How to dry a cellar from dampness. How to dry a cellar: techniques from experienced summer residents How to make a cellar dry in winter

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Any living space requires maintaining an optimal level of humidity. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to controlling the level of humidity in basements and garage cellars. For this purpose they are equipped good ventilation and waterproofing. But what to do if water does appear in the cellar? In this case, garage owners need to immediately take measures to dry out the cellar. How to do this correctly, and what methods there are for drying cellars from moisture - read our article.

Why does moisture accumulate in the cellar?

The main reason high humidity in the garage cellar there is poor waterproofing or its complete absence. Due to mistakes made during the construction of a garage with a cellar, moisture gradually begins to accumulate in the room, and condensation appears on the walls. As a result of high humidity, an unsightly plaque (fungus) appears on the walls. This phenomenon is unacceptable for cellars in which food is stored, so it is important to carry out high-quality drying of the room in a timely manner.

Methods for drying a cellar in a garage

The constant accumulation of moisture in the cellar negatively affects the condition of the entire structure. There are several methods you can use to dry out the cellar in your garage. The most effective of these are candles and a brazier (metal oven, photo 1).

Important! Before you start drying out the cellar, you need to carry out a good inspection of it, remove the shelves, take out the interfering equipment and supplies upstairs. When all the debris has been removed from it, the room is dried with outside air to remove excess moisture, and then choose a method to normalize the humidity level.

There are two most well-known ways to deal with excess moisture in a garage basement.

Attention! If there is a lot of water in the basement, then before drying it must be pumped out with a pump or scooped out manually. It is important to determine what is the source of water in the cellar. Poor insulation may be to blame. But it may also be that the room was built next to a spring. IN in this case you need to divert the water to the side using a pump and provide good waterproofing in the cellar.

Installing waterproofing in a damp basement

In order for drying the basement in the garage to be effective, it is necessary to take care of the arrangement of external and internal insulation. You can create it yourself, without involving specialists. Purchase materials for external and internal drainage You can go to a hardware store.

Arrangement external drainage(diagram 3) in the cellar involves the creation of a system for removing excess moisture outside the room. It is best to equip the exterior during the construction stage of the garage, but you can waterproof the already finished room if the humidity level increases significantly. Creation principle external waterproofing as follows:

  • A trench is dug along the outer perimeter of the building (it should be 50 cm lower than the floor level in the cellar);
  • Along the entire length of the dug trench, drainage is installed in the form of plastic pipes (for them, wells with a depth of up to the first layer of sand must be prepared in advance). The top of the drains must be covered metal mesh(this will prevent contamination of the entire system);
  • Geotextile is laid at the bottom of the trench waterproofing material(it should also go onto the walls);
  • The finished drainage channel is filled with crushed stone to a height of 40 cm. The layer of crushed stone should be greater than the floor line in the cellar;
  • The embankment is well compacted.

Scheme 3

Internal drainage(Diagram 4) will dry the cellar much faster. To equip it, you need the following materials: geotextile waterproofing, crushed stone and gravel, drainage tubes, drainage pump, PVC container, sand. Pipes are laid around the perimeter of the room to collect excess water. The diameter of these pipes may vary, but it is best to choose designs with a diameter of 110 mm. It is better to arrange the internal drainage system in the basement of the garage during the construction stage. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the floor in order to lay everything structural elements systems.

Internal drainage in a garage cellar is laid in accordance with the following scheme:

  • Dig a trench about 50 cm deep around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • The bottom is compacted well, then a geoseptic is laid on it (this material perfectly absorbs moisture, thereby performing the function of waterproofing);
  • A layer of fine-grained material (gravel, crushed stone) 20 cm thick is placed in the trench;
  • Pipes are laid on top of the embankment, maintaining an inclination angle of 3 mm;
  • A layer of gravel is again poured over the laid pipes, but of a medium fraction. The material is well compacted and a layer of geotextile is placed on it;
  • The final action in this case will be backfilling the trench with sand and soil (removed during digging) and thoroughly compacting it.

