what fuel is used.

Only taking all this into account can you determine which sauna stove is better.

Material of manufacture

A sauna stove can be made from:

  • cast iron;
  • become;
  • bricks

Which stove for a bathhouse is better, taking into account the material of manufacture? It is not entirely correct to compare them with each other. Each material better solves a particular problem and, according to experts, creates a special atmosphere.

With a modern assortment furnace equipment, experts give the palm to special heat-resistant alloy steel with the addition of chromium. Steel, by far, is the most reliable and durable. The atmosphere in the bathhouse does not suffer either. Such furnaces do not burn oxygen, since during combustion there is no oxidation process in them.

When choosing reliable sauna stoves, the site recommends paying attention to Finnish companies. They deservedly occupy a leading position in this market. Their products have one drawback - high price. Although, the same “Harvia” also produces quite budget models.

Sauna stove from Harvia

The production of cast iron stoves is not particularly popular today. The disadvantage of a cast iron stove is its heavy weight and shorter service life compared to the previous version. Heating occurs more slowly. This is worth taking into account when deciding which stove to choose for a bath.

Cast iron stoves are not very popular today

The choice of a brick stove is a tribute to tradition. Installing this is very labor-intensive. There weren’t many good craftsmen before. Now you won't find it at all. You can try to build a stove yourself, but is it necessary? This work is not easy - you need to correctly build the foundation and chimney, and the result will clearly be inferior to modern industrial designs. Brick requires more energy to warm up, so fuel consumption will increase.

At the same time, although such a stove will take longer to heat, it will also give off heat much longer. It all depends on your financial capabilities and personal preferences - sometimes such a stove is a good choice.

The brick option is long, expensive, and difficult.

Features of the firebox location

The firebox can be located in a closed steam room, but it is much more convenient when it is remote. This complicates the selection of a cast iron, steel or brick stove. You can add fuel at any time without disturbing those in the steam room. This slightly reduces the thermal insulation of the bath, but not critical. New thermal insulation of all junctions and seams will solve this problem. But the door to the steam room will open less often.

The new firebox door, made of heat-resistant glass, will allow you to monitor fuel consumption. The remote firebox itself must be made of thick heat-resistant steel with the addition of chromium. This design is an indicator of quality; it will not burn out for years and will withstand the highest temperatures.

Steam source

First, let's figure out what kind of steam exists. There are:

  • Dry steam is the most beneficial for the body. The stones heat up to +500 0 C. It’s worth splashing on them warm water- it instantly turns into steam. This steam evenly heats the entire bath and does not increase humidity.
  • Wet steam - occurs as a result of boiling water directly in the bath. Hot water is also heated by a heater, which is equipped with a water tank. This method does not require a hot water supply. For washing, use water directly from the boiler. It is also a heat exchanger.

How to choose a stove for a bath correctly and quickly in this case? Fans of wet steam can organize a similar process in a sauna. There is no need to install a boiler with water for this. It is enough to buy a special device that will produce steam. The principle is the same, only the steam generator runs on electrical energy.

Design requirements

When choosing a stove for a bathhouse, you need to take into account the requirements for the design of the stove. She must:

  • ensure gradual and uniform heating of the bath;
  • heat the room to +80 0 C (under the ceiling) in 3 hours;
  • ensure adequate fire safety;
  • eliminate the possibility of smoke and soot getting into the bathhouse;
  • heat the stones to +500 0 C;
  • provide ease of use;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

Heater type

What kind of stove should be in a bathhouse? There are two types of heaters:

  • open;
  • closed.

What are these types of sauna stoves?

Open - they heat the air in the room directly with the heat given off by the stones. The best option for frequent visits. This option is often used for individual use. The bath heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly. It is needed at the summer cottage.

Closed - when deciding which stove to install in the bathhouse, pay attention to the stove that has a damper that covers the top layer of stones. The room will warm up more evenly due to convection. Fuel is used more economically. There is also a flip side to the coin - you will have to start heating the bathhouse in 3-4 hours.

Which stove is best to put in a sauna, taking into account the type of heater? Here everyone chooses for themselves. We discussed their pros and cons above. But from experience, we will say that it is better to use stoves with a closed heater.

Duration of operation on one fill of fuel

Another important characteristic is how much fuel will work on one load. The longer the better. For example, the efficiency of a conventional brick kiln is about 85%, and a kiln that implements long-term combustion technology through the pyrolysis process is 91-95%. Accordingly, the second option will work more efficiently. Efficiency assessment is needed to make the most efficient use of fuel, the amount of which may vary.

The stove can operate not only on solid fuel (wood), but also on gas, liquid fuel, and electricity. In each specific case, you need to calculate the best option. Everyone's initial data is individual. Accordingly, everyone will have their own result. When choosing a stove for a bath, take into account the characteristics that the manufacturer indicated in the passport. If you decide to make a stove yourself, calculate and evaluate the possible efficiency in advance.

A standard wood-burning brick stove with a remote firebox will burn for about 4 hours. Long burning technology will increase this time to 30 hours.

Features of room heating

There are two options: hot and cold. Hot - the walls of the oven, heating up to more than 100 0 C, warms up the entire room. Cold - the walls of the oven are insulated and do not heat above +40 0 C. The room is heated due to special channels in which air circulates. Each method has its pros and cons.

