How to live according to Feng Shui - seven golden rules. Feng Shui Bagua zones in the home: how to identify and activate for health and well-being

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The world in which we live is an immense energetic space where energy flows are in continuous movement and interaction, which in turn causes changes in the world. Our life lies between such coordinate axes as space and time. And every day we ourselves move in space and time, and we really want this movement to bring joy, pleasure, well-being, health, etc. The key to success, as the ancient eastern sages believed, is the right actions in space, done at the right time, consistent with the flows of energies that make up our reality.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science about how the flows of energies that surround us in space and pass through it in time affect our health, success, wealth, and development.

Feng Shui, like almost all ancient Chinese arts and sciences, is based on the doctrine of pure energy. Qi, which gives life to everything on this earth. Qi has many meanings including " spirit", "breath", "viability" And " vital energy"According to this, Qi is the life force that pulsates in all living things, invisibly filling them with energy and movement.

So in traditional Chinese medicine, Qi energy flows through meridians (Nadi) in the human body. Meridians supply vital energy to all internal organs and parts of the body. The health of the body is judged by its energy state. All levels of the body - circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system, as well as the muscles and bones of the skeleton are considered secondary to Qi and function only thanks to vital energy. Just as it flows in our body, Qi energy is distributed throughout the entire planet in the same way. Meridians of earth energy are called " dragon veins". Where the Qi energy is close to the surface, the earth is fertile, abundant and rich in vegetation; where the Qi energy circulates far from the surface, the earth is dry and barren.

Feng Shui as an art or science is one of the ways to cultivate Qi energy, improve its quality (its harmonization, strengthening, eliminating negative aspects). Qi permeates all objects and phenomena, influencing their condition, influencing the thoughts and actions of people, determining their emotional and physical state, in general - influencing the fate of both an individual person and the planet as a whole. Feng Shui teaches how to bring Qi into our lives in harmony, thereby harmonizing our lives and the world around us in the broadest sense of the word.

I would like to immediately note that true feng shui is by no means a system of recipes, signs and superstitions leading to prosperity. This is the science of the living flows of the Universe, following the laws of which you can achieve three great benefits: health, happiness, success.

Generally speaking, Feng Shui helps determine " a good place" and choose a "favorable time" for this or that " movement"in our lives, be it: choosing a job, concluding important contracts, buying or building a house, a wedding, the birth of a child, etc. That is, Feng Shui helps to analyze the situation within the framework of a coordinate system" spacetime"to help achieve success in it, focusing on the life-giving energy flows of the Universe.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles set out at the turn of the VI-V centuries. greatest Chinese thinker Lao Tzu, who spoke about the One beginning of all things, about the concept Yin Yang, about the energy of Qi, about the place of man in this world and principle of Tao, allowing one to connect with the entire Universe and feel the entire Universe within oneself. The practice of Feng Shui promotes the feeling of pure Qi energy in the world. When a person stops his attachment to the external manifestations of his personality, he is able to realize the great connection of all phenomena on earth with the flows of Qi energy.

Based on Taoist teachings, the art of Feng Shui consists of interpreting patterns and models of existence that already exist in the Universe and intuitively comprehending the cause and connection of all things and phenomena. The path of living Feng Shui is the path of peace and happiness in harmony with everything that exists in the world, this is the path in accordance with the laws of energy vibrations in the Stream of Being.

Confusion in the minds of the world's population regarding what the art of Feng Shui is was caused by someone Thomas Lin Yun, a Chinese-American who was one of the first to teach the art of Feng Shui in the Western world. It was in 1986 that the story began" Method of Eight Life Aspirations" - a simplified and popularized method of working with space, dividing it into a “love zone”, " money zone", "family zone", etc., who brought amulets, figurines and talismans of good luck, prosperity, love, etc. into feng shui from Chinese culture and folklore.

I would like to note that classical Feng Shui has nothing to do with dividing space into zones and does not work with Chinese folk attributes and cultural elements.

Behind long years since its existence, Chinese culture has given birth to many practical schools Feng Shui. Some of them are based on Taoist tradition, others on Buddhist, the third - on Confucian. However, all the schools and methods of Feng Shui that have come down to us can be attributed to either " school of forms", or to " compass school", which in turn are strongly interconnected and complement each other.

According to legend, the foundations for the school of Feng Shui forms were laid by peasants who lived in southern China. Merchants from the northern part of the country became so interested in this system that they wanted to use it. But in the north there were no suitable landscape elements that could serve as the necessary reference points. However, it was clear to the merchants that the system, so successful in the south, could not but be applied in the north, and they began to look for others." fulcrum"for environmental analysis. Such " support points"turned out to be the cardinal directions. So the North Chinese merchants founded the second large school of Feng Shui - the school of the compass.

The school of forms is based on the classification of landscapes; The purpose of the study is the influence of the visible environment on the object of analysis. In accordance with the specific needs of the owner of the future home, the selected landscape should be harmoniously combined with the purpose of the building.

The compass school is also called the school San Yuan (Three Period School). She became the ancestor Flying Stars method, which is based on the astronomical observation of the North Star and " flying"there are stars around it. This method describes the state and movement of Qi energy in the house. Currently, the Flying Stars method has become very popular and is so developed and improved that we can talk about separating this method into a separate school - Flying Star School San Yuan.

A special compass is used in the analysis of the astronomical horoscope Lo-pan(Lopan) for choosing the ideal location and orienting the house to the cardinal points, it is also called geomantic compass Lo-pan, or " the receptacle of all earthly circles".