Scheme 4

There is another method for effectively drying the cellar in the basement - injection protection(Scheme 5). This method is one of the most expensive, but at the same time it is most effective. When using this method, waterproofing in the cellar is installed using injections. Naturally, to fulfill similar works you will need specialized equipment. The injection drying method is recommended for garages built from concrete, brick and foam blocks. The injection drying technology looks like this:

  • Holes with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 mm are drilled along the entire perimeter of the damp basement. A distance of 20-80 cm must be maintained between adjacent holes. In each case, the parameter will be different and depend on the level of humidity, wall thickness and soil characteristics;
  • Special elements are inserted into the prepared holes, through which the liquid waterproofing or polymers;
  • The advantages of such waterproofing are obvious. There is no need to dismantle the cladding from the walls or break building structures. In addition, work on arranging waterproofing in this way can be carried out in any weather, at any time of the year.

When you make repairs, of course, you want it to be of high quality, good, and durable. After all, who wants, for example, to spend a year again renovation work? I think no one. Why am I asking this?

Crazy will tell you how to dry the underground floor in your house. You may ask, why do I need this? And what difference does it make how to dry this underground? After all, they will put a floor on it, and everything will be fine. But here you are wrong. It's no secret that everything starts with the basics. Everyone knows that the earth that is under the floor is an eternal source of moisture. Which leads to dampness and an unpleasant rotten smell. This is why it is so important to know how to dry the underground in your home. After all, no one wants to be in a room where it’s humid and damp, and what’s more, there’s a terrible smell? Read now, how to dry the floor in a house and this problem will bypass you. And your home will always be cozy, warm and comfortable. How does excess moisture enter our homes?

1. So, if you do not have a good quality foundation, then water will enter through cracks in the foundation. If this is the case, then be sure to find out how to dry out the underground in your house and do a good job.

2.Spring and autumn, when the location groundwater so high, water soaks under your floor. And lastly, wet and warm air falls under the floor. And that’s why condensation occurs in our house, or rather, dew drops appear on the walls of the room.

Several ways to dry the subfloor (basement) in your house

The first mechanism is sealing

1. To dry the basement (underground) in the house, you need to install an exhaust pipe so that it reaches the bottom of the underground.

2. A fairly effective way to dry the underground (basement) in the house, to speed up the process of drying the underground, you can place a lit candle under the bottom of the pipe.

3. You will need to carry out groundwater drainage. The first thing you need to do for this is to punch small grooves along the entire length of the underground foundation.

Tip: make them with a slope towards one corner of the building. The second thing is to put the pipe down. This is done to allow water to flow out of the tubules.

5. You can use the same principle as with grooves to make drainage with pipes. But for this, the pipes should be installed before the construction of the underground.

6. And one more, in my opinion, the easiest way, how to dry the underground in a house. So, for this you will need to cover the underground with any material that isolates water, for example, roofing felt is a good option, polyethylene film. But, it is very important to do this before laying the subfloor. Waterproofing materials will not allow moisture to pass through, and the subfloor will remain dry. Press down the roofing felt or film in several places so that it does not move.

By the way, this option for dealing with underground humidity is simple but effective. Of course, these are not all the methods for drying out the basement in a house. But still basic and not very expensive, which is also important. Know that the key to your quality, good repair It's in the little things. No, technologies for drying the underground in a house are not trifles, but many do not think about it. And then they arise various kinds Problems. Condensation on the walls, dampness, unpleasant rotten smell. Control everything and make your home cozy and warm. Repair issues need to be approached very thoroughly. So don’t be lazy and find out how to dry the subfloor in your house. And believe me, many problems can be avoided. After all, it is important for your health. Who will benefit from humid, damp air or maybe condensation on the walls?

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In most cases, the appearance of dampness in the garage basement is caused by mistakes made during the construction stage. And the most interesting thing: it is almost impossible to take into account all the nuances and provide for every possibility of moisture entering the cellar. And it’s good if there is no groundwater around, and none of the neighbors equip it in the immediate vicinity storm drainage. But a huge number of owners of garages with a basement still have to face a significant problem in the spring and autumn - how to dry the cellar. In our article we will not only look at the main methods of drying a room, but also provide some tips on how to proper waterproofing basement

You need to think about preventing the appearance of dampness in the cellar at the construction planning stage. When constructing a basement, under no circumstances should you use porous materials such as expanded clay or foam blocks. It is also not recommended to use any type of brick, since in practice it is very problematic to ensure proper water resistance of this material. The best option is concrete, not only for the bottom of the cellar, but also for all the walls.