Hot - heats the room faster, but there is a chance of getting burned. It is necessary to construct a protective screen made of bricks.

Cold is safer, the sauna heats up more evenly and cools down longer, but the process takes longer.

Type of fuel used

A sauna stove can operate on almost any type of fuel:

  • natural gas;
  • solid fuel (firewood);
  • wood processing products (compressed sawdust pellets);
  • liquid fuel;
  • electricity.

The classic option is a wood-fired sauna. Experts say that no other type of fuel is capable of creating such an atmosphere. IN modern conditions, this statement is quite controversial. Modern manufacturers with high rating, offer analogs that run on both gas and electricity. According to technical indications, they are not inferior to wood-burning stoves. Gas is the cheapest type of fuel, and the cost of firewood is steadily rising. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice.

Choosing a wood stove

When choosing a good wood stove, you should pay special attention to the following factors:

  • design features;
  • principle of operation;
  • manufacturer (more precisely, its rating).

Design Features

The combustion temperature is high, so that the stove does not burn out, it must be made of high quality metal. The oven will have to be heated for at least 3-4 hours. It is worth remembering that the design of such a furnace includes the following elements:

  • Ash pan - used to remove combustion products (ash).
  • Firebox - comes in different designs. It is most preferable to install an extended one, which will allow you to install the stove in the wall so that the firebox is in the adjacent room. The thickness of the metal must also be sufficient.
  • Flue and gas afterburning chamber - used in long-burning pyrolysis boilers. Allows the stove to burn for up to 30 hours on one load of fuel.
  • Heater - directly heats the air in the bathhouse.
  • Chimney - serves to remove gaseous combustion products.

The need for an additional foundation and the complex design of the chimney have led to a decrease in the popularity of traditional wood-burning brick stoves.

Principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, wood-burning stoves are divided into

  • long burning;
  • periodic combustion.

The advantages of a long-burning furnace are obvious: fuel savings as a result of the pyrolysis process. Design feature- the presence of an afterburning chamber for gases obtained as a result of pyrolysis. Disadvantage: soot formation. It is not recommended to pour water on stones, which, by the way, require much less. Otherwise, soot may be released into the bathhouse. The heating temperature of the stones is no higher than +350 0 C. But fuel savings can be up to 500%.

In a batch furnace, the stones are heated with an open fire to a temperature of about +500 0 C. The soot simply burns. You can safely pour water on the stones.


The rating of manufacturers of bathhouse stoves is confidently headed by the Finns and Swedes. Particularly popular are manufacturers such as Kastor, Harvia and Helo (Finland) and Tylo (Sweden). The Russians cannot yet compete with these manufacturers with any confidence.

Choosing an electric oven

Main Feature electric oven- constant need for electricity. If up to 7 kW a standard 220V network can be used, then over 7 kW will require an additional 380V line. This may not always be convenient and not everywhere, and, in general, it is possible. A new sauna stove can be too expensive.

Advantages of electric heaters

The advantages are obvious:

  • do not require construction complex structures(chimney, foundation);
  • can be installed in almost any bathhouse where there is electricity;
  • safety;
  • a closed system with a heat exchanger is possible;
  • durable, stainless steel;
  • ease of use.

Main selection criteria

What kind of electric stove is needed for a sauna? The selection criteria for specialists are standard:

  • presence or possibility of supplying the required voltage;
  • heat exchanger power;
  • the price of electricity in a specific region.

Selection of a gas furnace

A gas oven completely eliminates any independence. This is a source of increased danger, so installation and connection work can be carried out by specialists with the appropriate permits and licenses.

Advantages and design features

Natural gas is the cheapest fuel. This is its main advantage. Efficiency is the highest when using low-temperature equipment, up to 109%. This explains the high popularity of this equipment.

However, natural gas is not available everywhere. This is the main drawback.

When choosing a gas sauna stove, check the following:

  • Modulation type burner. This burner automatically selects optimal mode work, depending on specific conditions. This allows you to minimize the negative effect of underburning fuel.
  • The coolant (hot water) should be heated to +70 0. The gas temperature should not exceed +110 0 C.
  • Use a coaxial chimney.
  • Have a gas recirculation system.

Under such conditions, the efficiency will be maximum.

About gas-wood stoves

There are modifications that can operate on both gas and wood stoves. This allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • increases ease of management;
  • If there is no gas, you can use firewood.

Installation Requirements

Only specialists who have all the necessary licenses and permits are allowed to install gas furnaces. All fire safety standards must be observed.


Which sauna stove is best to choose for a Russian sauna? It is impossible to give a definite answer, but it is worth choosing between wood-burning and electric stoves, because... gas is not supplied everywhere. Next, the main criterion for selection is the power of the furnace. We have given the calculation formula above. The remaining parameters depend on your desire and wallet.

Having correctly determined the initial data, selecting a stove for a bath according to the parameters is not difficult. All characteristics are indicated in the product passport. Among manufacturers, the Finns confidently hold the first place, offering, among other things, fairly budget-friendly systems. The presence of a Russian-language website and the design of the case also influence the choice, which is not at all as small as we would like.

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