Of course, Feng Shui is an ancient, deep and extremely difficult practice that requires thorough immersion. Feng Shui has many schools and directions. However, if you decide to seriously engage in this science, the most important thing to rely on in your search is not to forget that Feng Shui works primarily with the energy flows of the Universe, and not with tools, attributes and talismans. Form without content is dead. The path of Feng Shui is the path of feeling oneself in this world, the essence and connection of all phenomena of this world, the path of awareness of Qi. First of all, you will have to work within yourself, harmonize your inner space, to feel like a part of the Great One and Indivisible. Only this path can become the path of a Feng Shui master.

Each person is the creator of his own destiny, his own reality. And some people succeed in everything in this life, while others don’t quite succeed. What's the catch? Perhaps the reason lies in external factors. Or maybe we ourselves are able to influence our actions, build our lives as our heart dictates or our intuition dictates? For many millennia, residents of China have found answers to all such questions in the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. This word is probably already familiar to each of us. Now many people believe that it is fashionable to live according to Feng Shui, to build relationships according to Feng Shui. What can I say, aspiring entrepreneurs turn to this science to get help in successfully building their business. So what is this science? And how can it influence our lives?

Translated from Chinese language The word "feng shui" means nothing more than "winds and waters." These natural elements are symbols of heaven and earth. And they always accompany a person, wherever he is. From the sky, wind streams carry their energy to people, and on earth, water washes away people's sorrows and also gives a person the power of thought and a healthy spirit. According to the theory of Feng Shui, a person lives surrounded by nature. And a close relationship with the outside world nourishes a person, makes him stronger and more confident. On the other hand, the energy of two elements can be different: strong, destructive, and weak, lifeless. Finding harmony with nature and the surrounding world, as well as creating internal balance, is the main task of a person according to the theory of Feng Shui. This science helps everyone understand themselves, determine their place in the surrounding space, and achieve the heights to which we strive.

Internal energy

Man is a kind of vessel filled with various. The own energy of every living creature on earth helps to distinguish people from each other. You will never find two people who are identical in character and temperament. Their energy will be different. The world is divided, according to the Chinese, into two halves: the dark side (Yin) and the light side (Yang). These two concepts are the philosophy of Feng Shui. Weak energy is inherent in the feminine principle (Yin), and people with a stronger inner “I” have a masculine principle (Yang). And the most important thing, according to the Chinese, is to try to maintain a certain balance, an internal balance between two opposites. It is the “golden mean” that leads to a person’s harmony with himself and the world around him. Any excess of energy in both the masculine and feminine principles inevitably leads to dissonance of a person’s inner “I”.

According to the Chinese, energy flows literally permeate a person and everything around him. Everything living and nonliving has its own power. In a word, the world is woven from energies, namely from vitality qi. It is present everywhere: in the body of every person, in our emotions, in the air that we breathe. Any change that occurs in the world around us is the result of the movement of qi. It is also generally accepted that there is good vital energy in the body of a healthy person, and bad vital energy in the body of a weak and sick person. A dying person leaves behind an empty shell because the life force leaves him.

There are several forms of vital energy qi:

  1. Hereditary (yuan-qi), which is formed at the moment of conception and transmitted from parents to a small child. This energy is stored in the kidneys.
  2. Postpartum (sheng qi), which a person receives from air and food. "Shen Qi" means "breath of the contented dragon." Favorable power helps a person fight stress, maintain mental and physical balance in any unfavorable situation. Throughout life, according to Feng Shui theory, it is recommended to preserve this energy: eat only high-quality foods, do not overeat, get enough sleep and exercise physical culture. The traditional healing system of qigong is capable of preserving and accumulating vitality in the human body.
  3. Along with positive energy, a person is also surrounded by bad energy (se-qi), which has such varieties as: heat, cold, humidity, wind and dryness. Hereditary and postpartum energies are considered stronger than bad. But at the moment when a person’s strength weakens and the main energy is wasted in vain, se-qi becomes stronger, and the person falls ill.

Elements of the universe

Master Derek Walters: “Why Feng Shui Works”

In Chinese philosophy feng shui is the principle of the five elements, which determine a certain cyclical nature of everything that happens around. And each of the elements in the theory of Feng Shui is the pinnacle of a certain cycle, a stage in the development of all living and nonliving things in nature. So, the main elements of the universe:

  1. Tree
  2. Fire
  3. The soil
  4. Metal

A tree gives life, strength, flourishing. Energy during this period strives upward, like a tree with its foliage reaches for the light.

Fire helps to develop energy and direct it to different aspects of a person’s life.

Soil (or Earth) is a transformer of human energy.

Metal allows you to collect accumulated energy and concentrate it inside the human body.

Water nourishes human strength and helps preserve it.

All five elements represent the movement of the life force qi and have a great influence on a person.

Since the people of China discovered the science of vital energies, the theory of Feng Shui has penetrated far beyond the borders of the country. Many people became interested in the ability of the Chinese to manage their strength, energy and use it to improve their position in life and achieve success in everything. Westerners are accustomed to believing that luck in a person's life is pure chance. But feng shui is not an accident or even a prediction. This is the true ability to manage your life, your emotions, your body with the help of energy. The traditions and rules of Feng Shui were passed down from generation to generation, and real masters of this art shared their knowledge by opening special schools.

