What types of rockets are there and how to make a working model with your own hands. What types of rockets are there and how to make a working model with your own hands How to make a model of a rocket for launch

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Few of my peers were not interested in building model rockets. Maybe it was due to mankind’s worldwide fascination with manned flights, or maybe it was the apparent simplicity of building the model. A cardboard tube with three stabilizers and a head fairing made of foam or balsa, you will agree, is much simpler than even a basic model of an airplane or car. True, the enthusiasm of most young Korolevs, as a rule, disappeared at the stage of searching for a rocket engine. Those who remained had no choice but to master the basics of pyrotechnics.

Alexander Grek

There was an unspoken struggle between the Chief Designer of our rockets, Sergei Korolev, and the Chief Designer of our rocket engines, Valentin Glushko, for the title of the Most Important: who is really more important, the designer of rockets or their engines? Glushko is credited with a catchphrase, allegedly uttered by him in the midst of such a dispute: “Yes, I’ll tie a fence to my engine - it will go into orbit!” However, these words are by no means empty boasting. The rejection of the Glushkov engines led to the collapse of the royal H-1 lunar rocket and deprived the USSR of any chance of winning the lunar race. Glushko, having become the general designer, created the super-powerful Energia launch vehicle, which no one has yet been able to surpass.

Cartridge engines

The same pattern worked in amateur rocket science - a rocket that had a more powerful engine flew higher. Despite the fact that the first rocket modeling engines appeared in the USSR even before the war, in 1938, Evgeniy Buksh, the author of the book “Fundamentals of Rocket Modeling” published in 1972, took a cardboard cartridge case of a hunting cartridge as the basis for such an engine. The power was determined by the caliber of the original sleeve, and engines were produced by two pyrotechnic workshops of DOSAAF until 1974, when the decision was made to organize rocket modeling sports in the country. To participate in international competitions, engines were required that were suitable in their parameters to the requirements of the international federation.

Their development was entrusted to the Perm Research Institute polymer materials. Soon an experimental batch was produced, on the basis of which Soviet rocket modeling began to develop. Since 1982, serial production of engines began intermittently at the state-owned Impulse plant in the Ukrainian Shostka - 200-250 thousand units were produced per year. Despite the severe shortage of such engines, this was the heyday of Soviet amateur model rocketry, which ended in 1990 simultaneously with the closure of production in Shostka.

Engine tuning

The quality of serial engines, as you might guess, was not suitable for serious competitions. Therefore, a small-scale pilot production appeared next to the plant in 1984, providing the national team with its products. Particularly notable were the engines privately manufactured by master Yuri Gapon.

What exactly is the difficulty of production? At its core, a model rocket engine is the simplest device: a cardboard tube with DRP-3P black powder pressed inside (smoky gun powder 3rd composition for pressed products) with a ceramic plug with a nozzle-hole on one side and a wad with an expelling charge on the other . The first problem that serial production could not cope with was the accuracy of the dosage, on which the final total impulse of the engine depended. The second is the quality of the cases, which often cracked when pressed under pressure of three tons. Well, the third one is the quality of the pressing itself. However, quality problems arose not only in our country. The serial rocket engines of another great space power, the United States, do not shine with them either. And the best model engines are made by microscopic factories in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, from where they are smuggled for especially important events.

Nevertheless, under socialism there were engines, albeit unimportant and in short supply. Now they don't exist at all. Some children's rocket modeling studios fly on old, Soviet reserves, turning a blind eye to the fact that the expiration date has long passed. Athletes use the services of a couple of lone craftsmen, and if they are lucky, then smuggled Czech engines. The only way left for amateurs is to first become Glushko before becoming Korolev. That is, make the engines yourself. Which, in fact, is what my friends and I did as children. Thank God, everyone’s fingers and eyes remained in place.