As building material for a garage basement it is better to choose concrete

Next question that appears during the construction of a garage cellar, which structure should you choose - prefabricated or monolithic? Of course, a monolithic basement is less labor-intensive, and its service life is much longer, but if desired, you can also use foundation blocks.

Construction work is best carried out in summer time when water in the garage basement is an extremely rare occurrence. Then it will be possible to avoid the appearance of groundwater in the prepared pit.

How to dry out a basement in a garage

Despite careful choice of location, enhanced waterproofing and other measures to prevent the appearance of dampness in the basement, it is not always possible to take into account every last detail. So, let's look at the main ways to dry a cellar in a garage.

Before you start waterproofing an already built basement in the garage, you need to think about how to dry damp cellar. It is best to do this in the warm season. First, let’s take everything that is there out of the cellar, that is:

  • shelves;
  • racks;
  • boxes for vegetables.

After this, we thoroughly clean the floor of even the smallest debris. Now the room should dry naturally for two days. Next (especially in the spring-autumn period), you should definitely dry out the basement additionally.

Drying method with broiler

In order for the bucket to maintain the draft necessary for normal combustion, it should be slightly modified by welding the legs and cutting holes in the bottom

One way to quickly dry out a basement requires an old metal bucket. The bucket is placed in the middle of the cellar, a fire is lit in it and maintained until the room is completely dry. Hot air creates forced circulation, and musty, damp air is quickly forced out of the basement. An additional advantage of the method is that the smoke perfectly destroys mold and bacterial spores in the walls, and also evicts unnecessary insects for a long time.

How to Properly Dry a Garage Basement Using a Dutch oven

Drying method using a candle

The second method of drying the basement is even simpler than the previous one. All that is needed for it is to extend the ventilation pipe to the floor and place a burning candle under it in metal vessel(for example, in a tall tin can). Now, in order for the initial draft to appear, we light a small piece of paper right in the pipe. All. Further, the necessary draft will be supported by the candle flame. Thus, in 3-4 days, replacing the stub with a new candle, you can completely solve the problem of how to dry the basement in the garage.

How to properly dry a garage basement using a candle

Tip: instead of a candle, you can use a tablet of dry fuel.

Only after completely drying each square centimeter basement of the garage, you can begin waterproofing work.

Methods for waterproofing a cellar in a garage

Usually, to protect against moisture, special waterproofing additives are added to concrete already at the stage of basement construction, which enhance protective properties material from moisture and groundwater. Let's look at a few more ways to protect the cellar from dampness and humidity.

How to make external drainage

Most reliable way avoid getting the basement wet - drain groundwater from the foundation either into a storm drain or outside the site. True, this method is suitable, both in terms of efficiency and economy, only for detached buildings, and not for parking lots, garage cooperatives and basements big houses.

Tip: it is best to carry out an external drainage system simultaneously with the construction of the garage basement.

Correct device external cellar drainage

External drainage technology:

  1. It is necessary to dig a trench along the entire perimeter of the basement, with a depth of 0.4 m below the level of the cellar floor and a width of 0.4 m. In this case, every 2 meters, wells are drilled to the sand layer, into which the installations are installed. plastic pipes for drainage. To prevent crumbling soil and crushed stone from entering the opening of the drainage pipes, they must be covered with a fine galvanized grid.
  2. After this, the bottom of the trench is covered with geotextile (to avoid silting) so that the ends of the material extend onto the walls of the recess, and the trenches themselves are filled with gravel or crushed stone to a height of approximately 0.4 meters (you need to ensure that the upper edge of the backfill layer is slightly higher than the lower edge cellar walls).
  3. The crushed stone is wrapped on top with the remains of geoseptic material. The result of all these manipulations will be a horizontal drainage pipe around the entire garage, preventing groundwater from entering its perimeter, as well as its accumulation.
  4. Next, we fill the trench with soil in several stages, carefully compacting each layer to prevent the structure from collapsing.