Currently, there are two schools of Feng Shui: compass and landscape (or school of shapes). They represent the connection between a person and the space around him in different ways.

Masters of the compass school carefully study a person’s horoscope and then determine best location home and him interior interior. During their work, craftsmen use a special Lo Pan compass. This device, according to the Chinese, contains all earthly circles and directions. It is believed that the earth's magnetic field can influence human energy. Using the Lo Pan compass, a specialist will draw up an energy map of any building.

Masters of the landscape school consider a place for a person’s home to be a manifestation of four living beings. Large black turtle (mountain) - behind the house, green dragon (mountains, tall trees) - on the left, a white tiger (low trees) - on the right, a phoenix (stream or quiet river) - in front of a person’s home. The internal arrangement of interior items in the house is considered by the school’s masters from the point of view of comfort and safety, human security. For example, it is not recommended to sit with your back to the door, since you cannot see the person entering, who could pose a danger to the owner of the house.

Application of Feng Shui in human life

Nowadays it has really become fashionable to live according to Feng Shui. Thanks to this art, you can not only equip your home, but also attract wealth into your home, arrange your personal life, and even learn how to properly prepare culinary dishes that will contribute to the growth and preservation of a person’s energy potential. But first things first. Let's look at some possibilities for using Feng Shui techniques in different aspects of our lives.

Feng Shui and human housing

A person spends most of his life at home. And a person’s well-being and health depend on how well his home and interior are arranged. Any room in which a person lives and works has its own energy. And the proper arrangement of furniture in the house, as well as correct location rooms in this room can lead to harmony of a person with the minimal space surrounding him, be it Personal Area in the office or your own apartment in a large multi-storey building.

It must be said that the Chinese prefer to build houses for themselves in standard (square, round or rectangular) shapes. "Deviations" from standards (rooms in the shape of a "boot" or " big knife") they consider unfavorable for humans. In this case, Feng Shui masters recommend hanging a mirror opposite the front door. Thus, non-standard sizes the rooms take the right shape.

Feng Shui in the interior

Feng Shui experts consider the location of windows opposite the front door to be unsuccessful in the layout of a home. Thus, it is believed that energy does not linger in this home; upon entering the house, it “flies away” through the window. Living in such a house, a person risks getting various diseases. In this case, experts recommend placing fresh flowers on the windows or hanging a crystal from the ceiling, which will dissipate the incoming energy throughout the home.

Placing windows opposite each other in a room also does not help retain favorable qi energy, which leads to anxiety, discomfort and instability. It is recommended, in this case, to cover one of the windows with curtains. And it is not at all recommended to live in a room where there is not a single window. Such a room can be very successfully used as a storage room or dressing room.

A person’s home should be well lit, as this helps to increase positive energy living space.

When choosing the color scheme of your home, it is worth considering the level of illumination. So, for example, in a well-lit room you can use both dark and light shades. In a small home, dimly lit, it is recommended to use only the brightest and lightest colors. This will enliven the interior and make it more attractive.

Feng Shui to protect human health

Chinese medicine specialists believe that a person’s health directly depends on his emotional state. His physical condition depends on how calm a person is mentally. If a person suffers, this leads to the emergence of various chronic diseases. The five elements, the five elements of the universe (wood, fire, soil, metal, water) are various manifestations of qi energy. Each person has his own elemental energy, and any Feng Shui master can easily determine this. According to the Chinese, there are also seven types of emotions: anger, despondency, joy, sadness, worry, fear and resentment.

The element of wood affects the manifestation of human emotions such as anger (in case of an excess of the element) or passion (due to a lack of wood).

Fire brings joy and pleasure to a person. Lack of joy leads to heart disease, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. An excess of fiery energy leads to human aggressiveness. Eating foods with bitterness, as well as the red color that predominates in clothing, all contribute to enhancing joyful emotions.

A lack of soil energy leads to selfishness, and, conversely, in the case of an excess of energy, it leads to generosity. Lack of energy threatens a person with the possibility of illness digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the Chinese advise living on the first floors of a house, being closer to the ground.

The lack of metal energy inevitably leads to depression and despondency. With excess energy, people become talkative and extremely incorrect.

Kidney diseases and Bladder occur when there is a lack of water. Excess moisture promotes mental and intellectual development person. Lack of water leads to isolation and fear in a person.

By managing the energies in his body, a person is able to manage his health.

Increase your well-being thanks to Feng Shui

For this it is necessary, first of all, focus on your goal, increase and strengthen your fortune. Simply put, force yourself to mentally get rich. And, seeing a goal in front of you, it is easier to go towards it, and it is easier to build a strategy for your business.

Second step, according to feng shui experts, this is building your own clear plan. And at the same time, no fear, only confidence and courage - this is what will lead a person to success. A kind of mindset for success and helps the future businessman achieve his goal.

Feng Shui: how to attract money into your life

Third, very important note– choosing the time to create your business. And this can help astrological forecast, compiled by feng shui masters.

In a word, Feng Shui is not even a science, it is an entire art and a way of human life. Following the rules of Feng Shui means rising to a high level of knowledge of the surrounding reality, achieving success in health, in work, in personal life, etc. Everything that is inharmonious will become harmonious thanks to Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, it is the main tool for analyzing the energy assessment of any space, be it an office, a house, an apartment, or a personal plot. This octagon location is an energy map divided into 9 sectors, including the center. Each sector describes a specific aspect of a person's life. Below we will describe each of them.