Of all the arts

Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us, Ilyich liked to say. For amateur rocket scientists of the middle of the last century, too. Because film and photographic films of that time were made from celluloid. Tightly rolled into a small roll and stuffed into a paper tube with stabilizers, it allowed a simple rocket to take off to the height of a five-story building. Such engines had two main drawbacks: the first was low power and, as a consequence, low flight altitude; the second is the non-renewability of celluloid film reserves. For example, my father’s photo archive was only enough for a couple of dozen launches. Now, by the way, it’s a pity.

The maximum altitude at a fixed total engine impulse was achieved with a short-term fourfold jump in power at the start and a further transition to a smooth average thrust. The thrust jump was achieved by forming a hole in the fuel charge.

The second version of the engines was assembled, so to speak, from waste products Soviet army. The fact is that when firing at artillery ranges (and one of them was located not far from us), the propellant charge does not burn out completely when fired. And if you searched carefully in the grass in front of the positions, you could find quite a lot of tubular gunpowder. The simplest rocket was made by simply wrapping such a tube in ordinary chocolate foil and setting it on fire at one end. Such a rocket flew, although it was not high and unpredictable, but it was fun. A powerful engine was obtained by collecting long tubes in a bag and pushing them into a cardboard case. A primitive nozzle was also made from baked clay. This engine worked very effectively, lifted the rocket quite high, but often exploded. Besides, it doesn’t look much like an artillery range.

The third option was an attempt at almost industrial production of a rocket model engine using homemade black powder. It was made from potassium nitrate, sulfur and activated carbon(he constantly jammed his parents' coffee grinder, on which I ground him into dust). I admit honestly, my powder engines worked intermittently, raising the rockets only a couple of tens of meters. I found out the reason only a couple of days ago - the engines had to be pressed in not with a hammer in the apartment, but with a school press in the laboratory. But who, one wonders, would have let me press in rocket engines?!

Two of the rarest engines that PM managed to get: MRD 2, 5−3-6 and MRD 20−10−4. From the Soviet reserves of the rocket model section in Children's home creativity on Vorobyovy Gory.

Working with poisons

The pinnacle of my engine-building activity was a rather toxic engine that ran on a mixture of zinc dust and sulfur. I traded both ingredients with a classmate, the son of the director of the city pharmacy, for a pair of rubber Indians, the most convertible currency of my childhood. I got the recipe from a terribly rare translated Polish rocket model book. And he filled the engines in my father’s gas mask, which was kept in our closet - in the book, special emphasis was placed on the toxicity of zinc dust. First trial run was carried out in the absence of parents in the kitchen. A column of flame from the engine clamped in a vice roared towards the ceiling, smoking a spot a meter in diameter on it and filling the apartment with such stinking smoke that even a box of smoked cigars could not be compared. It was these engines that provided me with record launches—probably fifty meters. Imagine my disappointment when, twenty years later, I learned that the children’s rockets of our scientific editor Dmitry Mamontov flew many times higher!

1, 2, 4) If you have a factory rocket engine with construction the simplest rocket even a schoolboy can handle it primary classes. 3) A product of amateur creativity - an engine made from a cartridge case.

On fertilizers

Dmitry's engine was simpler and more technologically advanced. The main component of its rocket fuel is sodium nitrate, which was sold in hardware stores as fertilizer in 3 and 5 kg bags. Saltpeter served as an oxidizing agent. And the fuel used was ordinary newspaper, which was soaked in a supersaturated (hot) saltpeter solution and then dried. True, during the drying process, saltpeter began to crystallize on the surface of the paper, which led to a slowdown in combustion (and even extinguishing). But here know-how came into play - Dmitry ironed the newspaper with a hot iron, literally melting the saltpeter into the paper. This cost him a damaged iron, but such paper burned very quickly and stably, emitting a large number of hot gases. Cardboard tubes stuffed with saltpeter paper rolled into a tight roll with improvised nozzles made of bottle caps flew up a hundred or two meters.


The paranoid ban of the Russian authorities on the sale to the public of various chemicals from which explosives can be made (and they can be made from almost anything, even from sawdust), is compensated by the availability via the Internet of recipes for almost all types of rocket fuel, including, for example, the composition of fuel for accelerators “ Shuttle" (69.9% ammonium perchlorate, 12.04% polyurethane, 16% aluminum powder, 0.07% iron oxide and 1.96% hardener).