Important: when drilling wells, it is necessary to ensure that they do not go too deep into the sand layer, and also that drainage system didn't hit wastewater from sewer system, since continental sands are an aquifer containing drinking water. If you allow sewage to get in, you and your household will be the first to suffer.

Internal drainage device

If the question often arises of how to quickly dry a large cellar, then it is worth equipping it with an internal drainage system. To do this, interconnected pipes are located along the entire perimeter of the building, into which the water entering the basement flows.

For garage cellar drainage, the modern construction market offers a wide range of specially designed pipes of various diameters: perforated, corrugated, with stiffeners. Pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are most efficient. Drains must be equipped with special holes located along the entire length of the pipe at an equal distance from each other.

Tip: Internal drainage is best done before the floor is built. Otherwise, it will have to be broken.

Internal drainage technology:

  1. A trench is dug along the entire perimeter of the basement to a depth of 0.4 m.
  2. The bottom is carefully compacted and geoseptic material is spread on it.
  3. The trench is filled to a depth of 0.15 m with gravel or crushed stone.
  4. Drains are laid on top of the backfill layer at a slope of 3 mm for each meter of pipe length.
  5. Drainage pipes are completely filled with medium-sized gravel (5-15 mm) so that the holes are not clogged with smaller particles and covered with geotextiles.
  6. The trench is completely filled with sand and compacted.
  7. To collect water from the pipes, a collection well should be installed at the lowest point of the basement. Now you can buy ready-made industrial PVC wells up to 3 m high, which are lightweight and durable. But some people prefer to make their own well from concrete, which significantly increases the amount of work.
  8. Installed in the well drainage pump, which turns on automatically when the float located in the well reaches a certain level. When the float is lowered to its initial position, the pump motor is switched off.

Advice: the place where the pumped water will be discharged must be taken care of in advance. To do this, connect a hose to the pump, which is led either outside the site or into local system sewerage.

Interesting: instead of a well, you can use an ordinary two-hundred-liter barrel, but in this case you will need to regularly ventilate the garage basement.

Basement injection protection

This innovative method is one of the most expensive, moreover, it requires certain skills and special equipment, as a result of which such work should be entrusted to professionals rather than trying to do it on your own. Waterproofing using injections is effective even for objects built from brick, foam block and cinder block.

Injection waterproofing technology

  1. Holes with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 mm are drilled along the perimeter of the structure at a distance of 20 to 80 cm from each other, depending on the thickness of the walls, soil density and other influencing factors.
  2. Expandable packers are installed into the holes, into which insulating substances are introduced under high pressure using a special pump.

The undoubted advantage of the method is that such waterproofing can be carried out at any time without opening the floors, foundation or removing the cladding. In addition, polymer waterproofing materials are very durable and environmentally friendly. clean materials, and due to their reduced viscosity they are able to fill even the smallest cracks in walls and foundations.

Works on injection waterproofing: polymers are injected under pressure into holes formed around the perimeter

Penetrating waterproofing

Most effective way Waterproofing a garage cellar is a method using penetrating waterproofing.

The principle of penetrating waterproofing is to block pores and capillaries by creating new structural connections

This type of material makes it possible to quickly and efficiently cover not only surfaces in the basement, but also all concrete and even brick surfaces. High efficiency when working with wet objects allows you to carry out work from the inside, avoiding the grueling excavation of external walls.

Waterproofing mixture diluted with ordinary water, and the resulting solution is applied to a pre-moistened surface. The mixture, having entered into a violent reaction with water on the surface of the insulated objects, forms crystals that completely fill the capillaries of concrete or brick.

After the basement is completely dry and waterproofed, you can bring back the shelves, boxes and racks. Before this, they must be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, copper sulfate (today this is one of the cheapest, but highly effective methods of protection against mold).

Moisture in the cellar harms the products that are sent there for storage. In addition, it causes harmful fungus to develop. How to dry the cellar if it is wet or if there is flooding?