Magic square Lo Shu, is a square with nine sectors, which, like the Bagua octagon, serves as a tool for analyzing the energy of rooms. According to legend, four thousand years ago, a divine turtle crawled ashore from the Lo River, with the image of numbers on its shell; the order of these numbers forms the basis of all feng shui formulas.

Different schools of Feng Shui use either magic square Lo-Shu, or the Bagua octagon, both tools give almost the same result, but a slight difference still exists, but we will not consider it in this article. For beginning Feng Shui practitioners, I would recommend using the Lo Shu square, as it is easier to apply to the apartment plan.

How to use the Lo Shu square

Lo Shu Square one of the main Feng Shui tools for assessing the energy of any room. To use it you will need a plan of your apartment or office, house, personal plot etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your room according to the cardinal points. To do this, take any tourist compass, stand with your back to the front door of your apartment, and take measurements with a compass; when measuring, you need to take into account interference from iron structures. So take a step forward from the door and take a second measurement, and if they match, then there is no interference and your measurement is accurate. If the results do not match, try to identify the source of interference and take measurements at a distance from it.

After you have taken measurements with a compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment. Apply a Lo-Shu square to the plan of your apartment, aligning it exactly with the cardinal points. Now in front of you is an energy map of your apartment, with the help of this map you can influence different aspects your life, below we will consider them all in order.

How to correctly apply a Lo Shu square to a floor plan

According to Feng Shui practice, the correct shape of a house is a square or rectangle; in such rooms, Qi energy is distributed evenly, and applying a Lo Shu square to the house plan will not be difficult. To do this, take a plan of a house or apartment and draw lines along the load-bearing walls of the house; you should end up with a square or rectangle, depending on the shape of the building. Everything that fell overboard, balconies, ledges, everything non-residential premises does not need to be taken into account. Next, evenly distribute this square or rectangle into nine identical sectors, you should end up with nine identical squares or rectangles. Then mark the cardinal directions on the diagram.

If your apartment plan does not have the correct shape, that is, it is not a square, a rectangle. For example, your apartment is letter “G”, then also according to load-bearing walls draw it to a square or rectangle.

As can be seen in the figure, the eastern zone of the apartment is completely absent; this sector belongs to the family; below we will describe them all. According to Feng Shui, the residents of this house have disagreements with their parents, misunderstandings with their children and everything that is associated with the family sector. If you have a similar situation and are missing any sector, do not worry, there are corrective Feng Shui remedies that correct such situations and make the energy of your home favorable.

Sectors and zones of the apartment

Knowing the descriptions of all sectors and zones of the apartment, we can analyze the energy map of our home and find out which sector should be activated first in order to feel luckier, happier, richer, etc. You will find out in which zone it is best to place

1. Career, life path - NORTH

Main element: Water.

Power element: Metal.

Colors for activating the sector: White, blue, light blue, black.

The Career sector refers to how you earn a living, it indicates your life path and your goals that you are striving for. The idea is that if you're truly on track, you'll feel really good at work, you'll be enthusiastic, and you'll enjoy your job. If this is not the case, then you should pay attention to this sector in your home.

2. Relationships and love - SOUTHWEST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: red, pink, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and relationships is responsible for your relationships with a loved one, as well as relationships with friends and family. If you are single or have problems in your marriage, then it is worth focusing on this sector and getting it in order. To activate the sector, you can use paired things, for example two vases, red candles, etc.

3. Family - EAST

Main element: Wood.

Power supply: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: brown, green, blue, black, a little red.

The Family sector is responsible for your relationships with children, parents, as well as your relatives. If you have disagreements with your parents or children, then you should pay attention to this sector and put it in order. To activate the sector, you can use fresh flowers.

4. Wealth - SOUTH-EAST

Main element: Wood.

Power supply: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: purple, green, lilac, a little red.

The Wealth sector is responsible for material wealth, prosperity and prosperity. It also applies to your inner perception of the world, whether you feel happy and satisfied with life. To activate the sector, you can use an aquarium with fish, a fountain, or fresh flowers with round leaves. If you are haunted by financial failures in life, then you should first of all pay attention to this sector, put it in order, remove the rubble, if any.

5. Health - Center

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: beige, yellow, terracotta, orange.

This central sector is responsible for your overall health, your well-being, and how quickly you restore your strength. This sector has a special location, being in the center it unites other sectors together, so it has an impact on all sectors in your home. The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector; the health of other adjacent sectors depends on its health, that is, if this sector is not in order, there are blockages, then this will negatively affect all other sectors and have a bad impact on all aspects of life. Or vice versa, if you activate this sector, then positive will have positive influence to all other sectors in your home.

6. Helpers and travel - NORTHWEST

Main element: Metal.

Power supply: Earth.

This sector is responsible for travel, patrons, support of friends in difficult moments of life, as well as spiritual mentors and intuition. Do you have someone you can turn to in difficult moments in life? Do you have authoritative friends who can help you in insurmountable situations? If you are having problems with all this, then you should pay attention to this sector and put it in order.

7. Creativity and children - WEST

Main element: Metal.

Power supply: Earth.

Colors for activating the sector: gray, white, golden, silver, yellow.

This sector is responsible for how you spend your free time, leisure in nature, or how you express yourself through art, sports. And also your relationship with children and their upbringing. If you have problems conceiving, you should also pay attention to this sector. This area also relates to your setting of life plans and their implementation, the materialization of your desires.