Cardboard or foam rocket bodies and gunpowder-based fuel do not seem to be very serious achievements. But who knows - maybe these are the first steps of a future designer of interplanetary spacecraft?

The undisputed hit of amateur rocket engine building now are the so-called caramel engines. The fuel recipe is indecently simple: 65% potassium nitrate KNO3 and 35% sugar. The saltpeter is dried in a frying pan, after which it is crushed in a regular coffee grinder, slowly added to the melted sugar and hardens. The result of creativity is fuel bombs, from which any engines can be assembled. Spent cartridge cases from hunting cartridges are perfect for engine housings and shapes - hello to the thirties! There are unlimited quantities of cartridges at any shooting stand. Although recognized experts recommend using not sugar, but sorbitol caramel in the same proportions: sugar develops greater pressure and, as a result, inflates and burns the cartridges.

Back to the Future

The situation can be said to have returned to the 1930s. Unlike other types of model sports, where the lack of domestic engines and other components can be compensated for by imports, this does not happen in rocket modeling sports. In our country, model rocket engines are equated to explosives, with all the attendant conditions for storage, transportation and transportation across the border. A Russian person capable of organizing the import of such products has not yet been born on earth.

There is only one way out - production at home, fortunately the technology here is not space technology at all. But factories that have licenses to produce such products do not take on them - they would be interested in this business only with millions of copies. So novice rocket modelers from the largest space power are forced to fly on caramel rockets. Whereas in the United States, reusable model rocket engines running on hybrid fuel have now begun to appear: nitrous oxide plus solid fuel. What country do you think will fly to Mars in thirty years?

A cool mock-up of a rocket or a real flying rocket can be made at home without any problems. To carry out the work, you can use any available materials: paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches and foil. Depending on the chosen master class, you can get a beautiful toy or a full-fledged model of a real rocket. All descriptions are supplemented with step-by-step photos and video instructions, which greatly simplifies the assembly of products. You can learn in detail how to make a rocket with your own hands and make it fly in the master classes below for adults, teenagers and children.

How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a step-by-step master class with a description

The simplest flying rocket can be made at home. The master class below clearly describes how to make a paper rocket that flies in literally 5-10 minutes. The work will be suitable for both adults and teenagers. A simple instructions How to make a paper rocket does not require the use of special components: it can be assembled from scrap materials.

Materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

Step-by-step master class on making a flying rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket out of ordinary cardboard with your own hands - diagram and description of work

Even a child can make a cool cardboard rocket. This layout is perfect for decorating a room. How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands according to the diagram is described in the master class below with step-by-step photos.

DIY materials for assembling a space rocket from ordinary cardboard

  • rolls from toilet paper;
  • white cardboard;
  • thin colored paper(yellow, red);
  • shiny self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • paper tape;
  • red and silver paint;
  • astronaut figurine.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket from a bottle so that it takes off - a step-by-step master class

An original and high-flying rocket can be assembled from scrap materials right at home. But its launch must be carried out in an open area to comply with safety conditions. Step-by-step photo instructions will tell you how to make a rocket out of a bottle without much difficulty.

List of materials for making a flying rocket from a plastic bottle

  • plastic bottle;
  • sheet of plastic;
  • foam tube;
  • paper tape;
  • liquid Nails;
  • stationery knife, scissors;
  • rubber stopper;
  • thin hose.

Step-by-step master class on making a flying space rocket from a bottle

How to make a model of a space rocket with your own hands - an interesting master class with photos

Many fans of space research would like to have a real model of the original rocket at home. Using a few materials and following assembly rules, you can make a copy of the Proton-M. How to make a model of a rocket and how to paint it correctly is described in the next master class.

Materials for making a model of a space rocket with your own hands

Detailed master class on making a model rocket with your own hands

How to make a model rocket from matches and foil - an entertaining video master class

Many adults and teenagers are interested in how to make a rocket from matches and foil. The work takes minimal time but brings maximum fun. True, it must be carried out either with adults or under their supervision.