How to dry a cellar

How to dry a cellar from dampness and fungus

Before you start drying the cellar and fighting mold, the room needs to be prepared. To do this, remove all products and pallets, remove removable wooden shelves and shelving.

Sometimes used for drying Appliances. But this must be done wisely. For example, is it possible to dry out the cellar with a heater? In principle, this can be done. To do this, the heater must be placed in the center of the room. If the floor is earthen, you need to place a solid stand under the heater. However, this method is bad for two reasons:

  • dry the cellar with a heater for a very long time;
  • it is quite expensive as heaters consume a lot of electricity.

It is much better to use a homemade roasting pan. To make it, place an old metal bucket in the center of the cellar and build a large fire in it. Maintain the fire until the room is completely dry. The advantage of this method is that the smoke from the fire will destroy the fungus.

To prevent fungus from appearing in the future, treat the walls. To do this, dilute in water copper sulfate at the rate of 100 g of substance per bucket of water.

How to dry a cellar after flooding

Drying should begin immediately after flooding, as mold will begin to form quickly. First remove the water using buckets or submersible pump. Do not forget to immediately open the cellar lid to create air ventilation.

Attention! When drying a flooded cellar, be sure to use rubber boots and gloves so you don't get electrocuted!

After you have removed the bulk of the water, install several fans in the cellar. They need to be directed towards the walls of the room, this will improve air circulation. If possible, use

Drying basements represents a set of one-time or preventive measures aimed at normalizing the humidity of structures and air. The specific method is selected based on the volume and functional purpose: for an area within 2 m2, it is sufficient to improve air exchange using a candle; if it is necessary to dry large storage facilities, use portable stoves and dehumidifiers. These works are combined with antifungal treatment of surfaces.

When is drying required?

The need to normalize humidity arises:

1. In case of a one-time flooding of the cellar in the spring or when the groundwater level rises due to excess precipitation. After the water recedes, without taking measures, dampness remains inside the underground for a long time; the system, which is sufficient under normal conditions, cannot cope.

2. If necessary, accelerate the removal of construction moisture. Basements of a private house, pits under garages and utility rooms laid and isolated in the summer or early autumn, but there are exceptions. It is not recommended to delay finishing; drying the walls and floors helps to avoid technology violations.

3. If the operation of the channels or insulating layers of the cellar is disrupted. Clogging of holes, lack of traction in hot or rainy times, seepage of ground moisture or other deviations in temperature and humidity conditions lead to excess dampness and the appearance of condensation, which is unacceptable.

4. When carrying out annual preventive measures. Most used disinfectant solutions dries naturally, but if necessary, quickly obtain a dry basement before loading the crop or unfavorable weather conditions the intensity of air exchange is increased.

Review of popular methods

To rid the cellar of a private house or a hole under a garage from dampness, one of the following methods is used:

  • Absorption excess humidity absorbent materials.
  • Increasing air exchange using a lighted candle or dry alcohol.
  • Dry with a broiler or portable oven.
  • Using electric dehumidifiers: heat guns or specialized units operating on the principle of air cooling.
  • Installation of forced fans.

Drying begins after eliminating the causes of excess moisture or for the purpose of prevention, to simplify work and remove dampness in hard-to-reach areas, all removable items and the products themselves are taken outside. If there is free time, they first try to dry the basement naturally, namely, with increased ventilation for 3-5 days. If there are no results, one of the above forced methods is selected.

The preparatory stage is mandatory in any case: surfaces are inspected for fungus and disinfected with compounds deep penetration, loose ones are removed Decoration Materials, updated upper layer the ground floor (if any), walls and shelving systems are treated with antifungal solutions or re-whitened. In basements after flooding, which is systematic in nature, the protection of the floor and walls is enhanced; along the perimeter of such buildings, drainage pipes. The last thing to check is the draft in the air exchange system (by holding a match to the holes); if necessary, additional ones are installed supply- exhaust pipes or the existing channels are cleaned.