8. Knowledge and wisdom - NORTHEAST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: orange, yellow, terracotta, beige.

This area is responsible for how you learn, understand the world, and gain experience. If you are experiencing problems in the area of ​​learning, you should first look for the reasons in this sector of your home. This sector is also an ideal place for home meditation and yoga.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!
I believe that although Feng Shui came to us from distant China, there is nothing wrong with using its tips in Russia. How I want to improve my life in all its aspects and bring harmony and integrity! And Feng Shui zones will help us with this. I have already written about Feng Shui on the blog, but today I will introduce you to such concepts as the Bagua grid or Feng Shui zone diagram, Feng Shui symbols for the house and apartment, how to arrange them and harmonize our house as a whole, because this is exactly what the place where we spend most of our time and most of our life depends on the environment at home.

From the article you will learn:

What is a Bagua grid?

The Bagua Grid is a basic feng shui concept. The grid is an octagon of nine trigrams, each of which is “responsible” for a specific aspect of our life (love, health, wealth and others).

An octagon can be visually “attached” to a home, a separate room, an office, or even a garden. In fact, correct mesh Bagua is an energy map of ANY room where there are clear boundaries and a main entrance.

What is all this for?

The meaning of the teachings of Feng Shui is to make your home an assistant in improving your life, to make the flow of energy work for you, with the help of small rearrangements and changes in the interior to bring success to you, financial well-being and good luck in business.

The teachings of Feng Shui teach you how to divide a house into zones and what interior items to fill these zones with.

Bagua grid or feng shui zone diagram

The grid was invented by the Chinese emperor Fu Xi during his observations of nature. Each of the nine Bagua trigrams corresponds to a natural phenomenon (fire, water and others), a feng shui element and a compass direction.

Any zone can be strengthened or weakened (the correct Bagua grid is needed for this). For example, by hiding a “stash” in the wealth zone, we increase financial income to the family budget. A home first aid kit in the health zone will give all family members additional “points” in the fight against viruses and bacteria.

You can strengthen the sector with aromas, colors, elemental and elemental symbols, as well as Bagua signs.

Bagua zones according to feng shui

Feng Shui zone (Bagua sector) is a certain part of the territory in which greatest number one or another energy relative to a certain “sphere of activity”. Simply put, the energy of money is not scattered throughout the apartment, but is concentrated, for example, in the left corner.

There should be a total of 9 such zones, and all of them correspond to the cardinal directions:

  1. Love Zone (Southeast)
  2. Wealth Zone (Southeast)
  3. Glory Zone (South)
  4. Zone of Wisdom, Knowledge (North-East)
  5. Career Zone (North)
  6. Zone of Children, Creativity (West)
  7. Zone of Travel, Helpers (North – West)
  8. Health Zone (Center)
  9. Family Zone (East)

You probably already guessed that dividing an apartment into zones is very simple - you just need to determine where each of the listed cardinal directions are located in your home.

Bagua feng shui overlay on an apartment

“Correct” overlay means that the Bagua grid is oriented to the desired cardinal directions, and not to the location of the rooms. Sometimes this creates certain inconveniences. Nevertheless, they say that such a grid has an effect in the house!

How to correctly determine the cardinal directions in an apartment according to Feng Shui

But at this stage you will have to work hard. But since you set out to improve the quality of your life, then obstacles should not stop you!

So, you will need a floor plan for your apartment. Perhaps you recently had to do housing issues and the apartment plan is very close. Or you might have an architect among your friends who is ready to help. There is another way - just type into a search engine “apartment plan ... (insert what you need - whether you have a Khrushchev, Leningrad, Stalin, new building)” - and print out the most suitable option.

Next, on the printed plan we need to draw the cardinal directions. It's very simple if you have a compass in your hands. But you can figure it out even without a compass: from which side does the sun rise in your apartment? If the morning rays flood your bedroom, feel free to write “East” on the bedroom plan. And in the opposite room - “Sunset”. Then it will be quite simple: south, north, and between them - intermediate zones, and finally, the center. The Wind Rose or a map with the directions of the parts of the world will help you not to get confused in the directions.

We take a plan of the apartment (or house) in paper form. It is quite possible to draw such a plan yourself. The main thing is to comply correct proportions and scale.

Bagua grid or feng shui zone diagram

Now we determine the geometric center of the apartment. From external corners draw two diagonal lines. Their intersection will become the desired center of the home.

Bagua feng shui compass for determining zones

If you cannot determine the zones according to the cardinal directions, then the Feng Shui bagua compass, which is used specifically for this, will help you with this. In this option, we will need a compass (or an ordinary tourist compass, not a Bagua). We determine where north is in relation to our apartment. We put a mark on the plan and, starting from this point, divide the apartment into zones.

How to apply a grid so that the Bagua trigrams coincide with the functional purpose of the rooms in the apartment? Unfortunately, no way!

On a note!

It may well turn out that the children's area will end up in the office, the career sector on the balcony, and the creativity area in the pantry! It's OK . It is enough to strengthen the sector with the symbols of the desired element/element and choose the right color scheme!

Designate zones by room

At this stage, you should have a plan of your apartment, painted according to the cardinal directions and, accordingly, Feng Shui zones. To simplify further work I advise you to sign each zone as specifically as possible in order to clearly understand what is where: for example, “Children’s Zone - bedroom”, “Love Zone - kitchen” and so on. What you get in your drawing is called the Bagua grid - that same breakdown of the home into Feng Shui zones. If you remember, I mentioned it when I built a wish map according to Feng Shui, it is also built according to this principle.