The rocket, 2 meters 10 cm high and weighing 20 kg, can fly at a speed of 760 m/s and reach an altitude of 7 km. Since childhood, Anton wanted to engage in design related to space or aviation. A few years ago, he came across a forum of American home rocket building enthusiasts and decided that building something large and long-range was expensive and unnecessary - in the CIS there are only two groups of designers, in Ukraine and Bulgaria, that launch large 150-kilogram rockets in the mountains . Anton assembled a group of 4 people, found fan consultants in the States and Argentina, and launched the production process in his garage.

** - Who assembled the rocket in the garage?**

I am the founder and coordinator of our project, the second person is an electronics manufacturer from Pavlovsky Posad, and we also have one electronics engineer and a chemist programmer. No one is directly connected with space.

What is the process? What do you do, draw a drawing first?

No, everything happens creatively with us. We are not doing anything new: everything was invented before us. We took programs that allow us to assemble a rocket. We go to the metal depot for materials - sheets, epoxy resin- and we take him to our base in Solntsevo.

“You can’t be partisan. If you go out into the field with a rocket, it won’t seem like much.”

Since mid-2009, we have been assembling the rocket and have undergone more than 40 bench tests to understand the characteristics of the engine. They wanted to use an engine like ours on the American shuttle, when they had not yet decided to cancel it. It is safe, works on paraffin and a gas mixture. We abandoned oxygen in favor of a gas mixture, because oxygen is cryogenics: it requires completely different premises and a level of safety precautions. Actually assembling the rocket takes 2 weeks.

All space stories in Russia are closely connected with the military industry - did you have any problems with this?

You can't be partisan. If you go out into the field with a rocket, it won't seem like much. But in general this is wrong: the project is notable, we are the first in the country. So everything must be done according to the law. There are no documents regulating private space activities in Russia. The question arose of what to do: Roscosmos is responsible for space, so we wrote there. Moreover, it’s the year of astronautics: in honor of the flight, we want to launch a rocket. Two weeks later, the head of the legal department of Roscosmos called, had a fight, of course, said that we were crazy and we needed a license for space activities. And if you persist, he says, other authorities will take care of you.

We agreed to be dealt with, and the chief lawyer sent us a document, which was very helpful, because it recognized that our activities do not relate to space activities - a license is therefore not required.

“In the States and Canada, seven-meter monsters easily fly above 100 km, so there are organizations that certify engines”

The next stage: where to launch and how to launch?

To start, you need to block the sky. They called the head of the air traffic department, he said: “Guys, great, go to such and such a boss, he will organize everything for you.” That same evening, the boss patted me on the shoulder and really organized everything: go to the restricted zone to the training ground in the Moscow region. We arrived on the eve of the New Year, gave the go-ahead, setting a couple of conditions for insurance and technical expertise of the installation. That's all.

Did you let me in?

Launching soon. On December 25, our engine failed, 2 weeks ago all the errors were corrected, now there is still an exhibition of technical achievements, and at the end of April we will start up.

How does coordination work in other countries?

There are civil rocketry associations in the States and Canada. Since this is a hobby, they have public control over this business: there are fire regulations and laws regulating the production of ammunition. But their seven-meter monsters easily fly above 100 km, so there are organizations that certify engines and produce technical regulations and also organize public events. This is right.

“We spent a little more than a million on the workshop and machines, and no more than 5 thousand rubles including gasoline on materials.”

We have already prepared the documents; we won’t get to the Ministry of Justice: we will register such an association here. There are two options: either we deal with the legal aspect ourselves, or the state does it for us - and we all know perfectly well how it regulates it.

Will this precedent increase interest in space?

Not by itself - we still need spare parts to build rockets, but we don’t sell them. We are slowly opening an online store for just this purpose. With sets. We don’t sell engines, otherwise we get hit by pyrotechnics.

Why launch a rocket at all? What's the point of it? Will she be able to go into orbit?