1. Features of drying using hygroscopic materials.

If there is a slight but constant manifestation of dampness in the cellar and it is impossible to introduce additional ventilation pipes To normalize the operating conditions, absorbent substances are used inside. Drying a damp basement can be done by scattering sawdust on the floor and periodically changing it, lowering boxes of charcoal, fluff lime, placing calcium chloride in the corners and pieces of cardboard. The advantages of the method include simplicity and the possibility of updating the sorbents (some types of materials can be quickly dried in the sun and put in again), the disadvantages are that it is inappropriate when it is necessary to process large areas. Cardboard and charcoal used without restrictions, lumps of lime or calcium chloride Do not place it next to food.

2. Increasing traction with a candle or dry fuel.

The most simple way changing the thermostatic equilibrium is by bringing lit paper to the outlet of the hood. In rooms with standard two pipes, forced drying is organized by placing a candle under them in a fire-proof container. In addition to the supply opening, the volume of incoming air is increased by opening the entrance hatch or door. A burning candle is placed on the floor, and the exhaust pipe itself is extended with a temporary nozzle.

This method is proven and safe; it allows you to dry out a cellar relatively quickly (burning is maintained until results are achieved, usually 2-3 days) of any size: from pits in garages to individual storage facilities. Burners or dry alcohol tablets can be used (10-15 pieces are needed for a standard volume basement; in addition to high-quality drying, its vapor kills fungal spores). The limitations taken into account include the need to support combustion and the risk of increasing condensation inside when sucking in moist hot air in the summer with subsequent cooling on the walls; control of the process is required.

3. Pros and cons of using heat guns and electric dehumidifiers.

This method is valued for its safety: in the center of the cellar or in any in the right place a heater or heat generator is placed to quickly remove excess moisture from structures. In rooms with concrete screed they are installed directly on the floor, with ground floors- on a specially prepared base. The power of the device is selected based on the volume and humidity: for drying, an oil, infrared or converter heater is sufficient; for expelling moisture from flooded private houses, they are used heat guns at 3-5 kW. In particular difficult cases forced fans are introduced into the circuit.

TO separate group include dehumidifiers operating on the principle of cooling based on freon. By driving a humid environment through themselves, they remove condensate into special receiving containers and containers; to start the devices, it is enough to connect to the network and periodically pour out water. It is recommended to buy such dehumidifiers for the basement when servicing the underground with large area, including agricultural vegetable storage facilities and industrial facilities. In addition to collecting condensate, they filter the circulating air and control its temperature; the most advanced models function for both cooling and heating. Their scope of application is not limited to the cellar; if necessary, they can be transferred to any room.

Heat guns work quickly and provide high-quality and deep drying of structures. They require installation on a stable and dry base, but such conditions are not difficult to organize. The disadvantages include the need for electricity; in addition to significant consumption, this option is not suitable for remote storage facilities not connected to the network.

4. Heating with a broiler.

The idea is to place on the floor a brazier, a potbelly stove, a kerosene burner or an ordinary tin bucket with sawdust or charcoal burning inside. The resulting heat enhances circulation processes and expels moisture from surfaces, the achieved effect lasts for a long time. Before starting, the room is ventilated naturally for 3-4 days, the brazier and its analogues are placed for a few more hours, in especially difficult cases the fire is maintained for 1-2 days. This method allows you to dry and fumigate the structures with smoke, thereby increasing protection against mold.

A brazier or stove requires caution when lowering, it weighs a lot, and safety with ropes is required. Dry sawdust is used for kindling and for support. long burning- coke or charcoal, but in general there are no restrictions on loading ordinary firewood. You should be prepared for the formation of a large volume of smoke; this method is better suited for individual storage facilities, rather than the underground of private houses. Self-ignition of a brazier or potbelly stove is prohibited; a belay assistant remains at the top.

5. Forced fans.

When carrying out annual maintenance, the easiest way to dry the cellar is by increasing the volume of circulating air. There are no restrictions; the desired effect is provided by both portable fans installed on the basement floor and compact deflectors built into exhaust pipes, the latter can be temporary or permanent. The advantages include simplicity, the disadvantages are dependence on electricity. Efficiency depends on eliminating the causes of moisture penetration; if the waterproofing layer is damaged or constant flooding, the underground needs more serious protective measures, optimizing air exchange is not enough.


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