Conduct an audit of each zone

Now walk through the rooms and carefully examine each area. Identify the most “affected” areas. Which area is the most cluttered? Which one requires immediate cleaning? Which area will you need to pay the most attention to?

Also make a note for yourself which zone is currently most relevant to you personally. If you have been trying to have a child for a long time, then you will have to make special efforts in the Children zone. If you can’t find a job, let’s put it up Exclamation point in the Career zone. I think the principle is clear.

Feng Shui zones description and activation

Feng Shui zones description and activation

Now that you have identified the areas of your life that matter most to you, it's time to put the flow of energy to work for you! To do this, you need to know how to actualize energy in the zones.

East. Family and support (Wood and Water)

Color - green, material - wood.

If you feel that Lately there is not enough warmth and mutual understanding between your loved ones, help your family: put a couple in the Family Zone potted plants, hang a picture of a forest landscape, add wooden carvings, and increase the lighting. No need to repaint the walls green color or upholstered with wooden formwork - just a few small accents are enough the right color and from the right material.

This zone is responsible for harmony in family relationships and healthy energy for all family members.

How to activate the Family zone:

  1. Family photos in moments of happiness and joy;
  2. A home first aid kit or a shelf with medicinal cosmetics;
  3. Images of pine, peach, bamboo, God of health (Sina Show).
  4. Scents of hyacinth, sandalwood and pine and any shades of green and blue.

Prohibited: weapons, a bar with alcoholic drinks, images of withering (for example, paintings of autumn landscapes, herbariums or bouquets of cut flowers), stuffed animals and antlers, photographs of deceased relatives.

North. Career and life path (Water and Metal)

Color - blue, black, material - water.

It all depends on what kind of results you want to achieve. Water is a powerful element, you need to work with it carefully so as not to harm yourself. If you want to make a career climb, small home fountains and photos of fountains will do. If you are completely satisfied with the situation in your business life today, hang up a photo of standing water, a symbol of stability, for example, a beautiful mountain lake.

If you're looking for a new place, add some office paraphernalia, such as an organizer or writing set. A figurine of a turtle as a typical representative of the aquatic world wouldn’t hurt either.

The zone is responsible for everything related to career and work. A properly designed sector will help you get a promotion, get the job you want, increase your earnings or change your profession.

The symbols in this zone should, firstly, remind you of work, and secondly, “appease” water and metal. Therefore, in this zone we place:

  1. Office equipment (laptop, telephone, fax), business cards and folders with documents;
  2. An “eternal” fountain, an aquarium with fish or turtles, a painting or photo with a waterfall (the main thing is that the water moves);
  3. Metal clock with a pendulum.
  4. You can also enhance the energy of the sector with the aromas of cedar, rose, orchid and laurel, as well as any shades of blue and grey, silver, golden and white flowers.

Prohibited: Fire and Earth symbols, as well as standing water, are prohibited in the Work and Career area.

West. Creativity and children (Metal and Earth)

White, material – metal.

Childhood and creativity are associated with purity and innocence, so it works well in the childhood zone White color. To begin with, thoroughly clean this area; the presence of wilted or dried flowers, cobwebs in the corners, and dust is unacceptable. Update the furniture if necessary (just change the covers to lighter ones). Increase the lighting, add light photographs, perhaps children's drawings in light frames, children's crafts.

The sector is responsible for creative expression and the development and well-being of children.

How to activate the Creativity Zone:

  1. Children's toys, photographs;
  2. Pomegranate tree (symbol of multiple pregnancy), crane with peach fruits, hatching chicken, Hottei with children;
  3. Wish card or creative workshop.
  4. Scents of geranium and jasmine, beige, golden, gray and white flowers.

Northwest. Helpers, mentors and travel (Metal and Earth)

Color – white, material – metal.

This zone is “afraid” of objects and images of an erotic nature, broken or frankly decrepit objects. If you are waiting for help from someone, you can strengthen this zone with photographs of your spiritual mentors or simply persons significant to you. If you dream of traveling, add photos of the places you would like to visit.

The sector is responsible for travel and attracts the attention and favor of important people from outside.

How to activate the Travel zone:

  1. Images or figurines of patron angels and icons;
  2. Photos of family friends;
  3. Computer equipment (telephone, fax, computer);
  4. Earth symbols, crystals.
  5. Scents of jasmine and geranium, beige, gold, silver and white flowers.

Center. Health (Earth, Fire)

Color - orange, yellow, material - earth.

Who doesn't want to live a long and healthy life? Help the health energy: cleanse the center of your home and add strength to this area: wooden things, indoor plants, sea pebbles, images of blooming nature and objects in yellow and orange colors.

How to activate the Health zone:

  1. Wind chimes with a pleasant gentle sound;
  2. sea ​​pebbles or decorative boulders that will increase self-esteem.
  3. Talismans of health and harmony: globe, pots of earth, turtle, fireplace, crystal chandelier.
  4. Yellow and gold flowers.

Energy accumulates in this zone, which is distributed throughout the apartment and can correct the “weak” aspects of other sectors. It should always be light and clean here! The sector is responsible for physical health and harmony.

Southeast. Wealth (Wood and Water)

Color - red, green, material - wood.