DOSAAF specialized laboratories assemble earth satellites weighing 100 kg. In a few years they will weigh 20 kg, which means that a rocket weighing 2 tons will be able to lift this satellite into orbit. The projected price of such a rocket is $100,000, the launch cost is $50,000.

This little one won’t be able to, she is needed to open a dialogue with the authorities. But if we succeed with a small one, then we will do a larger one: there the target is more than 100 km, different engines. The record is already 140 km. To enter orbit, you need to accelerate to 5 km/s; homemade rockets do not have enough energy. So she goes up, then comes back down with a parachute. This is what weather rockets do, collecting data and descending to the ground. Now military missiles are used for this purpose in Russia: they have produced so many of them, in Tula up to a million have been produced per year since the 60s.

These are regulations and a lot of money. And our rocket costs 4 thousand rubles. That is, we spent a little more than a million on the workshop and machines, and no more than 5 thousand rubles including gasoline on materials. The high-altitude one will cost 40,000 rubles, and it will already be able to perform meteorological functions.

Amateur telescopes can be launched into orbit. If you look at the stars from Earth, the atmosphere interferes. There are hundreds of thousands of people who are interested in astronomy. They will be able to view new galaxies from their own telescope in airless space, which will send fresh images of nebulae to the laptop.


Do fuel mixture, mix saltpeter, coal and sulfur in the required proportions Make a mixture for the wick by mixing saltpeter and sulfur at the rate of 9 parts of saltpeter to 1 part of sulfur.

Drill the metal part of the sleeve from the side where the capsule is attached. Remove the capsule fastening elements.

Drive a nail into the board. The nail should protrude 2 cm above the board. Carefully grind off the protruding end of the nail, giving it smooth conical contours. Slightly blunt the sharp end.

Carefully remove any metal filings. Put on the sleeve metal part on a nail and pour well-mixed fuel into it to ¾ of the height.

Using a wooden round stick, compress the fuel into the cartridge case by lightly hitting it with a mallet.

Remove the tube from the stick. Remove the layer of newsprint; it will no longer be needed.

Use soft wood to make a rocket fairing. It is a plug 6-7 cm long, the upper end of which tapers into a cone and ends in a curve, and the lower end, 1-1.5 cm long, is tightly inserted into the upper part of the paper tube. You have half-strengthened the rocket body and fairing.

Make stabilizers from whatman paper. There must be at least three of them. They are triangles and must have petals to connect to. Attach the stabilizers to the rocket body with glue. At the end of the fairing, which is inserted into the rocket body, secure a metal ring or bracket internal diameter 0.5 cm, made of steel wire. Close the ring. It is used to attach the parachute.

Insert the cartridge case into the bottom of the rocket. It should fit tightly and be pulled back with a demand. If the engine does not hold well, glue an additional paper ring 3 cm wide from inside the housing. Dry the housing completely. Paint it waterproof paint V bright color.

Make a parachute. The canopy diameter is 15-20 cm. For this model, use a ribbon parachute. Attach one end of the tape to wooden stick. Attach a loop of thread 10 cm long to the ends of the stick. Tie a piece of aviation rubber 10 cm long to one end of the loop. Tie the end of the rubber thread around a wire ring placed on the fairing. Additionally, secure it with regular thread. Tie another thread 10 cm long to the fairing ring. Also tie a piece of aviation rubber to it, and another 5 cm of regular thread to it. Secure this thread with inside the rocket body three centimeters from the upper end of the body tube. You can pass it through the entire body by making a hole in it and pasting it with a paper ring for strength.

Pack the parachute. To do this, wind the tape into a roll, starting from the free side. Press the roll with outside stick to which the parachute is attached. Carefully push the resulting roll into the rocket body. Place the tape and thread fastening to the fairing on top. Cover the structure with a fairing.

Make a starter device. Cut a piece of iron wire 120 cm long. From whatman paper on the wire, glue 2 cylinders 1 cm long and with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the wire. The rings should slide freely along the wire. Secure the resulting rings to one longitudinal line on the rocket body with strong glue. Secure one ring at the junction of the body with the stabilizer, the other - in the upper part, approximately 1 cm from the fairing. The rocket should slide freely along the wire. At a distance of 50 cm from one end of the wire, wrap a restrictive ring of any wire around it. The rocket should not descend further than this ring. This side of the wire should stick into the ground.