Activating this zone is very simple; symbols of prosperity and wealth will help you with this (various figurines made of bronze or gilded metal, coins, money bags, decorative chests), a “money” tree, products from precious stones, a small fountain. It would be good to put a small aquarium, ideally with gold or red fish (fish symbolize success in money matters).

This type of Bagua sector is responsible for financial well-being and material wealth. Moreover, without reference to a career or job.

How to activate the Wealth Zone:

  1. Jewelry box, money symbols (frog on coins), figurines of God Fu-Hsing or Hottei. You can just put wooden box with a large banknote inside. By the way, the sector is a good place to store a “stash”;
  2. Fountain or aquarium with fish, Money Tree.
  3. Scents of patchouli, rose and orchid and any shades of green and blue.

Banned: symbols of Metal and Earth, dried plants and standing water.

South. Position and Glory (Fire and Wood)

Color - red, material - fire.

The energy of this zone is especially needed by people who have made it their goal to become famous and famous. You can maximize the energy of the Glory Zone by filling the space in it with your own awards, various diplomas and certificates.

The sector is responsible for achieving goals, life success and popularity.

How to activate the Glory zone:

  1. “Roll of honor” of the family (certificates, awards, diplomas);
  2. Images of the sun or sunflowers, photos or posters with fire, summer landscapes, fireplace, candles, incense, peacock feathers.
  3. Aromas of ginger, jasmine, geranium, cloves and cinnamon, as well as any shades of green and red.

Southwest. Marriage and Love (Earth and Fire)

Color - yellow, material - earth.

If your goal is to find new love or strengthen an existing one, be sure to work in this area. Candles and any objects associated with love and affection (figurines of a pair of doves or swans, images of a heart, any objects with an erotic connotation) will look great in the Marriage Zone.

Under no circumstances should you hang images of lonely people or photographs with sad scenes in this area, and do not place climbing or thorny plants here.

How to activate the Love and Marriage zone:

  1. Wedding and family photos, marriage certificate, wedding candles, figurines of doves;
  2. Gifts from grateful clients and friends;
  3. Things that cause Nice memories(for example, souvenirs from a joint trip). By the way, the Bagua grid “allows” any paired figures to be placed in this zone. Let’s say, if the “Marriage and Partnership” zone in the Bagua grid falls on the bathroom, then according to Feng Shui, it’s enough to just hang two paired towels or put two soap dishes there.
  4. Earth symbols, ceramics and crystal.
  5. Aromas of amber, rose, rosemary and orange, as well as red, pink, yellow and orange shades.

Northeast. Wisdom and knowledge (Earth and Fire)

This sector is associated with thinking, experience, skills and self-learning.

How to activate the Wisdom zone:

  1. A desk if you work at a computer (or schoolchildren or students live in the apartment). The Bagua Compass advises keeping workbooks, notes, diaries and textbooks in this area. For example, during the period when you are intensively learning a foreign language. Well, if no one in the family studies anymore, you can simply set up a library here.
  2. Good lighting (large chandelier or several lamps).
  3. The aromas of incense, myrrh, lotus and vanilla, as well as all shades of red, yellow and brown flowers, will help strengthen the energy of the zone.

Prohibited: any symbols of Water and Wood (for example, indoor plants and aquariums).

Despite the fact that each zone is updated in its own way, in the end your home should still look uniform and stylistically holistic. There is no need to get too carried away by one area that is interesting to you and make it a corner that stands out from the overall picture. You should enjoy being in the room, it's main principle Feng Shui.

The general principles of Feng Shui for an apartment say: clean the dirty, throw away the old, fix the broken.

Keep your home clean. Old things belong in a landfill, not in the back of a closet. Broken doors, unscrewed bolts, hanging wires - try to return everything to its place at once, before it is forgotten. A person has such a property - to get used to everything. He also gets used to problems in his home. Therefore, eliminate them as soon as they appear, and not “when there is time”: there is a high risk of simply getting used to them and stopping noticing them. Get rid of .

What is not cleaned is removed, what is not closed is closed.

We put what should be inside the closet inside. We put what should be behind the doors and not outside.

It's light during the day street light, in the evening - from electric.

Don't live in the twilight. Try to get enough light at any time of the day: give up gloomy curtains, add a couple of light bulbs to the chandelier, wash the windows, finally. Use the tips.

Remember, you should feel good and cozy in any part of your home!

If all these tips are followed, then most likely the proverb “my home is my castle” applies to you.

If not, everything is in your hands. Use the tips listed above, approach the matter with soul, give your home a little strength and attention, and it will definitely thank you! In a cozy home it is much more pleasant to relax and gain strength for new exploits; it is so good to return to such a house after a busy day and gather with friends and family for communication.

Every person strives in life to become happy and loved. But how can you attract this wonderful feeling into your life? In this case, various methods and techniques come to the rescue. You and I will not invent anything new, since time is money and we will use knowledge that has been tested for centuries. To do this, we will use the ancient knowledge that Feng Shui gives. Let's pick up a compass...

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IN Ancient China the kitchen was considered the center of health. The relevance of this concept has expanded in our time. The kitchen is the center for food storage, as well as a place for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, the children have taken a liking to this part of the apartment and fuss around there all day long. The father works here with a laptop, friends communicate with you in this place. We watch TV in the kitchen. In general, we have a lot of things to do here. ...