Make a fuse. You can take a ready-made fuse from a firecracker or firecracker, but the length may not be sufficient. Make a stopin. Take a cotton thread and fold it 6 times. You should get a piece 8 cm long. Cook the paste. Moisten the thread with starch paste. Dip it along its entire length in a composition similar to the composition of the fuel, but without coal. A layer of this composition should stick to the thread. Dry the resulting cord.

Before launch, insert the engine into the rocket. Before inserting it, insert a wad into the rocket body. The wad can be a piece of foam plastic. Bend the cord at one end and insert this end into the nozzle. The rocket is ready

Our interesting and informative master classes, equipped with diagrams of parts and details, will tell you what and how to make a rocket with your own hands. step by step description process. The scope for creativity here is very large, and the work requires such simple and accessible items as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches, foil and other available materials. The model can be exclusively a souvenir and then used as a gift to one of your relatives and friends. Well, for the most curious and creative, we have prepared lessons describing the creation of a rocket that flies. It’s also not difficult to do, however, launching is only permissible outdoors and only if you comply elementary rules security.

How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a simple master class for children

This simple and accessible master class will teach your child how to make a flying paper rocket with their own hands. The work will require a minimum of materials, but, nevertheless, in order for everything to work out as needed, you will have to show attention and accuracy. The smoother and clearer the fold lines are, the more aerodynamic the craft will be and the farther it can fly.

Necessary materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • scissors
  • rubber bands for money

Step-by-step instructions on how children can make a flying rocket with their own hands

  1. In the center paper sheet make a neat vertical fold, and then fold the top corners along it.
  2. Then, at the corners adjacent to the center line, bend the halves and continue the fold lines on both sides to the very bottom of the sheet.
  3. Bend the outer corners of the sheet inward to form a sharp nose on the workpiece.
  4. Then fold the paper blank in half along the center fold line.
  5. Fold each wing (half) in half.
  6. On the resulting triangle, make an oblique fold closer to the front of the nose.
  7. Using scissors, make an incision along the fold, but not all the way, but only on the outer folding part.
  8. Unfold the workpiece like a book and fold the edges under the cut in half inward.
  9. Fold the rocket exactly in half so that it turns out very thin and narrow.
  10. To launch a rocket, take two rubber bands for money and fold them as shown in the photo.
  11. Hook the loop created at one end onto the sharp protrusion of the rocket. Take the second one in your hand, pull the rocket to the maximum distance and release it so that it flies. Do not point it at the face, as the flight speed will be very high and the craft may injure the skin.

How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands - diagrams of parts and work process

Following the recommendations of this master class, you can make a voluminous and beautiful themed toy with your own hands - a space rocket from cardboard and colored paper. The lesson includes not only detailed description And step by step photos, but also diagrams that will make it easy to cut out important small details.

Necessary materials for making your own cardboard rocket

  • set of colored paper
  • single-sided colored cardboard
  • paper towel roll
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • PVA construction
  • satin braid in bright colors

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a space rocket out of cardboard and paper

  1. Cut a piece from a sheet of red colored paper with a semicircular top and a more even bottom.
  2. Roll it into a cone and secure the junction of the edges with a stapler.
  3. Cut the edges with a zigzag so that the paper fits the base better in the future. Coat the inside of the cone with glue, put it on a cardboard paper towel tube and press the edges well.
  4. From a sheet of colored paper, cut out a fragment corresponding in length and height to the dimensions of a paper towel roll. Coat the edge of this blank with glue, and then wrap it around the entire rocket body and carefully press it at the joint.
  5. On a piece of cardboard with a simple pencil draw a diagram of the rocket nozzles and cut it out with scissors. This will be the template.
  6. Using a cardboard template, cut out 3-4 nozzles from colored paper in contrasting shades. Then these fragments will become supports.
  7. Mark the fold lines on the nozzles and draw them with scissors so that they become visible and clear. Glue the parts at the bottom of the rocket body.
  8. Cut out several circles from dark paper and glue them onto the front of the rocket. These will be portholes.
  9. Cut several (3-6) small pieces from bright satin braid, singe the edges on the fire so that the threads do not come out. Glue it inside the tail of the rocket and hold it for a while so that the glue has time to set.
  10. Place the finished rocket or place it sideways on a flat surface.