A variety of Feng Shui methods also help to attract love and happy marriage and can also improve your intimate life. In Feng Shui there are two polar energies, yin and yang. Without yin there is no yang and vice versa. These two forces complement each other; there must be a balance between them. Single women who want to find happiness with a man should bring yang energy into their space, and...

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The ancient art of harmony, known to us as Feng Shui, was originally called Kanyu. Translated, this name means: “Look at the laws of heaven and understand their manifestation on Earth.” It is this name that more accurately conveys the meaning of the science of Feng Shui. The well-being of the home primarily depends on the supply of positive Qi energy. It is Qi that is the source of mutual understanding, wealth, abundance and...

You can have any attitude towards the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, but this teaching really helps us organize the space of a children's room in the most harmonious way, taking into account the habits, character and temperament of the child. With its help, you will find out what color is best for your child to use roller shutters, what children's furniture is best suited to your interior and your baby, from what...

The Feng Shui system has millions of followers; people living in different countries of the world are passionate about it, regardless of their level of education, social class, or income. But how to create the ideal aura in the house, how feng shui attracts health. The color scheme shapes a person’s mood and moral state, so it is necessary to treat color with due respect. Experts advise giving...

One of the important components of the teachings of Feng Shui is correct selection color range. Spring has come, it's time to “wake up” after the winter lull and depression. Therefore, you need to bring spring shades into the color scheme of your home, because they can improve the energy of your home, and also direct the energy of its owners in the right direction. We will tell you how the different...

The hallway is the room into which we enter immediately as soon as we open the front door. Although we do not spend much time in it, the path of qi entering our home first passes through the hallway. Therefore, here you need to follow your Feng Shui rules. Rule 1. Color range for the hallway it is best to choose in pastel light colors. Rule 2: If she can't...

According to the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui, different parts of a house or room reflect different areas of your life. Placing appropriate crystals in a specific location can greatly transform the aspect of your life that corresponds to that area of ​​space. It is especially recommended to place the crystal both in the appropriate part of the house and in the appropriate section of the room that corresponds...

Plants accompany us throughout our lives. Flowers give us positive emotions; they are presented on our birthdays, March 8th, in the summer in a field or meadow we feel especially good and free. Have you ever thought about why this happens? This fact is explained by the Feng Shui system. Plants can make our lives richer, more active, they not only supply us...

1. Look out the window and make sure whether there are high-rise or other large buildings near your house that are pointed at you at an acute angle? If there are such “invisible arrows”, then try to repel this “attack”. You can install a mirror on the windowsill that will dissipate and reflect bad energy, or attach a scattering crystal sphere to the window. In case of emergency...

As you know, money has enormous energy, which can be attracted using the art of Feng Shui. These teachings came to us from China and every year the number of admirers of this science is growing. First of all, you need to start by cleaning the space, getting rid of unnecessary things, since in uncomfortable rooms it adds up negative energy. To make room for new...

An article about desktop design according to Feng Shui. If you are an office worker and are at least a little familiar with the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, which allows in a harmonious way organize the space around you, then you should also be aware of some of the requirements of this practice regarding a personal workplace. If you can design it correctly, you will...

We have two halves of the brain, the right and left hemispheres, in Feng Shui of the body they are like the right and left halves of the Bagua octagon. One side is like a green dragon, the patron of the energy of yang, east, morning and spring. The other side is like a white tiger - the patron of the energy of yin, west, evening and autumn. Right hemisphere responsible for dreams, perception of color, rhythm, music. For processes requiring...

My home is my castle. Each of us has heard this more than once popular expression. And many people really try to make it so. But how many of us have seriously thought: “What is my home for me?” We live in it, decorate it, keep it in order, make repairs, and so on. But it often happens that even in our home we do not feel protected, happy, or simply cannot...

If you find an element that is very attractive to you, you should not use it in the house very much. A striking example of this can be, for example, bells (“chime of the wind”). They often have a pleasant melodic sound, but you shouldn’t introduce a lot of them into the room - they are not suitable for every zone. According to Chinese philosophy, everything that is in disharmony is not very...

They say that the living room is the soul of the home, and if so, then this room should be given special attention. To attract positive energy, a rectangular shape is considered the most successful. For the free, easy flow of qi (vital energy), the living room should have good lighting, but not too bright. Advice from experts It is worth setting aside an area in the room for have a relaxing holiday. ...

Most likely, he dreams of getting rich a large number of people on the planet. This article is devoted to how you can attract money in an apartment, that is, at home. First of all, you should determine the south-eastern part of the apartment - this is where the wealth zone is located. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that if a bedroom falls into this sector, it’s easy to activate this zone there...

Today, the philosophy of Feng Shui is quite popular. Most people claim that it can actually help harmonize their lifestyle. However, food must also be balanced. Feng Shui hieroglyphs divide all food into Yin and Yang. Rules healthy eating according to Feng Shui, they are quite light - you need to use those products that are typical for that...

The living room symbolizes the center of the house, its owner and the active principle of Yang. The family gathers in this room for joint leisure. Our friends and guests come here, with whom we have leisurely conversations. All the most important decisions in the life of the family are made here, and here we like to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reflect on life. Therefore, favorable energy replenishment is so important here. ...

Probably, any housewife, in any country in the world, will agree with me that the kitchen is almost the most important room in our house. This is where we eat and prepare food, and this is also where the best place for intimate conversations. According to Feng Shui, the kitchen symbolizes home, warmth, health and prosperity. And all this grace is supported by a properly organized kitchen according to Feng Shui. And so, we are all fine...


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