How to make a bottle rocket so it flies high - video

In this video clip, the authors - father and son - tell how to make a rocket at home from plastic bottle. The work uses the most common materials that are always at hand. The entire process is shown in great detail, and the expediency of each action is clearly and clearly explained. Special moment, which is emphasized is the safety of manufacturing and further launch, and this is extremely important for both adults and children.

How to make a space rocket with your own hands from paper at home

At home, you can make a real space rocket with your own hands from the most ordinary paper. The work is not too difficult, but requires accuracy and attention. Children school age can easily cope with this task themselves, and the kids from kindergarten A little help from educators, parents or older brothers or sisters will come in handy.

Necessary materials for a paper space rocket

  • paper
  • insulating tape
  • scissors
  • glue gun (or PVA glue)
  • plastic empty straw ballpoint pen

Step-by-step instructions for making a paper rocket at home

  1. From a sheet of paper, cut out two pieces of the same length and width of approximately 5 centimeters.
  2. Attach a small piece of electrical tape to one piece of paper and wrap it around it several times plastic straw from a ballpoint pen. Try to stretch the paper evenly so that it fits neatly plastic base. This will become the body of the future rocket.
  3. Secure the edge of the paper with electrical tape to prevent it from unraveling in the future. Carefully cut off possible irregularities with stationery scissors.
  4. Cut a small piece of electrical tape and seal the rocket body on one side with it.
  5. Cut three pieces of electrical tape approximately 6-7 centimeters long. Fold each of them in half, but do not glue them together until the very end. Using scissors, cut the edge at a 45 degree angle and attach to the tail of the rocket. These will be stabilizers.
  6. Roll the remaining half of the paper into a cone shape and wrap it with electrical tape for strength.
  7. Cut off a small piece from the nose of the rocket.
  8. Fill the cone adhesive solution¾ and insert the clogged part of the rocket base there. Hold the structure in this position for some time so that the glue sets and the parts become integral. Finished work place on a flat surface or cardboard stand.

How to make a rocket from matches and foil - master class

This simple and accessible tutorial explains how to make a rocket at home using matches and foil. The work requires the most simple materials, and the process itself takes literally a few minutes. Then improvised aircraft you can even start it, however, you should remember that such events should only be carried out outdoors and, preferably, in the presence of adults.

Necessary materials for making a rocket from foil and matches

  • kitchen matches – 1 box
  • foil
  • paper clip (or wire)
  • needle (or safety pin)
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making your own rocket from matches

  1. Lay out a sheet of foil on the table, cut out a small fragment measuring 5x10 centimeters from it and cut it out with scissors.
  2. Place a regular match and a needle together so that the sharp tip of the needle is adjacent to the place where the match is covered with sulfur.
  3. Then wrap the structure with a pre-prepared piece of foil from the edge where the sulfur is located. Act very carefully and carefully. Make sure that the head with sulfur is completely covered with foil and no air gets inside.
  4. After all these operations, very carefully pull out the needle, trying not to damage the integrity of the foil layer. As a result, a small hole is formed through which the gas created during combustion can escape, and the rocket can be launched into flight.
  5. To make a stand, bend the core of a strong and strong paper clip to the side.
  6. Attach the rocket to the stand and leave it in this position. If the work is solely of a souvenir nature, it can be placed in a cabinet under glass or placed on a table (or on any other flat and reliable surface). When plans include a launch, you should remember that it can only be carried out on the street in compliance with basic safety rules.
  7. To send it into flight, simply place the rocket launcher on a flat surface, light another match and bring the fire to where the foil covers the sulfur.


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